>tfw getting married soon so no more vidya
Any quick games I can finish before that happens?
Tfw getting married soon so no more vidya
Imagine getting married in 2019.
>getting married
when do you realise you fucked up badly?
If your dumb ass cunt of a wife doesn't let you enjoy your hobbies just drop her. For real. Don't let your life get ruined in one way or the other because some bitch is telling you what to do or not.
First it's vidya, than it's something else, and so on.
Then how am I suppose to feel real companionship
Anime isn't even real
Why would Sekiro remove his prosthetic to wipe his brow, when he could just use his prosthetic normally to wipe it? This image makes no sense. It should've been him wiping his brow with a special built-in handkerchief prosthetic.
fuck off retard
>>tfw getting married soon so no more vidya
this is the ultimate cuckpill
>tfw getting married
And you think a woman will provide you with companionship? I guess we all have to make our own mistakes to learn from them.... Good luck user
see you in 2 years with nothing left to live for
You don't need to get married to love someone. Getting married is just for the state or the church. Do you really want to get the pope and the president in on your relationship?
I know is blantant bait but, do americans really do this?
That depends, do they get to fuck my wife too?
>>tfw getting married soon so no more vidya
Why would getting married mean no more vidya?
...unless of course you married a selfish controlling whore who will probably divorce you anyways
So, what
Do I just pretend to live with my make belief anime wife instead of a real woman until I die alone?
Yeah that sounds awesome dude
That's a good thing OP. Time to let go and become a true family man
It's a metaphorical fuck.
*Tips Girlfriend's Boyfriend's Fedora*
If this relationship is forcing you to drop a hobby because your wife doesn't approve, it is going to crash and burn.
If getting married means no more video games or hobbies that you like for you then you're making a big mistake.
>no more vidya
Imagine being this beta
I got married 6 years ago user, I still play vidya daily.
Also lmaoing at all the zoom-zoom faggots in here that don't know about prenups
Get a fucking hobby that isnt videogames or anime you faggot. Improve yourself spiritually, mentally, or physically. Work towards a goal that isnt a roastie sucking the fun out of your life shit is never worth it in the Year of Our Lord 2019.
Oh, shut up man. The only difference will be less 24hr - 48hr gaming lessions. Hell still be able to bust 8 hour sessions on a regular basis.
Enjoy having that thrown out by a feminist judge roflmao
You can love with a real woman without marrying her and still be in a relationship.
Only marry if you think the church and government should have a say about your life.
>Do I just pretend to live with my make belief anime wife instead of a real woman until I die alone?
are you retarded? just dont marry you idiot, find a women who accepts that. Marriage is useless for men in todays time also
no one here is talking about UwU sakurai chan is the only love heeeewo ;3
Never happened. Stop trying to justify your lonely existence with wild claims.
I’m married as well user, but you are an idiot for thinking prenups do shit. They only protect what you had prior, not after marriage.
congrats OP I wouldn't marry someone that makes you give up your hobbies so hopefully she doesnt
Exactly. I had everything prior to the marriage. I have a lawyer user. I understand how they work. I haven't bought a fucking thing I wouldn't give a shit about losing in the last six years.
Make friends faggot
hey op when is your wife going to get blacked just curious usually it happens at the wedding night have you prepped the bull yet???
>>tfw getting married soon so no more vidya
>op is implying he's marrying someone who's going to make him stop playing vidya
Was the ass worth losing something you enjoy, faggot?
only works with idiot women, if they want your stuff they just get a friend of them and a camera then the friend forces herself on you or kisses you and your wife takes a few photos.
>Marrying someone who doesn't accept your hobbies.
Why are people creating hell for themselves?
Fucking this, a bro who can keep up with you intellectually is worth 10x more than some holes you can fuck.
Why would you marry someone who doesn't respect your hobbies?
>Not being married means your lonely
Biggest cope from married beta bucks
>Needing a woman in 2019
fucking kek.
Getting married is the worst thing a man can do in 2019.
If you need company just go for whores or spend a night in a sex club.
Male friends are for companionship. Women are not.
