This is Flandre Scarlet
Say something nice about her !!
This is Flandre Scarlet
Other urls found in this thread:
No :)
*sips* yep
EoSD was a good game
You have an unhealthy obsession with little girls.
Just like I have an unhealthy obsession with teenage girls.
She looks like my sister, I wanna puff her cheeks, in fact, I'll do it
she is cute. also sakuya is cute!
Post results.
Why can't pedophiles just stay on /jp/ where they belong?
She puffed mine in return
She was the worst 2hu but latest characters gave her a run for her money.
Every board belongs to cunnyseurs
>literally exploded in popularity thanks to the McDonald video
her sister is better
I like your Mantis-X videos
Hello and welcome to Yea Forums. All vidya waifus are welco-
This guy should have stuck with Chen videos, his 3D models aren't fit for porn.
At least the latest characters have characterization. She has even less mention than Daiyousei
>he doesn't like glasses
My friend just 1cc'd yo bitch ass. Get fucked Ned Flandres.
terrible taste
never reply to me ever again
Nobody likes glasses. It's a clear sign that your genes are weak.
At least she's better than Koishi but that's about it
That video started the influx of secondaries. You're probably one considering that you mention it in positive light.
Do you have glasses?
Nigga fix your eyes with laser or some shit
I'd rather be blind than wear glasses
Glasses make my dick strong so I don't care
Superior extra boss coming through
stop using that word!
You may not like it, but that video is a protected /jp/ heritage. It's more than a decade old, so I doubt you even know of its impact and significance since you were probably too young to remember it.
I want to ____ Ilya until she ____
Aniki is a /jp/ protected heritage. Flanshit is already ostracized just for not being relevant in touhou primaries.
Funny how you mention /jp/ and "heritage" when I left that shithole in 2013 after most oldfags abandoned it.
>you were probably too young to remember it
That's rich coming from someone praising mcroll.
She got married and then there were none.
I hate fucking Flandre.
>Lower your skirt
>Not, Lift your skirt up.
Who the fuck writes this trash? Dumb pedos have no taste.
This is a Japanese snake.
I love little girls.
>wanting a gay peek instead of removing the skirt altogether
I also love little girls
who did she marry?
Wait this guy is doing porn with these models now?
link? curious...
Where have you people been? Look up his website.
his porn models look all the same and they're all shit, none of them even try to be close to the original character
If you beat Luna Nights without selling any gems, what happens with the last boss?
and that's a good thing!
I don't keep up with the Touhou fanbase shit anymore, only thing I do these days is play the occasional fangame and those eras. Also damn, what a shame.
He just needs to try more, the kanna model was pretty good.
Yeah, I don't understand the appeal either. Also it's weird how he suddenly abandoned cute videos and started making blatant porn.
>copy-paste an animation sequence
>copy-paste huge dicks on top of it
>maybe change up the character's hair and eye color every now and then
>rinse and repeat for 4 years while raking in tons of patreon money
In a perfect world paypigs get the bullet and their money gets thrown in the fucking trash where it's legitimately more useful to the world
Am I a /u/fag if I love all of the pictures of Reimu in gay situations?
Her theme music is the best music in the series
She has some good pics on the booru
No, that's gay.
There's nothing gay about two cute girls kissing and having sex with one another.
That's not Pure Furies
It's gay for girls to kiss.
Holy shit that bossfight took me a lot of time but man it was worth it
Easily the most rewarding boss I've ever played
that's not Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke
Thats not Deaf to all but The Song
Didn't know Harada was into Patchy, good taste
That's not Septette for the Dead Princess.
That's not Kobito of the Shining Needle
Weird way to describe Infinite Nightmare
All of you are wrong.
Those aren't Higan Retour
The Touhou popularity poll rank it 1st, so it must be right, although Septette for the Dead Princess is only less than 200 votes away, before Pure Furies which is at about 2500 votes away from U.N
You must have a weird keyboard for it to auto correct Inanimate Dream like that
You misspelled Magus Night
Truly an underrated track
Higan Retour is god tier, excellent taste
I'm still upset that Fantasy Kaleidoscooe doesn't release the music anymore, because I really want that version of Higan Retour from the end of episode 6
funny way to say The Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner
Blondes just __ __ better.
eat pussy
avoid reality
Kill lunarians
Do it
is the porn with those models?
lickable chest
I miss that guy so much.
