Imagine that you could push a button that would generate an incredible and perfect video game every time you pushed it...

Imagine that you could push a button that would generate an incredible and perfect video game every time you pushed it, but that after pushing it your consciousness would be trapped in an empty void for 500 million years with nothing to do but think. After the time is up, your consciousness would return to your body and all memory of those years would be completely wiped. Would you push it?

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literally no one would do that


I literally would

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no and I'd fucking throw the button into the ocean

watch the video and see how easy it is to be tricked into it.

The perception of the passing of time is governed by your conciousness. If you focus hard enough you can make time instantly travel forward for yourself. I have essentially "skipped" days of my life by doing this. If I really wanted to, I could "time warp" directly to my death bed.

So 500 million years can be literally nothing if you have some control of your own perception of time.

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T. Shaolin Monk

OP you little shit 500 million years from now we will be either:
a) extinct
b) have insanely better means to entertain ourselves other than video games

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Enlightened nigger over here

500 million years passes in your head but not in the world

It's not a literal 500 million years retard

i am in awe of you
watch the video faggot

Man, do you drink much alcohol?

how the fuck do I do this I want to skip forward to when bannerlord releases

get drunk

nigger it's called taking a nap

I'm pretty sure that's not how it works, focusing your mind doesn't mean you can always pay attention to media

what if you could push a button and reset the entire gaming industry

go into a coma

It's more likely that you'd just go insane from 500 million years of black nothingness and you wouldn't notice the time pass by because you've completely lost your fucking mind.

best way to go into a 6 month coma?

This dude is posting from a more enlightened plane of existence

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shoot yourself in the head


>If you focus hard enough you can make time instantly travel forward for yourself
Focusing on time is exactly how you make it feel longer than it is

Yeah I'd click it. I wouldn't remember it anyway so it would be like it never happened. If you woulnt click it you havent thought this through.

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Holy shit I haven't laughed this much over something so trivial in a long time

I would. I think the human mind would either be able to adapt to it or get so fucked that you won't feel anything either way. It's like you're dead. And when it's over, it's literally like it never happened. I'm still gonna keep living and, if things go to plan, go on to die as my regular, normal self. Zero long-term downside and a guaranteed upside to boot.

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>t. psychosis

Do you have a "going into games" machine as well?

Fuck no.
You're really bad at hypotheticals

>I have essentially "skipped" days of my life by doing this

Wasn’t this the plot of that Adam Sandler movie?

Click I think. As I remember it was a pretty exsistencial and philosophical film which was surprising given it was Sandler.

Absolutely fucking not

Some low IQ retards would

>all these yikescringers who wouldn't do it

Clearly you havent played Soma


>it was a pretty exsistencial and philosophical film
Americans, everyone.

>Die a horrible death so a copy of yourself can reap the benefits

No fucking thanks

From my point of view its the copy that suffers


that was amazingly good

>referencing an "Americans" meme
>without authorization

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watch the video
its self torture without realizing it

Absolutely based insaneposter.

Probably yeah, I can spend a lot of time inside my own mind, the only thing that keeps me from literally vegetating and retreating into my own consciousness is the fact that life is finite

If you told me I could do that for a fucking long time with no repercussions you're damn right I would
The worst part would literally be me having to snap back to reality and coming to terms with the fact that the reality I've built up around myself has to give way to the one where I'm once again just an insignificant blip in the passage of time
Honestly (if it wasn't for the memory wipe) after returning from 500 million years of being ascended I would probably kill myself unless the perfect video game could somehow emulate this feeling of ultimate escapism
The perfect video game would just be the same thing anyways

Yea Forums - enlightenment

Just mash the button and go for as long as you want then

watch the video the guy does that and then fucks himself over cause he has to do 16 sets of 500 million years or whatever

>tfw too intelligent to perceive time

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nigger that's just called sleep

What if that happened every time you click post on Yea Forums but you don't remember it

I'd let someone else do the hard work for me

Sure why not
Who's to say I haven't pushed the button already? I wouldn't remember and just have a sweet as vidya to play.
REsident Evil 2 may as well be that game for me

>I think the human mind would either be able to adapt to it or get so fucked that you won't feel anything either way
you don't know that though. if you're wrong, you're fucked

I think I honestly would, just to experience it

You're not going to ascend in 500 million years of pure loneliness, you're going to go insane by the first day.

You're sitting in a dark void with no food and no bed to sleep in. Just you and your mind. You'll lose all perception of time and eventually all sense of self after 500 million years of isolation. That's far longer than what humans have been on the planet for. Imagine repeating the time span of human history thousands of times.... Except alone, and with no reference point. Just the void.

>all the people in the thread that think its easy and didn't watch the actual video and story
watch it its very interesting and cool

god no. I cannot in good conscience condemn any sentient being to such torture.

if you're a brainlet maybe
the guy in the video also takes like 99999999 years to start wondering where the fuck he actually is
just shut yourself down the second you're in and enjoy the ride my dude

I will grab OP's hand and force him to push the fucking button, now I have the perfect game and one less faggot to worry about.

