Is h3 still relevant these days?

Is h3 still relevant these days?
I mean i stopped watching that long before anyone else started
Same goes with idubbz

Was just a wierdly relatable character. The biggest reason to me was his innate wanting to dump shit more than doing shit. Then his podcast became a thing over his omega anxiety induced tourettes always haunting him
I meant
He's a manlet haha

Thing is, he got crazy speedrunning to 1(one) mil and started going more "vlogs" instead of doing shit. He became unfunny quick to watch to me. People got on too late. Started by trying to absorb his funny personality

Imagine chilling with him on a stream telling yourself you fit by proxy

You don't. You're too much of a blower
Yea Forums was in the right over thinking why the fuck would i watch a jew alone. Even i thought that, genuinenly fucked with my humour i found someone that reminded me of me. But i am funnier
I'm not that fucking jew at all
I'm by default 40x funnier

Fuck ethan, i've been thinking that 2 weeks before the next person decided to give up on absorbing forsens persona to try at ethan instead, over seeing how free it is

It's not you fucking fraud
Script fucker
Just like in school
100% copypaste
Just like those niggers in my class who never got their hands on my homework for failing to show any form of standard or class

You're the one socially isolated for thinking you're clever
Or ever was

I got done weeks before i heard that name or idubbz come up
Knowing i am funnier lmfao

Fuck r/Yea Forums
Biggest fucking trashpit i ever came across then
I genuinenly clicked once
Got the idea
Appropriated for bighead. Literally, kicked the shit out of my computer screen then papertoweled my feet and made a towelrope and jumped out lf the window down into livingroom to escape what the fuck i just saw

Kill yourself for telling me i'm adapting to what i really shouldn't

Actually tried to sneak in those anthrax canisters on your own accord

Fuck you
For thinking you're actually funny compared to me

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Metaphorically so fucking bloodied from that
Years later i'm told that's the place for me since i never join how to ultra threads

Genuinenly fucking pathetic
You insist on that to have my name

What happened with you man, was it because of the drugs?.

He got caught up in the money, the power...

How fucking irrelevant are you by default
That's what's so fucking funny to me

How the fuck do you trick people into believing you given how fucking lost you are on everyone elses vouching

h3h3 stole from Sam Hyde

>the power
Not gonna lie this is bothersome to actually admit
You overdo keeping me in control sometimes..
But still
The idea of "for you"
Sickens me.

ITT seething mentally ill tranny speaking to the void

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Gonna try call me ethan instead of my name
How fucking invested aren't you in that
Sneaking it in
This fucking late
Genuinenly already when you decided to stsrt watching

>Genuinenly already when you decided to stsrt watching
Hopefully orange is the new black gave you a payraise desu
Over what the fuck it actually cost you trying to resetera into a brain stuck on confuscionsim

Because you went in fucking denial how much of a fucking brain i am
And decided to backup plan eihab in

Eihabs brain doesnt exist
He was 10x worse of than me and i was trting to deny bighead needs to get taught how to hold the controller and shut thr fuck up for 2 seconds so people can be human

How the fuck was eihab worse ofd thsn me

>How the fuck was eihab worse ofd thsn me
Makes me happier
Than you being loaded

Now fuck off
Used to fucking love you now i need thr biggrdt fucking break from you ever

Basically screamed this shit for your wypipofeast amusement

Fuck off, you acted like jocke from the getgo regarding all this
Jocke confirmed i should stay away feom you by being a fucking looser
Atleast has a apartment

literally who the fuck are you that you think you are this important to have an argument on a chinese sandalwood carving coven. can't you just keep this shit to your fucking discord channels you eceleb wannabe nobodies?

>Jocke confirmed i should stay away feom you by being a fucking looser
1 year late
Now fuck off
I mean it
You larping fucking faggot lying about cutting ur skitrip short
Fuck you

The biggest who since you decided to think i give a shit about you right now generating fakeoutrage

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>generating fakeoutrage
You fucking looser who cant shut up on Yea Forums of all place about being a who

is this a bot?

It's funny you think about what's stopping from saying something
Given self inserting as spabrog is supposed be taken seriously

Fuck you for existing
You sad trash to me

the power the money