Do you think Byakuren lifts or does squats?
Cunny vampire
The great fairy war begins anew
She has cute little butt.
That doesn’t sound like Eternal Shrine Maiden
This thread now belongs to Kanako-sama
Me too, user...
Me too...
For those people not fortunate enough to feel our pain->
God I love cute and funny vampires..
Is the the Nichibros guy?
I know how bad it is yet i still pay.
I did really enjoy the Kanna one.
What is the most underrated theme in the series and why is it Kogasa's?
That's actually Banki's theme
did he died?
imagine if she sat on you
imagine if you were tiny and she sat on you
Me again. Sorry, I meant Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall.
no, he jumped ship to kankole i think. pun not intended
Mystic Square is the most slept on soundtrack in the series. Has quite a few of my favorite tracks, really great range.
This is a Japanese man who did nothing wrong
I hate how biased Reimu and Yukari are.
If it is not a cute little girl then It's okay to kill it.
If he did nothing wrong, why is he dead?
Because Reimu is a bitch.
>y*kai apologists
She befriended every yokai he beated
But how many of them are youkai-turned humans?
she cute
Cute AND funny.
Her sister's better though.
mating press pregnant
>i want to mating illya until she press pregnant
This is a witch
she's cute
I want to commit a crime
This is a 17 years old
My my Mrs Yakumo, what sizable bosoms you have.
why are blonde touhous so sexy
what crime?
I want to steal her heart
I want to commit embezzlement and misappropriation of funds
Steal her spell cards
It's still Miss Yakumo actually, young man
Let's change that, shall we?
That is a OLD hag!
>those tigth stockings
How hard Ran would kill me if I would to go out with Chen?
If you mean human-turned-yokai, at least one because of Alice. Probably more. I’d include all the ghosts.
Why do you think THAT ghost is gone?
You wouldn't survive the date with Chen, much less Ran
today's ran is one of the best people on earth
>no tails
Why would you do that?
She is a parasite in the body of a nekomata
Thanks for the heads-up. Can you give me directions to the Bamboo Forest so I know how to avoid it?
Alright Yea Forums, post your favorite 2hu artists
Her sister is cute and nice
Point is, you can get away with being a human-turned-yokai, even if you’re from the village, so long as you provide lesbian sexual favors to the Yakuza Miko.
would rather post more sanny
Is it time?
There is only one right answer
why didnt we listen
There are too many people here now and people don't lurk before they post like they should
>tfw he's got at least four doujins that no one has ever bothered to scan even though he's one of the most detailed artists around
>unpopular character
>80% of their art is just shipping
>even if you’re from the village
None of the youkai girls were a willing human from the village. Even Kosuzu was an accident and Reimu still could've killed her.
full image?
I love her sexy sister!
red nails are shit but cute and funny can pull it off amazing i have a boner now
Are you a little nigger?
Shit like McRoll and IOSYS are the reason why there is even a western fanbase to begin with, don't kid yourselves
Alice is pretty cute, right?
i wanna FUCK alice
Do we know for sure Alice isn’t? Marisa is pretty damn close to becoming one.
she cant win against the cock. no one can.
No, i heard she wears diapers
you have any pictures to back up that claim?
Alice is from Makai
Generally ZUN's canon says that unless something modern conflicts with it, PC-98 is still canon. Alice's past hasn't ever been touched upon, so it stands to reason she probably still is from Makai as in Mystic Square
stop fetishizing children
Marisa already left the village long ago.
Alice is a westerner so she can't be from the village, and there's possibility that MS really happened.
Alice stop replying to yourself
>t. jealous old hag
I fail to see how it's related to this thread but no.
Can I fetishize you instead?
dumb hagposter
Nah, none of the 2hus would say that
Gensokyo belongs to the youkai
Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?
Not even if you're a botanist?
Why's that?
