Be me

>be me
>play on PC with DS4 (tried wired/wireless)
>wtf deflecting in sekiro is hard to time
>switch to mouse
>mfw I'm a shinobi God now
fuck controllers

Attached: sekiro_.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)


Just buy a fucking xbox controller you goddamn retard.

>Just buy a fucking xbox controller you goddamn retard.

Ds4 dpad is a must for 2d platformers

Controllers are trash and all have input delay.

A certain eceleb I'm aware of complains about input lags when using a controller on pc

>2d platformers

Better played with your keyboard, just set it up like a hitbox.

Controllers are designed for Bluetooth on their native systems, the wired connections have horrible input delay.

>Controllers are designed for Bluetooth on their native systems, the wired connections have horrible input delay.
It's a sekiro issue

Works great with other games on PC

Oh shit, so there is an actual issue with ds4? No wonder.

Fuck fuck bros I let the mom and son die because I thought 13% aid was enough

>Fuck fuck bros I let the mom and son die because I thought 13% aid was enough
I got as low as 12% before curing and they did not die

They always die once you complete Hirata Estate. How the fuck do people still think it's because of dragonrot or some shit?


Because they dont pay attention to the NPC dialogue.

I had a similar experience switching from a joystick to a mouse in a space sim.

Can't you fix this by turning off controller rumble?

Is it a known issue that Sekiro has input lag with controllers?
Sometimes when I hit a button nothing happens, but I chalked it up to my computer getting on there in years.

I'm using x360ce btw
Since steam doesn't map my inputs to sekiro

I have a DS4, and had no issues?
Is this a meme or did I just not notice?

>be me
Kill yourself and fuck off.


>the absolute state of fromsoftwarefags

Attached: IMG_20190405_143738_568.jpg (1280x1187, 80K)

Why does Sekiro get so many more threads than DMCV?


>actually stuck at geneshiro
Fuck me. I beat him once easily enough but now that I saw his 3rd phase I quickly lose patience when fighting him all over again.
What's the best loadout against him?

Because DMCV bombed and it's not an hard game. It also plays like every other action games and it has an easy mode

>Why does Sekiro get so many more threads than DMCV?
you need to play Sekiro yourself

DMC just plays itself

seriously how are people playing with DS4?

Steam recognizes the controller and I use it in other games, but it does nothing in Sekiro

I need to use x360ce and have input lag

You need to go to steam settings and set your controller profile or whatever to Playstation. Worked for me. When I first booted Sekiro it didn't recognize my controller either.

I did and still nada

I even tried big picture mode

ps. I don't have DS4win installed

big picture mode works for me

I will never understand the people who think M+KB is bad in modern FromSoft games.
The radically reduced input latency alone makes them much better than a controller.

Use DS4Window and select hide DS4 controller in the setting.
I did a comparison with the big picture mode and I feel that DS4win have a smoother analog camera control.

do I still launch the game from Steam then?

I have to try this

Yeah just disable steam to detect the controller.

>I have to try this
it's night and day

trust me I'm bad at video games

>hide from ds4
>hide from steam

truly a shinobi

Attached: carlos.png (350x350, 138K)

apparently some people can't get it to work with ds4windows even with the "hide ds4" option bc nvidia shadowplay is not letting ds4windows take exclusive control. you need to open task manager, go to services tab and right click NvContainerLocalSystem and click Stop. then open ds4windows again and make sure it gives you no red error message at the bottom, just that controller 1 is connected etc. afterwards, you can Start the NvContainerLocalSystem service again but be aware you will need to disable it again if you restart your pc or ds4windows.

Also a quicker/easier and permanent method should be to just disable the Nvidia Shadowplay overlay. you can do that through the GeForce experience settings. I haven't tested this yet tho bc I like having my overlay for the fps counter and for recording some games!

Forgot to mention
Also set the bluetooth poll rate to max (1ms) for minimized input lag if you are using one

>try playing a souls game with kb + m
>literally impossible
>try playing sekiro with kb + m
>plays perfectly
Activision did something right.