ITT: Pleb filters
ITT: Pleb filters
I replayed it recently and it's nowhere near as bad as everyone says.
Still could have been improved if the iron boots were a c button item though.
the water temple is actually a pretty great dungeon, but I think people have bad memories of it because the boss is total dogshit
I hate most of OoT and the water temple felt pretty fun
people always forget to go back to the corridor where you first lower the water for the key there at mid tide, get frustrated, lose ambition. I've seen multiple people play this fucking dungeon when this shit came out, happened everytime.
it's not even hard. if it weren't for the shadow link fight I would have quit out of boredom after this shitty temple
How and why
You pass that area on your first trip down. Anyone with any modicum of curiousity would've remembered that and checked it out later. And anyone without wouldn't've passed the forest temple.
Great Bay Temple is harder. And better. Honestly the Water Temple isn't that hard, it's just tedious because of all the menu-ing you have to do on the N64 version
Nobody cares about the boss. Everyone just memes about how hard it was to navigate when in reality it was just one easily missable key that forced you to reset the whole water cycle which was kinda tedious.
But most people don't even know that. It's a typical "five monkeys" meme.
The average person isnt very observant, have you ever watched a normie play a videogame?
True, Watching my brother play most games is a pain.
The only exception is AoE2, somehow he's better at it than I am.
Water Temple isn't difficult so much as it is annoying to Menu dance to change boots. That's why a 3DS/Patch N64 version/Randomizer make it infinitely better.
>because the boss is total dogshit
The boss is a joke.
>Continue to hookshot it to drag it along with you into one of the corners of the room
>Circle around it while still hookshotting so that it ends up between you and the corner
>Proceed to crouch stab the shit out of it and continuously bully it back into the corner as it tries to desperately flee back to the water
The fight is over in 30 seconds
>iron boots on you make you sink
>iron boots in your bags don't
sasuga nintendo
I couldn't get past the fat ass, and I also was not able to get fish, the movement I caught a fish link would just throw it back in the water, even tho I did have a bottle, after a while I remembered there was a guy selling fish but when I went to his store fish was like 10000 rupees or something.
what were you supposed to do there.
Honestly anons, aside from Ganon, did you like ANY of the bosses from OOT?
Because I only kinda like Volvagia and Bongo Bongo
was malon always that smug looking?
Shadow Link was kino if you fought him fairly
Majora's Mask just has the best dungeons, despite also having among the fewest.
Well that's more of a miniboss, I meant actual end of dungeon bosses. He was fun though.
That's mallet space my dude
Link is a looney tunes character
no human can ever be as smug as a lady who knows she has a nice rack, if you're male you cannot even imagine it
>already filtered by hulk hogan
Holy fuck, user
my gf has a great rack yet somehow she's insecure over it and doesn't even want it, how do I change her mind
Why would change that you idiot?
Insecure girls are the best
Yeah she was always an asshole
People always forget the location of at least 1 key then declare that it's somehow possible to softlock the game there.
I remember people saying you could get softlocked in this temple, but it's not true. The thing with this dungeon is that there is one small key which is a little bit confusing to locate. That's all.
t. never dated an insecure girl
I've had this exact discussion with someone else before. What you think is "insecure" is actually just "not smug/loud/narcissistic/a cunt". Actual insecurity is fun for no-one involved, and should not be confused with quiet/demure/eager-to-please/weak-willed/overly humble
I like them all conceptually, but they're all pretty damn easy. I think the main thing I like about them is that there are usually ways to approach fights that most people don't consider on their first playthroughs because they're able to get by without much effort by just using the bare minimum.
>Using Deku Sticks over the Kokiri sword in the child dungeons because they deal 2x the damage
>Bottle works on Ganon Tennis
>Bullying Morpha in a corner
>Dealing damage to Volvagia while she's flying with arrows
>Ice Arrows actually having a use by having a special interaction with Bongo
>Using the hookshot in the first phase of Twinrova to lock one in place while the other one charges their beam
They're just too easy, even as a kid. I liked all of them except Bongo Bongo. Morpha could've been better too, but the concept is amazing.
Also forgot to mention that Deku Nuts actually deal damage to Ganon.
