>grab this on PS4 to play with my brother because everyone says it's a good coop game
>start playing
>several minute long unskippable intro cutscenes with inconsistent volume dialog and terrible animations I'd expect to see in an indie game
>game itself is no better
>the jokes all try too hard and seeing each NPC makes me groan as I know 30 seconds of absolute non stop quips are approaching
>guns/combat are boring and uninspired, with the only attempt at salvaging it being the loot system (that just ends up being micromanagement instead of being excited for cool new guns)
>enemies are all generic or a psycho pallette swap
>quests are structured poorly and just "go here and shoot thing (and here's a quip as to why)"
>the final cherry on the turd is the graphics and artstyle are hideous with added constant pop-in and blurry textures (I could forgive this if any other part of the game were good)
Who could even like this garbage? How did they get enough money to make a third game? I've never felt so much buyer's remorse over $15, there's not a single redeeming aspect. Fuck you Randy Pitchford.
Grab this on PS4 to play with my brother because everyone says it's a good coop game
I doubt this dumpster heap is any better on pc
Does that mean you pay for PS+ ?
If so, you have no right to complain, less to breath.
I got it for the bloodborne online features
>e doesn’t have a phone to post on
oh my God you've ruined me
Still makes you a huge faggot. Not an excuse.
Kys and die
>less to breathe
all pc virgins don't deserve to breathe desu
Acquire friends, you lonely mentally ill creature.
I have friends. They're just real and not virtual. Virgin faggot.
Besides that's still not an excuse to buy PS+.
You must be +18 to post here OP.
>If you not like thing me like you underage *huff* *grunt*
Cool it grug
Please continue typing and arguing like a sixteen year old, so the mods have an easier job picking you out.
Oh a BL criticism thead
>complains about unskippable videos, volume and other trash
The only actual complaint there is the gun system, and it already falls apart at "uninspired" you either haven't played for more than 3hrs or are really bad at making points.
Playing the BL Remaster reminds me what I liked about BL in the first place. It's so much more streamlined.
But the thing that strikes me most is that it's so quiet. The interruptions are few and far between. There isn't 4 paragraphs of "jokes" accompanying each and every quest.
Only the first one was good
The only thing I really really really really disliked about borderlands (in general, not just 1, but I think 1 was worse) is the enemy respawns. There's nothing more annoying than having to clear the same camps/locations over and over and over again because all the copypasted reskinned psycho enemies just keep respawning as soon as I leave the map or restart the game or go a bit too far and then come back.
It doesn't bother me in games like diablo because the gameplay itself is making your own build and looting, but in BL it's just boring because it's just bullet sponges and all you do is shoot at them. It takes 0 shooting skills and it's just trite.
I didn't get remaster but
>get Borderlands on ps3 to play with a friend visiting me
>vertical splitscreen
RE games have the best splitscreens
Before I played Borderlands 2 I had been playing the general shit AAA pushes out like COD and AC along with all the other normal shit. Playing it for the first time was definitely a breath of fresh air. I thought it was charming how all the characters were flushed out by their dialogue and seemed so alive. They actually have personalities. Damn I love that game.
The writing / memes are really not that bad. All conversations with the NPCs are pretty straightforward. Not sure where this perception comes from. The whole game has a slight comedic touch, but its really pretty minor.
The only one who is annoying is claptrap, and he is supposed to be.
>reinstall borderlands 2
>the step right before the sanctuary HQ still exists
>The whole game has a slight comedic touch, but its really pretty minor.
>really pretty minor
>pretty minor
1 was so bland. 2 did add a lot more dialogue for better and worse, but 1 was almost forgettable and I would've forgotten about it if not for the DLC. Dr. Ned, Moxxi, and Knox were all great.
I don't understand the criticism ere, are you advocating for bland writing?
hey brainlet
dont bother replying because i wont read it :)
BL1 was bland but 2 far overstayed its welcome.
>defending Anthony Burch and his writing
Damn, this place has changed ...
It wasn't that bad desu. Pre-sequel on the other hand...
I don't like anthony burch as a person. hes pretty pathetic, but you can separate the work from the writer. his sister is kinda funny though.
quit acting like anything you experienced in the past matters to anyone. nobody cares.
BL2 is unplayable without the reborn modpack. And even then you’re only going to really enjoy it if the micromanagement appeals to you. What I like about BL2 compared to 1 is the build variety for (most) of the cast
Yeah man I don't really get it either. Probably much better with a friend so you can shoot the shit while everything happens. I could never get through one of these either though.
>constantly get stuck on invisible obstructions/terrain
>player collision in co-op
>outleveled by enemies unless i grind sidequests
>200 bullets to kill one normal enemy
>gun drops are shit with the exception of the ones you buy with keys
>forced lolsorandum "humor"
getting rare loot is inherently satisfying but besides that the only redeeming factor in BL2 is fighting hordes of strong enemies with friends
Borderlands is garbage regardless of platform
Jesus I cannot believe this is a thing, do yourself a favor and play some Yea Forums recommendations on one of those top 100 lists.
Yea Forums sucks at calling out good games. You have an inferior taste in video games and that's it.
I got Borderlands 1 GOTY Edition for the PS3 back when it was still relevant and I'm sure I didn't get past 5 hours in, is the game supposed to be this painfully boring?
>Yea Forums top 100
Yeah let me just replay New Vegas for the 5th time or not spec into swimming in deus ex and see how that goes. Yea Forums has fucking terrible taste with some good classics sprinkled in, problem is literally everyone has played those classics to death
You played for not more than 10 hours, everyone can smell your bullshit
Are you talking about 1 or 2? cause the 1 remaster lets you skip all the cutscenes in the game with a single button press. not sure about 2.
the noxious air from the trailer park you live in really hurt your brain man
they're timed respawns not range based in 1. If you're going through an area so slowly that mobs can respawn, you've got problems m8. I assume your first experience with this is that shock cave, and that's probably the only fair one. Cause alpha skags are bullshit if you don't have something to set them on fire, cause hitting their ass when they have superman tier lock-on is dumb. But after that you should never experience it ever again.
I just like to explore in games and never go straight from point A to point B until I've cleared everything. And BL1 prevents me from actively doing that and adds an extra layer of anxiety by having to constantly remember when an enemy could respawn and catch me off guard from the back.
It's just poor/lazy game design. It works well in MMOs because you need to keep respawns up to speed with the amount of players, but for single/co-op games like this having timed respawns is straight up dumb.