The Absolute State

Why can't they just get their shit together?

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Other urls found in this thread:

how do they still exist?

Their games sell well

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Left Alive

All of their IPs have gone to shit except for Dragon Quest. Yuji Horii holds Dragon Quest on a tight leash and won't allow Square Enix to fuck it up.

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it flopped, as did Quiet Man, but it had no budget, go check the list of how many games Square Enix publishes every year, 90% of them sell as much as they expect them too or above expectations.

DQ XI was embarrassing though, that shitty OST killed it

Not a problem anymore. The Switch version is gonna have the orchestral version of the OST.

many gacha games under their belt helping them stay afloat

The latest FF game was the most fun I have from console games in years.

At this point, I am convinced that Square Enix is run by insane people. It's the only way I can explain their actions.

SE has diversified a lot. In Japan they own a good chunk of the manga and toy companies.

Dissidia was meh

Isn't that case from most of mega companies? A lot of times they seem to be run by incompetent fools.

I'm pretty sure he mean ff15 since nt dissisia is older.

15 is extremely flawed. It doesn't matter if you had fun with it, I can have fun with a piece of poo as well but it doesn't mean that it's good. It still won't change the awful design choices they went with the game and the fact that Square Enix lost a fuck ton of money with the game.

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Good for you. I think it's a good game and had so much fun playing it.

The Japanese game industry is bizarre as hell. For the longest time I didn't know about Konami's sports club.

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Where is our fucking FF7 remake? Is it vaporware?

Me too. It's my favourite final fantasy game and the cast is so likable.

they will redeem themselves with babylon's fall
i hope

Dissidia NT is newer on consoles. I don't care for XV.

And now Squeenix only has ports of games that got them their favorable reputation in the first place releasing.
>Chocobo Mystery Dungeon
>Crystal Chronicles
I wouldn't even count on any of these leading to anything like a series revival. Chocobo Dungeon and Crystal Chronicles are most likely dead for good.

>Even if the company dies DQ will be the only thing that will survive
Feels good

It's doesn't matter if you care about xv or not since it's not the point. Saying nt dissidia is the latest ff game is like saying x is the latest because it's newly made it to switch.

I’m talking about the melodies. not the way it was implemented. OST will make it better, but the songs are really repetitive and shit overall

name a bigger laughing stock in the industry than their western division
>killed all the relevant eidos IPs in the span of five years

>Square Enix lost a fuck ton of money
Stop with this meme. They literally stated that XV made back its money on day one.

>inb4 the 33m!!!!
That has nothing to do with XV and everything to do with SE incompetence.

If you don't count ports or mainline, Dissidia NT IS the latest FF game on consoles since XV. Yes, it existed as an arcade cabinet in Japan before XV, and it would technically be a port, but it was never available on any other systems, and I'm choosing to consider it a new release.

What's everyone's problem with squarc cnix? They make decent movies

The fact that it was released before XV no matter which port it was released in mean it's not the newest.

Are we excited?

Attached: FFXVI.png (1245x921, 1.4M)

inb4 its the ff7 remake

Doubt it. It's probably a new game.

The FF7 Remake will blow everyone away, so the'ye fine.

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Whatever. It's not that important. Last FF I enjoyed was World, surprisingly.

>It won't be Tactics
>Tactics is probably dead forever because Ivalice is now MMO fodder
>It'll probably have Lightning shoehorned in
I'm not getting my hopes up for any modern SE project. In fact I'm going back and playing the old stuff I missed out on while waiting for them to get their shit together. I beat FF3 a while ago and now I understand why the crystal tower is so notorious. For my next game I can't decide between finishing 6 or just getting Mystic Quest out of the way.

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Yeah, really liked XV and Leviathan battle was a boss.

they're still better than EA or Valve, though

>They literally stated that XV made back its money on day one.

I take it that before they spent MORE money on the Royal DLC and Ardyn DLCs

>Are we excited?
After XV, not really.

Royal dlc was bringing back things that they were forced to cut off due to the short time they had and it's clear as a day that they hardly spent much money on EpA.

Could be worse

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You really want them to? Because at this point, gatcha shit and that worthless FFXV civilization clone are making them billions, while huge budget games are crashing and burning, except their crappy MMO.
If they actually took their heads out of their asses, we'd end up with nothing but FFXIV updates and mobile games for the next decade. Because as a business, they logically should just focus on what actually makes them money. So we'd get nothing but trash.

Let them keep their heads firlmy IN their asses.
That way, we might actually get an FFXVI and the slim possibility of other games that aren't trash.

>Royal dlc was bringing back things that they were forced to cut off due to the short time

and yet they felt like they had to charge $15 to get access to:
Argmier Unleashed being a button mashing mode
Bosses that are still in this crappy combat, some of which are moandatory
A boat (for no fucking reason)

They never really had their shit together
every decade they crank out one good game with very obvious flaws
They sell themselves on nothing but branding

Not just incompetent, completely out of touch too.

*blocks your path

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Sheer luck. They're lucky that the first Final Fantasy game was a smash hit (or it would have been their last game), they're lucky Enix was willing to merge after the Spirits Within fiasco, it's all just luck.

