>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
games should be for everyone.
Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
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Look at current World of Warcraft bro
Because it defeats the purpose of the game. The director wanted you to struggle through it, so that you can feel accomplished after beating it.
Making an easy mode gives an easy way out making the game feel less rewarding for the people that play it on easy, which would also result in them dropping the game and maybe even give it bad reviews.
I couldn't care less though if someone else gets to use an easy mode, but I see why a game director would not want to cripple his tightly crafted experience he has in store for you.
because the game has no real content outside of fighting the same boss 23784239 times and beating him
this was a problem for me because the game is really easy for me and I beat it in 3~ hours on my first try
I couldn't give a shit about Sekiro or any Souls game desu, but since when are video games supposed to conform to the player's needs? What is the point of playing it if you will just blow through the game without ever challenging yourself?
I guess you could argue that it should be up to the player to decide whether or not the game is challenging. I don't see anything wrong with the game forcing a certain experience onto the player, though.
Nothing is stopping people from playing it so there isn't a real issue.
Daily reminder that their standard is that Miyazaki himself needs to be able to beat the game, and that he is shit at vidya. People just gotta get good.
>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
How about the best reason to ever exist?
FromSoft don't feel like it.
Aren't these the same people that say videogames are art? They're spitting in the face of what an artist wanted if they complain about difficulty
the devs don't want it to be easy. don't like it, don't buy it
Reason 1: git gud
All fucking casuals must fucking hang.
Does Super Mario need an easy mode?
>games should be for everyone.
They are for everyone. It's up to the player to not be shit at a game. There isn't anything stopping them from getting good aside from themselves.
I can name the only reason that matters. It has one intended difficulty. The current difficulty is the way the game is meant to be played/ experienced. That's all there is to it.
I agree that Sekiro should have an easy mode.
It'd poison the community with low-skill casual faggots who think they're entitled to entertainment without even trying to git gud.
With trash like that in community, Sekiro fans are sure to have a bad time. That's what I want.
because if it did have easy mode we will no longer bask in casulfags' tears while they cry for an easy mode and the disable people.
>Tranny wants an easy mode
Another reason to not want it
yes according to nintendo
Nintendo fucking implemented an easy mode that lets the comp play for you
the challenge is the only reason to play sekiro. why would anyone want to play it on easy mode? you'd just realize how shallow and uninteresting it is.
Not having easy mode is as the artists intended. That's the only reason that counts. Nobody's removing shit from movies and TV they don't like to make them easier to experience. But games? Let's create a movement to make them even more simple. Fuck this gay earth and all the people hell-bent on destroying my favorite hobby.
because games are entertainment not art
Overhyped artsy gargabe shilled by journos is now shilled again as if the creator is an authority in games whatsoever
Playing video games is a privilege not a right.
additional development time and distancing from creators vision.
This but ironically
The devs don't want it isn't enough?
Thanks user, you me made me sad with that post.
We just had this thread and everyone in it that argued it should have an easy mode got BTFO. One guy couldn't figure out that there was a tutorial area in the game. Another admitted he didn't even play these games.
every day.
every single fucking day the exact same bait threads. and it's always just as effective at baiting retards as the first time.
i think I'll just give up on reporting this shit and just join in, getting mass replies is so easy these days.
>b-but muh cinematic experience
part of the experience of soulsborne(ish) games is perseverance in the face of difficulty
adding an easy mode is essentially removing a chunk of the game for a large amount of weak-willed people
I wouldn't give a shit about Sekiro having an easy mode if it weren't for the fact that it's only and ONLY games "journalists" pushing for it out of sheee laziness.
This isn't about kids, disabled people or people that are bad at video games. Those people either don't care about hard games or shck it up abd get better.
This is exclusively about journalists being lazy fucks that want to blaze through a game on easy mode so they can write an opinion piece that's purely informed by their feelings and not the actual quality of the game while avoiding to get called out on their laziness.
In all honesty, if I were making games I'd go down the TimeSplitters route where you get more story and cintent the harder you go. Journalists would basically continuously embarass themselves.
I have hated From Software lately for being hacks that can make nothing but shitty souls clones, but I respect them for that.
This is basically the only argument anyone needs. If you don't give enough of a shit to learn the game, then you fundamentally misunderstand it and should therefore find something else to do.
I will support easy mode only if they make it as embarrassing as possible for the people who use it.
Otherwise just put in some fucking cheat codes that don't require downloading from a 3rd party.
if i ever made a video game i would name the easiest difficulty "gaming journalist mode"
Odyssey actually has an assist mode retard
>make games about struggling in a deadly world as a normal adventurer
>"wow wtf this should have an easy mode"
I've got a reason for you. Your mom, lol.
It should just have a lazy cheat menu
Don’t make an easy mode just give them cheater mode
1 hot girl
Auto parry and a fat branding that says cheater.
All the NPCs call you cheater, you’re name becomes cheater and you get the cheater’s ending telling you to play the game the way it was supposed to be played
>if I were making games I'd go down the TimeSplitters route where you get more story and cintent the harder you go.
>Journalists would basically continuously embarass themselves.
There's a tutorial area?
I've never played it either so I wouldn't know.
>I like golf but it's too difficult, you have to be a total no-lifer who does nothing but play golf in order to be good enough at it to actually have fun. They should add an easy mode, so everyone can enjoy golf. I paid for my clubs so I should get to have the same enjoyment as everyone else. Anything less is just bad game design that screws the customer.
>games should be for everyone
Nothing is for everyone, books and movies aren't. Games are no different.
A game provides an interactive experience, and when the difficulty and struggle are an intentional and integral part of that experience you can't take it out, everything else would be hollowed as a result.
But then again you don't want actual reasons, just replies.
Bait post.
Just imagine how fucking shitty this game would be if it was easy to kill everything right off the bat.
Just fucking imagine.
Nothing is for everyone. Just play something else and watch the story on youtube or something since that's always what the easy mode people want.
>pic rel.
I hope the journalist was fired after that?
Jamestown is like that.
The game has 5 difficulties
only the 3rd one (and later) can access the ending.
I can't beat 5th difficulty because I am 2casual so I expect there's more content to it that I can't reach.
I suppose it's for the best. You can't be proud of being at the top if everyone else can get the same rewards.
He just edited out the refrence to the ending of the game in his review iirc.
>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
project resources should not be devoted to reworking the game to appease casuals.
There wouldn't be a point to it.
Why can't they grasp that the difficulty is integral to the game as much as every other mechanic?
Because the difficulty is a part of the intended experience. It isnt a bug, it is a feature. Fuck off.
>have trouble with Lone Shadows Longswordman and Spear-bearer
>but kill Lone Shadow Vilehand and his buttbuddy on first try
Do you have any gameplay footage I can watch so I can get a better idea? Right now I don't even know any of the characters or the artstyle or much of the gameplay so I can't really imagine anything about it.
I'm sure it'd be complete shit if it was easy tho.
I'm pretty sure the game is rated M for Mature, which the majority of those who want am easy mode are not.
The only reason you need: Because no other FROM SOFTWARE games do
>but lets disregard the vision of the director
It's not a game for you.
>Because it defeats the purpose of the game. The director wanted you to struggle through it, so that you can feel accomplished after beating it.
How is that any different from Hideki Kamiya games that follow the same mentality but still offer easy modes?
Souls games aren't hard. They're just fucking awful as shit at conveyance, and people mistake that as "difficulty" rather than "bad design".
>games should be for everyone.
Games ARE for everyone, provided they can buy them or pirate them of course.
Finishing the game on the other hand is reserved only for those who want to put the time required into it.
If you just wanna see the story but you can't because you suck at the particular game,watch a playthrough of a better player on youtube instead.
>games should be
...the same experience...
>for everyone.
Fuck settings and open endedness of any kind.
>games should be for everyone.
your mom should be for everyone
you cant name one single reason your mom shouldnt get fucked by everyone in this thread
sekiro was intentionally designed to be challenging
your mom wasnt, she's for everyone
>easy mode
sure, why not. Make it that on easy mode you have to wear "Armor of Invincibility" that looks like gimpsuit and use "Sword of One Hit Slaying" that looks like big pink dildo.
lol no, he just stealth edited his review and left everything else the same, including the part where he said the ending was disappointing despite having not seen it.
Not every game needs to appeal and be accessible to every person. The same goes for movies, books and all other types of media.
>people bitch about the lack of easy mode when trainers are a thing
>>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
"fuck you" is a great reason
This is just a "game journalist" giving attention to his friends game (celeste)
The game is literally built on you learning its mechanics and overcoming challenges. The game seems impossible at first but once you understand the rhythm of the combat its not as tough as you think it is. Journalist need to stop lumping together accessibility with difficulty and hiding behind the disabled to push their narrative. Nobody would say no to colorblind modes or completely remappable controls, thats accessibility.
