>Four years
Four years
More like 2 accumulated years of rushed development.
What have got in those four years? Two screenshots and one trailer? Along with he news that the dev team assisting was fired and their work undone, and the director getting replaced.
We'll be lucky if this comes out in the same amount of time FF15 did
God even 15 was a rushed mess. It shouldn't be to hard to make a ff game
>15 was a rushed mess
FF 15 had a great open world that encouraged exploration through hunting missions. It was not a bad game at all. The linear parts were also good, with the train rides being comfy as fuck.
it was dogshit, dude
They have eyes bigger than their stomachs. End of the day, JRPGS with a focus on story and turn based combat are easier to make than, say, action games.
Not at all devaluing how good they are, but its on the lower end of things fucking up.
So why the fuck do they keep trying to make huge open world with real time (but "accessible") combat? Why did FF15 have so many intricacies and story modes they had to add post game? Why is FF7 being split into four parts, each "with their own gameplay style" and real time combat? Why have they announced they're changing the story? why the fuck are they adding branching paths?
This shouldn't be that hard. Take FF7, redo the graphics, maybe add a few new quests why not, done. This shouldve been the easiest project they ever worked on but its become their biggest mess.
not to mention how GREAT the 30 minute story was.
You didnt exactly disprove his points so Im gonna believe him over you
>Why have they announced they're changing the story? why the fuck are they adding branching paths?
FUCK I missed this. I knew it, theyre gonna let you save Aerith and spit in the face of the OG games entire theme and message. Fuck SE, this is EVA Rebuild all over again.
There's no way they can make this game and not have it a total mess.
The world of FF7 was simply too big to be transferred into a modern game. They'll have to remove a lot from the original to fit it into a new game.
Because barely anyone from this generation plays games with turn based combat.
I know theyre gonna undo Aeries death. I knew from day one. But I am gonna be SO pissed when it happens, how dumb can you get
Why are you niggers lying? They explicitly said the game is going to be a linear progression.
There's plenty of bad stuff to get worked up about, straight up inventing bullshit is not necessary.
For better or worse, FF has always been a highly ambitious franchise.
This was better handled in the earlier days of gaming where development was relatively low budget, but in the modern age of expansive open-world titles always trying to push the technical envelope, SE is having a harder time delivering on their ambitions.
Games like Persona 5 and Octopath show that there's still an audience for traditional turn-based combat. A new FF game with a mainline budget that goes back to the franchise's roots would be wildly successful, while also NOT taking a decade to develop.
>The world of FF7 was simply too big to be transferred into a modern game.
This is blatantly untrue. If they did it in PS1 they can do it in modern day, FF15 has a bigger world than FF7 does.
The issue is they want to make it even bigger. They want you to explore every nook and cranny of Midgar even though what you see in the original is more than enough.
Restraint is the word of the day boys and girls. A smaller, well designed open world is always better than a large one with nothing in it.
Fuck Persona 5s combat was so satisfying. Speaking of MIA games, when the hell are we learning more about SMTV?
This. Kamurocho will always have more soul top it then whatever the fuck GTA5 is set in.
Prob E3 though I'll bet anything its gonna look wildly different from those two early trailers
Look at this from this perspective:
FFXV had one region of the world in the game.
FFVII had the entire world. It was simplified, and quite empty. However, the main premise of FF7 was searching the entire world for Sephiroth and the Promised Land.
In order to pull FF7 into the modern standards, each area must be expanded, made more detailed, more populated and filled with content, otherwise it'll become a very bleak experience.
Making FF7:RE an open world game would ultimately end in failure, because you'd need to either cut a lot of the world, or turn the world into small sections you travel to through means of fast-travel. Or a completely linear world with no (or small) open areas.
Cancelled so that development efforts can be put towards Persona 5 Kart
I honestly want Square Enix to fuck off, they wish they were what there predecessors were. SquareSoft will always live well in my memories till its last few years.
Yeah I was arguing against it being open world, just stick to the areas the OG game had. They dont need to be expanded, just more detailed like you said.; I dont even think they need to be more populated, since the whole game has a "depressing slums" aesthetic to it outside a few areas. I honestly cant think of anything they'd have to cut as long as they dont get up their own ass about making it a super expansive world
Hey the new Dragon Quest was fantastic at least
>and the director getting replaced.
Nomura's still directing
FF7 is too big to be made with current gen graphics
Being episodic already confirms remake will be absolute dog shit
Not the actual director. Nomura's always been an ideas guy.
No he is still the actual director
Because he makes you upset, does not mean he was replaced
Thats all Enix tho
It isn't necessarily going to be episodic anymore since they restarted the project in-house. And the game is most likely going to be on PS5.
Enix aren't and have never been developers
>FF7 is too big to be made with current gen graphics
I hate this meme, its so untrue.
The new DQ was colourful and full of charm so you cant expect Yea Forums to have played it
Doesn't upset me at all. Just stating like it is. Tai Yasue is the actual director that works on his games by Nomura's own admission. He's just there for PR, same as always.
>Just stating like it is
Sounds more like he does make you upset, and you don't want to credit him. Kinda pathetic 2behonest
Retards have hyped up a VII remake to be the holy grail to the point that even Square believed the meme and think it's their trump card when it'll probably sell less than XIII and XV.
And the development is not even close to the mess that was the development of Crystal Tools, XIV and XV. VIIR hasn't even been in active development and they've been upfront about the fact that what's been shown was a proof of concept at best.
It may have been stalled for years but it's not like it was a black hole of money and manpower like those other projects.
And now you're just covering your ears because you don't like that Nomura isn't much of a developer. Again, by his own admission. You do you, champ.
I know what the context of that quote is kiddo. He's being humble and crediting his staff because the games he works on are being developed in two different cities hours apart from one another. He literally can't be in two places at once. I know you're upset, but please don't stop being dumb
Just cause they have had bigger time sinks, doesnt mean that only having proof of concepts after 4 years isnt a bad fucking thing for the company
I can't believe Nomura said he's going to give players the choice to play the rest of the game in that dress he has to wear when he rescues Tifa from Don Cornelio. I think I also heard you can make Cloud an actual woman after that when he goes to a back alley magical surgeon too.
>He's being humble
>He can't stay at two at the same time, guy! Any normal issue that any greater director
Imagine liking a director so much, you actually make excuses for him when he openly admits he's not up for it. I mean, good luck with with FF7. That doesn't look like a fucking train wreck or anything.
>you actually make excuses for him
There are teams in osaka and tokyo. The games he works on are in both cities.
Jesus user I know you were upset, but not knowing simple facts like this just makes you look like an even bigger retard
>when your company is so cucked, that they use a spin off and take 10 years to release it as their next mainline FF game, and still fuck it up
>take 10 years+ to finish KH3 and it is fucking forgettable garbage
>announce one of your greatest JRPGs will get a HD remake because you literally have nothing else left outside one based man from Nier and one based man making your MMO that kept you from going in the red
>they think a HD remake without any soul or turn based combat or simplifying the mechanics / no world map will sell the same numbers as FFVII's original iconic launch did
Everyone at Square now needs to be fired.