Welp, it's over bros.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dave needs to stop being a cunt and give us a new game already.
Is that fag serious?
Well, now I must do the opposite. Just for a laugh, it's all in good fun; harmless even, David! Embrace the laughter. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT IS SWEET ISN'T IT?
>G-guys! remember Twisted Metal?
whats hateful about white nationalism tho lol
Wait, that was supposed to be sweet tooth?
Just like how Joker may gas people but he's not a Nazi.
Who is David Jaffe and since when did he invent the concept of the clown
Murder and violence is a-ok, but don't you dare say nigger or faggot!
>jared holt
Has he already forgotten about the time feminists went after him?
is this the next meme white nationalists are forcing like drinking milk and ok symbol shit?
jaffe has always been a leftist havent any of you watched his streams?
>angry SJWs call this a racist hate symbol
It truly is a clown world
No,this is some pathetic attempt at virtue signaling.
Isn't the character named Needles Kane and Sweet Tooth is just the car?
Do these people seriously believe that Yea Forums(nel) is only frequented by the "alt-right" and that everyone who posts some dumb clown pepe here is trying to be racist? It's really fucking ironic how diverse this place is when you think about it.
Something that's always been embarrassing about the TM games is that the devs think Sweettooth is actually a "thing". Even since the 90s
say what? how is sweet tooth relevant here?
I'm going to say the n-word.
Wait is he saying ignorant racists are too sane? Is that really the right message to send?
Wait, how is Clown Pepe racist?
>gee whiz looks like huffingtong post or whatever found a another thing about the "alt-right" to talk about, AND it's loosely related to this video game character from this franchise i abandoned many years ago! i better take this chance to make an ass of myself and signal my virtue to my peers while acknowledging the video game franchise i don't give a fuck about anymore
It's a clown world we live in.
Get fucked Yea Forumstards
I forgot all about Sweet Tooth's trademark rainbow afro and green skin.
>the guy who made god of war is reduced to this
what the fuck does onions do to your brain? this is unnatural behavior
l i t e r a l l y who?
Joker may rip the skin out of a living person's face and painfully beat someone to death but at least he doesn't say racist words.
>you extreme right wingers who want to kill every other species because you think they are degenerates
>stop using my character or he will kill you like the degeberates you are
How stupid are these people to not see this irony?
who cares, he's doesn't even make games anymore
Everything has so many meanings these days I dont even know if I'm a white nationalist or not. I think its if you support ICE rescuing abused children and you thought The Last Jefi had sloppy writing you qualify right?
I'm out of the loop is /pol/ using the twisted metal clown for something now
forgot about 'subscribe to pewdiepie'
>You can be an insane, scary, cold blooded killer clown
>But a white nationalist? No no no that's bad
>he will gut them like rotten fish and shove their hate filled heads in his icebox
>their hate filled
why are these people so lacking in self awareness
liberals are the most hateful, racist and sexist people you're going to find
>he’s an insane, violent psychopath, but he’s not this thing I disagree with!
>virtue signaling
you mean advertising
Do you live under a rock user? The left decided that pepe is racists like almost two years ago
People haven't paid Jaffe any attention since 2002.
>Washed up has-been says retarded shit on Twitter
Wow what a surprise.
>David Jaffe is about to learn how the internet works
That's a lot of talk from the creator of a character from a long-dead and irrelevant franchise.
I always thought he's cool af
what happened?
Liberals will shit on him either way
So he is saying that being right wing is worse than being a pedophile and murderer of your own kin?
Fuck that faggot
>I think its if you support ICE rescuing abused children
holy fucking shit lmao
maybe, except loud mouths are too dumb to ignore it or laugh off a dumb picture and act like it's Amber Alert levels of Terror and Evil
nothing makes sense to me anymore
the saddest part is that all the clown pepes represent is "you have made our world into a backwards clown society where you can be fired for your job because someone found a tweet you made ten years ago slightly offensive", the general sentiment is something like that
white nationalist = everybody who isn't a leftist now, jfc
Wanting to kill people for having different thoughts is pretty intolerant don’t you think
Jesus, is everything considered racist now?
No. The creator believes he has domain over all clown depictions and assumed the clown pepe was homage to Sweet Tooth.
he said the n word
Of course
I may be a serial killer but at least I'm not rude
>having edgy murder fantasies and being a poor man's version of Joker, Good
>saying mean words about poor brownie people, BAD
honking intensifies
>murder is better than disliking minorities
the absolute state of normalfaggots
Sweet Tooth is being used as a racist symbol? Since when? I’ve never seen him being used as such.
Is he referring to clown Pepe? What does clown Pepe have to do with Sweet Tooth? How can you even make that connection? I’m so confused.
>white people: *exists*
>everyone else: white people are hateful racists
It's not everyday that someone claims to have created the concept for clowns.
But that is Needles Kane. The truck is Sweet Tooth
>he may be a murderous psychopath, but even he wouldn't engage in the wrongthink declared by CURRENT YEAR politics
But seriously though, can he align himself with Hispanic nationalists, or is it just the wh*te one's that he has a problem with?
>tfw tm sequel never
It's not fair.
If /pol/ posts something enough times, the media will think its some kind of symbol for racism.
it references accelerationism and julio evola but it's not racist
it's just that alt-right is pretty much definited as everything anti-liberalism so everything is guilty of racism by associations
I'm Clownpiece the Hellfairy and the only thing i hate more than lunarians are those smelly ni-
>My character hates white nationalism
>He also murders children
David... what are you doing, David?
There's some shitty news article going around about white supremacists trying to appropriate clowns like they did with the okay hand symbol, that's where this shit is coming from today.
they're both clowns, he's being proactive so nobody connects him and nazis, for some reason as if he had to. He's calling attention to something for God knows why - If idiots had ignored it than trolls wouldn't keep pushing it and we wouldn't have this thread.
That war on pepe is still the dumbest fucking thing I've seen in politics.
>any thought that escapes the gulag is right wing
Invented clowns
a jew saying fuck white nationalists
white countries for everyone
what a surprise
people are so easy baitable it's crazy. Nazi symbol : ok hand, milk, frog, clown, what's next ?
>next twisted metal will be nu-sweet tooth driving around america travelling with his dead wife and showing her every place she wanted to visit before she died
literally not even the creator of the character cares about this
why do you?
This is brilliant. He gets to virtue signal and gain good boy points while simultaneously promoting his work. It gets even better because its going to entice people like to run with it just to fuck with Jaffe and in turn give him even more publicity.
God damn the outrage culture these days is brilliant for marketing.
Yes, specially Jesus.
So he's the one who's responsible for John Wayne Gacy. Brave of him to admit.
Pan-European identity is bad because... uh... Reasons.
>Haha! I'm appropriating clown culture and nobody can stop me! Honk honk!
>[Leftist shrieking and howling in the distance]
Why the fuck did this even become the new white supremacy symbol, did /pol/ made edits again or it's just that journalists ran out of "problematic" shit to write about Yea Forums?
Kill all ningen
It's a clown world afterall
>Up is down
>left is right
>Majorities are minorities
>Minorities are majorities
>libtards have come down with a case of clownphobia
Sick of these bigots desu senpai.
