Women can't have good taste in videoga-

>women can't have good taste in videoga-

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Other urls found in this thread:


That's a man

thats an ugly german

transgender most likely.

That's not a woman, That's a Sega Saturn


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These pics are old as fuck

Who is this chink anyway and why should I care?

what a whore

>those stockings and heels combination
>cute pink bow on head
>owns a PVM and HK Saturn
10/10 would impregnate
But who was photographer?

Probably her boyfriend, the actual owner of all that shit.

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I wish I was born a girl every single night.

I want to fuck those heels.

She's german

she is ugly I forgot to save the face pic

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oh so she's hiding her massive manchin.

Isn't that CRT $9,000 or something?

>doesn't matter how much you train, girls can't beat me-

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I love these.

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Last one, is the best one, peak table manners.

Doesn't look like it.

so cute

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It's just a broadcast monitor, you use to be able to pick them up for nothing, but now collectors/retro game enthusiasts pay a fortune for them.

What the fuck is this


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She sure seems to like heels.

shes a 28 year old neet that lives with her parents shes perfect

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What's even worth playing on the Saturn?

So the squared jaw hypothesis was right

Imagine the smell.

>Neets will never meet each other because they're too scared of social interaction and they almost never leave the house, they're doomed to never find their neet soulmate.

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>that arm


A lot of games if you are not

1)an EOP
2)a Zoomer

She definitely has issues

The look at me I own all this potential fire hazardous garbage that costed me a fortune and I never play because it's all outdated garbage that's not fun to play at all sort of games.

It is?
My Tranny sense isn't giving me a warning sign.
I could be wrong of course but usually my tranny sense is far more accurate than my conscious mind can ever be.

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that's not how you play video games you dumb cunt


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>reddit spacing
>le yikes
>le zewmer maymay xdd
Kill yourself

What's with the silly face, seems like a based opinion

bro... its not fair

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Oi faggot. I already found my soulmate. She's 2d.

>expressing disgust at a woman that ruins her body is bad
>triggering zoomers is bad

A based opinion for underage people that don't know any better maybe

>I own all this
A concept a zoomer will never understand

can you hold her hand user?

Images like this make me feel better knowing that my room doesn't look like a manchild lives in there.

It's completely fair.
If you're such a screwup that you can't be happy with yourself, then a woman won't help you. You'd only bring her down to your level by crying to her about how much life sucks.
She doesn't need that influence on her life. She'd be much better off if she were alone than if she were with you.
It'd be unfair on her to have you as a boyfriend. It's better that you are alone.

How can zoomers even recover from this?

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Flesh is severely overrated though. Do you know how heavy and warm IRL female is? Even the light ones are not easy to move around and they're a bit uncomfortable to spend long periods of time next to due to the body heat.

What's your top 3 Saturn games then? Only two games I've played on that thing are Nights and Daytona USA

I'm not even a zoomer. I sold all my saturn and ps1 games already. I don't like to keep so much money stuck inside my house, accidents can happen and then it's all gone. I rather not risk it.

That's a parasite though.
You'd be the one to start paying for her stuff.

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lol shut up

they don't need to
who the fuck wants someone who's always in your house, always there when you want to enjoy your hobby, might as well ask her if she wants to come to work too

I love this "I work at McDonald's" look

Bulk Slash
Radiant Silvergun

Something about those eyes looks ... unnatural. Like her right eye is closer to the middle of her face than the left.

Bullshit, I know people who work at McDonalds and they don't look like they have two glass eyes and a face of plastic.
That's the "I'm a games journalist" look.

I think they're contacts?

Y-Yea ... c-can you imagine.Hah, w-who would ever want that.

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Lot's and lot's of games
Same as the PS1
Only the N64 had a pretty small library

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>the "I'm a games journalist" look.
But she doesn't have shaved sides or blue hair.

nigga where do you get mcdonalds from that? everyone at mcdonalds looks like a sludgemonster

People who think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
I've been on that side of the fence. It is most definitely not greener. And the lawn needs mowing.

Based and Segata Sanshiropilled

muh dick

I live in a first world country.

Shit, you're right.
Who has normal hair but also glassy eyes?

tfw no qt gf to watch berserk with

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Speaking of which, he made an appearance last week, along with the daytona composer singing along sega's event
The old man still got it

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I still stand correct, no one pretty works at mcdonalds lol

You could just watch Berserk with some bros. Far better entertainment than with a woman. You got synchtube, and able to not sperg out for a couple of hours?

