Ex-Valve employee on review bombing

>Review bombing is making it clearer and clearer that players have no effective means of communication with developers where they feel their voices will be heard so they use the one avenue available to them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/7gfa reviews.jpg/

On the other hand...

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>viral cases of review bombing should be case for getting rid of a good system for consumers to help other consumers
Might as well get rid of Amazon's reviews too.

Game consumers have no power, when all they can do is give negative reviews on old games that shows that in bright neon.

Amazon reviews are read by a person before they go up.

makes sense

Ummm no swetie, consumers only exist to please and give to corporations their hard money. Their thoughts and opinions dont matter

>players have no effective means of communication with developers where they feel their voices will be heard
Yeah, thats the reason

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>where they feel their voices have been heard
Because their voice doesn't fucking matter. They are a literal consumer. when will people understand they aren't fucking important.

Is he right?

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I can't tell how many layers of irony this is anymore.

>one is political activisim
>the other is shoddy customer service
Yep, no difference what-so-ever.


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Rather than being unable to communicate with the developers, it's more like developers simply ignore communication which leads to shouting as loudly as you can to other potential customers about how the developers are disregarding customer opinions.
Its like if I went to buy a burger and saw cockroaches crawling on the walls, and asked to talk the to manager and told him he has fucking cockroaches climbing on the walls and he just picks his nose and tells me to fuck off. What do I do? I shout about how that place is fucking roach infested to warn other people from going to buy a burger there. FOOD ANALOGY MOTHERFUCKER

>they pay for my food
>but they're unimportant

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the communication is clear, it’s just that devs and publishers dont want to listen
review bombing is simply retaliation

Well it does beg the question why the fuck is you making games if you don't like the people that play them.

What game?

Yes, if you think the people that literally put food on your table and devote time and money to appreciate something you made are ‘adversaries’, you should change industries

Woah, it's almost like pc players are massive hypocrites or sonething.

You do realize, that making the costumer happy is literally a joke. It's not about making anyone happy. It's about pushing enough of a product that the retarded customer. (YOU) buy the product. It's always a laugh when someone actually believes any company that sells a product actually has you in mind.

same can be said on serfs/slaves and the uppers classes
yeah, they work and grow their food, but they dont matter. does a pig or cow matter to you? they give you food

>shit the customer in the mouth
>wtf where is my food

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Fucking snowflakes. Who gives a fuck.

Literally read here

>Ex-Valve Employee

Its fucking Chet Faliszek,
so much click bait you're a gigantic faggot

>chang can't discern posts anymore

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Review bombs are for faggots 100% of the time. There is never a good reason for it. People that do it are on-par with middle-aged women that threaten you with "bad Yelp reviews."

Is this Mech Commander?
Because I remember them adding trannys and pronouns, muslims, mixed Earth ethnicity into bios and other progressive bullshit, while also removing option to be blond white guy.
If was not a dedication to a stupid cause, then I'm Queen Victoria.

Sounds like he's right on the money
Man you shills are fucking pathetic boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/7gfa reviews.jpg/

>amerifat doesn't know what implied implications means
I take it you print and literally eat good reviews in the hopes they vanish.

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Reacting negatively to virtuous behavior and reacting negatively to non-virtuous behavior are not equivalent. Absolute morality, tribal loyalty. It's better if your team wins because it is your team.

Battletech user, don't ever confuse it with Mech Commander again.

Always remember as a consumer that you're the scum of the Earth. Anyone who's not a NEET knows that consumers' sense of self-importance gets old quickly and everyone in every work place talks shit about them out of earshot. You could drop dead and someone else would give that organization money, you don't feed anybody by yourself. I'm so thankful I work at a place where I get to tell customers to fuck off if they get uppity and it's even company policy

So where do they go to voice their displeasure about the product? Steam forums ban and delete every negative comment and epic doesnt even have one? Reddit is even more of a joke, look how many dicksuckers lined up to defend that abortion that is artifact or anthem. 4chans an even bigger joke, no one gives a fuck whats said here

Not him, but it's all the same garbage.

Reminder to pirate any and all games made by shady developers.

Not buying things is the loudest voice we have. The problem is the average customer has low standards so for every one that doesnt buy it there are thousands giving their money away.

>white cis man bad mouthing middle eastern oppressed one

To he developer websites, forums, emails, Facebook, Twitter or wherever else faggots go to cry about dumb shit like store exclusivity, a patch that nerfs their favorite character, or disrespect to the ching-ching empire.

Fans, after hearing "if you don't like Fortnite-field5, then don't buy it" and they voted with their wallets about Battlefield 5.
DICA/EA announced "game sold poor because gamers wanted Battle Royale instead of single-player campaign".
Wallets are very poor way of communication, because you only say "I don't want your product", but it's to seller discretion to decide why you didn't buy it. And when it comes to PC gaming, most of times they will say "obviously it's because you're a fucking pirate".

what happened to "well if you don't like it, make your own games"?

It's literally not, but thanks for letting everyone know you're a fucking retard.

Consumers should not dictate nor complain about the decisions of developers.

>developer websites, forums, emails, Facebook, Twitter
Where they can easily ban, delete, block you and keep on livingi ntheir "everything is good" world. Unless it hurts them in the sales, nothing will change. Steam reviews somehow being the only way to do just that sucks, but it's their refusal to talk in the first place.

Yeah, it's all the same garbage.

Sorry, maybe it's because that is also a game where you command mechs.

Because they like making games?

>Consumers should not dictate
You're right.
>nor complain about the decisions of developers.
You're wrong.

Yeah, lets go to other platfroms instead the one that actually sells you the product. So far the only form of communication that hurts them a tiny bit is the steam reviews.
If only that worked, Anthem was blasted by bad reviews from every side even before it came out and they still came out on top in march

I agree, pirating all the devs games is a much better way to say fuck you.

>Shit is customers mouth
>suddenly you have no customers
>Help, why is my business collapsing, and why is everyone insulting me and my company on (insert social media)

Shut the fuck up.

is there any bigger faggot in the gaming industry than Rami Ismail?


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just stop buying shitty games
money talks
if you buy the game, then the message is clear that this is what you want
if you dont buy the game, then they realize they need to fix it

hes getting pretty close to Burch tier


reminder epic chinese store doesnt want reviews

He's right but that requires the effort, someone no one is willing to spend these days

>pirating all the devs games is a much better way to say fuck you.
>literally say nothing or make your contempt heard in any conceivable way
>a much better way to say fuck you
fucking retards up in this biz
ye sure, being a literal number in the seeder list, amongst with poorfags who just cannot afford it and redditors who just wanna see how it runs is totally the best way to make your contempt heard...

maybe if you make more food analogies developers will listen

who is he?

Faggots like Rami Ismail never take a stance like that when devs and publishers are abusing everything they can to fuck with people.

when you care about the animall you harvest food from you can create prime food products, that's why some steak cost 25$ and some other 5$ and there is a lot of difference between the two, of course a plebian like you wouldn't understand

Alot of the bullshit related to Denuvo/Epic/etc. is not a developer decision, but a publisher one. Their only job is to extract as much shekels as possible given what they have

Name one.
>Bu-bu-but everyone hates EA
And still going strong.

Because shekels

How can voting with your wallet work when these deals guarantee X amount of revenue?
>The community manager went on to clarify the terms of the deal, saying that Epic's promise didn't come in the form of a single paycheck. Instead it was "for a minimum guarantee - which means Epic will guarantee that we will sell X number of copies. Even if we don't hit that number, they still pay us."

They don't get my shekels, which is all they care about, so I win.

Fuck chink
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中国继续占领南沙群岛,尊重菲律宾或“联合国海洋法公约”的裁决China continues to take territory in the Spratlys, zero respect for the Philippines or UNCLOS ruling共产党人仍然活跃,并没有结束反叛的迹象 Communists still active and no sign of ending rebellion 穆斯林极端分子占领城市三个月Muslim extremists occupy city for three months 成千上万的EJKThousands of EJKs 邓卡夏的延伸Extention of the Dengvaxia Anti Vaccine麻疹爆发歇斯底里症 Anti Vaccine Measles outbreak hysteria 疫苗接种恐吓导致实际的大规模死亡Vaccination scare that leads to actual mass death 像Romualdez这样的Cronnies偷走了yolanda基金 Cronnies like the Romualdez stole yolanda funds PNP的可信度始终较低 Credibility of PNP at all time low 在NCR交通像往常一样残暴Traffic in NCR as atrocious as ever 随着援助受到威胁,与美国和西方的关系始终处于低谷Relations with the US and the West at all time low, with aid being threatened 海关像往常一样无可救药地腐败Customs as hopelessly corrupt as it ever been 3D渲染基础设施承诺 3D rendering infra structure promises.债务现在价值数万亿 Debts are now worth trillions 低级寡头级“联邦主义”“将使我们回归sleazy oligarch tier ""federalism"" that will set us back博拉凯康复史诗失败 boracay rehab epic fail 护照数据泄露Passport data breach马尼拉湾宣传特技清洁 Manila bay publicity stunt cleaning 中国毒枭集团的儿子Chinese druglord syndicate son假新闻传播妓女女儿 Fake news spreading whore daughter Dutertard / Marcostard facebook假新闻 Dutertard/Marcostard facebook fake newspurge

>Valve funds DXVK
>many frameworks have 1 button Linux deploy
>even fucking denuvo tends to work nowadays
>nuke windows
>Epic seems to be just hostile enough to never support Linux because it would mean using Valve tools
>no Linux versions through gog either because lel exclusivity
Fuck EGS

Host your own review site, or start a review channel. If it ACTUALLY mattered, you'd do that. Companies don't owe you a change to a product over disagreement. Review bombs are by petty people for petty reasons.

Thank go.. I mean Fifa for that.

>going strong
They are literally only surviving off of huemonkeys buying FIFA.

How are you this dumb?
You vote with your wallet by not buying the game.
If Epic keeps fronting sales of games that don't actually sell, they'll stop doing it.
Why are Steam fags so dim?

Null and void when whales and people who don't give a single fuck and want games to be casual shit and rush it in a couple of hours exist

Publishing is such a scam. It really only matters for AAA games that need TV advertising to get the drones to gobble up their warmed-over swill. Any studio with a genuine following will do better without them.