But clickbait sites needs the drama to make money. We are in a never ending shitpost that has no pay off (except for "journaists")
>serial killer
>tortures people in his van, including children
it always was
for example, see every advertisement ever published by benetton
something something " i'm a murdering clown but i also fight racists, so give me some validation!" something something
When it's used by racists and supremacists as a symbol, then yes, it is a symbol. That's how things work.
White countries for everyone
god what a blatant attempt at strawgrabbing virtue signalling
I bet there are dumbasses who don't even see what he's doing
When have people ever used images of that generic clown that I assume must be from a game this literally who developed?
sequel? the game has been shit since the 3rd
>be in clown world
>people are reeee-ing over a literal image of a clown
Where did it all go so wrong
these conspiracy nuts see white nationalists and Russia everywhere, what a clownfest
>The left decided that pepe is racists like almost two years ago
Maybe it was because pepe was used by racists and white supremacists as their newest symbol to the point of the guy who made those comics telling them to stop using his character as a symbol of hate.
Left wing edgy characters are always fucking hilarious, lefties can't write for shit without projecting their own views onto characters no matter what.
Sweet Tooth was the first clown in video games, so it's reasonable that he wants to protect his image.
Killing kids is fine just look at china. perfectly culturally acceptable. even marrying kids is fine as long as youre a dirty muslim shit stain.
*Honking intensifies*
So basically what he's saying his people who kidnap, torture, and kill children don't like white nationalism and white nationalists don't like people who kidnap, torture, and kill children.
Got it.
>sweet tooth looks directly into the camera
>"The Twisted Metal tournament was an allegory for the Trump administration."
Jesus, Sony.
It tells you everything you need to know about leftists, and what they consider to be sacred, and not sacred.
Children are not sacred to them at all. If anything they worship violence against children.
Oh no, someone posted a picture of a glass of cola on /pol/ once, cola's a hate symbol now, you can never ever drink cola anymore or you're a white supremacist and will be killed in the streets because you must be le ebil stormtrooper!
I’m willing to bet people are actually going to use Sweet Tooth as a “racist white naionalist” hate symbol now that he opened his dumb mouth about it. He shot himself in the foot
Off topic but I'm actually pretty excited for that movie. I love Joaquin Phoenix's work.
whats hateful about trying to forcefully remove citizens based on skin color out of their country lol
Yeah but that doesn't make Pepe racist
What are you going to do with the black people who don't wanna leave?
jews have never thought of an original idea. They only steal ideas to make a PROFIT GOYIM
Don't burn out the bulb in your projector.
At this point you can probably say sneezing is the new racist secret code thing and some retard journo will make an article about it.
So using something to do bad things makes it racist? By that logic guns/knifes and pretty much anything that hurts or kills is racist. Are we going to call cars racist when they are used by bad people?
yeah, but it'll get worse because lots of people seem to love to prostrate themselves in front of their peers instead of calling anything dumb and ignoring it
now in a few months we'll have people getting fired over "Clown College" on their facebooks because of it - maybe, I'll keep some hope though
wait.... video games?
Maybe not.
Is he trying to save his character from being the new meme figurehead? He should have just stayed quite, people forgot twisted metal was a thing until now
Why is he pretending people even know who he or his generic clown character are? How desperate for attention was he this morning?
Just saw the trailer myself. I'm pretty hopeful.
Reminds of that comic with Joker and Red Skull.
Joker was pretty much "i am a serial killer and a bomber, but i'm still an american, not a nazi. No way, that's too much even for me" kek
>being this disingenuous
I guess all those tweets, pictures, and other things of neo-Nazis with their Pepe creations don't count to you.
No one gave a shit of Shia Lebouf till he called out /pol/ with that He Will Not Divide us thing. And you probably know the rest of that story.
Symbols really aren’t as simple as that brainlet
gayest shit I've read in a long time
Fucking what?
>these nazis are horrible and ignorant
>we should [description of horrific violence] them
why do see this train of thought so frequently these days?
There are only 800 million white people in the wo and less than 2% believe in rahowa race war shit, how are you losers ever going to convince the rest of the white race to rise up and enslave the remaining 7 billion non-whites?
kinda weird how other cultures are romanticized despite being full of human sacrifice and cannibalism (including of children) but european culture is demonised for doing things in the past that other cultures are still doing. for example, slavery in america is all white people's fault even though white people ended slavery.
really weird
White nationalism isn't an european identity idiot. Thats why every european likes to fight eachother and insults each other. White nationalism in this day and age is an american sexual fantasy. Europe has neo nazis, but they have been the gutter trash with room temperature iq for the last 50 years.
>western games and devs
I hope there will be a point where this marketing strategy dies and becomes outdated. Buzzfeed died and they did nothing but clickbait journalism, so maybe it'll happen.
Deflecting and false equivalence, the typical "debate methods" of people who have no interest in actual discussion.
Cool it with the anti-semitism
Because being racist is far worse than being a murderer.
not him but they seem very defensive of child raping muslims and Somalians
and jews
this is woke af
>I'll keep some hope though
You have an ability I have lost. This is just going to get stupid, ramp up a lot, then move to the next thing like "Alt right members eat chicken tenders, ban chicken tenders"
It would be impossible to figure out who started it. If joker posting was an ironic thing, or if it was used by someone else to make fun of pathetic wh*te g*mers. One thing is for certain, it was probably perpetuated by both sides. That's just the whole "Veronica" "gamers rise up" thing though, which may be a mutation of the "times you acted like the joker in games + music lyrics" threads. As for clown Pepe, who the fuck knows. All it tells me is that everyone is absolutely out of touch, don't bother to do their research, and don't know what the fuck they are talking about 99% of the time they speak. God DAMN this generation sucks.
Uhhhh, let them stay?
Leftists murder their OWN children in the womb, they don't value the lives of children at all. They only care about appearances.
americans are fucking retarded. retards are violent.
What is Dave up to these days?
>(((their))) country
Watch The Rocketeer. A mobster says the same line basically. "I may not make an honest buck, but I am an American and I am no Nazi"
Should have just said thanks to people who put a gay transgender clown as their political mascot. They would have dropped it asap.
Comic villains are fucking hilarious about this shit. I remember this one about 9/11 where a bunch of Marvel villains were fucking upset at the place the event took place as if they hadn't done much worse in universe I think Dr Doom even teared up a bit.
what the fuck does clown pepe have to do with this literal who
There's nothing hateful about it. Nutjobs use it as another means to slander someone. They're trying to make it synonymous with racial supremacy and whatever else.
>oh god these people are tweeting memes deplatform them at once
I'm only in this thread because I'm hoping someone will post that one Joker webm
Guilt by association is a retarded concept and it has no business being as powerful as it is. American sociopolitics truly are a sorry sight.
People who have lived comfortable sheltered lives no longer take issue with methods, no matter how horrible, to meet an end. They haven't endured the methods so why should they care? If somebody stands between them and being right, burn them, beat them, crush them.They must being wrong, because they're stopping you from being right. And people who are wrong should be removed so only the right remain.
