GOTY Creator of Celeste Fixes Sekiro

>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode

Come on. How hard (heh) would it be?

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for based Captain.

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>muh indie overrated 2D pixelshit creator says X

Unironically who gives a flying fuck?

its weird how people get in a mindset that a game should cater to everyone

>Don't buy this month's HRT pills
>Buy rope instead
>Hang yourself
>Be girl forever

Based mods. Bet the faggot is seething.

Not the Japs and certainly not From, that's for sure

But at the same time
>"don't like it, don't buy it!"

Don't these journos always spew shit about the game dev has the final say and we can't whine about them? Usually in regards to LGBTQFS+ Rep in games? Why is it suddenly a bad thing in this case? The game dev has the final say in no easy mode.

Literally no one would give a shit about souls if it wasn’t hard

>listening to tr*nnies


The design philosophy behind Sekiro, Bloodborne, and the Souls games is an old one that relies on players learning from their mistakes so they are better prepared to handle new mechanics and tougher challenges later on. Adding easy modes would not only break these games and deprive less-skilled players the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge, but also damage the industry as a whole.

Imagine if every developer was required to spend time, money, and manpower destroying their initial visions by making sure their latest releases were so easy that even a toddler could play them. Casuals would be so spoiled from "beating" these games that they'll expect the next one to be even easier and, if it's not, complain endlessly unless the developers pacify them with a patch. It wouldn't be long before homogenization caused even remotely challenging games to go extinct.

Video games are just as accessible as any other form of media. The only things keeping casuals from playing are their defeatist attitudes, self-imposed inexperience, and lame excuses. Harder games having a "barrier of entry" is a myth perpetuated by those that have no faith in themselves and people who insist "gatekeeping" is a major problem fail to understand that others telling them to "git gud" aren't necessarily doing it out of spite.

If there's one thing predictable reactions to games like this prove, it's that there are genuinely entitled "gamers" out there who simply can't stand being left out. Everything can't appeal to everyone. The hours these people have spent begging for easy modes online could've been used to practice whichever part of the game was giving them so much trouble OR look for a new game to play instead. With the sheer number of shallow narrative-centric slogs to choose from these days, casuals have more options than ever before.

No one should seriously expect to beat every game they buy simply because they picked up the controller. If you aren't dying, the devs ain't trying.

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Very fuckin true

Because the game dev is Japanese and not a white liberal


You mean like how Tomb Raider added a skip puzzle mode and how people use that and still claim they're good at puzzles.

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No one cares if you think everything needs to accommodate you. You aren't special. If you don't enjoy Ekiro the wys that it is, that is totally fine, there are millions of other choices. Not everything is for you and that's OK. I don't ask movies or music genres I like to change, I just invest my time into something else. Same with games I don't like. Why is that so hard for you, honnie?

of course they wouldn't when the whole design is based on overcoming that challenge.

>Using disabled people as a shield.

There is literally an entire playthrough of a disabled person beating the game on a custom controller to show that it doesn't need an easy mode.

Yeah I don't care about game "journalists" and their shitty opinions

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That just makes their argument even weaker. One journo even said
>Yeah but some people are MORE disabled in different ways
When shown that video.

One thing I will say is that lots of deaths ruin the pacing of a story-driven cutscene game. From games are not that kind of game. They're designed as a challenge, and most games with alterable difficulty only change enemy health and damage, which can be annoying and a waste of time. From games tell their story differently and you learn the story on your own time. That's why difficulty works in From games but doesn't in story-driven cutscene ones.

I want From to release an easy mode that has the game either playing itself or opening a YouTube window with a playthrough uploaded by From

>Listening to a scriptfag that's going to 40% itself in a few years

>Starring a woman
>About depression and gay shit
>Giving anyone advice on game design

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reminds me of the early nes games. how would people today handle those games or just not having help in general?

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I played all the way up until you get your arm gadget and meet the guy that you can train with. Are the people saying it's too hard talking about anything up until that point? I thought it was all quite easy until then. DS3 has a harder beginning.

I remember when "easy mode" was just using built-in cheats to activate godmode

Man I miss cheats and passcodes

Or they release an easy mode. That makes it easier for the bosses to kill you.

