Staying dry out there, anons?
Risk of Rain
How do I stop bizons from ramming me in the ass and ending my run every single time?
Best girl
well who's gonna be left out?
Maybe han-d
Waifufaggots please kil yourselves.
>tfw can't get the timing down for Merc eviscerating through wandering vagrant's nuke attack
16 man EU
Out of curiosity I've seen a lot of RoR2 tier lists lately but would someone mind filling me in on the solo tier list in RoR1? I just started playing it and finally managed to beat it 6 hours in with engineer.
Are crit grasses additive?
Stand on top of it you mongoloid
Chef for sure because his skills doesn't work in 3d, unless they rework him or something
Does that count as breaking LOS?
chef acrid and enforcer maybe. they dont translate well to 3D
based and red-pilled
Does that count as los it?
Why isnt there progressive rain in this game? That would dramatically increase the depth of gameplay. Tie different speeds and intensities with difficulty, so there is an actual progressive storm. (Barring interiors like firefuck cavern)
He means the massive AoE nuke retard. You can't dodge that just standing on top.
R just as it goes the Vagrant goes pure white
jump or stun
I've not got a waifu but I do want nude mods
the Logbook actually tells you how items stack
U.S. west, 6 man game, Rainstorm.
You'll need modanon's .dll
When you join, it'll show 16 slots, but I set sv_maxplayers to 6. Don't fret.
If Acrid doesnt come back im going to do something really drastic, like make a mean reaction image or something.
How's the multiplayer around here so far?
Is it still full of greentexting retards picking all the items then dying then just memeing while spectating that one isanely good player who never talks like in the first game?
the original game didnt even have rain.
Everyone is viable in solo, maybe except engineer, chef and sniper.
Loader and huntress for easy mode.
Everything in this game is additive except the Tougher Times bear, which is multiplicative.
Its really bad to be honest, lots of douches trying to steal items and generally be annoying rather than fun. They also really suck and die a lot.
16 man EU
I keep dying on stage 4 as most characters on normal, how do I stop sucking?
I haven't noticed people stealing items but retards need to prioritize giving fungus to engie because nobody else is going to get use out of it. Giving spare mags to artificer is also polite but understandable that they wouldn't because they're useful for a lot of characters.
I've never gotten rammed to death by those cow before lmao wut.
get better luck
play engineer
The rain is a metaphor for your tears when you die to a worm
I find it extremely hard to believe engineer isn't viable. It felt like easy mode the first time I tried him and I beat the game for the first time after 3 attempts with him.
my experience playing with people from here has been nothing like that
just chill people that are far better than quickplay randos
Miner when?
No idea what that user is going on about. He's easily one of the characters who can cheese the game basically due to the existence of Thermal Harpoons.
>merc takes fall damage from eviscerating into scenery
t-thanks hopoo
idk if yall know, paladin in game files is a queen's guard buddy model. probably pre-acrid
How would you feel about a mod that makes commando invulnerable for a portion of his roll?
(Roll takes 0.9s, lets say first 0.3s of that is invul)
I think it depends on your playstyle. I could never make engineer work in solo in both games.
Sounds like it should already be in the game
just give him proper cc
unneeded, wouldn't download
the low cooldown is already good enough once you know the timings
>rainiggers and drizzlets
That's what he needs, he's kind of a sitting duck as it stands.
The final level did tho.
They... lack drizzle?
>die because giant fists the only spot of cover before blasting off his meme beam
then make his R increase proc rates by 100%
It was in the first game and the main reason for his survivability, why did they removed it in the second is retarded, specially since his hitbox doesn't follow through properly and still get hit by enemies that were clearly out of range.
Enforcer because his shield wont work with more than 2 directions
Possibly chef
Obviously Han-D as well
On hit is scientifically the most fun build
Reminder that RoR1 he was invincible for the full roll animation.
>There's some nigger browsing this thread posting the memes on fucking know your meme
Oh no, I am starting to get sad.
>enter the what now 0%?
Classes requiring certain items to work/cheese is probably the reason. Like how engie needs shroom and that to work. Unless you play with command of course.
While other classes can function really well with any items like loader for example. Versatility is really important when items are random
In all honesty, the only ones I couldn't seriously see coming back are Acrid and Chef. Enforcer could work well in 3D.
M1: Shotgun blast
M2: Hold for energy shield
Shift: Sprinting shield charge/bash
R: 3 cluster grenades that sets enemies on fire or something
How's the soundtrack in 2?
>survivors crashland in Detroit
How long do they survive?
Because your only options were to go through the enemies on your left, or the ones on your right. In 3D space you can actually position and take cover, so the i-frames are no longer needed.
I never ever get good drops with commando but when I'm playing MUL-T fucking everything good drops
It's alright, not as good as the first but good enough.
the ability slots are all pretty set in stone due to what items interact with them
if he were added hed be a stance character like mul-t, 4 would need to raise/lower the shield
It would be justified if many attacks weren't AoE, without talking about the few hitcans.
*15 wisps, 3 golems, and a blazing titan all lock lasers on you from 360 degrees of angles*
i've played it for about 20 hours and don't remember a single track
when i played 1 i knew the entire soundtrack in half that time
the soundtrack in 2 isn't bad, but doesn't come close to 1's
I unironically think it's better, I don't remember a single RoR1 track but I remember most of the 2 OST
The one in the desert's pretty good.