What a sensible and much-needed opinion in these trying times for the vidya industry. Can't wait for someone to anonymously accuse him of rape and have his opinion blacklisted.

that's probably so they can attract developers for their store. It's definitely not a viable strategy for the long term.

No, I think people are going to keep doing what makes their voices heard

>when whales and people who don't give a single fuck
People with low standards. Like I said.

>what is Apex

>A developer has responded on 3 Apr @ 2:54am
So it works.

If I recall, some faggot who made an indie game which had decent exposure and thinks he's the god of devs who can do no harm because of it.

>we need communication that hurts the developer.
This is your problem: you're petty.

Because that means epic will have to pay for the lost sales thus operating at a loss as well as the developer getting tons of backlash that very well may mean that if they ever decide to ditch epic and can't rely on the deal crutch, might lose sales from disappointed fans.

The fuck should I start my own site when steam reviews already exist and seem to work perfectly well, seeing just how much asspain a negative review can cause.
And that's the whole point. Those fucking REVIEWS are the only way to complain since devs block every other avenue that should be possilbe. Did you even read the fucking OP?

I would disagree with you at the time when games were sold almost entirely by phisical media. developers needed publishers to distribute and market their products. but nowadays where games are sold digitally publishers are becoming less needed.


Oh user..

some guy who has a modestly successful indie game company which made one popular game he barely worked on (Nuclear Throne) who has become a gaming industry celebrity spokesperson because he won't shut the fuck up and he loves attention
and probably because he's an arab

He's wrong, the community is nothing but a trash fire but people who play games is a completely different group from the online community

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chet has a long history of being right about things in the game industry

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He's bluemarked. That should protect him, no?

>less and less defensible as a measure of game quality
oh no

>that pic

is he saying what i think hes saying? i might not be understanding it

>unironically supporting chinese bugmen

noble attitude but honestly not something I would ever have
I only create stuff because I either like it myself or I think it will make me some money

Did you read my initial post? It's petty, pathetic, and on-par with being a middle aged roastie drama queen.

Yes, because it's all one person. It's 2019 bro. If it's not utter mob mentality, it's hypocrisy.

They're just going to have that taken away. Thier voices are unheard too

Rami barely does anything, it's mostly Jan Willem who actually makes Vlambeer's games.

Its not that im petty, its that thats the only time they respond and act, when it hurts them.

Yes, did you read OPs post tough? Since you only advocate for consumers to use ways to communicate that can be blocked and not the one they can be heard with.

>Endorses communication
>One reason why I make games
Good thing he left valve

I dont agree with low effort review bombing but telling people why you think you shouldnt support this company because of their practices is a valid critique and since borderlands 3 lacks any sort of direct review panels by consumers going after their old titles telling people "they are being shits and dont care what you think because they got paid off by china" is an acceptable avenue in my eyes
I couldnt give less of a fuck about borderlands but I think its a good idea to stand by your principles in an effort to show companies that make games you do like that you find it unacceptable and wont play along with this bullshit
Because china wont be bankrolling them forever and then they have to rely on the people they threw to the curb for easy money to keep them afloat
Not that normalfags give a shit about any of this so its probably just useless inane bickering on my part since theyll lap up whatever

I Always pirate so I win I guess, I will still spam their forums if its possible without purchase

>letting consumers have a connection with developers

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Stockholders are million times more important to these boomer business fucks than any customer. I hope all these sjw diversity hires rot their businesses from the inside out until they crumble. They deserve it.

BASED and piratepilled.

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Not until the popular streamers stop playing it faglord

Review bombs are always petty attacks. Developers don't respond to that.

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Look up GTA 5 and OpenIV

>platforms without them a safer bet for launch
what bullshit. faliszek is right, reviews shouldn't be the place to complain about business practices, but come the fuck on. if you're actively avoiding being reviewed, that will never not make people skeptical. doesn't matter if it's the devs' or the publishers' fault

Communication doesn't equal a defamation soapbox. Come on now.

That wasn't review bombed.

Arkham Knight was pulled on PC because it wasn't a functional product.
Like at all.

It wasn't because of review bombing, it was because the game didn't work on pc

Depressing image. Otaku should be gutted in the streets

I don't think they ever even ironed out the problems with Arkham Knight port either since rocksteady wasn't going to fix that shitheap console port for free and WB Games only interest is in milking a cashcow as hard and dirty as possible. Later they re-released the same busted port and packaged a fucking DOTA2 skin with purchase to smooth things over or something.

Sure, otakus being degenerates and corporations doing whatever they can to fuck us over for profit is the same thing

ster played a big ol modded version of nuclear throne from him back in the day iirc that was fun

>Communication doesn't equal a defamation
Do you even know what that means or are you now just pulling words out of your ass?


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Now I see what this comic is trying to convey but it's missing something, I just can't put my finger on it.

>the players' opinion of which launcher the game should come on is in any way important.
>Not console - it's still on PC, they just need to open a different program to play.
>This is the only avenue they have to express their dissent

How about not buying the fucking game? I love it when everyone is willing to bitch, but then they still pony up the money. This is literally just a controversy by games journos for games journos about games they don't have to buy in the first place because they're given free copies. They see them show up and they go "oh my gosh. If I was just a regular peon, how could I justify this?" We don't. Just don't buy the fucking game.

the fag responsible for damaging indie games for the last 5 years with his """JUICE IT""" shit

Nah gamers are just largely entitled cunts that get mad whenever their beloved series changes a little bit or isn't exactly how they want it. There are some times where that isn't the case, but it's definitely most of the time. Not to mention rabid fanboyism between fanbases warring for no real reason and shit.

>Not buying things is the loudest voice we have.
No its not, because
>The problem is the average customer has low standards
Of this

Review Bombing is the consumers biggest weapon, because its like a fire to ward off casuals (aka low standard retards)
And you scare some of these retards this way.

Protip- If a company complains about something the consumer does, it means its working in their favor.

>people are burning cars in the streets
>clearly this is the fault of the government and we must improve democracy
it's the yellow vest protests all over again

>Not to mention rabid fanboyism between fanbases warring for no real reason and shit.
Thank EPIC for kicking this into overdrive then.

Rami is such a piece of shit. Has he ever been right about anything?


are you such a brainlet that you don't understand these aren't stores where you just buy the game and get out ? They're subscription based service platforms. You don't own your game, you're allowed to use them as long as you keep using their service. Of course the choice of which service you subscribe to is important, what the fuck ? How do you even tie your fucking shoes ?
Of course I want to keep focusing on the service that has the features I want and that has proved time and time again it's moving in the direction I want it to, and not some shitty half baked launcher with no features and the promise of "maybe it'll meet industry standards in two years, who fucking knows".

I don't care as much about the store wars than specific games. Which has been going on since forever.

No, you are just doing something to feel good, don't pretend that it matters to the average consumer

If it's one car, it's most likely some ooga booga, if it's several cars, then yeah there's clearly a reason this is happening and you might want to figure out before it gets worse.

Chet is based and was one of the few talkative Valve employees, I wish he would go back.

if it doesn't matter why would the companies care ?

>he says as this board then continually spams China China Tiamen square. Winnie the Pooh
I guess most of the racism is hidden behind perfectly legitimate grievances but let’s not be naive

That's literally some shitty copy paste, people even use it when it involves Hiroshimoot despite him being jap.

>Chet is based
I bet you'll change your opinion as soon as I show you his multitude of anti drumpf tweets.

yeah, after the first couple of review bombings companies gave up on selling things on epic store exclusively...they didn't just put the blame on the publishers and carried on

fuck chinks and fuck niggers

>Just don't buy the fucking game.
What if they want to fucking play it?
And we're talking about boderlands3 here, an online coop game, so don't serve me "pirate" bs
EGS is literally taking all the new game releases hostage, indie or AAA, of fucking course people are gonna be mad

I never review anything (apathyfag for life), but if you think your average retard doesnt go on steam, looks the bad reviews and in their sheep mentality doesnt go
>oh man, look how many people dont like this game, its probably not good, better not buy it
Then you are delusional.

I know so many people who do that for movies, books, and games, hell i do it for the former two. The casual gamer buys on impulse and because everyone else does it, like a sheep, and sheep need to get scared.

Nah, I've been following him for years but I know to separate politics from vidya, sadly not even devs can do that apparently.

'Games Journalist': Other people shouldn't be able to review games. Only WE are qualified to do that. ELIMINATE ALL USER REVIEWS!!

Yeah, that's not transparent as fuck. Enjoy unemployment.

Based Chet, sure Valve might not make games anymore and Gabe spends his work days playing DOTA2 but at least Valve plays fucking games
>Currently funding Wine to work better than ever
>Because they can see Microsoft will fuck them, you, me when they get the chance in a few years
>B-but they could give developers more
If they caved to the developers now it would set a precedent, you know what would be next? The removal of reviews, devs are clamouring for people to not be allowed to say their products are buggy broken pieces of shit that no one should buy when they are, which their community pages already reflect, Valve are by no means perfect or altruistic but they are the best option and even while having a monopoly for years have shown massive restraint in not abusing it, the chinese get fortnite to blow up and they're exploiting it for everything they can sucking developers off while shitting on consumers

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>ex-Valve employee defending review bombing because the game is not coming to the platform he used to work for

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Amazon Q&A needs some serious pruning, though. If you want to lose faith in humanity, go to any page on Amazon and look at the questions and answers. Not only are the questions retarded, but people go out of their way to answer them with shit like "idk" and "I don't own this product exactly, but my dog seems to enjoy this so I'm sure it's fine" ... the absolute dumbest, useless mother fuckers.

Why is review bombing bad exactly?

wtf I hate valve now

Communication already exists on support pages, forums, reddits and etc.
Gamers tend to be incredibly toxic and cant communicate politely in the first place so most of them would be banned on sight anyways. There's really no point in communicating with those gamers. The ones that are actually nice to developers are the ones that actually get to tell the developers about what they like about the games and for them to improve it.

I'm not saying it's bad just that maybe you shouldn't listen to someone who shills for steam

Go back.

>If you think the community is nothing but a trash fire - you shouldn't make games

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Why should I listen to someone shilling for epic over steam?