>don't like driving games
>don't go around saying to change every driving game
that was hard

You've literally just completed the basic controls section. Wait until you get to and complete Hirata.

>easy mode, it unlocks 1 month after the game release
>opens youtube with a full playthrough
i like your idea

Goalpost moving and double standards are the only standards these people have. It's like how when some person years ago was complaining how there were not many female protagonists in gaming.
Only for someone to easy list a bunch of them. So they just made increasingly specific criteria like "strong and pro-active", or "dresses in a non-sexual manner", etc, before just going with "but there are more male protagonists in general".

You literally can't argue with these people, they have a foregone conclusion, or all they're just disingenuous liars who only care about winning the argument.

congratulations you beat the tutorial, that's more than the journos can say.


Played celeste, it's story/dialog is an absolute travesty and belongs in a trash can. The game play however is legitimately enjoyable, so while the creator should never say shit about anything involving dialogue or text, it's not terribly bad at game play design.


Based as fuck.

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Man they can be shown someone beating it one handed and I bet they'll still say
>Someone MORE disabled may want to play

>adds Nightmare mode
>renames hard mode to easy

So has Yea Forums proven the Celeste guy wrong or are you guys just crying like usual?

I think I'll listen to him more than randos on Yea Forums

>imagine this "culture" of gaming in the late 80s/early 90s
I am 34, I unironically can not even fathom this. I used to rent Ninja Gaiden from video rental places and just beat the first level over and over because I couldnt get further and still had fun. These people crying wouldnt get past level one as an adult and would absolutely bitch until the game is "fixed" to cater to them


when you have an ideology to virtue signal you build the foundation last, also some part of it is making controversy for clicks.

I'm aware it gets harder now that the proper game starts. But my question is whether the popular outcry is including the tutorial or not in its complaining.

Can videogames go back to being fun
Im tired of the sjws taking it over
You people dont even play videogames
The 3rd highest ps4 game is a fucking tech demo

I swear, every game is a GOTY nowadays

Please never post again. You've played fucking 4 minutes of the game.

you want a reason? here you go; I don't want lazy/unskilled people to be able to enjoy video games. I think every single game, no matter how casual, should be locked to hard mode only and filter out 99% of the playerbase.

I personally have no issue with the option being there. I'd probably never touch it because I feel i defeats the point of the game, but I can understand how it can be massively frustrating for some people to play it.

Alternatively easy mode would lower enemy health and damage by 1%.

It's because they hate being shown how useless at their job they are. Fucking youtubers have been doing their job better than them for almost an entire decade. The Emperor has no clothing, so now they demand everyone be blinded.

Thing is,the dev is only good at gameplay, as soon as anything even remotely involving text of any kind or dialogue, shit goes too hell.

I wonder if any modern game journalists have even played and beat any 8-bit or 16-bit era games without using cheats, using a walkthrough, or using savestates in an emulator. Imagine one of these guys trying to beat Ghosts n Goblins or the original Contra

Bless Sekiro for exposing all of the shitters. Git gud

but i do, actually i like driving in real life and i don't like automatic or electric blake hand
but driving over people isn't as fun as on carmageddon

I just want the clickbait ad industry to collapse. Hopefully companies will realize that people who rageclick don't actually buy advertised products.

Exactly. These hipsters are ruining gaming, and these people have JOBS in gaming. Fuck me.

I really enjoy Souls games, I love samurai stories, and the game itself is great. However, I also have enough patience (not time, sadly) to push through several days of fighting one boss without going insane. Other people might like all those things too and not have enough patience and or time. Its not a matter of catering to everyone, its a matter of being accessible to whomever choses to play it and might not be able to deal with its brutal difficulty.

Most people probably got to hirata estate boss or (((ogre))) which has some only actual bs grabs of the game. the game is not harder than previous souls games, it's just different and journos need controversy to float their boat.

Hey maybe if you guys achieved more in real life it wouldn't be as important to you to "achieve" fucking beating a video game lmao

Based. This is such a nice mentality. It's too bad this site is full of autistic incel manchildren who can't follow it.

It's always
>waaah women
>waaah minorities
>waaah censorship
>waaah SJW devs
>waaah DRM
>waaah DLCs
>waaah microtransactions
>waaah always online single player
etc etc.