But I dont want to cheat cause that feels bad :( so the devs should just add cheats for me because thats ok.
All the more reason to add an easy mode since consoles don't have that luxury
It's not the vision the developers intended. That's all the reason that's needed.
can you chew a steak?
I got yer gameplay footage right here, buddy.
>the core of a game is that it is supposed to be a challenge
Yeah let them add an easy mode, bosses die in 1 hit, the player gets infinite hp, if you fall off the map then fucking lakitu picks you up and places you back on the stage like mario kart
If they honestly only care about 'experiencing the story and world' then they wont mind the gameplay effectively being on auto pilot
The game doesnt have online anyway so it's not like cheats matter at all
If they don't want that then honestly for the first time i'd have to unironically say "get good"
They just go passive aggressive or pretend to be retarded on purpose
dont even need to read the wall of text, its just a journo seething over being shitty at a game
If it's bad design then don't play the game, simple
Why would you play a game where it's designed badly?
Best way to make this, or any game easy? Practice.
There's not one (1) single reason why MMA shouldn't have an easy mode, so go beat up Connor McGregor right now. It'll be easy. MMA is for everyone.
>Celeste creator
Literally who?
And what is Celeste? Is it a phone app?
I think I'd be okay with it if everything was kept the same, but bosses had less health. As it is, after barely beating lady butterfly after several hours only by spamming deflect, I probably won't keep playing because I'm not finding it that enjoyable. My brain simply doesn't work quickly and accurately enough to be good at games like this.
You have never played a Kamiya game.
All it is is an arrow that points you to the next moon and I think you get a recovery after falling off a ledge once.
Because games Journs spent the last two years saying not all games are for me, white Christian male. I’m not getting the past of us two because it wasn’t made for me. You don’t see me screaming and writing massive blog post about how naughty dog needs to remove the faggotry from their game, do you? No, I’m just not buying it.
I've probably played more of them than you have
Use cheat engine and make the enemies do half the damage, bam easy mode.
Struggling through a kamiya game is more about not quitting due to boredom than the game actually being hard
>Why would you play a game where it's designed badly?
Because I'd probably play it if it was designed better, what kind of retarded question is this
So this either means they won't put effort into it or they make the game with easy mode in mind
Let's see what happens if they do the former
>this game is shit it is poorly balanced and boring what the fuck
Hmm interesting
Let's see the latter
>this game is shit I was promised a hardcore game
I like how MGSV made you wear a chicken hat.
>a 2D platformer dev is expert in 3D action-stealth games
Spoken like a fucking Nintentoddler lmao
>games being difficult is now a reason to try and fake "controversy"
i fucking hate journalists
I love people outtting themselves as game hating bads.
tweaking some numbers for an easy mode isn't going to improve design
>games should be for everyone
They literally are, though. It's not like only certain people are allowed to play the game.
This paitning is too confusing and hard to interpret. Artist should paint another version more accessible to people
difficulty is the whole point of these games
and no, entertainment and products are made for different audiences, not for "everyone"
and I say this as someone not even interested in soulshit because I cant stand hindered movement - these games are not fun for me
if you just want to 'tourist' a game like some lame whiny gameblogger - there are cheats
You just know he was holding back tears as he wrote this novel.
The irony is you're complaining about "Nintendo Hard" with a Mario avatar.
Good difficulty modes don't just tweak numbers. Why do you think people hold KH2's Critical Mode in high regard?
This. If the game is hard because it's bad, then why are you trying to play it so hard and asking for the devs to "make it easy". If the game ISN'T bad, and YOU are the one who's bad at the game, then learn to play videogames, or look for something easier.
Being a game designer doesn't make your opinion automatically correct because there are game designers who don't share your vision.
Retarded thread.
what's the cheapest site you've seen Sekiro on? I'm witholding my purchase until it's ~$45.
>lose a job for being dumb
Get a job and have sex. That's not how employment works in any civilized country.
>3 hours
Lol, if you can’t beat the game in under one hour on your first try then you’re just bad
GAMES overall should be for everyone but not every game should be for everyone.
No one complains about Nintendo games having ass-pain difficulty in postgames because they're actually well designed to lead up to it
Longswordsman didn't have 2 dozen mooks who fought in his exact style prior to his encounter.
>We want retarded tranny faggot mode
Just pirate it.
>Star Fox Zero, W101 and the Bayonetta series
Is that all?
>put in easy mode
>all the NPC's talks to you in a condescending voice as if they were talking to a retarded child
>Star Fox Zero
Because of of us invest and practice in order to be able to complete games like this.
Completing one of these games is a badge of honor that we can wear with pride.
People with that badge can discuss the game on an equal footing.
An easy mode destroys all that and allows people, who had the experience handed on a plate to them, to think that they can take part with those who worked for it.
Those people are cheating themselves and by extension cheating and destroying the community that enjoys games like these.
Such a good goy
Unlike Sekiro where "Its not hard, just require a lot of skill from the player. Such design are very poor and lame" right?
>Nintendo first parties
also, the "post game" argument wouldn't even count in this case because 90% of people who complain about difficulty never touch post games in their lifes
Interesting, so how many actually bad games, have had players asking the devs to make it easier for them? Because normally when a game is bad, from what I recall, people will say, "Yep it's bad." and move on to the next thing. So maybe, it's not a bad game, maybe the players asking for an easy mode are the ones who are bad, at the game.
>hard game doesn't have easy mode
>easy game doesn't have hard mode
desu the latter is worse imo
Feels less satisfying defeating an enemy when you know you could just have destroyed him easily simply by changing the difficulty. Maybe the only thing consoles have on PC, since you can't just save state/activate god mode.
If the boses were easy the game would end in 5 hours
>I cant stand hindered movement
Sekiro isn't Dark Souls.
The movement in Sekiro is fast-paced and fluid.
>implying you can't finish the game in 5 minutes like I have
I also lost my virginity at age 10 to an 18 year old cheerleader btw
The latter isn't worse because people think you're an elitist for pointing it out and if you want a hard game you should play a Souls-like!
Pretty funny considering breath of the wild is obviously an unfinished mess.
Because it's easy already
There is literally no reason why Valve shouldn't give me TI champion title and prize money. No reason to gatekeep those behind "tournaments" and "qualifiers".
Because the game isn't impossible, its hard but manageable, and you are supposed to die until you get better, that is the nature the game is built around.
The thing is all the people who cry about needing an easy mode, are the people who have been handheld by modern games that reward every little task and elevate the player character in the endgame through overpowered abilities rather than skill by the actual player, to the point where people think it is the norm to complete a game without dying once on your first try.
Because the artist didn't want to add an easy mode.
You are not entitled to an easy mode.
If you don't like it, don't buy it.
>jobs should have an easy mode
>education should have an easy mode
>driving cars should have an easy mode
>socializing with other people should have an easy mode
>going into space should have an easy mode
just because some people can' hack it doesn't mean the rest of society have to adapt to them. It's vice versa.
The reason why this is an issue is because 90% of the modern games pander to the braindead audience and their gameplay is either fetch quests like Borderlands or "immersive storytelling" like Red Dead Redemption.
But it makes sense, in the era where you can claim that you're a gamer in a survey because you're playing Candy Crush.
But all games should be for all people.
When will games allow you to perfectly craft your own difficulty?
>sparks a whole new controversy with journalists.
Why is every video game journalist op ed enraging?
Good shit.
>But all games should be for all people.
All movies are not for all people. Some movies depict extreme violence, gore and nudity.
All books are not for all people. Some books are light while others deeply philosophical.
I don't see why games should be an exception to the rule.
Those easy modes exist. They are called affirmative action and/or being rich.
A video of a real crippled gamer playing Sekiro
>why does no one complain about the difficulty in a game specifically aimed towards children
These entitled fucking asswipes dont even understand what a videogame is.
The challenging combat is the core aspect of its gameplay experience. Notice how I said challenging. You are a fucking shinobi having sword duels with strong enemies. Why the fuck should your father who trained you be an easy fight? If everything was a pushover there would be no reason to learn how the combat system works and use items and techniques to your advantage. Without these things the gameplay falls apart entirely and might as well not even fucking be there. Of course these fucking imbeciles would love that considering how much they enjoy muddled down cinematic experiences. Wanting to breeze through a game for the sake of finishing it means they see them as movies.
It really shows how braindead easy vidya has become when a single hard game causes this much controversy.
it isnt laziness. it's the fact that reviews going digital made day1 reviews be the go to choice because the fastest reviews rake in most clicks. back in the day of gaming magazines you got the review on the monthly magazine so at the very worst there was almost 30 day delay between the magazine and game release. game reviewers werent in a rush like they are now and so could spend time with the new games much more intimately and put in more hours into them.