Too similar to Mul-T and wouldn't be affected by backup mags.
Might as well just give loader a shotgun and it'd be the same thing.
don't try to understand shitposters
those are the guys who try to steal items and die to golems
Its bad, I mute it and put 1 on instead.
It has zero impact, it feels like static rather than music.
For some reason I absolutely love the music for Titanic Plains, it's cool and soothing. Rallypoint Delta has some decent music, too. The rest pretty meh for me.
portal needs to be more obvious. its damn near impossible to find on the swamp shithole where it blends in and is buried under a pile of shit
I-frames arent saving you from a titan laser lol
I like Articifer, what items are good?
terrible. ide turn it off if i could replace it with something
EU, no mods, 1 slot
Look for sparkles in the air bro
Tank and mobility
Red particle effect
Wake of Vultures
No? It only names percentages, not whether it's additively or multiplicatively.
Why the FUCK can she not sprint while using Flamethrower? It's so fucking gay, gets me killed later on every fucking time. I just want a damn god run with her for once but I always get fucked.
Dunno if acrid would be useful in 3D, maybe a different element, maybe ice?
Prismatic Cube
Main theme is perfect, for the rest, it's not that it's bad or anything, it's more or less good but it's just there for the sake of being there so you don't pay attention to it during gameplay so they have nothing memorable about them, they should have gone for dynamic music instead of one soundtrack per level.
Particle effect. Go to high grounds.
First few times you will have to look for it and after that you pretty much know where it will spawn.
I dunno, those beetle queens fuck shit up with their acid. Acrid would kick ass in this game.
fapped and homopilled
i love it
Intro menu theme is great, everything else is "set music volume to 0% and play your own music" tier.
True. I didn't play Enforcer much before so I wouldn't know the best moveset for him. I'm much more of a HAN-D and Loader fan but I'd like to see Enforcer get in ever since the Medkit logbook.
That’s because your the player though, so many enemies fly out of range of that shit
You literally can. Try it if you don't believe me.
How do I get good with artificer late game? I like her power but she seems real fragile and I'm wondering if I shouldn't just drop her for commando or engi, or even huntress
titan plane has a really relaxed atmosphere, sick drums too.
Considering there's a paladin character coming, do you think it would a punished Enforcer?
all of his abilities would work fine in 3d
but hell still be a lame, passive "i dont wanna play the game" character that spends all his time just mashing cds and running away from enemies
move a lot and buffer your stun through dashes
Jesus Christ, they made it easier and brainlets still have trouble with it. It's too easy now, tbqh.
>mfw all the replies saying enforcer won't be brought back
No... please hopoo I know you're reading this... I need my boy back...
She's definitely the toughest one out of the bunch, it's hard to say but for me personally I've found the most vital thing early on for a promising run is speed. If you're slow as fuck as Artificer it's only a matter of time before you get dropped.
Can someone tell me how exactly tougher times stacks? How high is the chance with, say, 6 bears?
What about when I flamethrower? I feel so stupidly vulnerable when I use it because of how slow I am
Honestly I would like the Enforcer being able to aggro enemies and defend using his shield, your friends can't be hurt if your enemies are coming for you.
Late-game she's just a no-range less-movement commando on cooldown (flamethrower).
I hope chef and acrid make it back. They were my favorites. Although I know chef doesn't translate well to 3d environment. Acrid might be playable in 3d.
Any idea how the survivors react with each other?
I have tried it. You're not protected if you just stand on top. Its head is not blocking its own line of sight.
I honestly don't know why so many people want commando's roll to have iframes. You don't need to dodge through enemies and all the projectiles are manageable if you dont suck.
i hate how niggers make huntress a fatass. she's really fucking fit with a big ass, that's different.
Get more goat hooves
The following unusued survivors are currently in the code, but at a poorly functional state:
- Sniper
- Enforcer
- Bomber
- Assassin
Western fanartists are all deviantart-tier garbage with their ugly THICCCC (read: obese) garbage.
15% (+15% per stack) chance to block incoming damage. Unaffected by luck.
Notes: The stacking for this item appears to be more complex than simply +15% per stack, and I have been given an algorithm for determining the actual effectiveness of the item. It is as follows.
Tougher Times stacking algorithm : (1 - 1 / (0.15 * [ITEMNUMBER] + 1)) * 100)
Notes: Interesting statistics on the stacking algorithm. "As is, you need 16 for 70% reduction, 27 for 80%, 38 for 85%, 60 for 90%, 127 for 95%, over 327 for 98%, over 661 for 99%, and over 6665 sad teddy bears to have a 99.9% chance to block incoming damage."
Requirements: Die 5 times.
you can pretty much do that by just being closer
a "taunt" in this game would be dumb broken, you could just invest hard in defense and your teammates would be functionally immortal
not to mention how useless itd be in singleplayer
what was his or her kit?
there are a few good ones, but very few
Because it's a character ability and there should be SOMETHING unique about it you muppet
Bloody thing gets outclassed by a Wax Quail
Many AoE are just too big for his roll, compared to the merc iframes and the huntress long dash, it's a lot more hazardous to avoid them.
guess I'll just not touch it then
Can't wait for sniper. Right now the only thing close is Mul-T
I've been rereading the monster logs in the first game.
