Piracy =/= theft

learn the difference

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus outright stole some kids lunch and handed it out to everyone else because they were too fucking dumb to bring their own.

Jesus' miracle would not be a suitable business model.

I pirate and I don't give a shit. deal with it and stop these retarded threads every fucking day

That doesn't make piracy legal or good for society. I don't think it's usually the fault of pirates though, a lot of the time it isn't because they're bad people, but because copyright owners do as much as they can to extort the public.
Pirates know that the practice is a necessary evil at best, a sign of a rotting industry.

Ok, third world monkey

keep seething

anit-pirate fags are literal brainless monkeys
t. European Union

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>good for society
Ask me if I care,commie

Jesus and the gang was out in the middle with a no where with a huge crowd. Jesus took so long talking everyone got hungry so He multiplied some kids lunch for everyone. People on average eat three times a day so the next day if not that same day everyone there was buying/making their own food again. I'm not defending or attacking pirating or saying the Bible is the way of life but at least know the source material you are taking it from and use common sense
Matthew 15:32-39
Mark 8:1-9

Fuck that fucking kike JC stealing potential profits from bread and fish vendors, what a disgrace.

That's wrong though.

Theft is defined as taking what doesn't belong to you.

Piracy is taking a game that doesn't belong to you.

The critical factor isn't physical itemization, it's entitlement and compensation. Stealing is taking something you're not entitled to, without compensating the seller. Piracy is also taking something you're not entitled to without compensating the seller.

Did you even try to read my post?

Seriously, they still haven't fixed this image glitch? Gookmoot get off your ass

Fuck moralfags and their jewish overlords

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Devs should just get funded from taxes.
Games should be free.

Thats fucking wrong though, shitlord
You're taking a product without giving back what is in demand for the service/property.

You're the Chinese communist scum trying to sabotage our capitalistic system.

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I updated OP's image to reflect the scientific evidence that was found in this study, that videogame piracy actually increases videogame sales.

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I love how Yea Forums supports piracy but hates chinks copying every intellectual property they see and convincing their other fellow chinks it's the real one

That doesn't make it legal.

Yes, but ironically it's morally right.

Double standards exist within the consensus

One moment they hate capitalistic endeavors that fuck them over by abuse, next second theyre praising it like its the greatest system and all those who abuse it are deserving in doing so.

The latter is justified though, so fuck you all, you communist scum

That depends on what the model is designed to do

Jesus giving free bread to everyone destroyed the baker's business.

It creates a dependence around him, which stops society from finding alternative solutions to the issue. The moral thing to do would be to use your religious influence to convince the government to rework the welfare system so that people aren't starving after you leave and can't feed them.

And so the baker never went on to make more Bread and people complained about eating the same stale copy of bread.

>food analogies

so you saying piracy and theft are two different things?

>Jesus analogies
Come on, Youre in an analogy thread.

>*Turns water into wine*
No wonder he got lynched.

And extra copy means extra money.

Where is the extra money?

>Jesus giving free bread to everyone destroyed the baker's business
No it did not.

>rework welfare system
why do people put the panhandler dilemma on Jesus giving some kids food so they wont die for a night

To the creator, a pirated copy that results in one fewer sale is the equivalent of a stolen copy.
The question is, how many pirated copies would otherwise have been sales? Probably not that many, ultimately.

>run a random binary sequence generator forever
>eventually I'll have every game pirated

Cry some more buyfags

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In the case of piracy, crackers are always going to exist in some form but nobody depends on them since they can only offer immaterial goods for free.

Yes. Piracy and theft are two different illegal and equally wrong things.

clearly not the same item, that's a blue vase.

in your wallet

Considering that he said that it would be easier to push a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven, I don't think he cared much about profit.