>being married means you're going to lose EVERYTHING
Don't know why your lonely virgin existence deals only in extremes.
Do you think OP will have a daughter, if you think about it logically?
Don't listen to these retarded faggots, that will off themselves soon anyway. Start a family, raise your kids well and get a prenup
>all the incels in this thread getting mad at him for seeking companionship
no, you daydream about having a loving gf who cuddles you and tells you that despite how much you hate yourself she still loves you until you eventually realize that everyone else has passed you by and you kill yourself so you never have to grow old.
>Never happened.
Except it literally has, many many times. Google is my source.
Even my Uncle had his prenup thrown out
yeah getting married sounds so much better
>g-guys I'm getting married soon, no more video games for me, wouldn't want my wife to slap my fucking shit for even daring to have fun h-haha
fucking spastic
Women are the worst.
Dogs are good friendos
OP here. What I meant was that I'll have a lot of other responsibilities so not enough time for games. She wouldn't tell me to stop playing them
Marriage and the high chance of giving away half your stuff isn't required for companionship.
>they get to fuck my wife too?
>he thinks he'll fuck his wife beyond the honeymoon
you have no idea what you're getting into
Happy for you! Is he cute?
>using the image of the poster child on why not to get married in his completely unironic shitpost
Anons if your other say to fucking stop playing games drop that bitch. But there is a counter point where you play to much and don't give your partner time. But there is a counter counter point that your bitch is just needy as fuck. See marriage is to much, Thank god I'm gay. Getting railed till i die from AIDS, That is fate desu
Then who gives a fuck, just play them when you can and enjoy it.
>I'm not with you out of pity, user
Prenups are thrown out on grounds of unconscionability all the time, user, something which is almost wholly left to the discretion of the judge.
>tfw got married 12 years ago as a fling despite being terminally ill at the time
>made it through without dying
>we're still together
Feels good man. Honestly though, given that most of you are 18-20 and are most likely virgins that consume too much news media, your reactions to marriage are very much expected and quite funny to read.
>I have so many responsibilities I can't find the time to sit on my ass for like two hours and do something relaxing like playing a video game or watching a movie
Not being able to play video games is the last of your worries my dude, at this rate you'll kill yourself pretty quickly
Launder your own money. It's not hard. I had a common-law roastie come after my cash, but had it hidden in literally a sac of cash at my mom's. My finances were also completely separate. She literally lost money after I submitted my finanacials. The look on her face was solid gold because she knew I made a fuckton more money than her.
good for you man, what illness was it?
Stop this. This hurts.
Fuck you to user and hope your marriage is still a happy one. Wishing the best you fucking bitch
Im married and play 6 hours of vidya a day. Just dont have kids you fucknut.
My wife literally withholds sex all the time until I go into a rape chimp-out and fuck her senseless. She's the only woman I never got bored of in bed.
This. If she doesn't fuck you at all and has a low sex drive/not affectionate. You are signing up for hell and have to give it to her bluntly.
Enjoy getting accused of raping your wife.
thanks user.
stage 4 prostate cancer. had roughly 30% chance to live. felt like I was actually going to die though, worst time of my life by far.
thanks fucker
So you have to rape your wife to get sex
It must be nice finding a woman worth marrying. When I go out in public, literally every single woman as far as I can see wears skin tight yoga pants or volley ball shorts so short I can see their vag.
Which is certainly appealing, if you're looking for a prostitute. But I'm hoping to find a mother to my future children, not a prostitute. If I ever go out and see a woman my age in a prairie dress and minimal make up, I fear I may have a heart attack on the spot from pure shock.
That's a sad existence, being afraid to buy anything after marriage out of fear for losing them. What is even the point?
>Literal coin flip chance of getting divorce raped
Lmao the utter state of married cucks.
It's her fetish, user. She's been doing it for years.
Finding a woman worth marrying 12 years ago was extremely easy to do, no offense. Social media ruined young women.
If you last dated when bush jr was president, you literally have no idea how bad modern single young men have it. They are basically in hell 24/7.