I had forgotten some things like how the mechanical spiders were from the ship.
Goddamn Hopoo, I want the lore. I want to know the story and why we're back on this shithole of a planet. I want to read about the monsters. I want to see who's Providence's successor.
They don't
Single player is canon
true, this one is my favorite
when are buffs
New items/characters/maps/enemies when?
Who says its the same planet?
The lore should be one of the easiest things to add so the only reason he hasn't is because I'm guessing he wants to save story-related tidbits to them, but hasn't actually decided on the story yet.
Will providence be a playable character?
Not necessarily a taunt, just something that would attract projectiles to your location and a shield that would consider you a valid block to AoE attacks.
Yes, although I believe someone mentioned in this thread "Paladin" might be Acrid, and I've seen people talking about a HAN-D/Loader hybrid as well so this is leading me to believe some returning survivors will be hybrids and Enforcer/Acrid might be one of them.
chu mean homie?
you talking about me making modifications to make the characters people deem "shit" better?
honestly the only things I considered were making commando's roll have iframes & possibly give artificer unlimited M1 shots, but lower their attack rate (which is more of a change than a buff, but I hate having nothing to do on her, she's literally the only RELEASED character that can have everything on cd)
I’m just trying to gaslight more lewds really.
Thinking about it more I think Loader would be a great addition.
how about a mod that makes his rapid fire (R skill) target the three closest enemies in his reticle?
a lot of games make enemies that are taunted deal less damage or take more damage
that way even in single player it's useful in some way
>invest hard in defense and your teammates would be functioanlly immortal
how so?
main defense items are the sprint shield, teddybear, infusion & personal shield generators. Personal sheild gen is a meme, teddybear is never very consistent and you can still easily get one shot with it, infusion takes forever to stack if you get a lot of them & sprint shield only works when sprinting
Artifact to increase Huntress and Artificer asses for each item they pick up when?
Because it has the same creatures from the first game.
I already made one but it's only available to my 25$+ patreon supporters
nice anatomy of a thai womanlet
seriosuly fuck devaintart. the game model is all lewd i need, fuck off
16 man EU
Does anyone have a higher quality version of this?
>the game model is all lewd i need, fuck off
based and redpilled
For 500$ I want you to add my OC to the game, sure he sticks out like a sore thumb with the rest of the game but I have even more money to give so you shut the fuck up!
>take 90% health in fall damage if I hit the ground at higher speeds during R
>vagrants head counts as terrain for this interaction
Hopoo pls
>get a wonderful boss killing kit from a fuckmotherload of armor piercing bullets, crit goggles, and bleeding lances.
>tearing through them like paper as huntress
>get to hell and survive easy, can’t find altar
>panic as I enter “I can see you” difficulty trying to find it
>stumble on it while ripping and tearing through all the trash
>start it, I’m a killing machine with three healing bots, a beetle warrior, and a gun Bot
>besides I fucking melted the other bosses in a matter of seconds
>moments later watch huntress get ganged banged by three or so giant wisps, one with a silver health bar
Huh, so this is what women mean when they talk about feeling like a game raped them, godamn that made my dick shrivel
>the game model is all lewd i need, fuck off
A man of principle.
fix the fucking fire damage hot poo
109775240993131579 US Yea Forums version get in here lads
Never get too cocky in Risk of Rain.
Fuck the old crew, we need a DEMOMAN
This. Aids dog = best dog.
US 109775240993133683
I got the 3rd sentry down
it doesn't even have eyes, how does it have line of sight?
Is Acrid canonically a protagonist, considering to unlock him you have to kill him?
What does the red luck item do exactly
>20 USD
What the fuck is this shit?
whenever it makes a roll for something like shrine of chance it rolls twice and takes the better result
there are a couple exceptions as to what it does not affect though
You mean the clover? Gives your items a second chance to activate their effect.
makes ur small pp into big pp :)
any item than can proc on hit (bleed for example), gets rolled again for how many clovers you have if it fails, effectively doubling your proc chance
doesn't work with crits
I've mostly been playing merc these days but that webm makes me want to pick up commando again
>farmed more than 11 doge coins
>no newt altar in sight for at least 5h
kill me
Quick play randos are miserable to play with in this game. They always spend way to much time looting and everyone plays huntress
the game has its own rng roll outcome calculator
it uses your luck to do multiple rolls and take the best outcome each time. (or worst if you have negative luck)
more clovers = more luck
learn the locations noob. It's always on the map.
Please, have a suicide skill.
If you have the desert in your loop go on top of the giant skeleton I feel like that's a guaranteed spawn
snow place check high up the mountain near/on some shipping containers
If you have enough crowbars could you theoretically one shot almost everything later
Like what, greater wisp? By the time any of the aoe attacks have threatening damage you should have like 20 mobility items.
halal and jihadpilled
the game have a dmg cap, no ?
I think it is just a cap on the floating number not the actual damage
Fire damage is fine as it is
Does anyone need a host or are we just talking about ror2? it's not like I wanna host or anything3
I have yet to use rusted key once
when will my nigga bandit get added to the game
sure, where are you from?
