WoW Classic will get a physical release [spoiler] r-right ? [/spoiler]

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Other urls found in this thread:

where is FFXI in this image

>tried to use spoilers in the subject field
What the fuck, OP. What the FUUUCK

I lost my original vanilla case, kinda sucks. I loved the huge ass manual

Is BLM still a thing by the way? Haven't heard anything over here in yurop for a while but that may just be because rampaging and uppity Niggers aren't newsworthy any longer.

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>classic WoW
belongs on the ground with the other failures


i miss guild wars

Gamer gates still a fucking thing, of course WE WUZ KANGS is still around.

I can't wait to pay activision blizzard for vanilla wow.

Fuck ArenaNet.
Fuck soul reaping nerfs.
Fuck minion cap.
Never forget, never forgive.

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>activision blizzard
They need to add 'king' to their name.
"Activision Blizzard King" sounds cool.

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the fuck are these people doing?

Waiting for WoW Classic

being assholes to other people and calling it a "protest"

Where's Age of Conan and Warhammer Online? Those were supposed to be the wow killers.

> everquest and dark age of camelot dead

God damn it hurts. I miss the days when MMOs were actually multiplayer and didn't allow casuals. WoW has been casual single player garbage since it launched and somehow it got even worse over the years. I'll never not hate blizzard.

"Die-in." These were the fags following Hogg after the Marjory-Stoneman shooting. They did this in a number of Publix's

I wish that was real and not some faggy performance. Nice spoiler newfag

>FFXIV is a nigger

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Human Female Mage
Night Elf Female Priest

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>Night Elf Priest

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front flips are kino and their double hand jazz hand cast animations are pretty neat

also DAT ASS

Starting zones ranked:

1. Dun Morogh
2. Mulgore
3. Elwynn Forest
4. Tirisfal Glades
5. Teldrassil
6. Durotar

Dead and forgotten both


1. Elwynn Forest and Tirisfal Glades
2. Dun Morogh
3. Mulgore
4. Teldrassil
5. Durotar

is it because their nostrils are 28% bigger?

1. Teldrassil
2. Elwynn Forest
3. Tirisfal Glades
4. Durotar
5. Mulgore
6. Dun Morogh

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Can someone explain the pic? Why is everyone sleeping on the floor?

>launch night of WoW classic
>you manage to get in like 5 minutes early somehow
>can obtain ANY name before it gets taken
What do?


>make guild named Naga Stole My Bike
>get banned
What do?


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osrs chads rise up

god i wish human females were real!

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be a human female priest

Eversong woods>anything

im here friend, doing my bloodvelds task atm

but that's not a vanilla starting zone

I know, but still...

Try Arcane mage

>political organization created by a corporation
It was never a real movement in the first place.

>Is BLM still a thing by the way?
BLM will always be a thing, it's Yoshi P's pet class

it's also the most fun traditional caster in any mmorpg

Bros how did class % distribution look like in Vanilla wow? Don't want to roll a class that's utterly crowded.

Go Druid or Ally Warlock then.

>Guild Wars 1

It still hurts ;_;

This. Ally warlock is guaranteed raid/doungeon spot, Druid population will be massive on launch but will dwindle as fast

I would advise you pick the class you like the most and not to worry about being over crowded. As long as you can get into a good guild and you show up it shouldn't matter too much what you pick. That being said I believe Warrior, Mage, and Rogue are the most common level 60s.

Its going to be the same as it always has been. Low supply and high demand of tanks and healers. With dps, there's gonna be a lot of mages, so maybe avoid them. It doesn't really matter.

>Silkroad Online

Will people let me tank dungeons as a prot paladin?

blm is boring as fuck

Up until the high levels, because they suck at tanking. Low levels barely need a tank.

Make a nelf hunter named Legolas, a dwarf named Gimli and a gnome named Frodo XDD

Probably loitering on street corners

>low demand of tanks for raids but high demand of tanks for dungeons
Who's fucking idea was it to have a maximum of 4 tanks needed in raids? Literally impossible to get a guild as a tank.

Please stop doing Silkroad so dirty. It deserved better

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More Sally please

Warlock, hunter, shaman, druid. Warriors are everywhere fighting with the rogues over gear, mages will be a majority of ranged dps by a significant margin, priests are the best healers and actually easy to level for a healing class

This is why you start your own or join a smaller one. You aren't too autistic to run a guild, are you? You were never going to be the first in anything on your server anyways.