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It's 500 million years, at some point the insanity would wear off




anything reality can muster my mind can emulate infinitely better, with no need to worry about my mortal form withering and dying I could dream forever
honestly sounds like heaven for me, everything else I enjoy in life is purely a byproduct of the fact that I exist, but given a void where the only thing is my consciousness I don't need any of those attachments nor would they be any more real to me than the idea of them
I could legitimately dream forever, the only downside is that I'd forget about it

It would be like you pressed it and nothing happened besides you instantly having the game though. Literally like nothing happened so I would just press it all the time.

You dont actually experience those 500 million years.

Thanks user. I'm trying to kill time with no sleep before making a fateful and fearful phone call, ironically.

The insanity doesn't "wear off", my dude, it'd completely destroy your mind until you're nothing but a wandering, tortured soul, waiting for the sweet release of death. It'd destroy whatever sense of self and ego you'd built all your life. It took you 20-30 years to build it... 500,000,000 years is a long ass time to completely annihilate it.

Actually, what if this is what happens when you die? No afterlife, just your mind in a dark void for all eternity.

i would if i was able to remember


The absolute madman

based and sufferingpilled

You can just pretend all the keys on your keyboard are the button because you'd have no idea you went through that so they might as well be

Nah, the shock would go away at some point, humans are resilient creatures and sooner or later you would accept your fate and maybe even try to make sense of everything

Hmm really made me think. Maybe thats the correct choice. I would be a god on my return. But at what cost?


8 fucking billion years

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>Actually, what if this is what happens when you die? No afterlife, just your mind in a dark void for all eternity.
Isn't that ideal, though? My individuality, my consciousness, is all I really have. It's the only thing I'd want to preserve. If death means my consciousness sits in a void for eternity then that's best case scenario, it basically means we'd be immortal.


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Well at the very least the guy in the video managed to become enlightened, too bad he forgot everything and then went back 16 times.

>all the materialist slaves seething at this
So based

>tfw the real tragedy isn't that you've been trapped alone for 500 million years, it's that upon the 500 million year mark your ascended enlightened self is wiped away.

if you consider how time seems to pass faster the longer you've been alive due to one year being a smaller and smaller fragment of your overall life it probably wouldn't feel like as long of a time as it is

Shut up pseud. Mental illness is tied to physical degradation in your brain. A metaphysical mind wouldn’t have that problem at all. Nor would it get bored, you only get bored because your physical existence demands it.

after i saw the video i thought about something like that but not with my keyboard, the difference is that the guy who offers the button fully explains it and allows you to consent which is missing from your post

Yup. Wasted knowledge.

>implying all defined mental illness are physical ailments in brain

This is the hardest I laughed at a Yea Forums post in a good time

thats what the character does in the video

he starts learning the universe and its laws

not very smart of him but after a while in the story he begins to learn, he must get a lot done in the 8 billion years, unfortunately it would all go to waste after it ends and he gets his 1 million yen

Honestly this guy is thinking small-time. If he can use his indestructible (or regenerative) tooth to mark the ground he can use his tooth to excavate the ground. You could make entire palaces, museums, skyscrapers, etc. over time. You could make monolithic sculptures and art galleries and even giant complex gravity powered mechanical machines. You could possibly even fashion xylophones and music organs. Having affection and friends in life, but I feel for a lot of creative minded people the end goal is similar to being trapped alone in a room, creating gorgeous works of art for your own fulfillment rather than anyone else's.

If it isn’t, then it’s not illness. Unless there is something physically wrong with you, you are not sick. That’s just jews trying to force herd like thinking by alienating those who think differently

+1000000, bro!!

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so things like feral children, that's from a physical issue?

i think its just part of the story but i guess you are right

there are points to be made why doesn't he feel pain or hunger but can be tired?

i think its better to ignore them and appreciate the story and the thought it provides

I'd do it just for one video game.

A Taimanin Asagi stealth game with True Love End achievable only through defeating the game in the greatest difficulty possible. You have to earn the best timeline.

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>he starts learning the universe and its laws
if his mind is in a void, wouldn't he be the thing that defines the universe and its laws?
basically you become the god of your reality for 500m years

The catch is that nothing actually happens and you get the money anyway, the sheer fear of being alone for 500 million years is usually enough to scare people from pushing the button


>lack of education is mental illness

its more of a pocket dimension than a mental prison.

holy shit you're right im not voting yang for sure now, i dont think i was going to anyway but still

no because there is still his timer ticking down until he can leave, he doesn't have complete power if any, all he has is his understanding and intuition to learn

Even if you don't remember anything would you really condemn yourself to living for 500 million years? Do you really hate yourself that much?

>implying that it would be self torture
it´s only self torture if you aren´t creative enough to figure out how to spend the time there, there´s an infinite amount of ways to pass time with just pen (tooth) and paper (tiles). Since it´s your conscience and all, pulling out a tooth wouldn´t even hurt - it´s actually on easy mode since it contains some sort of environment, which can be interacted with. The REAL hard mode would be just existing in the void, but even then, one can find activities to fill in the time

PTSD? Phobia? Compulsive disorders?

Is this something I can learn to do on my own?

How are those not products of physical reality?

At the end of the day it would be as if nothing happened, just like a foggy memory of your childhood that happened 20 years ago and here you are now as if in a blink of an eye.

but thats not what the post said, it said "something physically wrong with you".

Considering my life is worthless, I would push that button.

I am glad to be locked down in an eternal pitch black void, I want to get off from this ride anyway.

