Still undisputed and reigning champion

>still undisputed and reigning champion
How did they do it?

Attached: bloodborne-two-column-02-ps4-us-04jun14.jpg (767x1080, 233K)

Miyazaki actually caring about something istead of selling out to Bamco or Activision

Miyazaki autism + Studio Japan talent and money.

Attached: 3482872-bloodborne-the-old-hunters-1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 593K)

>still undisputed and reigning champion
>source: my ass

It's hard to surpass your magnum opus

I wanna cum inside Lady Maria

I feel sorry for you kids that only know these last couple of shitty gens. 20 years ago ever other fucking week a masterpiece was released. Now you guys are lucky to see more than a handful in an entire generation.


Attached: Maria.png (693x983, 724K)

That's not sekiro my friend, that's baby mode dark souls

>from did all of the heavy lifting
>but studio japan
keep telling yourself that

>30 FPS

Close but no cigar. Remake on PS5 will be 10/10.

Infinite budget.

Worst Souls game desu.

man i want to play bloodborne. dont have the money for a playstation though. anybody interested in donating one to a fellow fromsoftfag?

The only masterpiece to come out of this generation.

Attached: dark souls.jpg (250x310, 50K)

Good thing its not a souls game

>he says, when DaS3 and DaS2 exists
o am laffin

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That's some hilarious pasta. Where did you find it?

>best Lovecraftian atmosphere in any videogame ever
>most weapons are incredibly fun
>cool victorian style and asthetics
>great atmosphere, great true ending, great music and boss fights

The only thing it lacks is 60fps, hopefully remake can fix it.

He's right, you know.

Miyazaki loves lovecraftian shit so he put his all into making this masterpiece

Sure thing bud

This. Never owned a PS4 but PS5 looking juicy with all the inevitable remasters.

he's right dude. being 12 in 1998 is something I will forever be grateful for.

>got cucked by the witcher 3
>champion of anything
stay deluded sonygro

It's a 6/10 at best and it is boring as fuck. Also this

Only brainlets and zoomers play souls games for their difficulty because they haven't played anything else. Adulthood is realizing that the other pieces of the pie are what Fromsoft excels at and Bloodborne is the refinement of those systems. It is hard for me to name a more atmospheric and aesthetic game, even with the atrocious fps limits.

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Until he finally gets to make a Berserk game. Then it's all over, gaming will implode after that.

Didn't the guy that owned almost every video game say Bloodborne was the best?

>Enemy Variety:
Dark Souls 3
>Area Design:
>World Design:
Dark Souls 1
>Weapon/Armour and Magic Variety:
Dark Souls 2

It's also worth mentioning that Sekiro has arguably the least "Artificially" Difficult encounters in the series.

>Difficulty Curve
Dark Souls 3
>Multiplayer and Covenants
Dark Souls 2
>Most finished product at release

Berserk game staying true to the original material and beng made in the style of Bloodborne (and even Sekiro in some ways) could never be topped.

>Studio Japan
what do you think they do differently than Bandai or Activision?

Make brilliant games like Knack and double Knack

They also help with development. Not just publishing. From had Sony's manpower and resources to pull from.

>develop the engine
>do a shit ton of the artwork and modeling
>give them a full live orchestra
>make the entirety of Old Hunters by themselves

Studio Japan is unironically the reason BB is good

Also Sekiro released three years after BB had worse graphics and audio.

Attached: 386039-bloodborne.jpg (1000x563, 98K)

omg user can you imagine that shit

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ITT: snoynigger shills

Sekiro runs at 60fps instead of 24, doesn't have ugly CA and isn't exclusively dark and gray.


Attached: 1449622988492.jpg (435x750, 102K)

>make the entirety of Old Hunters by themselves
Source on that? Miyazaki had nothing to do with it?

Cry more, shill.

Attached: Fagiro Shills.jpg (828x788, 112K)

>still undisputed
>everyone still disputes it
OP please.

Some parts of Bloodborne look better I agree, the atmospheric effects, fur effects and blood/wetness effects being the highlights, but a large portion of it looks muddy as fuck these days, and some of the textures look really dated compared to that which you see in Sekiro.

>Sekiro runs at 60fps instead of 24,
Not on PS4 you nignog

>muh colors
This isn't bing bing toddler shit. BB has objectively more detailed enemies and architecture.

Attached: retarded.jpg (1025x1271, 64K)

>snoy shill calling anyone else a shill

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cuz the hunter was sexy

Attached: just dodge.png (1720x982, 509K)

BB was fucking trash, my dude. Stop sucking Sony's dick so much.

Why are you resorting to console warring?

Kys nin-toddler

>some of the textures look really dated compared to that which you see in Sekiro.
Eh, not really. Take a look here.Notice horribly tiling textures on most cliffs

Attached: sekiro textures.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)