I recover a mmo account i sold 2 years ago to someone from Asia, can i have problem with laws for that?
I recover a mmo account i sold 2 years ago to someone from Asia, can i have problem with laws for that?
Yes. I think a guy here in EU did that. It's a fraudulent sale and CAN result in up to 5 years prison. most likely just a huge fine though
so im fine ? im scared of him coming here to kill me or something
...is it still being used by the buyer?
no from 1 year ago
Give it back, Tyrone.
sell it again
i actually recovered it and sell it 4 times now, did that with many accounts also
Pretty based desu.
...holy shit
yeah im scared af everytime but never happened anything, im scared atm though
No since chinks aren't humans
If it was a Chinaman he might try to eat your dog.
I wonder how it feels like being a black dude with no sense or morals whatsoever.
i feel nice
he is muslim i think
dont scare me D:
If it haven't been in use for a year then I doubt he cares, depends on the game probably. Did similar thing but it was over decade ago.
Friend also occasionally "loaned" his old wow account that he sold when he felt like playing for few hours.
nice, but i saw he also expend hundred of dolars in items and cosmetics kek and that scares me more
what doyou think?
Who knows, but i doubt there's any legal things since i assume it's from different continent.
Unless it's some rich guy who just feels like fucking someone in the ass.
there's most likely easier ways to get accounts back depending on the game
Is this an underage third worlder's first attempt of trolling?