Enjoy your games anons.

the time and money rewards are way too exaggerated to be scary

>i'm reading another thread on this topic because its interesting

>it's not even that much money

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Shit I didn't know enlightened Monks spend their time shitposting on Yea Forums.

Am I 100% guaranteed to not suffer any harm during that time? Just be bored out of my mind for 500 million years? Can I sleep during it? If the answer is no and yes respectively then I'd probably do it.

fucking christ my sides user please teach us your ways of being a fucking time traveling monk

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As per the original video, yes and no.


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Go backwards if you wanna impress me nigga.

>500 million years
do you even fathom how much time is that?

Yeah fuck that guy

I'm an epiphenomenalist and I still think it's bullshit

in 5 posts the post will in with a 0

based schizo

But you have to wait 500 million years until the "end of the day"

Even the most autistic /r9k/ incel can't go on for long without something to fill the void.

But you would be forcing someone to do it. Hence,you technically would press the button. OP wins in this scenario.

I assume you mean "end" with a 0? Okay, let's see.

being a failure who skipped highschool playing vidya and getting stoned is not a super power

>all memory of those years would be completely wiped
This literally invalidates the entire thing. It wouldn't matter if it's 500 million or a billion or a trillion at that point. If you don't remember it, and there is no proof of it ever happening, then it didn't happen at all. From the ending point of view, I just pressed a button and got an insanely good videogame.
Furthermore, there is no way to prove that this doesn't constantly happen in the real world. How does anyone prove that they did not spend 500 million years in a void, multiple times throughout the day for their entire life?
Of course I would press it and you would be retarded not to.

Nah dude. But check this 7!

You've already pressed the button, Yea Forums is the time you're paying for. There's a reason you keep coming back

when you get drunk and do stupid shit, for your counciousness it just feels like you drank some beer and woke up straight on the bed
losing your memory of something means it basically is going to feel like nothing happened

I'd rather have a button that instantly erases my existence.

The way OP worded his challenge isn't anything like the video though.
The feeling and weight of a physical body is what you percieve as reality.

Just a floating conciciousness is like what it is to sleep and dream. you can imagine whatever you want to believe is real and it will be over before you know it

apologies for my delay in responding again. sometimes its hard to come back.
I accidentally replied to my own post. I cant tell i've gone back to do something until i decide to do it. I even correct my own typo. Note that i did correctly identify 5 posts later i would respond.

so what if you don't remember it. You'll have to do nothing for 500 MILLION FUCKING YEARS, the game is so insignificant
Perfect games can't exist anyway

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>If you don't remember it, and there is no proof of it ever happening, then it didn't happen at all.
This. There is literally zero downside to pressing it. I'd press it in a heartbeat. And I'd do it multiple times if i'm able.

user... have you taken your lithium today?
I'm worried.

>Implying you know what OPs intention is.

If you just go back to your body with no memory of the 500 million years then it may as well have not happened.
It could happen to everyone all the time and nobody would ever know so why not press the button?

I wouldn't do it.
The moment I press the button, my "self", who existed since birth, is replaced by a copy with my memories.
My actual "self" would have to go through the 500 million years, and after 500 million years pass my "self" just vanishes, and in my physical body is just a copy with my memories.

Prove to me you have not already spent 500 million years in a void.

You should play Soma.

That's not the point. If you don't push the button, then nobody would have to experience 500 million years. Since your autism thinks 'oh well you might now know it xP' not pressing the button still means that 1 less self is getting their ass reamed

>Each time you fucking blink you spend 500 million years in a void but you just forget it

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Yes, and in that instance "you" will 100% lose the coin toss.
You won't get to enjoy the 1,000,000 yen.

That's a rule you just literally made up

Not necessarily. If we're treating consciousness like data on a hard drive, why can't this all-powerful button open up your metaphorical control panel, disable your perception, slow down the rate you experience time, and then erase any changes in memory when it's over? No copy is made, it's all you.

It isn't.
Your consciousness exists because of continuity from the moment you first had consciousness to the present.
Break that continuity and your consciousness is no longer.

God are you dumb, if you drink too much and can't remember a thing from the night out or somebody hits your head hard enough, you think you are a new person?

If you can still "experience" in your moment of sleep (i.e. dreaming), then no, you haven't lost your consciousness. It is just contained in your mind.

Fucking this.
The experience is way more valuable, even If you forget everything.

teach me

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how can an experience that you will forget by the end of it be meaningful?
inb4 "that's literally life and death", but if you put it into a smaller timeframe, like you get to watch a great movie an evening but you will forget everything about it the moment you step out of the cinema, what would be the point?

Unironically this. Million of years with nothing but your mind? That would be a real version of the worst circle of hell. Like Jesus fuck, you'd literally go insane multiple times and be completely broken. Doesn't matter if you remember it, your mind would be so shattered that even when returning to reality, you'd practically be braindead. Yes even if you don't remember anything. A shattered mind does't really depends on memory.

Hell yeah I would press it. 500 million years to think of the perfect YGO cards. 500 million years to grow a galaxy brain. Each attempt giving me another chance to transcend time and space. Each chance also giving a literal 10/10 video game.

There is virtually no downside to this as a nihilist.

>outright changing the rules of a fantasy hypothetical question because "muh realism"

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Well the version of me that gets tortured into insanity functionally will have never existed, so why not. The regrets will be many, but the suffering will be pointless.