>"I'm just gonna pirate these carrots, thankies! >:3"

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>accidentally generates binary sequences equivalent to children fucking

>pirates are so triggered that people call them thieves they have to make dozens of MS Paint comics to justify it

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"dude i'm poor, i can't buy your shit, at least let me play it and discuss it with people that can buy your shit."
happy ending.

toaster bath

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In the grand scheme of things the part that matters is that he made a miracle, not that it actually helped anybody. People were starving before and after that, which is not something that a moral person would accept.
Also, Rome did have the capacity for basic food redistribution. It wouldn't be too hard to convince them if you were literally a god

I get it for free.

That's good business.

Pay me with sauce

This is a good way to look at things. If your product is really that good and it's sold under reasonable conditions, statistically it is less likely to be pirated.
This is why everybody pirates game of thrones, even if you like it there id still no reason in the world to pay for netflix and their shitty service when it should be on netflix to begin with
Use saucenao.com

Selling infinitely replicatable goods is already a lost cause. Artificially choking the supply of an abundant good to raise prices is a cartel.

Piracy is just a phase that you grow out of. So pirate as much as you can while your brain still thinks it's cool.

Chinese are more capitalist than the west at this point.

is that a bad thing for you?

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>implying he won't sell it to the sick fucks for massive bank

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It would be extremely illegal

>theft = crime
>piracy = crime

All there is to it.

This, people arguing over the morality of piracy should hang

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Not like it matters. Idk why these threads exist. People are just gonna do it. What does arguing accomplish?

Stealing from corporations who want to fuck us in any way they can is ok in my book.

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capitalism is anti christ and anti god

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I give up, I'm a newfag

>Not knowing Capitalism/Communism are different sides to same coin

>not developing a functioning AI by a mistake
>AI develops best game ever
>but also a unbreakable DRM
You played yourself

>food analogy denoting a "need" for video games
>comparing intellectual property to physical goods
>implying no loss of income
>representing illegal hacking as magic
We've been over this before.
Piracy is copying a book someone wrote for entertainment to give away for free without their consent. It is not like Jesus feeding the masses with a loaf of bread.

There is no fucking loss of income, it is only perceived as one.

>Jesus analogy
>isn't even correct
Double cringe

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It's gross, but since nobody was harmed it's probably the most ethical way to obtain that sort of thing
Congratulations, you've solved the CP problem with brute force computing

HAHAHA what a faggot

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>capitalism is anti christ and anti god
Romans 4:4 Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due
1 timothy 5:18
For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”

Income =/= assets you mongoloid.
Income is money that is coming in to you. You can expect to have it in the future because you are entitled to be paid.

If your boss suddenly decided to pay you less, would you be okay with that since you already have the money he's given you?

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What's your point? That they had some bread and fish to begin with? Because in order for a game to be pirated someone has to buy it.

The critical factor that defines stealing is depriving the owner of goods without permission. Stealing is taking something you're not entitled to AWAY from the seller.

This is why jews hate christians.

>What's your point?
That He didn't copy the bread, and pirates that latch on to Jesus clearly didn't read the Bible in the first place

Anything Jesus does is by definition good and proper


Jesus wouldn't want you playing video games or posting memes, both are idolatry.

video game developers are fags, so it's morally okay to steal from them

Isn't using the state to stop piracy anti-capitalist though? And wouldn't the free market choose free digital copies as being better if there were no laws against it?

They aren’t the same under every aspect. But the economic damage they do is quite similar.

Maybe if you do it for 10 hours a day

I beg to differ

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I love how Yea Forums supports free market capitalism but hates piracy

Sorry bro, if it comes before god it's a sin

Just as jaywalking and murder are two different illegal and equally wrong crimes.

Oh look an mspaint comic. Triggered much?

>I love how Yea Forums supports free market capitalism but hates communism

Nice ad absurdio reductum

>he actually believes this

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Loitering = crime
Murder = crime

Therefore they are the same. All there is to it.

I like how people complain about Yea Forums being anti-piracy when there are plenty of pro-piracy fags as well that try to justify it.