I miss when pepe was a silly Frog with costumes. Now that the right forced his politics it sucks desu. But clown pepe is fine tho.
That is the only thing you have proven historically speaking. White people are the most intolerant and disrespectful race.
>his character
Don't you mean Sony's character. Also, literally who?
This is more out of touch than Green Day writing a feminist book for girls.
>Is a mass murdering psychopath that has a murder-hard-on for his own daughter
>"B-b-but at least I don't say the nigger word!"
I know nothing about this Joker, is he supposed to be some kind of anti-hero or something?
Oh no totally, loved American Phsyco and this is giving me all the right vibes.
all of mine awhoooo?
Piero is a master of his craft.
the opposite of that. He refuses to work with Red Skull because of Red Skull's nationality.
social tension is rising, look at how white people voted brexit when the media told them not to, voted for trump when the media told them not too.
Tensions will only keep rising as we get more immigrants, leading to more people feeling displaced in their area, more terrorist attacks, more child rape etc
If we were in 1900 you would probably be saying the same thing, but 30 years later the germans got pissed off enough to genocide the jews.
History repeats itself
You see the beginning already with things like the yellow vests, angry white people that dont really know why they are angry or understand what to be angry at, but thats just the tip of the iceberg
Everyone is so fucking stupid holy shit
White people ended slavery for financial and economic reasons, NOT moral reasons. Don’t bullshit me.
No, people was used by everybody. It's like video games and violence, everyone fucking plays it, but the intention is not that of a psycho.
When then it would hardly be a white nation, would it?
holy fucking based gottem bruh
>Nu Twisted Metal is a driving simulator where Marcus (Troy Baker) tries to keep Needles (Nolan North) in check while reconciling with his dead daughter's ghost (Ashley Johnson) that haunts him. No vehicle weapons, just drive by shooting because they want to make a more grounded and mature experience for grown up gamers.
Every ethnic group has committed as many atrocities per capita.
White people bad brown people good
Surely that's selection bias since if a creator doesn't project their views onto their work then you can't tell if they're a "lefty" or not.
>Not being a Nazi means you're pro-diversity
Muh false dichotomy culture war.
Tragic origin story? I want to bet real money that there will be some reference to GAMERS RISE UP in some form in it.
almost like its fueled by a massive inferiority complex from both sides
why would you bother gutting rotten fish?
>Crashing half the country's economy was done for financial and economic reasons!
So if I'm reading this thread right Clown Pepe is supposed to be "I'm retarded ON PURPOSE", right?
idk ask zimbabwe and south africa
Wanting your way back into the industry i see, Jaffe. Lmao fucking sellout bitch.
what about not ignorant racists?
If you're white. If you breathe oxygen, it's racist because a minority (global majority) could have been breathing that oxygen.
>Remorseless murderer that kills a woman and brags to her husband about how she begged for her life
But at least he isn't racist
Is there anything more pathetic than faggots that try to look tough and badass then go "REMEMBER THE RESPECT EVERYONE KIDS! THIS MASS MURDERING INSANE PSYCHO SAYS RESPECT DIVERSE GENDER IDENTITIES!"?
Check my 6
And that’s a good thing.
t. has literally never met anyone from Asia or the Middle East. Also there were hispanics literally trying to ethnically cleanse blacks in America not too long ago lmao
Yes, you’re right. We all have our crimes. But some more than others and not all of the same degree. White peoples are the most notorious, and they continue to do the most malicious and unthinkable things under the radar. The only race comparable to the white crime committed on other races, and even their own in some cases, are Islams.
Have any facts to back that up? Can you post the economic growth of doing such? What was the state of the economy beforehand?
But the British Empire ended slavery at a great cost to them, and even hurt their international relations doing so. Britain went around strong arming countries into stopping slavery. What possible economic benefit could Britain have extracted from that?
>clown pepe was all about showing how retarded the world is
>now he's a racist symbol of hate
lmao man
Yes. This is the only worthwhile truth to get from this too.
Planet of the retard monkeys, figuring math n shit but never once breaking out of primitive social behaviors and cognitive bias.
From the trailer
>Guy cares for his mother
>Tries to make her happy
>Has a job as a clown
>Society keeps putting him down
>Guy loses it and becomes Joker
Sort of the more typical "realistic" joker idea but the trailer did make it seem like they know what they're doing. Plus Phoenix, personally, is one of the greatest living actors. If anyone can make a more realistic portrayal of a guy losing his mind and turning into the Joker, without coming across as campy or exaggerated, it's him.
What do they do about white people who don't want to leave in Africa?
>itlaian mafia terrorizes Italy until the 20's
>Musolinii purges the italian mafia once he gets power
>remnants of the mafia run to America
>decades later, America integrates the "cool gangster" persona into its culture and mass media
The amerimutt meme exist for a reason
100% because of politics. You have one major side (Republicans) who under the president have become completely apathetic towards issues of race and gender, even towards people who are white supremacists (as seen with the Reee'ing from some on /pol/). Then you have the other major side (Democrats) who, desprately trying to match Republicans apathy, have instead devolved into lunacy and puritanism when it comes to race issues, resulting in 'jesusfreak 2, revenge of the social sciences.'
Then you have the 3rd factor of the internet poking the honest nest of the second wave of jesusfreaks by saying edgy humor
lefties resort to violence because they have no arguments
A mobster is not a maniac. That's a perfectly valid line for him.
When madness is normal, what is madness?
being a fat, white basement dweller virgin incel who thinks he's better than everyone else
Does he has copyright of clown face or something?
>be serial killer clown
> not filled with hate
Islams lol
anyway you're still fucking ignorant of history
very interesting thing i learned recently
only SOLVED crimes show up on murder crime statistics
and 75% of murders in black ghettos go unsolved.
So the black murder rate is about 4 times higher than every /pol/ infograph you have ever seen
niggers are cancer on society
You are really delusional if you think that retard is some sort of marketing genius using this to spread awareness of his game. He's buttblasted that the ebul natzis are touching his stuff (even though they aren't, honk pepe doesn't even look like him at all).
slavery still exists in america, to this day. and not in any abstract sense, its spelled out in the constitution that slavery is legal so long as its only done on convicted felons. it doesn't even specify the severity of the crime.
now add on top of that how cops have arrest quota's they are expected to meet, who are notorious for planting evidence and fabricating charges. the way convicted felons lose their right to vote. the way most american prisons do nothing in the ways of rehabilitation. and the overall practices of private prisons that are explcitly in it to make a profit.
and what you have is a system that demands a constant supply of fresh slaves for forced labor, the brunt of which is suffered by impoverished people that can't afford to fight a lengthy court battle to prove their innocence.
land of the free indeed.
If spoilers are to be taken true, this "Joker" is not the real Joker, but the guy who inspires Joker to have the 'one bad day' ideal
I guess someone won Twisted Metal
Is he implying that he invented clowns? Am I reading this wrong? I must be.
So it's literally "Gamers rise up: The Movie?"
It's a hatecrime to deny people entry to your country because their ideology commands them to genocide you.