Games are just the easiest to make inclusive.
Books and Films will fall in line eventually and then the great burning will destroy anything that doesn't cater to each person equally
>can't name one (1) single good reason
It would take away from the feeling of achievement if I could get the same thing by switching a mode in the menu. Now fuck off
Inclusivity is a stupid meme.
Why can't retarded trannies realize that there's a difference between
Celeste is story driven with gameplay elements. Its meat is the narrative. Souls games put the narrative on the background because their point is to git gud and explore shit while killing shit.
Fucking retards.
You gimp your own psychological stimuli, of course short sighted idiots can´t grasp such a concept, the less hardship you have to put into something the more dimished is the reward
>in easy mode
Disgusting ESLfag.
Just give these people a mode where they take no damage under any circumstances. Then they get to 'experience the game' and will have already backed themselves into a corner if they want to complain that it isn't hard enough.
Bunch of limp dicked faggots.
This is an almost unique issue to the video game medium. Specifically, that you can for many possible reasons be unable to get through a work. Even if you are an idiot that misses out on all the subtext and fails to understand the plot points you can always still complete a movie, book or tv show.
Pretty much a stolen point from this before anyone feels the need to point it out.
May I suggest "Git Gud", Sir or Madam?
>But all games should be for all people.
This is utterly ridiculous. It's communist thinking. And it would destroy gaming like communist thinking destroys everything else it touches.
>>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
because we don't want to be associated with soi faggots like you
I will only support an easy mode if it's paid DLC, cannot be removed, and you aren't allowed to play the actual game after purchase.
Also you aren't allowed to fight enemies or watch cutscenes, you get to walk around the areas until you get to end and "YOU WIN." pops up in comic sans.
If you don't give enough of a shit about the game to put any effort in why should the game?
>i'm not bad at video games it's just bad video game design
Why the fuck is this a controversy now? It honestly pisses me off. People complained about Dark Souls back then but they never flat-out demanded difficulty levels for it.
Why can't people just move on and play something else? It's fucking ridiculous. You don't prove anything by nagging the developers until they add a baby retard mode because you couldn't just try harder or watch some youtube videos of the story.
From is under no obligation to adjust to the whims of the journalists who aren't really into video games but review them for a living. Also nice singling out a game. This all reads and feels manufactured, someone with resources is pushing this narrative.
If this results in From Software's next game having a slow-reflex toddler mode I'm not buying it.
The communists are getting more communisty.
Is nobody going to paste the interview?
What is the point of this thread?
>But all games should be for all people.
You cannot craft a game for all people because a game that appeals to everybody appeals to nobody.
>Not beating the game before you ever played it.
Get a load of this casual.
Who is that? what game?
is there a better non cropped version?
It has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with casuals becoming more entitled. If they want to pretend to play video games, they can do it with indieshit and cinematic experiences.
They should add a tutorial mode as a content update but it’s a complete slap in the face joke. Have the game hold your hand the entire game telling you when you do things and pause the game to explain them throughout its entirety. Have checkpoints and people constantly communicating with you like codec calls.
I can't believe that some people here actually support this, kill yourselves and go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of
Better get used to it sweetie.
You've lost.
I can't stand feeling like a ton of bricks when I play, but that doesn't mean I'm crying for them to change the shit for me. What's so hard about just not playing something you don't like? If you're a game journalist though, you should just stop being lazy and do your job or find another one.
>But all games should be for all people.
What about blind people, deaf people or people with other disabilities? Why aren't all games for them?
You're a fucking imbecile.
Isn't it quite disrespectful for a dev to come out and comment on how they would do another dev's job?
delete this
>It has nothing to do with politics
It has everything to do with politics, whether you acknowledge it or not.
Politics is a battle between egalitarianism and hierarchy. This is egalitarianism doing what it always does: agitates for equality, using the lowest rung in the hierarchy as a fulcrum. The end result is a total breakdown of all that made civilization work. In this case: a mass of soulless, inoffensive, universally-accessible puddles of grey goop.
>one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
A literal cripple can beat it. Anyone who cries about Sekiro is literally worse than a fucking cripple who can't move his limbs.
>They should add a tutorial mode as a content update but it’s a complete slap in the face joke.
But Sekiro already has way more on-screen tutorials than any of their previous games. It even has that undead guy so you can practice your attacks and counter-attacks. I don't see how much more of a tutorial you can get.
But user, it already has one.
It's called first playthrough
Ok, fag. That's why you're the laughing stock of multiple generations at this point.
Why do people want easy vidya gaems? Why not just watch a movie?
>It has everything to do with politics
No, and stop trying to derail the conversation with your OCD. Nobody gives a flying fuck about how redpilled you are.
Because games aren't made correctly at the moment.
Games should be designed from the ground up to be able to be played by deaf people by being able to be played without having to rely on sounds while simultaneously be able to be played by blind people by only using sound to describe to the player what is going on and what needs to be done, while having a simple enough control scheme that it can be played with just one button.
we need inclusive training camps
There is literally no reason NOT to add an easy mode to the game.
Want a challenging game experience? Then just play in the normal/hard mode.
Some people just want to play games in easy mode and the existence of that option does not at all affect the gameplay of anyone who plays outside of the easy mode.
From a business perspective it's also a sound idea since it means the game will be accessible to a wider range of audience.
>Journo STILL feels entitled for developers to ruin their games just to appeal to them.
You're no different from the "entitled" gamers that felt ME3 ripped them off. Fact.
>No one complains about Nintendo games having ass-pain difficulty in postgames because they're games for kids that even a drooling retard could play
>mfw got up to the third boss before I even realized they were bosses
The game is the easiest FROM game yet. You don't even need to do fucking damage to win now.
Not only that, but the spam attack and dodge is now more viable than ever with infinite stamina (see; no stamina)
I think the biggest problem people have, is that they think of it like a Souls game. At least that's the impression I have from watching streams.
I saw so many people complaining about Butterfly Woman and I killed her on my first try. And then I see these people fighting her, and they're dodging around the room instead of just holding block or spamming parry.
Whatever, faggot. You can sleepwalk through life if you want. But you're functionally indistinguishable from the concubine who holds the gate open for the barbarians. Your cowardice and laziness is disgusting.
Well, have fun with your version of video games that you imagined in your head, they sound horrible.
People who make a difference are rarely appreciated in their own time love.
Multiple future generations will praise us.
Make your own fucking game and make it as easy as you want. Gas these people.
That's not a bad idea.
>There is literally no reason NOT to add an easy mode to the game.
It conflicts with the developer's vision and lessens the prestige of beating the game. Stay gay, commie.
Yeah, that sounds relevant as fuck. Please tell us more about your power fantasies.
god I hate you people
DON'T PLAY THE GAME THEN! nobody is bending your arm to play this fucking game. OH WAIT it's a FROM game. GOTTA PLAY IT.
if you don't like it, return it and move the hell on.
>Multiple future generations will praise us.
Yeah because they've been brainwashed in state-run indoctrination camps...
I don't play video games. I just want them to be made so all people could play them if they wanted to and enjoy them equally.
If that means the game is terrible so everybody equally thinks it's terrible then that's good enough.
I honestly don't give a fuck what you call it, I just want these lazy shits off my games. They clearly have disdain for the hobby.
>It has everything to do with politics
How can it lessen the prestige? If you want a challenge then just play normal/hard, you won't ever feel the impact of Easy mode's existence.
>Celeste's creator
Literally fucking what and literally fucking who
doesn't that new character in that mario game have literal immunity to enemies and hazards?
I agree. Every single game should give the option to the player to play at the difficulty level they are most comfortable with, so everybody can enjoy them the way they want and nobody feels excluded.
How's that Gone Home hardmode patch going, anyway?
damn zoomers dont even know Hamburger Helper - this was a yaoi fanfic 'writer' who got to ruin Bioware games cause she's a wife of some director there, she couldn't even grasp why games have gameplay
>It has nothing to do with politics
It's 100% due to politics. That's also why this topic is everywhere now, its become more political.
>Yeah because they've been brainwashed in state-run indoctrination camps...
It'll just be to remove the indoctrination already in place dear
letting journos design the product they score is not a healthy commercial relationship. There's max a few thousand journos in the world, their screeshing shouldn't silence millions of actual customers.
>dude muh accessibility think of the cripples!!
Should we also start catering to literal retards? Imagine if Baba is You had a mode that auto completes a level if you press space. That would be fun right?
I want literal subhumans to fuck off from my hobby and go play with blocks instead. Fuck cripples.
>I don't play video games.
Then get the fuck out.
According to you, everything does. And if it doesn't, you'll try to get it there by any means necessary.
Go deal with your emotional issues on your own time and stop bothering people with them. This isn't a support group.
