Literally what the fuck is wrong with British "people"?
Literally what the fuck is wrong with British "people"?
He's not wrong.
To be fair: The British Royals are of German descent.
I wouldn't infer stuff about Britons based on them of all British households.
Execute all zoomers.
I agree.
Who's the next king when the queen kicks it? Is it Harry? If so good luck eu cucks
Looking at the majority of posts on Yea Forums, it's clear to tell that video games are connected to poor mental health in some way.
Can you explain why he’s wrong? Use your words.
He's not wrong it's a skinner box made to addict with microtransactions made to milk. It makes people cattle.
>giving a shit about what Diana's bastard son thinks
He’s literally right
> ban fortnite
based and redpilled
> The British Royals are of German descent.
oh so like british peasants then? dumb amerilarp
No, shut the fuck up for a second OP. I love hating on the Brits as much as the next burger but there's a deeper cultural phenomenon here and I want answers right now. Why is Britain so obsessed with Fortnite specifically? Every single time I see an article or some moral outrage over Fornite the source is British. What's the deal? You don't hear half as much shit about the game from anywhere else in the world
>Duke of Sus Sex
Really makes you think.
He's not wrong. Kill anyone born after '96.
>The Duke of suSEX
>fortnite is a problem
>foreigners forming rape gangs aren't
His cool older brother who didn't marry a nigress.
Their father is in line first though.
Harry is now...
6th In line to the throne.
Anyone who targets specifics instead of concepts are not to be taken seriously. Maybe instead of banning Fortnite look into the predatory practices it promotes. Just blaming a single piece of media that, in all reality, doesn't do anything different than the rest just shows how out of touch with the medium you are criticizing.
Just like boomers making comics about Pokemon Go and Pacman, if those are the only entries you know about in the medium then you can't criticize it as a whole.
Everyone knows that video games are addicting, but that's because they are an interesting medium. Why ban movies because of cinephiles? Why ban games for being addictive but allow cigarettes when there a myriad of health defects stemming from them?
If this somehow goes through then it will show how hypocritical and downright lazy the UK is in regards to legislation.
Oh please, the UK is the worst nanny state in Europe, this is obviously an inherently British trait
She looks like a fucking clown.
He's actually right
Yeah, Markle looks rough.
Gingers are not British
Hell they dont belong to any nation
I don't play Fortnite, but why should I take advice from someone who married a middle-aged divorced woman?
>gambling lootboxes
he is right
Fuck Zoomers.
He's not wrong per se, but it's a meaningless sentiment in light of the bigger picture.
Singling out Fortnite for instance is indicative of a person speaking about a subject he/she has no deeper understanding of.
Where was he with Dota 2? WoW? Dota before that? CS? All video games to a degree are created to be addictive - it's entertainment after all. All entertainment can be addictive.
The reason why he's wrong is that Fortnite is already on the way out. No one has to lift a finger and it will slowly be replaced by something new, just like all the games I mentioned beforehand.
But let's look at the bigger picture - gaming. Is gaming any more problematic than say, movies and TV shows or social media on top of that? Video games at least provide a social outlet, which is a very important service in an age where physical social interaction is no longer in vogue, regardless of whether gaming exists or not.
It's a very old fashioned way of thinking, to believe that if gaming was banned people would go outside and interact more. No, people would still stay home and replace gaming with social media, or other forms of digital entertainment. The economy and environment for socializing outside just doesn't exist anymore.
>be literal royalty with billions of dollars
>willingly choose to fuck a chimp
Atlantis. Genghis Khan was a ginger. He can’t say it, but he wants his men to train for war.
Seriously this. The only ones who rival gaming fans in insanity are star wars fans and sports fans.
Based, Fortnite is normalfag cancer. Sooner it's banned the better.
Why don't they refer to them as what they really are?
Who the fuck refers to middle easterners as "asian"
He's right though, it was literally made to be addictive. It's not as harmful as gacha or lootboxes, but it can't be healthy. I don't think you should ban it though, it's just riding the line between gambling and not gambling.