Unless you're Israel, then you can deny people entry based on religion and race and conduct a DNA test to verify their heritage.
>amerimutts think old western murderers and bandits are the embodiment of their dream
Clown Pepe is a reflection of the clown planet we live in.
Men in dresses are "women"
People that murder their own children and scream that morality is subjective are the ones that should dictate to others what morality should be the standard.
If Clown Pepe is pissing you off, it's because you've detached yourself from reality.
hispanics really do love their rape
There’s nothing wrong with slaughtering wh*te pigs
Pepe was just a meme and then leftists with their paranoia turned it into this
When I first heard about how they were making a stand-alone Joker movie, I thought they had lost their mind. But that teaser and the trailer really surprised me.
their country? lol no sweaty they need to go back
sterilize them
oh my god, TM/clownbros
Ive never been more embarrassed and defeated at the hopes of a new, good twisted metal game
>Needles wins Twisted Metal
>Calypso grants him his one wish
>Needles, overcome with grief for the crimes of his fellow white people, wishes for them to be gone
>monkey paw
>Needles is now the only white person left in the world and is discriminated against by everyone else
>he tearfully accepts this burden knowing he did the right thing
>honk honk
>credits roll
If the mafia had Zyklon then they would be just as bad if not worse than the nazis
buddy right now the chinks are literally strip mining half the africa and shippig resources back to mainland
>society made him crazy
>has a black gf
Did Yea Forums write this?
So you’re a confederate sympathizer. Good to know, but doesn’t change what I said. The north was sick of the south not adapating to more efficient methods of work originally done by slaves and they butted heads. Again, it was not a moral decision and even a child would know this.
and this is why dc sucks hard
It's pretty funny. Like when a comedian thinks they're edgy and hardcore then it's 45 minutes of
Yeah, I'm sure there's a retired couple in Nebraska that got a little ruffled at your cutting edge material. Still, at least they're funny, if only for all the wrong reasons.
>White people are the most intolerant and disrespectful race.
Technically not wrong, sick of this perpetual self-hatred by mental cases.
Based. This is basically an acceleration type post. It further takes away any "good" that white people might ascribe to themselves. This pushes closer to either self destructing (and thus giving up their resources to the inferior people) or snapping and ultimately waking up.
Slavery is not a racial thing, slavery is a class thing. Making it a racial thing is detrimental to solving it (if ever).
Lmao is everything an alt right symbol now? Can we just make rainbow a symbol of hate already, it's annoying as fuck
It makes the whole thing more magical
Speaking from experience?
>Is such a brainlet that he thinks that gunslingers and cowboys are the same
No, I have. Europeans and their descendants have just done some downright shameful things, again, only comparable to the middle easts.
>hispanics literally trying to ethnically cleanse blacks in America not too long ago lmao
Fuck are you talking about.
>being right wing is worse than being a homicidal clown
>conviently does not mention jews
Is it following that idea of there being like 3 "main" Jokers or something? I only vaguely remember people talking about it but never looked into it myself.
It's not really projecting when they're the biggest proprietors of abortion in the world
Now I just wanna see a picture of Sweet Tooth giving a power point presentation on Black crime statistics
Try a non-egotistical interpretation of history
hello, my fellow Canadian.
Is the streisand effect Greek to these retards?
People don't even know what is a male and a female or what the point of a nations borders is anymore,we truly live in a clown world.
>society keeps pushing him down
>lives with his mother
>love interest is black woman
>he wants to rise up
Memes are no longer just memes anymore.
Let's compare ourselves to literal shitholes. The people there know how to run their country for sure.
>Sweet Tooth is just crazy
>he thinks all people are the same, except for white people
>he thinks Wakanda would be real if it weren’t for white people
>he thinks a woman regretting a drunken hook up a week later is rape
>he thinks unlimited socialist benefits and open borders can totally work
>he thinks 100 year old statues and words in chalk make him scared
>he thinks women are men and men are women
>he wants little boys to dress as women and dance in front of gays
You literally have to be as crazy as Sweet Tooth to believe in the modern culture and left wing ideology
Lmao no
>why can’t niggers be committing crimes and shit bruh
nice pasta
>It's fucking real
my god
3 is not that bad
holy shit, wow.
I'm convinced that there is a secret new network architecture for non-autistic people and thats why we are stuck with people like him writing articles
>Being a murderous psychopath is worse than being a racist
>jesse james
You're a white nationalist if you didn't go see Captain Marvel in your local kinoplex during the opening weekend
>So you’re a confederate sympathizer
So you're a fucking dumbass
Uh huh, and I'm sure your people and ancestors are just wonderful. Us ebul, ebul white maynes.
So far from what has been said, it is just a 2 Joker sort of thing, where the Joker becomes more of an ideal against the society (WE LIVE) Batman is trying to protect rather than a complete CHRAZY clown
white countries are the only ones where foreigners are not only tolerated but get special treatment. fucking kill yourself
Whites somehow did
Cut off the welfare and they'll willingly leave for more gibs elsewhere
>doing the jobs Americans won’t
Democrats who think their figure is a glorious black-Hispanic alliance are nuts, Hispanics hate blacks more than whites do and have NO racial guilt about it whatsoever.
It's so bad the forefathers didn't uphold it in any meaningful way and they we're "racist" as hell.
In modern times, it's seen as hateful because it takes exclusion to a legal level. It goes beyond "I just keep away from those people" to "I vote so the government forces those people to stay away". You can argue the semantics of what makes someone or something hated and what it means to like, splitting hairs over racism and race realism, but the fact remains that a white nationalist doesn't want someone to be in their country so bad they want the government to intervene. People here say journalists hate games when they write clickbait about difficulty in games, but a white nationalist doesn't hate anyone when they express their need for the government to remove everyone but them from a country. It's weird.
Why do you think he virtue signals so agressively now
these countries literally took farm land from white farmers and drove them from their countries
then they had mass famine because niggers are literally too stupid to farm
Thread theme:
stop blaming mah boy pepe for being stuff.
He's trying to make a living off being clown after his tux and formality stint.
It's almost like Africa was better off under European rule...
Because that's exactly true. They are trying to distance themselves from Nazi symbolism so they can pretend they aren't facists, but they always will be at heart because of the whole racial purity meme
>inb4 the pepe clown picture where he chops off his benis
He could have phrased that in a cooler way. Like, Sweet Tooth doesn't care about movements, he kills whoever he can get his hands on.
what you are describing is peonage and it was outlawed in 1867
>at least my serial killer clown isn't a racist
jesus chrost
we tried, it didn't work out. it was a mistake. i hate don't hate them for it but they should fuck off
Oh no your one of those
That's not all, the biggest singular group to suffer during the LA riots in the 90's were actually the Asian population in California, as gangs/rioters attacked THEIR stores which were closer to black neighborhoods. This is where we get the infamous Roof Koreans from.
>It's really fucking ironic how diverse this place is when you think about it.
It's even funnier when you see the /pol/ meetups and how ethnically diverse they are. Even the elements of this site that they rail against are diverse.
