So how is your campaign going Yea Forums, just started today with best elves
So how is your campaign going Yea Forums, just started today with best elves
Other urls found in this thread:
terrible armor design
>not playing with the only faction that matters
Want to start Lizards, but I don’t want to burn out before the update.
This time I went Empire/Gelt, with the intention of removing the frogs. Unfortunately though I’ve consolidated, took Marienburg and conquered the Brett starting zones, Kemmler has already ran a train on everyone in the region but Parravon and Moussilon, while Mannlet and Vlad are now knocking at my door.
On the plus side, Boris has been a bro, Marius hasn’t folded yet, the beastniggers got baited into trying to siege me and were wrecked and, much like in the lore, Wulfrik spends most of his time being the personal bitch of whoever he tries raiding.
That is not the Empire.
why is every ork player a cringy sperg?
because they are green with envy of armies with good units
I am not good enough at the game for that campaign
>not using best boy
Oh boy can't wait for the Ikit Claw Campaign.
Yeah Mommy is currently getting plowed by fat ghost lady and grand heirophant boner
Hey retarded newfag, you set the thread subject as your name
WHile you laughin iz juzt gunna demolish uze man lin
hard yikes from me
Wait until Warhammer 3 and the reviewed and extended Chaos mechanics. I would expect CA to give her a Cult Pleasure mechanic as well.
Also delete that name newfag.
I enjoy all the elf factions in warham. Still slightly miffled that the Helves don't have archmages though.
Also Everthot > Morathi
>humble bundle WH2 for $20
Do I finally take the plunge to get a supported ME?
what the hell were her legs always showing that much or did you mod out her lower dress?
link please
Movie when? Araby when?`Amazons when?
Would be fun with all that almost godlike/anime powerlevel.
>tfw no everfu
Everthot is weak. Mainly support.
Mommy is strong.
nevermind i foudn the mod
umpteenth Von Carstein campaign.
Why is there such an imbalance between Vlad and Izzy's starting units?
Confederating mannfred is also quite the gamble. I should just ground the little shit forever this campaign.
High Elf women belong and are made to please Druchii cock!/vagina
Love that guy's videos
just finished a long campaign with the empire in the first game.
Don't speak about mommy like that or else you have to go through me.
I really wish Izzy had her own diplomacy lines when starting as her.
Vampire Cunts as Vlad. Confederated Mannlet with Ghorst and old man Kemmler. Sadly the Red duke was murdered before I could get him. Preparing for chaos propper now.
Free upkeep skeletons and zombies is hilariously broken, Running themed armies for all LL's and the rest are just master necromancers with free zombies
Vlads diplo lines are still great though
but i wouldnt mind more of Izzy's tsking
Simple. Because the better would be to always start with Izzy anyway. Vlad needs the stronger starting troops because of that.
All of Isabella's campaign bonuses are much better than Vlad's. And by choosing Izzy, you don't miss Vlad's vanguard ability. It's still there just only in his own army, as well as his faction-wide unit training abilities (with the skill). You only lose the faction-wide +5% movement range bonus, while she nets +25% weapon strength for all vampire heroes faction-wide.
Izzy herself can boost and is meant to field an army of bats, vergheists and dire wolves.