People only praise BB because it's a PS4 exclusive.
Game is 7/10 at best.
People only praise BB because it's a PS4 exclusive
Wow, it's 2 points better than any other Souls game?
xbro here, i played bb on my friends ps4 and its easily the second best modern from game behind DS1
Yep we already knew that and that's because it's the only ps4 game
What's up with all the BB threads lately? Are people still mad after so many years?
Let’s hear your 10/10, OP. So everyone can tell you why it’s actually a 6/10 instead
That's one of the main reasons I don't like the game, since ds fix I've used kb+mouse but here comes bb making me use shitty controllers and I hate it
t. poorfag who can't afford a ps4
It's the only A-team Miyazaki Souls since the first
As a massive Sonyfag I agree. It's overrated as fuck by delusional fanboys
What's your favourite PS4 exclusive then
a 6/10 at best desu
God of war obviously. It makes bloodborne look like shit
Not true. I don't play on PS4 since Persona 5 release, yet BB was the best thing about this generation.
God i wish BB in 60 fps happened one day.
PS5 nigga, they'll probably remaster it or re-release it in some other form
Dark souls 2 is the best souls game
Why must we have a bloodborne thread everyday. Just walk away outlander
I wouldn't even put them in the same category. GoW is story focused while BB is the kind of game you just run around killing shit and trying out different weapons
Listen man, I hate that its an exclusive too. But it got made with sony funding and help so thats not gonna change. Its still the best souls game.
overrated like all from games.
its 9/10 for sure
chalice dungeons bring it down one point
Gravity Rush 2
And yet still better than 99.9% of the trash that's out today
trash is better.
Babby's first open world
still better than muh edgy game.
>see people talking about BB on reddit
>everyone is saying its GOAT
>mention that its 30 FPS and therefore cannot be that great
>get downvoted into oblivion
Its a fantastic game but I agree. Snoys only praise it simply because its exclusive and to this day continue to push it as flawless unlike other From games. The only reason they dont do the same with Demons Souls is because itd be too obvious. If it ever gets ported you'll notice them turn their backs on the game claiming it was never that good anyway.
Sounds like Yea Forums to me
not but you see its 30 FPS with incredible amounts of nauseating motion blur for that 'cinematic' feel.
It's genuinely true.
But then again, so was demons souls, which is archaic and full of dull bosses and tedious areas, and Dark Souls, which has a clumsy second act and massive performance issues. Not to mention Dark Souls 2, which is the second highest rated game in the entire souls-like franchise. Somehow.
Bloodborne received bloated scores at release in spite of a slew of terribad bosses like the witches, Rom the minion army living turd, the one massive pile shit, celestial fuckface, and its weak later game areas that don't feel fun to play through, and inspire basically everyone to just run past everything, whether it be due to the buffs of bell-maidens, poison pools and rock throwing giants, or frenzy-inducing enemies.
And then always Chalice Dungeons to consider...
The game's difficulty curve is truly awful, peaking somehow at gascoigne, which is the first fucking mandatory boss, staying relatively stable on the way to the bloodstarved beast and amelia, and then nosediving, and not truly rising again in significant until you get to Ebrietas.
another shitty thing about BB is that once you learn how to parry you can basically just destroy every boss. its a very rudimentary version of sekiro
You mean chromatic aberration, that is the shit that causes eye cancer.
isn't that the same for every parriable boss any souls game have too, tho?
You think pulling a random number out of your ass makes you sound more objective? You think that it's supposed to be proof that supports your shitty taste? How about an actual argument you worthless dipshit.
I could be wrong but I don't recall any dark souls bosses as being 100% parriable. there are bosses with a lot of parriable moves but you still have to dodge and do other shit. with BB you just parry, visceral, parry, visceral, boss is dead
>soulsbabbies thinking parrying is a skill
All you need to know is getting the timing right. There's absolutely no mastering involved. You can parry Gwyn to death without receiving a single blow.
I like this PS4 exclusive, but not certain other ones, like Uncharted 4, GoW 4 or Detroit
BotW is also good though.
Bloodborne is a game. GoW is a movie.
Sony must be going bankrupt from all the constant shill threads since 2015.
Yea, but that's a reward the game gives you for learning the timings. It's an optional mechanic. Not sure why this is shitty thing. I think you're exaggerating.
The PC release is inevitable very soon, they need all the money they can get
And Nintendo shill threads don't exist?
because it means expert play is literally two button inputs without any movement whatsoever. its boring as fuck to do and even more boring to watch. where as expert play of dark souls or sekiro bosses still at least looks somewhat interesting and is engaging to perform.
> these mental gymnastics
The moment you learn how to parry in ANY souls game it immediately becomes trivialized.
>because it means expert play is literally two button inputs
so... just like... in ... souls.... woah
It's the only Souls game since Demon's where it didn't feel like moving through a vat of honey, so it had that going for it.
have you ever even played a dark souls to completion?
It came out before Dark Souls 3 too. People only shit talk Dark Souls 3 because they git burned out of Souls after Bloodborne.
t. mad because I didn't get to play it
lol, im a pc gamer and Bloodborne is 2nd my fav game of all time, behind MGS3
Yes, you mongoloid. I can parry black k***hts all day everyday with a fucking fist.
More like DS3 was shit.
Wow, it's still 7 points better than any other souls game
wow black knights so impressive. what about actual bosses retard
Just like BB
People only bash BB because it's a PS4 exclusive.