>implying this isn't based
>one of the biggest nights in the UK's gaming calander
Then why have I literally never heard of it in my life?
Brits unironically love their dystopian police state.
The british royal family is a joke. They need strong and and -most importantly- attractive monarchs like chad zayed
So what about watching tv?
>Shut down youth centres left and right
>Every single area has a "No Ball Games" sign
>Knife crime on the rise
>Gang crime on the rise
>"Kids are playing video games a lot for some reason, we better ban them!"
As eternal Anglo, wherever he is, he must demand loicences.
>what is geography
The most reactionary people/government of the west.
Holy shit, based Harry is at it again. I bet he browses this place, too.
Asian means "person from the former british raj" in the british language.
>the Duke of SUSex
>the chinks HATE him
There is also Wessex, Essex and Middlesex
No Norsex interestingly
fortnite loicense
Brits getting m8ed in the arse again
Oi! Do you have a license for that logic m8?
>once again blaming the game instead of the faggot cuck parents who can't be fucked to set a limit on how much their kid play the game because they've let their kid set all the rules
pathetic. just let the UK burn at this point
wtf i love brits now
The middle east is literally West Asia you fucking dolt.
I unironically hope they ban Fortnite globally. The zoomer tears would be glorious.
>rich faggot who literally dressed as a nazi for a party says videogames are harming people
I'm glad the UK is so proactive about fighting socially destructive activities.
You filthy peasants should spend your personal time scrounging up farthings until you've got enough wealth to engage in a proper pastime at a gentleman's club. A rousing game of polo, cricket or tennis is just the thing; none of this Fortnite fiddle faddle.
I hate this stupid country and its dumbfuck populace so much. I wish I could leave.
It's not a new thing that gaming publishers & developers of shitty studios have utilized Psychological to addict their consumer base to their given games.
I agree with him, and would like them to go further toward actively investigating game development studios to insure there are no ideas brought on via psychology to addict players.
Fuck that shit. Getting tired of non-consensual brain rape.
They got enough of that during the Viking invasions.
>Kids don't want to see their mothers specifically in sex scenarios
Please, please someone just nuke us. Just drop a fucking Tsar equivalent on London already.
At one point, within the lifespan of Yea Forums, I remember a "ridiculous" copypasta about police calling bicycles, wooden spatulas, and washing machines potential deadly weapons and seizing them. Now look where they are. The nanny state has surpassed all expectations, gone above and beyond anything we could have joked about. Genuine paranoia runs their lawmaking bodies now.
wtf I love monarchy now?
Retarded. The state shouldn't decide what entertainment we're allowed to consume.
I never understood why Europe was considered its own continent. It's just a tiny extension of Asia.
Because they're literally asian?
This might come as a shock to someone as educated as yourself, but "asia" encompasses more than ching chongs.
>he doesnt know
>The boundary between Asia and Africa is the Red Sea, the Gulf of Suez, and the Suez Canal.[citation needed] This makes Egypt a transcontinental country, with the Sinai peninsula in Asia and the remainder of the country in Africa.
burger i guess?
Only zoomers will be mad about this. Try to find them in this thread!
t. pedo
So, are you Chinese or Japanese?
>the worst nanny state in Europe
Whatever you say, Hans. Enjoy housing your new mandatory refugee.
>should we work on making life for everyone as fulfilling and worthwhile investing in as possible?
>nah, lets just shit on all the alternatives
But hey, don't let some facts get in the way of your retarded narrative.
God only knows
A lot.
>Gingers are not British
Literally not an argument
"Please to see TV license sir"
What's stopping you, retard. Get out while you can
I do not like this clown, user. It's smug aura mocks me.
>Why don't they refer to them as what they really are?
Yeah, why do they refer to Asians as "Asians". Fucking weirdos lol.
>not bike wheel
>You heard me, Charlie... BLACK.
The UK government is only good for five things.
