What single feature, if announced, could make you hopeful for TES VI?
Hard mode: no "new engine"/"different dev" replies
What single feature, if announced, could make you hopeful for TES VI?
Hard mode: no "new engine"/"different dev" replies
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>Hard mode: no "new engine"/"different dev" replies
Funny, these are the only two things that would make me give a fuck about the game.
epic store exclusive
Sex scenes between an Orc female and human male
At this point I don't care about the RPG elements, they can make it an action-adventure game for all I care, but I want it to feel good to play. I want satisfying movement, combat, object interaction, non-roach diagonal walking, unarmed and weapon hits that actually feel like they connect and have an effect on the enemy, cursor that doesn't fling about the screen like it's on ice, reactive physics, dismemberment, zero lag between input and execution, zero lag between object interaction etc. The jank needs to go.
Spell crafting better than Lichdom Battlemage.
Weapons you can only smith, and only if you have found the proper instructions or lore as well as the proper rareish items.
All weapons can be disenchanted but rare enchantments require specific circumstances to apply to other items.
More tactics based combat if you want to take advantage of it.
More special armor and weapon sets.
More weapon types
More specific level skills
More motivation to craft potions
More interesting and unique locations
Scipt extender feature by default.
They rip off Dark Messiah of Might and Magic's combat.
After the debacle of Fallout 76 we have stopped listening to the fans.
Turns out they are morons who have no idea what they want.
More action game elements. TES was never good as an RPG anyway, it's "power" comes from being an open world game. It's only an RPG because "that's how they used to do it".
I'm already will buy it, no matter what. I don't care about your little circlejerk, bethesda games are good and always managed to take my attention for hundreds of hours.
Better companion AI
Limb damage/dismemberment
Can no longer use a bow while stealthed
Custom spells like Oblivion
You are just an average person, not some special snowflake
Actual game difficulty, not just health sponges
Skill tree for mounted combat, gives unique bonuses to regular combat
Telekinesis damage being based on item weights/if they are a weapon, adding in the damage/effects it has
More spells, mind control, sandstorm, quicksand, earth magic
Plenty more, but i'll leave it there
a mode that turns every npc into fully voiced homosexual argonian males of every (non-extreme) bodytype.
unarmed combat
Well-written, branching story
Armor customization
Wild-ass spells, like Dragon's Dogma
My worst fear is it will be Hammerfell and Kirkbride will be back full time.
If one happens will wait and see before buying.
If both happen it will be a hard pass because nothing good will come out of it.
Good melee combat, the ability to swing your weapon around where it's location in space matters. Like m&b.
Morrowind made me hopeful for the future of the serious, but both oblivion and skyrim failed to deliver. Sure in Morrowind you only swung your weapon one way, but the fact that you could made me dream of a game where the xyz of the weapon matter.
M&B combat is utter dogshit though.
It is Morrowind tier bad.
killable npcs
Your wrong opinion doesn't matter.
Actual cities.
new mod friendly engine is a must at this point
Silent protagonist
Fuck off Todd its your job to make the game not ours.
You can block a lance charge from a horseman at full gallop with a dagger if you time it right.
It is horrible on so many levels.
I’d be happy if they added a perk system similar to fallout 3 and new Vegas, it was one of the few things I preferred in fallout over tes since it made leveling up more interesting
Fuck a new engine. Just make it a real RPG not this garbage that is modern Fallout and TES. AND REMOVE SCALING.
No money in RPGs.
Hell even Obsidian is moving on from them.
give me a modernized Morrowind
i'd much rather todd come on Yea Forums and ask for pointers rather than just make a shitty game again
fishing and crafting, botw style cooking, not settlements but every item needs a use like fall out 4, and adding fishing would convince me its not just skyrim with a new story.
skyrims downtime is boring and once you start overusing fast travel because youve seen all the land inbetween it becomes a load fest.
Give us the art style from Blades. Whilst having the same models from Skyrim
Actual cool as fuck armour in this game Blades.
