Battle Royale is just a cheap trick developers use to make people keep playing until they win, because "nobody dies at 89th, REPLAY!". They only want to keep replaying it to win, so they wont feel like worthless fags for losing, but once they win they never pick it up ever again. This isn't about them being popular, it's that they solely capitalize in the insecurities of people (and let's face it, children) rather than making a mechanically deep arena shooter that doesn't stem from this problem. How can anyone actually "like" battle royale games when they're just a manipulative product to show off superiority?
The "actual" problem with Battle Royale
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I'm at 38% winrate with over 1100 wins so that right there is already why you're wrong.
>three thousand fartnight matches
fucking hell
>not mechanically deep
hmmm agreed fortnite is just a bloom shooter such a low skill ceiling anyone can just pick it up.
It's the same thing as any team game. Only 1v1 is worth a fuck. Everything else is party games and addiction simulators.
Maybe they play the game because it's fun to them whether they win or lose.
Who the fuck still cares about winning? It's about the fights and the build mechanic showing clear gap in skills and an ever evolving build meta for me, winning is just something that just happens now.
>he still thinks building adds depth
Nice non argument.
Building in Fortnite is just as difficult and nuanced as mechanics in other shooters. I've played a fuckton of shooters including games like Tribes, Quake, and CS which are known to have depth to their combat, and Fortnite is much more difficult and in-depth than any of those games. It's one of the only shooters I've played where I needed to go into training mode and learn how to build/edit because going into matches and getting bopped by people doing it to me wasn't helping me at all. Don't just shit on it because kids like it. It's a tough game.
Who drops a game after winning once? I have about 100 wins in Totally Accurate Battlegrounds is huge and I never got tired of it. I'll still hop right on its dick once it goes f2p and comes back from the dead hopefully
>professional fortnight player
>16 years old
it's literally the only thing in the game that has depth. the shooting mechanics are terrible because of bloom which forces everyone into shotgun fights and into build battles.
Building is the most in-depth mechanic, and the most fun. People who play Fortnite for any other reason seriously have some shit taste because there is no redeeeming factor to any other part of the game and i say that as someone who's played since literally day one
We had a non bloom shooting mechanic but bots didn't like it.
i know and bloom will stay in the game for that reason. because it gives the casuals a chance to win without them havving to do anything
You're an outlier. You don't actually think that the legions of hypebeast children and tacospeak third-worlders have more than a handful of wins each, do you?
You're actually retarded, a small majority of the game-base doesn't have a win because it's so easy to get one at certain times.
I disagree. I taught a coding summer camp last year and every kid loved that Fortnite. I think the big appeals are
>It's free
>It's popular
>It's fun with friends
People don't realize what a great social game Fortnite is. It's the perfect "with friends" game.
>Lots of downtime interspersed by high-intensity fights
Lends itself well to socialization while still giving individuals the chance to show off their skills
>Many up-front knowledge requirements like chest spawns
Allows friends to share knowledge with each other, which people love to do
>Many variables, including landing zone, randomized loot, circle location, etc.
Keeps the games fresh so that no two matches are exactly the same
>Party/lobby system with excellent cross-play support
Ensures that anyone can play with anyone, improving player retention since it's easy to play with friends
>Cosmetics/emotes that are visible in-game as well as in the pre-game lobby
Lets players show off what they have to each other.
>Fast matchmaking, quick matches, and overall light-hearted feel
Ensures that defeats are never utterly crushing and encourages you to try again.
It's the ultimate "with friends" game. It's barely even a game, it's a fucking social network.
>a small majority
what does this even mean
I'm also retarded I meant minority.
I enjoy BR for its emergent gameplay and single life rule.
One of the biggest problems with conventional team and squad based FPS map design is that fringe and non-objective areas go largely unutilised in the majority of maps, the circle mechanic in BR solves this problem by redefining the fringe not only in each game, but multiple times throughout the game, you get to fight in a lot of locations in a lot of different ways versus the lane based chokepoint design of conventional FPS.
Having a single life also completely eliminates the tedium of finding yourself trapped for 30 minutes to an hour in an obvious losing or steamroll game, once you are killed you simply start another game, you aren't given a chance to become bored.