Looks like reasonable reviews.
Maybe if you don't want negative reviews, don't include things people who buy your games don't like? It's a simple solution.

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This is what an ex-Valve employee had to say about Valve
>Libertarian to the extreme - unwilling to even agree on matching basic humanitarian charity contributions, lots of “both sides” arguments in debates about online behavior.
Apparently caring about both sides is enough to trigger corporatist libtards.

What a fucking joke of a post
Of course devs are gonna prefer listening to the drones who keep sucking their dicks dry out of confirmation bias.
Guess what, you need good but also bad criticism to have a real look at the bigger picture.

I am literally shaking right nowNot in a million years would I even consider using their HOSTAGEWAREImagine unironically using a launcher that isn't SteamCHINESE BOT NET!? China is evilYes im racist against the ChineseWhat does "Non Controlling Interest" mean!?Rise up gamersThey have left us no choice but to pirate their gamesI would never give up my steam level 300 profile with my fursona background, its my LIFEEpiCRAP launcher doesnt even have a rating system for me to exploit and review bomb when i'm mad!Or a forum for me to ask a question and get 12 "me too's" with no solution

it's the worst way desu. you're actively helping them by doing this. you'll talk about the game to someone somewhere or post about it here effectively acting as free advertising. the best way is to forget them completely and play other shit.

They do owe me my money back. I paid for x. Not y.

This reminds me of how Disney was trying to shut down negative reviews of Captain Marvel. I'd never seen companies go to such lengths to silence criticism before.

Imagine defending lack of features

Mods/devs ban criticism on forums so now reviews are the easy alternative.
But now posters have more malice in reviews after being banned.

Devs start to push to remove reviews.

>unwilling to even agree on matching basic humanitarian charity contributions
What the fuck does that even mean? No seriously what the fuck are they complaining about here

>lots of “both sides” arguments in debates about online behavior.
I blame matchmaking, servers never had this problem, you knew exactly what 24/7 Dustbowl meant or Instant respawn mario_kart was gonna be when it came to playerbase

>chink earning social credit points so they won't be turned into onions green
>customers voicing their opinions
Everybody wins

why are you listen to people on twitter at all? too dumb to form your own opinion?

>What the fuck does that even mean? No seriously what the fuck are they complaining about here
Probably butthurt that Gabe doesn't want to send millions to xer political activism friends, the person somehow tries to imply listening and catering to both sides of a drama is a bad thing.

Steam review system is trash to begin with. It only takes into account the opinion of people who either really like a game or really dislike a game. The people who think a game is not particularly good nor not particularly bad will not write a review and therefore not count in the review score.

So naive. Id fire you if you said that at my company.

>why are you listen

>Communication already exists on support pages, forums, reddits and etc.
All you have to do is look at Anthem subreddit and forum to know that you're just full of shit.

His completely right, that's how rallies work. you go on the street because that way your presence and message can't be avoided.

And these are also prime examples of communication, the devs should have not even tried to communicate that hey, we understand you disagree with our politics and it is ok, we will not use this game to push our agenda but the pronounce at the beginnings are skippable and we hope you are not offended, we just felt like trying it out.
On epic, they could say that hey, that deal was just so fucking good, we are sorry. If we had more money we would never take such a deal. Thank you for your feedback. All of this could be contained in the forums, but the problem is that devs hire only idiot fucking "community managers" who don't give a shit and always use the excuse of "trolls" and "toxic". There are a lot of people who disagree on lot of stuff and these narrow minded people who ignore everything are the problem, their resistance to people having different points of view to things is hilarious, it shows, communication sucks so fuck you steam reviews are the way to go.

>You do realize, that making the costumer happy is literally a joke.
It is not a joke, you either don't work in retail, or you work for some shit company that is too big to fail and has close a monopoly.
>It's not about making anyone happy.
It is about making the customer happy with what they are leaving the store with.
>It's about pushing enough of a product that the retarded customer. (YOU) buy the product. It's always a laugh when someone actually believes any company that sells a product actually has you in mind.
Fucker, where I work we are told to make them WANT the product that we are showing the customer, and we do that with facts about the product and with good guarantees and return policies. Yes management wants you to buy the more expensive option, but we gain more from satisfied customers that WANT to return and spend more money with us instead of the competitor. This is policy and we get this shit drilled into us at all times.

>Always remember as a consumer that you're the scum of the Earth. Anyone who's not a NEET knows that consumers' sense of self-importance gets old quickly and everyone in every work place talks shit about them out of earshot. You could drop dead and someone else would give that organization money, you don't feed anybody by yourself. I'm so thankful I work at a place where I get to tell customers to fuck off if they get uppity and it's even company policy
Where do you work since you get such shitters?

I have, I am boycotting epic the same way I boycotted origin and uplay because steam side with consumers over developers and every developer siding with epic have shown their true colours, showing their playerbase utter scorn
I am just curious why you would warn against a "steam shill" and avoid directly answering any question, it's almost like your a dirty smelly chink or pretending to be one

User reviews are just another form of word-of-mouth. The only reason they gain so much traction that things like review bombing exists is because they're the easiest way for the general public's opinion to be heard by someone higher up. If a game is getting review bombed, or a youtube video gets mass dislikes, or anything like that in general, it's not the sign of some angry trolls. It's the sign that the general public isn't happy.

Review bombing is a cheap and stupid tactic that only exists because it's the only way a developer or publisher will actually hear what average joes have to say and it shouldn't work, but it does and it's all the unwashed masses have. Anybody that says it's bad outright instead of acknowledging that it's the result of a flawed system is at best more concerned with the sanctity of something as retarded as reviews than they are with the average man's ability to express their displeasure at a company and at worst cares more about the company than the average man.

Well if there is absolutely no one who likes your games then who are you making games for? Yourself? Why do you have an online presence then?

>Valve are by no means perfect or altruistic but they are the best option and even while having a monopoly for years have shown massive restraint in not abusing it
This right here, like or hate steam it does what it does well and is incredibly pro consumer.
They could have sat on their laurels and not improved steam for over a decade thanks to having next to no competition, but they did add user reviews, they did add refunds, they did add curating and its largely thanks to them that we see big discounts on online console stores once in a while too when they used to never get discounts because it shows that far more people buy games that way and selling a thousand copies at 30% off makes far more money than a hundred copies at full price.

Valve didn't buy out the competition and muscle their way into a near monopoly, devs and consumers came to steam because it's more convenient than not using steam and just nobody bothered to try and compete.
If steam was shit nobody would care about the EGS trying to snatch up games cause it would be one shitty store competing with another, but it's not.
It's a shitty store run by a shitty chinese company trying to muscle its way into a market to divide consumers and create competition that nobody asked for.

Both are examples at trying to communicate with a dev, though. One is chinks reeing at devs/Steam for a game that mocks their politician and another is people effectively telling Deep Silver to fuck off because of EGS "stealing" Exodus last minute.

Why would you care about my opinion if I don't care about the game one way or another?

I do too remember the golden age of gaming where Carmack personally broke into the houses of people playing Quake to give them a good slap in their face, then steal their remaining milk.
I don't agree with a lot of what Chef Falizek says, but I think he has a pretty good point here. People these days tend to enenemize everyone they disagree with. Eg, if your mindset is "those dirty alt-right gamers", you'd probably wouldn't care enough about communicating with your audience, because you hate them by default. Well, for example.

Retail isn't about selling a product you made, it's about selling a product your company bought. two completely different things. You'd know this if you weren't a wage cuck.

Rami is such a fucking faggot. I wish I pirated Nuclear Throne .

Exactly. Include toxic neckbeardy stuff in your shitty weeb game and you deserve to get review bombed.

Attached: Free Tibet.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

>because steam side with consumers

Attached: 1425842679161.jpg (400x350, 28K)

Not an argument

Steam is probably the best review site there is since it has the unique requirement of a person actually owning the product and it shows how long they played it for. Shit like metacritic is far far worse with nothing but consolewar kiddies giving tens to their favorite corporation's games and zeroes to the "opponent's".

A funny le meme face

>if I pretend it isn't real then maybe he will believe me!

the nintendo wojak going up the yellow sony wojaks ass

>Valve "fixes" review bombs
>a week later everyone jumps ship to the Epic store
>Epic has no reviews
what a coincidence

Attached: 1554427793763.png (564x470, 410K)

>steam is probably the best review site

Attached: 440.jpg (720x480, 60K)

Are you high? How is Steam anti-consumer? The entire "problem" that devs have is that it's too pro-consumer.

>making more people feel comfortable while playing the game is "pushing an agenda"

Attached: 1549214340450.gif (423x234, 1.69M)

Get woke go broke.


you left out the panel where pc bent over and let valve take their physical games away.

Yes, it is. It's very rare that I disagree with the overall score for a game.

Because it means a tiny portion of the players decide the review score.
If 100 people played the game, 10 gave it a good review, 5 gave it a bad review it ends up being "66% - mixed reviews" on Steam even if the 85% who didn't bother reviewing had fun playing it but didn't have strong feelings one way or the other

Attached: 501.png (735x541, 27K)

fuck physical and fuck collectors

>lmao if I greentext random posts with funny reaction images then maybe I'll shame them into changing their solid opinions!
Cancerous faggot.

not necessarily. what if you want to make a game that you would play, and don't care who else plays it?

You're both so right, Valve is so clearly pro-consumer. They only care about your rights, its not about their wallets at all

Attached: 21421.png (832x989, 94K)

But it did the exact opposite and they would have known if they had listened? What if you add a fucking button to options menu to turn it on/off? Idiot.

Attached: you.gif (480x238, 443K)

>remove the thumbs up/thumbs down
>force people to actually read the reviews if they want any information at all
What happens?

>Retail isn't about selling a product you made
Nothing in your post makes any reference to that, also Gaybox and other devs doesn't sell their games directly to the customer, that is the job of the publisher/storefront and both of those are pretty close to being a retailer.
> You'd know this if you weren't a wage cuck.
Having been a NEET for 5-6 years, I would rather be a wage cuck than go back to that.

Everyone willingly abandoned physical, it's a loud, slow, perishable piece of shit legacy tech with built-in anti-copy DRM.

And yet they're still mor epro-consumer then Epic. What does that tell us about Epic exactly?