I do believe that family courts are fucked up and the government should never, ever have its hand in marriage.
However, I don't understand it when people react to this by avoiding marriage altogether. Because at the end of the day, government interference in marriage doesn't really matter that much. Regardless of the law, if you don't trust somebody enough to NOT divorce you and fuck you over, then you probably shouldn't be together regardless of what the law is.
it's not real
shut up, where's the source
t. married cuck who are jealous of the freedom they can no longer have
The level of virgin bitterness in this thread is OFF the charts, this is a good laugh.
Marriage is so pointless in this current era.
There's no upside for a man to be married anymore. Just downsides and risks.
Not even mentioning the fact that people eventually get tired of each other......
You'll be able to still play shorter games easily so I'd say play a longer game instead
It's a shame you didn't die.
Yes. It's our shared fetish. She wants me to rape her, I want her to withhold sex until I can't resist. 6 years and going strong.
Jesus Christ all these fucking MGTOW incels. Cry more you fucking babies. Maybe if you weren't disgusting, unbathed, self-loathing neckbeards, women would want to be around you. But no, you're perfect. It's all the women in the world who are the problem. Couldn't possibly be that you're just miserable pieces of shit.
To OP's point, if you're getting married and you're suddenly not allowed to do something that you enjoy, then that marriage is probably not going to work out very well.
I don't see how a relationship can work if you two don't like the same stuff
I lived to specifically piss you off.
I dont object to marriage, but I can't find a woman worth marrying. I'm genuinely considering starting a family through surrogacy and hiring a live-in nanny. I've gone on dozens of dates and literally no women under 25 want a family. None of them actually want to love and care for small children. They all just want to party and slut around.
Save a lot of money on taxes. That is one upside.
Is this the personal blog thread in turn?
>Be 22 with no friends or family beyond parents
>Have a dream about girl I used to like a lot in elementary
>Wake up
>For exactly 7 seconds consider the thought of reconnecting with her and other people I used to know back then
>Realize I became a misogynist, homophobic, slightly racist asshole over the years and literally 0 of those people will want to hang out with me because I'm not a fucking liberal faggot
>I'm better off alone
>It turns into another day of depression and shitposting
Fuckin... Whatever.
>worst time of my life by far
yeah no shit, I don't really know that much about cancer but I thought stage 4 meant you were 100% fucked, the more you know
The internet ruined everyone.
Who are you quoting, user?
What kind of companionship restricts you from ever engaging in a perfectly normal hobby that you presumably enjoy? Sure a healthy relationship is built on compromise but don't be a pathetic faggot and swear away from something as benign as vidya, it'll just breed resentment.
Why not play a long game that takes forever to finish and you have something to come back to always? Like a TV show
The less time you have playing the longer that experience becomes and stays with you. There's literally no reason to rush it, there's no deadline, just play it at your own pace.
Im a good man. I want a family. I stayed pure. Show me a woman my age who wants the same, who did the same. None of them do.
You're a dumbass.
>I'm genuinely considering starting a family through surrogacy and hiring a live-in nanny
This is pure stupidity.
Why bother for worthless little shits that will eventually become overweight shit posters or roastie whores?
Holy fucking cope
Yeah, depends on the type of cancer, your general health, age and a few other factors. Some forms of cancer if they reach stage 4, you're looking at a 1-5% chance of living. Some have 0%.
>"Stop living your life and exist solely to bear my children and raise them."
>"W-why don't you wanna be with me?!"
Where do you live? Moving to an area where you think you'll find matching values might be a good idea.
If you're in a hedonistic hellhole like LA or NY then I can imagine it being painful to find a young family-oriented woman.
I'm literally living your dream plus she also has big, soft breasts and has braided hair most of the time
Go to a church you dumb fuck.
>man gets married and cant do fun things any more
Whatever faggot.
>tfw getting married soon
Hey man good for you I hope it works out for you and I wish you the best
>so no more vidya
Its not going to work out, sorry pham
Enjoy having your kids die from cancer :)
Seething cucklords.
Not being married and not being in a relationship are two different things.