I wish Alice (male) actually appeared in one of his doujins
Best gi
But I like sunflowers. Surely nothing bad will happen if I go there.
Quick, which pokemon fits Sagume? Mushrama is Doremy, not doubt but I can't think would would be Sagume.
that useless fucking squid from gen 6
Flan is my sister-in-law
Based and krautpilled
Cute but a meme tier character
Now, let me post the objectively best extra stage boss and one of the best 2hus overall
Goddammit, Not that ugly shit. If only absol had "contrary"...
Good taste
I like that even in an official book he couldn't stop himself from making Yoshika into a chibi version of herself
Flandre Scarlet lives in the same house as a fat ugly old NEET with asthma and anaemia.
As a result, Flandre Scarlet looks absolutely gorgeous in comparison!
Then again, anyone would look absolutely gorgeous in comparison the the fat ugly librarian!
Except Kogasa Tatara. Kogasa is the one 2hu who's actually worse than Patchouli.
>Kogasa and Patche
Laugh at this gay nigger
Isn't this guy's Miko a superhero?
I read that in one of his 4komas but it could be someone else.
You probably talk to other anonymous posters about how the two of you are jacking off, but you still think you're straight because you dump images of anime girls while doing so.
So what is her personality?
Just for fun, I started to nickname Pokemons after the 2hu they fit more, so far I have.
>Nazrin = Alola Raichu
>Tenshi = Altaria
>Meiling = the gen 7 dragon/fighting
>Jo'on = Ho-oh
>Shion = Lugia
>Doremy = Murshama
>Reisen = Loppuny
What else can I make?
Yeah she is
His rinnosuke is something similar
This doujin is great too
I forgot
>Kaguya = Ceeleestela
>Doremy not a Drowzee
are you even trying nigger
You okay buddy?
do go on
I've read her interview with Aya where she blew up the meteorite and she sounds like a down to earth girl, maybe a bit childish.
>Shan is still MIA
Drowse is an ugly piece of shit, Murshama even has the pink dream mist Doremy uses to make that pasta and is also a tapir.
She has autism and isn't allowed to leave home because of it.
Nobody cares about Drowse and Hypno is only know for being a rapist.
Depends, do people still have shit taste and unironically support the existence of Patchouli Knowledge?
Then no. She is shit.
Is Shan female?
>Reisen = Loppuny
Aya literally said it was painful trying to communicate with her. You can barely follow what she is trying to say.
>that hitbox
For me it's suika
>Trusting whatever the tengu slut says.
She is cute but is canon that she loves to make up bullshit, Hecatia called her up on that.
She's 100x better than that tripfag from /k/
Kuro and Illya are just begging for a dick to ride
School shooter type autism.
Does he even post there anymore?
I appreciate you saying this without le ebin goblin meme. You are a man of taste and culture.
Easily excited shut in child.
Shes a Yea Forums poster?
The expert said she is not a goblin, he also asked if someone can stop her from stalking him.
But I'm a girl
Claims to be at least, and with how everyone is gay for Miko in Shan's art I'd believe it.
what the fuck gookmoot that isn't what i posted
Flan is the embodiment of cuteness and my waifu, I love her. I have 5 Flan dakimakuras and my Flan folder is almost 20 gigs (not counting doujins)
Oni is closer to ogre anyway.
Goblin meme is always dumb to me.
Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman Jacob
Show me where she hurt you user
Stupid sexy flanders
this post reeks of 2007 and it's great
what a piece of shit
have sex
Such a good doggy.
I've learnt never to lose hope in someome coming back after years of silence
There was a popular combo creator in DMC called Brea who went MIA for 6 years and then suddenly showed up with a DMC5 video out of nowhere, so there's always hope
But seriously who wouldn't be gay for miko
Shut up you smelly NEET
She's not useless. She built a spaceship that allowed Remilia to conquer the moon.
She's a cute romanian now
hell yeah
Why would a walking Agata Christie be a filthy r*manian?
GS in Gensokyo would be fun, even better if he goes around without his helm.
where the fuck are her tails
Kublai Khan loves Touhou.