>blow yourself up
>isis music starts playing until you hit the teleporter
i need this to happen
Which items from the first game do you want back?
Which do you hope never return?
New Jersey. I am talking about a host for ror 1 tho.
>Which items from the first game do you want back?
The drill that will pierce the heavens
>Which do you hope never return?
barbed wire
>getting bent over and fucked to 0 health is appropriate punishment for getting hit by a trash mob in a game where you're constantly swarmed by bullshit
finally, a proper pic that highlights how sleek and sexy huntress is
fuck lard-lovers
you gave to specify it's for ror1 user
What does looping mean?
user, most ror2 players never played ror1
>blazing titan charges up
>rush for cover
>laser grazes my ass for 0.1 seconds
>burn to death behind a rock
totally balanced
Not sure if the snow area got a guarantied spawn, but the desert one is not always there.
how does luck work? how do i get more/less luck?
it is not
>bottom right
No please do
luck lets you reroll item proc chance
more luck = more rerolls = higher probability your items proc
you play 4 stages and then you replay those 4 stages but the difficulty has increased in time since you started
so you've started the first loop
uhh my AV keeps going off when I download that .dll what gives user?
>teleporter circle has zero cover
every fucking time
what AV? it's safe.
>think of all the artists just wasting time making huntress and RoR lewds when we could get pieces like this instead
Hurts just a little bit.
EU, no mods, 2 slots
It's fine, people doing lewds usually aren't good enough to do that art anyway, since its easier to make money on lewds. There'd just be no art at all if the lewd fags weren't doing shit (and that actually might be a good thing).
Think of all the artists just wasting time making pieces like that instead of making huntress or artificer lewds
16 man us east
lets go go go!
we all know huntress wants the acri-D
different leagues
most of the lewds i've seen are really amateur and not amateur stuff is an hour sketch at best
>That jolly cooperation
I feel for my minerbros out there, I miss teaming up with you
>there's no "are you sure?" prompt if you accidentally click quit to menu when trying to bring the game back into focus
seems like an oversight on a game where there's no saving and runs last hours
luckily i wasn't very far in but still
It's mostly because it's less time consuming, from experience I often lose my motivation to work on a piece if I don't spend time discussing things on a thread, and on the other hand spending time on a thread means I'm not drawing so it takes forever.
It's just artfags having a Rule 34 rush over the new game.
We've been through it many times already, give it a week or so.
yeah i got that but is there any way to get more luck besides getting the clover? you also talked about negative luck
>First map
>Double trial of the mountain
>slowly DPS the bosses at range
>Fight ends
>12 Fuel Cells drop
>I don't get any of them
why do people grab all of the boss drops? Y'all fuckers didn't even have any equipment anyway.
Same, but I picked commando to help my friend unlock merc and ended up with a similar build. Been playing him since in hopes of getting the same build going and being able to play it out. Very worth all the nodamage runs it took along the way.
Hooves or soda when it comes to terminals?
I prefer hooves cause it speeds everything.
hooved unless huntress
Expect everyone you meet in pubs to steal your chest loot and camp the tp so they steal all the boss loot, especially when it doesn't benefit them more than it would benefit someone else.
Are red chests guaranteed on the fire level? I pretty much always see at least one while playing in multiplayer but that's not the case in solo.
This is what you get with mass groups of western monkeys, don't trust anyone, just grab it for yourself, there's no hope for these people
Requesting again that a drawfag make this comic with risky rain characters and the succ cube
There's a guaranteed one hidden in the alcove
Probably want mostly hooves and maybe one soda.
where's that
buff artificer pls hopoo
It would be cool if there was an item that augmented use item abilities in power or effect, such as a red item that superpowers use items maybe. Such as giving the primordial cube bigger size and the ability to suck in projectiles and make it so they only hurt the enemies, or giving shields after eating foreign fruit, chain lightning royal capacitor, more maneuverability with chrysalis, etc.
>Reads better left to right than right to left
>wakes of vulture
>killing a shield elite doesn't just give you temporary shield
>it just remove half of your health and convert it into shield
>remove it once the effect ends
Jesus this is really fucking garbage.
ground floor near the center behind a rock
Wax Quail makes his roll obsolete. That's not good.
Solo player here. All three of them are perfectly viable.
Someone should have a picture, I'm a filthy phoneposter
got any screenshots?
>2k HP
>Step into line of sight of Blazing Golem laser for fraction of a second because shitty slope
>Die instantly
idk user
luck directly returns the amount of clovers you have, so changing it is impossible
maybe the negative luck was implemented in case they wanted to do something like calculating the chance an enemy crits/procs on you, and then having that have the negative of your luck, so that if you had 1 clover, it would do the roll with -1 luck, and as such do two rolls & take the worst result (so lower chance of it happening)
I can't find any example of the roll being used in the code that doesn't simply use either the character's luck or 0
I miss the enforcer more than anyone else
It gets worse, cause every time I find shrooms and we have an Engi, I'll highlight the shrooms, type "For Engi" into the chat, and the some other fucker will come and take them
Mercs taking Shrooms, nigga YOU SHOULD NEVER BE STANDING STILL
Reminder you can get and keep the money from a blood statue in the next zone if you use it right before the sound clue/effect animation after you use the tp and all the money is depleted
Wax quail and energy drink together shitstomp every other mobility item.
