Yea Forums sings "Life Will Change" P5OST

>What is it?
People record their singing and it will all be mashed up together, results may vary (see Yea Forums sings "Light up the Night" as one of the better examples).

>How do I participate?
Record yourself singing the specified song. How you record yourself doesn't matter too much as long as its in a common audio filetype and the quality isn't complete garbage. Examples: Audacity, Win 10 Audio Recorder, Vocaroo
You can listen to the song here: and google the lyrics
Or download this zip which has the song and a txt for the lyrics:
Once you have your recording, you can either just post them in this thread if you're feeling bold or send them to me directly with the subject "vsings" or similar to: [email protected]

>How long do I have?
No strict deadline for now, but I'm thinking of a deadline around end of May, maybe longer. It depends on how many people participate in the first place so if you want to contribute, send your submission as soon as you can.

Someone recently tried shitting up the thread by posting a fake submission page. Disregard him, the only ways to send yours in stays the same: either posting it in the thread or sending it directly via email. I'll use a trip for the time restricted to these threads only to clarify OP.
A video would be neat, but I'm not sure what exactly it would be about or what it should show. A compilation of P5 memes could work I suppose, so given enough material I could edit a video myself.
If you have suggestions, thoughts or whatever else is on your mind in regards to this, feel free to post in this thread.

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This is a dumb idea, lets do it

I'm interested

How many submissions do you have so far?

Honestly 0, but some Anons are (hopefully) submitting soon as they didn't have time when previous threads were up so I'm optimistic that they'll come in soon enough (possibly during the weekend). I'll also keep posting these every 6-9 hours or so to get more on board.

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The music video for it should be "starwarskid.wmv" on loop because it fits the lyrics impeccably and is also an oldschool meme that many 4chinners of yore were/are familiar with.

I forgot, I guess I got 1 with my own.

Go back to /pg/ then

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>Go back to /pg/ then
I actually came to this thread in peace, but I can now see you're an idiot showing hostility for no reason. I'm not submitting to your shitty mix now.

Who cares about what /pg/ does and why does it matter that they finished Burn My Dread? You're playing the victim here for no reason and aren't contributing to this thread in any meaningful matter.

>and aren't contributing to this thread in any meaningful matter.
Meanwhile you make posts like this in an effort to keep your shitty thread alive, and get angry when someone dares post a song /pg/ sung, which could potentially generate discussion.
You really are a complete idiot. I'll actually delete that post I made because you don't deserve the possibility of more discussion.

>has to spam bump his own thread because no one gives a shit
If you think you're going to make a huge hit like Devil Trigger you're sorely mistaken. OP is a faggot.

No matter your intentions all you seemed to be doing was trying to advertise for /pg/'s project for this song which would naturally drive away attention from the one this user is trying to do.

>all you seemed to be doing was trying to advertise for /pg/'s project for this song
Thank you for further confirming what a complete idiot you are.

There's no point arguing with him, he's trying his best to shit this thread up by dragging /pg/ into this.

>Reminder that /pg/ started a sings project for this song at pretty much the exact same time as this one.
You can't seriously tell me that this doesn't sound like you trying to draw attention to the /pg/ sings project, can you?

>No matter your intentions all you seemed to be doing was trying to advertise for /pg/'s project for this song
Imagine having shit reading comprehension

Holy shit user if you're going to argue back and forth at least sage your posts.

If that was in anyone's interest, there would've been several threads on Yea Forums about it while it was getting submissions.

See, you're so comically stupid that you interpret anyone who dares post a similar project in your shitty thread as trying to steal your limelight. You've effectively sabotaged yourself.

What are you talking about? This retard wants to bump his thread because he's desperate, as seen here:

>If that was in anyone's interest, there would've been several threads on Yea Forums about it while it was getting submissions.
It doesn't quite work that way, lad. You came into a thread trying to get a sings project going for a song, which is going to have people who are going to be interested in participating in such a project in it, and mention that /pg/ is also coincidentally doing the same thing. If you weren't trying to draw attention to the /pg/ sings project why did you even bother to mention it? You could've just mentioned the Burn My Dread cover and left it at that.
How else should I have interpreted that first thing he said, then?

Not entirely sure why my bump posts have been deleted when they were fine in previous threads.

Literally no point arguing with him.

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>DMCucks actually defending their emocore song

>You came into a thread trying to get a sings project going for a song
No I didn't you stupid idiot. Mentioning a strange coincidence doesn't equate to shilling, especially after I deleted that post after seeing how big of a faggot you were.

Jesus Christ, people, calm your tits.
I don't know if I'll get to it this weekend but I'll definitely do it, don't worry. I'm the same dude who already told you I'd participate in a previous thread.

>w-why did my rule breaking posts get d-deleted?
It's like you get more and more idiotic with every post you make.

>Jesus Christ, people, calm your tits.
Maybe if OP wasn't a faggot, there wouldn't be a problem. He's dug his own grave, and is now replying to himself in desperation.

Good to hear. Yeah disregard the shit flinging, I doubt it will stop anytime soon.

I can see that I worded it poorly but I'm attributing the thread with trying to get a sings project going, not you. As for your second point, you may be right, I was being retarded by reading too much into it. Also, for the record, I genuinely am not OP.

So OP any submissions yet

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Yeah my one
But no, haven't gotten any others yet, I'm expecting some to pop up during the weekend. I'm patient though as there's no hype 2 years after P5 release so I just got to be persistent til I have enough.

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