Should I wipe out the Great Khans?

Should I wipe out the Great Khans?

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Absolutely. They're glorified raiders and junkies and any route where you don't wipe them out is just asking for them to regain strength and become a cartel.

They are degenerates who belong on a cross

>Murder random people for money and loot
>Make drugs and even manage to sell to a group of even bigger degenerates than yourself
>Wiped out twice but still kept being coming back for more
Just do their quests and kill them all after

I like them. I always side with drug dealers because I need all the connections I can get.

if you can, you should tell them to leave the Mojave and travel somewhere else. if you cant, kill em all.

if you're a NIGGER

They literally came out of a vault specially made to contain niggers and spics, there is no reason to kill them all on sight.

Wipe out your hard drive just to make sure this "game" is gone forever.

are they actually descendants of genghis khan?

Which game are you playing? Eh, it doesn't matter, fuck em.

Kill their boss, become friends with the NCR and kill the legion. Everybody knows that US army larpers are better than roman larpers.

>He didn't become the heir of the Great Khans
That's gonna be a woah nelly from me, dawg

All raiders get the bullet. NCR did nothing wrong.

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Is water wet? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's an unamerican mutie bastard.

You'd be doing your country a favor by wiping them out

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>Enclave LARP
>reddit spacing
You know where you belong and it's certainly not here.

No they are larpers just like any other faction.

t. BoShill

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>being a fan of Fallout post-2000
Now you really need to fuck off, redditor

No, they came from an intentionally diversified vault and becaome raiders while the rest of the vault became NCR.

Yes. These niggers don't deserve to live.

Shout out to IRL biker gang the Mongols.
>Tfw no Biker Gang Golden Horde smashing into the Midwest.

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No.The Great Khans still somehow survive if you try your absolute hardest to exterminate EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Packing up and going to Idaho. The Khans are like fucking cockroaches
>New Khans
>Great Khans
Every Fallout protagonist has tried to eradicate these fuckers and they come back. The best way to effectively kill off the Khans for good is let them be absorbed into the Legion.

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