What was the best part of the Feh Channel?
What was the worst part?
What was the best part of the Feh Channel?
Pair up would have been the best part if it wasn't Legendary only
Animal Crossing
Removal of units I actually didn't mind pulling as off-focus 5*s on new/seasonal banners. I've gotten a few Mias and Hectors that I'm disappointed will only be possible on specific banners from now on.
It's like people are surprised that IS and Nintendo are being incredibly tonedeaf for anything relating to FE.
I don't understand the reasoning for it being specific legendary units only when it's only usable in the easiest of maps anyway.
IS literally removed content (smaller summoning pool) and gave us nothing in return.
and if you're one of those faggots who thinks having off-banner 5 star summons reduced is "a good thing" (TM) then you're a cock sucking faggot that needs to go back to r*dd*t, and i pray you pull nothing but Raigh and Verizons for the rest of your days.
play a real FE
>one of those faggots who thinks having off-banner 5 star summons reduced is "a good thing" (TM)
"Oh boy, I sure am glad the last 5 star unit I'm probably going to get for the next 10 summons was an Ike instead of the seasonal Camilla I actually wanted!" said no one ever
No, it has waifus. I'll stick with Heroes.
The comparison is off-focus vs off-focus, not focus vs off-focus. Try again.
That doesn't matter, because the change only applies to new hero and special hero banners. If you want a 5-star non-focus, just summon outside those events. It's simple
Man, I never get sick of seeing these +10 Surtrs go plop.
The summoning pool change is a good thing for new banners, you're least likely to get cucked by literal trash.
However if you didn't get the character/s you want for that one banner you will get absolutely cucked in return banners since it will be bloated as shit.
Don't forget that they've cut out our monthly orb stash and are asking for 3 orbs a week for their new garbage game mode.
AR maps like these are why I deliberately don't bother trying to go into T19 or above despite the possibility of doing so for several weeks. Shit just isn't fun, even if I had my best units facing a team like that (catered towards specifically beating it) I would still lose because of LAzura.
>Drive Atk seal
>Rally Def/Res
why the fuck is it like that, this isn't arena
>using Selena and Peri
already did
wasn't fun enough to replay, the only one I've replayed is RD
>Whale trying to make Surtr to tank freaking flying Nino when they could easily tank it with an Eir
literally more money than brains
I dropped FeH during Legendary Lucina, how was Nino able to bypass Surtr's Wary Fighter 3?
My bad, it should've been obvious. Surtr must've really influnced the meta to drive units like Nino to waste their B-Slot for the sole purpose of countering him.
Surtr singlehandedly made Axebreaker 3 a viable skill despite it being garbage even when Hector was king.
At least it also works in countering Thunder Armads as well if anyone's weird and uses Legendary Hector over Surtr.
Eh, it gets better when you start building baiters and supporters to counter the more popular AR keeps. At least my team only has 1 dancer.
I have a Shanna but she's never going to be like that. I don't have the fodder needed. What am I going to do, bring my Fae? I can max res on my Yune at about 70 and it still wouldn't be enough even if she took Dull Ranged instead of Sabotage Res. I basically consign myself to losing a unit every time I see LAzura (2 if there's an Ophelia).
Pic unrelated?
Nothing really, the least offensive thing was the Aether Resort, but that still had an option to spend orbs on things.
The pair-up being limited to legendary heroes only. They probably did that because it would defeat the purpose of Ally Support, but why couldn't they have just evolved the mechanic? We now have another arena mode, when people have been asking for a co op type of mode for years. Outright removing units instead of demoting is a completely greed motivated move. I can't see the game staying alive for another year. ISIS is absolutely insane. Everything they announced was as player unfriendly as possible.
Less than a week until Hana becomes the best sword infantry!
Shame they waited until after I quit to give Hana a refine.
I really hope it doesn't die because I finally have all the stuff I wanted.
>3 Eirs
Uhhhh lmao?
I got monkey pawed on the summoning change. I've been wanting them to make two pools of available units for like a year now, and they finally do it.
Except that they keep the rarities of absolute shitters like Leo and Ike at 5*, so when they're back in the pool, you can still get spooked by the fuckers.
I assume we will eventually get a more consistent way of getting those old 5-stars. Pipe dream is having them worked Into the heroic grail shop. Maybe just two at a time
I'm currently playing birthright. Its enjoyable if not particularly difficult
It's super simple but people want to be mad so they pretend it's a much bigger deal than it is. Most of them dont even play FEH
It won't. People have been talking like this since day 1
>The pair-up being limited to legendary heroes only
>is only available on the worst game modes that you don't even need pair up to clear, not even for things like chain challenges.
>new game mode that gives out FEATHERS as the main currency
Haven't kept up with the meta, who is the Nr.1 unit? Is it still Reinhardt?