>Raising taxes
>Taxing shit nobody else would even dream of doing so
>Complaining and offering zero solutions
>Banning anything they deem unfit with no say from the public
>Delaying delays
I might just save up a stupid amount of money and move to Finland. They speak good English out there which would help bridge the gap while I learn Finn.
You forgot surveillance
>men addicted to games and porn
>women addicted to social media
>this is pretty much across all ages and countries
was this all a mistake?
you guys beat yourselves up for being addicted to this place, but you should see the hours normies pour into instagram and twitter browsing
Asian is a completely pointless identifier considering there are more Asians on the planet than everyone else combined.
Whoops my bad laddies
You missed one.
Lost it
Depends what he meant exactly, the game IS made to prey on children, there's no doubt about that, that doesn't mean other children and adults can enjoy it without becoming addicted to it
He is. You shouldn't defend this and then rail against the anime censorship.
Internet should've never been made accessible to the general public.
I've seen it. They direct the porn, not star in it and it isn't shown to their kids. It's a clickbait headline, just like every other "I CAN'T BELIEVE BRITS ACTUALLY DO THIS" post.
They're retarded and haven't caught up to American English where we better distinguish between different parts of Asia. They still refer to Indians as Asian as well, for example.
Goodbye Londonite.
>allowing filthy peasants into the gentleman's club
Peasants should stay in the gutter, where they belong!
maybe not that extreme, but you can almost slice discourse and temperament rigidly pre- and post-2012.
Social norms didn't feel like they gradually changed over many years, just complete toss and turnover within a little over a decade
Not even close. Town in the West Midlands.
Didn't they have a Wii?
Fake and gay. Britons only use pic related
The absolute state of seppo education, contradicting yourself in the very next sentence.
>Taxing shit nobody else would even dream of doing so
Such as?
Nothing he said is wrong.
These ain't your grandpa's video games, every aspect of them is researched and manufactured to induce addiction.
Is using "asian" exclusively for talking about orientals an American thing then or am I being memed right now because i've never met a single person who has ever used asian when talking about non-orientals
Heard of the porn pass? We're literally about to be licensed and taxed to watch porn online.
1984 was written about britain for a reason user. Their population have a literal fetish for being sheep for the government and being controlled, its in their blood.
Even anti-gun people knew the pistol ban was stupid and solved nothing.
>TV license
Go look up the word Asia and you too shall possess the knowledge of an 8 year-old
Literally? Figuratively? Metaphorically? Metaphysically?
good ol ameri education
You'd think he'd be wary of starting discussions about the benefit of useless things that large numbers of people bafflingly find entertaining, and yet, here we are.
Our entire ruling class despises us from the bottom of their hearts.
At least they're not speaking German though.
I know the geography you mongoloid, but words aren't always used the way you'd expect them to in some places
The English are weird people, but I'm sure their grasp on the English language is better than that.
I don't know. Here in yunaninstan we use "asian" to refer to orientals like the americans do. Britons mostly use it to refer to pajeets. Not sure about the other countries. I know that non-american orientals find the term weird because they hate each other.
Almost every European country has that. It's just an unavoidable tax in Europe, which means they don't need to do silly scare campaigns.
And that's a good thing. Look what porn addiction has done to American roasties
Remember: these people have names and addresses.
TV license isn't exclusive to bongistan
Do you know what happened to India when they cut back access to pornography? Rape and sexual harassment spiked and never went down.
>you guys beat yourselves up for being addicted to this place, but you should see the hours normies pour into instagram and twitter browsing
In their defense it's a much more social activity than this. Yea Forums is the bottom of the barrel, it's a social media site without the social aspect.
Unironically based
But where are the onaholes? Isn't it sexist to just buy sex toys for your daughters?
There needs to be a porn ban in western countries.
In the US, we consider the Middle East to be distinct, probably because of our extensive military involvement there.
Although there are probably a fuckton of people that don't know those countries are in Asia. People barely retain the geography of our own country, let alone international facts.
