How do I find a girl that loves me
The problem isn’t finding a girl that loves you. The problem is finding a girl you love back.
If you’re in Melbourne I can suck your peepee user
>How do I find a girl that loves me
Better yourself so that you can be the kind of man women would want to be with.
Women are hypergamous, they only are interested by people that are better than themselves.
If NO woman wants you, it's because you're pathetic as fuck.
Better yourself.
You don't need one. A man gains strength and wisdom in Solitude and Celibacy. The Men who left their mark on this World didn't need losse roastbeef pussy to do it
thats not a problem
if i girl shows me affection i will fall in love with her
it has always been like that
the girl choose me and i also fell in love
one time i licked with a girl and loved afterwards in love with her
haha... that made me feel like a retard
Nice coping mechanism.
You do know that Nietzsche was LITERALLY an incel, right?
i wish we could go back to times where you could marry a teen as a old fuck
then you would get a clean wife no matter your age
If you are 22+ and have no social interaction it's too late to start because you can't face repercussions of interacting with poor skills as an adult in the workforce
Even if she's ugly, fat or not white?
I hate the fact that you people turned a really good scene from a really good movie and turned it into some >tfw no gf bullshit
thx for the motivation bro
i think i can go back to my former lonely wolf cool dude form back now
>He hasn't embrassed 2D waifu yet
t. Incel
I get that this is the best Yea Forums meme since Bane, but seriously, getting a girlfriend or just laid would be easy if you put half as much effort into working on yourself as you do shitposting.
>If you are 22+ and have no social interaction it's too late to start
Open, open okcupid, go to a random bar.
And practice. Practice. Learn. Even if you fail, it's without consequences.
You're obviously a loser and try to persuade yourself that it's not your fault and that you can't do anything about it.
You're lazy at that too.
no man, she has to be somehow ok at least
i would like a 10/10 but a 6/10 can turn in your 10/10
>lonely wolf cool dude
A man that no woman wants _cannot_ be a "lonely wolf cool dude".
Only a loser loner.
>actually wanting a creature to steal all your money and sleep
If this is a problem for you then it's too late. Go shoot up a mosque or something.
i got more (you)s than on this thread thx to it
it isnt doing it for my anymore
i need real flesh and a thing that can give me children
You're obviously below 5/10, or women would accept to be with you.
In what fucking world would a 6+ want to be with you?
Better yourself.
user I've been there multiple times over. That's not love.
You're just a vapid cunt