Attached: BASED Valve.png (613x979, 77K)

Well what was the misleading conduct?

enjoy renting licenses from either tencent or the campo santo sjws!

90% of Amazon reviews appear to be, "My grandson bought this for me recently and I haven't used it yet but [since Amazon just emailed me asking for a review and I have nothing better to do] the box sure looks nice. What a product! 4 stars."

I can't tell if you're a falseflagging dumbass or not, but yes, this is exactly the solution. Why, upon seeing their customer's discontent, the producer's first instinct is to find a way to silence then, rather than finding a solution to their issue? It makes zero sense. Nowhere in the world in any other industry is the customer treated this communistic way.

>Valve is so clearly pro-consumer.
Yeah, they've been clearly pro-consumer for the entirety of the company's lifetime so far and Gabe is very outspoken about it.

by US standards they are. that case is about Australian refund standards which are extreme.

Still more pro-consumer than epic
>Hate steam
>Side with the store worse than steam in every way
Are you a freetard, console baby or stinky chinky? It's like being tied to a fence post getting assraped daily and you want to trade rapists to the guy who doesn't use lube

A lot of the time they take over pre-established franchises with their bullshit and then act like they're doing just that when they really aren't.

When they do go and make their own games you get stuff like Sunset or Fez where they throw a hissy fit and leave the industry in a spiteful manner or Where the Water Tastes Like Wine where they beg their journo friends to push it harder since they only sold five copies.

only allowing refunds within 2 weeks

Sure thing drone.

Attached: 2015-04-23-image-27.jpg (800x558, 103K)

>How is Steam anti-consumer?
First DRM program to require online-activation for single player games.
Reserves the right to 'terminate your subscription'.
No statement on what happens to your games when Steam gets taken offline.
Selling games for full price when it's on sale everywhere else on the internet.

>Nowhere in the world in any other industry is the customer treated this communistic way.
I'd say the movie industry is somehow even worse, the cancer and corporatism there is turned up to 11 with literally everything being owned by the big 5 and censoring any kind of dissent about their garbage.

>continues to review bomb games because of muh she
Nah hypocracy is real on both sides. The loudest fucks are the trash fire, and unfortunately they represent the community.

That has nothing to do with the consumer, that has everything to do with developers. Valve couldnt give two shits about you as long as you keep giving them money.
The misleading conduct was not having refunds for 14 fucking years, but yeah valve has been pro-consumer for the entire companys life right?

Attached: 1523777233225.jpg (247x404, 26K)

>literally posts a thing they went back on after the backlash and they never tried to bring it up again
based retard

Why not install both? Are peesee's retarded?

>they did add refunds
only because Origin did it first

How many times have you ever even refunded something? It never affected me except maybe once when I bought something that went on sale just after, it's a minor thing at best and you sound like one of those guys that abuse the refund system to fuck over people making short games.

how is it possible to be this fucking stupid? not a single one of those things is true.

He'll still keep going.

He's not at Valve anymore dude

Okay for the sake of argument I'm going to give you the refunds thing for Austrailia
Now what else do you have?

>Selling games for full price when it's on sale everywhere else on the internet.
allowing competition is literally pro consumer brainlet. valve doesn't even get a cut of the key reselling that they explicitly allow even though it costs them money.

>Valve's EULA said things that weren't true when applied under Australia's laws
Am I understanding this correctly?
That seems like an oversight moreso than intentional deception.


No you cant you idort

>it did the exact opposite
Theres no rational reason at all to be against options that exist to make people feel included. Have you seen any steam review bombs over the inclusions of subtitles or colorblind settings?

Epic is spyware by definition and has already been caught scanning steam files to extract your owned games, friends list and other information

dying apparently

>they're pro-consumer
>psot proof that it isn't true
>t-t-that doesn't count because I say so
Unbased retard.

Attached: free launchers are the equivilant of 200 dollar handhelds right.jpg (716x621, 218K)

>not having refunds for 14 fucking years
>little kid doesn't know that refunds of electronic media weren't allowed anywhere in retail for even longer

Is that from Limmy's autobiography?

Fuck you, nigger

Good thing that Epic didn't have any either when their store opened.

>psot proof that it isn't true
You missed the point, you posted proof of the contrary by posting something they went back on after people complained about it, compare that to Bethesda that made their own paid mods system after that and simply ignored the backlash.

>doesn't know that refunds of electronic media weren't allowed anywhere in retail for even longer
In your shithole country sure, the rest of the world picked up on the whole "software can be just as dogshit as physical items and should have safeguards in reponse" thing pretty quick

>Gamers tend to be incredibly toxic and cant communicate politely in the first place
Don't do this. Isn't generalizing the whole userbase "toxic" behavior?
>The ones that are actually nice to developers are the ones that actually get to tell the developers about what they like about the games and for them to improve it.
Half of critique. Just as valuable to tell the developer what they don't like. Stuff the developer doesn't want to hear.

>bethesda wanting paid mods
>valve allowed it
>valve removed it
oh no

How is that anti-consumer? In theory it would make even better mods but of course it was a stupid idea.

>valve doesn't even get a cut of the key reselling that they explicitly allow even though it costs them money.
wrong. Developers have to pay for keys. Devs have said so in interviews. The ones that give you a choice between downloading from their website and getting a Steam key generally prefer if you request a Steam key.

>should we stop making horrible games or maybe stop doing horrible things?

>No... it is the gamers who are the problem! Simply do not allow them to speak! It is costing us our delicious money that we need from them! But fuck doing anything that would please them!

Attached: epic store (will add chinese later).jpg (858x427, 29K)

>In your shithole country sure
yes, the country where valve is which is how they set their standards

>In your shithole country sure
>EU and USA are now shitholes
Nice try Chang.

based chet. isnt he one of the creators of l4d? makes him even more based. you cant just ignore the consumer forever people are going to actually start not buying games cause right now its just people saying they wont but still will regardless

*if you don't request a Steam key

>Developers have to pay for keys. Devs have said so in interviews.
false, they can generate keys for free at will.

No they don't retard, stop lying, it's common knowledge that you don't have to pay.
>While there is no fee to generate keys on Steam, we ask that partners use the service judiciously.

>pay 100$ for the game on steam
>can generate as many keys as you want
It's really not hard to understand, yet you brainlets keep on failing on ti again and again.

I wonder if he's working on that Turtle Rock not-L4D3

Second guy explained his view fairly well I think.

because they like making games
I could see toady sitting in a basement and working on his dorf fortress even if no one else in the world knew about it.

the consumer should just stay quiet and continue to buy things

Yes but it didn't make people feel like included, it made people feel like they were pushed on an agenda. Making up your own pronoun and expecting people to use it like you are your own gender even when that goes against everything science has told us is concerning. And I'm sorry but no ones gender has ever stopped them from playing video games or made it harder to play except if your a sexist.


Developers problem is they look at a whole community then look at the assholes and act like the whole community is like this.

In reality if you make good games you have fans no matter what some spergs do. Metro dev shouldn't get so mad just because some spergs here review bombed good games


curious way to spell antagonize

Steam is just as bad you ignorant cuck

>created steam to lock people into an ecosystem where they own nothing
>put source mods in the store, make it more obnoxious for people to download full conversion mods from outside steam
>create the workshop, make it more obnoxious for people to download mods that valve doesnt deem "acceptable", try and start paid mod bullshit
>create the marketplace, make it more obnoxious for people to trade items between themselves so valve can get a 2% cut of all sales on a digital marketplace they themselves control which pays out in their fake currency that you can only spend in their marketplace
They're actively making PC gaming worse, despite coming from those origins.
Think about the jump between Counter Strike Source and Counter Stike Global Offensive.
No Custom Models
No Custom Weapons
No Custom Sounds
No Sprays
Gutted custom server support
Paid Skins
Paid Gloves
Paid Music
Paid Sprays
All coming from crate/key lootbox garbage
EU has always had pro-consumer refund policies though, they were also after steam

Go ahead and explain how

Those options are the result of a political ideology whos main goal is forcing everybody to accept and think of a mental disorder as how a normal healthy functional human being is.
It is also out of place in the Battletech IP as far as I know.

It does all the same datamining, you're just forgetting the controversy about it from 10 years ago

>an agenda
>making up your own pronoun
>goes against everything science has told us
>no ones gender has ever stopped them from playing video games or made it harder to pla
What utter nonsense, not only do you lack reading comprehension but you're just objectively incorrect.

Curious way of spelling enemize, which I'm not even sure is a word. Spell check doesn't think so.

no that wasn't valve
that was thepiratebay

It's when you perform an enema on yourself and shit over your enemies.

If that really is the hill you want to die on...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-05 Urban Dictionary enemize.png (620x447, 36K)

Wait, it's actually slang. Huh.

No, it doesn't.
Unless you mean that VAC thing that ran for a couple of weeks which had nothing to do with datamining.

>Those options are the result of a political ideology whos main goal is forcing everybody to accept and think of a mental disorder as how a normal healthy functional human being is.
You're still objectively wrong, but even if that was the case, why does it matter to you as someone that will never select that option?
Again, do you also negatively review a game that has subtitles and colourblind options?

>No, it doesn't.
Yes. It does. This was well fucking known way back in 2009

Because I dislike china, what's not to get

Attached: 1552450665313.jpg (446x810, 82K)

>it's true because I said so!
>proof? lol fuck off

>That has nothing to do with the consumer
Arguable, since they're paying out of their own pockets to allow VR devs to produce things that might never see Steam at all and literally only benefits those devs and the consumers who might never have been able to enjoy that game.
How the fuck you're going to spin that as being anti-consumer in any way is what I'm waiting to see.

>but yeah valve has been pro-consumer for the entire companys life right?
>i-it doesn't count if t-they didn't do this o-one pro-consumer thing at launch
>user forums, user reviews, user made "curators", and "family" sharing don't count

>Valve couldnt give two shits about you as long as you keep giving them money.
They're a fucking business, of course profit is their primary goal.
That doesn't mean they don't give a shit about the source of that profit.
No one is expecting them to run their shit like a non-profit organization, as long as they don't pull scummy shit like buying out exclusives from other storefronts to gain sales.
Why the fuck are these threads not getting deleted on sight yet?