The problem isn't finding an ultra-rare unicorn that's the perfect combo of geek, virgin and bombshell; that's just a purposefully impossible goal you guys set up for yourselves.
The problem lies in yourselves not being satisfied with yourselves but choosing to stay put and not make any steps to be better.

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But user, I don't see what I'd cry, I'd be pretty happy acutally, Imagine cuddling in bed and falling asleep in each other's arms. Finally got a job a year and a half ago, and it's going fine, I'm still a total shut in scared of social interaction, even tho people seem to like the person I try to be. So I sit in doors, playing my vidya in my spare time, saving up extra cash for stuff and things, that feel when no gf sneak in every now and again. And going out to a bar wouldn't really feel right, I don't even really drink why would I want to find a girl that hangs around there, nor am I in to sports enough to go to the park or gym to meet some one. And everyone at work is kinda already taken. So yea ... pretty lonely.

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you wanna watch berserk?

McDonald's hires teens looking for their first job to pay for their studies. You stand incorrect

I keep telling them to get a waifu and they keep posting Keanu Reeves on a bench and Photoshop cats.
Makes me wonder if I should just tell them "kill yourself faggot" because goddamn they sure don't like taking the obvious solution to their problems

I don't think watching berserk is really his main intention autism-kun

You can cuddle your girl, though.

can you kill yourself cancerous newcancer fag

I see most teens workin at stores or something you get the rare teen workin at mc but hes like a 400 pound dude so they still are sludgemonsters

Get a waifu. Solves that problem.

Sure, why not. Be nice to binge something decent for once. Normally I prefer the low-tier shit because it's amusing to mock it, but it's been a while since I watched something UNironically good and it might be worth a go.

Well it really should be. Berserk! is better than any 3d.

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>You can cuddle your girl, though.
This is irrelevant.
You might as well complain that you haven't gotten all the timed exclusive FGO packs, for how little they matter.

Oh I had a good laugh. Cheers, user.

Cuddling, kissing and all that lovey dovey stuff is for the weak user. You don't need it.

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Yea Forums is full of shit and normalfags

How do SO MANY PEOPLE have money to buy all this shit?
FUCK being a poorfag

She doesn't have any other expenses because she lives with her parents.

wow cancer!

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Credit cards, most retards think they're magi and the money is free

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>attractive women can't have good taste in videogames

Smelly womanchildren, it seems.

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>no tattoos
>debt free
lmao, come down to the real world, fag.

High heels with stockings is the best combination prove me wrong.

Nah, normalfags are better than these people.
These are people who wish they could be normal.
So not only have they fallen for the normalfag meme, they also haven't fallen for it properly.
Failed normalfags. There is no lower lifeform. Even the tranny at least achieves some fame and influence, however brief.

If you don't have to pay rent, you can buy all sorts of stupid bullshit.


Her house has water infiltration on the roof.

>Yes honey, please sit here and take a picture with my videogame collection.
Females literally can't enjoy games outside of like Animal Crossing or The Sims.

Any pictures you see like this is generally their boyfriend (Or client) telling them to pose with their videogames for the camera, or the female asking the boyfriend to take a picture of them with the BFs games for the camera for that "GAMUR GIRL" cred.

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I'm not seeing anything.

Her eyes look human in this.
Still has that weird right eye closer to the nose than left eye thing though, but I suppose I wouldn't be too picky.
Personally I'd like to take her as a gf, not because I like her, but to deny the opportunity to the lonely losers.

>Females literally can't enjoy games outside of like Animal Crossing or The Sims.

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I see mold.

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I don't have nearly that much shit but I have a bunch of old consoles and games, big enough that people are impressed or disturbed when they come over. If you're not impatient you can eventually get anything for cheap when the consoles are going out of style, the normies will be selling all their shit in droves and for cheap. Though now lot's more people are catching on so it isn't as easy. In the late 90s and early 00s it was a free for all. Heck even 10 years ago there was still a lot of shit that fell through the cracks. Now it's harder, but still I think a bubble will eventually pop with all the retards hoarding games thinking they'll be millionaires.

