Tfw no gf/wife

>tfw no gf/wife

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Kill yourself then.
I assure you you'll be doing everyone a favor, including this place.
And no, you can hardly feel the pain of shooting yourself in the head, so stop being a lazy pussy and get to it.

Time to end it, then.

Why do wojakredditers make such abhorrent threads?
Is there a correlation between low-quality posts and low-quality decade old MS Paint man rehashes?

>this place
i want nothing but nuke this place so no

>Extrovert qt redhead from highschool becomes introverted and antisocial due to life events
>Recently I'm the only person she talks to and she's starting to break out of her shell

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lol time to post more tranny and e celeb threads instead amarite bro?

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It's not that good OP.
I mean don't get me wrong, having a person who loves and understands you intimately is awesome and the endorphins you get from all the physical contact is unlike anything else.
But you have to do shit like visit her parents and that, it sucks.

Nope. You will become the friend who got her through a terrible time in her life. She will then start fucking a chad.

No, keep her in the shell once she's out you're out of her life

everything sucks at life

This has nothing to do with videogames. Please hang yourself.

this was the webm i wanted to use but didn found
thx for posting bro


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>muh gf will fix all my problems meme

Just hit the gym and get tinder, it's never been easier.

tfw qt asian(filipina) gf that I love very much

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Kill yourself feelfaggot.

>This has nothing to do with videogames
like 99% if the threads here


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Its not worth it, if you have feelings for women because of your craving for love and attention, you will never get anything exactly because modern women hate romantics and want money instead.
If you really want to marry - secure stable income first.

I mean, I hope so for your sake
But I shan't hold me breath. I've been through similar only to be friend zoned

wait, this is a meme?
i geniuelly thought this was my problem
what is it then?
why am i so unhappy in life?

Keep it my friend, it's all yours.

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But my girlfriend literally refuses money from me when I offer her it(shes extremely poor) and only wants romance. Literally cried tears of joy over a 10$ makeup brush set

>My gf has gained weight since we've been together and it's hot asf
>But she doesn't like it when I grab her belly and say "give me some jello" when we have sex

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Yes, it’s a serious issue that the mods are too lazy to solve.

>Give me some jello

This is my wife

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I'm taking wizard path

I'll be there soon brother
Fuck roasties

did you pick her up from the street or what?

Nah. She lives in the phillipines


>using a reddit/9gag picture
>acts like he is a 15 year old emo

This thread is pretty bad and you should feel bad op.

Nope, the moment she breaks out of that shell she's fucking gone
Take it from someone who has experienced the exact same thing

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i feel like i got set back to puberty so its ok
i am 27 yo now and started to panic

I'm sorry to tell you but you are the gay friend

please enlighten me

Nope, she's just acting our her anxieties on you, once she gets over it you're going to be left alone again.


Fuck this gay earth. I'll give it a shot still, even though this is bound to stab me in the back. Wish me luck.

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please no

Good luck dude. Hope we are wrong

Why are you listening to the failures on this website? I'm going to give you one crucial tip user: when the time comes, don't be a passive faggot like these guys and expect her to fall into your lap. When the time comes, express your interest explicitly. And if you're turned down you have to have enough of an ego that you can realize it's just one dumb chick and there's plenty more out there who are more worth your time that you can get easily.

Why is this off-topic /r9k/ thread still here? God.

You're not unhappy with having no gf, you're unhappy because you're living in a world built for the majority of people who are neurotypical, which is based on a lot of assumptions about abilities that come naturally to them and not to you.
Your brain just doesn't work the in same way of most other people you will meet and you experience things in an intrinsically different way, however you don't know this because a part of your brain that is different is the ability to see the mind of others and through that experience the emotions of others, an ability that neurotypicals have.
Being autistic doesn't ever mean no gf though because this different brain causes you to lack a lot of the bullshit that normie come packaged with. The problem is when you do get one it will open you up to different aspects of this neurotypical world which will make you equally unhappy.
Being autistic is about having to rise to a large challenge relentlessly in life and when you overcome one you get faced with another.
Normies get to skip a lot of these challenges because of a natural ability. It's these challenges that make you unhappy.
Unfortunately there is no cure and no way out of this.

It's similar but opposite to the argument about Sekiro at the moment. Autists have a natural aptitude for the challenge this presents where as normies do not. So Normies are unhappy about the situation.

But it's not tranny thread

I felt like this in my early twenties. Now that I'm in my mid twenties anime and games are enough again. Still, a bf would be nice.




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This is like saying having red spots all over your body causes Chicken Pox.
You're retarded

It’s a no gf thread, the standard /r9k/ thread.

>tfw no rapewife

Lol, depression makes you watch porn and eat shit?
Sure buddy, keep making excuses.

yes look up corey wayen and make sure u aren't fooking up

The only answer with value

piss off

Not anymore
/r9k/ is now NSFW /lgbt/

But that's wrong you retard.

Having red spots is not a choice.
Behavior is a choice. You CHOOSE to behave in such a way.

It was a typing error, i swear. I meant gf.

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>try to get gf
>it's even worse
>also drink more

Don’t tell me, they’re sending nudes of themselves there?

My gfs parents aren't interested in me and being there is always really awkward and I hate it

>why am i so unhappy in life?
Lack of spirituality, and society making no sense.

A woman will only make it more complicated. Think of everything in your life that used to be simple and natural. It will become complicated and convoluted for absolutely no fucking reason. You don't know women.

hc try to get puss, then you will get it, be annoying and women will give pussy but not desperate

start saying to her we should go on date but not as a joke

>emotional tampon
This happened to me. Then she got a boyfriend and had the nerve to tell me he was “Just like me!”
The absolute state of women. Oh well she wasn’t as hot as my anime girls anyways

this sounds likely and overlaps from my surrounding
but what is this pain and uneasyness i feel when i watch romance anime and dont get fun of living from time to time

I'm going to die alone.