It's a western dev commenting on a japanese dev so that doesn't count in their worlds. You'd be right if it was western dev talking about other western dev.
FROM has not made themselves a Marquee game. FROM is not a studio, it's a fashion. They want to play Sekiro, they want to wear it. They want say "yeah I beat Sekiro. How tough am I You ask? I also beat Dark Souls and Blood Borne. Yeah, I'm a big fucking deal."
Here's your fucking reason: it's not what the devs want or intended. Oops their fucking product, oops they can do whatever the fuck they want with it, oops the game is not for you, OOPS GIT GUD FAGGOT
>affirmative action
What's that?
>It's 100% due to politics.
Incorrect, this has everything to do with game balance and audiences picking the wrong games and trying to force them into something they're not.
Also, name a thing that, according to you, isn't 100% due to politics?
The problem with people like you is that you're not here to discuss videogames, you're looking for any excuse to start dropping your redpills because you have no control of yourself.
SJW game that got popular because it has a pretty entertaining speed run and that is literally it, no one cares about the game for its story or SJW bullshit just that you can go fast in it
>Then get the fuck out.
Gatekeeping will be outlawed within the decade.
Have fun with your special club while you can pudding.
>Go deal with your emotional issues on your own
>dude muh accessibility think of the cripples!!
Please tell me none of you cunts are actually clicking on their fucking articles. PLEASE tell me none of you cunts are actually that fucking stupid. Fucking PLEASE
>The problem with people like you is that you're not here to discuss videogames
We're not creating this discussion. It wasn't Yea Forums that kicked this debate off. It was journalists and they did so for political reasons whether you want to admit it or not.
a disabled guy actually got pissed that they used this reasoning - he doesnt want easy mode and hates being used for pushing agenda
Sometimes a game is made specifically for a certain group of people and that's okay. I can't even get close to playing any of the tetris the grandmaster games competently, but I just deal with it, because I know it wasn't made for me, it was made for lunatic nips who were unsatisfied by normal tetris.
NG+ is easy mode]
Anyone remember Ninja Dog difficulty from Ninja Gaiden Black? All these journalists insisting on an easy mode should be given a mode that actively makes fun of them for playing on it. Or, Devil May Cry 1's Easy Automatic, where you can't try a higher difficulty unless you delete your save.
>How is that any different from Hideki Kamiya games that follow the same mentality but still offer easy modes?
because they dont follow the same mentality
they offer an easy mode so there's no challenge in beating them
>Souls games aren't hard. They're just fucking awful as shit at conveyance, and people mistake that as "difficulty" rather than "bad design".
then dont play them
clearly you hate the games, why do you want to play them so much
just dont play them
they are not made for you
Nobody with a functioning brain is tricked into thinking this is about helping the crippled at all.
Fuck no.
what the fuck is this
these faggots just want dev to make trainers for them
>shitty bioware writer with a love for faggotry
Im noticing a trend here
>Fuck cripples
Not what you are getting at but thinking of this as less abled people is not a terrible angle. But even when accommodating every day life for disabled people, the point as far I would imagine it, is to give them a best possible chance to function as normal people would rather than patronize them with bullshit busywork and a pat on the head just for trying.
Turning that into an actionable solution? I hear fighting games have comprehensive high quality tutorials these days just because they are necessary to bring people up to speed on what is 30? years of an evolving genre. Something like that becoming typical for lots of other games could help with these problems.
>Nincel toddler image.
Do us a favor and piss off the loner kid today so he would fucking shoot you and your ilk.
You do realise it's not cripples that are pushing for this, it's game journos and progressives using cripples as an excuse.
I'm legally registered as disabled due to my Autism and journalists using people like me to justify their agenda is a fucking disgrace.
Overcoming the challenges in games like Dark Souls gives me a sense of accomplishment I can rarely find in every day life and they're trying to use people like me as an excuse to take that shit away.
It's bullshit and but it's typical of fucking normies.
>implying it wasn't normalfag trash from the start
Oh noes, we must keep psychological communists away from our videogames.
>create an "easy mode"
>enemy speed/damage is reduced.
>achievements are locked.
Fair compromise?
>What if a crippled tranny can’t beat Sekiro guis plz
>games should be for everyone.
And that's why there's fucking thousands of them available to play. If you're an abysmal gamer then just go find a game that was made for retards.
that will make them seethe even more, I like it
Tutorials are pretty standard for games. What these people want are either entire in-game walkthroughs or the "beat a game" button.
Fucking Yea Forums will turn and spout the same shit as these journos when it comes to fighting games anyways.
Lock all achievements except for one that you unlock by choosing easy mode that is on your account permanently making it impossible to ever get any other achievements.
It is for everyone, those people are apparently bad. You can't fix stupid.
>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
It would take time and money away from other parts of the game.
>reduce the amount of enemies you'll face
>cut half of the bosses you'll face
>increase drop rates accordingly
There, I made a proper ez mode for Derp Souls. It's easier and gives the middle finger to those who play it in the first place. It's basically how Doom handled it's difficulty.
I am more than willing to admit I suck at Megaman games, and I sucked even more when trying to play Ace Combat 7. I never once bitched how Megaman needs to be more "accessible"and didn't shit on AC devs for the fact i suck at flight controls in general. Why can't they be man enough to say "this game isn't for me?"
Yea Forums doesn't like getting bodied and having no one to blame but themselves, so naturally they blame the controls, we all know these niggas can do a fucking hadoken and DP, even my 3 year old nephews could do that shit
Affirmative action is the practice of giving a social minority (ie, a non-white, a woman, a non-Christian, an LGBT person, etc) preferential treatment during hiring or admission into college, in order to "level the playing field". Since minorities are considered "systemically oppressed", affirmative action is seen as a way for them to have opportunities that straight Christian white males have access to.
Sure, but you have to call it "game journalist difficulty" and the main character has to be unkillable and all the enemies do is stand still and applaud you as you run through the areas.
There's your fucking easy mode you turds.
Also somebody post the pigeon
>Why can't they be man enough to say "this game isn't for me?"
Please don't project your toxic masculinity
>Something like that becoming typical for lots of other games could help with these problems.
>cuphead and pigeon
>This will unironically improve gaming
>>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
Game's director doesn't want there to be one.
>games should be for everyone.
No they shouldn't.
If I make a game, if I design a game, I'll want that game to be played the way it's meant to be played as much as possible. You can probably get around it IF YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH or if I fucked up, but fuck off with "eh, I just want to see the credits" mentality.
Honestly I don't think games should have difficulty settings to begin with, with some exceptions (DMC wouldn't be the same without DMC difficulty, yet having only DMC difficulty would be retarded), but I would still add a Hard difficulty where it explicitly says that it was not the way it was meant to be played and, in fact, it wasn't even tested. Have fun, hard mode for the hardcore. Otherwise play MY fucking game
I want this
If I'm not entitled to a girlfriend I don't know why these people think they should be entitled to beat sekiro.
Probably a terrible analogy but whatever.
>Why can't they be man enough to say "this game isn't for me?"
Because they’re leftist faggots?
>games should be for everyone.
>Games are art
>Art should have an easy mode
I disagree, you pick one game jounalists
they will cry about that too as they already have
Factorio does that. If you play on peaceful or with mods you are not getting achievements.
>games should be for everyone.
Discord niggers and trannies can't cope
I'm a poorfag and all this salt over sekiro is getting me hype
payday needs to get here faster
>Why can't they be man enough to say "this game isn't for me?"
because everything has to be made for me only
i'm the most important person in the world
if i die in the game it's the game's fault, not because i made a mistake
they need to fix the game, i am already pefect
Contra 4 did that too. Only beating the game on normal unlocked the last 2 levels, which made them more prestigious.
No wonder the basest NPC forms of humanity only play Nintendo games
This isn't Assist. It's god damn cheats.
Sounds like we need to gas niggers and trannies then
The nips are laughing at us rn, people crying about easy mode for the most exploitable and forgiving fromsoft game ever released
>Hold L1 to invincible
>Demon's Souls came out 10 years ago
>long enough that retards have forgotten why the series became popular in the first place
Souls games LITERALLY only became popular because they were difficult. The whole series is built upon that. From Software's rise from a minor studio to a major player is built upon that. All of it ONLY happened because during a time when every studio was flirting with modes where players can't die and other idiotic nonsense, Demon's Souls was the one game that didn't treat the player as a baby.
>we want a walking simulator
>a fucking 2d platformer dev giving advice to 3d action games
Where's the button that makes the game play itself though?
