Is this game better than Civ VI yet?

Is this game better than Civ VI yet?

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Nah, I'd say it's about the same.

What ?

Whoops I of course meant is it better than Civ V.

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All Civ Games are shitty Turn Simulators.
So fucking boring.

Have they fixed it so you can actually fucking attack in this game?

>1 wall and crossbowmen
>Town is completely invasion proof for 1,000 years

needing an attacking strength of 3 to 1 is one of the oldest rules of warfare user

Considering it was the same issue in Civ5, I'm assuming no.

all the pre-normie civs

>Turn Simulators
Weak bait.

only for assured victory at acceptable losses, not for any chance at all.

as opposed to RTS... which isn't so much strategy and more like who can press the hotkeys the fastest.

Why is Constantinople on the wrong side

>immediately rushes to shit on other games
>RTS no less
I smell weakass scrub with penis envy

Accurate geography wouldn't mesh with the game mechanics at that scale of map. Putting it on the other side would leave it surrounded by bad tiles.

With the expansions it's pretty good.

No, and I honestly think till be very hard to top it
Civ with BNW is one of the best gaming experiences currently available. It's the perfect blend of everything Civ. So much soul, so much character, so much replayability. It truely is the Zenith of the civ Franchise.

Fuck, just thinking about it makes me wanna boot it back up

Why not play Civ 5.5?

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Which is?

Look at the image

But that is Civ 6, a markedly inferior product

Lmao, just bring a siege tower and a great scientist with healing.

VI unironically surpassed V with R&F.

4 Beyond the Sword is the best Civ game
but deep down, we all know that Alpha Centauri is the best Sid Meier's game

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It would be perfect if it had a mod like FFH for civ4. That mod is meant for the 1 unit per tile rule.
Would be the perfect civ game.

Europa Universalis IV


I'll agree that Civ with BNW is a well rounded experience and arguably the best general civ but it's sure as fuck not got soul. That game is eternally soulless. It was a casual cashgrab that got fixed with expansions and that will always show through when it comes to soul.

Dulled colours and more trees does not make it a better game.

I hate this game so much. Literally the only thing I like is the day/night cycle, everything else is pure cancer. It just doesn't feel like Civ no matter how many cracks I take at it. The combat lacks any of the punch or satisfaction from V, everything moves slower and t he whole thing feels so fucking pointless.

Fuck Firaxis so fucking hard.

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oy vey goyim buy our dlc

It literally got worse every expansion, not better, the game was at its peak when it first released

If you think this is bad you clearly didn't play 5

Civilization 6 = Civilization 6

civ 4

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just pirate everything like a normal person?

I strongly disagree
I mean, I'm not expert on soul vs soulless, but I can tell you for a fact that Civ 5 does have a soul. The look, aesthetic, it's more realistic and not cartoony, sure, but it still holds up to this day. The soundtrack is amazing. Incredible orchestral scores that give each Country it's own identity. I love the pieces of art that go with each world wonder (I even use them for Computer lock screen). I love how every leader felt unique and interesting, with great voice acting and stunning visuals, be it the intimidating lighting on Montezuma or old Ghengis and Alexander on their horses with the beautiful countryside behind them or even Pedro's dim little office. Everything about the game felt so professional, so polished. Like a presentation. It felt like they were really trying to pull you in, and it worked.

Civ 6 just feels so bland on the other hand. If anything's soulless, it's that game. The bright, pasty color. The ugly as hell leaders which feel like caricatures more than actual people. Same background for all of them, units back to being 3 dudes instead of little armies, etc...

It just felt like a step backward

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is this a copy pasta?


This. V is still satisfying af while I've yet to finish a single game of VI.

then why did you write it like that

I mean I like civ V but you're talking like a robot

how is he talking like a robot? he's just making a post

What do you mean? I'm just trying to organize my thoughts on why Civ V had a soul and Civ VI didn't

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That's not a question.