The Scarlets are even cuter when they're together
Alice is already my waifu go find someone else.
I'll take the green one instead thanks
What if Youmu was a girl?
>Chen goes fishing guy is Mantis-X
You meant Wriggle, right?
This is Shinmyomaru Sukuna an Inchling princess please say something nice about her.
Cute princess but I like the other princess better
She would be exactly the same as she already is.
I held off using her as an onahole because I'm scared she'd tear. Can you give me any tips on how to acoid that?
How about both?
>no one's posted the tired fluff
please dont post space jin kagu
cute little princess!
She is part of Tenshi's harem now, a new pimp in town
how is your folder so big? do you just save everything you come across?
Don't lewd the Inchling, especially if it could lead to injury. I guess she could shrink you down with the mallet and make herself the size of a small child
I'm cheering for her success
I don't
I want to spoil this cute little creature.
Think of a Touhou!
She's now pregnant thanks to a drunken one night stand with faceless fat bastard! How does she cope?
No such thing in Gensokyo
What would happen if you ate a cookie the size of your torso?
God I could never get enough of these sweet lesbian sisters
how is it gay if their both girls? If anything it's twice as straight
I imagine Suika already went through this a couple of times.
You'd be very full
Yuri is the purest form of love! Especially when immortal vampire sisters are concerned.
>to a drunken one night stand with faceless fat bastard
I don't think fat and drunk men would be able to rape someone in the water. Wakasagi is safe and is ONLY for her cute wolf gf
There's a fuckton of good music coming out of ZUN, but what would (You) say is the worst touhou theme?
fuck moonniggers
I remember the time when I thought TD is the sign of Touhou declining because of how unpopular Miko and her friends are. They don't have animated music PVs like many 2hus do.
But now Miko has so many artists dedicated to her and the Taoists. I can think of 6-7 and there are many more on Pixiv.
Thanks ZUN for keeping Miko relevant until she become great, something other devs probably wouldn't do.
un owen was her
something from the fairy CDs, I don't remember their names but I do remember how shit they were
Miko is pretty great
TD and DDC are still ZUN's slump though
I don't know about the worst but un owen is genuinely bad. Might just be because I'm sick of it though.
Cute tiny feet.
I unironically dislike Mokou's theme but some people may point their pitchforks at me.
Let's just say that opinions on Touhou music is very diverse.
ah, a fellow man of culture
I spent a while thinking and the only thing really coming to mind is that I don't care that much for stage 2 of UFO's theme
I never understood why this song achieved meme status in the first place
No don't give me that "It's bad on purpose" shit, it's just terrible. The instrument choices are bad, the song is unpleasant to listen to, and there's not a single redeeming part of this song.
Also Yukari's Necrofantasia is also bad. It's way too loud and high pitched. It's basically like listening to screeches. The actual song writing is good but then just listen to Ran's version instead. Yukari's is just a bootleg version which is significantly more unpleasant.
Funny Ronald McDonald memes where a hit with the Normies
It's a mystery
What about the CoSD version?
I wish I had my own Shimmy for on the go, shame she only has a single use.
Obvious Mokou = Blaziken
>tfw when this video is now older than more than half of this board's userbase
That song sounds a lot better in ZUN style.
terrible, TERRIBLE remix of Nights Falls. It lost all the mysterious aura it had in IamP.
Based depressed russian has this situation covered in an illustration
Speaking about DDC people who says no one cares about DDC never checked pixiv and any boorus.
Grassroots trio also has many dedicated artists especially Kagerou and Shinmyoumaru and Seija got a lot of art. SeiShin is one of the most popular pairings out there.
As for Raiko, well there's one amazing MMDer that think Raiko is a great MMA fighter.
Also, there is a yearly DDC-only convention called Kishinsai since 2015 and is still going.
>Aya literally said it was painful trying to communicate with her. You can barely follow what she is trying to say.