You sound like a terrible hateful person. Enjoy your self made circumstances.
so do you want a girlfriend or do you just want a therapy animal that you can occasionally fuck
>tfw my friend married two years ago
>He thought it would be alright
>Divorced, have to give away MORE than half his shit
>She took his cat (hilarious) and PS4
>He is a depressing sack of shit nobody wants to hang with anymore
I wonder if it´s the man or the wife´s fault when shit like this happen so often right now.
Get a son and buy vidya games "for him"
Don't forget to pay that alimony so your wife's son can transition to female!
>First action in the marriage is being forbidden from enjoying a hobby
This is not going to end well...
holy shit digitalfags win again
I love these posts because they assume all posters are incels. I can go all day telling you about my sex life and how it has taught me to avoid women, but you can just say "no lol" so whats the point in posting any of this user? Aside from yous of course.
Neither of us want kids =^)
OP's theme song:
>not getting vidya from your significant other
>Number 1 poor communication
Only a Women problem
Statistics != all women exist to make you miserable. Stay mad stupid bitch.
Why is it looked down upon when someone doesn't want to start a family or have children?
>getting married to someone who wont let you play vidya in your free time
>getting married at all
What the fuck is wrong with you user
Is that Su-Metal? Sauce pls
If I told you that 50% of people who drink water die of drowning, would you never drink water again?
The difference between successful and failed marriages is literally nothing more than the difference between smart and stupid people.
Who told you that? tv? "social" media?
Are you a scriptfag?
nice freedom lol
>You sound like a terrible hateful person
That's because I am.
Literally this whole thread. "I acknowledge that I'm a terrible piece of shit, but can't fathom why nobody wants to be with me."
Women coping with not having power over you like they do over others / whiteknights / niggers baiting for yous
Your fiancee sucks.
I'm getting married next year and me and my fiancee play shit together all the time. But besides that, one of the things she was worried about when we get married was that I'd like to be together all the time. I said "nope, if you want to do your own stuff I'll be here playing vidya". She loved the answer.
She is a ero mangaka and spends a lot of her time drawing.
Im so lonely. I tried going out and talking to people
Of course. It's Yea Forums. They're the female equivalent of the 35yo burnt out roastie that thinks she deserves some Chad.
GREAT life you seem to be having
you don't know how this works nigger, i want what most people consider a normal gf because i have legitimately never had anyone love me in my entire life
i just want cuddles and maybe for her to take me over to her parents place so i can have a normal family dinner for the first time
or say to go on a walk near sunset or to go shopping for food and just enjoy each other's time together
the only thing preventing me from being 100% on board with the idea of something like this as a service that you pay for is the fact that there would always be an element of pity in it if the girl wasn't legitimately into a relationship, just like those cuddling services you hear about
I mean, it's your decision to live a hedonistic and egoistical live, but there's a high chance you'll regret it years down the line.
You can SMELL this thread and the bitter tears being held back.
These virgins are the male counterparts of the angry sjws on tumblr.
Jesus Christ no wonder you're married.
what if that bro has holes you can fuck too? :3c
Well OP sounds like a dumb fuck.
This. The only reason half the crybaby incels on this thread care about stats is they know for a fact they'd fall into the failed marriage category because they're simply fucking horrible to be around. Any person, man or woman, would get tired of them eventually.
You need water to live.
Water is great.
Water won't take 70% of your shit + kids and dog.
And your stats would never be rooted in realism.
Do you think the data on the discs is stored analoguely?
women who don't have hobbies literally never leave you alone and never want you to do anything besides entertain them. They're so fucking annoying. I dumped my last girlfriend because I just wanted to be left alone to play vidya and it was the best decision for me and for her
You guys just need to find the right woman, pic related is my wife and we enjoy being together!
If your wife is going to stop you from doing what you like then you might have made a poor decision in choosing her
dm me so we can play some warhammer 2 mortal empires together or some morrowind multiplayer
atleast if you dont mind playing with someone who is often slightly drunk
woah I can smell the ROASTED beef from here
Is this an example of how the west is dying and how we're going to get fucked because the culture doesn't even seek to reproduce anymore? Meanwhile China:
Way to out yourself for not trusting your wife.