I don't know why they had to get rid of stacks. It makes perfect sense. hell even limit them if you are too casual to deal with a huge deathstack. I miss when the world in civ was more flexible and the AI could actually take a city from you. It's more realistic anyway, having your army create a line all the way back to your capital isn't. I thought it was obvious the guys weren't actually as tall as cities but i guess they actually are since they get in each others way all the time.

it's okay

production is bit less fruitful than 5 - if you want productive cities they all start to look the same: encampment, harbor (if near water), aerodrome, industrial district, mines, logging camps

the diplo AI is much better than 5, although a little lobotomized since GS release

the late game maps tend to get a bit busy - pic related

unless you just have to have 6, let it cook for another year or even two

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Civ 5 is soulless compared to 3.

Soul doesn't exist in strategy games. All that matters is cold, hard gameplay, and Vox Populi has that in spades.

>i guess they actually are since they get in each others way all the time.
I assumed it was that each tile can only support one unit foraging.

What does Vox Populi improve, exactly?

>let it cook for another year or even two
so they can bloat it even more with another expansion?

vox populi is a badly designed mod

it's layed on too thick, you sound like you're making fun of it

If I wanted a strategy game that revolves around spells and shit, I'd play Dominions. The spellcasting mechanics are superior to how mana works in neo-Paradox games anyhow.

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There should just be a unit capacity per tile. Maybe different types of terrain can hold more or less units. Having too many units on one tile gives a penalty to stats.

Well I'm not, I'm sorry if I gave away that impression
I do genuinely love Civ 5
It's probably one of my favorite games of all time

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>global warming was poorly implemented and is just a burden that forces you to rush science
>AI is shit and even on Deity it's just a matter of surviving the initial warrior zerg rush, then it's an easy win
>best civs are often the ones with strong military/domination early game
>scenario maps are uninspired compared to Civ III
>coast is shit for some reason
>late game/future era is boring because of Death Robot being the dominant unit

Those are my problems with the game, rest is either acceptable or really good

Thanks for the monster Jerma

>want to enjoy these games
>just want to build a passive trading empire
>always get faggots who attack me just to attack me

just build walls and a ranged unity per city and you'll be fine

>I don't know why they had to get rid of stacks.

They got rid of them because of the endless bitching about "doomstacks".

That's when we lost the war.

Every time some dipshit called doomstack, one of us should have said "Oh, you mean an *army* - well, why don't you have a couple of ar-er, doomstacks of your own?"



OP sucks cocks

*unzips old version of eu4 or eu3*
idk man the current version is really good, it has some shit like lacking mingxplosion and prussia being hard to form and other shit, but its really good at its current state

1UPT was an effort to make the combat more tactical, which it is, but the AI cant do it very well

compelling argument

Is there a single 4x game with a functional AI?

>Soul doesn't exist in strategy games

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I'm actually enjoying it a lot now with GS. I don't think it quite gets to V's replayability but a lot of that comes from the huge modding scene that VI doesn't have yet.

I thought the Civ5 AI wasn't bad overall, leaders actually have personalties which you pick up on, they cut a balance between roleplaying a Civ and trying to prevent you from winning, it just sucked at the combat

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endgame is still awful

>he doesn't understand he should bring siege units to deal with walled cities

it's a fucking joke in the latest expansion, you get all these stupid new future buildings so you go around slapping wind farms and water cities and all this other stupid shit on every single tile for +10 food +10 production
who thought that was a good idea

Can you be more specific?

occam's razor suggests to me that visibility is a bigger issue. even at first glance stacking several units on the same tile just looks like a bug. I think that's why the devs were already looking for reasons to stop allowing it. who knows if people's complaints played any part at all. maybe it was just the devs going, this is ugly and unintuitive, how can we make this go away?

this game doesnt have austria?

>not posting the superior modern track

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John Curtin

How do I git gud at Civ? Either I end up winning through pure bullshit luck and everyone else getting distracted nuking each other that I'm essentially able to coast to time victory since I'm the only one not on fire, or I die on the first few turns after I get fucked again 10 warriors and archers and my single warrior.