>>Using the hookshot in the first phase of Twinrova to lock one in place while the other one charges their beam
That's the only thing I never tried doing
>penultimate dungeon
>pleb filter
get a brain moran.
yeah, you are
shadow temple is the penultimate dungeon
>fourth, fifth or sixth out of nine dungeons
it's not much of a temple tbqh. Water Temple is just pace breaking shit design like MGS3
shadow temple is the penultimate dungeon though
list of dungeons in OoT in non-meme order:
deku tree
dodongo cavern
jabu jabu insides
forest temple
fire temple
water temple
shadow temple
spirit temple
not dungeons:
ganon's castle
ice cavern
beneath the well
I don't understand why people think it's so hard, it's actually very simple. I played through OoT again last year and I actually found myself getting lost in the Forest Temple, but I had no problems at all with the Water Temple. It's very straightforward.
>Still could have been improved if the iron boots were a c button item though.
I guess so, yeah, but it's really a pretty minor thing and I never find myself thinking about it. It's really not that much of a hassle opening up the start menu. You have to do that anyway to equip new C items.
>not dungeons: ganon's tower
Did you forget about the branching paths?
"b-but they're linear" every fucking dungeon in that game is 90-100% linear, and the tower actually has six linear paths to do in any order. It takes longer to complete than the deku tree, both for first-time casual playthroughs and if you know what you're doing.
Water Temple cannot be the penultimate dungeon for fuck's sake, you must have never played this game.
Forest Temple, Fire Temple, then Water Temple are all fixed in order I believe (I don't think you can complete them in any other order than that, if I remember correctly). Then once you've done the Water Temple, the last two dungeons become available - Shadow Temple and Spirit Temple. And I think you can complete them in either order, though I usually do Shadow first.
yeah but it's not a dungeon
Can't you hardlock the game on the original n64 version if you go through it in the wrong order or something? I seem to remember there was a way to end up with too few keys to finish
Boss is dogshit as in uninspired, unchallenging, and a waste of time. Only difference is whether you waste 10-20 seconds or minutes depending on how many times you get grabbed.
Problem with the water temple is the lack of a proper at least semi-linear progression. You have corridors going out in all directions and it's way too easy to go down the wrong ones over and over, you can't know which ones actually lead to a place where you can do something until you've trial-and-error'd them all. Having to raise and lower the water over and over is also incredibly annoying.
The only reason why is because of Especially that one small key under the platform in pic related which has to have a specific water level. Backtracking to get a certain water level caused confusion due to the samey paths.
this is literally the entire water temple meme. just this one key. everything else is irrelevant. people got stuck as kids and they may not remember why, but it was always this key
Almost. It takes watching some cutscenes, but you can actually do forest, water and fire in any order. This is because you don't need to travel back to the past for any of them, which becomes available after forest.
You can do spirit and shadow in either order, but that's not an entirely accurate phrasing. The spirit temple opens up after you've cleared forest and gotten the long hookshot from water, and the cutscene in kakariko needed for shadow only plays after you've cleared forest, water and fire.
Technically, you could even do water->forest->spirit->fire->shadow.
You cannot. This is a rumor leftover from easy to miss key in the water temple + internet wasn't popular yet.
>implying all FROM games don't have this problem once in a while
This shit took me hours. You have to do everything perfectly. If I didn't have the internet I would have guessed it would be impossible
The rest of the temple is also tedious as hell, even if it's not necessarily difficult. Also, fuck that key.
Easy but tedious and menu-pilled if youdo it in one go. Literally impossible if you quit halfway through
Actually yes you can. After getting the longshot, if you go through the opposite door from the passage where you originally find two small keys in a row (the one with the brick you can raise in the middle), then use your small key inside there without having first opened the one on the top floor that you need the longshot to reach. Go inside, then use the bottle duplication glitch to replace your longshot with a bottle. After that you're pretty much 100% fucked.
Why not?
Sure if you said it wasn't a 'temple' I'd agree with you on a technicality but why doesn't it count as a dungeon?
>use a glitch
I remember the Twilight Princess one being worse. But to be honest I don't really remember the Ocarina one. I just know at the time I played Twilight, I thought it was more confusing.
I remember missing this key on my first playthrough but I'm pretty sure I managed to find it because the compass exists. I had more trouble with the Shadow Temple because I was a pussy.
>I had more trouble with the Shadow Temple because I was a pussy.
I shamefully recognize that feel
As a kid I never figured out how to get the second water flow going, so I just got impatient and figured out that I could drop onto the boss tower from the chandelier at the top.