Do it like me : list all 8 of your faction classes in alphabetical order.
Then roll a random number between 1-24, 1-3 being balance-feral-resto druid, 4-6 being bm-marksman-surv etc.
You have to play the spec you get, mandatorily. Roll carefully.
Optional rule : roll 3 times and pick out of the 3.

See you in dungeons with my prot pala bros

>wanting to be a tard wrangler

nice try but nobody is getting my 2 names

>not wanting to be a tard wrangler
>not getting the choice loots

Same. I know I want to be a troll but don't know if I want to be a priest, mage or warrior

Not him but do people want healing pallys

The short answer is yes, you shouldn't run into much trouble tanking 5 mans, hell you could probably tank lbrs/ubrs.
The issue is, Holy is just a much better spec for paladins. Holy pallys are amazing for any high level group content.

Prot pally is the best tank for dungeons. It's just mediocre in raids.

They are pretty good and can be pretty useful in PvP and duo leveling. So no going wrong there. Just learn to enjoy that dress. It will be pretty boring leveling up though.

Me too, user, me too

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Nice. I mayhaps roll one up when summer comes around

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Damn, I didn't know SWTOR was THAT popular at one point

It's probably because they're considerably more likely to choose to live in the city than the countryside where there's less pollution.

>someone remembered fucking silkroad
I'm touched

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10% of total MMO subscriptions _that popular_?

Wasn't a bad mmo per say. Just had way too much fucking monetization. Could've been so much better. At least it has some of the best story for an mmo.

So you understand what i'm saying and what my tone is

Blessed post.

Unless i'm reading it wrong it says swtor is in the 90% range

In TBC sure, in vanilla druid is king of dungeon tanking and paladin is complete garbage that needs to drink after every pull.

Yes? It was an MMO based off a largely popular RPG by a largely popular Developer (at the time).

A voidwalker/hunter pet is preferable to paladin in vanilla

Lads... summer is so soon...

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>tfw watched a Warlock solo a 5 man quest boss elite with his voidwalker in WotLK

I'm convinced that WoW is a memetic hazard. There is simply no way that so many people would otherwise ever like the trash fire that this game is.

Will I still be able to tame an OP Lupos when classic comes out? This will affect my decision to play as a hunter or not.

No. 1.12.

UK BLM lost all credibilty on day one when they blocked ENGLISH roads with US crime statistics.

>paladin complete garbage at dungeon tanking

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>memetic hazard

what did he/she mean by this?

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Sucking dick by the dumpsters

It should be "King Activision, (blizzard)" so it's in order of importance to the shareholders

Because most live in London which has poor air quality

You are a low-IQ individual, as expected.

>goes oom after 20 seconds and spends rest of the fight autoattacking
>spends the next 30 seconds drinking, making the whole group wait, and that's only if there was a mage in the group who traded him water
>if there's no mage in the group it's 3 minute afk between pulls because the faggot is too jewy to buy vendor water
gonna put all you retards on ignore if you even so much as suggest you want to tank and just bring out my voidwalker and do it myself if there's no warrior/druid available

probably doesn't know what hazard means

>wrong, healer will go oom just as fast
>wrong, takes 10 seconds max and others have to drink as well
>wrong, everyone carries water lmao

Anything else incorrect you want to add?

healer starts drinking as soon as you're out of combat and tank rans off to pull the next pack and by the time tank is on 50% hp healer is back healing
and no it doesn't take ten seconds unless your mana pool is literally like 1k and if that's the case you go oom after a single consecration
no wonder a retard who thinks vanilla paladins are viable tanks spends 5+ hours in deadmines lol

at lvl 44 drinking lvl 35 water it might take like 45 seconds to get full mana back as a mage i think. shits slow but i don't mind, i like comfy long dungeon runs. taking a group through brd is incredible experience

>eve standing up
Um, sweaty...

>Ultima Online 1997-00
I just want to go back

>don't look at the moon

>Based retard can't read but still gets away with it because he plays best class.

Yes, you are reading it wrong. Pro tip, there's a reason why some titles cover a bigger area than other.

There's only 1 class that's allowed to tank raids by the community and that's warriors.