Souls exists in music, and Civ 6's music is brimming with soul. The game isn't.

In a compelte overhaul mod? Not really. Just play it you lazy fuck.

You first.

Pretty sure only V has ever had Austria and even there it was an expansion civ.

Is there a 4X with good AI?

The graphics, UI and map all make me mad over what we have now. Why did they go with the fuck ugly cartoon art style that looks like every cheap free to play game? Why is the UI so bad? Why is even the world gen shit now, try to get a continents map in VI where you can sail around the globe without being blocked by the entire continent being squished up against the top and bottom borders, every single map I've played I'm just stopped by that fucking immersion-breaking wall when trying to explore.

austria shaped the fucking world and they leave them out while placing fucking mapuches?

Vox Populi's AI is pretty scary. They set up ambushes by keeping units just outside of your FOV while leaving wounded units nearby.

They're also the only 4X AI I know that can actually catch up to you if you're snowballing.

You figure out the optimal strategy
if you are talking about Civ 6, early game is claiming good city spots, try to get at least 8, then micro-managing your governors/builders/policy cards to get them functional. Using builders to harvest items in cities is essential, and it helps to rotate Magnus around for the bonus. Get the districts up you need for your victory condition, aside from that, production is king and production is what makes a good city. Stay balanced on culture and science so you don't fall behind, defend your borders and you will win
That's if you're playing peaceful, playing warmonger is much easier, just pump out units and win, the AI sucks at combat

Can't we have one Civ thread without Hitlerfags crying all day?

there's like 5 native american civs for some reason

Massive overhaul of the various factions making them more unique and distinct
Massive overhaul of city state diplomacy centering it around a drastically increased number of quests instead of raw cash
Corporations and resource monopolies changing mid to late game trade and economy
Measures to stop blanket unit building
Vastly superior happiness system giving a better balance between tall and wide
In general a shitload more buildings and units to choose from

Can you specify some improvements that you personally enjoy, niggy?

and Australia, despite it having less of an impact on the world than non-country supreme Belgium

Australia's more relevant than Canada, which is also in the game

>no drop bears troop

All the civs get bonuses that cater to different playstyles, so no two games feel the same.

Like Spain gets pop boosts that are great for both tall and wide, a military unit that can take cities or found them with advanced infrastructure, and faith to guarantee a strong religious game while also having a faith-bought castle to help defend your cities.

Spain in Civ 5 is just "Did you find a wonder? You win."
Spain in Civ 6 is just "found a religion and rush Rifling or die."

true enough, the Belgium point still stands though
gods, the game doesn't even have PORTUGAL

>there's people who to this day dont play IV on a daily basis

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>no two games feel the same.
the worst part of vox populi is how all the religious and social policies have been "balanced" into big stacks of bonuses each so none of them really feel unique since they have so many modifiers to them
and gold has been nerfed so it functions exactly the same as production
and the happiness system makes you build all your cities in the same way because a happier city is a city with every need met

Ghere is apparently a graphics mod that just came out a couple days ago. I feel you though, thats one of the major problems I have

I play better 4x games than civ. All of the civs play the same throughout the series.

I dont give a shit about post ww1 austria user

>better 4x games than civ.
like what
dont say endless legend

on the other hand it doesn't have crap like desert folklore
and gold heavily depends on your civ, played a netherlands game and I was rolling in ducats

>the worst one

endless legend

let me guess, 5 spoiled you on easy victories?

I mean the way gold works mechanically, it just boosts production, so it's not mechnically distinct anymore, which is the problem with the whole mod really, homogenized game design

Nothing, it's a meme

>endless legend
4x baby spotted. endlesz legend is entry tier

Learn 2 force concentration

>he doesn't play 3


Call To Power is better

the only difference between spending mana you accumulate over time and accumulating technology/advancement over time is pressing 1 button

stop pretending like you've ever played any GS games you underage cocklover

just outright buying buildings instantly was terrible as well though, it made gold flat out superior to production

>spearman can take down entire armies
>dont bother to upgrade them since they can take down tanks
Yep, balanced

>Play CivV for the first time
>Patriotic music through entire game
>Classical and opera
>This is nice
>every. other. civ. ever.
>Shitty. Fucking. Tambourines. From 6000BC to 2200AD. Shitty. Fucking. Tambourines.