It has certainly gotten me killed a few times
Is that supposed to be surprising?
>merc opens chest
>it's a shroom
>we don't have an engi
>he looks at it
>walks away
>doesn't even ping it
>I ping it
>come back there like 5 minutes later (ye these cunts were slow as fuck)
>the shroom is still there
Enforcer was fun until literally anything that flies spawned
Does Leeching Seed not stack properly on Mul-T?
I had two and my primary attack still just healed for 1, while others did for 2.
Also how the fuck do you get Berzerker's Pauldron? It says "Charge the teleporter with less than 10 percent of your maximum health.". So is it enough to go below 10% health for a moment while in the red circle? I feel like I've done that.
That's a programming error right? Also why are lunar items so shit minus one?
>Inb4 this is a trap set by the devs to eliminate the least popular survivors
Hi Hopoo
We're not talking about items, though. We're talking Commando's roll.
Youve been reading too many doujins user. Comics read left to right
unless you're merely pretending to be retarded
only reason to pick up shrooms as any other class is to put it into a 3D printer for anything else
I could go make one it could be a few minutes though
i'm new to the game and oh god these quickplay runs are fucking trash
had a nice hour long run with anons this night. quickwipe, never again
The teleporter has to finish charging while you health is 10% or lower
he has a reduced proc chance (0.4 I think) which also reduces lifesteal
I saw an "An Ancient Gate Stirs...." once I charged a tele, but I couldn't find anything different. What was it?
I've got a group of friends to play with, but they won't be on for another 5 hours
yes please
Yeah, that part is pretty bad. How well does it combo with transcendence?
Sounds like the aqueduct secret door message, were you in multiplayer?
nothing feels better than singularity cube'ing all the trash into one point and drilling through it with mul-t's nailgun
gains some levels until you feel safe enough to have 10% hp on the first map, leave some trashmobs alive, charge the tele unti 98% and let trashmobs bring you down to 10% outside the zone before stepping inside with less than 10%
Are the buttons location for the aqueduct random?
shrooms is my favorite healing item on anyone because if you're low health it's the item that'll help you the most. You just need to find an opening to get away & chill somewhere for a bit
At least you have the afterburner.
I died so stupidly. I got caught on a rock and panic dashed the wrong way.
I was literally melting bosses in seconds but had 300 hp.
No, singleplayer.
they spawn in 2 out of several fixed locations
any anons hosting in US? I'm lonely
Only one I couldn't see coming back is Chef. Everyone else could be converted to 3D with only one or two ability changes, whereas Chef would need most if not all of his abilities changed in order to function better in 3D.
US 109775240993133683
US east
here you go friend
Pretty sure the Assassin was just a placeholder for Merc, but not sure.
If you buy one of the big drones you can stand on it as engi and even put turrets and shields on it and fly around while healing from shrooms.
I'm curious, I never got Chef in RoR 1, what was his skills?
eu, 4
That does not happen on my pubs, you must live on a shit part of the world
Ph.D in Magma Worm slaughter.
fuck i'm still laughing hard at this post, imagine being this user who just stands still enough to get rammed by an ox, and then he also has the audacity to call them "bizon"
He was like a mix between huntress, commando, and acrid.
throw boomerang cleavers, coat enemies in oil, and a flame attack that deals more to oiled enemies. r ability upgraded the other abilities, ring of cleavers, longer oil spray, and stronger flame
Invalid, post whether or not you're running mods ffs
False. Cube + mag'd + bomb'd commando piercing them is the best feeling.
I live in England, so I guess I keep ending up with Euroshits
Get blasted by the aoe by the van boss right before the tp finish to charge, should be leave right enough hp to proc the achievement
dude said he never played RoR1, so you told him chef plays a bit like acrid.
They're literally called 'bighorn bison' in the game logbook
Tried playing this with my bf and his trap friend.
We all went Merc and had fun weebing enemies to death.
Ah, thanks for clearing it up, sounds a bit tricky.
I played RoR1, I just never got around to get the items necessary to unlock. Or rather I got them during one run with Command but that was by the time I stopped playing the game.
It would be nice to have his tacticool spin back.
curved swords, not even once
Risk of Weebs
>his trap friend
user, I...
+1 lets go
Lobby where?
Responding to posts involving traps is just poor form user
Vanilla US
I thought you were memeing about the Overloading Magam Worm.
Just lost the 20 rounds run to one on level 15.
On Drizzle.
As an Engineer.
With a revive.
With two Teslas.
With 12 syringes.
Those can hit you?
Acrid when? Spreading AIDS through the air is my favorite pass time.
I'm guessing u have to put the turrets on the edge of the fat turret body los them?
>listing all the items you think should have helped as if it matters
nothing helps other than pure boss damage increases and crits to melt them faster
Never existed in RoR1. It's assumed it might be a melee placeholder.
Bring back everybody from 1 even if you have to change the abilities. I genuinely enjoyed the cast of characters from 1 too much to part with any.
just play mercenary and then near 98% R into the ground to nuke yourself, you might need to take a little damage to get below 10% though
All you had to do was listen
>lol I do thing where I reverse words lmao xD
you cant die from falling off the map, does about 50% damage to you. throw yourself off at 96%
lol git owned scrub!
