Pick carry win

>pick carry win
>pick support lose

why is this game so shit and full of idiots?

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real question is why you're still playing mobas

>Pick support
>Transition into carry and win

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I'll never forgive FrostyToad for turning Dota into LoL

Stop being a dogshit support

Literally what does that have to do with what I said? LoL's "supports" by design can't transition into carries and if they do, Riot "changes" them to be more in line with their vision for the character.

denying is too hard

this whole game revolves around behaviors score.

t. 4k player who made a smurf and tried to climb with 1k behavior score

>Play literally any beefy strength hero
>This guys comes rolling up in a creep
What do?

Attached: lifestealer_full.jpg (3190x1292, 2.4M)

This is hero is just shit so probably just stand there and kill him

So whats your mmr anons?

>*Manfights you*

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I remember back in the days being affraid of this hero coming out of jungle, nowadays the game and hero is so shit that you can stand still and kill him.

Botmatch with friends only chad reporting.

Cast w, cast q, cast e, attack, cast w again, enjoy having +300g

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>tfw no more full AP soraka
>tfw every support is forced to stack those garbage "+10% healing" items
Fuck Rito.

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Just TP to fountain.

>Get out of 300 range
>hoo hoo
>ha ha
Get a gun, you'll live longer.

Describe the players for each position

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top nigger
mid nigger
bot nigger
top/bot support nigger
2nd top/bot support nigger
if anyone is jungle then double nigger because jungle isn't viable anymore
replace nigger with cyka if you want

1. Drooling retard who needs handholding and can't for the love of god teamplay when needed
2. Highly skilled butterfly who dominates the game until going gets rough, then turns into a bitch
3.Calm bro who has seen some shit
4. Playmaker who either pops off or does jackshit whole game
5. 'I'm the smartest of my team!' or an OwO poster

1. A literal manchild who requests constant babysitting. If a fight breaks out in the other side of the map, never attempts to make a trade or join the teamfight.
2. Dominates the game for the first 15 minutes, then makes the dumbest item build in existence and proceeds to be irrelevant for the rest of the game.
3. Dies to the enemy position 1 at least thrice during laning phase and struggles to get his relevant utility items before 20 minute mark.
4. The guy who wants to be 3, steals farm from people who need it more.
5. The guy who thinks that putting a ward once in 10 minutes and pulling the short lane camp once during the whole game makes him a good support player.

>When your support tells that they can't afford wards right now and you see magic wand and trancboots in their inventory

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