Nope. Not even close actually.

V has some great music at times though

that's not how game balance works
you couldn't buy everything with gold, and other things cost gold that you cant use production for

I'm still mad Civilization took off instead of SMAC.

It's for the best, Beyond Earth was supposedly a SMAC sequel and it was terrible

actually retardpilled. SMAC was piss easy

the only thing you couldn't buy with gold was wonders

sci-fi is shit

>the worst part of vox populi is how all the religious and social policies have been "balanced" into big stacks of bonuses each so none of them really feel unique since they have so many modifiers to them

Nonsense. Progress makes you rush roads. Tradition lets you hold off on shrines and grab some early wonders. Authority is like a whole other game. One that I hate, but it's there.

and projects
and it's not like wonders weren't the most important thing you could produce

SMAC is pretty much a 10/10 as is, aside from a few weirdly exploitable game mechanics. even crossfire was a mess, we didn't need more sequels trying to reinvent it

Civ games are simply more appealing on the basic level. You get to play as historical nations and leaders. This is simply way more approachable to people than a brand new SF setting Alpha Centauri had going on.

You're shit desu.
Endless Space 2 is great.


My holy trinity of 4x games

Authority is a great example of how bad it is, you max it out and each kill gives you a gold, culture, faith and science or something ridiculous like that

>muh hunger in minecraft
nigger faggot retardpilled faggot no one cares less content good more content bacj gk back to your server cia faggot

wonders were in no way important in V
there were only a few truly powerful ones, most others were a waste of production
and if you needed production for a project you could just buy production buildings in 1 city and leave it at that

I never understood Endless games, though. It's like they're targeting a small niche that wants already written stories in their 4X. Fallen Enchantress is way more up my 4X if I had to choose. And it was better made.

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>archers outrange gatling guns and battleships
Civ was never a good game.

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Dude, all you get is a bit of science. You can get all that other shit as the Celts though, and some as the Aztec, but I generally get something else because the AI is so hard to fight.

every policy tree in the mod has a resource generator actually
it's not ridiculous if everything is on the same level

The passage of time changes with each era, so the distance in space should be different also.

>wonders were in no way important in V
is that a joke
unless you are playing domination, you build order is based around hitting important wonders, forbidden palace for diplo, that tower thing for science, and culture is about building as many wonders as you can

>that wants already written stories in their 4X
yeah I find this weird too. the game mechanics are decent but everything's frontloaded with pages and pages of largely-meaningless lore. and ok, you could say "just ignore it," but the entire game is built around this stuff and the paths to victory generally depend on it, so you can't really avoid it

Their gameplay function is the exact same though, ranged units to support front line infantry. Except when machine guns come around they become completely useless and you're better off building cannons and artillery from the on.
Pretty sure battleships still have way better range

>it's not ridiculous if everything is on the same level
homogenization of game design is my complaint, so yes that's that problem

>literally who game
>check the page and had a bunch of useless DLC

>use production that would have gone to wonders instead towards units
>wait for enemy to build wonder
>capture city

>implying you need palace for diplo instead of just loads of cash

Many of them were a net gain though, meaning that you could spam them and just get better and better deals than everyone else in the game.

You okay mate?
I enjoy how diverse each faction feels. Endless Space 2 feels slick and accessible while retaining a lot of depth. I like how much it borrows from MoO2. I also like how in ES2 there is real lore which imo adds to the game but like you said you need to have a taste for that.

Haven't played much Endless Legend though.

>gets BTFO
>l-literally who

It comes from the fact you can count on one hand how many worthwhile fantasy 4X titles there are.