>when trannies design video games
Good thing they're so great at killing themselves instead
I actually woulnd't mind if Sekiro had an easy mode, though I can appreciate why the developers don't want to add one, but I feel like if accessibility for the disabledwas the reasoning behind the inclusion of the mode, then an easy mode as described there would be a failure. Sekiro's not an easy game, and if you wanted to make it so a disabled person could have the same experience as anyone else with it then they would still have trouble with it and potentially not even be able to beat it, just the same as how someone who is in fine condition has difficulty with the game. Changes like invincibility on healing and full invisibility in stealth don't make it so a disabled person can experience Sekiro as it was intended despite their disabilities, it just gives them an entirely different experience that requires a different approach, and beyond that it would make any stealth skills or ways to hide in the environment completely redundant. I feel like if you want to make a mode that lets disabled people be able to have as good a chance with the game as anybody else then making such drastic changes to the game is the wrong way to go about it.
>yfw brainlets just want a snoy walking simulator
>Dude I don't want a challenge I want to relax and unwind
So watch a movie. So watch a show. So read a book. So listen to music. I don't understand these people. I can't finish a game if it's too easy. It becomes so dull and uninteresting. If there's no challenge than why play a game?
Thread should have ended here. Sekiro has fuck all content, no reply value. If it wasn't hard, everyone would have joked their way through the game in under 2 hours and got a refund.
This is what is really odd. I don't remember this happening for DeS or any of the DaS games, though I think they are more punishing than Sekiro. Is it the increasing sense of entitlement, or are people just getting used to games that basically play themselves?
Maybe I'm dumb, but transplanting one system like that to a game that clearly isn't made for it breaks it in half, right?
But the Danganronpa review is the review done correctly
god, trannies and snoyboys should be lobotomized
fucking sick of their existence. hearing about them, and stupid shit they always say
This is Persona 5's translation nontroversy all over again. Journos are trying to go all out with trashing a game that was more popular than whatever their indie friend game they were trying to push. Another case of anti-Japanese resentment.
People like their power trips where they can press one button and make awesome stuff happen.
>>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
Why do video games need to be like participation awards where everyone's a winner? There are game genres out there that I'm total shit at like rhythm games and rts, but I'm willing to admit that they're not for me. The only way an easy mode would work for someone like me in these genres if they were dumbed down to the point where there was no real challenge, or they would have to alter some of the fundamental mechanics.
Why can't journalists admit that a game isn't for them and just move on with their lives?
>games should be for everyone.
There should be games for everyone but not every game need to be for everyone, and requiring all games to be for everyone is self-defeating lunacy. Many games, by their very nature, can only exist by daring to appeal to the niche.
Just like Call of Duty and TLOU, bro
Brand >>>> gameplay
What everyone seems to forget is that Sekiro starts by default on easymode.
You can enable harder mode by ringing the demon bell, which makes enemies and especially bosses act more aggressively. Then on NG+ you can give away Kuro's charm which makes blocks do 50% damage to your vitality, in addition to a much smaller posture bar. You'll be surprised how often you rely on blocking based on missed parries once you turn on that mode.
>journo babies can't even beat Sekiro on what is objectively its default easy state
Video games used to be a niche form of media, nowadays more and more people unfamiliar with video games has entered the video game industry and giving their opinions.
People simply can't comprehend what some games are trying to offer, they make the assumption that since a game is just an entertainment media, if they can't enjoy it the way they want to they'll just whine about it.
If only I had a time machine
Aww look, he's triggered. 97
You should keep your mouth shut when you know nothing about game design, once you create a 2D indie platformer then you can tell massive studios how to make their games
Reminder that Sekiro isn't hard, difficult or challenging, only Soulstards and journos think it is
Why do casuals insist on adding easy mode to games too hard for them? If you aren't going to put forth the effort in getting better at the game and just care about the story, just watch the cutscenes on YouTube. For people that enjoy these games, the enjoyment comes from overcoming the challenge, and the reward is progressing through the game/story. You easy mode babbies want the reward without earning it.
Inb4 some bullshit "if I paid for the game, I deserve to be able to go through the game with zero resistance/obstacles" response
Can someone ask him why he hates people with not perfect eyesight or with epilepsy and why his assist mode only caters to shitters of journos and not to people requiring actual help like support for alternative inputs like eyetracking?
Never heard of Celeste but I just looked it up. So, essentially, we're supposed to listen to how a Canadian platforming dev would alter a Japanese action-adventure combat intensive game and... we're supposed to value this input?
Give it a speed modifier that effects the entire game. Low speed gives you more time to react, but in exchange you need more patience to beat it. High speed gives you a greater challenge. Everything else would be unchanged, it could be locked from the start of the game to precent cheating, and there would be no separate communities for easy and hard mode.
don't remind me, most of the souls fanbase never even played demon's and its the best of all of them except maybe bloodborne. Online you see people just dismiss it like its a prototype souls game when that was clearly fucking shadow tower, not demon's souls, another game they have no doubt never heard of
Pretty sure its just a vocal minority, thats too self-absorbed to come to the conclusion that not every game is made for them and its ok to skip them. Also journos that are assblasted they have to complete the game that actively mocks them
Sekiro is easy as shit. Just fucking parry you mongoloids.
t. NG++++
I would have played it by now if it wasn't locked to PS3. I just don't want to go through the hassle of plugging it in and setting up a retired console.
Gatekeeping isn't bad
You think he would be cool with Miyazaki inputting suggestions on how to fix Celeste?
git gud
97 times the nintentoddler shat on his diaper LOL
I've never met a Canadian I didn't hate.
Why do you thing cumberbatch or how was this netflix shit called is so damn popular. They don't want to play games, they want to watch movie, but movie with plot moving from their input that centered around them being central part of that movie.
>Game is hard
>Gets popular among people who like hard games
>People who don't like hard games get curious about it because it's popular.
>Newcomers play it only because it's popular and they want to be cool
>Find it's too hard for them
>These people are in a greater number and they complain about the difficulty
>Original people argue that it's a hard game and it's not for you
>Newcomers then scrape the virtue barrel and argue it should be inclusive for disabled people to auto win argument
>Devs listen to the big outcry
>Make next game easier to accommodate these people
>Original Fans leave and don't play it anymore
>Games lose all originality and now it's no longer popular
>All the newcomers don't want to play it anymore because it's no longer cool
>FROMSoftware goes out of business
>FROMSoftware starts making hard games again and original players come back
I'm sure he would pretend to if Miyazaki was ever an arrogant enough attention whore to sidle up and say "RISTEN HERE BAKA YAW GAME-U TOO EASY"
But when you have a brain you don't really feel accomplishment after beating a boss that took you 20 attempts. That's like feeling like the winner when you scored once in a sports game resulting in a 20:1 loss(/"win").
It's a mentality that literally only works for brainlets with affective memory so shit they can't remember their emotions and pain from 10 minutes ago.
You know what really feels like an accomplishment? Beating the boss on your first try but when it was very fucking close and long-winded and defensive. Devil May Cry does that, Monster Hunter definitely does that, some Platinum games do that, a lot of RPGs do that.
From Software games are directed at edgy retards who just want to brag when there is nothing to brag.
Because an easy mode wouldn’t work in the game. The only possible thing From could accomplish without much dev time is an assisted mode that decreases enemy damage and increases player posture. This wouldn’t help anyone. The people having trouble with the game to the point of crying about it haven’t been like “Damn, if only that guy had less HP”. They’ve just been dying instantly from not understanding how the game works.
Sekiro does have an easy mode. It's called getting all 10 Healing Gourd charges, using Ako Sugar and Divine Confetti, abusing prosthetic weapons Firecrackers, and getting the highest amount of attack and vitality for a certain fight.
>ARMS is fun!
>Kirby Star Allies is cute!
>Labo is creative!
>Pokemon LGPE is comfy!
>Super Mario Party is great for party!
>Yoshi Crafted World looks beautiful!
The Apple / Disney / MCU of vidya industry fans actually think their shitty opinion worth anything. After shitposting Sekiro nonstop since its release, now Nintendo fans are rallying behind journos because they want every game to be as piss easy and soulless as Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon. Why am I not surprised?
Games SHOULDNT be for everyone. It should be for the people that are INTERESTED in the games. Not people who are not. Not everyone is good at mmorpgs. Meaning those games arent for them. Not everyone is good at fps, meaning its not for them. Rpgs. Strategy games. So on and so on. They are made for their specific userbase. Not for EVERYONE. And why should a studio like Fromsoftware listen to some half assed Indie studio that made 1 game? Or rather 1 game that made them famous. No thanks. I want certain games to be HARD. Because it will apeal to a certain group of people. And if anyone else wants to get into these games. Then they have to go thru everything everyone else went to play them. And enjoy them. INstead of geting an easy mode, like the pussy ass bitches they are.
Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.
You're bored, as usual, tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.
And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.
And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.
So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.
it's also just a waste and spit in the face to devs that worked hard on this game only to neuter their hard work because a Journo was inconvenienced for a weekend.
that might as well be the hardest strawman I've ever seen on this board
>user describes World of Warcraft
I don't know how people don't understand this by now, but here. I've found this is the only metaphor to get through their thick journalist skulls.