>Taxes = theft, theft is a sin
>Not paying taxes is also a sin, render unto Caesar

Literally damned if you do, damned if you don't

No shit, did you think people literally though he used wizard magic to copy bread? He had 5 small loaves and 2 fish and he gave them out to more people than should be possible and they were able to assemble the same amount of bread that they began with. The only difference between that and pirating is that they got it in chunks instead of getting whole loaves and fish.

>muh society
kek what a faggot

Infringement of intellectual property is not equatable to theft and "loss of income" is purely speculative

Your boss wouldn't be guilty of actual theft though. Also devs aren't contracted by people who buy video games.

>only have 2 fish and 5 bread
>5000 people can eat from them and you get 12 breads in return back
>not multiplying things

for you

Close, but no.
It's depriving the original owner of *value*.

Stealing an object not only deprives the original seller of that object, but also that object's potential value in a sale. Piracy does the exact same thing.

They're similar in that they're both largely unproven


Threadly reminder: If you have ever rented a game you are a thief.

>sharing = piracy
2013 XBone logic

> you get 12 breads in return back
Might wanna read it again, chief

Communism is an authoritarian ideology that eliminates individual freedom in order to benefit the state, or the "whole." This is exactly what intellectual property laws do, therefore piracy is in fact taking a stand in favor of individual freedoms and the free market against commie laws.

Piracy boils down to some corporate fatass criying because he is making less money than he wants to

>zombie jesus

Jesus did it as a miracle to show he was the Son of God and to provide lunch for his sermon. He didn't create an endless free supply of bread for the rest of eternity.

If you think that was teductio ad absurdum you don't know what the term means. Also trying to cite logical fallacies while posting false equivalencies and greentext strawmen isn't helping your case.

always remember: pirates are online niggers
>entitled to get things for free
>don't care if others had to work of it
>mental gymnastics to justify their actions
>chimp out when called out

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i like how retards pretend like the entertainment industry actually has any relevance in the intellectual property argument
it's honestly fucking disgusting that the profit of bread and circuses comes before science and medicine
artists are human garbage

>It's depriving the original owner of *value*.
Wrong. The meaning of theft has nothing to do with the concept of value. Someone who is devaluing your goods without taking them away from you isn't stealing. By that logic any dominant business would be guilty of stealing from their direct competitors.

>pirate shit tons of music, movies and games
>not forced to pay for some garbage FOTM that I'm obliged to play/watch/listen to just to stay up to date
>can discover good titles to support creators if the stuff is good without being restrained by my budget
>can judge content by its actual quality and not by the amount of marketing, shilling and bribes to "critics"
>can support small artists and developers who actually need my money unlike bloated corporations
Piracy is objectively good. Both morally and economically.

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Cry more.

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If you pirate you have no right to complain about the state of the industry.

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The lost income is no longer speculative when you can simply count the number of people who own the game illegally. It's simple multiplication.

Yes they would, are you retarded? It's literally called wage theft.
People are under contract to pay developers, it's called a purchase agreement and is enforced by law.
Illegally copying someone's trademarked product is also in violation of an End-User License Agreement that you are subject to when purchasing media.

the state of the industry is the result of the uneducated masses, not piracy

>Communism is an authoritarian ideology that eliminates individual freedom in order to benefit the state, or the "whole." This is exactly what intellectual property laws do
Explain to me how preventing seizure of private property owned by individuals eliminates the freedom of individuals and how destroying the basis of capitalism is pro-capitalism.
I'll wait

>If you think that was teductio ad absurdum you don't know what the term means.
>In logic, reductio ad absurdum (Latin for "reduction to absurdity"), also known as argumentum ad absurdum (Latin for "argument to absurdity"), apagogical arguments or the appeal to extremes, is a form of argument that attempts either to disprove a statement by showing it inevitably leads to a ridiculous, absurd, or impractical conclusion
Oh, would you look at that! That's literally what you did.

Not only is piracy right, but paying for games is worse since you're supporting a shit industry.

If you buy you have no right to complain about the state of the industry.