Artillery gets 3 tile range, so even if gats had 2 they'd be outdone. Trust me I've played England too.

policies having an equivalent power level does not mean homogenization
it just means that rationalism is no longer obligatory

That new graphics mod really shows how bad they did with the overall art design.

>Master of Magic
>Age of Wonders
uhh HoMM3?

>Petra in a 1 desert tile city
>Capital without fresh water or HG


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The only challenge in Civ comes from playing peaceful, domination is a whole different game, if you're willing to play domination you don't need to optimize anything, its just a tactical game (and an easy one at that)

The palace gives you two votes you can't get anywhere else, so yes it's important, you don't NEED it, but in terms of 'things you want to have in your city for diplo' it's top of the list

>rush some lazy content
>make some lazy DLC that fixes 10% of the current issues
>make another one that makes it bearable
>wait for good mods to make the game decent

I don't think it will ever top Civ V or Civ IV but eventually it will become decent enough. Shame that people keep buying their unfinished products and series will keep getting worse because of it.

>Many of them were a net gain though
a net gain is often not enough, there's the concept of opportunity cost
even if an action is beneficial to you, it can still be less beneficial than another action using the same resources
it's not that wonders were outright bad, it's that other options were even better with less risk

>anime avatar

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two votes is as much as 1 city state lategame though

Yes it is?

and there are a finite amount of city states on the map

Why play Civ when you can play any GOOD paradox game?

It's not hard to get an opportunity surplus. Don't be a dummy and forward-settle augustus if you can get ToA before building archers.

Grand strategy and 4X are not the same.

>paradox game
I love dlc simulators

>paradox game
hard to learn easy to master

but more than enough of them for the 2 extra votes to be barely worth it

As far as I know Paradox only has one real game, and the rest are just things where you sit and wait and do nothing while random shit happens around you, like CK2.

>any GOOD paradox game
Those don't exist.

The ancient and classical-era wonders were great because you get to benefit all game. I usually bee-line the Temple of Artemis, Stonehenge, and the Pyramids for those sweet Great Engineer points. I also like the Great Library, for the free academy which is amazing early-game, and the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus for the 100 gold per great person. Really compliments my Great Engineer strat.

its 2 extra votes in the mid game when the WC first appears, so you snowball off them by passing your policies to get even more votes
i don't think you're speaking from experience here

on higher difficulty levels there's an approximately 0% chance of actually getting ToA

Endless Legend is the only Endless game I have played and I didn't like it at all. The bad things from modern 4X games seems amplified while the game doesn't really adding anything new.

what's their only real game?

yes but unless you're playing on king or lower you're not going to get those wonders
especially great library, the AI prioritizes it like a madman

the only wonder you cant get on deity is the great library, maybe chichen itza, i regularly get artemis

>not playing Brazil for the broken 3 range battleship

The paths to victory don't require you to read the lore at all, what are you even talking about?

The stories help flesh out the game and setting. Game-play wise they don't matter.

On Deity you get an opportunity surplus the instant you've put down universeties and start gaining on the AI.

Industrial and forward are free wonders. Unless you really fucked up somewhere.

>city districts
>unit customization
>semi-tactical combat
it was pretty neat, I thought. dragged a lot late-game with the laundry list of resources and a lot of micromanagement to improve your soldiers' gear, but still a good game

>On Deity you get an opportunity surplus the instant you've put down universeties and start gaining on the AI.
true enough, but at that point most high-impact wonders have already been built though

Say what you will about VI, they still managed to knock it out of the park with that soundtrack.

they're early game wonders

You have a lot more problems than that,shit for brains.

Can I get a source on that? I'm not finding anything.

in EL there are win conditions based on following the faction's story. in my experience it's usually the easiest way to win, actually.
the problem with the stories and lore is that it's all batshit and scattershot. it ranges from goofy to dark to mildly interesting and back to goofy again with no particular pattern or cohesion. the world they present makes no sense without reading, but it makes even less sense if you're paying attention to it all.