But guess what. If you don't like it, stop complaining about it and just play something else, you fucking retarded animals.

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Which doesn't invalidate my question about whether they're including the tutorial or not in their complaint.

>include assist mode
>people still fail at it and complain harder

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They should add a bell that turn off all loot/sen from enemies but makes it easier. This way you get to play the game but not enjoy fully.


If you add an easy mode then even more normies will play the game. The more normies play it, the more they buy it. The more normies buy a game, the more devs cater to normies because they want their money. The more they cater to normies the worst the game becomes.

It is as simple as that. I think people who actually have been playing vidya for most of their lives and who have an IQ above room temperature deserve to have a few video games that aren't dumbed down to obscene levels.

>known leftist mouthpiece denies personal responsibility and demands a developer cater to their inability to learn and adapt to simple telegraphed moves on a screen

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>Fucking youtubers have been doing their job better than them for almost an entire decade
DESU I know Yea Forums hates on youtubers but I have found more useful information from certain YT'ers videos with regards to games than game journalists and websites

this sounds like the words of a NON-GAMER



Reminder that THIS is what games """journalists""" want. They literally want to cheat at games so they can beat them quicker without learning how to play.

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>muh secret club
If you think like this retard, you are a retard too

Reminder to journalists:

Now imagine not even being able to beat something as trivial as a video game LMAO

Serious question:
Wouldn't easy mode just be giving player save states like in bethesda games? Save wherever you want, reload when you want. No more losing 30min progress because boss is hard. Now you just start from the save you saved before boss. Would that hurt the main playerbase?

Give me an easy mode to your question.

>buy on PC
>use cheat engine
>infinite health for easy mode
There, now even the braindead among us can finish the game

>muh secret club

Why doesn't Sekiro have multiplayer anyway?

Anyway, it's like these people don't understand that Souls games are trying to be retro, including difficulty-wise.


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>same people who support censorship also want easy mode
You guys were right. Liberals really do seem to hate video games.

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Imagine feeling obliged to prove yourself in a video game. Imagine spending 2-3 hours of your life on a single video game boss. What is productivity?

I think youtubers are cancer and have made gaming worse overall, but I still think they're nowhere near as bad as journalists.

>Yea Forums still hasn't proven the Celeste guy wrong

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His game doesn't have colorblind mode, his game had sequences that caused epileptic seizures in some cases, his game doesn't support unconventional input methods, his game doesn't have voice assist for blind players ans doesn't even have distinguishable by sound environment so blind people can't even play the way that blind esports sfv guy plays, but that fucker claims to be pillar of the accesibility in vidya just because he added easy mode for braindead journos. No one should listen of a single thing that fag says.

>Would that hurt the main playerbase?

The answer is that no inclusion of an easier OPTION would ever "hurt" the playerbase in any way, except for maybe their feelings. Insekiros.

Based and Redpilled, man of culture and learning.

>didn't fall for the Celeste meme
It does kinda look like a cute fun game but fuck giving trannies money tee bee cue aitch.

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see: Christians: Several Billion
Atheists: 0

>more 'have sex' posting
Bruh I have a gf and a kid, a career, and house, and play vidya about 40 hours a week. I have achieved more than what half in this very thread will ever achieve and I unironically enjoy vidya as a hobby and play "hard" games. Its not mutally exclusive, but the irony of your post is hilariously lost on you

The fact that you call Souls games "retro" is proof enough of how fucking retarded modern games are.

If I have to look back a decade ago to find games whose selling point is reaction times, execution and understanding of the gameplay I only have to drop the mic and walk away.

Imagine not being able to complete a videogame made for kids

>number of fucks given by From

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>What is productivity?
something you do while working and not on entertainement like beach / movies/ games / / camping / partying / shit for fun

God speed, you brave soul.

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based From Software
Are they the best developer in *current year*?

>I have found more useful information from certain YT'ers videos with regards to games than game journalists
Well I could ask any random passerby about a video game and get more useful information than a game journalist could say...


>I don't have enough time to get good therefore the game should have an easy mode
just sounds like an excuse and lack of time management.
don't forget this hobby isn't kids only. many people here have full time jobs and will always find the time to play.