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when you live in africa as a female you better be a judoka otherwise you probably get raped weekly

He cute

She's more legit than you think


Here's a spot

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>the discord tranny shills himself, thinking he's being subtle

I know this is shitposting but I’ve never once seen someone say a woman “can’t” have good taste in games. Just that they don’t. It’s entirely possible for a woman to like a good game however they usually (99% of the time) dont

Whoever that madman was I hope he is living a great life.


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I'm a black guy but keep on lying.

He probably got laid with her.
Poke fun at an emo and you'll have her in your arms.

SO close to being fuckable.

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I don't see what that has to do with politics,the point if she is legit or not.

To be fair, those VHS and shit don't even cost that much. She probably have them since she was a kid.


Yeah, she needs spikier hair and a lip ring.
Then she's ready for pounding.

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Yeah, yeah, i'm sure you totally are, roastie.

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She's ATROCIOUS, what a fucking abomination.

And you act surprised at this?
Why do millennials discover stuff that everyone else already knew and then act surprised and outraged at it?
It's like when they start complaining in their 30s that they need a job to get money.

Because millennials are a generation of autistic and socially stunted retards.
Haven't you seen the past 10 years of political activism?
They think discussing how many niggers there are in the last superhero movie is going to save the world.

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Fuck off back to your discord

Favorite game?

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W-What's this?

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The point is e-thots shoehorning themselves into hobbies and plastering their ass and tiddies all over it and begging for attention. I'm not complaining, I love ass and tiddies, but she's no different nor more "legit" than any other attention whore you see online. But since she's saturn attention whore suddenly she seems special since she carved a niche for herself.

This thread sure is full of tranies

Who the fuck is acting surprised?

>YEAOWCH THIS GONNA HURT! But I need to do this for extra male attention on Instagram

Word on the street is Princess Crown is getting a saturn translation this year. Keep your ears to the ground homeboys

Don't forget a tongue ring, black mascara. a spikey choker and a horse strap-on in her closet

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What discord?
It's just the insufferable attitude everyone born between 1985 and 1995.
You discover something that everyone discovered ages ago, things that are common sense, and then you act as if you just made the discovery of a century.
Women like the attention of men.
Did it really take you millennials 30 years in this planet to discover that?
Maybe by the time you are 70 you'll also discover that if you put your penis in a vagina, babies happen.

That game is on the psp

Also >her


The psp port has no translation either

Either a nigger or a phoneposter, either way, get the fuck out with your ebonics.

I'm 22 years old you retarded boomer.


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Sure smells like 40yo smegma in here.

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>looks the same as he did almost 25 years ago

>Alien Soldier
Fucking BASED

EW You bloody kiwis need to get that shit snipped

Well yeah, ghosts don't age.

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All time? It's a tie between KH2FM and Megaman Legends.

Right now? Xenoblade 2

sure smells like Yea Forums in here

Alright ... you can go.

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When all you need is to be met halfway but nobody tries, don't be surprised.

You have to put yourself out there. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

I was gonna go anyway.

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A black man with a Switch
How utterly non-based

So, you just want a goth gf?

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Always some nigga trying to ice skate up hill.

I know its a Bait thread but I seriously I never understood this meme that girls have shit taste in games. Do people actually think this?

Well its generally true,then there are some ultra rare exceptions like the one in the OP that somehow likes shmups and retro games.

fuck this zoomer shmup shit

I also play on PC.

Bless them for letting him say that in the movie and keeping it in.

>tfw you want a goth GF but you're almost 30 so any woman in your age group would probably look incredibly stupid.

Unless you're that one semi-nigerian dude that loves HeroAca you'll forever be non-based

You know that shmup is just an abbreviation of shoot em up right?

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Shmups is boomer tier, it’s been used to refer to the genre since the 90s

>tfw ex plays any games including ones that are for """hardcore"""" gamers like sekiro/DS
>tfw can see her in a playing in a party with only two of them in the session
>its probably someone she's fucking now
I-I can't be a cuck if I'm no longer in a relationship with her right, bros????

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I'm not nigerian and I don't even know what you fags mean by based anymore. I wish I could go back to when Based was used only by Lil B fans.

>Best anime moves to watch reddit

Yeah whatever fag
Never heard shmup until the last few years it makes me think of Metal Jesus Cunt


>Do people actually think this
It's not a matter of thinking, it's just a fact.
Females generally dont enjoy the dame games men do, no amount of feminist brainwashing can change that fact.