The best units are armors and Legend Azura, a flying dancer who gives the danced target mov+1 if infantry or flying, and +X to all stats, where X is the highest statboost on a unit. This works with things like Torrent Dance 3, which is a seal, to give +5 to everything.
Runner up is Brave Veronica, think Reinhardt that also debuffs the enemy while buffing your team by 4.
I wish that the game would make better decisions just so it could be like it was back when the first Brave heroes were released. It was fun talking with people then. I still enjoy the game but the threads are like this now because IS keeps making questionable decisions.
what the fuck
I guess Vero is closer to B!Lyn, she's not guaranteed to double, but she has 32 base attack (46 with her staff) and 36 base spd so she can hit most things twice. Her staff having dazzling staff built in is the major catch, no counter attacking.
>still haven't given us another way to get firesweep bow
>What was the best part of the Feh Channel?
Aether Resort looks cute as hell. Shame it will have almost no impact in the game whatsoever. Demotions are ok but removing all Year 1 5 stars from the next pools is bullshit, I have no idea why they're so adamant in demoting them.
>What was the worst part?
They keep trying to shove legendaries down everyone's throats. Pair Up is exclusive to legendaries, the new mode you also need a legendary. I couldn't care less about legendaries since almost all of them are characters I don't give a fuck about.
Also the new refines are meh, back again to only four per month?
>been thinking of buying orbs every now and then
>IS continues to reassure me they don't deserve it
>been thinking of buying orbs every now and then
>remember that I've gone through over 100 orbs without anything
Paying 13 bucks for 23 orbs (5 rolls), just to get 3 and 4 star shitters just sounds so awful.
But you surely want to spend orbs for the resort pass in Aether Resort, don't you, summoner?
It might have been minor but I personally lost it at the "Aether Resort pass" that requires orbs to use. It's even more hilarious that they did this after taking away some F2P orbs.
did Axebreaker overweigh Armads' Quick Riposte effect?
And yeah, my Lilina carries Axebreaker and that's worth its weight in gold
Dancers are fucking stupid, always have been. Even if literally all they do is give another unit an additional turn that's incredibly strong, when you add anything else to that you run into this "1 +10 unit gets 50 buffs and solos everything" bullshit.
It changes around chapter 22
I'll reserve judgement until once I see these 'Book 1 Banners' that they're on about. If they're like Legendary Banners or those 4* Banners, then good shit. If they're just regular banners, then fuck off
At least I managed to get Mist before then
fuck pegasluts
what are these flower things?
What the fuck bros they're taking away Genny from the pool. I still haven't gotten my +Atk gf.
I miss early FEH, before skill inheritance where every unit felt unique. If only they took the game in a different direction, letting characters learn a limited pool of skills unique to them.
I would've done so whether you told me to or not.
Dragon flowers, they're stat-up items.
>letting characters learn a limited pool of skills unique to them.
try out langrisser. it has it's own issues but it does a lot of things right with the gameplay that feh doesn't.
I'm on chapter 25, not sure if it's gotten harder or if I've gotten lazier. Probably both
I already did, I got bored pretty fast. The game is slow and characters don't draw me in the same way FE characters do. That said the gameplay is a million times better than the shitheap that current FEH is.
Partly IS's fault but a large portion of the negativity comes from people playing other gatcha who just want to see this game die. Mostly draggies and the FGO players
Have you considered that the people most bitter are ones who quit FEH after playing a long time? You can't pin that on anyone but IS. And before you say
>games change over time you can't please everyone
look at Granblue, which just celebrated it's 5th anniversary and has kept it's players happy throughout.
Anyone else not give a fuck about the powercreep and just continuing to invest in their Book 1 favorites?
Guess they're testing for it first before making it competitive.
>didn't post the rest
Guess those Eirs fucked your mages up
Yeah, it's why I can't do any of the lunatic Grand battles. But at least I have my +10 Nino and Peri and working on Felicia.
Why are you getting so butthurt over someone else's loss?
>life -0
>tier 21
I am completely unable to roll spring catria and it's killing me
You're only eligible to lose lift every 20 hours. Fights between the 20 hour period won't lower your lift.
You only lose height on your first defeat of the day, user
Keep trying, user.
>Have you considered that the people most bitter are ones who quit FEH after playing a long time
In that case, why are they still following FEH? They quit of their own volition, and that's fine, yet they still follow it even after. I know someone who does this too and it's still stupid.
The change is good.
>still a chance to get cucked by year 1 shitters like vanilla Azura or Ike during non-new hero banners
I have noticed a lot of gachawars as of late, but even back then with the FGOposting it wasn't like this. I play Dragalia Lost and while their community is absolute dogshit I'm looking forward to the collab. I just don't feel as invested because I already liked FE but DL is a new IP (but I love Naoki Saito's art). sorry for late reply
>got 3 Yunes with 40 orbs including a +Atk
What's the best way to build her?