Man that made me sad. I remember her being very enthusiastic in that interview and she said something like "I went kyuun and it went BOOM", but it sounds like nobody can fully understand her and she's destined to be a loner.
hater is a treasure
It's to be expected of a 17 yold to want to live life a little~
literal hag
I got the impression her story theme was supposed to be that style, while evening star was meant to be different since its her fight theme outside of story mode
>Touhou thread
>No best girl Iku
Shit taste all of you
Hey leave the Lunarian alone thanks
Every remix from ULiL and AoCF tries to be different from original, especially since it's made by music circles that has their own style.
I say it's intentional, whether it works or not.
should be in a retirement home with the other hags
I'll have you know I think iku is pretty cool
I didn't know it was possible to have such shit taste, holy fuck
Hey is that Vampy from Rage of Bahamut? I'm a huge fan of hers!
>You can't just keep your hands off me can you user
the things I would do to this clown
I hear she's got good taste in music
Most 2hu hags are MILFS
Mamizou is grandma tier
>Also Yukari's Necrofantasia is also bad
I like Star Sapphire better
Show me a grandma that looks like this
is clownpiece alt-right now?
My mom Yuyuko has quite a bit of weight but she's still great!
Here's a better and older chick
Which one Yea Forums
Please don't bring touhou into politics.
neither, I'm not into toddlers
She changes her political affiliation to offend whoever she's in the company of at any given moment.
Found people with bad taste.
Try and give me one good reason why Night Falls is good. Or one good reason why Necrofantasia is better than Necro-Fantasy. No, saying "It sounds terrible on purpose because Yukari is a mysterious character" doesn't count.
I wanna poke your cheeks
For me, it's the mature Remilia, trying out mature clothes like pantyhose!
dont fucking laugh at me smug cunt
hmnmnn wow she can really open her mouth wide,
>Actually thinking a jumbled mess of accordions and bongos is good music
Are you people actually cave men? Or is this some sort of ironic meme?
>especially since it's made by music circles that has their own style
Exactly the problem I have with these games, too many composers with too many different styles that clash with each other resulting in an OST that's all over the place.
The Soku trilogy has the best music because it was all made by a couple of composers at most (+ ZUN).
Who is the coolest 2hu and why is it Okuu?
Well Hell is a dictatorship with rigorous bureaucracy
*blocks your path*
left is my wife
Don't mind me just posting the objectively best girl and guest protagonist for the next main game.
>Retarded bird
Brainlet secondary detected
stfu Hank’s wife
*blocks both your paths*
She's not even in a band
Our lord, Prince Shotoku herself, is the coolest of cool.
Don't mind me just posting the objectively best girl and guest protagonist for the next game.
I see what you're going for, but have you considered a certain super cool (and cute!) witch?
It definitely sounds a lot better. To be fair the SWR version is by far the worst one. I'm still not a big fan of the IaMP version but it's ok.
and super short
This Marisa said so
This shit right here is probably my biggest reason for muting Soku's music for years.
I love this song.
Necrofantasia is just a remix of Ran's theme and no one argues that
SWR Night Falls is supposed to represent her lighter side, her mischievous and I-can-do-whatever-I-want attitude
And it doesn't sound terrible in the slightest, it's unironically one of the best themes in the game, infinitely better than that hardbass nonsense that was in AoCF which barely fits her character
Man why is Reimu always such a bitch in these.
this is not ok
I think a lot of people would agree SWR has the most hit or miss OST of all 2hu games. You have great stuff like Marisa's theme, and then you get shit like Yukari's theme, Remilia's theme or Reisen's theme.
They're probably confusing the one you posted with the IaMP version, which actually sounds like a song.
ah just like Yea Forums back before the invasion
Because Reimu is a bitch
Paru, stop cosplaying as Marisa.
>Why is the bitch acting like a bitch
Gee user, I don't know
There's nothing wrong with Remi's theme in SWR
I'm personally more of a fan of slamming the head as the crows around them is finishing the happy birthday song. They never see it coming.
It makes it much easier to be her big spoon!
It has no power to it, no tension.
She likes UFO, since it's the best game
It's less about it sucking outright on its own but rather what it's up against when you hear it right after Ghostly Eyes. What an amazingly unspectacular Stage 1 Boss theme after an incredibly strong start with the Stage 1 theme.