Game is a 10/10 at least.
it's really not. the game is a masterpiece
>Still buttblasted after all these years
Just play it on your friend's ps4 already. You have friends, right?
Nah, DaS3 and DaS2 were utter shit. BB probably better than DaS1.
>botw firsr 30 hours
Holy shit this is amazing!
>50 hour mark
Wait...all the dungeon bosses are just reskins?
>70 hours in
Ya nah this is repetitive as fuck
You wouldn't tell that to my face.
I can parry Gwyn with ease. The rest of the bosses are just a matter of using iframes, just like in BB.
so one boss you can parry. versus in BB literally 90% of the bosses are parriable to the point where you don't even need iframes. you just stand there and parry and then visceral.
DaS1 bosses aren't that hard. I only had significant trouble with O&S and Kalameet.
>versus in BB literally 90% of the bosses are parriable to the point where you don't even need iframes. you just stand there and parry and then visceral.
Which adds another (optional) dimension to your approach for bosses. Why is this bad again?
because the most optimal play is the most boring. from a game design perspective its stupid.
Bloodbourne > sekiro > demons souls > dark souls 3 > dark souls 1 = dark souls 2
This is the objective list of souls games coming from someone who has been playing the series since JP import demons souls
Dark souls 1 is great but its second half is complete unfinished garbage that not even the worst of the filler boss fights in dark souls 2 can even compare against. One area in the second half LITTERALY has capra demon copied and pasted around 12 times throughout the environment its that unfinished. If you cant agree to this then your a pc fat who jumped on the band wagon after your petition won.
That is all. This thread may now continue.
>the subjective list
Based. Saved for future copy paste tier lists.
Demons JP player as well here, agree with this completely. The pc fanbase ruined this game.
Your mental gymnastics never fail to amuse me.
Well, the most optimal way (the only way) to play DaS1 is literally dodging and rolling. Wow, how fun.
Breath of the Wild is good, but ultimately empty. It isn't even in my top 5 Zelda games. Only game other than Skyward Sword I only cleared once.
Top 5 in no particular order:
Ocarina of Time
Link to the Past
Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess
I'd also argue that aLBW and Wind Waker are all better too.
you're right utilizing character movement is typically more fun.
Bloodborne > Sekiro > DS1 > DS3 > DeS > DS2
You can do that in BB too, you fucking mongrel.
I have both a Switch and PS4 and I can tell you BotW is shit.
Also Bloodborne is the only good game on PS4.
A very good game mind you.
Anyways I play the Xbox One more than both cuz exclusives on the other systems are all trash.
I don't even register that it's a PS4 game, I just love gothic lovecraftian shit.
This logic would work if every other game was under 7/10 because bb is the best game made to date
Finally beat it and started and NG I must say it was fantastic. Got my gf into it pretty fun co-op also
but its more optimal if you don't.
lolno, Sony have lost all good will they had with me overt he last year or so, BB is an amazing near 10/10 game imo, and it annoys the FUCK out of me that I would be suckered in to buying their next shit console if it has BB2.
>DaS1 is the cool game to shit on now despite also being the best
So, Pokemon Emerald all over again?
>being the best
Would be if the second half didn't exist.
you should go back, faggot
You know the most optimal way to play DaS1? Just stack poise (which requires no thought whatsoever) or go full INT build and melt through the game.
your life is 0/10 at best
Problems with the second half are exaggerated.
The only truly horrid area in the game is Lost Izalith (which isn’t even hard by the way) and maybe, MAYBE New Londo. Tomb of the giants and Seath’s lair are both fine if underdeveloped
BBfags use this argument because they have the attention span of a child and can’t commit to a single game for more than 5 hours total
People only hate BB because it's an exclusive.
Game is at least a 9/10.
People only praise BB because it's a PS4 exclusive.
Game is a 8/10 at best
Wrong, I like BB but don't like Uncharted 4 or Detroit.
BB => DaS 1 => DeS > DaS 3 > SOTFS > DaS 2
haven't played sekiro yet
who the fuck is talking about that trash anyway. BB its a good game, but not a great game, the only reason people like to eat that repetitive trash with a different scenario its because they are either FromDrones or Snoyfags. i havent play sekiro yet, but least it moves slightly better
Just a heads up to all the RETARDS in this thread.
Im 5'9, 250 lbs of pure muscle and could EASILY break all of your weak pathetic twig limbs
So keep talking shit, go ahead, I dare you :)
Nice bait heres your (you)
ah, nigger posters
* 6'9
Typo notice before people start being even more retarded
100 years from now, people will still be butthurt about BB being as good as it is
I know, right? OP is a niggerfaggot.
>>mention that its 30 FPS and therefore cannot be that great
It's perfectly playable. Plenty of "GOAT" games run at a subpar framerate.
Ah, the furtive pygmy.
So easily forgotten.
But HGSS, BW2, and Platinum shit all over Emerald.
Emerald is shitty Hoenn again but with a battle frontier that's good.
100% true.
Never ever.
It's the most complete soulsborne (fuck I hate that word so much) to date, I haven't beaten Sekiro but it doesn't seem to be in the same vain as DS and BB so I won't compare them.
BB has
>Great gameplay
>Great weapon and enemy designs
>Great music
>Great DLC, better than Aota imo
The only thing it doesn't really have an abundance of is good characters, Alfred is really the only standout in the game, where as dark souls has Onionbro, Laurentius and Solaire just to name a few.
I think it's the best of the games, but I prefer Dark souls 1 for personal reasons.
I thought Eileen was pretty good too.