Literally "don't like,l it, don't buy it"

>pirate because of the state of the industry
>corporate bootlicker says its my fault

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information isn't property

Competition isn't stealing, because it's adding value to the marketplace. (unless it's IP theft, which IS stealing, but for completely different, much less easily defined reasons).
If I make a thing to sell, and you make a thing to sell, now there's two whole things to buy! That's twice as much value in the marketplace!

Theft and piracy only subtract value. If I make a thing and you steal that thing, then you're not buying my thing. That's -1 value. If I program a thing and you pirate that thing, you've still got the thing and aren't buying it. That's also -1 value.

It's always chinks and spics too. They're so poor I guess ownership is just a foreign concept to them.

Not pictured is the loss of sales from Jesus's piracy

this is now a tranny hate thread

Because there was none.

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Your Image requires drm developers to offer insurance for their shoddy security. Something they will never do.

but you will complain about microtransactions and lootboxes in games. wonder why that happens? oh yeah, because you pirate the single player campaign they develop for you and have to make their money with online bullshit. dumbshits who complain they never got their single player DLC... but would have pirated it anyway. you've helped build this bullshit video game market that exists today.

Then give me your SSN and credit card info. It's just info, bro!

Here's a wild idea: if you don't like it, go without.

If you ever have an idea in that peanut brain of yours I hope somebody steals it and becomes filthy rich

Have a few bullets free of charge, furry scum

Objectively and unequivocally false.


>The lost income is no longer speculative when you can simply count the number of people who own the game illegally.
It's demonstrably speculative at that point because you are simply assuming everyone who pirated your game would have bought it otherwise. Just because your game was pirated 300,000 times does not mean you would have made 300,000 sales had your game been unpiratable, nor does it mean you lost 300,000 copies in your inventory. If you call those potential "lost sales" then you are conceding it's speculative. Multiplication is irrelavent and doesn't make your supposed loss less speculative

crack for this image?

I get it, being anti-piracy is hating Jesus Christ our lord.

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>Then give me your SSN and credit card info. It's just info, bro!
holy strawman batman
anyway kill yourself
technological progression is more important than profit and the financial well being of anyone involved with the entertainment industry
capitalism is merely a means to the end of a functioning society
it may be the only means that actually works, but that does not make it anything less than what it is
no economic system is worth respecting in any way and pragmatism comes before adherence to any mentally retarded "free market" dogma

Nah I'll take whatever I want bitchboy, cope.

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Fuck that, he had replicator powers thousands of years before The Star Trek happened.

Makes sense


Gracias, doc


Danke herr doktor

You must be retarded if you think playing a video game means you are contracted into paying the devs. Also piracy has nothing to do with trademarks, it's literally called copyright INFRINGEMENT not theft. And as for EULAs they say a lot of shit that is outweighed by law and is not a legally enforceable contract like the contract between an employer and employee. When you buy a video game you are not contracting the devs to make games for you, you are simply buying a product.

>holy strawman batman
Do you even know what a strawman is?
>technological progression is more important than profit and the financial well being of anyone involved with the entertainment industry
Is that why pirates actively try to destroy technological progression EVERY DAY?

thank you based Jesus


IF youre paying somethin you could easily get for free just because "its the right thing to do" youre a massive cuck and will never get ahead in life

Just admit you're a poorfag or a cheapass and we won't care. Stop with these threads

>preventing seizure of private property owned by individuals
>intellectual property law

Choose one.

>>don't care if others had to work of it
>you have to constantly work in order for people to be able to download a file from a server
full retard

t.online nigger

Capitalism isn't just the equitable exchange of goods and services. It's the use of capital and investment to accumulate wealth, which is usury ( a sin ).

absolutely based

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Except I didn't. But thanks for confirming you didn't know what it means by posting it and having no reading comprehension.

How about you argue with facts and logic and not retarded greentext memes?

If you buy games you will go to hell

to the average consumer, piracy is less convenient than buying, as it may be unfamiliar and less organized to them, thus pirates will probably be a very small minority forever.
for that reason, nobody should give a shit about this argument.