There is a short story by King called The Jaunt. It's about new teleport technology that will cause this. To the world you are teleported in an instant, to you it's billions of years and you remember everything after you are back.

Another short story by Asimov is about a powerful being that places a human into this state, the story's name is The Last Answer. Great story worth a read.

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>Yes even if you don't remember anything
If you don't remember going insane, why are you still insane?

People always say that it has literally no effect because you don't remember it but what if your trapped self become so enlightened that it breaks free of its mental prison cycle of existing and forgetting its existence and ends up its own mega chim-esc entity?

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Then it forgets everything at the end anyway. Just because it escaped THE VOID doesn't mean that changes.

if youre currently on a Balkan mousepad rating forum and worrying about becoming enlightened I wouldnt.

>is replaced by a copy with my memories.
You aren't dreaming all the time when you sleep

>if you focus hard enough you can make time instantly travel forward for yourself

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You are.
You just have vague memories of it the moment you wake up and immediately forget it.

I bet my ass I could procrastinate for 500 million years once I figure out I could use this time to do something intellectually constructive.

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Not true. Dreams only happen during the REM cycle of sleep.

>If I really wanted to, I could "time warp" directly to my death bed
I mean that's pretty easy to do user you just use a rope

>I have extreme depression and cant enjoy anything or see past face value
>Therefor I can judge people who do

>Dreams only happen during the REM cycle of sleep.

You mixing up "dreaming every night" with "always dreaming while asleep"
just look it up

Consider this. It is possible, and common, for people to be unconscious. Unconscious literally means "not conscious".

Explain people like me, who do not remember our dreams?
Sleep is literally a break for me. I lay down, and then I get up. I don't experience any significant passage of time.
I do dream sometimes, but it is less than once a month and closer to once a year thing.

My theory is the guy with the 500 million year button takes that knowledge for himself

literally google "sleep cycles " and pick any random article you retard
do you need a source for ww2 happening too?

Unconscious means you can't perceive the real world.
It doesn't take in consideration the fact that you can still experience without perceiving reality.
Like I said, you immediately forgot the dreams you had and associate it with a dreamless sleep.
All the sources I see mention that dreams mainly occur in REM sleep, but are not exclusive to that stage.

You dream every single night. Everyone does. You just haven't trained yourself to remember dreams so your mind completely erases your memory of them just before your internal clock wakes you up.
If someone or something wakes you up WHILE you're dreaming your mind won't have time to forget anything. If you really want to remember your dreams the easiest way is to set up an alarm clock at like 3 AM or something.

>People can't stand sensory deprivation chambers longer then 30 minutes where all you can do is think

Yeah good luck with 500 million years fucktards

fucking kek

Ya how do we know that already didn't happen?

>Put alarm
>In my sleep I know when it's going to ring anytime soon

How the fuck does my body keep track of time while sleeping

Now THIS is a good plot twist.

That's not really the same thing though.

>Internal clock. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Internal clock may refer to: Circadian clock, a biochemical mechanism that oscillates with a period of 24 hours (in accordance with the day-night cycle); driver of the circadian rhythm.

>Can fast forward at will
>Stops in a boring ass time period where nothing in particular happens


It did happen, it is your consciousness that suffers and not your physical self. Basically, it's a problem only Buddhists understand

It doesn't matter, you idiot. You go back to normal when those years are over. You could go full Mad Hatter and it wouldn't matter in the end.

I came here from another thread to marvel at you.

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If I do not have any conscious awareness of it, who is to say that I even have continuity of consciousness without actively scanning my brainwaves at every single hour?

Continuity of consciousness means that you are experiencing all the time.
It doesn't matter if you're vaguely aware of the experience, only that your consciousness experienced it and didn't break off.

I second this.

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I kinda understand this: being able to "control" the perception of time. Cos the same amount of time can feel faster or slower depending on what you're doing.

Playing videogames is fun. Time goes faster.
Being in a school class is boring. Time goes slower.

But what if we could control this time perception? What if fun times could be slower and boring times be faster? I don't think it's possible with our current technology, but what if it was a way? We could become masters of our lives, letting the boring moments fly by and staying in as much bliss as possible.

It would be the perfect world.

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I would do it if I could take a game to play with me.

what if user skipped to his death bed after reading all of these replies?

Baldi's Basics

you still experience the 500 million years in those 500 million years. so it still sucks cock before you forget it

Your mind goes back to the instant you pushed the button. The 500 million years don't exist after you've done them.

If I wont remember it what difference would it make?

You'd break down into a gibbering wreck in less than 10 years.

The new superhero

The Power Nap Nigger

and in 499,999,990 more it wouldn't even matter

At one point you would stop thinking, full stop. Complete cessation of the brain activity sans the basic necessities for survival (breathing, in this case)

Time would flow much, much faster since there is no consciousness to measure time. Your time perception would indeed become so dilated that years could feel like seconds to you at this point.

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>implying I don't
watch the video you fucking moron

I can't even imagine what it would be like to relive my 25-year life in complete solitude with absolutely nothing to do. Having to do that 20 million fucking times would be absolute horror.

