Who came up with this? What are they even gonna show on these livestreams? These fools couldn't even deliver good gaming updates for the E3, a once a year event, how are they gonna step up to doing it monthly? Reminds me of that image where that black man smiling at E3 conferences only to be repeatedly shown Spiderman and Death Stranding footage year after year after year.
Sony's State of Play (Nintendo Direct Knockoff)
They could just showcase cool third party games rather than repeatedly pointing out how little plans they have for exclusives.
sony has 0 games that are
1. exclusives
2. games people should give more than half a shit about
3. not AAA cinematic experiences
the fact they had any amount of games to show off baffles me
Nice thread tendies, now back with you defending cardboard.
>the first Sony sticky in forever
>the event was so fucking godawful it lost its sticky during the show
>OP is so desperate for his consolewar thread to be popular he bumped his own thread and deleted it once it didnt work
Yea Forums is retarded not to realize sony is slowing down on ps4 games and finishing out the gen to move onto ps5. The closer to ps5, the closer people will be to the big announcements the crave.
>there are people who are so obsessed with console wars that they'll actually defend the shitshow that was State of Play
>overlayed anime reaction image for no reason
>there are people who are so obsessed with console wars that they'll brought up a event that everyone forgot about already
>The only thing of note was a cool MK11 trailer
what a dumpfire
is this spam?
The reason why Sony's State of Play was so bad was because VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Yeah that's not much better either
Don't let the Valve shills hear you say this. Or the Nintendo Cardboard shills, for that matter.
>dont mention Nintendo at all
You won't be washing away this shame that easily.
Like 3D gaming, VR is a leap forward. PSVR is leading the way while PCVR is holding it back.
Now that Sony is sitting on a pile of money thanks to the PS4 they don't give a shit about that division. Until they're in financial issues again prepare to see the PS fail.
sony has a lot of games actually
it's just that sony doesn't want you to know this, they hide and bury all of their actual games under cinematic experience #492, foobaw, and the same stock of endless rehashes that are on the bone and pc too
why did you take a screenshot of his post?
>Still better than Inside Xbox
Really makes me think
I liked.
>showed only games for VR and PS4
>no cringe people faking shit and talking shit eating time
Simple easy.
>loses the 100m dash in gym class
>"y-yeah well, a-at least i'm n-not the disabled k-kid..."
Bu bu bu but I love Major Nelson being insincere and boring interviews with crap MS developers!
Projecting much?
Geez, if this doesn't define "rent free", then I don't know what does.
I can't believe people are actually saying that a fucking set of ads is something that someone's "knocking off" of another company.
they're literally fucking advertising to you. Who cares who did it first, the more important question is why are you watching literal fucking advertisements.
>t. handicap
I liked it.
Totally epic, go deconstruct and oversimplify people talking about video games on video game boards! WE'RE PICKLE RIIIIIIIIICK, fellow enlightened gentlesir!
You know they're getting desperate when they shift away from Nintendo and start swinging at Xbox instead.
PC is the only decent place for VR and even then Valve is coming way too late to the market with Index. Anyone who's interested in VR already has a Oculus or Vive already.
>Nintendo Cardboard
I don't think I've seen anyone here actually defend any version of Labo, including the VR set. Even the biggest nintendofags on Yea Forums recognize it as basic-ass kiddyshit
Did Sony touched you in a bad place when you were little? I dont think any other reason why would you seethe at them this badly
This explains everything. Back to buying FIFA loot boxes, Euroach.
Xbros, we're gonna beat the crap out of the snoy and win the next gen
>no argument
Why are you seething so much at Sony?
??? Neither Nintendo or Sony are going to this years E3
Sony is not attending, but Nintendo is attending every year?
Or are you the kind of faggot who thinks video presentations don't count?
>Sony is not attending, but Nintendo is attending every year?
>Or are you the kind of faggot who thinks video presentations don't count?
So Sony is attending given they will have some play spots like Nintendo did that one year
>thread about Sony
Also kinda ironic that Sony is boxing out Japan yet Sonyfags lean heavily how on anime reaction pics.
lmao if you're counting video feeds that aren't actually at the expo at all then why do you assume sony wouldn't do one too? These things are planned months in advance Sony definitely has stuff to show but they're done with E3 presentations most likely after last years blunder
Sony will literally not have anything at e3 lmao
Imagine unironically owning a console with zero (0) games and zero games on the horizon
>still no argument
Why are you so upset at Sony?
That state of play event was seriously the most pathetic thing I have ever seen
Made me ashamed to even own a PS4
Because Nintendo will still be on the show floor. Sony is confirmed not to be.