Yeah David, that'll help you get another Twisted Metal game made.
The mob was interested in making money, not being an evil world power.
cause they have never actually tried it, the moment they do and real physco right wing neo nazis decide it's free season on liberal they will realize the depth of their mistake.
leftists produce more leftists. Or are you implying their boys wont be dressed as girls as it happening now?
Like fucking clockwork
>t. baby killer
>another LEFT BAD, RIGHT GOOD thread
Hispanics vote Democrat,they are already in their hands nearly as much as blacks.
>people voted brexit when the media told them not to
Are you fucking serious? It's the exact opposite.
>White people are the most intolerant and disrespectful race.
You obviously never met Blacks in America and Asians in Japan/South Korea
no, no he is wrong, whites ended slavery, it's still alive and well in most nations.
Then you see the diverse crowd and it's 80% white women and 20% white men
Needles Kane is the antihero we deserve
what do they do though
Cool. I can see how getting too much into the superhero/supervillan aspect can water down the main focus of the story, being this guy losing his mind. Plus I think people have said that the kid in the trailer that Phoenix makes smile, by literally putting his fingers in his mouth, is actually a young Bruce Wayne, likely shortly after his parent's death, so it makes sense that Phoenix wouldn't be the canonical Joker since he'd already be a bit old.
CNN saw its ratings tank for a bit after the Muller report dropped, after years of generating outrage over this bullshit investigation. Makes you kinda hopeful sometimes.
>Check the Twitter replies to see people calling him out on the fact the two look nothing alike
>Not a single reply points it out
how can twitter manage to be such a garbage dump
lmao, what drugs is this faggot using? fucking attention whore
morally i actually don't want the government to intervene. if not for welfare states, there would be no interracial migration to speak of. see: all of history before welfare states. if anything, there's displacement via war because different cultures just absolute do not want to live with each other. nation states could prevent this by way of deterrence and border control but instead they facilitate it
>another "NEET posts statistics" post to justify his own shitty behavior
Another whataboutism. The right can't argue for shit
He's very respectful of minorities
If whites didn't force all their people to be tolerant you wouldn't be posting your brainwashed shit on Yea Forums right now.
>yellow vests
>angry white people
Depends on context,American Civil War,slavery was abolished to fuck the south's economy,Brits realized it was better to industrialize and enslave their citizens with debt and low wages than having a alien population that might revolt one day,the others were just bleeding heart faggots that bought the "ITS THE MORAL THING TO DO" excuse the British gave
That would be a generic centrist statement though, and not an 'anti-racist' one
That's how irrelevant Jaffe has become.
Its just Yea Forums being contrarian as always. If we were to live in Nu-Nazi Germany you bet your ass that Yea Forums would be extremely leftist.
>liberal screams WHATABOUTISM thinking it'll be an argument
like fucking clockwork
The point is that modern times are insane. Nobody denies the fact that the Chinese have a homeland named China, or the Japanese have a homeland named Japan, and those Chinese and Japanese have the sovereign right to do with it what they please.
But the idea that the British or French have a homeland? And that they can do with it what they please? Blasphemy. They claim that British and French people don’t actually exist. Flooding those countries with 70 IQ Africans is the only way to fix this “misconception.”
I’ve read that Oxford and Cambridge should “de-colonize” their curriculum, ignoring the fact that these are British universities designed to educate British citizens. But merely saying this aloud in clown world will get you ostracized from society.
The left cannot survive where there is open discussion,both in public or the internet.
That's not the point of the original question, nor does it correlate. You are simply spinning the argument to make a racist point because poltards like you don't use logic. You work in circles and then green text as if you won. Fuck off
I thought the clown pepe was started by people who were against the alt right
Who cares
>how can twitter manage to be such a garbage dump
it's all about EGO, at least here if you get BTFO you can drop the subject completely and admit to yourself the other guy was right
>183 people posting ITT
Why do people give a shit about this?
>I will be able to see the Joker finally snap
The left is legitimately evil. Look at this nigger in the OP. Murderous clown that tortures hi victim? That's okay! Don't you dare say mean words about the black guy down the street though. That is pure evil insanity.
>Society makes him the joker
Did Gangweed direct this film?
>Now clown Pepe
Clowns can't catch a fucking break. Is this going to evolve into clowns supporting the alt right?
are you serious?
thats like saying the media wasnt anti trump because maybe one segment of fox new was for him when the other 9 major stations were against him
my behavior is perfectly ok. Would never hit a woman in my life or drug em. Im pretty enough to get em without paying a penny.
Why do all leftists want to genocide the white race?
>If I green text him back I win!
>liberals are the most hateful, racist and sexist people you're going to find
I don't give a fuck about white pride or race mixing or any of that shit, but how do you go around all day saying shit like "white people are evil, everything is their fault, kill white people" and not expect a response? That sounds like you didn't exactly think shit through.
Nobody cant help but bite nowadays.
Was this supposed to be an actual rebuttal or a cop out on the level of just saying "fuck you"and walking away?
passivity is not maturity
getting pissed at the jews is the correct state of mind
that's what you get from those two words? white nationalism just means you think there should be nations or a nation for white people. you're the one extrapolating deportation/use of force, as is a common strategy for people who think we're all equals.
also, white people are evil so why would anyone want to live with us anyway
To laugh at David Jaffe pretending he's relevant.
>another ME SMART, YOU DUMB post
>cartoon frog is racist
>milk is racist
>ok game is racist
>cartoon frog dressed like a clown is racist
These people love looking like fucking retards
Why argue something when you haven’t provided anything but a complete Horseshit statement
Why is the Honk Honk frog meme now associated with white nationalism??
are SJW's soo retarded they can't tell any meme from Yea Forums apart from the /pol/tard trolls or is /pol/ trying to meme it in a false flag like the ok sign?
Don't you have some cuckold porn you pathetic cucks should be watching?
A question was asked, it was ignored by a counter question. How is that a discussion? Answer the fucking question, faggot
You're a dishonest bubble boy clown person, though. You fixate on cherrypicked radicals then take it as an excuse to smugly scream to no effect and with useful expression of ethics yourself. Have sex.
We both know the point you're trying to make. So I'm going to jump ahead in the script, and ask: Are you insinuating that two wrongs make a right?
you're sounding pretty anti-israel there bud
Well, why do you want to genocide anything but the white race? I don't hate white people and i disagree with how anti white the far left is.
the mafia also melted kids into acid tanks
>Slavery was abolished to fuck over the country's own economy, because America felt like committing fucking suicide in the 1860's!
Do you ever hear yourself? Can you even hear yourself? Do people have to keep sharp objects away from you?
>may be crazy, but not a racist
Good to know we are not crazy.
I remember.
Blacked 2 when?
It's where all the humor currently is.
I do not understand Frogposters, they are fascinating in the way someone observers am animal. Why are they so connected with white nationalism? Why are white nationalist using a frog as their symbol? Why dress the frog as a clown? Why are white nationalists unable to create their own symbol and have to steal their symbols?
It's all so puzzling
Would be kino if this guy tragically dies at the end of the movie and that inspires the real joker.
