Does gaming has a gatekeeping problem?

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This was posted yesterday

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Yeah, we need more gatekeeping games to keep reddit out.

There's literally nothing wrong with gatekeeping and the only people who complain about it are immature.

Quality control is a thing.

Using video games to identify yourself instead of having a real cultural identity is really fucking stupid. Enjoy your games, but go out and do something else that interests you, instead of bitching about it on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

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It isn't a problem, it is a solution

posting in a literal reddit thread

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Yes, there is not enough gatekeeping

If you're incapable of beating a game, then perhaps that game is not for you. Try playing something else. There's nothing remotely "gatekeeping" about that. Not everything is for everyone. I'm sure you have a song or movie you don't really care for that others love, right?

holy FUCK incels BTFO how can Yea Forums ever recover?

We need to rise up.

this is another Seikiro hate thread isn't it? well fuck that post vidya shortstacks instead.

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No, but journalists have an entitlement problem.

Imagine being so shit at playing video games that you imagine random other internet stranger are "gate keeping" you out of playing it.
What kind of mental gymnastic exist in there

If I can't grasp a game or don't particularly like it then I simply consider it not for me. Maybe I'll come back to it in the future, maybe not. I'm not gonna go crying to devs begging them to fucking change their game to cater to me just like I'm not going to yell at a rapper to switch to fucking screamo metal because I like that better. Literally what fucking children do.

I wish resetera would fuck off.

Only "gatekeeping problem" we have is not enough gatekeeping. People should have their hands broken when they touch a controller if they can't, from memory, recite every adventure game released in 1986 in Europe on Spectrum.


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brb, gonna spend the next 12 million hours playing GTA V

Gatekeeping isn't a problem. If anything we need more gatekeeping to keep out all of the fucks who refuse to adapt to the climate and try to force change so it caters to their needs.

We could learn a lot from Yea Forumss gatekeeping tactics.

gatekeeping is good, egalitarians can eat shit

>written by a feminist

>We could learn a lot from Yea Forumss gatekeeping tactics
Yea Forums's gatekeeping has also been weakened incredibly though.

This. Its honestly no different from people who have their entire identity hinge on being trans or gay or being a woman. If you're entire identity is this one facet of yourself, when that thing gets threatened you'll obviously lash out and attempt to maintain ego boundaries.

Dont be a one-dimensional loser.

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we could use a gatekeeper, yeah

Since when? They used to be pretty damn good at keeping faggots out.

People that call themselves gamers often have the worst taste.

whatever do you mean
fuck generals

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This is the same as gaslighting. I want more of it, much more. They upset all the right people.

You know where to go back to