

Attached: Screenshot_20190403-230646_Chrome.jpg (990x583, 151K)

i sometimes feel like this with games i really enjoyed but have played through excessively so i can understand the sentiment, at least its not people bitching about the difficulty


Just wait for the dlc bro

>horserider boss rehash, but it's a headless riding a headless horse

this but with games that are actually good and not the latest aaa meme trash

Wish I could do this with the Portal games

Whenever I see people talking about this kind of thing with a game or something I wonder if I just don't ever get to enjoy things as much as other people because I don't find the idea of experiencing any game again for the first time very appealing

>Newfag can't blankpost

It’s trying to re-experience the feeling of not knowing what is going on, or what is going to happen next, and feeling emotions when something big happens, or you defeat a difficult boss/puzzle. Once you finish something, you can never see it and be surprised in the same way.

you can delete experiences from your brain. its called giving it a year or two. fucking adhd retards.

>I want to delete HRT from my brain so i can be a man again

Sorry sweetie but you'll soon join the 40%

>user accuses someone of having brain problems because they can remember things.
>Meanwhile user forgets everything about a game he played only a year ago.

That IS a tempting concept: to erase memories of something to experience it for the first time again. Not a new one though.

>Implying i want to be filtered by owl again
fuck off tranny


Stop giving them attention you utter cuntbags.

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Reminds me of those funny pictures with some mundane shit on the top and photos from the 'nam on the bottom. The things I would delete from my brain, God.

Are you incapable of discussing a topic without associating with it with the personality of the person? You're the one who's giving it the most attention.

I feel that way about of games. Most recently Undertale and Deltarune.

>shitty meta humour games
Who the fuck plays that trash LOL

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>I want to be paid a salary even though I have nothing worthwhile to say