Also the fact that they used to be the undisputed king of RPGs back in the SNES/PS1 era, and they're still coasting on nostalgia for that era because their modern RPGs suck more dick than the worst actress in Hollywood.

>and yet they felt like they had to charge $15 to get access to:
Well, yeah. Greed is something a lot of companies share in common.

The point is that XV was for sure not a lose for them and actually a huge success.

>Netflix series turned out OK and the response was positive enough to warrant more seasons
>Bloodstained is poised to do what MN9 should've done, even the minigame generated relatively large waves & positive feedback
>Still no fucking word on a new Castlevania or even a port of HoD
And I'm not really a fan of Kojima but the way they fucked him over was lame and, from the outside, still seems completely illogical. Metal Gear aside, idiots were buying PS4s with the PT demo on it for thousands of dollars so WTF happened to make them cancel the next SH?

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Do they not have their shit together?

>FFXV sells millions
>KH3 sells millions
>FFXIV doing well

I'm sure they'll cope. This is just like people thinking censorship and that dumb Nintendo direct copy are the death knell for Sony.

It's obvious what Yea Forums thinks is reality and what actually is reality are two different things

I need a trailer first before I make any real judgement, but as of right now.

>Greed is something a lot of companies share in common.

Gosh, it's almost like greedy people are more likely to seek jobs that pay generous amounts of money, like being CEO of a large company, than people who aren't greedy. But that's just crazy talk.

Wanting a company to get its shit together is not the same as thinking the company's circling the drain. Your first 2 examples sold well but are marred by massive disappointment and IIRC FF14 had to be completely rebooted because the first iteration sucked. To be fair everyone I know who's into MMORPG's says that FF14 is basically the only good one these days barring some obscure Korean shit but Bethesda can also manage to run an MMORPG decently and they patently do not have their shit together. I don't see them going away any time soon but I think most people would agree that they are not currently on the ball.

FFXV is a disappointment to who, though? If the game was super hated and disappointed like some claim, then how come the game manged to still be relevant and sell after two years of the release?

I wish people would stop lying to themselves

I wish you would stop getting triggered over people liking something you don't.

There's no pic that better represent people who hate ffxv than this.

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Marketing effect. It's a huge name, mainline FF title after almost a decade, huge marketing, fancy graphics. Then it got a resurgence for more sales with the royal edition and the PC release. Admittedly the PC release was a really good port, so that helped.
Overall, however, the game itself was just.. mediocre. It's not a *bad* game, by all means, but for all the resources and hype invested into it (and lengthy development time), it did not live up to any of it. It's a disappointment as a mainline FF game.

Come on now. You talk like FF has some very high standard and not like many of their games were hated on including ffvii when they were released just to be remembered very fondly decade later.

Literally the only director with an ounce of talent still at Square Enix. Give this guy all the money he can get.

>restructured business divisions
>yoshi-p and the heavensward team are working on FFXVI
Screencap this, its gonna be a Capcom tier comeback from Square Enix soon enough

FF has been in decline for years and it was FFXV that was able to bring many new fans and save the franchise, tho.

Where the fuck is The World Ends With You's sequel? They've been teasing it since 2012 and the Switch version ended on a cliffhanger.

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In my experience it was generally older people who grew up with the series. Not to say that everyone that applies to dislikes the game, that's just the people I know and what I've seen on the internet which should of course be taken with a grain of salt. I know a lot of people who liked FF15 and for most of them it was their first FF. As for how it managed to sell I'd say the first guy was right about marketing, I used to discount it as a major factor in sales these days but then I watched Gascoigne's trophy in BB stay at roughly 50% during the game's hype train, through sales surpassing Sony's expectations, and finally to everyone just getting the game for free. Of the 2+million people who spent money on BB only about half beat the first necessary boss.

Doubt that any ff game will manage to match the hype for ffxv not matter how good they are.

As long as the SaGa team keeps making games I'm fine, Left Alive killed my last hope of ever see the only other worthwhile Square franchise again so I'm content with getting quality SaGa games as long as possible, everything else has always been mediocre trash either way outside of the odd game here and there, like in all companies.
One day you'll open your eyes too and realize Squaresoft has never been good.

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Older fans have allergy to anything that is new. I still remember the hate aganist FFX, but now it's considered to be classic.

>You talk like FF has some very high standard
Believe it or not, FF has been historically been the pretty much golden standard of casual/approachable (not in a bad way, mind you) JRPG games, especially in the west. You probably disagree if you're a hardcore JRPG fan because there are definitely much better JRPGs out there (and I agree) but they are not Final Fantasy. The FF series revolutionized the genre and introduced new mechanics, merging active combat with turn based (ATB and pseudo-action combat in more modern games). And yes, I am aware of games like Tales of Series, but those are more action-oriented RPGs, I'm talking about turn-based ones.

>FF has been in decline for years
This is correct, to a certain point, yes.