You were playing on Give Me Deus Ex, right?
water temple is endgame
Kind of makes me want to play again.
I honestly thought it was just part of the story. I didn't even think it was possible to save her.
I unironically got stuck on the Forest Temple longer than I did the Water Temple. For some reason I had no idea you could shoot the eye switch a second time to untwist the hallways
>water temple is endgame
>Despite not being at the end
sasuga shitposter-kun.
>last third of the game
>not endgame
it's a tower not a dungeon
it took me 3 month at the time to figure out
In that case I want Dodongos Cavern to not count as a dungeon. Because it's a Cavern.
Also Jabu Jabu Jabu, Deku Tree, etc
>most difficult path becomes canon in the sequel
What other games do this?
that doesn't apply at all because they're all still dungeons unlike ganon's tower
But it isn't in the last third of the game. You still have two whole dungeons, Bottom of the Well, and Gerudo's Fortress, assuming you didn't do it earlier in the game, after the Water Temple.
There are no puzzles therefore it's not a dungeon
What criteria are you using exactly to define a "dungeon"?
Never reached here. I'm still on China. How far is it?
True hell on GMDX + pacifist. You have to be almost frame-perfect with your positioning and shots not to wind up dead.
Ice Cavern has puzzles but apparently isn't a dungeon...
Ice cavern is not a dungeon for different reasons
What I noticed is that people didn’t realize you could go in the pathway that is revealed when the block floats up. You know, in the middle pillar.
>Literally impossible if you quit halfway through
False. That is not true in any case
based and chesspilled
Gettin a gf
>in middle school i had a friend who thought the shadow temple came out straight from a creepypasta with all the blood and corpses
It's a dungeon the same vein that the Ice Cavern, Bottom of the Well, and Gerudo Training Grounds are dungeons. It's not as long as a temple, but you get a special item needed to complete the dungeon, it has dungeon exclusive enemies like Stalfos Ironknuckles and Wallmasters, and there's a boss at the end.
>moving the goalpost
It's midgame anyway.
OwO, what's this?
>What criteria are you using exactly to define a "dungeon"?
this function:
boolean isDungeon(string location) {
var isDungeon = isDungeonMapping[location];
if (String.Equals(location, "ganon's tower", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) isDungeon = false;
return isDungeon;
private readonly Dictionary isDungeonMapping = new Dictionary() {
new Tuple("forest temple", true),
new Tuple("fire temple", true),
new Tuple("water temple", true),
new Tuple("shadow temple", true),
new Tuple("spirit temple", true),
new Tuple("temple of time", false),
new Tuple("inside the deku tree", true),
new Tuple("dodongo cavern", true),
new Tuple("inside jabu-jabu's belly", true),
new Tuple("ice cavern", false),
new Tuple("bottom of the well", false),
new Tuple("hyrule field", false),
new Tuple("ganon's tower", true),
Whole game is a pleb filter. If someone says they don't like this game and the next thing out of them has to do with level design, you can rest assured they're a "hold right" retard that plays Sonic wrong and this is the one game that hammers that home.
>implying that this is an excuse
I like their games, but stop sucking their dicks.
None of those are dungeons though. You're just applying your own arbitrary characteristics that determine a dungeon
You should just show a screenshot of the end of the game, since most fake nerds out there who love Zelda have never actually beaten this game.
Careful because that's a slippery slope. A lot of so-called Zelda fans have never played the 2D games.
please explain to a brainlet like me.
>new Tuple("ganon's tower", true),
makes me think that it considers it a dungeon but
>if (String.Equals(location, "ganon's tower", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) isDungeon = false;
makes me think otherwise. I can't read code
if statement changing and censoring history
nice syntax error fag
NKG is endgame content, that's like saying Radiance or Trial of the Knight is a pleb filter. I don't even know what a pleb filter in Hollow Knight would be.
The boss fight was pretty annoying, but I honestly thought the boss design was a bit neat.
Did you mean trial of the fool or pantheon of the knight?
Either way, HK pleb filters include:
Mantis Lords
Hornet 2
Watcher Knights
The entirety of Deepnest
The map system
Dung Defender
The Hive
This is is not exhaustive
Yeah I got those 2 confused but I definitely meant the second one.
In my opinion only mandatory content can be a pleb filter. Optional content isn't really a pleb filter since plebs don't need to play through them.
Consider pic related, this is where I got filtered
Lots of gas grenades