>not marry a girl
>grow apart
>hurr durr pal money
Don't make me cry user
I wish you luck
We're all gonna make it
no surprise a woman is incapable of using logic
Careful not to break the circlejerk user. All women are evil, spiteful beings, who exist solely to ruin the lives of these fucking NEETs who don't have shit to offer to begin with. They don't actually like games, let alone buy them or partake in them with their significant other.
well, I hope you get what you want someday, user. I won't say there aren't any women that would be willing to help you live a normal life but they're in the vast minority.
but I get the sense that if you ever found a girl who feels the same exact way as you do, you'd end up looking over them for someone else
>food analogy
Prenup is toilet paper. At most she just needs to say that she wrote it under stress and it gets thrown out.
>haha lonely virgins XD
>reddit dbz pic
You need to go back
I'm married and play vidya errday unless we're out adventuring. Why would you stop?
Not exactly something to revel in, guy. You can take pride in it now, but humanity is inherently social. You'll come to regret that mindset
Never actually include additional details when starting a thread other than the ones that matter. This ended up like tilefag's thread.
As if life had any greater purpose, so that not having children would equal to being "hedonistic and egoistical".
Sounds like you are just jealous of those who avoided the financial and personal freedom black hole that is marriage and children, and are coping hard. That's why you can't help but leave rude remarks and insist that these people will regret it.
I'm not married though. Hell I'm still a virgin and haven't kissed a girl in 8 years.
I'm just being realistic.
Smart people:
>I'm searching for a woman with good values and a strong family foundation. It might be best to move to an area where the community matches the values I seek, and begin meeting women there. While dating, I will evaluate their virtues and family values and choose whether or not to continue a relationship.
>Wow, we've been married 10 years and have a beautiful son! Her parents are great and help with raising the kids, and the community we're in is very supportive! I couldn't be happier!
Stupid people:
The smartest people never get married in the first place.
we are just talking about no marriage, cant you have kids without beeing married? why is it so important in todays age?
Imagine willingly ruining your life lmao
Cope more married cucks(future beta bucks).
Just imagine if your ex-GF could just take half your shit and money instead of just kicking her out of your house.
My first girlfriend was kinda similar. She'd leave me alone if I wanted but the fact that she had no real hobbies correlated with the fact that she had almost no interest on anything that wasn't human interactions. So when we'd, for example, watch a movie she would fucking sleep. I absolutely loathed that.
Meanwhile when my fiancee watched me play Sekiro she was commenting on the AI patterns of the bosses and engaging with me even though she can't personally handle a game like that. Such a huge fucking difference.
>getting married
Name ONE benefit that outweighs the benefits of not being married.
I have a gf and we've been together for years but I'm not going to marry anyone because I'm not fucking retarded.
getting married should not affect your lifestyle in any way and if it does then you're doing it wrong, prematurely, and with the wrong person.
there will come a point when you get fed up with your commitment and that's how you become another divorce statistic.
>I'm still a virgin and haven't kissed a girl in 8 years
Then what makes you qualified to give advice on marriage?
Because society said you should? Your parents? Your friends?
>It might be best to move to an area where the community matches the values I seek
Ahhh yes. Moving out into the magical traditional fairyland where marriage court has no power over you meme.
I play more games now that I’m married cause my wife won’t let me go out cause I used to cheat on her whenever I went out and she won’t accept it now that we’re married lol
The majority of the world is "stupid people" including you and smart people aren't perfect when it comes to relationships.
Taking the risk in the first place doesn't seem very smart........
>tfw married and we still play vidya together
The fuck are you doing, user?
Because I'm capable of observing how people behave on a fairly objective level, I spend time with people who have happy relationships, and don't cloud my judgements with my own personal experiences?
Good. Fuck your future generations. My bloodline ends here.