>a form of argument that attempts either to disprove a statement by showing it inevitably leads to a ridiculous, absurd, or impractical conclusion

You mean like how pirating video games will lead to total economic collapse and communism

>pirates = thieves
>moralfags = corporate cocksuckers

i think i know which side i want to be on

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>Except I didn't.
If you're going to lie, there's no point in arguing with you
> you didn't know what it means by posting it and having no reading comprehension.
Nice ad hom. Don't reply to mea again until you grow up.

I literally never said that.

You misread it then.
The insurance in that pic only applies to theft, not piracy.
DRM doesn't prevent someone from stealing a physical retail copy.

>near-zero production cost
>not a suitable business model

Delicious buycuck tears ITT

t. cocksucker

>you are simply assuming everyone who pirated your game would have bought it otherwise
It is the only assumption to make, because if given the means, they would play the game. Whether they steal it off the shelf or download a torrent, that availability is illegal.
>nor does it mean you lost 300,000 copies in your inventory
Those 300,000 copies' value is greatly diluted though, because now there is potentially millions of copies for free.
>If you call those potential "lost sales" then you are conceding it's speculative
Yes. There's nothing wrong with speculation, especially when you gather evidence through polls, sales records, etc.
That is just the nature of selling to consumers in every market since the beginning of time. You stock what you expect to sell.
The only time you have a guarantee your product will sell is through contracts, like those 300,000 CDs you commissioned hoping to recoup on the cost of development.

hooooo muh molly?

If you make something to sell, and yours is superior to what I'm selling, that's no twice as much value in the market place. My own thing is devalued as long as yours is competitive.

Cmpetition inherently involves devaluing the goods and services of your competitors, which would make it stealing under your logic. "Adding value to the market place" has nothing to do with whether something is or isn't stealing.

>IP theft
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Stop posting.

property is theft

>only corporations have intellectual property

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>Dont pirate and go buy the CD game new in the store
>CD is the key , full download happen onl.ine
That why normies goes into pirating.

Piracy isn't theft, but it's still immoral and illegal for a good reason

>pirating entertainment hurts society
Of all the things, wouldn't you want the entertainment industry to collapse to end this needless consumerism?

which is

Because they add some chink thing to it. Like a lottery or sniffing glue, i dunno their bootlegs are obvious shit, but it keeps the tourism economy going around the world funny enough.

If it wouldn't be illegal, video games wouldn't exist

i like the chink epic games wojak

>have all the game files and can run it standalone on my computer
>Game company can't yank away access at any given moment
Pirates have more ownership than legit buyers.

Intellectual property is a contradiction in terms.

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>if given the means, they would play the game.
Assuming a willingness to play a game for free does not equate to a willingness to pay for your game.
>Whether they steal it off the shelf or download a torrent, that availability is illegal.
Two different crimes and only one of them causes demonstrable, proven loss for the seller.
>Those 300,000 copies' value is greatly diluted though, because now there is potentially millions of copies for free.
Which is irrelevant because stealing != dilution of value or potential
>Yes. There's nothing wrong with speculation,
There is when you use it to claim losses and damages. If you don't believe me ask the Enron guy's how well speculative accounting worked out for them.
>That is just the nature of selling to consumers in every market since the beginning of time. You stock what you expect to sell.
The fundamental difference that you refuse to accept is that piracy does not remove your stock. "Devaluing" your stock is not the same as straight up stealing it, functionally or otherwise.

>holy strawman batman!
>anyway kill yourself
xaxaxaxaxa bro youre so cool for using thr Yea Forums

capitalist pig

Because if pirating is thievery then AdBlock/streaming/youtube and any kind of sharing is thievery aswell.
Let's say you own a car and you let your friend drive it, is it a piracy as well, because your friend didn't buy his own car? It's the same with video games, if I buy video game and let my friend play it then no one is fucking stealing, you inbreed retard.