>it was FFXV that was able to bring many new fans
This is because of aggressive marketing and hype. That's how these massive companies sell games these days. It does not matter how good or bad a game is after release, if you market it right people will still buy it. You can't do it in the long run if your game is active garbage (Fallout76) but for one single game per franchise (FFXV, KH3, etc) it works.
People literally bought FFXV on the promises that were made, the hype, the pretty graphics, and just the name alone. It doesn't matter what actually is in the game, because by that time you've bought it already and the company can claim it was a financial success since the marketing paid off.

Look at modern games, people have unanimously decided they will buy Cyberpunk 2077, the new VTMB, Borderlands 3, etc just on the name alone, the hype announcement/trailer, and the (sometimes) company developing it. The hype that was generated is already enough to make it a 'success'.

>save the franchise
The FF franchise has been saved by the constant re-releases of remasters and the gacha/MMO games. All FFXV managed to do was bring out a bit of hype for mainline FF games once again, but the franchise was never in need of 'saving'/

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>but the franchise was never in need of 'saving'/
Keep telling yourself that. SE was very close to pull the blug on the ff franchise if it wasn't for ffxv being a huge success.

And the marketing was the only reason why it sold very well despite being extermly "bad" according to you, then tge game only would have done well on it's first year of release and fell to irrelevancy by the second year which didn't happen.

>constant re-releases of remasters
Why are you pretending that remasters are huge sellers? Also, you do realize that biggest selling FF game did 11m only after decade of re-release while XV did almost 9m after only TWO years. Stop lying yourself that it only did well to FF name.

>SE was very close to pull the blug on the ff franchise if it wasn't for ffxv being a huge success.

Don't tell me you actually believe they would ever do this. So naive.

I won't discount that, it's certainly a part of it, but consider that the people who hated FFX then still do and the reason it's now considered a classic is that people who grew up with it are now old enough to feel nostalgic. Here I'll point to FFTA's law system, which people are starting to come out of the woodwork to defend. I don't think people have changed their mind about FFTA being too restrictive, I think people who don't remember how shitty the law system was are thinking back on the game through rose colored glasses and not remembering all of the time spent checking laws and unequipping your "skills" to replace them with "techniques" and rechecking the laws and replacing your spears with swords and then having a character get charmed and do something illegal and catch a permanent stat downgrade even though you were doing everything in your power to follow the law.

That said I enjoyed FFTA. I also enjoyed FF15 to the point where I wouldn't call it a bad game but I can't honestly say I wasn't disappointed in it. Of course maybe I built up unrealistic expectations but I was basically ready for anything after the Lightning games. I am going to fucking die mad that her shitty game spawned 2 more and that time and money were spent on them. That time and money could've gone to something slightly less stupid like giving whales HIV.

They would if the franchise stop bringing enough money for them to justify its existence.

>SE was very close to pull the blug on the ff franchise
Do you have any sources on this? Because SE didn't even pull the plug on FFXIV 1.0 despite being an absolutely massive trainwreck of a game and instead they managed to double down on it, re-structure literally everything, re-design the entire system and release one of the most successful modern MMO games that is still printing them money even today.
The FF franchise is massive, it's a massive money printing machine for SE. The constant remakes, remasters, the entire gacha universe, the cross-franchise opportunities, the merchandise, the non-game media entertainment (music, movies, etc). FFXV was just a drop in the ocean for them, and a very small one at that.

>then tge game only would have done well on it's first year of release and fell to irrelevancy by the second year which didn't happen.
Royal edition, the shitty multiplayer update and the (admittedly excellent) PC port revitalized the sales from them. Now answer me this, if FFXV was such a massive success, how come they literally dropped their future DLC plans (that they had already promised) and literally abandon the game's development mid-story?

>Why are you pretending that remasters are huge sellers?
They are literally free money for them, they might not be 'huge' sellers, but they still sell a shitload on every new console. Especially if you look at the FFX/X-2 and the XII remasters (XII being a huge update, feature-wise). It's free money printing and hype generation for them.

>you do realize that biggest selling FF game did 11m only after decade of re-release while XV did almost 9m after only TWO years
Yes, the reach and marketing size for FFXV was huge, which circles back to my original point. You sell a game based on hype these days, I'm not denying that it was an economical success for them, but you also have to consider the fact that there have been way way way way more resources invested in the development of FFXV than there was in all the other games prior.

Square had always been shit, Enix was good though, Together they are just shit. All they focus on is FF and sometimes DQ. All the other franchises have died or just stay in japland. Literally the whole point of the merger for Enix was so they would have the ability to put their franchises in the west. It never happened outside of DQ, really

And it would never come down to this. They would just adjust expectations. FF will always live through sheer nostalgia and good will, no matter how many fuck ups. Like Sonic.

>the shitty multiplayer update

Forgot about that. And looks like most people have too. Everyone rightly moved on to Monster Hunter to get their fix.

They still bought it though ;)

As someone who have been waiting for the game since it was announced 12 years, I wasn't disappointed because I didn't have any expectations about it nor I get attached to the concept of verses xiii. So, I do believe that the 10 years of waiting of only concepts left so much for the imagination for fans to build their headcanons that obviously nowhere for XV to match their expectations. It's definitely on SE for announcing the game before they had any idea about what they wanted it to be.