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i'm gonna say the i-word

>jrpg over wrpg

have you talked to many girls about games user
is pretty spot on with what they'll reply with

Men and women have different tastes
I know zoomers have been memed into believing gender and gender differences aren't real but come the fuck on

No, zoomers don't eat up your dumbass culture war shenanigans, it's all on you millennials.
All this feminism shit will die with you.

True but improbable events are bound to happen given enough attempts.
A girl with decent taste in games might be 1 in 10000 but they technically exist.
You'll just probably never meet them.

>men and women and exactly the same yu guise
>no feminism is bad
You can't even keep a consistent larp

cute without the ugly tattoos

Yes, we call them unicorns
They're still the overwhelming exception to the rule

I'm not him.
Just saying that the moment millennials lose the cultural spotlight, SJWs and all that shit will disappear.

I'm both :o)


I love these bladerunner no gf memes.

do you want some bro?

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she's not the only one

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Lol no. Imagine if you flipped the genders.

imagine wearing a gameboy around your neck

>avatarfagging with anime
you're already halfway into becoming a tranny, a girlfriend won't save you, not even a pity girlfriend would

bros i want to lock those heels on her

Replace Sims with Overwatch and that's acurate.

Some how I believe that less.

That'd be fine tho, since the "strong one" in that relationship would be the man and that's the natural role he's supposed to have.

>farm sim
Bros. How do I get a gf to play farming simulator 19 with me?

She seems to have a nice taste in games. Beatifull arcade sticks, good games and a lovely candy cap.

Anyone have a source?

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Takes one to know one


give pvm

Wow thanks man. You are an angel

>He thinks black people don't use Yea Forums.
Sorry but this isn't your safe space.

>women with good taste are literal robots with box heads
im okay with this but where do i get one?


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she has survived 1000 rapes, ofc she can take on a man

No fuck off, it's not ok. Fuck off with your hypocrisy

>get more pussy
she a lesbian? lol she just lowered her score with that one

Every one of you in this thread needs Jesus.

The girls still wants normal bf and it's way too awkward for two losers to meet up sober but on the other hand if the girl drinks she already has some loser from a bar.

No she isn't. She has a boyfriend

>just work out brah
>just do opposite of what you want to do brah
i btw fell for the "work on yourself" meme and broke two of my wrists lifting dumbbells

>why can't I be the weak one in the relationship tho? it's not fair, I wanna be a househusband
Women don't like submissive men, it's programmed into them, some might give it a shot for a while to be trendy and quirky but at the end of the day instinct trumps over everything

>two of my wrists

How many wrists do you have?

eww a fucking aids monkey nigger running free, i hope police shoots you this week

that pepe is normie pepe, real ones use apustaja nowadays you dumb fuck

My sister plays God Eater, Resident Evil 5 & 6, EDF 4.1, Dragon's Dogma, Sonic Racing, Sonic Mania, Obscure 2, Megatagmension Blanc VS Zombies and Sven Coop with me, that's cool enough for you op?

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Read the fucking thread you homo. Her face and even a full enter view was already posted. She's an attention seeking whore.

assuming that's not a gross exaggeration or an outright lie, if it was true that would put you in the same level as that guy who slipped a disc while trying to deadlift in flip flops, that would only go to show that you stubbornly lifted the wrong weight with the wrong from, probably so you could have a convenient excuse to go back to your old life

the fuck is match 3?

then why is she talking about pussy? she deffo a lesbo bro

or i had 2 pussy wrists cos my shit is weak from trying to start to do sports at 26 with only background of riding my bike in summers, literally my only exercise is do all the time is walking to shop

>you stubbornly lifted the wrong weight with the wrong from, probably so you could have a convenient excuse to go back to your old life
exactly what I said

Wasn't there a followup with one of her beta orbiters made a montage as a reply defending her?

basic bitch, on nightmare mode

but it wasnt even that much weight, how im supposed to push myself if i just break myself? sports are fucking gay

>i'm too gay for sports, i'm more into rick&morty
exactly what I said

this is considered a good thing for women because their innocence is valued for whatever reason, but for men just have sex and get a job


It is not

It is yes

Yeah. Just about cool enough. Nice variety.

>women shouldn't have righ...


Thanks, I'll make sure to keep spoiling her with vidya

>those hands
ah yep is a man but that make it better

Yeab but her shitty tattoos ruined her she looks like a pitbull

>berserk fags
What a faggots