This. At least in bongland there is a way to legally avoid it. In other countries it's mandatory as you pay it through your electricity bill with no way to avoid it other than moving to a forest and rely on solar power.
Charles, but I doubt Charles would want to do it.
Wouldn't be surprised to see him "skipped".
It's probably William.
Wow, it's almost as if we've had dictionaries for 400 years or something
>it's a social media site without the social aspect.
That's exactly what makes it the only social media worth using.
How exactly?
or you could simply not own a tv
He is right tbf, we have 40 y/o working for us spending hundreds on fucking fortnite
India and Pakistan aren't even in the middle-east.
Distinct continent?
is this the reddit thread?
And a sea of violent underclass scum and the Metropolitan Police Service between them and those under the cosh. Trying to get to one of them would be like The Warriors.
>banning Fortnite and not FIFA
Come on Prince, destroy the real problem.
It's polandball not kcballs.
No. You have to pay as long as there is power in your house. That's why bongland is better that some other countries in that regard even though their license is relatively expensive.
Begone Islamic dog.
>I REALLY REALLY REALLY want the people who will be of voting age when her majesty pops her clogs to fucking hate my guts so they vote to abolish the monarchy
he really is ourlad
This, the ones who were rebels left and made the best country in history.
>Lets ban THIS game which is popular RIGHT NOW and NOTHING ELSE
What is this reactionary bullshit? The genre of Fortnite will just spawn others that will fill its place immediately afterwards. Laying the blame squarely on those who got there first won't solve anything. Anything short of banning "excessively addicting videogames" will fall short of what they'd like.
ban guns because guns cause violence
>noo are you retarded people kill people not guns!
ban knives because knife crime is out of control
>noo theyre just use hammers and baseball bats you need to fix the core issue!
ban fortnite because kids are addicted
>absolutely based, fortnite is the issue nothing else! ban everything i dont like!
the absolute state
>pre- and post-2012
What happened in 2012?
I remember complaining about newfags back in 2007.
The divide is rather in the early 2000s.
That was when flatrate broadband Internet access became mainstream.
Before that you generally had to pay by the minute for about 5 KB/s.
At least your government doesn't tax petty things such as the AIR in fucking ice cream.
>flood the country with the craziest psycho cultist pedophile scum sub-humans
>fill the streets with knives
>fill the street with racist nigger children
>emasculate children with shitty thoughts, shit food, cuck entertainment
yeah i bet it's fortnite you old pedophile dork
Yeah but porn is also going to banned soon.
No, not inherently anyway. We just haven't learned how to fully deal with it yet.
Oh the big bad huwite man dressed up as a Nazi? You gonna cry? Piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum?
people with poor health stay at home more, that is the reason, but id say even clearer proof that you are insane is that you need some online groups to talk to insteaad of your irl friends
Not a continent, but just a general area. It's a relevant distinction here, probably due to fear of terrorism, etc. I would say when Americans say "Asian" they're pretty much exclusively talking about China, Japan, Korea, etc.
>teaching men how to rape at an early age
brits are pedophiles and pedophiles are interested in what kids do
1984-tier mass-control and surveillance is their culture
I wouldn't be nearly as worried of the NSA if these cocksuckers weren't in
Sweet pixels you got there mate.
polandball stems from krautchan, so I think that's why that user called it "kcballs".
No idea why he'd suspect reddit in that case, though.
in sane people's mind asians are chinese, not even indian, indian is half poo, middle east is full on pedoscumshit
Definition =/= usage, you daft mongoloid.
Quit being so obtuse.
this but unironically and plenty of people hate the way things work and want change but for the last several decades it has never been the most important political issue and has basically always been overlooked
>To avoid to pay the tax icluded into the electricity bill, you need to present a replacement declaration before January 31 2019
but i dont?
Reddit is a buzzword for bad, silly. :^)
Distinct general area compared to the rest of Asia?
>safety cap on the pistol
It's the little things.