Literally every decision they've made in Fallout 4 means they'll do the exact opposite of this. They're trying to make the games into "infinite content" simulators instead of unique experiences. Radiant quests in Skyrim were the beginning but randomized weapons and armor in F4 means they're dead set on the concept.
Todd "interpretation" of what Yea Forums would have to say would be what not to do in the next game
That looks really generic and nothing like the established TES aesthetic, then again it's clear they've been moving to abandon it ever since Oblivion.
For it to be released this year, but information points to not for another 5. Fucking idiots man.
I'd actually enjoy Blades if it wasn't for the garbage microtransactions and chest timers ruining and gating the progression. I'll probably play the shit out of it once a modded version comes out.
phone fags leave
Yea Forums wanted survival mode.
We got Fallout 76.
Yea Forums is just as retarded as anyone.
Fallout 76 is a battle royals game you mongoloid. Survival is a completely different genre.
>wanting survival mode is the same thing as wanting a buggy fucking mess with zero modding capabilities and the last traces of role playing elements ripped out of the game in favor of a survival gerne cash grab.
Party gameplay mechanics
I played ESO for free yesterday and it looked nice.
what is that todd you're talking about? lets forget about him and talk about the best way to make TES VI
Yea Forums also liked the item degradation as well.
They thought it brought back a level of challenge that had been lacking.
To be fair they are correct.It is very difficult to enjoy tedium.
Actually fun fucking combat for once
>Yea Forums wanted survival mode
We have mods for that. Too bad Todd and co. didn't get a clue from the popular mods and went full retard instead.
>Can no longer use a bow while stealthed
Maybe you should have started working on it back in 2011 like any normal developer would.
No instead we get another mainline product 15 fucking years later.
>Hardcore mode
>Better streamline between RPG and action elements
>A decent art style
I assume to prevent the prevalent stealth archer build
Fuck stealth archers is what I gather from that.
Stealth archery is only prevalent because literally every other form of weapon combat feels like utter shit. It's an avoidance tactic to bypass the shitty melee.
I was too busy making other awesome games like fallout 76
You're such a fucking retard bandwaggoner. The "TES" aesthetic? You mean Morrowind's?
No devs/engine?
Actual good gameplay,
Interesting quests,
Removal of map markers and implementing a real travel system instead of teleporting bullshit.
No bugs.
I assume he means the one with actual identity, yeah.
Yes, the game which saved them from bankruptcy and whose original ideas serve as the basis of the series' success.
Let modders handle the niche markets.
Hopefully they have learned the lesson "make niche games get niche audiences" with 76.
Then why try and pretend you're a TES fan instead of just saying "Morrowind Aesthetic"? That's what you actually mean.
> No map markers
> Real travel system.
They tried that in Morrowind and it sucked.
I guess it somewhat does.
I absolutely can not wait for Blades to come out to PC, and let the modders unfuck the game and make it fun to play. Patience my fellow male argonian egg brother. It will come to us one day.
I wish I had the game; my phone can't handle it. That's why i'm waiting for it to come to PC; then let the modders do their work. Let the mobile blokes do all the play testing for us.
I want a good conjuration skill tree with good spells. Also magic that doesn't suck dick. Also, more than 3 offensive spells.
Dude, no one cares about pre-Morrowind TES, not even Bethesda. It'd be like claiming the arcade Mario Bros or Donkey Kong games are more important to the Mario Franchise than Super Mario Bros or Super Mario World.
The Morrowind aesthetic is the TES aesthetic. Daggerfall has no aesthetic. It's just shitty, generic fantasy, and literally no one was ever impressed by it's visual direction.
proper VR support.
SkyrimVR was cool, but it's was a half-assed port that's you'd have to mod to death to make it playable.
No it didn't.
get rid of most UI and handholding
have to use signs and actual maps to get around
actually good balanced magic and combat
big difficult world without level scaling
doubt it though
tfw playing vanilla Skyrim and I am actually having a lot of fun just exploring and shit
I'm a little excited already but if they go balls deep with the creation club and kill 3rd party mod support then I'm not only dropping the game, I'm dropping Todd and his faggot boyfriend Pete. I know it's sad but Bethdesa just sets up the foundation for a good RPG but makes the fans put in work actually realize that good rpg. I'm a bit apprehensive because Skyrim is pretty good with the right mods but Fallout 4 irredeemable shit no matter how you slice it. I wonder how they'll fuck up VI, it can't be worse than 4 right?