They should hire me. I'd get them working right.

Speaking of Square Enix, does anyone know if they let you take tours of their offices? I'm moving to Tokyo in a couple of months and I would love to visit them, I've been to the Final Fantasy cafe before and it was a fun experience.

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Depends on the game. If it's another shitty Final Fantasy I really don't care. The only thing that would make me excited would perhaps be a proper sequel to Chrono Trigger

(pic related from the other thread >457404739, much better presentation now)

Step 1. Drum up enough people.
Step 2. Convince them to pool money together to buy stock in Square Enix to become shareholders.
Step 3. Appoint one person as a shareholder representative.
Step 4. Have that shareholder representative talk during the next shareholders' meeting about how the company wasted consumer anticipation and excitement over the past decade and a half, by showing us what Nomura had wanted in his highly personal game and how we were convinced for sure that what we believed after seeing the trailers would be the next big cultural phenomenon. And how all of that was wasted when it was dumbed down and reduced to a corporate shadow of a once avant-garde work of art.
Step 5. Demand that Versus XV be made instead. Rinse and repeat for every shareholder meeting.
Step 6. Post posters and organize pickets outside of the SQEX buildings demanding that they bring back Versus.
Step 7. Once E3 rolls around, rally attendee friends and have them yell out 'bring back Versus' and get the crowd to chant 'bring back Versus' in the same way for several minutes for the Sony, Microsoft, and SQEX presentations.
Step 8. ???
Step 9. (pic related)

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I feel ya, man. I still want that TWEWY sequel.

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Final Fantasy versus XIII killed Kindgom Hearts and turned into a mediocre game that had way too many updates and DLC which only reveals how unfinished that game was at launch. If it wasn't for that "game" and Nomura's shoddy planning we would of already had a game that surpassed KH2FM like half a decade ago and then some but the series went to a downward spiral with average to below average handheld games.

Remastering games isn't "free". They definitely depending on the nostlgia for them to sell, but you are kidding yourself if you believe they can depend on them for FF franchise to survive. Nostlgia fans aren't going to live forever which is why SE was in desperate need for a new FF game to be a huge success to bring new fans which is what XV did and why it's called the game that saved the franchise.

Nomura should stay away from FF and stick with KH and TWEWY

God bless Yuji Horii, he actually wants for SE to push it more in the West. Remember that time he accidentally revealed DQ7 was being localized and SE was pissed at him? Good times

>Remastering games isn't "free".
It's not, but re-releasing them for every new console (while carrying over bugs too, mind you) is very minimal effort (if any) and is for all intents and purposes as close as free as you can get. I can agree that the XII remaster is a bit more involved since it introduces new mechanics and the Switch version even improves on the PS4/PC one with better job board.

>you are kidding yourself if you believe they can depend on them for FF franchise to survive
Never claimed this, you're focusing on the wrong point. Squeenix has a massive influx of money from the FF franchise that is not tied *at all* to the mainline series anymore (well, FFXIV is mainline I guess). There's a bajillion spin off games and projects, some of them are also very good too (WoFF). I'm not gonna repeat my same point as the other post about gacha and alternative streams of income, you can go re-read it if you want.

>SE was in desperate need for a new FF game to be a huge success to bring new fans which is what XV did
Did it though? Because all XV did was provide a huge influx of money upon release and then kinda end up being forgotten and even abandoned by SE itself (DLCs dropped, future plans dropped). Its only legacy right now lives as an announced joint project with FFXIV to get the Regalia and some XV cosmetics in the game. That's literally all XV boiled down to, in the end.

I still can't get why Squeenix always get uppity with DQ on west.

Nintendo itself asked to handle the damn thing on west and they got denied ton of times.

Is SAGA Scarlet Grace ever coming out in the west? Or in english?

Attached: saga-scarlet-grace-hiiro-boxart-ps4-switch-small[1].jpg (540x303, 48K)

>saved the franchise
If proving that you can excessively monetize mainline Final Fantasy games from now on and release a bare minimum product at launch, having people eagerly lap it up, then yeah, I suppose the franchise was saved.

>Did it though?
It did and brought many new fans for FF that some are even trying the older games because they loved XV.

And funny how you say SE is "ignoring" and "forgotten" XV considering how much bitching and whining I have seen over SE the opposite of it. There's no pleasing you, people. Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't.

>Does well in the Arcade and pachinko scene
>recently opened a New York branch
>doing bad

Retarded fanbase that jizzs as soon as they put "final fantasy" on something.
They could even put final fantasy on their feces and they would still sell like hotcakes.

Because their bad practices and shitty people running their company are subsidized by their crappy western developed games being financially successful. It's actually the exact opposite of capcom's situation last gen where they were subsidizing their shit selling western games with their well selling japanese developed ones.

>It did and brought many new fans for FF that some are even trying the older games because they loved XV
It's also the reason why sequre is releasing the remaster verison of their old games. 'Because XV brought many new fans which is the prefect chance for them to do so.

