Post only the best videogame youtube channels

Post only the best videogame youtube channels

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we’re waiting, indeimaus is a fag.

best gamer girl

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>saves gaming

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>doesn't say who it is

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you just know gaming brit added himself to this image
>d-don't forget me guys!
useless faggot


Unironically oneyplays

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

The reference. I still watch Carl the Braincel on a regular basis.

>indei'I take the corporate dick since day one'maus
Nah he is a dumb faggot

>people like thing
Yikes dude am I right upboat

Is there any channel where they’re just ridiculously good at video games and blow everything the fuck out?

oof, yikes..

>Yikes dude am I right

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Mainly fighting game youtubers maximillian dood is pretty good

Lord Mandalore

Ya seethe lil guy?

for me it's the sphere hunter :-)

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>takes your own shitty memes you've seen here a million times already and feeds them back to you with ADHD editing so you don't have a moment to think about how shit it is
>earning good patreon money from this regurgitated talentless shit
Sseth is Yea Forums's guy because Yea Forums doesn't deserve anything better than this.
I get it if you're underage and lap up "board culture" because you're still at the age where you're desperate to feel like you're part of some kind of club but if anyone over the age of 18 likes this, they're definitely just fucking braindead.

Muh mature website for mature gamers
Kill yourself you fucking embarrassment.

My favorite is the autistic german baby voice! Hah oh ho hah ah classic!

I only like analysis videos. I can't stand "funny" gameplay or gameplay videos in general. Whitelight, B-Mask and GVMERS are among my favourites.

hunting the spheres between her legs if you catch my cold

>no fun allowed
If he wasnt popular you would be all over his dick

you couldn't pick a bigger faggot

Honestly I’m sorry this post was too mean.
What I mean is that stop taking everything so seriously. It’s a waste of time and you’ll have more fun if you lighten up and enjoy the ride. I recommend taking a break from Yea Forums; by the time you come back you’ll be really missing the atmosphere

why does Yea Forums shill this person again

>haha dark souls so hard and quirky meanwhile i play games on easiest difficulty did i mention dark souls haha so quirky guys?

Dude lmao what if haha this video game XD had dlc rofl and lootboxes kek

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Cr1tikal is pretty insane at most games actually, even when fucking around.

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Northern Lion or Harmful Opinions?

I'm glad this piece of shit got btfo on twitter so hard he deleted his post

>why does Yea Forums shill this person again
qt trap

She’s my favorite female YTer and I don’t care if she’s trans.

>tfw tetris is over


Imagine being Northernlion, imagine having to carry 10+ numales on your back weekly, propping up half a dozen twitch channels just by existing, having to support your wife who doesn't even make 1/100th your income.
He does this all and he never complains, he'll never break down and get angry, he'll never stop making content people want to watch. He's a man and not the hero we deserve.

Imagine having to be Northernlion on that stream and be all like "Damn Austin you're so funny with your autism, juvenile humour and your desperate desire to be the best at every game we play to make up for a lack of self worth you have from childhood." or having to grin and bear another stream without Joshua or Malf to keep him sane, to keep him honest.

>looks like a she
>sounds like a she
>acts like a she

I love his Dark Souls 3 Zitler run, both hilarious and game breaking.

Carl the Braincel and the Flintstones bit with Tomar.

>>looks like a she

Moral of the story: The only girls that are good on youtube were previously boys.

nl quite likes austin, it was only nick who got on his nerves and nick knew that so he left.

>were previously boys

his videos are the literally definition of polished turds

Now post his disgusting face and body without 10 kilos of makeup and 15 layers of photoshop.

I wanna marry suzi.


He still looks like a boy who just hit puberty
And that's with the picture edited and tons of makeup
3DPD remains PD

Man I love this copypasta, you can really tell the original guy was mad as fuck when writing it

No, Nick left because his mother got sick, his cat got sick and he felt he wasn't bringing much to the NLSS. Nick is one of the few in the crew with an actual backbone and standards. Nick has been NL's friends for years, NL gave him all his ad revenue from the streams for years.

I can't agree more. He's jealous that his friends are getting more money from Patreon therefore he tries his best to shill anywhere possible.
He's also a leftist and banned people on his Discord for having undemocratic opinions.

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Fuck phoneposters.

It's the "I get it" that really sells just how mad they are, cracks me up.

Get back to 2014 goobergabber.

Not really great at games, but I find them funny as fuck. Pretty much the only LPs I watch anymore. Sometimes Oney.

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I'll never watch a video of his based purely on his obnoxious avatar

what the shit? last time i found his channel it had 24k subs and no avatar fag stuff. well. good for him i guess.

wait nick left the nlss? damn i might start watching it again

>archived and watch them on tv
>watch them on phone while commuting or doing basic tasks

A good while ago

>banned people on his Discord for having undemocratic opinions.

Care to give a rundown of what happened?

You shills are getting more and more obscure. I don't know who this literally who is, but I can tell he's a soiboy faggot based on the gauged ears. Take this faggotry to Reddit or Facebook, not Yea Forums.

Good taste
If only we all had your intellect user. Kys


is that brutalmoose?

>He's also a leftist
Good. I'm glad he's breaking out of feeling he needs to pander to Yea Forums.
I am fucking sick of BASED AND REDPILLED shit because it's gotten too fucking obnoxious. People only got sick of liberals because they got too annoying. Righties have learned nothing from this.
Now go ahead and throw memes at me, I don't give a shit anymore.

> "trap"
But you can tell straight away they're a man. Do they still count as a trap if you can only not tell when they're standing at a distance?