
I think Rome is a weird choice, it's too similar to Odyssey

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>another game set in Rome

Holy fuck, the setting is so tired at this point. Why can’t they do something original like they did with Origins?

From a marketing standpoint, it feels like they're just running out of ideas. Greeks and Romans are obviously very different from a historical point of view but announcing these two games so close together is a little confusing.

Would absolutely love a cyberpunk themed Assassin's Creed since the games already take place in the near future.

Should have been set during viking times.

>mfw I can't get excited because they already retconned Brutus from AC 2

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They will never make a game about SPQR because right wingers wank on it.

God we should have gotten our fucking modern day game for or right after 3 but nooo. Everything was leading up to Desmond learning everything and taking on abstergo in modern day. Fuck I wanted to climb skyscrapers and hack more computers so bad it's not fair I hate ubishit so much.

>2019 AD
>Still, STILL no AC set in the feudal japan
Are they retarded on purpose?

worst part is that you know they could've ended the desmond story without stopping them from releasing new titles set in different times in the future

Origins already had plenty of Roman stuff and it didn't stop Odyssey.

Good thing they aren't going to Rome for their next game then. Next AssCreed is vikings

I seriously don't get what their problem is. They're so far gone at this point too that they could just say fuck it and do whatever they want. Nobody even cares either. I remember playing the first and loving the ending, the 2nd absolutely blew me away, I enjoyed it all up until 3. Even revelations was good, then in Unity it is the biggest fuck you ending in the entire series + the God awful launch, then AC4 has some random shit at the end but I said alright I'll see what happens, skipped syndicate, origins grind got boring. And now I'm done forever, my interest just fizzled out and I hate it.

you have 1.63854 second to name exactly 3 games that are not strategy games that take place in ancient rome.

They thought the modern era stuff was the reason people bought the games instead of the cool historical settings. AC is a wasted franchise

The modern era stuff is almost completely gone though, and it lost direction a long time ago slowly fizzling out and accomplishing nothing. That's the entire point of my post, I liked the modern day stuff. They gave their cool story and progression up so they could milk it for a decade.

AC died with Desmond; IV, Rogue and Unity were happy mistakes. Let it go.

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Yeah, it's wasted alright. Wasted by CoD dudebros being literally too retarded to get Desmond was the protagonist and the only reason it made sense to go back in time. kys

It's all so tiresome. Just imagine III ends with Desmond winning, play IV, Rogue and Unity ignoring the Modern Day storyline and then forget about the franchise, It'd be for the best.

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You're right about Desmond, that's why I wanted him to get a good ending to his story. But even if it did end that way, the series is still interesting in exploring rare settings that Ubi could've still capitalised on spin-offs after giving Desmond the ending he deserved

this would be better if they hadn't already put caesar in origins and had a lot of romans there. still rome has such rich history they could set it after caesar's death during augustus or maybe nero or caligula (which is what they'll probably do since either one would be a good villain).

i mean i love roman shit and enjoyed origins and odyssey so i'll buy it but they should maybe think a little bit more outside the box for their next one.

that gladiator one
that total warrior one
gladius, probably
ryce son of rome

so they can use same assets.

That's what baffles me, they choose literally the worst way to continue the franchise they could've ever chosen. It would've been as easy as either changing III's ending or making a single fully fledged Modern Day AC, finish Desmond's story and then continue the franchise solely in the past. Modern Day fags get their ending, Past fags get to play all future games without Animus shenanigans, everyone wins. I cannot for the life of me understand why they killed Desmond and yet continued the Modern Day storyline with worse characters

where will he climb? mudhuts.

the vast majority of gamers know next to nothing about feudal japan though. every single AC game has had major historical figures that are household names. feudal japan has none of those unless you're a history buff, a weeb or japanese.

Would you have ANY idea who Leonidas, Julius Caesar, or Nero Claudia were if it weren't for pop culture?

What the fuck is the point of the modern-day storyline if not even Shaun and Rebecca are showing up anymore?

didn't know i wanted this until you said it

Does school count? All of those were covered as part of our antiquities course.

Did they drop the modern day part already? I don't see what's the point of it is anymore.

Have they done anything with Alexander the Great yet?