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But but user! Some people mentally disabled want to play too!

>Tranny game good
>Retarded baby mode good

It will fundamentally affect the game's design, the only ones not able to respond are you faggots.

I just did retard learn to read there is nothing that proves the Celeste dev's suggestions are "enough", until you include a walking sim mode.

No, no one’s complaining about the difficulty of the tutorial retard

>games and hobbies should be productive
Have sex.

Espn did a story about a football coach with no arms and no legs that learned football by playing madden games.

>tfw you realize that your first playthrough was the easy mode all along

This game gets soooooo easy after you master its mechanics.


Game Journo's just want an easy mode so they can rush through the game and slap out their shitty dime a dozen reviews and go back to playing gatcha and pokemon.

>game journalists
Can't we have a proper distinction between journalists and critics, where the journalists can stay as they currently are, and anyone wishing to become a critic has to undergo a transparent and rigorous demonstration of knowledge and skill?

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>I don't have enough time
I also don't have enough free time to exercise so I can casually play basketball with others but I ain't no bitch to write essays about it.

>parroting the sayings of an insecure twitter numale
lmao @ your life, cum gargling cuckold

>shackling yourself to other humans and debt is "achieving"
I get what you're going for but doing the whole "settling down" thing isn't a badge of honor to be lorded over anyone else. It's just what you chose to do with your life.

Red dead 2 is legit good and was voted down by seething pcfags

Anybody got more screenshots of journalist bitching about Sekiro?

There's nothing secret about it. The game is available to all, the only factor limiting their enjoyment is their own inability to learn.

They're failed journalists that couldn't get a job reporting real news, they're mad that they are forced to play hard games when they never really liked games.
Keep reminding them of this fact and it makes them squirm with fury.

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>LOL be productive
If you are playing games, its probably because you are trying to have fun and not necessarily trying to be productive. Does every minute of every day have to be devoted to being a wagecuck? Some people watch netflix every night, some play games, specifically "difficult" games, they are made to feel that satisfaction

>Buy a game marketed around its difficulty
>Complain about game's difficulty


>The fact that you call Souls games "retro" is proof enough of how fucking retarded modern games are.
>If I have to look back a decade ago to find games whose selling point is reaction times, execution and understanding of the gameplay I only have to drop the mic and walk away.
I didn't mean only in difficulty, I meant also design and general aesthetics. Anyway, there are many other modern games in the same difficulty spirit, just not not explicitly retro ones. Especially when you take into account games with hardcore difficulty modes.

>playing gatcha and pokemon.
More lije cybersexing in furry discord

>Yea Forums still hasn't proven the Celeste guy wrong

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I didn't care if it had an easy mode or not at first, but now after all of the articles whining about it, fuck anyone that wants one.

So, these are the ideas that Celeste guy has.

"If Sekiro had a Celeste-style Assist mode:
-Combat Speed (50-100%, sets game speed while enemies are aggro'd)
-Resurrections (+1, or infinite)
-Invisible While Sneaking
-Infinite Posture
-Invincible (while drinking gourd, or always)"

What the fuck. Is this the future of videogames?

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>2d platformer indie dev giving advice to 3d action game devs

You're the person at school who wouldn't take football seriously and would be a walking detriment to his own team, and then when everybody asked why the fuck you were even on the pitch you'd act all smug and say some cuck shit like "it's just a game."

People hated your faggot guts then and they still hate you now.

It's Níntendobabbies downvoting it...

is there even a boss in sekiro that doesn't have an idol right next to it or close enough to run there avoiding all mobs?

The who?

I think the worst thing about the easy mode argument is that they always hide behind disability to protect their fragile egos. They think that accessibility and difficulty are correlated, and if you oppose them you're just ableist.

>-Resurrections (+1, or infinite)
What's the point? Just make you invulnerable

If designers balanced every single game around making sure every single encounter was accessible for everyone and everyone would be able to see the end then games as a whole would be pretty boring. This phenomenon has only started in the past 2 console generations, balancing the game around people who don't "have time" to play enough is retarded, why not accept that its too hard and try a different game?