There was a bunch of other shit. The turrets were shooting at something like 400% attack speed while placing bombs, critting 80% of the time, ukeleling, meet hooking, tougher timing, and shrooming.
It was a really good run. I also had like 9 cells and BFG too.
check this rock that's stuck in front of the entrance
it's weird how you could do stuff like use huntress's M2 to hit all the worm segments in the first one, but that doesn't work at all in this one. I wonder if that's intentional or a bug.
I fucking suck with Mercenary. Feels difficult to position yourself when your attacks all throw you around the monster's body at mach speeds.
Im pretty sure its hinting to that the freight crash landed some time ago after the ending of RoR and these new characters yes new want to get these items for themselves. At least so far, lot of the items suggest its the "same" freight but the characters are all different but I have to look at the RoR1 item logs again. Pretty sure most of the names are different.
You get used to it lad, he's become my least favorite to my most favorite. A feather or two helps.
Decided to release this even though it's a small update for those interested.
Compatibility is both ways (aka you can join v1.4 servers & v1.4 players can join v1.4.1 servers)
>Changes: Commando, Bandit & Huntress will sprint when using their mobility skills.
Learning your limits with Merc comes with experience. You'll eventually know when to hold your dashes and when to spam them for damage. As long as you're mindful of what you're fighting, you can play aggressive with mostly any boss.Unless it's a Blazing Stone Titan. Fuck those faggots.
not sure how you didn't expect to have positioning issues with melee characters
>Tfw fighting Beetle Queen while running from enemies then the queen decided to kill itself by going off the ledge
What luck, more bosses should do that
I'm new to these threads, what does this do?
Ok, thanks.
its a screamer virus dont download it
This updated in the pastebin ?
this. hopoopoo being lazy niggers with level design. theres not a single redeeming feature about that level
>Blazing Stone Titan
>While 3 Magma Worms are on your ass
>with 20 Greater Wisps with suppressing fire
i want to fuq this duq
Just had to try and stomp a blazing stone titan
So I've been getting into RoR1 again. Only played it super casually back then, never used artifacts, always drizzle or Rainstorm.
Anyways, after restarting with a fresh save I've found and have been trying this glass artifact everyone seems to have so much nostalgia for. Am I missing something about what makes it such a grandiose modifier? It seems way too easy. Do I have to go Monsoon + Glass or are there other Artifacts it should be paired with for the best experience?
Cause it feels like, despite having only 10% health I'm still "tanky", as in I can take multiple shots and live. The health gain per level is really high, and being able to murder anything in two to three shots kinda takes the point away from itemisation. Don't get me wrong, feels great that enemies aren't ridiculous sponges anymore, but being able to blast Providences' ass without offensive items at all feels wrong. Why build damage if you don't need it.
I already managed to get two victories with glass (Sniper lmao oneshot Providence phases/ Loader) and they feel a bit hollow.
every time i find a 3d printer for this and soldiers syringes (early on) i give up all my whites
yes, both in the main & change log ones
It's a modded version of the game that offers more options & fixes some shit.
for example, v1.1 fixed headhunter halving your health when you kill a shield elite & introduced a convar to reduce or increase the damage Burn DoT does.
V1.0 offered 16 player lobbies, toggle options for items/equipment, 5 artifacts & three modifiers
NA Midwest Monsoon
let's go
>Changes: Commando, Bandit & Huntress will sprint when using their mobility skills.
Is that going to be in every build from now on?
Does Naturopath require I don't get hit AT ALL? Does natural passive hp regen count as healing?
Brainstorming Pocket Dimension Ideas
>Item Obliterator Dimension
Accessed by activating a special shrine that costs 5 random white items to activate. At the end of the level, a portal appears.
The dimension looks similar to Merc's dimension. The floating island is round, and has a ring of shrines, one corresponding to each item in the game. These shrines cost 10 random items of equal rarity to activate. Activating a shrine will obliterate that item from existence: all existing instances of it are destroyed, and it will never drop again for the rest of the run.
>Deserted Island Dimension
Chance to activate each time a Blood Shrine is used. When activated, spawns a portal near the teleporter.
The portal takes you to the shore of a tiny rocky island in a vast sea. At the top of the island is a Shrine of Loss. Activating it will give you a number of items equal to your current level, then reset you to level 1. You will still get to keep all your old items.
Other neat locales for secret dimensions that could contain items, new characters, interesting mechanics, etc.
>A big temple, once grand and beautiful but now desolate, fallen into disrepair and ruin. It contains a statue of Providence and his two worms.
>An evil temple containing all sorts of bad-juju cave paintings and decorations. Music provides a sense of foreboding. In the middle of the temple is a chamber containing a huge cave-painting mural. The mural depicts the original Risk of Rain cast, terrifying and monstrous.