>Any relatively hard game, example being Sekiro, is like a series of locked doors.
The game provides the player with as many "lockpicks" as they need, and hints on the first few locks, but after that they will need to open the rest on their own.
The people that are complaining about an easy mode think they are asking for a skeleton key; this would require them to still know how to operate the lock, and open the door. What they don't realize is they are asking for a battering ram. They do not want to even acknowledge the lock, or the door.
the whole from software brand is YOU DIED
of course the game could be easier but it would kill the brand
It was never about the disabled. That was a lie to guilt others into compliance.
This is literally a trap set by journos in hopes that FROMSOFT would listen to their retarded critique only to just break themselves into ruin by betraying the niche that is keeping them afloat.
Japan isn't America, Fromsoft will never cave to those retards.
And they certainly don't need to, considering how well their game are doing.
Game isn´t even harder than the hardest game out there. The removal of stats increase into a ridicolous level and then three shooting the boss while having insane vitality being gone, basically crippled the dopamine fueled casuals. It fucking broke them, maybe woke them up for a min before going into rage for not being rewarded for being dumb. Shit is scary.
There would be no point in infinite resurrections if you were fucking invincible anyway
No one said you can't play Sekiro. Sekiro as it is IS for everyone.
The olympics will change all of that
These threads are bait right? Every fucking game is braindead easy today. It’s such a breath of fresh air to have a handful of games that are both challenging and single player. Why do people want to take the few games catered to that group away from that demographic?
You forgot about Activision
The more casuals buying this game, the more money they get
Why does everyone fucking care? Why is this debate happening? This reeks of manufactured controversy. Did Activision pay for a stealth marketing campaign or something?
>I hate video games
>Prinny 2 has an easy mode
>literally called Baby mode
>your scarves (life indicator) are replaced with diapers
>games should be for everyone.
They are, either git gud or don't play it. Simple.
Because Journies love bullying and influencing devs with shitposting on twitter
Journies are like Yea Forums, but they all have names, a liberal arts degree and rich as fuck parents
Because they can't beat them normally and without beating it they are getting shat on due to discrepancies in reviews. It's all about money for their clique.
I think you're missing the point.
You also get those toy blocks to help with platforming, reinforcing the baby image.
>Middle panel is an annoying faggot telling you what you should or shouldn't play
KYS virgin neckbeard
No it's journalists manufacturing outrage that has two clear sides so they'll get their precious clicks
On Yea Forums you can post whatever retarded shit you want in these threads and get a thousand (you)'s so everybody is going for it for teh lulz.
Not everything is a conspiracy
>look up Sekiro review
>spot in one of their screenshots that they have well over a million sen
If I was the developer I would patch the game to make it more difficult
No, journos are literally offended and too retarded to realize that if they want to experience the secondary aspects (graphics, OST, art style, characters) they are still able to without overcoming the primary aspect (the gameplay). Their argument of ableism and the game not being accessible is a moot point as there are already handicapped players that have completed the game.
Or they just make up shit, so they can bully From with their bullshit
>put an easy mode
>it's still too difficult for the average casual
It's not a good argument but I just don't understand why it needs an easy mode, the fromsoft games aren't that hard, and if you truly want to care or beat a game you'll make time for it.
And yet Sekiro is considered the hardest soul ever ( it's not ) and doesn't have micro transaction.
It's seems pretty clear that fromsoft don't compromise when it comes to their work.
I hope they stay that way.
I think gatekeeping is bad if it's actual gatekeeping, but this isn't gatekeeping. Gatekeeping would be people coming along and saying they want to play Sekiro and then everyone tells them to fuck off, this is people coming along and saying they want to play Sekiro but first they need to make some changes to it and everyone tells them to fuck off. Telling people they can't play the game for no good reason is just nonsense and actual gatekeeping, the latter is just a sensible response to an unreasonable demand.
So is Sekiro's whole story literally: Mom says it's my turn on the xbox?
That's something that I was imagining they'd do in the first week as I was playing it. I think at this point we won't see any changes until DLC comes out and any changes will be just to facilitate the new content. Like buffing/nerfing certain prosthetic weapons just so the fights against any new bosses is balanced.
this is the sorta shit that ruined MMOs I think. MMOs used to pretty much all have attunements required to get into most endgame content, even wow had several, not to say anything about the insane shit required in stuff like FFXI. Eventually people whined they couldn't see everything for free and now the genre is dead.
Journos always amuse me how they bully people despite taking stances on tolerance and shit
I wish they were only pretending to be retarded, but after cuphead tutorial the sky's the fucking limit with these people.
>Easy mode is only unlockable after you die too many times to a boss
>It's literally given to you out of piety
Furi did that
>Yea Forums STILL can't name one (1) single good reason Sekiro should not have an easy mode
Because the developers don't want to have an easy mode.
Pretty sure ninja gaiden black did something similar to that.
good thing from software doesnt care about those faggots
they care about making good games that are challenging
games where you can feel good about finally beating the boss
It is very pious to have compassion for the mentally handicapped.
>Let's laugh at them normalfags for playing Fortnite and Assassin Creed! XD
>BTW I'm so hyped for Link's Awakening and Pokemon SwoShi!
You Nintentoddlers are a bunch of hypocrite retards. Go back to your Yoshit Crafted World while everyone else play real game like Sekiro.
haha this is epic
>Some handicapped dude posted him beating the game with his retarded body fighting against him at every turn
Same. I fucking hate Nintendo fanboys and they would even eat up a fucking Fortnite, Call of Duty or even a Soulsclone with a Nintendo skin.
I agree. Not to sound epic but flagging for shit and reaching endgame content used to take a degree of effort and specialization in MMOs across the board. I can't trust other players at max level these days, they may as well be shitters.
Sekiro doesn't need an easy mode, it needs a tutorial level. Retards handwave the tutorial messages that pop-up and then they are surprised when they hit an enemy that can wipe their ass with them. It's like this people can't read two lines of text that explain how the mechanics work, and are all like "yeah I played Dark Souls, I should be alright".
It really summarizes the sad state of game community. No one has the patience to learn mechanics, and just wants to mash their way through every game like braindead idiots.
your mom should have an easy mod
>Obnoxious Soulsnigger thinks his game is hard
I am glad that Souls is a dead franchise so we can actually laugh at these spergs
he's asian shit at vidya though which is like pro gamer in the west
>games should be for everyone
No they shouldnt
Gaming is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT
super bs if you wanted to play as him, like the funky mode too
Why are democratic liberals such actual cucks? What part of Obama other than a fleeting normalcy was ever good? He literally did nothing good, and Clinton before him was just an actual fucking dipshit he couldn't even get blown in the oval office without the news knowing all about it. Even now his legacy and his landmark legislation is being dismantled and liberals are crying to republican lead law enforcement like the institutional legitimacy of these organizations are ever impartial to their violence. Race war is coming, civil war is coming. Like Rome before us the system is falling apart at the seams and we'll see states start seriously considering secession if anyone like Bernie is ever elected. If you value your life, liberty, and heritage you should be loading up on guns and ammunition to be ready to take your nation back.
Insecure, Nintentoddler? Maybe Nintendo will rape one of their franchises into being a shitty Soulsclone, so you can finally enjoy playing exclusive Souls games on the Switch.
Loads of people have been fired for being shit at their jobs. That's half the reasons why you fire someone
>games should be for everyone
No they shouldn' t. You got the choice to buy a game or don' t.
itagaki pls
>games should be for everyone
They should be free then
>Lose a job for lying about having done your job
Yeah it is
Itagaki’s explanation of ‘Ninja Dog’ difficulty in one of the Ninja Gaiden games was unironically one of the single most based things any man has ever said in the history of mankind. Does someone have that interview?
>leftys STILL seething that their whining won' t change anything.
>games should be for everyone
why aren't you winning millions by playing football or whatever shit sport is popular in your country?
Imagine going to a famous steakhouse and asking for a salad and water.
People need to learn what gatekeeping is. This is just people wanting too many helping hands while being hilariously prideful about it.
funny how that works. WoW was made for the casuals that couldn't handle EQ1/UO. I wonder what was the OG game?
Then again, WoW when it was just trying to emulate EQ1 was at its best, efficiency and casuals killed modern games, gg.
sound like communism to me
>i'm not shitty it was a social experiment
>please stop sending me videos of the pigeon
Sounds like time for genocide of trans and niggers to me
Damn I've been meaning to play the Prinny games. That's awesome
Now imagine if their whining will cause esrb-like shit to appear with vidya being graded by how easily braindead journos can beat them(under pretense of caring for disabled ofc) and soulsborne will get rating similar to AO and denied release in normal stores until easier mode patch.