>Imagine unironically owning a console with zero (0) games and zero games on the horizon
Such thing doesnt exist so i dont see the point of this post
Make sure not to buy a ps5, because the ps5 is even going to be worse
Sony is just too big for e3. This and ads on PS4 are more efficient ways to spend money on news about upcoming games and consoles
Name 1 game
Man it's fun seeing you dipshits fight about the most childish shit
Because they're getting incredibly cocky and complacent, boxing out Japan, censoring Japanese made games outside of CERO/ESRB mandates, relying more and more heavily on increasingly formulaic and cinematic game design for exclusives, and are incredibly out of touch in how to advertise to their customers.
Your turn. Why do you defend what Sony is turning into? Are you actually such a numberslut that sales numbers magically make these issues go away?
Jackie Chan
>Why do you defend what Sony is turning into?
I dont, Im just curious what makes people go feral when they see a company they dont like
What about that Sea of Thieves direct MS used to have? What do they show now that it's released?
>incredibly out of touch in how to advertise to their customers.
If they were the games wouldn't sell so well and the PS4 wouldn't dominate this console generation. Not gonna reply to the rest because this is a bait post and the rest is just opinion stuff you'll just deny or use leaps of logic to say you're right
>another open world game
>another Mario 64 wannabe
>this constitutes as a golden age
>still talking about 2017 games in 2019
People are just massively shitposting for the sake of it. 90% of these console war posts are just bait and shitposting, most aren't genuine. Stop replying to them
How can Sony with, according to Yea Forums, zero games dominate this generations this much.
How did Sony fuck Microsoft and Nintendo so hard this gen that Microsoft and Nintendo fans were/are embarassed.
How can they do all this with literally, according to Yea Forums always, zero games?
>B-but fucking europeans with their FIFA faggotry.
PS4 sells well everywhere retard. It is the most global brand out of the three.
>B-but Microsoft and Nintendo fucked up.
So? How is that an excuse? That actually shows that Sony have their shit together if they were the only ones not to fuck up. And at the end of the day you can always get into PC gaming. But somehow PS4 still thrived.
>B-but fucking multiplat garbage.
Plays better on Xbox One X and PC according to retards on Yea Forums. So why do people have to spend three hundred dollars or more to buy a fucking PS4? It doesn't make any sense.
>lower than a licensed skating game and a GTA from last gen
The first one was quite a laugh.
... and a waste of time
Yeah I agree too, tony hawk and gta don't belong on the top
Correction: Sony has one game. Bloodborne.
As for "how can their sales be so good?" look at Europe and South America. The Switch is outselling it in Japan and the US, but the PS4 has the gigantic fifa market in those other places to make up for it.
I'm not joking. Literally Fifa.
Nice post furfag, now back with you defending having a fnaf game on your console.
Neither does those Nintendo games, glad we can agree
Bloodborne is on PC too with psnow
Ps4 has literally zero games
That must be why they're skipping E3 and had an extremely poor reaction to State of Play.
>I'm not reading the rest of your post because I can't easily pretend to be retarded and misconstrue its meaning to prepare an easy snappy response
no u for u
Only outcasts play anything other than Fifa in Europe.
Games are acceptable in the US and Japan, but in Europe it is still a pathetic nerd hobby.
>reddit spacing
fuck off back to retardera
>That must be why they're skipping E3 and had an extremely poor reaction to State of Play.
Not him but how does those two correlate with what he said?
If we go by that logic, no system has games
can be emulated
everything has been ported
>what does this comment on Sony's poor advertising have to do with that guy's comment on the quality of Sony's advertising
What a mystery, Mr. Not-That-Guy-I-Swear.
worst console but best Yea Forums rep whatever thing.
Sony is doing the right thing. At this point everyone in the industry knows that E3 is over. Companies used to waste millions to exhibit at that event, only to have the press be in control of their public image.
This new format goes directly to the consumer with little or no cost. And they can create added interest by releasing demos and videos to go along with their presentations
I don't know, as a Nintendo fan, the idea of playing BotW in VR sounds appealing. Too bad I have the Wii U version of the game and I ain't gonna pay 120 Canadian dollars just to rebuy a game I already own and a cardboard VR set.
Emulation from current gen is shit. I only count games officially released on platforms
You kids waste time on the most useless hobbies these days. Men like me had real hobbies back in the day: Football, beating up spazzes and nerds, going bare-back on cheerleaders, sneaking Playboys everywhere, punching random things in random places. We really knew how to live life. You kids just have no clue these days.
user you think skipping E3 and having a bad conference is going to magically make the PS4 sales skydive?
Also can you prove im not that guy?