>mfw I see a nonwhite
Awesome work, user! You get a gold star!
With no* useful expression
Even Tim Pool thinks the left is evil. You are evil.
we truly live in a clown world
those terms have a high degree of overlap
As a leftist you surely must be an expert in cuckoldry
The point is to act like a retard to bait a response and then present it as evidence of the boogeyman.
What country are you talking about? Europe? It's their country to begin with. when I come to Europe, I expect to see white people, not Chinese or Africans. I don't get why you people don't get this.
>These people are the worst
>No, these people are the worst.
>You're changing the subject
wtf why would joker say something crazy like that
He's right, right-wing tards are as cancerous as leftists. Centrists are the new high IQ political side.
>My character can be a murderer and kill people
>but oh noes! he cant be racist!
That's not how whataboutisms work, dumb fuck.
>Jimmy has the most cherries. He has 4.
>That's incorrect. Tom has the most cherries. He has 6.
It's a direct factual refutation, not a whataboutism, stupid shit.
You aren’t forced to work in prison lol
I mean, isn't there a guy in Twisted Metal who is a black guy literally attached to monster trucks by his chains? I'm pretty sure Sweet Tooth shot him at least once.
Because this shit gets more absurd by the day and more and more people are getting sick of it.
White genocide is a meme you faggots are perpetrating. Demographics change, but whites will always exist just like any other race. Sorry you have to share the table with other races, but that's life. Deal
games for this feel?
Except we see these sentiments encouraged by mainstream members of the Democratic establishment.
Youre confused about what's left, and what most people are like.
Who recognizable is even left in this industry with any (self-)respect? From Western Old guard I mean.
Id probably off myself if some of the stupid and miscalculated arguments I had got BTFOed over would stick with me.
>80% white women and 20% white men
that adds up to 100% implying no jewish members of the crowd which strikes me as implausible
How does one thing exclude the other? He just kills anyone regardless of their skin color.
How is the clown frog NOT associated with white nationalism? It's just become another /pol/ meme to highlight the absurdity of the left.
EVERYTHING /pol/ does, boils down to the suggestion of an ethnostate.
because hes being written by a purple hair
>abortion is killing
fucking lol
Nobody played his last game, which performed so poorly it nearly got his entire studio shut down.
twisted metal wouldn't do well in the current environment.
at least we have dangerous driving coming out tomorrow I think. Besides being epic exclusive on pc it seems like burnout 3 2.0
Spiral down faster boys
faster and faster
Other races only exist because whites became too cucked to allow them to
Oh, you mean like what white nationalists do? Thanks for the tip
Oh don't forget that not liking easy mode is now also racist
>Are you insinuating that two wrongs make a right?
Yes? It's a struggle for survival, even if you don't think so because you're a sheltered urban retard doesn't mean others don't see it for what it is. The only demographic that has been brainwashed into thinking it's not a war are whites, everyone else knows exactly what it is and they're out for our blood because they know what happened in history, and we're now vulnerable.
Right or wrong doesn't matter, you can keep your morals and notions of right or wrong, maybe they'll shield you from Abdul's 7.62 rounds, but I doubt it.
What can realistically take down the internet?
Cause we need it.
This clown frog was supposed to be sweet tooth?
You are confused about being evil, you literal Nazi.
My mother is the descendant if Irish immigrants who arrived post slavery and my biological father is a fucking pacific islander. My skin is white. Elaborate on the various crimes of the past I need to answer for.
The forfathers lived and died under a government that only allowed whites to be citizens you fucking retard
Papers like the Daily Mail and The Sun definitely have a significant influence in the UK and are some of the most read. Even those who don't read them would easily see that headline in the shop and be influenced by it. It's not the same
Maybe 'the left' isnt the most massive vile worst guess you can think of? Maybe most people are centrists
Congratulations, you're just like a white nationalist.
yes and no.
Yes, you're exactly right. Trying to shift the topic to another group when the original question was about one group is changing the subject. Did you finish grade school?
it doesn't even really explicitly reference ride the tiger although it might be in line with it, its use is much wider than that
Don't give /pol/ any ideas, they have the autism and time needed to turn Coca Cola into a symbol for white pride. Like they did with McDonald's moon man
That's not true at all, Rome and Greece were mixed racially, a point white nationalists often make. Cut all the social programs and you still have people wanting to come into America, like how it was before social programs. On top of that, Jews have been finding ways to win in white societies and Asians generally out perform whites. There will be no white ethnostate without violent government intervention.
if you're too dumb to understand why orth states wanted to abolish slavery while south states wanted to keep it, you are the retarded one mate
>try to meme the joker as a way to shame your opponents
>they instead embrace it and run with pagliacci pepe
the left REALLY can't meme
At least he's representative of the left
>Well, why do you want to genocide anything but the white race?
Are you retarded or what?
>it's another deluded TRUMP GOOD TRUMP BUILD WALL post
My sides
>Tooth says
Nothing. He says nothing because he’s not real you fucking idiot.
Your question should be "What can realistically take down social media?". Which is what needs to happens, social media is what killed the uniqueness and safety of the Internet. Social Media is giving them too much attention and should be killed fast.
Fuck david and his melons.
Im still unironically mad about that.
White nationalism is same as black nationalism
>what is industry
Machines>farm tools>niggers
So is that a no?
It's not a war for the majority of the planet. You're overreacting to relatively small factions. The correction to the problem isn't to go to war to create your own ethnostate. It's to go to war, in order to stop these factions from attempting to create ethnostates.
I don't get it
>white nationalist = everybody who isn't a leftist now, jfc
In other words: "you're either with us or against us."
back to your tranny discord white cuck.
>Tooth is crazy and hates white people
He would fit right in with the left
Well centrists allowed society to degrade to this point,they are the liberal yes-man
Centrists have always been high IQ, unlike the masses of retards which flock to their filthy tribe for protection
I believe the guy who punched the other guy got a hefty jail sentence.
>he relies on the DNC for an understanding of what liberalism is
Haha hoo boy. Is this like those atheists who think they have to blaspheme God and throw away all concepts of divinity because they dont like the Pope? The DNC doesnt own leftism
The difference is that the former has a much higher kill count
>i don't know memes: the post
You know the Moon Man thing originated on ytmnd in 2007 or so, right?
>crazy but he's not racist
yeah, racists are the only sane ones
No, the native population of any country has a right to expel any outsiders if they choose
Yeah, just like your post.
The uniqueness and safety! Fucking Imao my dude. Yikes.
How half witted
If it's half as dark and well written as most movies he plays it's going to be worthwhile.
There we go. Somebody tweet this at him.
I've never seen sweettooth used a white nationalist symbol. Is he talking about clowns in general?
Gronk no like you tribe
even if you're with them you aren't safe though
imagine if a dictator ruled but he changed the laws every day and flipped out if people broke the new rules they didn't know he changed because the new laws were just thoughts he had that he didn't tell anyone
that's what being a leftist around fellow leftists must be like. you are constantly stumbling and crossing wires accidentally to keep up with an ever expanding every changing mentally ill worldview that nobody can agree on, but will publicly annihilate you for not pledging your allegiance to
Wait wait wait, do they think clowns are alt right now because of GAMERS RISE UP joker, when the point of those posts/macros is mocking ,/r9k/?