>add easy mode
>final boss refuses to fight you
>can't finish the game without getting good.
Found it.
>1UP: Sounds tough. It'll be fun to give that one a shot. Is the other new difficulty setting Easy Mode?
>TI: No, that's not quite right. The lowest difficulty will be called Ninja Dog. While it is a mode intended for casual gamers, it is not Easy Mode. Not being able to beat the game on Normal means that you are a failure as a Ninja, but not that you are a failure as a gamer, right? Ninja Dog is for those players.
>1UP: How does that affect your ranking at the end of each stage? Can you get a Master Ninja ranking in Ninja Dog mode?
>TI: [laughs] That's nonsense. Impossible. How could a dog become a Master Ninja?
>1UP: You know, when we reviewed the game, we warned people "This is hard," but everyone on message boards scoffed. But when everyone finally got the game the reaction was "OMG." Did you guys think "Well maybe the average gamer isn't as good as we thought, so let's make it easy on them?"
>TI: That's right. In other words, there are some people who want to beat the game, even if it means being reduced to the level of a dog; people who are not afraid to shame themselves to accomplish their goals. Sometimes in life, that type of style is necessary. Anyone who can think like that can still be a real man. The Ninja Dog difficulty setting is for men like that. So don't give up too easily!"
Wrong board.
Imagine a game that required you to actually go outside and socialise in order to complete it.
You autists would all be crying and calling for the devs to remove it.
Why haven't you beaten a tranny yet today Yea Forums?
>go on grinder
>pretend to like girldick
>get date with mentally ill girldick
>beat girldick to death
>100% suicide rate
The only real hard bosses are ape fag of hatred owl 2 and isshin
imagine fucking playing the game on easy may as well give em a button so enemies commit seppuku lmao
Not discord tranny
What if a player can't overcome the challenge in the game?
They say they want players to have the same level of enjoyment but maintaining a level of iso-difficulty across players of vastly different skill-level and ability doesn't achieve that. Like... at all.
To some players the level of difficulty is fine and they will take enjoyment from overcoming the challenge in understaning precisely what in their honed and practiced skillset allowed them to do so.
While other gamers will only find the level of difficultly to be frustrating, thus gaining little to no enjoyment because even if by chance fluke they overcome the challenge, they will understand it to be so and feel a far lesser sense of accomplishment.
Sekiro and by extension all games in the Soulsborne genre, are games whose difficulty is designed to test players' on the fly planning and ultimately reflexes. The former can be much more easily trained and honed through practice than the latter; as the latter is simply a result of a player's inherent physical ability which also degrades with age.
I'm sorry Miyazaki, but I must reject your entire philosophy on this one, as its predicated on a prrmise that the players who the game targets all share a similar level of ability which of course couldn't be further from the truth.
Anyway, I can already foresee the obvious retort from the die-hard fans, "well those who don't have the ability to overcome the game's challenge, the game isn't made for them".
I would simply say that I agree with the article wholeheartedly and I would criticise harshly any game made for such a ridiculously narrow cross-section of players for such a flimsy reason.
>Someone who doesn't agree with me is alt-righter
These people are insane
people would just accept that the game is not for them and move on
you liberals are the only ones who think everything has to cater to you
Fuck off false flagging faggot!
The game is lenient as fuck in regards to lives and respawns and encourages actually learning your enemy's moves. Its not like Mario where the only way to kill an enemy is to jump on it's head or wherever before he aimlessly walks or throws some easily dodgable item at you.
>t. discord tranny
This kinda reminds me of blade of darkness. If you just run through levels without finding hidden items(1 item per level), the last boss was literally immortal and you had to replay those level you missed, but now with bosses instead of normal mobs. God, i miss that game. Literally a (little bit easier) dark soul decade before dark souls.
journalist mode strikes again.
If they added an easy mode then everyone would figure out the game is literally an hour long
Pokemon Go came out 3 years ago.
there are tools within the game that reduce the difficulty of the encounters
if you can't win even with those, then you are more retarded than the cripple who beat a boss without cheese strats
>screencap of your own post
>Game journalists: Games aren't for you anymore!
>The same game journalists: What do you mean this game isn't for me!? Of course it is! I demand you change it now!
I just wouldn't play those parts. I didn't use the pokewalker in HGSS
>If I use an ad homonym it will make up for not having an argument.
No please, continue.
I am getting so fucking triggered by these articles. I don't understand it. So what the game is hard? Maybe it's not meant to be a perpetual reward machine. I only get a few hours a week to play vidya, so I'm still very early on in Sekiro, but it's not like I'm bitching and moaning. The struggle IS an integral part of the game; the gameplay is not a CHORE that should be bypassed to see the end of the story, the gameplay is as important to the story as the actual narrative. So what you spend a few hours trying to beat a single enemy. That's the point.
God fucking damn it.
>make social game
>normies play it for three months
>make masterfully designed game
>normies complain about it for three months
>people still trying to beat it with a variety of challenges
neck yourself, unless you're a tranny, then hurry up
>Imagine a game that required you to actually go outside and socialise in order to complete it.
No, I simply wouldn't play it, much like I didn't play Pokemon Go. Wow, look how hard that was.
> mad cuz bad and OBSESSED AS FUCK
Why are sjws so obnoxious?
When did these Discord trannies start showing up? Hell why did they?
Keep on coping, Soulsfags. Sekiro will NEVER EVER get Metacritic scores as high as 2 GOTYs of 2017, BOTW and SMO.
>challenge is ableist
You have an actual "gotcha" right here itt and you don't even piggyback it.
Fucking hell anons. Did this easy mode shit last this long for Dark Souls? Because I don't remember it lasting this long. Why are journos dog piling so hard on this game?
>What if a player can't overcome the challenge in the game?
then you should fuck off to a easier hobbie
like sucking dicks
Sorry guys I was just proving my point about the easy (you)'s
>easy nintendo toys are getting good reviews from braindead journos
How is your labo doing? I heard it also got good reviews.
>someone makes a game and I don't like the mechanics
>Don't write essays on how the game is ableist trash
>just play other games that I like and that are designed for my tastes
I'm not a fucking child.
>merely a jest
Something something gate keeping elitist something something. Something how does easy mode affect you? Just don't use it something something
Yeah, "gaming journalists" who don't want to struggle or put in any effort should fuck off
That whole career is a joke.
yea. i remember when pokemon go was released and everyone and their mother complained...
Because they are scared since more and more people getting how useless and non-influental they are.
If anyone seriously complaining has ever uttered a word about 'games being art', they need to be slapped hard across the face. The team, the director, all had a specific vision in mind and that didn't include easy mode. These people whining are essentially telling the team they know better than them about game design and that they want to butcher their vision. Fuck these faggots. You can simply skip over this game if it's too difficult for you.
>Fuck off retard
>Hehe, merely pretending
>sorry guys just sucking my own cock while baiting epic style
something something fuck off don't pretend you're our peer if you can't achieve what we did something
>Why are journos dog piling so hard on this game?
unironically because they hate japan and japanese people
that's literally the reason
it's a popular japanese game, they have no control over japanese devs and they cant take it
It’s funny because Nintendo games generally don’t have a difficulty setting and they are better off for it
>from adds an "easy mode" like this
>hirata estate isn't accessible
>npcs talk down to you as if you're a child
>Ogre is sleeping and can completely be bypassed
>"MY NAAAAAMMMMEEE IS GYOBU MASATAKA ONIWA! And you are free to pass by this gate, have a wonderful day."
>Castle Ashina has the quick way up to the top like in the end game
>Genichiro only has one healthbar
>when you beat him the game ends right there with the epilogue being a slideshow of sengoku era style art of wolf and kuro spending time together
>all this is narrated by kuro in the most childlike way possible
>it cuts back and shows kuro in the shack he's in at the beginning of the game waiting for wolf to arrive
They're not journalists they're reviewers.
Isn't this that "gamer entitlement" journos have been screaming about?
Because it's already on easy mode. Why is it so hard for people to block?
>So what the game is hard?
A game being hard means that the talentless journalists doing game reviews won't be able to shit out an article a few hours after getting their review copy and scoop all the competitors.
Look, mate.
I won't play Sekiro. I don't like hard games nor punishing difficulty. I don't have the patience or even the time to play such games and it's simply not an enjoyable experience for me.
But that's ok. If you don't like platformers but you like RTSs, you don't go around bitching about how Mario should be an RTS. So why are people complaining about not being able to play a game that's designed with something they don't like as a core component?
Is it because it hurts their pride to not be able to play a game because it was designed with punishing difficulty in mind? What a joke.
Just admit you don't like hard games and move on. The game is not for you.
>Something something gate keeping elitist something something. Something how does being unable to finish this game affect you? Just don't play it something something
he look it worked again.