Kinda feel the same about Withered Leaf. It sorta works as a 'second verse' and continuation to Fantastic Legend of Tohno, but on its own it's a pretty simple less-than-a-minute-long loop.
Flowering Night is the worst of the themes associated with Sakuya.
SWR (and Soku) has the best OST out of any fighter, faglord
Pants alone make her cool, prove me wrong
Joon a SHIT
I love Sanae's spergout in Byakuren's section.
>SWR Night Falls is supposed to represent her lighter side, her mischievous and I-can-do-whatever-I-want attitude
So basically "It's bad on purpose because Yukari".
I'm not a fan of AoCF's theme, but at least I can understand it might appeal to some people simply through its choice of instrumentation. SWR's sounds like my middle school music classroom. The choice of instruments don't even pair well with each other.
That would be IamP
But i'll agree what SWR gets right is really good
IaMP would like a word with you. It completely shits on both SWR and Soku.
hahah it's missing some letters
I thought Cirno was the coolest.
I will say Okuu and Moku are the hottest 2hus tho
>A curvy laser isn't a laser, damnit! They've gotta go straight.
Marisa knows what's up.
Let's be real here, do you have enough meat to satisfy her?
I cant ever forgive you for this user
No that's what Sakuya is for
I really like SWR's version but I can understand how some people might dislike its repetitiveness.
I love Soku but even I had to mute it. Some of the themes are just bad. Some of them like Alice's are fun to listen to but get old fast. There's only a few really nice themes like the character select or Tenshi's theme.
Also I would just like to say that Soku's character select theme is super underrated. hell just finding a youtube video to easily share was harder than it should be. You might think it's cheating because it's essentially a remix from IaMP, but I think this theme is unique enough to be considered its own thing.
>inb4 UNL
I love hisoutensoku just for having a literal mecha anime opening
she's a psychopath
>80% of IaMP's OST is repetitive gloomy songs with no energy
Name a better boss stage theme than Lunatic Princess
She is literally a basic hellbirb who got the powers of a full blown God and used it too try too help the other people living there. She's a nice person.
Damn right, the chink is Sakuya's rightful property
I have never played a single Touhou game
>used it too try too help the other people living there
And wanted to turn the surface of Gensokyo into a nuclear blasted wasteland
When is Reimu ever not a bitch?
UliL/AoCF are better
Is Kanako the closest Touhou series had to a recurring and threatening villain?
Daddy issues
I think that’d be the Lunarians.
This is a threadly reminder to thank and appreciate the god of pestilence, Kagiyama Hina! If not for her, your life would be even *more* miserable than it already is.
I like this cute spinning autist
Hina is my wife! I love her and her frills!
Which final fight in Soku was the best?
Gensokyo is a gigantic mass of feudalism and slavery anyways so I don't see anything wrong with that.
It doesn't matter, she's cool and underrated
thank you hina
Aren't you busy being fucking dead?
You think she'd do better?
Gave Utsuho deadly powers that threatened Gensokyo for the lulz.
Can anyone explain to me why the nips like Koishi so much?
define "little"
What's not to love about autism?
Not really for the lulz she wanted to turn the hell of blazing fires into a power source which could be a good thing. It's just the fact that she gave the powers to a literal birdbrain that went a wee bit mad with power and wanted to conquer the surface and turn it into a new blazing hell
She's retarded
Nips like retards
Easy to trick into sex.
Retard moe
Autism, dark backstory, in a popular clique
She was merely pretending
they totally bang on saturdays
God bless stack's weird voice
Kanako is only threatening because she is an idiot who doesn't realize that technology will slowly kill Gensokyo
She is not even a villain. Her ultimate goal is to preserve Gensokyo and she showed multiple times that she tends to prefer peaceful methods. Even the spell card rule is a big deal because it decreases unecessary bloodshed while allowing the heroines to whip the other factions back into the line.
I always thought the ZUNart for Okuu made her look fat. Surprising that she isn't really one of the Top Plumphus.
>born to hate each other for eternity
That's a shitty life
>underage looking
She is the ideal Japanese wife.
like niggers
If this thread is still up in an hour I'd be up for some multiplayer.