Yeah man State of Play is amazing, don't you think so too? So many amazing games. Who needs e3 when you can have state of play, right my fellow sonybros?
You sound like an American who's never traveled and gets his idea of what Europe is like from /pol/ or something
Games are not a "pathetic nerd hobby" here. It's just that the games people play are for the most part nothing but Fifa, GTA and x shooter of the year like Call of Duty or Battlefield. That's pretty much it.
If you can handle streaming, you can handle poor emulation
Dont move the goalpost now that you got told
Stop replying to him he's just baiting. My original reply said how he is just gonna deny things or use leaps of logic to justify how he is right, there is nothing you can say that will shut him up he's just gonna keep going until you stop replying because he's just trying to rile you up and collect (you)s
shut up nigger
t. pathetic nerd
The difference between emulation and streaming, is that most games are unplayable with emulation. Maybe in 10 years I'll consider it, but as of now I keep to the legal ways of playing games
E3 is dead. It has gotten consistently smaller and less relevant with each passing year.
Stay mad.
I wasn't around when it happened, what was so bad about it? I'm not particularly interested in anything that was revealed but that doesn't explain the massive disdain for it online.
>first year he doesn't go
>y-yeah I'm not going it's a dead event haha I mean if I showed up I'd have tons of cool shit to show everyone but eehhh E3 isn't that big anymore I'd rather do these nice State of Play directs, people are gonna love those
yeah man
everyone else who has an E3 except you are mad
Well i dont care about law when it comes to pirating so right now no system has games
And you're just using numbers to justify Sony being jackasses. As if you have personal stake in their sales above anything else.
It worked when Nintendo skipped E3 once
It's just their answer to Layden hating E3 at the end of the day. By copying Nintendo they can basically control what gets revealed without slots being leaked prematurely like all E3 events have devolved into in the last decade.
Yea it's been dead for at leas a decade. It's just a circus show for bloggers.
Floor plan gets smaller each year. Everyone needs to drop out.
Projecting this hard.
The digital direct is the future.
Please list the year that Nintendo didn't go to E3.
Might as well say that every game on the Switch is exclusive because the other platforms don't offer portability
Nintendo has never skipped E3
sonys state of play was so bad
that the nintendo direct tag started trending on twitter
People will be surprised.
Imagine being such a biased fag that you actually believe this. You can hate Sony or Nintendo, but its still blatantly obvious that they both have good exclusive games; if they didn't they would be in the same death boat as Xbox.
PC are portable so no it doesnt
Gonna be one of the best E3s ever
>MS showing all the new stuff from the studios they bought, also next console
>Nintendo with a focus on Pokémon and Animal Crossing, also new stuff of Metroid, SMT V, Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime Collection, Triforce Collection
>Ubisoft who have become better over the years with their usual stuff and meme presentations
>PC gaming show with indies
I worked e3 for almost 20 years. Here’s what I can tell you about it.
E3 is a gigantic money making scam for the ESA and the dummy company they have set up to run the show. The ESA books the LACC for three year blocks. They then sell floor space to exhibitors for many, many times the cost they paid for it.
For example, Nintendo pays roughly 8.5 million for their both, Sony and Microsoft both pay more.
Back when this started in the 90s e3 was vital because it put product buyers in touch with developers. Now in the digital era that can all be done online.
It was also important as a media circus to hype product, but now you can do the same thing with a direct video, and you can do it more than one time a year.
Anyone still defending this obvious dinosaur is a fool.
Is that the year the game came out?
Yeah man I love playing games on my pc while holding it in the air
Are you retarded?
big if true
You were saying?
>not a conference, just a booth
I dont see how this disproves it
Playing on a laptop while holding it in the air. Genius.
Do you know what portable is? Do you not know what a HANDHELD is?
I ask again, are you retarded?
That's my reaction to the news, faggot. You can't post two images at once.
literally nothing, faggots are just salty that vr got a lot of attention
Ah so you're not moving the goalposts since you got exposed as a moron?
Nintendo doesn't do live presentations on stage anymore, they do an E3 direct. They have plenty of showroom floor for their booths though and also stream live gameplay from it via Treehouse for multiple days.
Sony won't be at this year's E3 at all. Not just "no presentation or direct", not at ALL. No booth, absolutely nothing.
Please link a video of a conference at E3, from any company. Mind you, "at E3" means DURING E3 and inside the E3 convention center.
>nintendo skipped e3
>no nintendo didn't
Moving the goalposts eh?
>switch is the only way you can play games with portability
>what about laptops
>b-but can you hold it in the air?
Are you?
>Sony won't be at this year's E3 at all. Not just "no presentation or direct", not at ALL. No booth, absolutely nothing.
And that’s a smart move.