>plotholes that needed DLC to be fixed
>bad combat
>bad game feel
>characters like Luna & Cor shafted
>bad open world
>bad "driving"
>hardly ever at risk of dying
>enemies rarely have proper tells
>plot points dropped or relegated to books and loading screens
>shit ton more I know I'm forgetting
Dungeons & music were good, though.

>funny how you say SE is "ignoring" and "forgotten" XV considering how much bitching and whining I have seen over SE the opposite of it.
I don't understand this sentence. Are you somewhat equating SE actively supporting and working on XV material with the amount of shitposting and complaints about a game you see on a random chinese imageboard? Because the two are two completely separate things and make absolutely no sense at all.

It's a fact that SE abandoned all their future plans for more XV content, even *after* promising such content in the first place. This is not a secret, it's been laid out bare in the open and a simple Google search would prove that.
Here, I saved you some time:

Attached: 1505936406421.png (220x298, 122K)

Sure, that's why all games after X and until XV were huge sellers. Oh, wait...

Square has been releasing remasters of their mainline FF games way before XV, user, what are you even talking about.

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They were.

don't forget this fucking embarrassing quest

>It did and brought many new fans for FF that some are even trying the older games because they loved XV.
And it did so by appealing to the western Assassin's Creed/openworld action crowd, which I presume have very little interest in visiting the old, slow, and long turn based games of the past.

No, I'm talking about the pathetic people who have nothing else better to do besides obsessing over hating the game (kinda like you) who stalk the ffxv account to whine about why SE is wasting so much on it despite being an old game and when it going to die. So, you saying that SE is ignoring it legit made me laugh.

Whatever you say.

>The FF series revolutionized the genre and introduced new mechanics
>merging active combat with turn based
RtWP was a thing before FF.

>NGL this is exactly the kind of thing that Tabata intended as shown here in this Versus rundown:

Attached: The whole Versus XIII and XV story.png (1920x3177, 2.28M)

What the fuck are you even talking about. I have no stake in this, I do not dislike XV and I played through it twice, both on PS4 and PC. I do consider it a very weak FF entry and I stand by my claims that it was a success mostly due to marketing and hype. As I said in a previous post, it's a *good* game, it's just not a *good* Final Fantasy mainline game. You literally sound obsessed with a paranoid disorder, I just stumbled upon a square enix thread and replied what my thoughts are on this whole debacle, does that seem so far fetched to you? Are you neuroatypical, by chance?

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I enjoyed it too, but it was a bit of a disappointment and I haven't touched it since I completed the ending. Such an awesome world I will never get to explore. Also fuck you SE, I loved Justice Monsters and played it on the train to work. Fuck you for pulling the plug on it for literally no reason.

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user, I think I may have a possible answer as to who you're arguing with. Could be wrong though, but it never hurts to say that you might be seriously arguing with (pic related), who should be banned and deserves no attention.

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>No, I'm talking about the pathetic people who have nothing else better to do besides obsessing over hating the game
Fans don't like the early access and overly monetized trajectory of the franchise after XV, and they want to speak up. What's wrong with that? Obviously it comes from a place of passion.

People do this all the time with other series like Halo and Destiny, but why is FF exempt?

It's not him. He's not throwing "cope" and paragraphs around

Yeah, yeah move the goalposts, buddy. It's not like the point was about how you think that SE is "ignoring" XV which I proved isn't the case and the cancelled dlc have nothing to do with it. They shouldn't have even existed because they add nothing to story since they aren't not canon and only announced because to milk XV further before they decided to foucs on making new games instead especially with all inner changes going in SE.

Yup, it’s him.

did her mouth get raped?

This isn't "passion", this is obsession. Stalking a game you hate just to bitch and whine about it isn't the way to be given what you want.

You want a new game? Go to the main ff account/community instead of going after ffxv's.

Didn't you threaten someone with rape? Oh, Barry. Now I see why you relentlessly reply to every FF and DmC and Xeno thread put up here. It's the only fun you'll ever have, now that the officers have allowed you a computer in your cell.

After all, you're in jail!

>the point was about how you think that SE is "ignoring" XV
I never said 'ignoring', you said it. I just claimed that SE abandoned any further plans for XV which is factually true.

>I proved isn't the case
How exactly did you "prove" this?

>the cancelled dlc have nothing to do with it
How can you claim this when the whole point is that XV is done and there won't be any further DLC plans... which is *exactly* what we're talking about.

>They shouldn't have even existed because they add nothing to story since they aren't not canon and only announced because to milk XV further before they decided to foucs on making new games instead
This statement alone proves exactly what I am saying. They are moving on and focusing on new games, XV is done and dusted. Now go back to my original posts and re-read everything I wrote because I'm done talking in circles with somebody who keeps moving goalposts, changes topic mid-way, derails the conversation, and tries to appeal to emotion with a shitty persecution complex over a fucking videogame made by a megacorporation to make money.If I were autistic I'd even go as far as claiming you're an XV shill at this stage.

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Thread's here:

I blame myself for wasting my time for the like of you who can't even make counterpoint so instead pointed fingers about "him".