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thankfully i'm retarded so sometimes days pass by fast and sometimes days pass by slower so i've probably got at least a hundred years on some people

What if I just half press it

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kino post

Put akko in the screencappo

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I think doing this would fuck with our brains somehow. I don't know how but this could be bad

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this thread is golden

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sure, I can easily "skip" ahead in time. It's called a coma. Induce one and it'll feel like no time has passed. Don't know how you're doing this because it means not focusing on what you're doing at present. How can you know what you're doing right this moment if you can "skip" ahead?

>Monkey Paw has been upgraded to Fine Monkey Paw
>Monkey Paw (Fine) has been upgraded to Great Monkey Paw
>Monkey Paw (Great) has been upgraded to Excellent Monkey Paw
>Monkey Paw (Excellent) has been upgraded to Amazing Monkey Paw
>Monkey Paw (Amazing) has been upgraded to Legendary Monkey Paw
>Monkey Paw (Legendary) has been upgraded to Hyper Monkey Paw
>Monkey Paw (Hyper) has been upgraded to Void Monkey Paw
>Monkey Paw (Void) has reached the maximum level and is emanating a strange vibe disturbing any and all living beings in the vicinity, as if it's humming with the ethereal energy of the cosmos. Exercise great caution.

>1 million yen
if it wasn't in a meme currency maybe

Why not, it effectively just means you push a button and get perfect vidyas. You don't remember 500 million years of being in a void after its done and you go back to right when you pushed the button so it literally only does a good thing. Even if you go insane 10 minutes in, it's irrelevant and that probably just makes it go by faster

Shouldn't you be at least 17 to post here?

go get trapped in a coffin and skip another 100 years then dio you fucking fag

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I'd smash that motherfucking button until I became a God, ascending from the cyclic chain. 500mil years could be enough. Well worth it, mate, well worth it.

If you don't remember it, did you really experience it?

What is this referencing

But I am entirely unaware of the experience.

Absolutely based.

> The Virgin Waking Lifer vs. The Chad Sleep Traveler

Time is merely a perception of events.


Dead people aren't conscious you mong

Hitting the button is sort of like creating an entirely different person. I don't think I have the heart to put them in such agony so I can get vidya

Checked out both, King is as awful and overrated as I remembered him to be, I have no idea how a shitty writer like him got so famous.

That said at least The Last Answer was great.

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Fucking time mages shitposting on Yea Forums.

not from a jedi

How do you know for sure that's a thing that happens?

What is this video?

>masterfully write a novel for 500 million years with a godlike plot

>it doesnt even matter in the end

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This is the dumbest shit I've seen on Yea Forums in a long time.

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Is this the gping into games machine guy? It seems like it.

Search "500 million years button" on youtube, there's English subs

you think that but if you look back to the stephen king short story the jaunt it doesnt seem like it would be the best thing to do, i dont recommend reading it all just the wiki synopsis

why write it? Just give in to the delusions until they feel entirely real to you. You'll begin to hallucinate worlds and eventually master them.

Fucking hell, I nearly choked.

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>I do dream sometimes, but it is less than once a month and closer to once a year thing.
How the fuck? I see dreams every night and it's tiring as fuck. I just want a proper night of sleep sometime.

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>get so fucked that you won't feel anything either way
you'd kill yourself before reaching this point

What are you talking about?

>Hold button down for the rest of your life
>shoot yourself in the head before you die and let go


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What would happen if you built a robot to press the button for you?

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How’s Tralfamadore this time of year?

That's bullshit but I believe it

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Careful about throwing stones from your glass house there, pal.

Prove him wrong.
Pro tip: you can't.

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what if we don't actually lose consciousness when we get anesthetic, but just forget what happened

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>Tfw I thought this was an archieve of the first thread we had about this.

fucking arrogant ass chronomancers

Am I the only one thought it would devolve into a vicious cycle the moment Id press button?

Cmon niggas

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Would you do it for a going into videogames machine Yea Forums?

Yes, that is what happens in the video.


Nah, just gonna get a valve index.

I know, It was so obvious.

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I don't need videogames, I just use them as an excuse to bond with my sister, if the shittiest of games has coop, then it'll be a fun afternoon

No I like Torment

The more I think about this post the funnier it gets thanks user

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You can watch it again

I think the jaunt is a neat idea and would work well in a horror vidya as a basis of its setting.




i dunno

Have you ever had surgery where they put you under? It's the same thing. Your body is laying there experiencing the agony for hours, then you wake up as if nothing happened. It literally doesn't matter. It would be like torturing someone then wiping their memory each day. It is meaningless what happens before the memory wipe.

>not very smart of him but after a while in the story he begins to learn, he must get a lot done in the 8 billion years, unfortunately it would all go to waste after it ends and he gets his 1 million yen
Does it go to waste though? Why is he being paid 1M yen for each press?

Your faggot ass still lives in "now". It doesnt matter if you dont remember it

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literally the most based post on Yea Forums right now

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>something physically wrong
Something something neurochemical interactions something.

Now THIS is a good post.

Why only buddhists understand it? Can you explain it to me?

Are you a fucking Elder Scrolls character? Can you fast travel too?

Holy shit, it's Lu Tze from Discworld!

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What if you're currently living in that void... and everything that's going on is a creation of your own mind to stop you from going completely insane?