If that's what you're concerned about, I'd be more scared of Brussels.
>people from the ME are Asians because they're in Asia!
Do you refer to leafs and anyone from South America as Americans too you stupid fuck?
Britain is worse than Germany in some ways though. In Scotland you can go camping almost anywhere in the wildness and people have been arrested for bringing knives with them while out camping. In England shit like that doesn't really happen as much but it's still bad. England is much more conservative than Scotland thanks to the shitload of immigrants we have here
So, are we (greece) the only retarded country in europe where you can't avoid it? I've searched for ways to avoid it but I've only found some old paraplegic guys who managed to get an exemption
>I'd be more scared of Brussels.
They are both equally bad, but one side actually has the power to fuck everything up, while the other may at worst sink its little isle.
>mass surveillance
>don't actually reduce important crime, like child rape
>police picking up toys and utensils from the dirt and claiming it was a weapons sweep
Genuinely what the fuck is going on over there?
Do bongs get insulted if people call them Europeans?
european =/= EU citizen
Do US citizens get insulted, if people call them North Americans?
Yes. While it is part of Asia, we typically don't care about that. Rarely is that fact important in conversation. "Asian" is most often used to describe someone's appearance, because people don't want to sound racist and call some Korean a Chinese.
yes i indeed call people from south america south americans
How did the Scots become so cucked? They've always been associated with freedom and their fight against the British. But now even the party that dares to call themselves nationalists, want to separate from the UK just to join the EU. Most of the votes to stay were in Scotland. I don't fucking get it.
Can't you say the same about people on pretty much every board? I hardly visit all boards but /g/, /x/, /biz/, /fa/ and /fit/ are all worse that Yea Forums in the mental health department.
I went to school, sorry.
>Where was he with Dota 2? WoW? Dota before that? CS?
Being based and redpilled
Retarded mutt.
But wouldn't calling them just Americans work since they're in the Americas?
>m-muh technicalities
Yeah okay, you mentally deficient child, I can do the same thing too.
>fortnite zoomers will vote for a republic because of this
Yeah, that'll show 'em
North America and South America are different continents, Billy-Bob.
probably because the UK has done very little for scotland in the last century while the EU has done almost nothing but good things
the EU gave workers rights protections and the UK gave radioactive waste
And /lgbt/ and Yea Forums and Yea Forums and most boards really. The boards that get the most traffic typically have the most well-adjusted people. Oh, and special mention to /soc/ as being a den of the mentally ill, where even most of the mentally stable posters are still attention whores at the very least.
Good. Fake monarchies only exist to waste money. Either have a real monarchy or no monarchy.
Ok but only fortnite and gacha.
>they weren't germanic
good ol nationalist revisionism
yes they are american, but i use south american because it's more precise. just like calling middle easterner asian is correct since they are west asian
South America is still an America my dude
>I use words in a different way to how they are defined
lmao, found the actual potato
Yea Forums used to get a lot of traffic and I wouldn't call them "mentally adjusted"
>I call Middle Easterners asian
Then shouldn't you fucking call them Middle Easteners?
no one will ever call you american lol
Bongs are Europeans only geographically, imo
Culturally, I'd say they have more in common with America or Canada than they do with any European country
no one will ever call you smart lol *dabs*
You can't even own an airsoft gun in Scotland because some kid once got shot by one
Yea Forums was the exception I had in mind when I said "typically." But even then, I think a lot of the normalfags who would visit there were just mostly shitposting or underaged.
>It was created to addict
Of all the games out there Fortnite/BRs have some pretty fuckin tame addictive qualities. If you want to cut at something go after Twitch, which is selling the dream of playing video games for a living to kids in bulk. That's probably a big reason so many kids are still playing that shit game anyways.
What matters most is that the people you communicate with understand you, and vice versa. Being pedantic just makes you unlikable. Language evolves constantly, for better or worse.
>The boards that get the most traffic typically have the most well-adjusted people.