>got yune trying for ophelia
>hits like a wet noodle
the problem isn't the gen 1 5* being removed from new and special banners
The problem is that shitter gen 5* units are still 5* units
This game is a fucking dumpster fire that's gotten worse every month since they added Surtr.
>New fucking arena cancer mode for dragon flowers
>Some worthless town mode that doesn't seem give anything and you need to pay 3 orbs PER WEEK if you want more currency
>Old shitty units like Gray, Luke and Mist can't cuck you anymore as long as you only roll on banners with new characters
>Old good units like Hector, BLyn, and Ayra also can't cuck you anymore if you're rolling on new banners
>We're probably getting more banners so people can get old units while IS is also cutting back on the orbs they give us
the trick is to roll on the old unit banners and hope a new unit pitybreaks you
>roll way back on orb handouts
>proceed to ask 3 orbs a week for a new currency that's worthless outside of what's supposed to be a fun mode.
>Close Counter is out of the pools.
>that book 1 unit you want to merge, but almost never gets put on a banner
>have gotten pity broken by Julia 3 times trying for Deirdre merges.
>removing Hector from being pitty breaker
>you can still get pitty breaker by merric
Merric got demoted last round.
Genny is the one that hurts me the most, I've managed to build mine to +5 with mostly pitybreakers and now she's out of new banners. I have absolutely no idea who in IS ever thought this was a good idea, but I hope it bites them hard in the ass.
>Most gacha tend to give out more currency the longer it goes on so that players can keep up with constant reruns of older characters
>Feh gives out less orbs and and the game is going to be swamped with at least 2 seasonal reruns per month as well as who knows how many first gen unit reruns now
>And we still get new units on top of that
>New mode gives feathers and dragon flowers
What a fucking waste of time
Because they want to drag it down with them. Trashy people being trash
I love my mistress.
I really want to build a Y Tiki but the only one I ever got was -atk. I wanted an all tiki team of both summer versions and legendary.
I quit grand blue a while ago (but not as early as I should have), no clue what's changed/stayed the same since then and I have zero interest
Worst of all, at most you'll be getting 50 flowers per week OF ONE KIND ONLY, so it's pretty much one whole month to get the flowers of the movement type you want. It's fucking worthless. I still haven't gotten enough flowers to max a single unit, why does this item have to be so fucking premium anyway?
>lv 37 on a free unit that came out 4 months ago
What are you DOING user?
No need to apologize it's all good, I've never played dragalia but I hope things improve for you guys. Interested to see what the crossover ends up being but I think it's just gonna be some FEH OC's getting into DL
I only noticed she was free yesterday, but I have other two Camillas
Literally nothing was good this time
The new pocket castle mode looks interesting but the daily +10 points except if you use 3 orbs EVERY WEEK killed my hype
The new pair up arena looks interesting but the lack of orbs as rewards killed my hype again
The new refines most of the time are bullshit so I wouldn't be surprised if this time they are still useless
The new "fuck you if you want this character roll in his banner" shit was confusing
And some AR shit who no one cares at all
I literally don't understand why the channel has 3k of likes, they are from reddit where they suck IS dick no matter of what they do except if they add a loli to the game?
Seriously I hope Feh dies quickly so they can be good again
>I have other two Camillas
>tfw remember when they used to give out orbs like candy
I don't really want to +10 her, but I at least want a +Atk copy. Surprisingly a good unit if she can get to 75% HP or less, but of course she's trash otherwise. Plus she's the unit I rerolled for when I first got into the game in April 2 months after the game launched, so I feel obligated to make her decent.
Nothing lol
>Aether Resort should've the main home screen instead of a shitty mini game. Sick and tired of playing the game and the first thing that greets me is that same fucking soundtrack and castle for almost 2 years
>Pair up is limited to legendary units, but just those released after Roy because fuck you
>New game mode doesn't even give orbs, just feathers (currently an overabundant currency) and gay flowers, not even multiple flowers no just of one kind
>Very little demotes compared to last year
>Completely removed every single book 1 unit instead of demoting most of them or finding a much better approach
Just garbage but honestly what was I expecting. Heroes fags will eat this shit up just like they did with the anniversary and continue to dump thousands of euros into the game and claiming that it is good. Fuck this game and especially fuck ISIS.
>shigure demoted after i already got pitybroken by him 3 times
Same with Soleil.
Same with alm
>What was the best part of the Feh Channel?
>What was the worst part?