All these fuckin NEETs in here, lmao.
user, unless you’re also a lying NEET, don’t listen to em. I was with my wife for 7 years all through college before we got married. She’s my best friend and she loves watching me play vidya. She herself played when she was younger, and in our years she’s slowly gotten more into it. Got her playing Pokémon and Switch games, and she even played Persona 5 (dropped after like 50 hours tho)
I hope you're messing with us, holy fuck that's gay
>wanting to raise his wife's son
>All these bitter incels telling op he fucked up for being a successful man
>but what about muh companionship????
You know you can live with someone without forcing yourself to marry them, right?
Yup. I was able to find my partner because of the community I joined and she was even a virgin before I took it. People live in trash suburban America and then complain they can't find good women.
No fucking shit.
>Because society said you should? Your parents? Your friends?
so its just an archaic social expectation that has no place in todays age due women beeing equal to men?!
Look at this spook
I mean, they are not wrong and there is nothing inherently successful about marriage. Only time will tell that.
And that's a good thing. The less /pol/ trannies the better.
>when the 27 year old male doesn't follow the script
Yes, there are communities full of people who have strong family values.
Just because you live in some hedonistic corner of Los Angeles doesn't mean the entire world is like this.
Describing something as "utopic" like that is the easiest way to discard an idea without applying any critical thought.
It's literally not a risk if you're even slightly decent at judging people and their values.
why are you like that?
>t. person like that
>have gf of 3 years
>wanted to marry her
>behavior is suddenly odd, won't let me use her phone when mine is out of reach even though she always let me for years
>has been having anxiety EVERY day, think she might feel guilty about something
>2 months ago she had a bunch of overtime days in a row at work
Yeah, pretty sure she fucked someone. I'm just waiting out the lease for another month, and then dipping so I don't have to pay for this place by myself.
Yeah, man. Decent chicks are just lining up to be with a guy who will never marry her. Don’t pretend like you perma-virgins know fuck all about women.
Because it's just a redraw of the Vergil one with Nero's arm.
But your idea is fucking great, too bad I can't draw for shit
>Because I'm capable of observing how people behave on a fairly objective level
And yet you're a kissless virgin. You certainly haven't learned how to apply any of these supposed observations, so how is your advice going to help anybody?
>cloud my judgements with my own personal experiences
Now see that's where you're a dumbass. Science and "objectivity" is all about personal experiences. Why do you think they make you do experiments YOURSELF when they talk about physics and chemistry? If you can't do these things yourself, then what good are you?
This is why I'm alone at 26
>Now see that's where you're a dumbass. Science and "objectivity" is all about personal experiences. Why do you think they make you do experiments YOURSELF when they talk about physics and chemistry? If you can't do these things yourself, then what good are you?
What, what do your words even mean retard.
Ahhh yes. These magical, nondescript, vague communities that are pure and traditional. Ahh yes. They totally exist. Somewhere out there. On this planet.
>Just because you live in some hedonistic corner of Los Angeles
I live in a rural shithole surrounded by white trash who're only larping as Christians. You don't know what you're talking about.
dont forget to give her the good´ol silence treatment and just leave
nothing makes a women angrier then ignoring her
Because I'm in a shitty part of my life and I'm more interested in improving myself over finding a partner, because most of the women willing to date me are low-quality women.
So instead of sitting around like an Intel and bitching about women, I'm abstaining from the dating scene to become a more worthwhile partner and find better women. Hypergamy and all that stuff.
Mostly betrayal by loved ones, but SJWs ruining my games is also a big part of it.
Yes. They do. It's not hard to find.
You live in a rural shithole and you're projecting your experiences onto the entire planet earth.
Move somewhere else, dude.
What is it about women that causes Yea Forums to go into pure cope-mode? I don't get it.
If you don't like women, do what makes you happy.
How the fuck does somebodies judgement get clouded by personal experiences you fucking troglodyte?
In that case any bitter loser who stays cooped up in their basement would have the best judgement ever.
Christ you are a moron. I see you didn't mention anything about how the advice of somebody who knows nothing is supposed to help anybody. Learn to walk before you fucking give advice to people about running you stupid fuck.
You can't play video games anymore just because you're getting married? What's next? You'll have to go vegan just because she said so? You'll only be allowed to watch lifetime documentaries?