It simply doesn't, otherwise you could easily post proof of it, which so far every single Cheng failed to provide.

>Developers have to pay for keys. Devs have said so in interviews.
Lol no, I have two games on Steam, I didn't pay a dime to generate codes for outside Steam. They are free. There's a restriction, like you can't just host on Steam and generate infinite keys to undersell the Steam listing on your own site, but that's reasonable, if you're doing that just sell an non Steam version on your own site if you want to sell it at half price.

>buying exclusives is bad and scummy
>now allowing people to refund garbage for 14 years is good and not scummy

>people who pay me so i can have food on my plate don't matter
holy fuck, this is "video games don't have to be video games" tier

You're not paying for keys. You pay the $100 whether you generate keys or not.

>>put source mods in the store, make it more obnoxious for people to download full conversion mods from outside steam
Moddb/Nexus/Gamebanana all still exist.
>>create the workshop, make it more obnoxious for people to download mods that valve doesnt deem "acceptable", try and start paid mod bullshit
See above + They walked back on paid mods as they saw that their customers didn't want that shit.
>>create the marketplace, make it more obnoxious for people to trade items between themselves so valve can get a 2% cut of all sales on a digital marketplace they themselves control which pays out in their fake currency that you can only spend in their marketplace
You are fucking retarded if you use the steam item library for anything other than; storing cardpack drops you are selling on the marketplace to retards to get free video game licences.
>They're actively making PC gaming worse, despite coming from those origins.
Steam isn't responsible for moral busybodies, memers and faggots ruining video games
>Think about the jump between Counter Strike Source and Counter Stike Global Offensive.
No thanks, they both suck cock.
>All coming from crate/key lootbox garbage
That is aids though.

Most people have grown up being told there is 2 genders and then there are special cases that are not normal.
Xer is not a real pronoun, it's made up. It's pretty backwards, in Finland they have only "hän" and that's it.
Science does say that mammals have two genders.
Being a girl does not stop you from picking up a controller. Being called a "bitch" online is lame, but being called a "fag" online is not a problem?
Stop this bait.

It's been public knowledge that Steam datamines it's users for over a decade. Get the fuck outta here with your ignorance kiddo. Y'all musta been suckin' your momma's saggy little funbags back in 2009 for this to be news to you.

This is just the same shitstorm people kicked up over Origin, which also datamined people. Even back then the intelligent argument was "both clients are dataminers".

How the hell does that even happen?

And I also dislike fat jews

Why aren't you a pirate yet

>It's been public knowledge that Steam datamines it's users for over a decade
Then you shouldn't have any problem to post that evidence.

>just sell an non Steam version on your own site if you want to sell it at half price
Being able to add standalone programs to your Steam library is such an underused feature now that more and more games are going directly through it anyway.

>Then you shouldn't have any problem to post that evidence.
I'm not gonna spoonfeed ignorant children who aren't old enough to have first hand memory of this situation.

>That has nothing to do with the consumer
Clearly you never heard Valve talking about why exclusivity is bad.

Fuck off shill.

Attached: v6DNdZm.jpg (520x690, 127K)

>there's evidence
>then post it

Attached: he really is.jpg (499x338, 51K)

>it's common knowledge!

Attached: 1547938233816.jpg (990x1016, 108K)

>is a word
This literally means absolutely nothing. If you use a root with prefixes and suffixes or a conjugation or whatever-the-fuck that are recognizable, it achieves the purpose of language and bickering over whether it is formally recognized in a dictionary is total idiocy.

Make that noun an adverb. People will know what you mean.

I'm not gonna spoonfeed you. There's even direct quotes from Gabe saying that Data Mining is okay, even if it's intrusive.

>i have a proof
>show proof
>lol no
the U of STATE

>Your honor we have evidence that the defendant killed that man!
please bring it to the stand and show us
>I'm not going to spoonfeed you retard

>You're still objectively wrong
I am objectively right
>but even if that was the case, why does it matter to you as someone that will never select that option?
Because I would like it for sick people to get the help they need and deserve.
>Again, do you also negatively review a game that has subtitles and colourblind options?
I do that if I can't turn them off when I don't need them; as I do have a certain degree of colourblindness and can't speak Russian nor Japanese, also come back to me when colourblindness and non-native-language-can't-understand-shit is made worse by including those two.

Attached: 457404568_is_wrong.jpg (406x271, 12K)

They did, enough for the game to be beatable anyways.

>Come here to enjoy games, not eat 6 heart emojis and watch your show
What did he mean by this?

>developer/publisher pull some stupid shit
>"hey we dont like your stupid shit"
>account suspended
>reason: trolling

This shit has been going on since TORtanic and probably even before that


>still not posting any evidence
You're some special breed of a retard.

>Moddb/Nexus/Gamebanana all still exist
Yet they're all not as popular as they used to be, especially Gamebanana.
Why? Because Gamebanana was one of the biggest sites for CS:S and Gmod content. One got replaced with a game that gutted all of the community made content and replaced it with paid cosmetics, the other was forced into the Workshop ecosystem.
Valve did go out of their way to make installing conversions harder than they used to be in the push for Source Mods on Steam though, thats just fact.
>They walked back on it
Gabe still believed they did nothing wrong as he said in his responses to the controversy.
>You are fucking retarded if you use the steam item library for anything other than; storing cardpack drops you are selling on the marketplace to retards to get free video game licences.
You're claiming that anybody that uses the Marketplace to buy/sell digital items for a magnitude of games is retarded? You've just called the majority of Steam users retarded, that still doesnt excuse valves cut from the sames.
>moral busybodies, memers and faggots ruining video games
Have less of an impact on video games than the biggest PC gaming focused company shoving lootboxes down peoples throats in every game they can, including fucking Portal 2
>hurr they're bad
How about the degradation in quality TF2 has been through, how about Artifact?

topkek at this shit, doubling down on lies won't make them more true

I never bought any Microtransactions ever and they continue to be found everywhere.
I can still not buying them, but thinking any voting system is good makes you as foolish as the people who get manipulated by said systems.

Ask EA

Again, if you're so ignorant and underage, I see no need to uplift you and save you from your ignorance. Keep on acting like retards and damaging the reputation of PC Gamers in general. I won't stop you.

They censor reviews anyway. I bought a game from a third-party seller on Amazon and they shipped me one from the wrong region. I left a review stating as much and it literally got strike-throughed and had a note appended saying “This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience.” Look through the seller's feedback and like 80% of their reviews are people complaining about the same issue (receiving games from the wrong region) and having their reviews edited.

there's already a review bombing toggle in steam
the thing is that they're trying to ignore it so that they can keep pushing the same stupid agenda, so that people end up thinking user reviews are bad, and paid shill reviews become relevant again
Journos shilling epic is just them trying to go back to the old model where users didn't have a voice

We all know you are bullshitting dude, we're just squeezing more funny posts from you now.

Yes, when you make something you have to have a target audience in mind. You should be making it because you want them to enjoy it, and ultimately (hopefully) pay you for it if you want it to be your job.

The way the industry is ran r/n, full of games that are souless money grabbing machines is no way to make games.

The Chad Chet vs the virgin ebin shill

Attached: 1537526349600.gif (350x261, 966K)

How can you live without any tesztoszteron?

>anyone that spells CUSTOMER as costumer

take a fucking english class you retarded inbred mong

>Gabe Newell, managing director of Left 4 Dead and Portal developer Valve, gave a keynote address at the DICE conference today in which he outlined his vision for the future of the games industry....The solution, Newell claims, isn’t to fight them, but to out-compete them. Of course, Steam is equipped for that fight. By using the service’s strengths such as extensive data-mining capabilities, the company can be given a competitive advantage. Newell warned, however, that intrusive measures must be transparent and can be proven to give the customer better service or better games.


Get mega super dunked on retard.

>Take-Two's decision to publish it on the Epic Games Store first
stop fucking sugarcoating it
I hate rami

I'm having trouble finding much in the way of digital refund policies that far back, especially for video games.
It's not the same as returning a physical product so I can understand why.
Am I not looking in the right places or are you condemning Valve for something barely anyone (if anyone) was doing at the time?

He's talking about the user statistics and behavior you fucking idiot, not mining your PC's data without consent, holy shit you are retarded.

>He said it again
U-uh oh, it's starting to sound kinda true guys.
If he posts it a third time I might have to believe him.

You mean looking at steam achievements to figure out how much of the game a player has completed? Yeah we know about that, now show me the part where steam scans my computer down like the epic launcher. And don't fucking pretend like you didn't know what we were talking about

Is talking down to your fanbase actually a good buisness move considering how many companies are doing it?

Attached: Trump Pizza.gif (435x419, 1.91M)

Datamining is datamining you fucking retard. If you don't think user data is part of that package, you're a naive little retard who deserves to get spied on.

>You mean looking at steam achievements to figure out how much of the game a player has completed?
That's not datamining. Hilarious how all the Pcbro mental gymnasts are coming outta the woodwork now. First it was about PROOFS and now it's a bunch of pathetic deflections.

Truly sad to see.

Who the fuck doesn't know Steam tracks playtime data and such? It's not what we're talking AT ALL and all you got going for you is that he used the word "data-mining", you are a moron.

>Datamining is datamining you fucking retard

It's the same information that makes achievements work. Richard fucking Stallman wouldn't give a shit about it.

If your customers will buy your products regardless, then sure.

>Who the fuck doesn't know Steam tracks playtime data and such?
That's not what he's talking about. Datamining is datamining. The word datamining doesn't even apply to publically gathered stats from things like "Playtime" and "Achievments"

>That's not datamining.
That's literally what Gabe was talking about, retard.
You must be autistic so you don't understand this but people often use the same words to talk about different things.

Imagine making games for a living but hating gamers or gamer culture
Why would you do that?
Making games isn't even a good career; by all measures it's a soul crushing machine that destroys people
Like, fuck, if you want to push progressive politics on people just become a check marked twitter user, it's easier and probably more profitable

>That's not what he's talking about.
Yes, it is.

>It's the same information that makes achievements work.
That's only part of it.

>That's literally what Gabe was talking about, retard.
No. It's not. Read the fucking article. All you're doing is trying to extend the benefit of the doubt because you're a disgusting fanboy retard.

