30fps is not acceptable today

30fps is not acceptable today

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Then wait for the PC port and shut the fuck up.

Speaking of which, any word on the Spyro trilogy coming on PC yet?



While I don't think it's always game-ruining, it's a very big negative point for almost any action game

I don't agree with you.

60 is hardly acceptable. Its fine for 3rd person games or anything non-fps, but its quickly going out the window.

>30fps is ok for racing games

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I hope you meant you're pushing for 120 FPS.

What else could be mean? He said 60fps is a barely acceptable minimum

It's a shame. Right now the opportunity for an active online community is the only reason to get this remaster. 60fps would have added a second reason.

I really want to fuck a female bandicoot

Kill yourself

I want to fuck you.

but the human eye is only up to 48 fps~

I don't really fucking care if a game is 30 fps just give me a game that's not shit.

tfw the only "good" game out right now is Shitero

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ps4 pro and xbone x could easily run this at 60fps, but they rather go for high resolutions thanks to the 4k meme pushed by sony to sell 4k tvs and replied by microsoft trying to stay relevant
tl;dr: stay fucked until PC version comes out


> inb4 someone defends this in 2019 because the original decades ago was 30fps

I mean, you simply CAN'T beat this kind of logic. Just perfect.


he didn't say minimum, I think you're blind

reminder that if it was 60fps it would be soulless instead

should i get this or team sonic racing

>remake is worse than the original game

Why does this keep happening?

So here's my question.
Why can't I tell any jittering framerate in that WebM, yet I can tell the second my 60 FPS game drops to 59 on my computer.
I have a phone that can display 60, so that's not the issue, but that WebM looks smooth as butter.

Do any of you faggots research before spewing memes?


>Nitro-Fueled has a steady frame rate of 30 frames per second on the original PlayStation 4 hardware, but those of you with an Xbox One X and/or PlayStation 4 Pro will be able to enjoy the game at a solid 60 frames per second when all is said and done.

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you realise almost every console game is at about 30 fps, they may claim higher but they never are or will be higher but have huge frame drops all the time

still gotta wait for the PC version, i will just buy the switch version if i get too icky

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Because as much as Yea Forums doesn't want to admit it, consistent framerate is much more important than high framerate.

You better have an EGS account if you want the PC version.

I'm most likely going to double dip cuz Crash is my boy. Honestly one of the first things I remember is my family playing crash 1 when my uncle got us a PlayStation for Christmas in '97.

I bought N. Sane Trilogy on PS4, switch, and I pirated the PC version. The PS4 is the most unplayable to me.

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I want to anal coco

what makes you think i will pay for the PC version?

Of course they don't majority of users on Yea Forums are fucking retarded and keep to their own hivemind.

They take everything at face value.

She's hot

>I'm most likely going to double dip cuz Crash is my boy.
Based. Same.

As long as it's fun it's acceptable, faggot.

Mein neger.

Nitros Oxide Edition or bust

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there are still more regular PS4s out there than pros and xbone x combined, so yeah if you want 60fps you need the 400$+ machine which at that point you might as well just get a PC, out perform those 2 and dont pay for online, yeaht the online fee is a must with this remake since this will be the first time we ever get to play CTR online

30 FPS is more cinematic. The human eye can't see greater than it anyway.


I'm not downloading epic to play this shit.

Frame pacing?

None yet, outside the website errors that may or may not just be from copypasta-ing N.Sane's website.

Because playing a video and rendering game frames in real time are different beasts. In video games the frames are all rendered at different time intervals unless you turn on double buffered vsync and manage to get consistent 16ms time between each and every single frame for a 60fps game.

Also, you probably have a non adaptive sync, 60hz monitor so it's obvious when you drop from 60 to 59 since at least one frame will now show twice.

If it's Activision, then it's more likely to pop up on Battle.net

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Entitled zoomers with their 60fps should be banned.

you have autism today

So you plan to not play multiplayer

There’s currently a third, blank option under platforms. It’s been there for the past couple of months. Hopefully it’s a placeholder for PC.

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thats the switch version bro

I wouldn’t mind that either as at it could be emulated in Yuzu.

name me 3 games that can be played on yuzu from start to finish without glitches or crashes

maybe they're waiting to add epic games store

>he didn't say minimum

If you're autistic. It's pretty clear user meant minimum.

Super Mario Oddyssey
Pokémon Let’s Go

he said withouth glitches

FPS whores are to vidya as audiophiles are to music.

This barely looks better visually than MK8 and that runs at 1080p 60fps on much weaker hardware.

Can someone tell me why this matters in a kart racer

All my games goes over 200 fps but does the game go 200 fps? No. If the game is made for 30 it should be 30. 60 ect