Just quit lmao you're neither edgy or funny
Getting married in October. I've been living with my fiance for over 5 months. We do our own things: she likes playing on the Switch where I just mess around with games on the PC. We occasionally watch some anime together or order takeout. Work has us super busy and drained to do anything sexually. I don't ever think she will cheat on me or anything because we work at the same location.
And so? What's wrong with that
Video games are a waste of time, going vegan is healthy, and lifelong documentaries are educational. She just wants you to be happy, fuckhead
Well you aren't doing that by giving people shitty advice here. Keep at it though user. It's a crappy reason to improve yourself though, women.
Fuck. You're right. Three posts in a row with no actual arguments or locations/examples. But don't worry buddy. I got the message. Let me just get into that Delorean over there and fly my ass into this fantasy land you're describing.
Why is describing my observations of women offend you so much?
Why is everyone who doesn't agree with you and doesn't always praise women an incel?
nice bait
Im gonna be honest bros
love is a real bitch
I cant play my vidya properly
ill let you guys decide
tell me and ill drop this girl as a whole
I don't understand why getting married means you can't play anymore video games. If this is true, you're headed for cuck territory fast. Soon you'll have to only wearing matching outfits, only eat vegan meals, and watch approved lifetime documentaries.
For her sake, still be your own man OP. It's good to have hobbies that aren't just video games though.
>because we work at the same location.
Makes it only hotter for her
Good luck
not fucking your wife and hoping she doesn't fuck someone other for a longer period of time seems like a smart move
>How the fuck does somebodies judgement get clouded by personal experiences you fucking troglodyte?
Really? Have you ever spoken to an Incel before?
"I can't get laid so therefore all women are trash and marriage is suicide" is the prime example of letting personal experience cloud judgement.
Do you not grasp this basic concept?
>Work has us super busy and drained to do anything sexually.
Let me guess she's not a sexual person lmao
I'm not offended. I'm making an observation about the state of Yea Forums.
Also, I don't recall saying you need to worship women, I said do what makes you happy. If women make you unhappy or put you into COPE status, ignore them. Single men do everything of value, do that thing.
Alimony 2K19
Is sex good? Is she loyal?
If yes, keep her
If not, play nier
Yeah you're right. The whole world sucks and nobody is worth anything. There is no place on the literal entire planet earth better than your rural shithole, might as well squat there forever and complain that there's no good women in existence.
What experience does an incel have besides being a loser user?
>>man gets married and cant do fun things any more
how can one person be so retarded
>tell me and ill drop this girl as a whole
Do it, 3DPD is unironically not worth it. Play your vidya and find a good 2D waifu that will make you smile all the time.
She is. I'm not the sexual one. I just look at porn and call it a night.
Videogames aren't going anywhere.
I moved to Japan and have found plenty of women in their mid twenties who were virgins. It's especially true outside of Tokyo.
It's literally what OP is saying. So tell us user, how can one person be so retarded?
>getting married
Unless your wife makes more than you, there is no reason why should sign a contract that where in the case that something goes wrong, you lose everything you own.
>but LOVE
You can love people and still not get married.
yikes, this is like one of those blacked scenarios
The problem is shit teeth/bodies and insect girls are very dull and lack personality.
Yo dude guess what
Times are changing
You won’t find what your grandparents found because people are fundamentally different now then we were then.
It’s only going to change more. It isn’t going to revert back to whatever the hell you think it used to be like
why are incels so easy to bait
How is "I love you, but you can't take part in your hobbies once we're bound by an expensive legal ceremony" NOT an instant "no deal"?
>I moved to Japan and have found plenty of women in their mid twenties who were virgins
If you have to give up doing what you love to be in a relationship then there is a problem.
Leave him be
Cuck in progress
100% sure
And being a loser influences his judgement of the world and people around him.
I'm a loser too but I know better than to do that.
This is not a hard argument to grasp.
Salty incel detected.
Self improvement is great but isn’t a replacement for genuine human closeness and honesty.