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You can do that on DMT. I've spent several eternities on ayahuasca and experienced what it's like to be insane forever. It's a mercy that memory fades over time because god help me if I had to live with the full memories of those experiences.
The thing about time in states like that is that you don't experience it linearly, which is to say that time doesn't really exist for you. You're in a sense isolated from the elements of reality that allow you to experience time. Your awareness itself is isolated from the phenomenal world and thus relativity. What you're left with is the impression of eternity - not eternal time, but no time. If I had come out of those trips to find that a billion years had passed it wouldn't have surprised me in the least, but was just a few hours.

What if we don't exist at all and it's just an illusion seeing an illusion of itself?

>...Jamie, pull up that video of the gorilla

>find a random guy in the street
>"yo excuse me can you push this button for me?"
>take the cash, split if they want some

Can I do this but keep my memory?


I think it goes a lot deeper than that but Id have a TV show about it. Only issue is the government might step in and wonder where all this money is coming from

>Random guy punches you out, takes the machine, makes himself rich
good job faggot

Awareness is existence. You can't be duped into thinking you are aware because there would have to be an awareness to be duped in the first place. You're either aware or you're not.

>random japanigger
>capable of hurting me

I know, but it's impossible to talk about these things without sounding a little bit coocoo. It's so far outside of any other type of experience. The language for it just doesn't exist

I'll do you one better, user
You know those fidget toys that started popping up around three years ago? You ever wonder why you feel so satisfied after you push them?

No memory no buy.
I'd love to spend 500 million years completely free of normalfaggotry, jewish tricks, and 20tickrate matchmaking cancer. But if I don't remember any of it, then it's pointless.

wait what, bannerlord is releasing in 6 months?

you'd go crazy after 2 days, edgelord

I would not. I'd be more relieved than anything.
Now, after 20 years? Possible. After 1000? Plausible. After 50,000? Likely.
But in all likelihood, I'd prefer the new mindset to the old one.

what fucking video

With that much time, you'd eventually learn to relinquish resistance and come to terms with your situation

are you fucking blind

The scariest thing is that if you're conscious while inside the empty world then it means you're going to kill yourself, because if you waited it all out you wouldn't remember

Wouldn't your mind deteriorate that even when you do leave the void, you'll basically be too dsyfucntional to live life even if you do forget it all from ever happening?

I've already relinquished resistance and come to terms with my situation in this 3dpd world.
I'd very much like if I could NOT.

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Said by someone who's so addicted to normalfaggotry that they couldn't possibly consider that 500 million years of isolation is superior to your world.
Your world is shit.

We Twilight Zone now

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No you're mind can't be affected by something that there is literally no trace of happening anywhere within it.

>hehe I'm not normal, I'm special and unique!
literally tumblr whore reasoning
I forgive you because the human mind isn't good at reasoning with big numbers but man you don't fucking get it

>I can't possibly be wrong! Everyone else is wrong! My world is valuable! REEE
Nice try, faggot.
I do know how big numbers work. Admittedly not 500 million big, but 100 years big is within my awareness.
And I'd take that 100 years of serenity openly and willingly.

>he doesnt know of the "going into games" machine

What did you learn a new word today and now you're trying to fit in? Fuck off
no more (You)'s for your bait


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Unironically kino.

>What did you learn a new word today and now you're trying to fit in?
No, that's what trannies (such as yourself) do.
I'm saying that your world is shit and the 500 million years of emptiness is better.

Put me in the screencap but upside down

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Resignation is not the same as acceptance. If you had no resistance you would have no problems. You'd be perfectly equanimous

Put me in screencap

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not him but you're still missing out on what good there is in the world
I'd still push the button with my memory intact, though, more out of interest for the void rather than abandoning the world I left behind

That's a cute Marisa

>you're still missing out on what good there is in the world
I know. But at the moment, the things that bring me the most joy in this world are seeing other people suffer.
This isn't because I'm a sadist. I am very much crippled by empathy for other human beings. But I've learned over time to cope with it by just learning to enjoy other people getting hurt.
There's no other way. People hurt themselves constantly. Every time someone plays Skyrim, or Dark Souls, or Breath of the Wild. Every time someone respects a roastie. This world is full of people with low standards and shit tastes, and it's suffering to look at this world and see people willingly subjecting themselves to it.
I'd like to see it all burn just so people can be free of this madness.

oooooh I get it now, sorry if I responded to your posts, have fun in high school

No user

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read the sixth fucking post you absolute braindead imbecile

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I'm 33 years old, you faggot.
You have a fragile ego and can't bear the thought of being wrong, so in your deluded mind you think anyone who disagrees with you is too young to know better.
No, YOU are too young to know better. And so is your mother.

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but you can't kill yourself. it's just your conciousness in a void

>I'm 33 years old
Do you really think this works in your favor while sounding like a complete moron?

You won't laugh when you're in debt.

what the fuck

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It works fine if other people share your idiocy.
Like you, trying this whole "I'm right in my own mind" shit.
The thing is, I reject you. Faggot.
I am not a moron. I am awake. You are asleep. You probably still believe in normalfag shit like love and Metacritic reviews.

Try suicide, faggot.

Hello. I exist. I don't like your world. Your world is shit.

I'm going to live until I see your world burn. That is my goal in life.

The funny thing is you wouldn't end up like that guy in the anime video.

You would end up like the glob in IHNMBIMS

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Holy shit
Put me in the screencap

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You rejecting anything means shit all, champ.