>twisted metal wouldn't do well in the current environment.
Yes it would, it just wouldn't be allowed to have anything sexual at all
>this clown is about my old game!
>murder kill """racists"""!!!
this guy is so mental and juvenile lmao
The /pol/tard memes went too far, now they'll never shut up
Cause hes pepe?
so I was wrong, but my point is don't give /pol/ any ideas.
The North didn't want to ban slavery just to spite the South's economy, you stupid motherfucker.
this is a wholesome webm
Didn't rocket league do well? It's technically the same thing? Also tm is basically battle royale with cars.
Better example. French Revolution, Reign of Terror. That's exactly what it was. This week's hero could be tomorrow's traitor being beheaded.
>i had no idea wanting to kill kids was a bad thing, huh you learn something new every day i guess haha
>murder is okay only if they're bigots
this is just ridiculous
Please stop posting Sweet Tooth from the Twisted Metal™ franchise he may be crazy but he HATES Trump.
No, but the problem is that the media than echoes the DNC's talking points, and most people who consider themselves to be Democrats or on the left eat it up. So regardless of what liberalism actually is, a huge portion of the left (and they are on the left, to be sure) shares in these ideas.
>the only reason sub-humans are at the table is thanks to whites
>only brainwashed whites who are faggots or emulate niggers want to share the table with sub-humans
That’s life bucko
Man, you all anons flipping shit over "leftists" and what-nots, you are fucking cringey. Be a big man, not hysterical pussy.
It's another DC movie where everything canon is ignored. The whole trailer I was thinking "Where's Hambam?"
Not even going to bother watching.
Robespierre might have been a crazy fuck but he went out like a G
And the beheadings will come, if they insist on crossbreeding incompatible cultures.
brown people fucking suck
He is clearly trying stir shit to gain attention cause he hasn't been relevant since 2006
To be fair pretty sure sweet tooth hates everyone that's the point
I'm pretty sure /pol/ aren't ignorant racists either, I'd say they're pretty well informed racists
I would never sincerely suggest violence against others, especially kids.
You fucking did you sub75 iq mongoloid retard
I've not seen any plans or agenda to genocide Africa of Africans. I've not seen anything to genocide Asia of Asians. I've not seen any plans to genocide the hispics or the abbos or the arabs.
The closest thing I've seen is white people getting angry about having to deal with these people in white countries, and the problems they make. But I don't believe not wanting them in white countries is the same as genocide.
Post yfw you are not him
How cute, you think things are any different on the right.
And that is why Carmageddon is the superior franchise
what do they do though?
Except you didn't do that. More like
>Jimmy has the most cherries. He has 4
>Well what about Mark?
That's what you did.
>responding to a post about how stupid the false dichotomy is by doubling down on the false dichotomy
I gave no indication of being a "leftist" and didn't say anything about whites. Can you even read?
I thought we were talking about farmers. Not invaders.
Mostly the legacy of violence and slavery.
Kek. Twitter is like a live broadcast from some mental asylum.
Like, Uber barf lol
We do, on the other hand, have UN documents outlining and enacting replacement migration of Europeans in all their countries.
in certain twitter circles the clown emoji is a pedo dogwhistle
isn't that funny
Most other races would be under the table waiting for scraps like fucking dogs if we simply wanted that enough much like how we found them
>Hey kids, stop running over people and put down the controller. It's time to get serious for a second. 2020 is coming and Donald Trump needs every vote he can to win the next Presidential election! Tell your parents, tell your friends, tell your teachers to vote for Trump today! Ok, back to the mayhem buddy.
Why is racism towards white happening more frequently?
User was warned: Drive-by posting, downplaying racism against whites
>sweet tooth is a serial killer that kills women and children
>but being a racist is taking it too far
the mental gymnastics on these people
>just sit there and do nothing like a real man
fuck off idiot
Huh, it's almost as if white nationalists adopt the traits of the left to try and fight them back. Whoa
you know where they ARE different?
in a functioning constitutional republic, t. """liberal""" who wishes he could just participate in 1950s politics
Who do you think you're convincing? You guys suck at concern trolling.
>David Hogg spent his "political career" being a piece of shit saying horrid things about people
>Any fucking retort to him was met with lefties crying about how he was 17 so you can't be rude back
>MAGA Hat kid literally stood there with a smile on his face, saying absolutely nothing
>Lefties treat him like a fucking war criminal and talk about killing him
Reminds me of that comic where Dr. Doom snd other villains shed a tear for 9/11 victims. Like they haven't done worse things.
>irrelevant boomer appealing to globohomo in order to fit into the group and feel accepted
oh right. but its a conspiracy theory! and as we all know, conspiracies never happen
but the end of slavery was a bad thing to do financially speaking
Someone make a new thread
I can see why Jaffe was worried, this is an EXCELLENT meme that could easily have been what we did instead of joker pepw
I smell a fresh new meme on the way.
lmao the amount of cringe in his fit of rage. he should know it's a lost fight, but if it was so important for him he could have just said he does not endorse the white nationalist groups that use his character in an adult, polite manner. but no, he chose to sound like a raging 10 yo instead.
>The second most shit on newspaper in the UK after The Sun is your evidence
The BBC, Mirror, Guardian etc. were all pro remain
I want to stick my big black dick in her to teach her a lesson
suddenly sand people don't look so bad at least they know how to handle things
This is a different topic.
What you're outlining is the price of "winning" in the early game. Western society leads the way for the rest of the world and the best way to do that is to lead by example. I'm not going to expect the fucking Japanese to lead on any moral issue considering their war crimes are some of the most harrowing the world has ever seen. The idea of "de-colonization" comes from white countries doing the most colonizing and spreading the most cultural influence which leads to things like people unable to self-determine... which is what white nationalists complain about now.
In the future, the idea of a white Israel would be easier to defend. Just like how Jews were a people without a homeland, the same would have to happen to whites before they get their ethnostate or reservation.
The easiest way to get this in the meantime is to live like Quakers off the land. It's less likely that non-whites would even want to join you then.
>everyone jumping on the script like it's going out of style
This is sad, it's cliffy b levels of trying to be relevant. What are you doing, Jaffe.
shut the fuck up, how about that?
I'm not sure how anything you said is relevant to the topic at hand
Not lately desu. Would have believed you back in 2004 with the gay and christian scare
Haha epic, leftards are gonna be SOOO mad bros!
>As soon as a sensible argument is put forth, the racist descends into insults and degrading because at heart they don't care about anything other than the superiority of themselves
How to spot a white nationalists, everyone
He is an old glory like Cliffy
Hell, he wasnt even that big in the first place
Beautiful isn't it?
>Sweet Tooth murders his family in a psychotic rage. He cleaves their skulls with a rusty machete while laughing like the broken clown he is.
>"Stay #Woke everyone. #NotMyPresident."
