Advance Wars thread

Advance Wars thread.

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grimm was pretty cool

Sami is my wife

sonja is best girl

>Not the superior in every way Nell

It's like you don't like beautiful, resourceful and successful women.

should advance wars go mobile?
>mfw Metal Slug went mobile

I'm already playing the GBA games on my phone so I don't see why not.

No I want a redhead tomboy in a crop top and no bra to march with me through the forest until we're both soaked in sweat and tired.

>touch screens
Never ever. Give me back physical buttons.

at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it went mobile because cheap to make + whales + not popular enough to warrant an actual entry on the Switch because Intelligent Systems clings on to Fire Emblem like no tomorrow

Fire Emblem hasn't been Fire Emblem since the GBA titles, though.
It's basically Rance now, and a really bland and cringy Rance at that.


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too bad he got nerfed hard in ds

Medieval fantasy > whatever this setting is

Me on the top right

2019... am I forgotten

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You and me, we understand.

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The man with no taste.

>tfw dated a girl who looked like Lash
>tfw she tried to cut off my dick

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at least theres spirit battle i still mad, they got taken out for no reason

Never stick your dick in crazy, user.

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>olaf and eagle spirits
>no sami spirit
What's the point anymore

important fact; advance wars 1 was the last game released before 9/11

haha remember battalion wars

They probably removed it because all the assist trophies that moves around the stage now are killable, and it would be hard to make the Infantry & Tanks AT killable.

Why Saki got cut though makes no sense.

>mfw the first mission in duel strike on hard mode.

who the hell thought that was a good idea? made me think the other missions would be hell but the rest were pretty easy.

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