Konami's actually doing Classicvania and Metroidvania collections, user. Took a fucking successful Netflix show and Capcom making bank with Megaman collections but it's happening. As far as new games go, they did that garbage mobnileshit thing but hopefully they hire M2 or Wayforward or some other pixel dev to work on it.

Ain’t even the guy you keep responding to. And frankly, by the way that you post, it’s pretty damn obvious to see who you actually are.

>Yuji Horii
He is hospitalized right now, Toriyama and Sugiyama aren't that well either. Its only a question of time before that series is forced to catch up, perhaps then it will have a chance to stop KH from taking over.

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>SE was in desperate need for a new FF game to be a huge success to bring new fans which is what XV did
>Did it though? Because all XV did was provide a huge influx of money upon release and then kinda end up being forgotten and even abandoned by SE itself (DLCs dropped, future plans dropped)
this is the point you lying bitch. You implying that xv isn't m a success or brought new fans because SE decided to move on from a game that almost two years and half which what I was arguing aganist.

The funny thing is, Barry defends XV at every turn even though the very person who was responsible for its existence from Day 1 (this being 2006) denounced it, and yet Barry uncharacteristically says this--

Attached: So this was a thing.png (310x182, 19K)

Yeah, sure. Yea Forums is just you and "him".

It's literally not an obsession. XV is the latest entry and the one setting the precedence for the future of the franchise. People discuss XV because XV dictates what happens moving forward, and they hope Square will see their feedback. Why is it so hard for you to get that? Every time a new mainline FF is released, that one becomes the focus of discussion for the community, and the last one loses relevance in that discussion.

Even the XV gamefaqs board is considered the main FF board, where people discuss the present and future.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Barry.

I'm lukewarm on the CV collections. On one hand I own pretty much all of those games in one form or another or even in multiple forms already, on the other hand it'd be convenient to have them all on one of the machines that I currently commonly use and if the collections sell well we may see new games.

Attached: Playing Castlevania with V.png (349x107, 16K)

user, for all you know, everyone on this board is either you or "him".

Except me. I'm her.

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>They'll never give us an Agni's Philosophy game

Cringe and bluepilled

Kh3 sold 5 mil opening week. I'm sure ffxv, as garbage as it was, sold like hotcakes. They're a shit dev but they always sell boatloads with their flagship games.

>No Harmony of Despair 2

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What happened, other than DW9?

Fuck that, man. I just want an easy way to play all of these games in one neat package. I know people are shitting all over their keyboards over digital only but I only buy digital anyway so I don't care. When was the last time you played Bloodlines without emulating? We need some proper support for the games that are still hostage in their original consoles, dude.

I just Konami to wake the fuck up and hire someone to make more metroidvanias/classicvanias. 2D, 3D, i don't give a shit.

As someone who knows that Versus XV exists and doesn't exist in the same way that Schrödinger's cat is either alive or dead, I can say for sure that user, I absolutely agree with you. ;________;

I honestly think they can get their shit together. Capcom did.

No, this obsession. Going to Italian restaurant to whine about why you are given Italian food is insanity which is exactly what happening here.

FF has an active main account/community for you to ask for new game. FFXV account/community who are following the game and seeking news about it.

Based and redpilled

>You implying that xv isn't m a success
I already stated that the XV *release* was a 'success', money wise, for SE[1].
However, the game itself clearly was not as successful *past its release*[2] as it was originally considered, because frankly it was not a good final fantasy game. Square failed to keep the attention of most of their audience past the initial release hype (due to marketing and big dick mainline FF title reputation) and obviously realized that further plans to expand on the universe of XV were pointless. This is very strongly hinted at by the fact that they literally dropped their director and all their DLC plans overnight and just moved on to other projects.

Now, to repeat my point:
- Was FFXV an economical success? Yes.
- Did it save the FF franchise? Laughably no.
- Was it as successful as originally planned? No (see beginning of this post)

Now go back to your cell, XV-kun.

[1] >I'm not denying that it was an economical success for them

[2] I am considering the multiplayer update, the PC port, and the royal edition as further releases that re-invigorated the revenue in a successful way, before you quote me again with out-of-context minutiae

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Konami has now internal dev team for CV at all, they just contract it out to Koreans once in awhile for shit like the mobile game. Even the collection is being contracted out. Konami will never have its own internal team for low-selling series like CV anymore - just not worth it. They make way more profit now than ever before.

*has no

Barry is surprisingly based on Twitter though

>Food comparison
I'm just talking about videogames because videogames are my hobby and I am engaging in various topics on a videogame-related imageboard. One of those topics, today, seems to be Square enix and Final Fantasy XV because I literally just stumbled upon it. This is not the FFXV subreddit, get your head out of your ass.

I don't really feel like reading through his autism but how exactly does this girl come into the picture here?

Pick one

>SE stated that XV saved the FF franchise and is a huge success
>lalalala it's not, xv-kun
The level of denial is very high with you. Seek help.

