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Cringe thread?

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Where's the joke Fuckley

I liked it.

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>Didn't call it twincest

This has to be a joke

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based and societypilled

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>got bored sucking /pol/'s dick
>starts drawing vidya comics instead
they dont call this fag retardtoss for nothing

Holy fucking based

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Based and jokerpilled

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>Beat game
>Watch credits
>Fred Fuchs

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now I'm gonna be up all night thinking over what someone who made this would look like

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Why is he all wet

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Keep going

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But there are loads of Nigerians in Japan though.

what the fuck is going on in this thread

What's cringe about wanting to be your sister's bf and marry her and make love with her and have children with her!

Now this is extremely based as well as redpilled

Whats not cringe about that?

mainly the part where you actually want to give her retarded babies

why did the Jenny thread have to get deleted instead of this one

Because janitors dont want you to date robots.

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Is the joke here that these people think they are otherwise passable?

Absolutely this

Marriage is for cucks unless you're mormon and have 10 wives who are basically love slaves.

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>grabs her ass
He knows

You need at least 5 generations of continuous inbreeding before you can even start noticing any sign of retardation. So impregnating your sistee is completely fine if youre the first one to do it

>Have these thoughts all the time
I can't stand closer to the tracks anymore when because I think about pushing people in front of the incoming train and others must have these thoughts, too.

Those model sheets were really interesting and informative too, I was in the middle of reading them; FUCK jannies

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I always think of horrible shit and I don't know why because I would never do such things.

Its more obvious when he asks her to go fingering when she was crying

Can I save this gif?

It's normal to have thoughts like that from time to time, especially if you're angry. Obviously it's not normal to act upon them.

People who have thoughts like that and feel they're not in control, or that the thoughts are particularly distressing in nature (e.g. very extreme sexual or violent thoughts, sometimes of things which the person is absolutely repulsed by, e.g. committing violence against someone they love) then that can be a case of OCD. OCD is not just about obsessively washing your hands, it's about any form of obsessional thoughts, e.g. "I can't believe I thought about harming my father/sister/daughter/whatever". If you think such thoughts are really bad and are troubling you a lot then see a doctor and they can help you with that. I have seen people with OCD myself and it can be very bad, but with meds the situation can really be improved.

But anyway, what you describe seems pretty normal to me. We all have violent thoughts from time to time, especially if we're ticked off, late for something, or just generally pissed off. That's fine. Obviously acting on them isn't. Unless you're having a fair fight with someone, which is fine.

>not pomf=3

this is fucking based

Glad in not the only one who was getting trigered by that

More like BASED thread

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Do you dare?


Curiosity. You want to know the consequences. "But what if I DID that, what would happen?"


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Intrusive thoughts are common. L'appel du vide, or Call of the Void, is a common example that many share.

For me it's like a sudden awareness of the harm that I am capable of, to myself or others. Usually I just find it absurd and chuckle a bit to myself.

Wait I never have that but I often feel the urge to kiss guys I'm talking to
What do you call that ? L'appel du gay ?

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You have the big gay.

How can he play with no hands?

Goriland is always a fucking riot.

L'appel du faggo

I mean, it's similar. In the back of your mind you know that that kiss would cause a situation that you know wouldn't turn out well but you still aren't sure what would really happen once it's all over. It would be a threshold you can't uncross.

Wow u homo

No u.

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The closest to faggot in French, in tone, would be "Pédé" or "Tarlouze"

>TTYD font

well that was a waste of time
I'd tell you to work on your delivery if there was a fucking joke there to begin with

I laughed

>You need at least 5 generations of continuous inbreeding before you can even start noticing any sign of retardation
Not true, you came out retarded right away.


Thats a very impresive catch user kun

yeah but he is the 5th generation already

It's always fun to remind friends how quickly you could kill both you when driving on the highway.

when im driving home from work, dead tired, i sometimes think if i would unfasten the seatbelt and just jerk the wheel over it would all be done in seconds and i would never be so fucking tired again

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is this true or nae?

I went to that website to find what happens next but it's full of gay shit.

i didn't care for any of it except the constant mouth noises

>children, your mother (my sister) and I have decided to give you our blessing in copulating. We didn't want to be hypocrites and tell you not to engage in incest.

Of course it's true or people would have died out as retards early on when selection of partners was much more limited.

you mean like this?

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Eh, I'm pretty sure the risk increases doing it with your sister compared to a non-relative. Even non-incestuous couples have retarded kids, it's always a roll of the dice.

>Even non-incestuous couples have retarded kids
They should git gud

I know the risks of incest between first cousins in an otherwise non-incestuous family are so low as to be negligible, but I imagine producing kids with a sibling probably carries a not insignificant risk.

It’s your life

>That time my roomate intentionally drove off a bridge with me in the backseat
>Both survived
>He somehow avoids getting bakeracted
>Dean of the dorm made me keep living with him because "he needs a friend"
>Sleep with a knife under my pillow for the rest of the year just in case
LSU is a wild place let me tell you

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Bro I feel that. I live right off Nicholson

Why are we even talking about this? Incest between siblings should only be limited to the hot as fuck sex. Actually wanting children to come from it is just sick.

Wait they didn't fuck? wtf

>Mastication noises
Good thing you're anonymous else I would have find you and hang you on a BBQ.

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Sensible chuckle

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fucking kek everyone I've met from there has been off in one way or another. I met one guy who blew ~10k of his dad's money on frat parties in one semester then got kicked out of the school, and his punishment was to just go to a CC in another state. the guy acted like he accidentally broke a TV and that it just made for a funny story.

Hi Harold

Why would you ever go to Louisiana?

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they have really good food there, but I'm not going to pretend that it's worth it.

HOLY FUCK! Arnold?

Oh God you're right, what the actual fuck

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nice, bideo is back.

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I lost to this, should I gas myself or jump off a building?

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If you don't fuck your sister you are a failure as a brother. Sisters should cling to their brother's loving dong like a security blanket. A good brother will get his sister pregnant.

Add another reddit nazi frog forced meme to the filter

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what in the fuck is this

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