I actually should take Caesar back, I remember reading the play in English class, but I don't recall ever learning about Leonidas or Nero

did you not take history in school or something? i mean julius caesar is probably top 5 most famous historical figures.

No, please, I've had enough of this general period and location.
I know it makes sense.

not really though they did have caesar and cleopatra visit his tomb in alexandria at one point in origins.

>where will he climb?
The houses of places you raid

>hey epic gamers, do you want to have awesome gear to own those nasty templars?
>awww you have to grind the same boring shit to get resources? how about you buy some from the store? less grinding, more stabbing. you can thank us later.
This is AC now. Odyssey was only playable for me after i used cheat engine to ignore resources. Fuck Ubisoft.

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Just to get it out of the way.

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American schools all teach different things, my school taught about King Arthur and religion and that isn't normal to some people

Right-wingers wank on Sparta and greek history all day long and they still made Odissey

i doubt anybody cares, even developers. ubisoft just wants to keep ip since it's recognizable.

I would like a Late Rome game pls

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What did they teach you about King Arthur?

king arthur? in a history class? i feel bad for you

I remember back in 3 Absergo said that the Animus couldn't render such periods due to the cars and other machinery fucking with the rendering of the memories. And then Syndicate happened, and it seems like that excuse was thrown out of the window.

Who would you recommend they introduce? Sun Tzu? Napoleon? Genghis Khan?

They already made one in Constantinople

Pretty much everything up to his death, though I later found out that the teacher censored the part about Guinevere's affair with Lancelot and he described it as a trick by Morgan to make it look like an affair, which I though was weird considering how detailed he was in the violence in shit, he would fucking scream to mimic the burning of joan of arc


>King Arthur

Three Kingdoms

>Guinevere's affair with Lancelot and he described it as a trick by Morgan to make it look like an affair
Damn it, that was the best part of the story. And now I have to play that Guenevere game again.

>Nazi Germany
>Feudal Japan
>Modern Day (in a major city)

Instead of all these wholly unexplored time periods and regions, what does Ubisoft decide?

>let's do Rome xD

Fuck everything. I think exposing players to the historical figures that shaped these countries in game form would be fantastic.

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they patched it later on to make upgrades cost fewer resources. i agree non cosmetic microtransactions are bullshit and fuck them for adopting mobile game practices but as long as you actually explore shit and don't just go form point a to point b as fast as you can you'll have more resources than you can even use.

Only if Wei are the good guys as they should be

Were any of them the good guys in real life? I heard Liu Bei was a huge dick

syndicate just had horse drawn carriages though didn't it? it's been a while since i played it

is this bait? was this a literature course? these are all myths, you might as well learn about fucking zeus or odin.

i made sure to clear every fucking ? on the map because i'm autistic and still reached a point where i was spending everything to upgrade my good shit and didn't have enough to upgrade ship etc. so i said fuck it and used a cheat engine script to make gear upgrades free. fuck this entire system. at least cheat engine makes it tolerable.

It was junior high world history, teacher was pretty cool

Everyone was a dick, at least CaoCao didn't hide it.

>he would fucking scream to mimic the burning of joan of arc
Would he do the sizzling sounds at the end?

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Another man of culture, i see

yeah the weapon and armor upgrades ate up the most resources that's what they patched about a month into the game.

i pretty much just stuck to a couple weapons and one set of armor to upgrade but before the patch it was total bullshit how much it cost i'll agree with you.

That's really hard to say, but the whole benevolence thing Liu Bei has is basically pretty much made up because the author of RoTK needed a protagonist, he wasn't better than all the other lords

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Maybe, he was really into acting out the stories

I doubt the average consumer is even aware that there's a difference between Greeks and Romans.
They should do something like Ancient China.

>NA education

Did they teach you that the original legends had him as king of the Britons fighting the Anglish invaders? It's genuinely irritating that he's considered the king of England these days.
Caledfwlch not Excalibur OK, praise Merlyn.

That's the thing, they've done Ancient China in a 2D platformer already

>Nazi Germany
>Feudal Japan
>thinking it would be anything like your creative dick juice inducing fantasy of the quality game you'll never get
>not knowing its gonna be some subversive propaganda fest
you gotta let go john, just let go