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Without an AM computer to torture you?

It means I'm right.


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>If I really wanted to, I could "time warp" directly to my death bed.
Holy based time travelling monk user

take your meds

Yes. Put me in existential time out please. It would be pawsitively refreshing.

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It means you're triggered little bitch, nothing else.

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You're mad that I'd prefer Buttonland to your normalfag ""paradise"" and deflecting. Stay rekt.

You will give up within 100 years and just lay there. Slowly decaying.

>8 billion years

>33 years old
>your mom insults
I hope for you that you are lying

Relax, there's an archive.
Clownpiece is high tier waifu btw.

You take yours. Or did the Jews in psychiatry think that putting up with IRL bullshit doesn't count as a sickness?

>Can kill himself at any time

Check out this fag.

I lower myself to the level of people responding to me. Maybe I shouldn't do that.

Something's gonna happen to your mind

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I can see that, but it's still preferable to IRL. At least you wouldn't have to watch people unironically defending 20tickrate matchmaking with no way of hurting them beyond petty insults.

Yes, but something already has.
The default world (do we have a better word for the universe we live in? default world sounds gay) affects your mind, too.

In the default world I haven't been trapped in an empty void for 1 million years

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Oh god
Can you imagine being trapped IRL for 500 million years with all the low-tier humans who have shit taste?
I'm really fucking glad the afterlife doesn't exist. It'd be absolute torture.

Phenomenal universe

Yes, Observed Universe.

Thanks for the existential crisis user.

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Always forget how to crosspost


Nah, no need. The perfect video game is already being made.

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Buttons are either close the circuit or leave it open, there is no “half”

For 500 million years you do not age, you do not need to eat, you do not need to drink water, and potentially you do not need to breathe. For that your body needs to be essentially in stasis, which means potentially your brain does not adapt to the time abyss you just put yourself into. I wouldn't risk it, ever.

I think the people who approach this problem with a solution of creativity miss the point. You cannot be creative without an original source of inspiration to draw from, so even if your old memories carry over, they won't last long. Now, sure you could craft new ones from what you know, but in this kind of environment what would ultimately happen is a complete stillness as in meditation, so all those random thoughts in your head go away and you experience perception itself. If you did somehow reach enlightenment though (extremely hard through just meditation), the length of time left wouldn't matter. You have already reached your destination, so no matter what happens, you'll be in a state of perfect happiness and there's nothing outside this mysterious realm you even want, so it wouldn't even matter at all. And once you're enlightened, you stay that way for good.

This is why it's not as bad as it sounds. In fact, I'd wager that sooner or later you would stumble into meditation having nothing else to do, and so enlightenment is the only realistic result here. Not a bad deal at all IMO.

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Good enough. Interactable Universe it is.

L o l
Sure, I can't wait to get RESPEC TRANNY RESPEC WAHMEN shit rammed down my throat and to be banned from discussing how shit the game is.

If you use a variable inductor as part of a voltage stepper / transformer then you can couple one circuit more or less strongly to another.
It's niche as fuck and I can only think of it being useful in an analog radio, but it's possible.

What a useless superpower.

how come mods aren't on their period today last time when i made this thread it was deleted in like 100 posts

If you could take 1 game with you what would it be?
And why would it be Tetris

>haha easy bro I'd just shut my mind off, no problem
To all the buttonfags, I suggest you try out going to an isolation tank sometime. Just a mere 2 HOURS in complete and utter isolation from sensory input is a fucking long time.

They were told to take the day off so the trannies could have their ERP thread.
I told the trannies to kill themselves anyway though.

>Sure, I can't wait to get RESPEC TRANNY RESPEC WAHMEN shit rammed down my throat and to be banned from discussing how shit the game is.
You saw the picture I posted, right? It's Cyberpunk 2077, not VTMB2.

Ugh, what a fucking tryhard edgelord. Glad you got BTFO three times already.

>If you could take 1 game with you what would it be?
Undertale because my waifu is in it and to leave my waifu behind would be wrong.

I did. I found it relaxing. I wanted to try it for 8 hours but they said no.


You can have two games that are both irredeemable shitpiles of tranny fellation.

Just force a bunch of chinks to push it and reap the rewards yourself

>I'm 33 years old
and still in high school? you dumb lol

No U lmao

But then that'd mean the chinks get to spend the 500million years in isolation.

Could I get somebody else to press it? If not, no.

Did you miss that the central premise is that no amount of control will grant you happiness, and the human condition is in carving out a comfortable niche in an uncaring, unpredictable and all but immutable universe?

Bet you think Groundhog day is a dumb comedy too.

>33 years old
>"no u" replies
No wonder that you're a failure and you're in debt

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>Supposed "enlightened" individual snowflake ends up just coypasting the same shitpost phrases the countless sheep around him do as well
Another instance of your hyperfaggotry. Imagine being 33 but still being a 14 year old. Yuck.

Okay it was an interesting video but i want to know why the fuck it has Yume 2kki music

Can I sleep?

It's specifically mentioned in the story that you cannot.

Do you also have a "going into games" machine?

if you're gonna do 500 million years, you might as well do 500 billion. if i was going to press the button, id press it 100 times in a row
i mean really what how big of a difference will it make, it's not like i'm gonna be more insane, pretty sure that shit would cap before i was even halfway through the first 1000 years.
i think in all likelihood you'd just become a vegetable. the worst part would just be the time up until that point, where you're still "present"

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Cool story bro, can I borrow your going into games machine?