That's like 10 (you)'s already.
Keep 'em coming
This shit is starting to light a fire under my ass to start my own rag out of spite.
You're wrong. Anyone can do it if they apply themselves. Stop underselling yourself and others.
because it's in vogue to like FROMSoftware games.
Normies want to be cool and they can't if the game is too hard
>the gameplay is not a CHORE
it is if you want to write an article about it apparently
game journos =/= core audience
>everyone who disagrees with me is an alt-right bigot
Bitch, actual disabled people, like people who have trouble moving their hands, can beat these games. You got no excuse other than laziness. Also keep accusing everyone who disagrees with you as being alt-right, I'm sure it'll get you a lot of friends.
>it's a complete placebo
The devs dont want to make one.
Why is that reason always brushed aside?
>I was called a retard and told to fuck off
>Making me the victor
Whatever gets (You) through the day
>heh doesn’t realize he walked right into my trap!
How do you even get so owned?
I don't care if there's a conspiracy going or not, I just want these two-faced dickheads to stop acting like they speak for anybody when cases like this clearly show they don't. They're still the ones flinging shit at the walls whether they're being told to or not.
Them (You)'s do bro.
Actually feels like I've had some social interaction for the day
These people need to stop. I can't stand these people trying to twist games into monstrosities. I've not played Sekiro yet, but when I do I will be in the mood for a challenge. Adding an easy mode would make my accomplishment feel less rewarding. Why wouldn't I just put it on easy mode and go aroung saying I've beat Sekiro. These people are absolutely retarded.
Not all games should be for everyone. If you can't beat it ,git gud, otherwise don't buy challenging games. These liberals need to off themselves.
This. SJWs are some of the most mindblowingly racist people you will ever meet. Even worse, they won't even think they are. They are petty and spiteful children who can not stand the idea of someone enjoying something they can't, so they'll throw a tantrum to make sure no one can.
Because what's the point for the devs to spend time and money to rebalance the entire game for which seems like a vocal minority? The game already has easy mode either way, you can cheese anything
But what if i have no energy to beat that game? I usually managing 3-4 deaths before i quit. It took me like 4 months to beat ds1 and right now i'm trying to beat that skeletal carriage boss in ds2 with one attempt a day. Fuck, i miss when i was a teen and could play vidya on hardest diffuculty 16 hours a day. But fuck easy mode, it's not going to help me.
They've always hated Japan though and I just don't get why. A lot of them admitted to have grown up as weebs too. What the fuck happened to them?
Bandersnatch* (Interactive episode of Black Mirror)
>one reason
People aren’t equal and they don’t deserve to be “in” on the latest hot thing just because everyone is doing it.
Either put in the effort or fuck off.
I am not surprised. What did they say he was banned for?
Drive-by posting?
Re-directing ableism?
Needless hostility?
>consider adding an easy mode to Demon's Souls for its North American release
muricans really need to stay the fuck away from vidya
Miyazaki clearly isn't budging. If this were an AAA dev we'd have the easy mode by now.
The design philosophy behind Sekiro, Bloodborne, and the Souls games is an old one that relies on players learning from their mistakes so they are better prepared to handle new mechanics and tougher challenges later on. Adding easy modes would not only break these games and deprive less-skilled players the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge, but also damage the industry as a whole.
Imagine if every developer was required to spend time, money, and manpower destroying their initial visions by making sure their latest releases were so easy that even a toddler could play them. Casuals would be so spoiled from "beating" these games that they'll expect the next one to be even easier and, if it's not, complain endlessly unless the developers pacify them with a patch. It wouldn't be long before homogenization caused even remotely challenging games to go extinct.
Video games are just as accessible as any other form of media. The only things keeping casuals from playing are their defeatist attitudes, self-imposed inexperience, and lame excuses. Harder games having a "barrier of entry" is a myth perpetuated by those that have no faith in themselves and people who insist "gatekeeping" is a major problem fail to understand that others telling them to "git gud" aren't necessarily doing it out of spite.
If there's one thing predictable reactions to games like this prove, it's that there are genuinely entitled "gamers" out there who simply can't stand being left out. Everything can't appeal to everyone. The hours these people have spent begging for easy modes online could've been used to practice whichever part of the game was giving them so much trouble OR look for a new game to play instead. With the sheer number of shallow narrative-centric slogs to choose from these days, casuals have more options than ever before.
No one should seriously expect to beat every game they buy simply because they picked up the controller. If you aren't dying, the devs ain't trying.
>games should be for everyone
>my fellow communists
When you see it ...
The guy wasn't even that harsh, he just laid out simple facts
So here's what I don't get. I fucking suck at Dark Souls but I'm having a relatively good time with Sekiro. If I were to play DS with a ton of parrying would that be possible?
>Games are art, respect the artist
>Games are not for you
>Games are a product that the consumer should influence
>Games are for everyone
Lads, seriously, how do they do it. Being intentionally hypocritical and stupid every moment of every day to intentionally be called hypocritical and stupid for mouse clicks. That has to take its toll, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I don't think I could do it, guys. That existence sounds like a living nightmare.
We can't be having any of those user
This right here, you say it wouldn't affect anything and "just slap and easy mode on it" but now you want them to actually spend manhours on tweaking your baby mode and that's away from the other parts of the game. fuck off.
gotta pull in those clicks
>imagine being this owned
>if you aren't on my side you are the enemy
I bet if they do add easy mode shitters would claim they didn't and give feedback that it's still too hard. Or they will do what Obsidian did and push back each difficulty and change the names so people wouldn't feel embarassed.
They made Veteran the normal and Normal the Easy, Easy the Storytime and Storytime the braindead
Oh it's fucking hilarious when journalists (who are overwhelmingly far-left with socialist tendencies) try to play "they're a business, so they must do everything to maximize profit" card. It's like the political equivalent of concern trolling.
Welcome to RetardEra, where facts can get you banned, even if you say it as politely as possible.
Git Gud faggot.
Why do the left constantly keep shooting themselves in the foot like this?
I played Celeste, and when you turn on cheats the entire purpose of the game is gone and it wasn't any fun at all. Not only that but you can still get achievements with the cheats on which defeats the idea of achievements.
They're just following the script
bruh why not just cheat it's a single player game it don't even got summons bruh lmaooooooooooo
All they want is power over others. Everything else is just a means to that end.
>if you getting good requires failing it's not worthwhile
Do you think chess grand champions haven't lost over and over and over until they got to that point?
These game journalists should fuck off and leave the industry and do work at a super market, because that's what they're only capable of doing. You don't see film critics or book critics complaining how a film or a book is too hard to read or understand.
Also, to people who complain about difficult games: Play easier games! There are hundreds of easy games, while there are only dozen truly challenging and fair games. Hard games are not for you.
Did trannies know? You can afford rope to hang yourself with if you forgo one week of HRT?
New thread
>or always
It hurts to get out of bed to buy the rope after all the dilation bro
Demon souls is fucking mediocre as hell the fuck are you smoking, ds1 is miles ahead of it and saying "maybe" bb lmao
He’s far from perfect as a director but I deeply respect his vision and passion. I wasn’t sure about how he’d go as president of From but like he said it was more of a creative position than a managerial one and most of the older management staff still do all that and Miyazaki is just the creative head. He’s been going on a lot about how he wants other directors in From to step up and realise their visions too so hopefully we’ll get some non Miyazaki games from them soon, he seems like he’s be very supportive about whatever the other directors wanted to make and would help them realise it as best he can.
That is retarded, imagine needing an assist mode for a kids game.
>snoy bans anime tiddy
>snoy is now coming after toxic difficulty
Can't wait to enjoy hijab station 5 right bros?
They're so delusional they think they're a majority, when they never were. They're just exceedingly intolerant, so they've been able to get their way ever since the Religious Right lost the culture war in the 90s.
That doesn't mean you can't do it, it just means you don't have the determination to do it. You have nobody to blame but your own weak personality. Why do you think you deserve a free pass? And what do you think you have to gain? The entire point of a game like Sekiro is the joy you get from gitting gud. Without that, you might as well just watch somebody else play. It would be the same experience as an easy mode.
They have no principles and only live by being self-serving narcissists. They're soulless husks bent on nothing but trying to make other people do what they tell them.
Actually some actually thing it's the alt right who's the majority. When faggots know that the real truth is the majority are just casuals.
New thread
>add storymode to all games
>it removes all enemies and keys/puzzles and you just walk forward for 6 hours
I can respect he's doing the opposite of the other Miyazaki, who basically micromanaged Studio Ghibli so much that when he left, there wasn't anyone who could fill his shoes.
Good, fuck casuals
>scriptfags can't even stand someone saying that they're just bad at video games without even using no no words.
>But all games should be for all people.
Ok Karl Marx