>be productive during times of leisure

BASED retard.

see replies to
bye retard samefag poster

He spoke the truth, but they didn't listen

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It's good at realism and sluggish pacing, so it's a better Western sim than a Western game. I don't deny it's a technical marvel and wizardry. Shame that the mission design is stuck in 2001, and there's no real arcade challenge to speak of.

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Not a bad idea. Games should require real effort and practice

>always invincible
What the fuck is even the point in playing a game like that

>Retards who cant beat a fucking game even when they try can achieve anything significant in real life

It confuses me that people don't realise that NG is already the easy mode and the game practically slaps you in the face with that fact when you start NG+ and get the charm

>press X to win

Pretty based and redpilled.

And obviously we'd need a critic score, a journo score (metascore), and user score then.

Then they have to get good at life as well as the game then

Why are you shitposting on Yea Forums when you could out be doing something "productive"? Why aren't you pulling overtime? Or working a second job? Or volunteering somewhere?

I wonder who could be behind this post.

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i love how irrelevant journalists are in almost all aspects of their field. the insekiros guy is totally comped and a loser.

Isn’t the entire draw of Souls-likes for normies is that they’re “totes hardcore”

Adding an easy mode would go against that

Based but unironically

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If you read the previous thread, you would see a lot of compelling arguments for Sekiro's difficulty.

Seven Spears
Shigekishi of the Red Guard
Snake Eyes Shirahagi

So Elly Cuckenberg(born James) could shat out his review 1 hour earlier than Coraline Blackedberg(born John) for dem clicks.

Sekiro would be boring if it weren't challenging
the game is the challenge
the story is straight forward and doesn't have the usual From screwyness to look into and theorize about, exploration is basic with a few side paths leading to nothing special. What do you get for playing it on easy?
and nothing says you need to buy every game. Some games aren't for everyone. If you don't like horror movies don't go into and say you wan't the tone to be lighter for your enjoyment.

That would be really cool actually. It's fine that journalists exist, some people just really enjoy casual reviewing and clickbait. The shit part is that they drown out the more hardcore critics by sheer numbers alone.

I think it would be better to label them "hardcore reviews" rather than simply "critics" though, since the journalists might get butthurt about not being considered critics too.

>This phenomenon has only started in the past 2 console generations
You might be too young to post here

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>muh dogshit club
if you're dogshit and afraid to be in this, you are a retard too

imagine actually believing this... i feel bad for you bro, you walked into the special ed room and are talking smack to the downies. real productive

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You are the reason this shitstorm is happening right now.

>Yea Forums still hasn't proven the Celeste dev wrong

There's a reason he's making games and you're not

Not about the devs specific points though

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>this game isnt for you

No, what you have played is not hard. That should be assumed by you being 4 minutes into the game, having access to 1% of the games tools and options / enemies, and by you wondering. How about you play another 10 Mins and actually get to a mini boss or something?

Why not just play a different, easier game if you suck at Sekiro so much?

I do not understand this argument.
If you fail at something, why not try it again and try to avoid what you did wrong last time? Why does the challenge need to be removed when the whole draw is the challenge? If you want to sit down and do nothing read a book or watch a movie

>remove easy mode aka summoning from previous souls game
>complaints about difficulty shoot up by 500%
This is hilarious, how many of those self proclaimed souls gamers summoned on their first playthrough?
How can one game expose so many shitters?

>beats it without any cheese strats

absolutely 100% based as fuck

>Some games aren’t for everyone
This is their problem. They think every game ought to be accessible to retards

The Celeste dev is wrong because From devs wanted the game their way. That's all that matters.

>Canadian 2D platformer dev talks about how to "fix" Japanese 3D action-adventure game

Yeah man, I want a tattoo, let me just call my pharmacist and tell him to fire up the needle.

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>You might be shocked to learn this, but most people don't give a fuck about being "good at videogames"

>Seven Spears
>Shigekishi of the Red Guard
You can stealth these guys easily
I don't remember which of the two she is, but they're both right next to a bonfire

In a den of lies, telling the truth is a radical action.

Liberals have no convictions.

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Didn't mean to quote

-> Waiting for this post also being ignored by retardera trannies

>Some games aren't for everyone
SJWs think that everything should be for everyone and about everyone

Ah I was thinking bosses specifically, as in those who drop memories, if you include minibosses then I guess you're right

These people truly just enjoy complaining. They will always find something to complain about, because without complaining, do they even exist?