You're forgetting one of the biggest boards, filled with "people" who don't just have emotional problems but are genuine irrational loons.
Kek I can't even look at brittain anymore, its just embarassing
Do you guys have degrees in Yea Forums or something?
>I look up dictionary before using a new word
Culturally they have more in common with a pile of human excrement
They ban your memes, they rape your daughters, they ban your porn, now they are gonna ban your games. After that its pork
Someone get me out of here
I'm afraid to go near my city, its been riddled with disappearing, muggings, stabbing and drugs. The government doesn't listen, the job market is shit and everything keeps getting worse.
There's so many fucking arabs in the city, so fucking many. They must be on the level of Polish immigrants now. Everyday I hear shit about brexit and it reminds me that its a complete clusterfuck. Everyday I see that there's a mugging, stabbing or gang violence. I used to think "Its just London" but its more than that. Its spreading to my city and small town. God dammit we used to make cars, how the fuck did we fall so far, I just wanna be safe at this point
Don't come here. Stay away from London and any of the big cities. The towns are slowly rotting away, there's grass growing out of our roads because the government isn't maintaining them, they are filled with potholes, there's walls that are broken down which haven't been repaired.
Get me off of this hell hole
If language evolves then the inherent definition also changes. Your tepid attempt at a straw man argument is invalid because the word Asian has not changed from being 'someone from Asia'. You wouldn't understand though because you have the IQ of a pond feature.
>asian gangs
What? These people look like arabs.
>Kek I can't even look at brittain anymore, its just embarassing
No please not this again
epic facts man destroying with knowledge
sorry you dont talk to be people but in common vernacular asians refers to east asians. middle easterners refers to the brown people in arabia
I wonder why that might be.
I dont see anything wrong.
Most modern games are trash tier that are nothing but virtual traps to keep people playing with nothing but busywork.
Even SP games do this nowadays. See Ubisoft's latest AC game thats 15hr content stretched out over 100hrs.
Sorry for the reality check, but maybe well adjusted people see beyond the flashy graphics and "its really like I'm there!" shit, and realize that fantasy worlds aren't really worth putting that much time into.
Is London that bad?
I'd love to visit it at least once just because of how famous it is and all the landmarks, but I worry it might not be worth risking my life over
America is insanely difficult to emigrate to. The rest of the EU is probably not much better but they also speak foreign languages so that's another barrier.
No can do. You're leaving the EU so its really too late to travel to another country since you'll be kicked out once you leave. Enjoy staying forever on your shitty island getting raped by baboons and licenced to death by the nanny state.
Charles has been waiting to do it for about 30 years.
Whens the queen gonna pop her clogs?
She's gonna outlive Charles at this rate
i call them middle easterner but understand why bongs call them asian since im not a sperg
I pray for the day where we will finally depose the royals, drag them out into the streets and execute them instead of wasting billions babysitting them
it evolved from "someone from asia" to someone from east asia you stupid motherfucker. please kill yourself you absolute retard
You'll still be ruled by the elite. None of it matters.
Because they're retarded and want to promote agendas?
germanic =/= german
I can't wait to leave the UK
Why does the prince have that shit haircut?
He has a cute face, beard and pretty eyes, but that shitty haircut ruins him.
Why would he want to move somewhere with the same problems amplified by a factor of ten?
He's mad because people stopped playing Fifa and started playing Fortnite
honestly even though i dislike fortnite. their businessmodel is incredibly fair compared to other free 2 play games.
Hey, if you care about liberty, come to America. We could use more people like that right now.
No, because they're from Asia.
dont worry friend, you can still freely travel and find a comfy place somewhere else in europe...oh wait
>This word means something different because I say so. It exists in my mind, goy!
Lmao, I can't even comprehend how difficult the world must be for you with such a tiny mind.
I have no love for Fortnite but I'm against censorship of this kind.