And next year Microsoft and Nintendo won’t be there either.
Five nights at freddy's VR.
>E3 is about conferences
>Sony wont be doing one
>Nintendo skipped one one year
>somehow it counts because they were present
A laptop is not a handheld console. It's not portable.
Please stop posting, you're only making a fool out of yourself
Curious what the floor plan will be without Sony taking up 40% of the space. Wonder if Nintendo will take it over.
>E3 is about conferences
Still haven't linked that video. If E3 is all about conferences it shouldn't be that hard to find one, right?
Will google be there?
You're a retard. If you claim Nintendo skipped it "one" year then you'd also have to claim they've skipped it ever since. They haven't done E3 conferences on stage since their directs.
Fucking clown ass moron. Last time I reply to you retarded ass snoyroach.
This is what moving the goalposts look like
A laptop is a portable computer, which you can play games in, the argument was because the switch it was the only one where you can play games with portability
You were the one who mentioned handhelds
Please stop posting, you're only making a fool out of yourself
Not from what I can see.
If Sony not doing a conference means they are skipping E3 then Nintendo is not on E3 given they no longer do regular press conferences, that's what you said
If you are not at E3 in any way at all, you are skipping it. That's the definition of it.
If you rent floor space and have booths up, you are not skipping it.
>Wonder if Nintendo will take it over.
No, and neither will Microsoft
I'm just gonna leave this here for everyone to see.
Honest question: does anyone give a single fuck about Days Gone? Why does Sony feel Generic Zombie Shooter #5433666 warrant this much pre-launch exposure?
How is a laptop portable when you still have to put it down to play stuff? Why don't you just bring your pc and monitor and call it portable as well? Your arguments are fucking stupid.
If you can't play on it while holding it in your hands, it's not a portable device
Why don't you understand this?
So there will be a giant empty void on the show floor?
You can hold a laptop in your hands and still play though
>Your arguments are fucking stupid.
Im not the one who said
>every game on the Switch is exclusive because the other platforms don't offer portability
Do you not realize that there are tons of companies going for floor space? It's not just the big console makers.
All kinds of small devs and weird companies you never heard of have floor space. Fucking DXRacer and Facebook had their own booths last year.
No, obviously.
They’ll just do what they have been doing for the past decade. They’ll squeeze the remaining exhibitors closer together.
I think you don't really understand what I'm talking about, I mentioned every exclusive on the Switch as an example of just how stupid your emulation statement was. Why can't you understand simple statements?
>You can hold a laptop in your hands and still play though
Lmao good luck playing games while you are holding a laptop at the same time. It's impossible
Yeah, but Sony had a lot of real estate in the prime spot in 2018. Not sure random 3rd party devs/VR studios could afford a spot on that space.
>of just how stupid your emulation statement was.
It wasnt though
>tfw Epic buys the spot and turns it into Fornite World
If no one buys it at Sony price then the price gets lowered until someone buys it. No space goes unused.
Bethesda already said they're not gonna release info on new skyrim and their new future game. Only thing they can really show is up coming games we already know about like new doom and new wolfenstein. Yawn
Bamco can release anything really, who knows
Same with Ubisoft kind of
Activision is just gonna show off the new cod who gives a fuck
Capcom MIGHT announce some new games but who knows, probably the only one i'm gonna be hyped for
Square is snooze, we'll probably get some gameplay of the platinum game + that marvel game
>It wasnt though
Alright I'm done with you. Being stupid by choice is a very bad decision in life. Don't bother replying to me again
Am I blind or did MS not have a booth in 2018?
State of Play is the stupidest fucking name too
State of Play? More like the absolute state of sonyfags
It's funny because you can easily turn it into State of Sony or "Absolute State of Playstation"
Did that really happen?
you mean like labo? which gets AHAHAH OH NO NO NO NO threads every day?
No. That shit didn't get a sticky.
Yes it did.
Do you really think you can make up crap when that was barely a few weeks ago?
It was stickied but Yea Forums collectively agreed to never ever give Sony another sticky after that embarrassment
It did. It also had multiple other threads before it that were active during the stream. Filled with hopes for BB2 lmao. Mods didn't even bother deleting them since the entire event was so short and shitty.
Wait a minute did the first one already happen?
Literally sonys tgs showing was better than anything any company as well as sony shat out at e3. I don't know why those idiots thought of making this state of play shit when it was a given they would have nothing to show, considering they dropped e3 and psx, but I have no doubt in my mind they'll eventually reach nintendo direct status where there will be 1 or 2 good announcements at best and the rest will be horseshit as usual
Snoyfags still talk about Bloodborne all the time, and that game's from 2014