I am sure the modders will howl but nothing of value will be lost.
> But muh waifus and floppy dongs.
Survival mode, not the "early access survival sandbox" meme genre
>> But muh waifus and floppy dongs.
Fuck you buddy. One, Skyrim has been my go to wank material for almost a decade now because of how awesome the mods are and two, you clearly know zero about mods because waifu mods are a definite minority in the modding scene. There's over 60 thousand mods on the nexus alone and I guarantee you they aren't all tiddy mods, go back to playing vanilla and providing the occasional blowie for Todd and Pete, faggot.
Just some good lore like Skyrim had and a comfy world. Fallout was always a side joke for them and 76 was done by the Austin studio so I'm not afraid.
Unironically love you Todd and I have faith you'll do well.
It's challenging and you die a lot... which is never happening because Todd's games are for toddlers.
For toddlers and 80 year old grandmas - literally what they bragged about in the Elder Scrolls 25 years old video.
Is Fallout 4 worth it now? With mods and all. I don't mind the lack of RPG mechanics if it's fun.
Whatever degenerate.
No, it's an FPS now and it's shit at it
They can't. It's still using the same dogshit Morrowind engine. If they announce to be using Unreal 4 that'd blow me away but I know Shitthesda will never abandon that garbage engine because their programmers are mediocre hacks who can't code and still have a job because everyone is friends. Rockstar is using a 10 year old in house engine but they manage to update it to top of the line quality unlike Shitthesda which is still using Morrowind coding.
RAGE is practically new when it comes to game engine ages, is purpose built for their needs, and is actually fucking fantastic, and Rockstar knows how to utilize it. Even with the underwhelming content and input lag, moving, shooting, driving, physics, the world, everything is top notch, best in industry IMO.
RAGE isn't being made by Shitthesda, it's made by Id hwnce they aren't using the piece of shit gamebryo engine.
The hell do you have against stealth archer?
If you don't like it, just don't crouch when you shoot from your fucking bow.
Why remove people's option to choose?
It's bad game design, it'd be like giving people god mode by default in Souls games and saying "if you don't like it don't use it" when the entire point of the game is overcoming challenges
He's talking about Rockstar's engine, RAGE, not the game.
>Hard mode
Bethesda came out and shat at EGS
The poor reception of FO76 has essentially forced them to try to recapture their jaded fanbase and they've used the Outer Worlds fiasco to their advantage
Stealth Archer is only OP in Skyrim, that's a balance thing. Archery in general is completely useless in Oblivion.
Outside of the bow while stealthed, I agree with all theses points.
However, even in Skyrim you can play as an average person if you just don't do the main quest past the Bleak Falls Barrow.
No one will call you dragonborn. No shouts can be used. Nothing. You're normal.
It's not perfect, I know. I'd rather the new game have multiple places to start and depending on where you start, determines if you're a "special snowflake" or not.
So if you want to play as a superhero legend, you can depending on which optional start you take.
Ah, never really knew what Rockstars gta4 engine name actually was. All I knew is they reset it after every game and update it to make sure it can handle modern shit like snow physics and cloud godrays. Not like Shitthesda's frankenstein """""Creation engine""""" with godrays coming out of the floor and horrible pop-ins in Sellout 76.
I already am but otherwise, Kirkbride. You can fix a shit magic and combat system, you can't fix bad base game writing.
Yeah but that's a Souls game were that is the point.
No one plays Elder Scrolls for the challenge.
It's discovering/interacting with the world and making your own story.
No companions at all.
>game has braindead AI
>take away options because the braindead AI can't handle it
Truly the solution we've all been looking for.
>"new engine"/"different dev"
No, it's not. The only problem is the bad enemy AI.
Pretty much this.
The only thing that would interest me outside of those things would be if they announced that the entire continent of Tamriel was open to play in.