>A small broken-off piece of the Contact Light, trapped at the bottom of a crater.
no, regen is fine.
it's only items that give you green numbers that invalidate the achievement, like leech seed, monster tooth, fungus or medkit.
unless people don't like it, yes
I could remove it if the majority doesn't like it or might look into making it a convar if there's a few that don't want it for themselves
Hopoo said that's probably gonna be made official at some point, since mul-T does have that already.
ignore fungus or leach seed or scythe or monster tooth or slug
I wish the endgame screen listed your difficulty. It's like the one missing piece of information.
>Shrine of Loss
looks something like this
>maybe the negative luck
Will they be bold enough to make a Lunar Clover that decreases luck but has an insane tradeoff for it?
Can someone post the Tough Times block chance chart?
In fact why haven't the wiki bois got to that shit yet?
Look back button when
Enforcer when
Providence when
Omnidirectional sprint for huntress when
Taunt when
>trying to play single player after playing with my friends for a few days
>can't get past stage 1 with Mul-T
Jesus fucking christ I didn't realize I was this bad
Something like that could be like the old 56 Leaf Clover
>Adds a chance to find an Item from an Elite
>Increases damage of Elite Enemies.
Honestly, they don't even have to be detailed, multi-character drawings like this, just cool RoR artwork. There isn't enough of it.
doesnt it stop at HAHAHAHAAHAHHAA?
Yea Forums rules are honor, spite, glass, sacrifice, command, origin. Infusion is a banned item
Was that before the huge success of the game?
As is Ceremonial Dagger
the one you pick at the start of the lobby, user. drizzle, rainstorm, monsoon
You fuckers thought I was kidding about drawing this.
Well, I was, until I wasn't.
The description is retarded. You can't pick up healing items at all (healing drone is okay though). It's fine if you get hit and regen health naturally.
Ok, we may not see him in Early Access, but what about him being playable in Deadbolt-themed DLC after the full game is out?
Never played ror1, what are these things?
I will never understand how people found those games fun.
All games are played exactly the same with the exact type of item build.
90% of the times it's just 1 guy getting godlike while the rest of the time afk at ropes or are dead, then after a few loops they get a few items after doing nothing for 30+min.
What if reaperman gets in as a secret cameo character?
overloading wurms
>Blocking out what killed you
>90% of the times it's just 1 guy getting godlike while the rest of the time afk at ropes or are dead
You mean as compared 30% of the time this happens normally, where the other 60% is just the run ending immediately because no one got good items?
that can happen with exploding barrel/pot or something
I meant the things he posted about.
play with Yea Forums rules and dont use cheater shit like infusion
thats just boring
That's actually the direct screen shot. I have no idea what killed me to be honest, but I think it was a wisp of some kind because I just got shot out of the goddamn air and I didn't see a golem laser tracking me.
Fucks sake I said TF was trash and still got a boner
instant death
exists in RoR2 as well
lewds are just boring and unimaginative
cool and well drawn pictures are where its at
user, RNG getting you the items you need isn't too different than you getting the items you need.
its insane that being barely a week in early access people are already making mods
where's all the cool fan art of the characters covered in gear?
So from what I've gathered, portals count towards the 20 stages for the clover. If you have lunar coins, activate the new statues to force blue portals to appear. After looping, always take the celestial portal but after activating the obelisk for the first time (before confirming suicide), leave.
Celestial portals alone should let you get it after stage 17 for example, activating blue portals when you can cuts this further.
there's literally always a newt altar on every map
don't remind me
US central Vanilla, one spot left
It's just a guy changing a few numbers in the ini. files and spamming the threads with his shit.
is that how you think it works?
I thought it was the perfect combination of fast paced and punishing gameplay with a hint of chaos
The first few loop levels were everything goes to shit everytime were absolute kino
Plus it was possible to actually get consistently good at the game
>Die because I end up getting knockback by a golem into a slap
What the fuck was that teamwork?
This is not true at all, the game is being decompiled and code is being changed.
Hence why you need to replace game .dll files
its definitely not segmented in this game.
Doesn't this just make it harder to hit 20 since the difficulty still jumps but you get no items?
they're learning.
Your frost relic probably popped one of those explosives around the map.
>9 glass and 3 crowns
you're a bold gamer user
if you're playing with someone, leave the teleporter at 99%, jump off a cliff (easiest in Roost/Plains) and have them step in as soon as your health drops to 1.
Yeah hugging the rope until your invul/i-frame ability is off cooldown and then using it only to hug the rope again is such a fast paced and fun gameplay!
wurms just have one long body instead of a bunch of segmented parts this time
>Play with IRL friends who live all over the country
>no lag
>join any quickplay or clipboard lobby in my region
>big lag
You were not here when Artifical Academy 2 was released? We did a comprehensible english translation of the game in a week, and completed it with another week.
That was the most awesome video game related shit i ever witnessed on Yea Forums
It's definitely segmented, you can clearly see it with huntresses aim reticle, it just that it works properly now and doesn't let you double hit it. That always seemed like a major bug in the first one when you could suddenly do immense damage to worms that you couldn't do to anyone else.
Now youre getting it
i farmed "some" coins on drizzle. gotta be prepared. i also had literally 3 hp (2 from being castrated with shaped glass, 1 from ~5 stacks of infusion).
Yeah I think you're alone with that opinion. Lewds are where it's at.
