Fuck you I liked it!
I'll veto anyways because it is fun to veto....
Fuck you I liked it!
I'll veto anyways because it is fun to veto....
Can't wait to play mcc and only play halo2 maps.
I was too young and I loved to play on all maps. What was wrong with Snowbound?
>veto snowbound
>Get an even worse map like narrows
>narrows is bad meme
The bait on this board has gotten so lazy.
Kys. If anything Standoff is worse.
casuals can't deal with the nade spam
Oh Jesus Christ it's fucking Snowbound VETO VETO VETO VETO
Standoff was good to fag.
go to hell
stupid fucking snowbound
>last 5 sec
>throw in meme vote
>sudden votes out of nowhere
>10 out of 10
>tfw High Ground
This used to even happen at times right at the last second. The veto function for multiplayer is insanely underrated. It definitely provided a lot of laughs.
>its a host wants to play blue room for 2 hours episode
I still can't get over 343 being so ass blasted that nobody wanted to play on their shitty maps that they took veto and map voting out completely.
What's this? I don't play 343 shit so are you telling me Halo 5 doesn't even have any voting?
MCC used to have map voting, 3 choices. They took it out.
Halo 3 had the worst maps.
5 just gives you a random map.
The MCC used to have game/map voting but halo 3 was the dominate choice every time it came up to the point people would just leave if anything else got picked. Rather than address this issue by giving 3 it's own playlist or something they just said no more voting we fixed it :)
Why the hell do people keep even putting trust in 343 then? This company is clearly the biggest pile of shit you can get in this industry.
who else here is /coming home/?
I don't, most people don't.
But then every company has rabid dick suckers that will defend them to the death for no reason.
>Veto Successful
>Slayer on Guardian
>343 took out map voting in MCC
>replaced it with literally nothing, you just straight up load into the match without any voting option to choose which map everyone wants to play
>PC will never witness VETO VETO VETO VETO
Stalingrad was a meatgrinder, perfect map to represent that
Well its obvious H3 would dominate since its still the best Halo game they have made. They should have even just recreated the maps from previous games and put it in an updated version of the H3 engine.
They also will never experience the comfy Reach Menu and post-game stats. A few of the things that game got right.
cant even veto on MCC
SWAT on swordbase is the equivalent to final destination no items, fox only.
Halo 3 being popular is expected. The issue was the MCC's gimmick was play any halo game whenever but it just ended up being nothing but H3.
Reach's UI was 10/10 and its frustrating as all hell to watch 343 flounder around with their abysmal menu designs when they have a perfect guide to follow.
Well people are liking them again because they are putting MCC on PC.
This reminds me. Does anyone have a link to a full collection of Arby n the chief episodes?
Hoping that Halo Infinite will be at least decent. Halo 4 was pretty good. Halo 5 was complete dog shit. I played it for 15 minutes and never played it again.
Is searching YouTube to much of a fucking chore for you? Jesus Christ.
Oh yeah and let me correct myself. 343 does not even half half the talent Bungie did. I should have worded the post better. 343 hasn't created shit worth a salt.
It's not like the creator's youtube channel has all of them uploaded or anything, retard.
>mfw watching Chief and Locke fistfight for the first time in Halo 5
Easily one of the single worst moments in vidya history. Right up there with ME3's ending
Is it worth finishing? I still have it on my Xbone
lmao no
Bet I’ll make sure to never play it again. What are your thoughts on Infinite?
veto veto veto fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
No. Fuck no. It's pure torture and just makes you pissed the fuck off when the end credits roll.
If you REALLY want to see the whole story just watch all the cinematics on youtube. I havent touched Halo 5 in years. Beat the campaign once and never fucking touched that shit ever again. Played the multiplayer for like 6ish months before just being too fucking angry at 343 to even bother booting up Halo 5 ever again. To be fair, the MP of Halo 5 is good, just that I've moved on to other games and the memory of Halo 5's campaign makes me too angry/depressed to play Halo 5 MP ever again
Expecting a train wreck, mediocre at best.
343 has nothing to back up their 'this time for sure please trust us' montra and there's a reason the MCC suddenly got attention after 3 years of being broke.
>tfw I used enjoy SWAT
I don't understand how my younger self did it, it's outright unfun these days.
I thought the MP was generic garbage. They did shit that no one asked for. Fuck 343.
no, the only even remotely decent thing to come out of 5 was firefight, the pvp is shit, the campaign is shit, and it should have been relegated to an unnumbered spinoff while microsoft cracked the whip to make 5 good.
Yeah like I said I genuinely enjoyed 4 for what it was. 5 was garbage so I really don’t know what to expect but I’m hoping it’ll be good.
OOF that map is fucking cancer