Kagari (I believe a webmaster for a mid-size FF community) was shitposting (as we all do, let's face it) and yet for some reason, Barry pissed himself with every single shitpost she made.

With wet pants in tow, Barry shat the bed by doxxing her for making him pee himself threating to rape her if she didn't stop shitposting.

Well, that's the gist of it, really. The specifics are all there but I understand, user, how you don't wanna exposed yourself to that bullshit. Self-care, as they say.

Attached: I CAN'T STAY ANY LONGER A.png (616x647, 715K)

This is because people will literally buy anything that has a big name attached to it. As written in It's the same reason why people will still go watch Star Wars by the flock despite every new movie being worse than its previous one. The name alone sells it and the company then reports it was a financial success further strengthening the idea that it was a "good" movie, despite it being terrible. Same as all the Marvel/Avenger franchise movies, or any other big blockbuster titles. People *will* buy them, because it's a social phenomenon more than a personal one. You play/buy/experience it because if you don't you won't have any way to relate to your peers that did. It does not matter how good it is. It might be good (I'm not saying all popular things are bad), but it might be bad and at the end of the day it won't matter for the company because money was made. Unless it's historically a disaster like Fallout76, and even then you can usually sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened and just try a bit harder next time around and hope for the best.

>Even the collection is being contracted out.

They've hired the best possible developer to port games to new systems, though. Outsourcing work is only bad if you pick a garbage workforce. Hamster working on Castlevania is better news that actual Konamis employees doing the same job.

I just want Versus XV

Attached: 14.gif (500x338, 464K)

[citation needed]

What the heck you whining? Did you put your nose in the middle of something you have no idea about? I was talking about the people who go to official FFXV account and stalk XV just to bitch about which is extremely pathetic because like you said, it's just a game and someone here justify it as "passion" because they want a new game.

>Going to Italian restaurant to whine about why you are given Italian food is insanity which is exactly what happening here.
That's not even remotely what is happening here. It's more like giving dissatisfied yelp reviews to the restaurant regarding a new menu addition in hopes that they hear feedback and do better next time.

It just seems like you dislike seeing people discuss XV in a negative light and can't handle criticism. You may find this shocking but every game is going to have naysayers as a part of the discussion, and you can't forcibly shut them out just because you simply don't like it. I'd argue you're obsessed with wanting a safe space.

she was shitposting where? social media or here?

Don't worry, user. We all do. Read here if you wish to HARNESS THE BURNING ANGER:

Attached: This was layer 13 in Photoshop.png (1280x720, 767K)

We are going to "get a new game" regardless. Expressing discontent with XV can also help change the direction of said new game. Stop being so dense.

I think it may have started on social media, but it for sure either continued or started here.

The faster they go bankrupt, the faster sony can buy them out.

>revealed that the strong sales SAVED the Final Fantasy franchise as a whole, which had seen declining commercial success in recent years. According to Square Enix, shipments had reached over six million worldwide by January 2017. In May of the same year, Square announced the game and Rise of the Tomb Raider helped to increase sales and profits for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. In a later interview, Enterbrain president Hirokazu Hamamura stated that the game had sold seven million copies worldwide by January 2018, ranking it as a "HUGE SUCCUSES".
Literally took me seconds to find it from the search bar.

What if I pick both?

Attached: barry.png (437x273, 42K)

Square Enix are trying to understand the western SJW culture, they aren't doing well.

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Remember that survey Squeenix released when they asked us for the exact game that we want?

Looks like might not even be necessary anymore.

>implying they would say it was a failure in front of investors or the public
How naive are you? Is this HUGE SUCCESS the reason why they dropped all further developments on the game?

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so how exactly did ol barry link an anonymous post to her?

As they say round there parts of Yea Forums,

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>I just want an easy way to play all of these games in one neat package.
I get that, it's part of the reason I'm thinking of buying the collection. I recently bought an assload of MegaMan despite owning many of them because I could get MM1-10 and all of the MMX games on my PS4 for ~$50 so please believe that I understand that sentiment.

im stealing that image

Stay bitter and in denial. Hopefully, someday you will grow up and stop being a manchild.

Not sure. Barry called an user Kagari, then the user decided to go with it (or maybe the user WAS Kagari, we'll never know).

And then all of a sudden, Barry gets a picture of someone, and her address, and her house.

Tabata is a complete retard, Nomura is too petulant
Oddly enough, Taro is one of the few people on SQuenix who can make a game in less than 10 years with a reasonable budget that also doesnt torch the franchise.

He’s not the one constantly shilling for XV, dude.

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user you kinda forgot the part where after he got her address barry threatened her with rape

I don't need to shill for it because I couldn't care less about you liking it or not. It's a game I played once and I enjoyed. I just call out people who pathetically get angry whenever someone state facts about it because they can't stand someone liking it.

Thank you, user. This greatly pleases your best ancom girl, Stellafag

Look into a mirror, jailbird.

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>It's not a *bad* game, by all means, but for all the resources and hype invested into it (and lengthy development time), it did not live up to any of it.