>people grew up being taught you were male or female
People also got taught the world was flat, radium was great for cosmetics and food and that asbestos was a good thing to have in your walls and roof. Fact is shit changes.
>xur isnt a real pronoun
Sure, but They/Them is
>they're sick and shouldn't be catered to
People with type 1 genetic diabetes are also sick, so are people on the spectrum, these are things that cant be cured but can be managed. Are you also rallying to take peoples insulin away because they should be strapped to a bed for the rest of their lives?
>I do that if I can't turn them off when I don't need them
You didnt need to select the option, it was a one time selection on the character creation and its never mentioned or brought up again if you didnt select it. It is 100% no different than accessibility options.

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It's not like there are any consequences these days. At best some bitch about it on some media but still end up buying from them.

why the fuck i would care? i dont make these homo games

That's literally what he's talking about retard.


>Dybowski acknowledged that some fans will be disappointed but said that Steam statistics show that the vast majority of players take the game slowly and methodically—"First one story, then the next, and much later, the third"—rather than powering through all three of them one right after the other. "We don't think it would be right to force into waiting the people who will play this game slowly, steadily, iteratively, step by step," he said.

Attached: 1552828358238.png (494x694, 607K)

>Woah, it's almost like


RMS Marx Stalin would be against steam I'm sure
He'd be 100% all "Steam is spyware, we need a free software alternative so we can remove the spyware and restrictions"
I hate the guy and think he's an idiot, but there's no doubt in my mind he'd be fighting the good fight in this case

businesses are only doing this because they hired women and weak men for their pr.

review 'bombing' is just devs way of saying negative reviews they don't think they should be getting. it's used for anything from shitpost reviews to well thought out stuff.
if people hadn't complained and left negative reviews they wouldn't have done anything

prove me wrong

>That's literally what he's talking about retard.
No, that's just one of the forms of datamining Steam does. You're literally just making excuses for him. The context of the discussion isn't player behavior. It's DRM and Piracy. You don't try to tackle DRM motivated Piracy by looking at which boss players challenged first.

>No DRM should be offered that can be thought of as DRM: Newell believes that digital rights management software that is presented as copy-protection gives a game a stink. It leaves customers unsure about how flexibly they can access their games. So they turn to pirates who offer games with fewer strings, he suggested. "There is evidence anecdotally that DRM is increasing piracy rather than decreasing piracy." Valve's solution: battle the pirates by providing better services than the pirates do. The effectiveness of pirates, he said, is to get content to people who want it more swiftly and easily than the companies who make the content do. An outfit like Valve, however, can get provide even better service, even by doing something as intrusive as data-mining their customers' computers -- as long as they are transparent about it and can prove to the customer that taking such measures will make the customers' games better.

>making someone comfortable in their body with therapy is a more reasonable cure than mutilation

Global Offensive wasn't made by Valve

There are two schools of thought
1. All publicity is good publicity
2. People aren't going to pay for a turd

This is the only mention of the word "mining" in the full transcript:

An example of this is the hardware survey we do. Now pretty much in realtime we can do a hardware survey of a couple million PCs around the world. We do -- there are a set of steps that we do so people perceive us not as trying to take advantage with our customers, but instead it's an opportunity for us to provide service to them. So we're pretty public with our customers about this. The first information that goes into the database is all of our work in home machines for the people who work at valve. So if we're screwing them over some way we're in the same boat with them as well. And then we package it up and make all that information available back to the community. And we make it the entire database available to the press, so if they want to go mining around and looking for interesting relationships and so on, they can do that as well.So there's the sense that rather than spying on them for some nefarious big brother kind of purpose, we're looking at them because we can do our jobs better. This can be extended in a lot of ways. If you look at it in a fine-grained way, you look at it from having pricing driven by your designers in your multiplier games, having pricing that is a function of economies. Looking at what equipment people radio using in a game and using that to drive pricing up and down. That's an important thing to realize, that you can try you ever been over this reluctance on your customers' part by doing a good job of being transparent by turning that information and being of value to them in the community as a whole.

He's literally talking about the public hardware surveys you have to explicitly opt into, you are retarded and being intentionally misleading.

Just because it's a different article doesn't mean you didn't just cite the exact same phrase

They've already been compromised. I was trying to buy a micro USB cable on Amazon, had a 4.5 star product in my cart before I decided to read a few reviews. Every positive review was the same thing with the words and sentences slightly moved around, in broken English, with randomly generated user names.

Fuckin chinks.

It wasnt originally, it is now

>He's literally talking about the public hardware surveys you have to explicitly opt into
Yes but it's well known they do other datamining too.

Honestly it's fucking AMAZING that the same people who don't want Epic to have their info things that Valve isn't raping their HDDs. They're all the same. There never was and never will be an appreciable difference.

>Newell warned, however, that intrusive measures must be transparent and can be proven to give the customer better service or better games.
He's obviously talking about the hardware survey.
That's literally what he considers "intrusive", you don't seem to get the different scale going here.

review bombing is a bunch of people suddenly getting upset enough to post reviews about a game being shit at once, because they know other people are also doing the same when most of them would've just hated it in silence otherwise

hello rami

Nope, you need to start posting your reviews to the dev's actual home mailbox, send him a hand written letter that spells out why his shit sucks

>Yes but it's well known they do other datamining too.

And yet all you can cite are steam achievements and explicit opt in studies.

Valve has reached its peak
This kind of regulation for the sake of regulation is proof of that
The developers need to justify their pay cheques, but Steam already has all the features that the market demands, so they do this kind of shit to keep busy
If Valve was smart they'd think of something big and ambitious to keep their devs busy for the next few years, like fucking HL3

>That's literally what he considers "intrusive", you don't seem to get the different scale going here.
No, you're just a naive fuckwit who thinks that the hardware surveys are the only form of data collection undertaken by Steam.exe

>Yet they're all not as popular as they used to be, especially Gamebanana.
I don't know, Moddb seems healthy to me, but I won't bother with looking up their pagehits. Gamebanana turned to shit long before CS:GO anyways, so that is neither here nor there,
>Why? Because Gamebanana was one of the biggest sites for CS:S and Gmod content. One got replaced with a game that gutted all of the community made content and replaced it with paid cosmetics, the other was forced into the Workshop ecosystem.
I fail to see how the workshop is a problem still, it is mostly low effort skins and similar smalltime bullshit.
>Valve did go out of their way to make installing conversions harder than they used to be in the push for Source Mods on Steam though, thats just fact.
Did they, I really don't find it hard at all, and I didn't play any source mods until a few years ago, and I instal 90% of mods manually.
>Gabe still believed they did nothing wrong as he said in his responses to the controversy.
And he can hold that opinion, as he respected his customers enought to go back on the action.
>You've just called the majority of Steam users retarded, that still doesnt excuse valves cut from the sames.
They are. Buying digital items like backgrounds/emotes/cards with real money instead of free valvebucks that you get from playing is retarded, like lobotomized patient with downs retarded.
>Have less of an impact on video games than the biggest PC gaming focused company shoving lootboxes down peoples throats in every game they can, including fucking Portal 2
It is only their games, and they don't make those anymore. They never forced anyone to do stupid shit.
>How about the degradation in quality TF2 has been through, how about Artifact?
I agreed to lootboxes is shit you dumb nigger, why even continue down that road? Also Artifact/DoTA2 was never good. TF2's decline was gameplay related, not what kind of gaudy hat you wore.

There is difference between things we don't really know like if black holes actually exist and things we do know but people refuse that knowledge for their own connivance, if I tell you eating in McDonald is healthy and growing group of people will start acting like this is the true will you support them or tell them to get their facts right?

If you want the real shit from nerds who dug into network data and other digital detective work, do the searching for yourself. Steam datamines you just as much as anything else does.

so explain how arkham knight wasn't review bombed

>talks shit about them out of earshot.
hahaha oh wow, what a bitch

woman or soiboi?

Physical therapy is still therapy, but why do you honestly believe that "mutilation" is any different than the many different forms of cosmetic surgery?

Its a legitimate surgical procedure done by medical professionals, and at the end of the day it makes them feel happier with who they are. People get tattoos, people get their face reconstructed, people get their "god given" bodies improved, people remove shit from inside their bodies that are literally killing them from the inside out and some people spend the money to get their dicks enlarged. Why does this one affect you more than the rest?

>at the end of the day it makes them feel happier with who they are
Actually post op trannies are at a significantly increased chance of self harm.

>Players have no effective means of communication
>In the age Twitter, Discord, Forums, Reddit, Youtube, Facebook, etc. etc.
Fuckin bullshit. Devs fucking know people don't like the EGS, Coffee Stain knew it before the fucking thing even launched. Fact of the matter is they/their publishers just didn't listen and all the 12 year olds went off and started slinging their shit on the walls because they didn't get their way.

There's zero evidence of them collecting data, it's very easy to track what a program is doing and your empty attempts at FUD don't really work at all, it's so blatant you are just an epicdrone desperately trying to deflect.


Rami Ismail is like EA condensed into a single person.
Exclusively cares about his bottom line, willing to fuck over absolutely anybody to achieve it.

making shit game is even more pettier, everyone know these greedy jew fucks could make the most amazing game but they only make hardly working cardboard garbage cos you shit eaters will buy that shit up

This is like those people that slap quotes on their movie boxes like, "The greatest... movie... of all time" when the actual quote was "The greatest disaster of a movie ever to embarrass the medium of all time".
Except he's actually posting the whole quote.

Attached: 1543213554599.jpg (629x800, 133K)

Or just be lazy as fuck and survive on dota 2 money while chinks steal their games lmao

>and things we do know but people refuse that knowledge for their own connivance
I hope you realise the irony in your post, Science and Medicine are against you here.

The level that steam spies on you is actually kinda scary
I've been against steam since day 1 because of this
It's literally monitoring everything you do in game, but people don't seem to care because it is (or at least was) cheaper than buying a physical copy
Nowadays steam is one of the more expensive options, so why the fuck would anybody use it when there's an option?

No, both of those are fine.

cd-keys did that along with online gaming you dork

It was anti-consumer because they did not regulate it and properly vet the mods that were posted up for money leading to predatory mods. There is nothing wrong with paid mods so long as quality is properly controlled and mods are priced in reference to the amount of content added. A skin or single weapon should never have been for more than a single penny.