Wait, there are people who don't do this shit? You fucking retards actually go to work every day instead of just skipping it?

Like, I experience a work day every once in a while as a change of pace, but 95% of the time I just skip past it. This is a joke right, you guys don't seriously experience every moment?

Nothing happens from my perspective because my memory gets wiped. There is no reason not to push it.

>press the button more than once
>your memories in the void stack

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Would you step into a matter copier, and have a perfect copy of yourself made and then brutally dismembered in front of your eyes for a million bucks a time?

If so, you might actually be soulless.

I too have the superpower to make time rapidly advance at the rate of one second per second.

Well if your memory is wiped, it's like that one Lovecraft story where benevolent aliens bodyjack you but let you browse the galactic library in the meantime. For all you know it's already happened and you forgot about it.

No because I don't want to play a perfect video game

>Works a job so unfulfilling he has to practice shutting his mind off in order to endure it
>Celebrates as if he is some sort of a guru
LMAOing @ you

Do you also have a "going into games" machine?

Are we posting thought experiments and existential crisis videos?

A lot of people think this post is funny but a lot of people on Yea Forums do this without thinking about it.
You fags are always in shock over the fact that 2010 was already 9 years ago or that kids born in the year 2000 can post here now. Life is passing you by quickly because you just play video games, shitpost and sleep. You'll be 40 years old before you realize it.

>Diavolo acquires King Crimson

Canada has a surprising amount of weird animated short films

Meh, not as impressive as I thought it'd be, it's a pretty basic concept. The only flaw in this particular video is that his tooth is a seemingly indestructible tool, which means he could've done way more than simply writing on the tiles.

That's not a teleporter at that point, it's a cloning machine. Regardless, shit that was kinda brutal.

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Can this thread just die? I'm getting tired of seeing that creepy orange baby thing on the catalog.

This was on Cartoon Network?

What the fuck is this JoJo motherfucker talking about

It's not exactly what's fun and boring, it's doing different things that slow/speed up time.

School feels like it takes forever because you're in different classes being lectured on different subjects across 5-8 hours.

Video games feel like they go by fast because you're generally playing the same game instead of playing different games or doing other things throughout your day.

>That's not a teleporter at that point, it's a cloning machine.
How can you say that they're not the same? How would a teleporter work in your view?
>Body A is deconstructed
>Body A is sent over a line
>Body A is reconstructed at Point B
Can you say it's the same person?

>Am unironically able to do this
>How I entered ketosis when dieting, just skipped 2 days instead of suffering through the ravenous hunger
>Apparently this ability is on par with the going into game machines guy

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>I could "time warp" directly to my death bed
Do it.

I think this ability might be reserved only for people with low levels of brain function. How else are you going to disable your thoughts and perception?

no shit, sherlock

not even fucking close to ideal

sauce on pic?

Wait so does he lose his memory at the end of each cycle of 500 million years or is it one continous 8 billion years

that's not even remotely close to how being unconscious works

8 billion years continuously.

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>500 million years by yourself

how do you not just masturbate for the duration of that time?

What the hell, did this air on cartoon network?

>did this air on cartoon network?
Presumably, based on the watermark. What about it?

>last button thread on Yea Forums introduced me to a really nice user that was into petrification
>fell out of touch due to how busy I was
feels bad man

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No the Cartoon Network TV watermark is just for shits and giggles.

>creating a sentient being and then destroying it is the same as not making it at all!
Gotta be honest, the scientist was a complete fucking retard. Destroying the copy is just as bad as destroying the original.

The Jaunt was great. King's short stories are great because even when they suck they're just over and done with, and typically they dodge his weakest trait (lousy, overwritten endings)

dude holy shit
literal monster

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you posted this a while ago but i wanted to let you know i appreciated it anyway

it's true though. i accidentally warped through my entire childhood.
i want to go back

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Did you miss the part where he was trying to hide the fact that it was actually a cloning machine? He wasn't a retard, he just wasn't honest about it. He's a scientist trying to sell a product.

So do you think this guy was pretending to retarded for attention?

He is just the Dalai Lama shitposting on Yea Forums to pass the time.

>can only timewarp forward
>can't figure out how to go back
Guys I think I'm doing something wrong

Delete these two posts. I didn't want to be reminded of this. Not on Yea Forums where I want to actually escape this godforsaken reality.

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Why are you hurting yourself?

What did they mean by this?

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I'm gonna push it 2000 times and no one can stop me

Depends. Humans go insane in complete isolation, so unless they also reverse the madness I’ll be a mess when coming back. Alternatively, I could just con someone into doing it.

Joe please leave

>going into game machines guy
thanks for reminding me of that

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Jesus, teach us your secret bro.

Shush, Nav

Oh I thought that was going to become the Ouya marketing thing

>wasting time on having an existential crisis when there's more science to do

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Based Porkyposter

So I thought "What if I just constantly masturbated and used the semen to make a lake or something" then I did the math and it's a pathetic amount even after 500 million years, god everything is so big

I can back this up, also can skip time by shutting down brain like user but only for less than half an hour before brain snaps back