Also this limpwristed faggot should make a call to mass investigate homes of "refugees" in order to protect children from actual harm
no, retarded /pol/tard, because they are literally from asia. they even published their photos with their names how could anyone mistake them for chinese or japanese
>they're from Asia
Ah yes, let's call them Earthians, Solians and Milky Wayians too while we're at it because it's technically right
Its not worth it. Its not worth the worry, the robbings on the tube. The first time I went on the tube and sat down, some women was robbed right in front of me. Since then, I've never been back on them. They're usually pretty full of stains and whatnot anyway. Walking around London 2 times really told me that there was nothing to see. Its just buildings. The restaurants are too booked or closed, the history museums might be the only reason to go, but even then, is it worth it for those?
Big Ben is a joke. Its not even in full use
I can't. Wait times would guarantee me dead in a few years because of a stabbing or something. Not if I blow my brains out first.
Only germany and sweden is able to compete with brittain in cuckoldry.
No, that would be silly.
>retard pretending that Asian doesn't imply people from China, Japan, Korea and other places in that region located in Asia to about 99% of people you ask
lmao okay retard
I already said that in the US, "Asian" is chiefly used to describe someone's appearance, i.e. skin tone and eye shape similar to Chinese/Japanese/etc. We don't call Russians "Asian." And we rarely need to acknowledge the Middle East's inclusion into Asia since we care more about appearance and culture when describing someone, rather than geography.
You're still being a cunt, by the way. Here, I'll just say this to make you happy: you win the argument. Now fuck off and masturbate to geographical facts somewhere else.
It's funny how England makes all of you faggots seethe so much.
>le perfidious Albion XDDD
Good job falling for decades old Nazi propaganda you fucking retards
It doesn't work that way in Britain. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
go to the fucking country its simple
>never see any muzzies
>never hear constant talk of politics (fuck white girls)
>air is beautiful
>you get to know the locals easier instead of meeting silent foreigners
>real pubs
Should have listened to Addie when you had the chance :^)
>just buildings
It's buildings with hundreds of years of history, though.
As an American, it's fascinating to see some actual architecture unlike the mass produced garbage I'm used to where I live
Pigs are good for eating my enemies. Sheep and cows are good for eating grass.
But people talk about politics all the time in my last small town of 4000 in California. Same in town of 3000 in Montana.
>We don't call Russians "Asian.
Have you seen what Russians in Siberia and Eastern Russia look like?
>Brits implying they're master banterlords
Because it's dumb and gay like the imperial system or using commas for decimals lmao
i think he might be legit autistic. or just very very dumb
>get invaded by arabs
>get invaded by germans
Both are pretty terrible outcomes.
Most of the cool stuff in London is somewhat off the beaten track and might require someone 'in the know' to actually find. Considering you're spewing old /pol/ rhetoric, It's unsurprising you don't have any friends to do things with.
>he thinks they won't spread into the country side
theres your fucking answer dipshit
also I dont know where the fuck montana is but if its close to cities/sea then you're bound to get annoying political types
>in the US...
Well, Bush couldn't even tell Slovenia and Slovakia apart, so I'm not surprised.
>created to addict
Addiction to vidya comes with poor upbringing and sometimes with low quality of life.
If you take away games they will be substituted, there are plenty of drugs in the UK granted muzzies import this shit with refugees.
If you have a diarrhea you treat your stomache not cementing your ass.
If you base your definition on appearance then you also need to call Burmese, North-East Indian (Sikkam), Bhutanese, Kazakhs, Uzbekhs, Kyrgyz, Russians and even some Afghans and Turks Asian. And there goes your arbitrary definition straight out the window.
>Good job falling for decades old Nazi propaganda you fucking retards
>a french term
>nazi propaganda
what did the bong mean by this
Maybe the tower of London, but what else has History? Big Ben is just a big bell inside a big clock put onto a failure of a government. Wonder if those fuckers still have gunpowder under it.
>no friends
Wow really? What made it obvious.
But really, what IS there in London, if you're so sure. I've been twice, and there's nothing much than just landmarks.
Well good, remember to face Mecca when you pray.