It's so good that it's actually the biggest problem. Whenever I get Persia's 8 minute percussion solo I fume because I know I could be listening to Shaka's medieval theme.

Civ 5 had a "skip song" mod. Until Civ 6 has the same feature, I will not play it again.

City districts are nice, but really a component to combat the inherit flaw of one-city-per-area system, especially taking your first city in consideration.

Unit customization is nice but is held back by the general fast research rate and a slower construction build speed that seems to be the main design philosophy in new 4X games.

The combat was shit, pure and simple.

Maybe it's just because I have a soft spot for it as my first paradox game, but despite what Yea Forums says, I find stellaris to be incredibly enjoyable, especially with the recent updates, and you guys can eat my ass if you disagree. Sucks if you're poor though, the DLC is all but essential

>t. 300 hours in stellaris

They made it better in endless space 2 it sounds. The plots are more consistent with each faction and the quests don't force you into a victory.

I haven't really played EL.

How much of the DLC is required/recommended?

I hate how much micro the game has in it's current state
playing the game as a 60+ planet hivemind and having to babysit every individual planet is driving me nuts

Yeah, I can imagine that been really unfun, cranking habitability as far down as it will go and having around 10 planets is almost objectively the best way to play the game. I also always go out of my way to vassalize conquered empires instead of outright annexing so I dont have to deal with that shit, but that's obviously a problem for devouring swarms, so you've got a point

Not true in civ 6.

6 sucks.

Why would you care when V is one of the weaker Civ games. What you should be asking is whether this is better than IV. It isn't.

>[ALL GAME VERSIONS] Map text search: Located on the mini-map tool bar. Players can now search for map items via text search and have them highlight on the map. For example, type “Iron”, or “Knight”. Includes search history, search suggestions, and “go to” buttons.

RIP spending 5 minutes checking every tile


>That mesofag

Every fucking time

More importantly, IS IT BETTER THAN CIV IV?

>what is feature creep

I always forget that you still exist.

I literally just started playing Civ5 multiplayer again just a week ago. If you dont get a match with people who complain and quit in the first five minutes, its extremely comfy.

I was also surprised by the fact that there seemed to be almost as many people hosting matches as there were a few years ago.

Even more importantly, IS IT BETTER THAN SMAC?

Crusader Kings 2 actually plays differently each game unlike stellaris

I was just saying that while stellaris is generally considered one of their weaker entries, I still really enjoy it. I own CK2, I just havent gotten around to playing it yet

it looks like f2p shit

just learn to play civ 4 holy fuck

nothing is better than SMAC

Soul does not mean better. Everything in V is competently put together, but there's so little emotion or weight behind any of it. It's like they just went through a checklist of what elements need to be in it without any real cohesion or driving artistry behind any of it. Just look at how bland and empty the environments in the game are, how awkwardly every man-made element winds up fitting in, etc.

Civ VI is mostly just mobile garbage though I won't lie there, though at least it does have a better score.

>but there's so little emotion or weight behind any of it.
Its like you deliberately try to be as generic as humanly possible.
The whole post is literally saying nothing but that statement takes the cake.

No and it never will be. V will still be the last good Civ game.
Slowly but surely, people will move on though because they want something new. By the time VII comes around 5 will have the least amount of players

civ4 easily

It's too easy

>play on Deity
>steadily pump my resources into science and production
>medieval era
>"i wounder what tech everyone else has"
>look at the score board
>i'm number 1
>i'm 15 technologies ahead of number 2
>by the time everyone finally unlocked basic flight i already had the giant robots and swarmed their civilizations.

>they finally released a worldbuilder
Thank fucking God, national parks everywhere boys.

At the moment Civ VI is broken due to a trade bug introduced in the recent patch. Wait for hotfix, after that it should be pretty good.

One day Yea Forums will figure out how to wall in their natural so they don't immediately die to zergling rushes every game

>It's too easy
this, golden ages are too easy to get and make the game a cakewalk