Overall gaming community is a trashfire, the individual fanbases are what is tolerable.

>There's zero evidence of them collecting data,
Except for all the proof and articles and discussions that occurred about ten years ago during Steam's rise to prominence or around 2011 when EA launched Origin and locked some games into it. People just just as mad about Origin datamining as they were about Epic's datamining. In both cases the sane counterpoint was that Steam is datamining you too.

If you've ever been part of a forum on a developers website, where they read and interact with the posters, you'll quickly realize they hate their customers typically. I don't know what it is about those in any entertainment industry, but they are typically shitheads and ultra arrogant. You don't see people trying to sell you a vacuum cleaner act as disrespectful as game developers.

for once i agree with the blue checkmark "chet"

>It's literally monitoring everything you do in game
It can't even technically do that unless the developer explicitly adds analytics.
You should be far more worried about analytics built into the engine, Unity for example is known for being a data hog.

>Paying for your business to exist as a business owner
>Not important

user, I...

it doesnt change anythign other than you have to pay for the mods

See You already got debunked, bud.

>In both cases the sane counterpoint was that Steam is datamining you too.
And it was never correct and people always called it out like I'm doing now.

What is wrong with this influx of retarde who advocate sjwism in Yea Forums recently? It was not like that a few years ago when I used this shit.

>Buying digital items like backgrounds/emotes/cards with real money instead of free valvebucks that you get from playing is retarded, like lobotomized patient with downs retarded.
The rest of your shit is nonsensical so ill just respond to this. Valve takes the 2% from the seller, not the buyer. When you receive any digital steam item, whether it is a crate or a key or a trading card or a Knife, Valve will take 2% from your total sale price for themselves.

Ask yourself, why? Why would they take 2% from you when the only profit you're going to make is going to be linked to their store? Why do they need the 2% when its literally just 1 and 0's in their system and they themselves cannot spend that 2%?

That debunked nothing at all. Literally even strengthen's my point.
>And it was never correct and people always called it out like I'm doing now.
No, it was always a hard cold fact and Steam fanboys were always unwilling to question Lord Gaben.

The neofag explosion a couple of years ago bought in a lot of tourists.

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/r9k/ leaking?
what is this

They are really not.

t. faggot who works at amazon and checks the stuff people offer for compliance with THE LAW.

It's a bit misdirected but generally the publisher should care about it, too.
And if they don't then there's even less reasons to keep supporting them.

>Literally even strengthen's my point.
Nope, it doesn't at all.
I don't even understand who you are trying to fool, Gabe clearly states any data collection must be transparent and explicit which is what they do with the hardware survey and game statistics.
You are still desperately trying to fool people despite being completely torn apart.

Have you ever once considered that their increased rate of self harm has more to do with the hate they have to deal with in their day to day lives?

>is any different than the many different forms of cosmetic surgery?

Well for one, getting a nose job doesn't inherently inhibit the very hormone that made you want to get the nose job to begin with. Which goes to my second point, most of the people who go through with this shit, even if it's just HRT, AREN'T ACTUALLY TRANS. And are basically autogynephilliacs.

And finally 40%

Gays never killed themselves at 40%, Blacks never killed themselves at 40%.

Regardless of the quality of the game itself, if it contains anything, even the smallest detail you claim is "sjw propaganda" you'll refuse to play it and spend days on days review bombing it.

Who do you think cares more about video games?

Muslims though....

How's that different from AAA+ publishers pushing whatever soulless crap riddled with the hottest new monetizations because their investors demand it?

Based checkmark. Communally review bombing games is currently the best way for gamers to express dissatisfaction with a company, outside of getting game journo backing. Justified too.
>someone looks at buying Borderlands 2 on steam
>"warning, increase in bad reviews"
>check them out
>"publisher sold out, don't support this company" etc.
>check regular reviews
>"game is good"
>make decision to buy or not
The reason you always hear those in the industry complaining about them is that it guarantees looking at buying their game (on steam at least) sees the shitty behaviour they've been up to.

You already bought the product. Nothing you do is going to change that.

No because you can't visually determine post-op status so post-ops aren't gonna get any more or less hate than other varieties of trannies. They kill themselves because SRS is a horrific full body mutilation that cannot be reversed or fixed. They kill themselves because they feel profound regret at harming themselves the way they did.

Only a very select few end up finding that surgery to be the thing that "fixes" them and lets them live happily.

game devs and video game blogging "journalists" have a tremendously inflated self-worth and ego.
actually, in any field of work where one's profession is to "express yourself", be it journalism, literature, music, flim making, basically arts - most people are insufferable arrogant assholes. It comes with the territory.

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>Its a legitimate surgical procedure done by medical professionals
no, this doesn't apply to cosmetic surgeries. cosmetic surgeries violate the Hippocratic oath and should be illegal world-wide. doctors are in theory only allowed to operate to improve a patient's health. virtually all cosmetic surgeries objectively worsen the patient's health, or at least come with a risk of this happening. laws on medicine are a joke.

>Shitting on otaku culture

Otaku are symptom of a greater cancer that is affecting jap culture. Its escapism taken to the absolute extreme by people who have been broken to such an extent that they only thing they can emotionally connect with are cute 2D girls.

A cancer that has also been growing in western countries as the shitting on men, masculinity, marriage, lad culture while female promiscuity and hypergamy are encouraged gets worse and worse.

Yeah, if you think choice for one specific thing means a game can no longer be recommended.

To be fair Japan has a really terrible corporate drone culture even in what should be casual settings so otaku culture seems just like a response to that.

>Why does this one affect you more than the rest?
Physically moving a body part around is one thing.
Trying to fully change sex is an entirely different story that constitutes way more parts than a physical hack job and some pills can accomplish.
It isn't possible to do, yet still they demand everyone play pretend for them so they don't off themselves.
I sympathize for anyone who has to live with feeling like they were born the wrong gender, but there's nothing a surgeon can do to actually help you.
A psychiatrist would be a more suitable doctor to visit.

We're actually pretty certain black holes exist now. The mystery now is what the fuck is a singularity?


>Gays never killed themselves at 40%
Im not going to dig too far into it but even if that rate is 20-30%, the fact is that homosexual and bisexual people can exist in their own bodies and live their day to day lives without anybody being any wiser of their sexual preferences while only having to deal with the crippling depression inside, which is why the rate of suicide for those that have been victim to a violent crime in relation to their sexual preferences have that suicide rate become much larger.

Pre or post op, body modification is not far enough for most people to be able to "pass" which means they'll always be the target of scrutiny anywhere that isnt in their own homes.

Yeah the EU forcing them to accept refunds was just a whiny nanny state, who needs that?

To the general population, yes. Compared to other trannies, no

So it is actually a reduction in harm.

>Pre or post op, body modification is not far enough for most people to be able to "pass" which means they'll always be the target of scrutiny anywhere that isnt in their own homes.
Yeah which is why SRS is intensely immoral and should be abolished. All you do is cause a ton of pain and discomfort and nothing actually improves for their life.

We need to change how transexualism is viewed and part of that is dropping this absurd fiction about it being "natural" or "normal" and remind people that it's a serious mental illness. Once we redefine it as an illness, it will be easier to shame people who want to massively surgically mutilate the bodies of the mentally ill just because they want to be mutilated..

>Oh look, we got refunds when we buy shit games and get buyer's remorse, I love the EU
>Oh... they decided that now they've set a precedent in Internet regulation they've outlawed memes... I-i l-l-love the EU?

Yeah it is, unconditional refunds are stupid, the only acceptable refunds are "doesn't work on my machine" and "misleading marketing".

Good thing you don't get to make laws, then.

Based Steamdrone defending his master lmao

>Compared to other trannies, no
Wrong. The act of getting SRS has been linked to an increased risk of suicide.

Attached: [hahaha].png (800x800, 176K)

...and that's a good thing.

Wanting brown people in some lawless pirate zone is one thing, but the steiners?

I don’t think either is non-virtuous.

I fucking hate steam, my dude
But you know what I hate more?
Crybaby faggots who let governments destroy the Internet

With lootboxes and DLC this means jack shit.
When 1 whale can spend 20 times what a normal person would on a game it doesn't matter if theres a boycot as long as 1 gambling addict got hooked.


I like making games, and I like making money doing something I like.
I very much don't like lots of you fags, but still I like making games, it literally has nothing to do with gamers.
Making games is kind of like painting, I don't give a fuck if it sells as long as I like it.

How was the internet destroyed by forcing an evil corporation to respect basic customer rights?
I'll be here all night.

You can easily make your own game, but making your own consumer base is different

It doesn’t need to matter to the average consumer.

They set a precedent that the internet can be regulated
Now they've got power hungry and know they can get away with it
Article 13, congratulations

>the heritage foundation
come on dude at least try act smart.

>freedom bad
>government regulation good

>and part of that is dropping this absurd fiction about it being "natural" or "normal"
People have been studying other mammals similar behaviour and the discrepancy between levels of testosterone and estrogen in males and females for years, though.
It is natural, the same as genetic diabetes, allergies and autism.
Its not normal, but why should people be ostracised for it?

But deciding if the mods costs money at all was completely up to the authors.

Ignore this shillpost

Just because you can install both doesn't make Tim Sweeney's bullshit ok.
This faggot doesn't even realize yet that he opened a door that will never close again.

Paid mods already exist, they're called donations to the creators.
Like everything else Valve makes, its a system where they can sit back do nothing and get profit for it.