Actually he asked the kid for his lunch
Kid was stupid or maybe just kind enough to oblige
Worked out gor him though

>facts and logic
>the shit you're posting

Choose one

Yes thats true, big corps will steal your idea regardless of IP bullshit because they have money to buy your government, then use those same laws to fuck anyone who even remotely gets close to one of their ideas.

What do you have bitchboy?

>the don of God needs money
Are you high?

>but it's still immoral and illegal for a good reason

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>TFW believe piracy is morally correct
>Buy all my games anyways


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>If you're going to lie, there's no point in arguing with you
Work on your self awareness
>Nice ad hom
Citing fallacies that don't even apply as a get out of the argument free card isn't going to work.


Seething cunt.

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im going to pirate things because i want to and not even think about the moral or legal ideas that others would think about. You can not stop me Yea Forums

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>all the buycvcks in this thread



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Fuck off commie

>You must be retarded if you think playing a video game means you are contracted into paying the devs.
You must be retarded if you think you're entitled to free shit.
>Also piracy has nothing to do with trademarks, it's literally called copyright INFRINGEMENT not theft.
Oh, I guess you are. You think that calling it a different crime somehow makes it better?
You are not allowed to copy someone else's property. It is theirs, do not take it. How fucking dumb are you?
>And as for EULAs they say a lot of shit that is outweighed by law and is not a legally enforceable contract
These are EULAs for products, not websites. You are absolutely beholden to them and that will be stacked at the very top of the evidence against your case.
>When you buy a video game you are not contracting the devs to make games for you, you are simply buying a product.
Your reading comprehension is atrocious. I said: "People are under contract to pay developers, it's called a purchase agreement[...]"
You agreed to pay the developer for 1(ONE) copy of the video game, you did not ask them to make it, they simply made it available for sale.

Piracy which triggers them and their apologist weasels

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You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, and just want to have the last word.

Superior in what way, exactly? There's a million different ways to distinguish similar products, and no real way to determine which is the *best*. That's why there's a billion fast food joints. If the *best* was easily decided and also nobody bought from anywhere but there, then there'd be no fast food anywhere but Wendy's.

There's a thousand factors that go into a given product's perceived quality, and it's up to each individual seller to market their favorable factors. And if you do happen to make a product that's better than mine in every way, then that's on me to create a better product, and vice-versa. Ultimately, healthy competition creates two distinct but nearly equal products. That gives the consumer choice, which is what adds value to a marketplace.

The only way for you to sell a product that inherently devalues mine is by selling literally exactly the same product but at a cheaper price, which is where IP theft comes into play.

This is the only acceptable way to pirate. If you pirate a game, atleast accept that you don't give a shit about morals

>communism = free shit
Fuck off retard

coping poor fags

And yet video games have thrived despite piracy and the laws against it not even making a dent


t. law degree

>tech industry isn't impacted by piracy
>destroying entertainment will destroy consumerism
>destroying the exchange of goods and services is good for society
Holy crap, do pirates actually think like this?

And yet, you LITERALLY CANNOT argue against it
There's a difference between an idea and an intellectual property. Show me a case where a corporation stole an IP from an individual and got away with it.
I didn't lie a single time
>Citing fallacies that don't even apply as a get out of the argument free card isn't going to work.
Oh, so now you're still making up lies

The reason there's little impact is BECAUSE pirates are outnumbered by people that support the industry

>yfw you start pirating again because of epic
it's been ten years amigos

That would mean using AdBlock is stealing from the website

I'm gonna fuck that rabbit

>pirates get free videogames
>you get to feel moral superior to anonymous imageboard posters

Why do you even bother arguing when the reward for winning is so disproportionate to your effort?

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The argument has been made, yes.

>Holy crap, do pirates actually think like this?

No but for someone so fond of calling out logical fallacies you sure love relying on stawmen

this is why the jews killed jesus
because pirate jesus ruined their profits

I've "grown out" of pirating games in general but I still do pirate porn games and such that can't be bought from western websites

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>And yet, you LITERALLY CANNOT argue against it
I already did. IP laws do not protect against seizure of personal property.