The best thing about this is the fact that From will never implement an easy mode. All this bitching is completely useless.
Fuck casuals and fuck cripples.

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Game journalists are the root of the problem.

Except for the people they don't like.

Why are people so hell bend on an "easy mode"? Here's an idea for you, make a ahrder mode and call the already existing one "easy mode". Now everyone can go fuck themself and people will have more fun playing the even harder mode.

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We already have several times.

Miyazaki and co. didn't want to make an easy game, and you are not entitled to them changing their work. If you are under the belief that video games are an artform, then you must respect the developer's choices. "Don't like it, don't buy it" has been the mantra of gaming journalists for years, and suddenly that doesn't apply to them? Pathetic.

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then why do you care about being bad at vidya ?
flip flap maggot lmao

Imagine being so much of a disrespectful arrogant attention-whoring nigger you join the rabble and try to tell another dev what to do with their game because you are blatantly implying you agree that it needs to be changed.
What a fucking shock.

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Reminder that if you can't beat Sekiro you are literally worse than a cripple.

These reddit threads make my blood boil.

Learning to play Sekiro IS the game. The game's atmosphere and such is decent sure, but the meat and the main attraction of Sekiro is the game's combat mechanics and if the process of learning and mastering the game is taken away, you're left with absolutely nothing worthwhile.

I can understand adding an easy mode for braindead retards and games journalists in a game like Mass Effect or Red Dead Redemption 2 where you could argue that the roleplaying or experiencing the story is heavy enough of a reason to "play" for very casual people but Souls games or Sekiro are centered around the tough but rewarding combat. Take away that and you have bland shite with no content.

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>Infinite Posture
>Infinite Ressurections
>Invisibility while Stealthed
Is the Assist mode in Celeste, a platformer, the ability to just fly? These suggestions just break the game entirely. Just add the White Tanuki Suit

I'm pro gatekeeping honestly. If I showed up to a fantasy hockey league with my barely cursory knowledge of hockey and demanded they cater to me I'd rightly be told to fuck off.

Can we have the guy who spams these threads permabanned please?

Games need to be inclusive for all gamers.

Also female dressing rooms need to be inclusive for guys too.

Based. Saving for future reference.

>it's sparked a wide-ranging debate about its difficulty
Why? All From games are like this, if you don't like difficult games THEN DON'T BUY THEM FROM A DEVELOPER KNOWN FOR MAKING DIFFICULT GAMES YOU FAGS.

I don't care, I just want to play games. Incidentally, I am very much enjoying Sekiro as is, but I can also understand why other people can't and would like to. And since I'm not an elitist piece of shit, I don't see the issue in giving them a chance.

>Who cares about being good at video game? You bunch of losers!
>But the game should still have an easy mode, because my fragile ego can't handle being left out of something that's seen as popular because I'm bad

It's already exists, it's called ng+

>how would people today handle those games or just not having help in general?

I'm 29. Unless a Youtube video showed them exactly what to do all the way through they could not do it and even then it's a real big fucking stretch.

These people clearly didn't grow up during that time, or if they did they obviously weren't playing games then. Otherwise they wouldn't be complaining about difficulty at all.

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It can still be tough, just not as tough. An easy mode for Sekiro would be a hard-ish normal mode on any other game.

Rules are only enforced if they get personally offended user.

This shit is STILL going on? Why the fuck are these journos still talking about this shit? What the fuck? I don't remember anything of this volume for Dark Souls.

He asked for bosses that had enemies in the way between them and the last bonfire/sculptor idol.
You can make a run for it but to avoid aggroing mobs during or before the fight you need to kill at least a few, or sneak past.

To be honest, those dudes I mentioned are probably harder than a bunch of "real" bosses.

It creates clicks and that creates revenue.


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This tired old fucking argument once again. It's got nothing to do with "elitism" or "gatekeeping." The developer wanted to make a challenging game, and Sekiro is designed to be challenging. Removing the challenge defeats the very reason the game was even made. It's like removing the PTSD induced freakout that John Rambo goes through at the end of First Blood, you've deleted the fucking payoff after the build up.