Luckily for them they're also one of the best dps.

I miss Tibia...
Fuckings huehuehues

I played NE hunter in BC.
Should I roll Hunatrd again or go tank or healer?

No. It's all about muslims and latinos nowadays.

>summer is so soon
It won't work... summer will come and all of us who awaited the second coming of our long lost home will be disappointed. Ater all the wait, the long year without nothing else to do, time lost for nothing. Classic wow won't replace the hole in our hearts left by the lack of good MMOs, it just won. 2019 is not 2003 and we will soon realize this. Life is pointless, without joy, and the future looks bleak. WoW classics won't save us, and nothing else will. The end is near and the world wont be refreshed by the second coming of wow.

Healer pre-lich king sucks. You can't do anything on your own unless you are willing to take 3x longer to kill something compared to dps speccs. It's no use respeccing to dps because you just nullify whatever profits you make through respecc costs. I would take up herbalism/mining if I were a healer, that way you can make money without having to kill stuff. Only play a healer if you are a casual or have friends that you can group with.

not the best by any means. Tolerable is the word you're looking for. They can easily grab aoe threat, but they take way more damage than prot warriors.

>in vanilla druid is king of dungeon tanking
tell me more.

imagine giving a shit about dungeons in vnailla
you do them for a week and never enter them again, lmao

Who hurt you user

hm so tank?
i loved playing hunter in tbc but how about ne warrior?

If you loved hunter in tbc you’d like hunter just as much

You don't really 'go' healer until level 45-50, until then you just go dps and carry an extra set of spirit/int gear. Hunters are underrated, since they're dismissed as the easy levelling class any hunter which can actually kite and do the extra duties in their raid stands out as a good player much more than any other dps. I'd say go hunter

yeah but i would like doing dungeons and stuff

Why wouldn’t you be able to do dungeons and stuff as a hunter

Possibly the best dps during end game, extremely good in any situation involving killing stuff if you have a healer with you. Pain in the ass to level because gear dependency.

i remember getting party in tbc was really hard

hot yourself prepull for initial aggro and just spam swipe

For heroics? There’s nothing like that in vanilla. You are welcome in all content and like 2-3 are required in every raid. You will do fine as hunter

If you are not a retard, non-retarded people will notice you and want you to join their groups. If it takes too long to find groups, just do stuff on your other monitor while you wait for groups. Everyone has two monitors nowadays.

Drinking after pulls is an issue but its not the worst problem. Being tied down by your mana bar is really what holds paladins back from being excellent. Under normal tanking circumstances this isn't an issue but shit will eventually hit the fan and if you dont have the mana to deal with the situation it will probably be a wipe, whereas a warrior or druid might have been able to salvage it.

>Everyone has two monitors nowadays.
well not me

They died down after 2016 because the Plantation lost, but they’ll pick back up in 2020 when it’s time to remind all the niggers that whitey be keeping them down, yo.

I don't. I got one 144hz and I don't know how does it work if you don't have fullscreen on, I heard you can move your mouse out of the game to the other monitor.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA it still hurts

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go to second hand shop and find a 15 dollar lcd monitor, it'l work fine, i have a 120hz and a 60hz working together fine

It is possible, but I have never had that problem, you move the cursor outside of your screen less often than you think. When I dual monitor, I run windowed full screen. If it becomes a problem you can always go fullscreen when you need to pay attention.

Now add 2014-2019 and watch FF14 eat into WoW's playerbase more and more for every year


You mean watch xiv die more and more every year

This. Just like in RL business: Put up with wrangling tards to make the money management does, or insist on being special and having to deal with extreme competition for a few desirable available slots.

well i wasn't that bad i think
will try huntard again

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If you're in these threads asking questions you'll be better than 95% of the people in Classic. Hunters have a really poor community perception so if you shine through you'll be loved moreso than a good mage/lock/rogue.

am I blind? where is Guild Wars

i loved kitting putting traps and using pet and feign death to do tricks
should be ok
i will ask friend to play warrior

could hunters do the solo dm tribute runs in legit vanilla? some of these strats are turning out to be bs because of pserver stuff, i'm not 100% sure

>people picking their class based on popularity/abundance
Who gives a shit? Just pick what you like, you betas. It doesn’t matter one bit unless you pick some meme spec like ret

You guys think classic will launch with buffed mc gear?