At the very least that would be fun to run around in and see what there is to see. Even if it was as shitty as Skyrim was on release, it would be worth a purchase for that alone.
I am confused.
You don't like shitty writing but seem to want Kirkbride back.
That does not compute.
Did you mean Peterson?
I only care about waifus.
>Bring back shit like mysticism, athletics. Restore cut content
>Remove Level Scaling and item scaling
>Fix Comabt from the mess it is
>More RPG elements- choices that affect something (or just choices in general), world responds to your character and actions, some actions/items will be locked based on certain choices
>Less followers but better quality followers
>Better AI
>Spell crafting
>No more chosen one bullshit
>If keeping perk/skill tree, flesh it out. Not just do 25% More damage with x spread across all trees
Todd is killed on live tv
Proper fur on Khajiits rather than just textures applied to the base body mesh.
basically just readd everything they stripped from the series over the years
Daggerfall/Morrowind 2.0
May not be a single feature I guess, but complex magic. For a specific feature, spell creation. But I guess they don't want it to resemble morrowind and Oblivion...
Personally, I'm more MONSTERaider retexture guy.
Both are nice, user, but wouldn't it be better to not need custom textures if the game used a fur rendering tech like TW3, FFXV, and a couple of others?
Maybe in TES VI
Reintroduce from Daggerfall:
>all skills
>all abilities
>large breasted women everywhere
A new engine would be even worse.
I can't think of another engine that can do what TES/Fallout requires and do it decently well.
It's not the engine, it's Bethesda being lazy and uncaring about their work.
That's cute that Heather uses a picture of her boyfriend.
>the first photo realistic grandma sex mod
It's coming.
>>all skills
Have you actually played Daggerfall? Half the skills are dead weight.
A return to form in terms of lore and dialogue. Not magic boxes, just some original and half-decent writing that isn't done by an intern in a single day.
Make them not dead weight.
If we have a game with 50 skills and 25 of them are useless, the solution is not removing those 25. The solution is giving all of them a use.
Came here to post this.
Alternatively, the combat from Dragon's Dogma.
The reason everyone becomes a stealth archer is that it's the only way to add even a little depth to the combat. Otherwise you're attacking a mudcrab in exactly the same way as you'd attack a troll, a bandit or a giant. It's so fucking dull to hammer away at an enemy with your weapon when there's no depth to anything.
Stuff like critical hit and backstab should not be standalone skills. Fuck giving them a use, get rid of them. Half the skills in Daggerfall are just auto-pacify. It's so much fucking trash.
>in depth character creation that isn't just "choose what nose your mongoloid has"
>more expansive magic system with actual useful spells that will make me experiment, also spellcrafting and a better mages guild
>better guild questlines in general
>actions actually carry weight
>a better skill system
this one is specifically irritating, because Skyrim's skill system was about as dumbed down as you can get when compared to the older elder scrolls games. In morrowind we had
>Blunt, Axe, Short Blade, Long Blade, Spear, Hand-to-Hand
for melee skills.
now we have
>one hand
>two hand
it's a fucking disgrace. Bring back specialization.
what retexture is that
The return of attributes and skills, which means getting rid of the perk system.
Still made by Bethesda, but everyone at the studio is fired and replaced with CDPR's staff
Why would turning Bethesda into Polish Ubisoft be a good thing?
Your view of what TES/Fallout "requires" is skewed, then. They do not have to be the same fps action adventure games over and over again.
Didnt they just announce it WILL infact be in Hammerfall?
>no "new engine"
another engine
This is a huge one, it bottlenecks all of the good mods.
In a use-to-improve leveling system it absolutely makes sense to cut skills that cannot be reliably and consistently utilized. It's utterly baffling to me that they've cut spell trees and movement skills like acrobatics and athletics that have clear and obvious active uses throughout every aspect of the game, but insist on leaving in the passive armor skills that only improve when you're fucking up.
Normies don't care about specialization or role-playing, they just want to kill dragons n shiet.
i want modern dagerfall. but this will never ever happen.