Hey user! B-but what if....

thats just your opinion


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>Barry called an user Kagari

let me get this straight:

so basically he was stalking some chick online, she says something bad about the game, and then barry stews in his seething shit and then comes here and screams into the ether about her? it could be literally anyone talking shit about this game but he think it's her for whatever reason and then doxxes her and threatens her

I just don't get it man

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>couldn't care less about you liking it or not
>just call out people

FTFY, ugh, dear Etro

Yes, facts.

That was earlier in the conversation, he was replying to a post that specifically asked how he linked an anonymous post to this person.


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They're run by incompetent jackasses. Somehow they managed to kill Tomb Raider, Thief, Deus Ex and (almost) Final Fantasy and Hitman. Here's hoping that Avengers game they're working on gets ruined by them as well

That's exactly it, user. Thank you!

- your best ancom girl, Stellafag

Attached: 1549030544587.png (680x383, 417K)

>It's a game I played once and I enjoyed

>I just call out people who pathetically get angry whenever someone state facts about it because they can't stand someone liking it.

Attached: 1492225655047.gif (200x200, 3.46M)

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its mobile games help it

Attached: FFXV.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

Man, how triggered are you?

get a job barry

>implying that your best ancom girl is a man
All joking aside, how sure are you we're all one person?

It's pretty easy to get "you" here by simply mentioning XV. It's both sad and funny how hard it trigger people.

Not triggered enough to resort to buzzwords lol faggot

I think it's more pathetic than funny to be honest and kinda creepy too how obessed they are with a game they claim to hate so much.

Not as pathetic as desperately obsessing over a safe space

>It's a barry samefaggin on his phone and browser episode again

tired as shit of this rerun

How the fuck has he not been permanently banned at this point?

Welcome to the gaming community where hate is the stronger and the only feeling they are capable of because they think it's make them look cool.

user, I don't think he can get himself a job from a jail cell.

Attached: xMsyGrM.jpg (974x484, 40K)

Either the mods have had enough, or he's invested in Yea Forums pass for so long that he can shitpost from inside an Australian prison.

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He can get himself a decent job as a prison bitch, though.

Just when I thought it was over, I start opening my mouth like a hyena again. Kudos, user, kudos!

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>Why can't they just get their shit together.

They are: Massive reconstructions are happening at Square right now. With live-service/shared world console games dying out, and the rise of single player games since early 2017, they are refocusing their teams in 3 different departments instead of 9.

With KH3 & FFXV both being finished this year, they can start fresh with any titles they please. I am assuming games like Nier opened their eyes that AA titles have a market, but with games like Left Alive it's hard to know if they have their qualification to make them or outsource them, and the recent Capcom resurgence most definitely made them envious.

For the future, I fully expect Nier 3 made by Plat and Taro will have a AAA budget, and the Heavesward team will handle the next mainline Final Fantasy while Yoshi-P will be the producer.

Are you alright?

I can actually say that I am, user. Had a bit of a rough week, and letting out my keyboard crashing skills like a 14-year old K-Pop fan on Twitter is really helping me loosen up.

By selling all there old games in a collection pack

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Permanent bans don't work for shit except against people who are straight up technologically illiterate. Yea Forums could start shadowbanning by keywords but then I'm sure people would type their fingers raw bitching about how this place is no different from reddit without the daily 4000 "what did he mean by this" threads with screenshots of twitter taken from the front page of reddit. It's pretty much up to you to set up filters but enjoy doing that every time the flavor of the month memes change, I've even seen people c'hange thei'r p,astas weekly in that manner to get around personal and site filters because some people are that desperate for attention.

I'm mad at Square Enix for their bad Final Fantasy ports. FFVI is trash. At the very least, the pixel sprites should be an option. FFIX has a terrible mobile UI. What's weird is that they decided to release a patch for PS4 to scale the UI down to something a bit more reasonable but gave PC users the middle finger and aren't applying the same patch.

Attached: ffix.jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

But they fixed Chrono Trigger with original to remake (phone) option in new game meau

SE seems to hate PC. A while ago they even added always online DRM to some of their stuff on Steam, some of which had been out for years and was exclusively single player. No fucking clue what they hoped to accomplish there except to ensure that people pirate those oldass games instead of dropping $5 for them.

The ct port still has issues. Youre better off using an emulator

Attached: VERSUS.jpg (1920x1080, 357K)

Oh hot damn, the redone color grading. Oh hot damn.

Like what kind?

This, they were disorganized even in the 80s. The only reason they're still alive is because they had a ton of talented devs in the 90s and burned through them making amazing games.

Dragon Quest is good, but they merged into that. Mana 1 and 3 are pretty good too. Also FFTactics, since it's just repainted Ogre Battle.

>square dnix is bad meme
One of the only good companies left. Westabooa disagree.

Konami and Crapcom are the real issues

Because nobody bought the PC Port.
Because why the fuck would you?

Yeah probably. The fan reaction globally was pretty much "this is Final Fantasy." It'll be over 20 years since the last "Classic" FF by the time it's done, so I fully expect a IX style fan masturbation game that leans hard on old FF and DQ aesthetics.

Capcom is making a comeback, though.