I don't know the part a Dragalia Lost Had to saved Nintendo ass This Mobile Q1 2019 instead FEH I think? you fucking kidding me? less than 30%? Is miracle than you still on top one. Dragalia had problems the first 2 months and saved nintendo ass instead YOU. Fuckin Crap. FEH is shit now
Remember when FEH was a nominee for Kid's Choice GOTY?
thank god they got rid of all those book 1 shitters, but fuck them for nuking valuable fodder like nephenee, hector, bike, taco, faye and blyn while not demoting all the other shitters in the pool
like I only have 1 fucking faye because i have 3 accounts and got off bannered, same with katarina and a ton of other favorites. meanwhile i have gotten spooked by all the new shitters
Remember when Feh literally won the best mobile game the first year?
Good times
What happened, bros?
>we got rid of all of the bad pity breakers, guys! Now you don't have to worry about getting Mist'd ever again!
>Oh, but I almost forgot to mention, that's only on new heroes banners, so everything else is still in danger of painful offbanners of outdated Gen 1 shit
Barely anything has really changed, honestly, and them acting like this accomplishes anything is hilarious. This didn't fix the problem, it's a band-aid over a tumor.
IS got greedy. Every decision update in the last 6 months have been all anti f2p in some way. FEH has gone from one of the most f2p friendly to one of the least.
Too bad the artsyle is beyond fucking ugly
I want to give feedback but I'm worried it'll just get lodged in the outrage complaint box.
Its bad but certainly not one of the least. Have you seen some of the bullshit that goes on in gachashit? It makes KMMO gacha look like a fucking giveaway.
All I ever send feedback for is requesting an option for jap voices with english menus.
At this point idk what they could introduce. The gameplay is mostly the same.
How many orbs have you saved so far? 317 orbs and counting here. I'm waiting hopefully for W!Fae to be featured together with L!Tiki or a possible new Nowi alt, but I haven't spent any orbs since I got jackshit from the Fates beast banner.
I had quite a lot but blew them all getting a -Atk Yune. Still happy with her though, better than getting cucked multiple 8%s in a row like with LTiki, who I still don't have. My WFae was hard to get too, also -Atk but I think I'll leave it this way.
btw panne and tometania are being put in the grail shop
I try to save for Laegjarn merges but I have no god damn impulse control. I hit around 100-150, see a shiny and new banner, say "one more roll couldn't hurt" and before I know it I'm flat on my ass with nothing to show for it.
I'm especially getting burned now because Loki is on a focus.
0 orbs. Spending on Spring Catria merges. After her banner ends I'm going to save for Summer Linde merges, but might impulsively drop some on Mia or PegaNino if they get banners before then.
Speaking of Yune, why do people say she hits like a wet noodle? Chaos Manifest, Sabotage Res 3, and Chaos Named work well together and she bashes through Wary Fighter. Mine is -Atk and she still kills fine with the death blow effect of manifest. Considering Fury though.
I'm so indecisive about promoting Panne. On one hand, I fucking love rabbit girls and she's hella cute, on the other I don't really have any use for her, as shown with Nailah and Naesala who I haven't used in months already.
I'm considering it but only because I'd need her to finish a 4 beast team (others would be Reyson, Naesala, and Velour). Never used her in Awakening, in much the same manner I barely used any nonroyal/nongiffca laguz.
It's 20k feathers, how do you not have enough to where you even need to pause and think about it?
That said, GHBs absolutely need to have their infernal rewards be 5* already.
>tfw indecisive about promoting and almost at the feather cap
>notification clarifies that old removed units still appear on seasonal repeat banners
sorry spring catria man
>It's 20k feathers, how do you not have enough to where you even need to pause and think about it?
I got 260k feathers right now, it's not about not having resources to promote her, is about promoting her just for her to rot in the barracks after that, just like my Nailah and Naesala.
is it better to merge llewyn or fodder extra copies, i have 3
>arena recycled again
>new mechanic you'll never use
>pay orbs to farm aether stones
>demotes for units that were already demoted
It was all terrible and IS should just stop pretending FEH isnt dead
I have 2 Lucina, normal.
Is her superasset in +Def worth it or should I just merge into the +Atk one?
>tfw 162 5* and use maybe 40 of them
I just like building units
You can make multiple Light & Astra season teams for AR offence.
The pool changes that aren't really changes. They removed a lot of old 5* units from new banners but that means a lot of popular characters people would have liked such as Sigurd, Hector, Linde are much less likely to appear now. It does nothing to fix the plethora of garbage 3-4* units that won't be touched like Sully or Raigh or Matthew but hey you might MIGHT get legault or ares as a 3* now.
The resort is what the game has always needed.
>Took 2 years to get our first main hall skin
>Took over 2 years to get a "my castle" type setting
We could have been collecting furniture, rooms, and skins all these months but no.