FF14 just had to add more servers this year despite having over 50 already because they were buckling under an ever increasing playerbase. Each server supports about 10k concurrent players and there's login queues on a lot of them.

No other MMO has ever had persistent continued growth for 6 years in a row like FF14 has. More WoWfugees are flooding through the gates every day. This is the truth, stay in denial if you want. Once the next expansion comes out, FF14 will surpass WoW unless a radical shift happens that makes people return to your sinking ship.


>No other MMO has ever had persistent continued growth for 6 years in a row like FF14 has
yea I saw that during the content draught befoer stormblood
game had just above 200k subs

>That pic
Holy shit it fucking hurts it's dead, totally fucking dead, can't even log in anymore.

Meanwhile Stormblood sold 100k copies first week while Battle for Azeroth broke the most sold expansion record of all time with 3.4m sales.

Night Elf Female Warrior obviously.

I know every vanilla dungeon with every skip perfectly and will make you worthless sluts rolling minmaxed races in attempt to compensate for inability to play the game beg for my unbelievable tanking skills and inhuman TPS.

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>unless a radical shift happens that makes people return to your sinking ship.
Classic? The subs are going to be tied so WoW subs are going to surpass every other mmo for atleast another decade since none of the current competition will ever be able to topple the combined Classic+Nu-WoW playerbase. FF14 may of had some wowfugee's just like OSRS did but your kidding yourself if you believe they wont be back the next expansion and/or Classic

we can team up then
female NE Hunter

>inhuman TPS
>Night elves have worse TPS than humans
Yeah if by inhuman you mean bad LMAO

>want to play WoW classic
>drifted apart from my friends who I used to play with
>new friends either aren't playing, or they're playing ally
>lonely horde player

What do? I don't know how to make new friends...


he can't because when FFXIV has shit content the subs drops incredibly low.

become alliance
horde is for edgy teenagers anyway

t. Tranny elf

Asheron’s Call 1 had a pretty long run to be fair

>Percent of Subscriptions

I want City of Heroes back

t. seething tranny troll

This. Private server probably never going to be finished or if it is it'll just be vanilla...

>I played all of the games on that image, and then some more
>None of them gripped me enough to keep playing for more than 100 hours
I'm not the problem am I? MMOs are just bad, r-right?

It's a cumulative percentage.

where's runescape 3?

>beating ESO


>MMOs are just bad
they are terrible single player games

>The realm online

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Both of these numbers are completely fictional. FF14 hasn't been below 200k subscribers since launch, and expansions sell over a million each. Currently the unofficial census estimates nearly 600k active players

But that number only takes into account players who have completed the 200+ hour main story which includes the story of both expansions. And anyone playing the game could tell you that a large percentage of players haven't finished the story since it's so fucking long.

See above for proof retards. Even now when there's been no new content for half a year there's still 600k subs.

How is BfA dead? I mean you may not like it, but it's still very profitable to them.
Also, where the fuck is DDO and LoTRO

Back to retail bfa babby

Not even able to beat retail wow in sub numbers and this is the "WoW killer".

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>Both of these numbers are completely fictional. FF14


The difference is that FF14's numbers are constantly climbing while WoW's are decreasing, retard.

If it's 600k now in the middle of a content drought, what do you think it'll be once the expansion comes out this summer?

what do you think wow's numbers will be with 8.2 and classic?
literally 10 times more than ffixiv.
come back when your game sells more than a mill copies first week

You absolute fucking retard, there's more players than that on individual servers. Those are retail sales from game stores, and no one buys expansions in fucking Gamestop.

Both expansions sold over a million on launch day and crashed the 50+ servers constantly for a week after launch. There were over 10k players in login queues on some servers at any given time, including mine.

It will be at a nice 800k still WAY below a game that people consider fucking dead.
Are you brain damaged?

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why are ff14 fags infesting our classic thread?

Both expansions of FF14 sold over a million on launch day. And in total it has had over 14 million players over the past 5 years as of august 2018.

He's trying super hard to damage control the fact he can sell xpacs almost as much as the dead version of WoW.
WoW is at the worst it's ever been and subs are dropping horridly but they still do better than ff14 that puts so much "effort" into being a even more trash game.