Don’t fall for the lie. Fuck bukowski, heaven help us, issac Brock was right
Guess how I can tell you're 16
Maybe once you grow up you understand how marriage actually works and how people make prenuptial agreements all the time
>why are incels so easy to bait
cause they dont do anything besides shitpost and gain weight everyday idk why incels choose this lifestyle when its not hard to go on a diet lose weight and change themselves
they literally sit in their own filth and think its okay its so odd
They're inexperienced. You can say damn near anything about relationships to them and they won't be able to decipher fact from fiction.
>things that never happened
you can play video games your whole life dont listen to the retards on this thread if gaming is really important to you just tell your wife you want to game and do what you want
>until I die alone?
Everyone ultimately dies alone, dumbass. Doesn't matter whether someone's there holding your hand while you struggle to take that last breath or not.
Incels, much like other ideologues, will blindly believe anything that even remotely confirms their bias.
All fringe people are easy to trigger. It's the same as calling black people niggers, not using a tranny's pronouns, calling roasties used-goods whores, etc, all you say "have sex" and people are foaming at the mouth to kill you.
Fucking this. Self improvement is only the first step in living a healthy and happy life, the next is up to personal preference, whether it be a job or lifelong companionship.
goddamnit incels are so frustrating and funny at the same time
During my first dates I met women like that, but it's definitely not all of them. I see a lot more of, for example, female engineers here than I ever saw on the west simply because they have more genuine interest in things rather than only people.
Go look up Japanese statistics if you think an anonymous post is hard to believe. There are a bunch of good single women here simply because the majority of men are spineless.
>people make prenuptial agreements all the time
>Literally no one does prenups
Alright buddy
>women signing a prenup
Guess how I can tell you're 16.
Women are scum
>Lol I'm cool for calling people incels
How sad is your life?
Why is everyone this boogieman so you can ignore their arguments
Oh wait you're an American. Never mind. You people aren't even human
do u talk to your mother that way
Why do you keep using this word when you dont know what it means?
>Our relationship is so fragile that it depends on a meaningless ceremony that absolutely does not guarantee that you'll be together "until death do you part"
have sex
I have friends who are incels, and I genuinely feel bad for them. I try to help them, but nothing seems to work for them, and have seen them put in effort.
I'm not putting down incels, I ansewered that user's question. Stay salty.
incel incel incel xDDD
EVERYTHING influences somebodies judgement of the world and people around them. Especially experience, because that will allow somebody to find what worked and what didn't, provided they don't have a double digit IQ of course.
What you're talking about is inexperience. A loser has no experience with anything, that's why they're a loser (of course, again, provided they aren't a complete dumb fuck). They don't know how to succeed at anything because they haven't tried anything.
An incel would get rejected once and be devastated, whereas even a good pickup artist gets rejected at least once DAILY, but he shrugs it off because he has that experience in his pocket.
seeking companionship doesn't mean you have to become your wife's bitch and drop all your hobbies while forcing yourself to enjoy her hobbies. That will only lead to a cucked relationship.
You're either the man of the house, or the betabux.
>reply to someone saying they shouldnt marry because of almony
>palmony exists
youre fucked either way. Fuck women and FUCK MARRIAGE
It's a lot of them. I live in a canadian university town with a gorillian nips, chinks, and Koreans and my music program is packed with them. I dated a handful of them, and almost all of them had zero personality and a few were capable of occasionally cracking a joke. Im sure its fine for a submissive fuck doll but they're the most basic an uninteresting women.
How can you look at this thread and avoid using that term?
Sometimes my wife will let me play a video game if I'm on good behavior, but that's only if her son doesn't want to play.
Its not so bad. Having a wife is like having a girlfriend but you fight more and spend less time with each other.
You'll have plenty of time for games.
Have sex
>Ask question
>Lol triggered XD
Unmmmm ok?
Again no one genuinely gets upset over your new buzzword
dont feel bad for incels. the way i see it incel is a mindset. feel bad for people who are lonely virgins who at least try, but incels blame everybody but themselves like those feminists making articles about how men are childish
What arguments? That women are the boogie man?