>it just that it works properly now
You mean it doesnt work properly now
There's no way that wasnt an intended behavior in 1, even Terraria did it with its worm enemies
I hate it when people talk about builds while 95% of the items youll get are random.
Personally I never enjoyed Yea Forums games. To me it got boring really quickly and I personally find getting random items and trying to make the best of it while also deciding who in the team should get them much more fun.
It's why when I played with friends we'd usually play with just Glass, Honor and sometimes with Spite and Sacrifice.
Segmented was a bad word to use.
I just mean its not coded as a chain of enemies that all share a health pool, like ror1 and terraria.
builds here are rather the items you aim to get in the run, using various methods
Are waifufaggots the saddest existence along with pedos and furries? Yep. They are.
Jesus fucking christ it's beautiful.
>lifted left leg actually causing the asscheek to blend with the thigh as opposed to protruding unnaturally
>those thicc fold on the right leg not being unrealistically defined; you can practically feel your fingers running alongside the uneven fatty tissue
>that slight muffin top
>that puffy motherfucking vulva
Ive come to accept that unfortunately I am one of the few who thinks that way
Lewds are so boring to me
You forgot transhits
The way things interact with worms is now consistent with every other fucking enemy in what way is that not working properly. It's completely ass-backwards and unintuitive to have weird exceptions to the rules that you clearly lay down in the game.
What you rather me call it? Random or not its still a build lol. And after going through 25+ levels worth of 3-choices and 3D printers it's a lot less random.
Don't AOE skills still fuck them up because they hit multiple segments? I know those ice and fire rings just fucking delete the shit out of worms.
Literally no SEA bros to play with.
brilliant behemoth is literally the best red item in the game
prove me wrong.
>huntress will never H3AD-5T'd her ass in your face
tips for merc when you're facing vagrant? that AoE ruins every game
>lose my 6 hours of progress due to steam cloud bug
>check internet wat do
>just edit the save file lmao
>unlock all missing characters because fuck the grind
MulT chads report in.
I somehow instagibbed a worm with my first Tesla Coil. I got the archievement for killing a boss in under 15 seconds literally 2 seconds after activating the teleporter, no idea how I did that other than the coil hitting all segments at once somehow
Erect, passionate, strong, confident, will play their game and cum to it too.
Whiney, meek, vulnerable, insecure, will begin to cry at the slightest glimpse of an ass costing you the game.
Time your R.
what happens now ?
>why yes, I play Mul T, how did you know?
press r
youre probably right
tesla and meathook are really good too though
How can I prove your wrong when you're right?
I literally just tried it and it fucked me big time
This is why I pirated the game, fuck being forced to use Steam and that shit service.
You gain extra shields. Regeneration doesn't matter.
It doesn't work anymore. Sorry user.
jesus why didn't I think of this. I tried to do the dodge combo but failed all the time
Depends on your other items and your survivor. Tesla, meathook and clover can be way better in some cases.
I just wish they would remove the meme shoes and fix/delete the vulture item.
>>lose my 6 hours of progress due to steam cloud bug
if there's a mismatch it always asks you if you want to use local or steam cloud's save file
if you were a literal fucking inbred & picked steam cloud then acted surprised you deserve it
>when your godllike run is ended by a fucking imp
fuck me, why did I waste 1 lunar on this piece of shit
Where's that giant drone located in the ice level? I've only found it once and I didn't have enough money for it then.
what is this purple thing in the bazaar
Lewds are where it's at for people who don't 'have sex' frequently.
Effigy of death deployable and the icicle powerup seem to slow your character is this intended or a bug?
Not today blazeniggers
the logbook
Logbook for stage
>frost relic blows up a pot
>get a lunar coin
Time to blow up every pot in sight
i had steam cloud disabled all together because only zoomers use all this gay ass cloud shit
it's the game's fault it's dependent on this shit and it freaks out if it's disabled
It's the environment log of the bazaar, go get it.
I got the Gesture of the Drowned bug and now my Ocular HUD is permanently enabled.
logbook that i have tried to pick up on over 15 occasions and has never counted
>16 energy drinks
i'm assuming it was a shrine of order but either way calm down user
I always die to flame as merc, help pls
what a retard
To stack it to absurd levels of shields.
what the fuck
he actually made transcendence have a point
I really like this game. This game is cool.
>MUL-T is so OP he can straight up tank 2 Blaze hits.
Funny how they nerfed him and he's still that OP.
Effigy is intended, all the lunar items have a drawback. Icicle item moves the "camera" farther back which makes it feel like you are slower, same reason mul t feels slow.
TF is trash but lizards are pretty good so it balances out.
It was something magical.
I'm glad I decided to help with translating AA2 because it was fun as shit. It's great to know that same kind of spirit and drive people have to contribute to genuinely good games is still present in Yea Forums even after everything that's happened.
then how did you manage to fuck up & delete your savefile?
i also found this, on a distant island in the time rift
also fuck grind. thanks to this bug i can finally access all features right away like in good ol times
this happens with forbidden fruit as well
everyone dies to flame as every character user
>385 lunar coins
yeah okay nigger keep cheating
Mul-t feels slow because he got nerfed.
The extra health knurl gives you probably goes into shields, and an entire bar of shields is better than having health with regen from the knurl anyway, your shit regens in like 5 seconds with that item