Wow had over 100m+ players in 2014.

WoW is only going down and FF14 is going up. The numbers will meet soon.

miss me with that nihilism shit

Here's a source for 14 million players in FF14.

Where's the source for yours?

No they won't
This is more delusional than people believing WoD or BFA would save WoW

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Yes there are ways for Hunter to solo tribute runs. As far as I know the only major req. is you need be blacksmith for keys or engineering to blow the locked doors. Hunters can also solo farm the BRD ring of law for the epic mail chest and a myriad of other impossible tasks. I love hunters.

trying to bring people back for bara's and rabbits for some reason. You have to understand that most XIV players are there just for the RP/ERP
>today Shadowbringers has been delayed until 2021
>but to compensate we have added 3 new maid outfits not gender restricted and a blue couch
>everyone flocks to the forum to say what a wonderful game this is

>the difference is that FF14's numbers are constantly climbing
>600k after almost 6 years
>constantly climbing
I'll be looking forward to it overtaking WoW in 2081.
>inb4 i'm just bredending to be retarded

I hear you.

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The servers are still up and your characters are still there anons

>xiv retard getting btfo at every post
Stop man just go back to ERPing in whatever gay rabbit club you came from

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Fact: Nothing on the Horde has this feel.

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>runescape 3

how can I increase my chances of getting into raids as Dorf hunter, I know they are one of the lowest required and dps classes in MC

what are the odds BG's won't be 1 sided blowouts all the time? I remember back in the day alliance players were notoriously bad at pvp but I think its because children usually picked alliance, although I don't think that's true anymore.

modern WoW is fucking actually bad though


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why does it hurt? the game was shit

died of old age

where's ragnarok

Playing with bots in pvp is no fun, user


jesus christ

shitty dead body of mannoroth which look like a fucking tree

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Just don’t be a huntard and you’ll be fine. Hunter dps is great early on anyway

Isn’t it a tree that they threw his stuff on

>Needing a physical release for an always online game like an MMO
Just a complete waste of space, made a little sense back when WoW first came out and internet speeds were mostly shit so it helped you save on installs and patching.

Can we get new game similar to eve instead, wow will be extremely boring after the hype dies which is FAST. Combat was so much better in BDO for example, theres no going back to that garbage.

got dam thief ruining my trade runs

who cares about classes just be a good tank and you'll be a scarce resource anyways

yea too bad bdo combat didn't help

is there a chart that shows the size of the market as well as the market share?

>OP using spoilers in the subject
Fuck off redditor cunt


>thinking niggers and wetbacks are why we're broke
The Jews called. Actually they just laughed really hard for about five seconds while listening to their jew music

bdo combat was trash compared to blade an souls

>people are talking about guaranteed raiding spots and bis and other bullshit while the only reason that was even a thing is that in vanilla no one knew what they were doing
>people think veterans with 15 years of wow who can do the encounters with slapping their dicks onto the keyboard need anything like the above mentioned
jesus the autism

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blade and soul was straight trash

That nerf came with fucking Factions. That's an OLD grudge to be carrying, user.
You have to let go.

blade and souls combat was the best mmo combat ive ever seen (on force master anyway)

bdo was boring as shit in comparison
hackers in the pvp and straight P2W bullshit ruined it though

bdo is still alive at least

so is BFA and bfa is garbage

whats your point?

that blade and souls went down faster than wild star
it was trash from the start, even the combat

What was the point of shopping this picture if the original would have worked just as well?

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I miss GW1 :'(

I didnt play it, like i said bdo was just example and its combat was so much superior to wow it feels really bad going back to that

Can you name that many MMOs that were relevant at some point, user?

Actually relevant? No. Tried to be relevant and failed, much like the BLM movement itself? Definitely

>the weapon racial is going to overcome skill
His comment applies to you too.

Holy shit, it hurts so much. I have never played any MMO before that I got this much enjoyment from. It wasnt perfect, but it surely was the most fitting one for me. I absolutely loved its artsyle, humor,dubbing and lore, but above all, the easter eggs. As an Explorer, I even managed to get together a little album of all the easter eggs/leftover models I found while going off map. That was my favorite activity, alongside chatting with the community.

Also The Caretaker and Drusera were bae. Wish I had finished the main storyline :,(

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