Pic related worth a buy?

Pic related worth a buy?

Attached: super-dragon-ball-heroes-world-mission-576991.5.jpg (1500x1500, 349K)

>$60 for a free mobile game


>$60 for a game 30 for DLC
>P2W card game
Yeah sure if you like wasting money id get that game

It's a port of an arcade game
It doesn't have any microtransactions

Retarded fuck.

Attached: SDBH_LE_CustomBanner_v2.png?t=1554420991.png (616x325, 298K)

It actually does have mtx. Buying capsules gives you cards.

You can unlock all those in-game. Those are just early unlocks.

>I-It's just early unlocks

Attached: header.jpg?t=1552022679.jpg (460x215, 50K)