How did his studio survive anyway? Also, it's really easy to sell Twisted Metal these days, just make it look like a bad Dreamworks bootleg, F2P, online with cosmetics and phone based, there, a whole new genre to zoomers tired of povertyball cars.
Robespierre funny enough was a moderate until he went crazy during the last year of his life. Prior to the Cult of Reason he was trying to reign everyone the fuck in but got away with it because he was the incorruptible man, no one could fucking question his alliegance. He was basically french Cato the Younger
When he lost it finally, he went HAM. Unfortunately not he didn't die well. He tried to shoot himself in the head and only blew his jaw half off. They tied him back together with a handkerchief, kept him over night then beheaded him after yanking it off.
It just occurred to me that the term genocide that we use for white genocide, is the UN definition, rather than the common man's definition (which would be straight up killing). If "white genocide" using the UN definition becomes mainstream, they'll just change it, and claim what we believe does not fit the definition.
Even better with the sound
Because only white nationalist racists care. Moving on
where is the full version?
Delete this lolicon picture right now.
>The new Joker movie is based on Pepe
Good post but 'whites need to lose their country for the crime of having one, before they can have one' is retarded and destructive for no reason
You niggers were fighting against gays as late as 2016. Removing gay marriage was a Republican issue for many candidates. They're still fighting to keep gays from adopting kids.
t. discord tranny
Thats politics in a nutshell really.
That's incredibly racist and patronizing. Like almost all leftist, you're a white nationalist deep down.
You just feel guilty being better than everyone else.
Red skull is from marvel
Isn't this guy evil? Are even evil characters not allowed to be racist now?
true, every white person should care that they're being fucked over
There is no price to winning unless you allow it.
We dident win by taking others care into consideration I see this attitude like yours repeated as if some over arching rules are at play and whites couldn’t simply continue to control the movement of these people like we have for all time because some universal force and not the fact the only thing stopping it is other more numerous weaker white peoples objections
I don't actually, but at this point "you know everyone is just as bad" doesn't accomplish anything. No shit.
Truth be told I'm waiting and hoping for the guillotines. The tree of liberty must be watered
it's relevant because I've been called a white nationalist and thus been subject to the 'if you're not with us you're against us' absolutist mindset which has been described in this reply chain since . this, despite not being a right-winger myself! in response to , which pointed out that things are not so different in absolutist right-wing frameworks, I pointed out that I am not in support of those either, I am in support of the constitutional basis that formed my country (the United States of America) in the first place and which has never been a country with mass political executions or beheadings of any stripe as opposed to the left vs right seizures that have haunted Europe for the past 200 years.
Where is this tranny discord? I know that the mods have had issues with a /pol/ discord.
Mexican here, It's taking It's time but we are doing our best
Is Trump slowing down the descent of the US into clown world a good or a bad thing?
The clown hates niggers haha
No what he said is logically true
You don’t have to share the table with anyone especially when you built it and they don’t have a fucking table for you to share
>I’ve read that Oxford and Cambridge should “de-colonize” their curriculum, ignoring the fact that these are British universities designed to educate British citizens. But merely saying this aloud in clown world will get you ostracized from society.
Is that why they also educated so many Germans, Poles and Russians? Are the people that the French and British colonized not citizens then of the French and British?
/pol/ are fucking with them and they're eating it up as usual.
and to answer your other question, most normalfags think Yea Forums is literally just Yea Forums and /pol/.
I guess. Cant say I care about gays though, its true. Like really they are doing excellently. The Right is definitely not destroying them right now
Right, but they allowed non-whites and lol Irish into their country while taking land and citizens from Mexico. Slavery was also a huge fucking mistake any idiot concerned with a white ethnostate wouldn't make. Giving only white male land owners a vote doesn't secure shit if the constitution can be amended.
Other white people, not you. This isn't a battle to convince you non-whites to stop trying to take from us, because I think a lot of us understand now that that is just how the world works outside of white countries.
The fight now is to convince whites to start defending themselves and stop feeling guilt or self hatred for being white. To stop laying down their arms and letting invaders rape and pillage them.
Even Yea Forums isn't as popular as it used to be.
If your only call to identity is being white, then you have no identity because white isn't a race.
>They're still fighting to keep gays from adopting kids.
I wonder why
Mexican here, I confirm this
That's where the irony is
>He tried to shoot himself in the head and only blew his jaw half off
It's a symbol of "haha you tolerate criminal races and trannies in your country haha".
so the murderer is on the left? what a surprise
What the hell is Trump's administration even anymore? I felt like he had an identity going in 2016 and now he's just another shell. He keeps flip-flopping on policies for no reason. Will he make it to 2nd term? Better yet, what type of stuff will he pull in a 2nd term?
I almost wish something interesting happened. Like Bush's retarded War On Terrorism bit.
>it's a political twitter screencap episode
the right has no friends in the media so their influence can't, in any way, match the influence leftists are exerting.
i don't give a fuck about anything bad republicans have done because THEY aren't censoring my anime tiddy, getting companies i like shut down or changed, unpersoning wrongthinkers, etc. i have never seen a rightwing person do everything in their power to side the media against a leftist to disappear them or diminish their influence (because the media is now 100% Left, and those who remain Right-- like Tucker or Pewds-- will soon be memory holed if they aren't killed by useful idiots first).
if the left and right are really the same, fine, then i am against the leftist flavor of the same tactics.
okay but why are you replying to a post that has nothing to do with that? and yes it is a race
slaves can't buy products you dumb hick ad and machines outcompete slavery anyway
Woah, I didn't know Jaffe had a copyright on all clown imagery.
Except history is built by cultures mixing, either by clashing in war or by trade. This table you think only one homogeneous culture built was in fact constructed by everyone sitting at the fucking table. The white nationalist will just try to spin it by boiling it all down to "white" people when it really was not.
>some random tweet with no sources
methinks you might be the clown here
How old is this comic anyways? I thought criminal organizations hated Nazis back then because they were especially against gangs and such compared to the US.
The point being they lived and died in a society they built that literally was a white ethnic state with undesirables being cleansed at all times
Black slaves weren’t seen as human at the time much less citizens
Those weren’t mistakes your logic is that hitler was not a white nationalist because he invaded non white lands....
You can find those sources yourself i'm sure
Embrace the future, anons. You can't stop it, might as well make the most of it and become a part of it.
>i don't give a fuck about anything bad republicans have done
well, personally I'm pretty sore about that Iraq War thing, but both parties were complicit in that
>This concept isn't a thing, factually speaking
>Yes it is!
Stunning rebuttal
Obama continued the war and he was a leftist.
Except black people
The evil in this post is breathtaking. The idea that modern people need to be punished for what happened hundreds of years ago. The idea that they use an argument about how “whiteness doesn’t exist” while advocating white group punishment. There is no example by surrendering your country to primitives who want to destroy you. It’s just insane, nobody wins in the end. Handing the riches of France over to Africans won’t turn Africa into France, it will turn France into Africa.
White Americans and white Europeans just want to be left alone. They don’t want to be surrounded by hostile people who hate them and want them dead.This road goes nowhere. It doesn’t help anybody. There is no peace on the other end. There is probably no civilization.