Enjoy your increasingly cucked nation made for brown people to massively conquer
>t. already conquered brown mutt
sorry but the people who control the world ie america say it does so you should too little cuck bitch. i know you love being told what to think
south asian, central asian, middle eastern
why are yuropeans so fucking dumb
You don't even control the family tv from your bedroom, little timmy. Now go ask mommy for some more tendies so you stop being a naughty boy on the internet.
Well, it hasn't in almost a century of immigration, so I think it's safe to say that it won't now. Immigrants don't want to live in the countryside because it isn't profitable. The only immigrants that I'm aware of in my area are Latvian farmhands.
>Queen Elizabeth of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha/Windsor isnt German
There's plenty of wacky stuff. I've been to big karaoke places run by Korean expats, a weird spa where they play vapourwave 24/7 and serve crystal pepsi, and perhaps the strangest was a big BDSM party run by some rich Polish lady. You really gotta throw yourself out there to find some of this stuff though, it won't just come to you.
>your irl friends
lol nice response little yurocuck cmon boy come suckle my nuts like your polish whore mom does
Well like the Royal Family is full of child rape and sex trafficking.
The entire mental health industry is trash and said Masculinity is a mental disorder.
So a possible rapist is using buzz words against a silly video game
Maybe kids just like fun. You idiots forgot you probably memed hard on some game or hobby
What about mothers and father's. What about grand parents. People who work at home?
Or are your so socially cucked you think healthy living is drinking your liver dead every night and tinder swiping shallow broken dates.
Truth is I can tell youre underage or mentally weak. Health has nothing to do with where. Its what and why. I give more respect to a Mom at home then a party Chad.
I agree we should ban addicting shit the government consider double-plus-ungood, so why is alcohol allowed?
based american education
Based Euroshit too cucked to call out Muslims and instead using extremly broad statements
I'm getting out, starting work this august in japan
Because so far nobody has been able to use alcohol for fuel or such
However they did add bitters and toxins to rubbing alcohol because you could actually drink rubbing alcohol with no bitters/toxins. Yet it would have destroyed the liquor biz
Just wait until someone finds a way to turn beer/vodka into fuel for cars. Then alcohol may just get jewd n banned. ;)
nothing wrong with a cheeky game of fifa with the lads though
I went there year and a half ago and it wasn't so bad, did something change for worse or was I just oblivious
apart from the paki/arab thing which is fucking obvious by strolling on the streets how many of them there are
I'm a CHI
Bet he wouldn't have the balls to say that either FIFA or football should be banned, despite causing more damage than Zoomer Shooter
>TV still ok
Cum on Ingurland
You are smart
he is smart
America is already irreversibly conquered by Mexico
UK will throw off her invaders at the end of the day like she always has
I thought they were French?
oi m8 you got a license for that opinion
>America is already irreversibly conquered by Mexico
Not so fast cracka, me and my niggas from Detroit and Chicago will beat the shit out of these tacos and make America black again
Most English people are French, but the current royal family is German.
fucking based.
see >Anglo-Saxons
Choose one.
Gaming isn't addictive because I've reached a point where I'm so dead inside that I have to force myself to play games when my friends ask me to.
harry is based but one has to admit that its funny coming from the dude who dressed up as a nazi and was known to be a bit of a lost cause at one point compared to his brother the future god emperor william
The vast majority of south-easterners are descended from the Normans.
bullshit, scots get tons of free gibs and England allows it to retain the barnett formula even though it means they get far more money than they deserve.
there's a reason people move to the cities though, there are few jobs in the countryside.
>The UK is STILL MORE CONCERNED with fiction than their own little island
My fucking lord they have to be the most pathetic ones right? The rag heads are still raping and yet they do nothing.
Normans weren't ethnically French, dumbass
based and epicbotnetpilled
>yfw fortnite is the last straw that leads the crown to finally use their power to dissolve parliament and restores the aristocracy
I'd take bongs over yanks any day of the week.