>People also got taught the world was flat, radium was great for cosmetics and food and that asbestos was a good thing to have in your walls and roof. Fact is shit changes.
Now people think that there is such a thing as genderfluid/pan/omni/meta/gogoplex-sexuals, that facebook/Google/ect is trustworthy and that Trump is a racist, fascist, ect,ect. People belive all kinds of stupid shit.
>Sure, but They/Them is
They/Them is when you are talking about someone in a third person. If a person was born with a dong&balls combo and XY it is a He, if the person was born with a uterus and XX then it's property or She. Born with both or none of them? That is a biological dead-end that should be disregarded.
>People with type 1 genetic diabetes are also sick, so are people on the spectrum, these are things that cant be cured but can be managed.
PC's doesn't come with insulin dispensers built into them either, if you have that problem you get that shit fixed by buying something or by changeing your life in an way that isn't just lying to yourself and others.
>Are you also rallying to take peoples insulin away because they should be strapped to a bed for the rest of their lives?
Does insulin make them worse? Is it not temporary but permanent? Does strapping them to a bed do them more good than harm? Is it better than giving them insulin? If so, yes.
>You didnt need to select the option, it was a one time selection on the character creation and its never mentioned or brought up again if you didnt select it. It is 100% no different than accessibility options.
Can I TREAT my colourblindness? Does colourbliness modes make my colourblindness worse outside of the mode? Why would I treat my colourblindness, when I get pandered to and people tell me that I am stunning and brave for chosing to be colourblind anyways?
Jonathan the 17 year old Demifluid Elmosexual Spritkin should not be catered to, but should see a shrink and probably take his pills.

Sorry but you are misinformed. Articles trying to say SRS doesn't work are citing research that says suicide rate still remains higher than the general population. That doesn't mean SRS makes things worse.

lol "movies books and essentially all media should have more effective means of communication." ok retards

It led to a complete shitshow in the modding community and exposed how cancerous modders are, many of them removed their free mods from Nexus to sell in the workshop, people have zero morals and shouldn't ever be encouraged with money.

Go ahead and ignore a compiled list of studies that throw the idea of SRS's viability into question. Being on this one website means that studies by the US Gov't are invalid!

>why should people be ostracised for it?
Never said they should be. I said we should stop catering to them to such an absurd degree by pretending like transexualism is a good thing or a not a "problem". All the catering does is allow them to make retarded choices like cutting off their own dicks.

When you kid comes out to you as trans, the correct response is to be very sad for the hardships this is going to bring them and try to support them in finding some level of comfort and normalcy. What people are doing right now though? They're throwing fucking parties and buying t-shirts. They're CELEBRATING the fact that somebody they're close to is profoundly and incurably ill.

Devs always complain they're overworked and aren't paid what they deserve. If they wanted money they'd be investors or make furry porn games on patreon.

Didn't 40% go to the author, 5% to Valve and the rest to Bethesda?

Fuck off ching chong

Except they're not?

>That doesn't mean SRS makes things worse.
Yes. It does. Also, they have PROVEN that SRS makes you more suicidal relative to other trannies. Stop. Plugging. Your. Ears.

Being trans AND having a horribly mutilated body is simply a worse boat to be in than just being trans. This results in more suicide.

You got baited way too fucking hard and its seriously messed you up.

Yes and? Now I have a reason to dig through the reviews and find out why people are upset. If I agree with their reasons the game doesnt get my shekels. Shit isnt hard to understand bro

That's literally what Steam and EGS are, and the way they run their services is the point of this thread in the first place.

>People belive all kinds of stupid shit.

Thanks for being a demonstration of that.

They never touched the internet. They just knocked a corporation who thought they can get away with anything because their national government and userbase are too inept, corrupted an/or indoctrinated to protest down a few notches.
Did you know your food manufacturers can legally sell pure fat as 0% fat because there's nobody to keep them in line? You are legit being lied to, not misled, lied to, by corporations and you have nobody to protect you and you can't do shit yourself.

Really showed me there.


How about Devs can do what they want and if I like what they've developed I'll purchase it. If not I won't.

Most of what you say is the truth like those degenerate trannys. But trump is a genuine fucking retard and I honestly dont see how anyone thinks otherwise.

Good thing Steam gives you public player data too so you can see what the non-reviewers are doing and how alive the game is unlike any other store.

>Yes. It does.
Higher than general population means it make things worse?

You are just fooling yourself. That is a non-sequitor.

Show me this research then.


Yes, I unironically like the gaming community. Hipster devs who think standard bants in competitive games are """""""toxic"""""""" are the ones ruining video games.

You can, but we gotta be outraged bout something so this will do for now
>Muh spyware
Literal Fear mongering
Cuz Jews and israel is better right?
>B-but master gaben needs every single cent so he can afford his 10th mansion

Attached: 1553588424293.gif (231x239, 1.56M)

watching this just makes everyone realise that they are railing against the good guys. Fucking retarded Yea Forums nu males shitting up the board and playing into the hands of market fragmentation.

Burden of proof is on you, asshat. You made the claim, now back it up.

>He won’t be making the L4D3 or Portals 3

>But trump is a genuine fucking retard and I honestly dont see how anyone thinks otherwise.


You're the one who thinks that having a heavily mutilated body in addition to an all consuming and very harmful mental illness isn't gonna result in an increased suicide risk.

I fucking hate all you supposed trans "allies" who don't seem to care about these people enough to understand that we shouldn't encourage them to butcher their bodies.

Why ask such a disingenuous question. You know exactly why and you do not need a random person on Yea Forums to tell you. I’m sick of evil perverted people like you who willingly applaud people destroying themselves and their bodies and health so you can win some goy points with your Twitter cucksquad. Fuck off already. Nigger.

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>Never said they should be
>by pretending like transexualism is a good thing
>They're throwing fucking parties and buying t-shirts. They're CELEBRATING the fact that somebody they're close to is profoundly and incurably ill.
Being supportive has objectively less drawbacks than not being supportive.

Goddamn it trump go built the wall instead of shit posting on chan

Just don't use the service and do your own research instead of relying on big daddy government to protect your interests then.

>hormone replacement and surgery should be done even though it doesn't even accomplish what it sets out to do and tends to lead to suicide
>this is somehow better than therapy to learn to live with your body

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I just don't understand the outrage. It's not like consoles where you have to spend $100's on an additional console if you want an exclusive. It's literally a free browser that takes up 10mb of space and 30 seconds to download. At most it's a minor inconvenience, yet people are sperging out. Once you're playing the game you quite literally can't tell the difference between Steam and any other browser.
>B-but I can't chat with my friends and spam my gay Steam emotes!
Who fucking cares? That's not related to gaming and there's better alternatives anyways.

Attached: cringe.gif (220x220, 180K)

>destroying themselves and their bodies and health
I guess you're not allowed to drink, smoke or eat red meat anymore :(

Try actually reading the studies it links. The worst you can get from that article is no change. So SRS doesn't make things worse.

Omnisexual/Spiritkin is something that people seriously want to be known as. The others are jokes I made. I should really not have to explain that to you.

What do I belive that is stupid shit then? That Trump isn't satan? that there are only two sexes, and gender = sex in healthy humanbeans? That dudes have dicks and gals don't have gapingfleshwounds that need to be expanded to stop it from healing and closing?

Review bombing isn't a problem when the exact opposite happens in the form of review overpraising. You'll never see a dev complain of a 6/10 game getting a 10/10. If anything both of these cancel and are just a like and dislike bar. Someone didn't like a game 1/10. Someone thought a game was ok; 10/10.

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You can be supportive without acting the way people currently do.

Support doesn't have to mean bragging to everybody you know that you have a trans kid. Support doesn't have to mean pressuring you into surgery because you heard that's something that trannies do. Support just means support. People support people through horrible mental illnesses all the time. You can support somebody without celebrating their affliction.

dead wrong about VR locomotion mechanics, though, in a way that totally hobbled Valves first few years of VR software.

>Developers should bend over to the loud vocal minority instead of pleasing the fans!
Are you guys actually defending shit like devs bending their asses for everything Reddit tells them to?

>try and ignore a compiled list of studies that doesn't say what you are saying
Giving me a real big thonk there buddy. Compiled lists doesn't mean anything.
But I know thinking is hard and you'd rather let people do who agree with your opinion you didn't reach yourself tell you.

I don't agree with all he says/does, and him being a high functioning retard might be true. But that doesn't make him all the bullshit the left keeps calling him.

>spoonfeed me

Nice deflection. I have already fed on the research. The problem is you haven't and what you are saying doesn't fit it.

You are the one encouraging things that actually produce harm and doing so through your ignorance.

He literally just described being supportive. You don't support someone who has cancer by throwing cancer parties and giving out Radon samples to everyone. You tell them "it's going to be alright".

>do your own research

Seems to work great for your enlightened and inquisitive nation.

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Fucking based dev actually liking their audience.

People blame Epic when the entirety of the blame lies on Steam. Hey Gabe, you fucking faggot, maybe stop being a cheap Jewish scumbag and pay like 3% more out of your billion dollar corporation and you can lock down the games as your own exclusives. Or sit in the corner, cry like a faggot and watch Steam become irrelevant and lose ALL your money. Your choice. As usual it all comes down to corporate greed.

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Hey user, what would you call "the point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived."?
The oranges, right?
>Omnisexual/Spiritkin is something that people seriously want to be known as.
Nobody legitimately wants to be known as that, again, you got baited hard.

Attached: Orange-Whole-%26-Split.jpg (3680x1920, 3.45M)

I can only go off what you have said so far and everything you have said so far is stupid shit.

I think you mean /leftypol/

Yeah, nu/v/ is the new reddit, literally went full circle from not wanting pandering to wanting it

Would you rather have the location of games be decided by how pro consumer they are, or how much money some big faceless corporation can shovel into people's pockets?

>You are the one encouraging things that actually produce harm
A shoddy hackjob surgery to make a penis or vagina facsimile is innately harmful. End of discussion. The process is FAR too primitive and harmful to be considered ethical. Encouraging extremely harmful and dramatic physical surgeries as an attempt to solve a mental problem is absurdly immoral.

Uh, context?

Why the fuck would you boil hot dogs in a bag?

>and you can lock down the games as your own exclusives.

Are you actually suggesting storefronts should waste money getting into a fucking bidding war for games? Where the fuck does the customer benefit from that retarded shit? That just results in more games not coming to certain platforms. They should release on everything

Just because everyone else waits for daddy government to tell them how to be productive citizens while willingly letting the corporations jew them doesn't mean shit when it comes down to individual responsibility. My own health and finances are my own responsibilities and frankly the government should stay away from them.

Oh, junior

They're canadian

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>maybe stop being a cheap Jewish scumbag and pay like 3% more out of your billion dollar corporation and you can lock down the games as your own exclusives.
No one fucking wants that you blithering moron.