Thoughts on bad parenthood?

Thoughts on bad parenthood?

Why do americans love to brutally destroy things that they paid a lot of money for?

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I understand firsthand how hard it is to make it in this world.

When I have children, I'll buy a small house for my adult child and really encourage them that they can live life however they want. I'll be supportive of whatever their passion is.

what if his passion is gay furry bugchasing watersports

capitalism encourages a destruction of property fetish. not watching that video but afterwards the father would probably get off on this.

Oh, of course, the latest popular garbage in social media gets posted in Yea Forumseddit.
Between this and Twitter screencap threads I understand fully why normalfags are subhumans.

Kid deserved it for:
>A. having a PS4
>B. Being black

unironically based

fucking garbage human beings kill yyourself

>kid umironically wearing an EAT SLEEP FORTNITE REPEAT short
it's staged

Stop posting nigger shit. We know they can't control themselves like people. sage

This would've worked great if he just didn't record it. Also the actually destroying part was unnecessary, just take it away.

Me? I'm not gonna have kids

For click bait jewtube videos

>When taking away stuff is too hard, destroy the shit you bought

Low IQ


So that they can upload it on youtube for attention

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parents are sadistic

Because American parents are:

A) Barely more functional than their children and just as self-absorbed mmature
B) Authoritarian control freaks with a sadistic streak from an upbringing by the same type of parent

They either do it because they're children looking for social media likes or genuinely enjoy crushing their kids' souls to keep them in line.

t. Bong who grew up in the states after moving there in middle school

I just got my video games taken from me when I was younger and I had to earn the right to have them again by doing better. This method isn’t giving the kid any means of redemption and now his mug is all over he internet, adding to his embarrassment. Not going to go well for him.


>all the butthurt poor /pol/s SEETHING at seeing a black family with money
Lmao the video is generic shit. Alll these storm faggots getting mad my sides.

That's a terrible way to raise someone. You have got to let them skin their knees so they know they bleed like everybody else. You've got to let them fail so they know they aren't perfect. A sense of entitlement never got anybody anywhere but in a rock in a hard place, where they belonged.

>waah he made him destory bideo games
His father is obviously a rich chad seeing his son basically becoming a white boy I would do the same shit. The only reason you guys sympathize with it is because LE MEAN MAN BREAK VIDYA

Boohoo. He broke the plastic jew box. Kid's probably gonna unlock his inner black chad now and fuck some white girl's you still fap to while staring at in the hallway

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