You LITERALLY have no argument. Thanks for conceding.

Jesus is a thief and a kike.

You're lying right now user. Who are you trying to fool with that stuttering greentext? Get a grip.

>Assuming a willingness to play a game for free does not equate to a willingness to pay for your game.
You're right. It is the assumption they will play a free game. That isn't what the developer is selling though.
>only one of them causes demonstrable, proven loss for the seller.
You act as though damages are tied to physical goods
>Which is irrelevant because stealing != dilution
It's not. Damage has been done, and the owner of the property is entitled to compensation.
>ask the Enron guy's how well speculative accounting worked out for them.
Financial speculation =/= market speculation. That's a whole other can of jewry. Market speculation isn't about the value of a company's stock, but how a product will sell.
>The fundamental difference that you refuse to accept is that piracy does not remove your stock
Economics 101. Supply and Demand. When the demand of a product plummets, the supply becomes worthless.
>"Devaluing" your stock is not the same as straight up stealing it
But it has been stolen, somebody has the copyright that shouldn't.

Holy facts.

No man can love both god and money

Unless he's a Republican

>Show me a case where a corporation stole an IP
>stole an IP
stop being retarded

t.failing a law degree

How is anything I posted a strawman? You cannot.

>>pirates get free videogames
Tell me how pirating Tetris 99 is working out for you.
>I already did. IP laws do not protect against seizure of personal property.
This is not an argument, this is a conclusion that you expect me to take at face value despite everything to the contrary.
>You're lying right now
I haven't lied about a single thing this entire thread
That's literally the word you used.

There's a difference between loving money and and being able to sustain yourself. Not that I expect a pirate to comprehend that

Do you agree with it? Does using AdBlock mean you are stealing by devaluing monetized web content?

>and that will be stacked at the very top of the evidence against your case.
I didn't agree to anything

>How is any of these not a strawman? You literally made up these quotes
>tech industry isn't impacted by piracy
>destroying entertainment will destroy consumerism
>destroying the exchange of goods and services is good for society

>I haven't lied about a single thing this entire thread
Oh look another lie

absolute madman

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>yet ANOTHER piracy thread debating the morals of piracy
>people still don't understand the only correct answer is knowing piracy is bad but doing it anyway because you don't care hence the fucking name


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The anyone who uses the product is agreeing to the license.

>tech industry isn't impacted by piracy
already proved true
>destroying entertainment will destroy consumerism
no, but you can force me to care for talentless hacks shitty out unfinished and recycled products
>destroying the exchange of goods and services is good for society
WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY, fuck off, you wanted
individualism? then i'll put me (the individual) over the other

>You literally made up these quotes
You might not have said those things verbatim, but you implied them
>wouldn't you want the entertainment industry to collapse to end this needless consumerism?
>entertainment industry to collapse to end [...] consumerism
It's literally right there
Except it's the truth. You're the liar

nope. I don't agree to that either.

>Jesus was a stone layer, in order to help Joseph the carpenter
>in order to get jacked to lift and lay stones, he kept replicating bread and eating it
And the smoked fish too. It all makes perfect sense.

Then you shouldn't have used it. You had the option to.

>all this doscussion about morality of piracy
>implying that morality is something objective
Aztecs killed thosands of people on offering altars and it was considered moral in their society. Today, we are saying that human life is the ultimate worth, but it's money in the end, we even calculate worth of human life in dollars. And developers don't get direct percentage of the sales, they are getting wages and maybe a bonus if game sells well.

>letting yourself get brainwashed into thinking not giving your money to greedy jew rats is bad
It may not be good but it certainly isn't bad. Fuck jews.

Yea Forums fully supports piracy but if you don't cite your fucking sources your ass is grass

Fuck off, goldstein

nice artist

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>pirating a game is allright
> some youtuber pirates a video and everybody loses Their shit


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based matey

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Thats why jews killed him

>You're right. It is the assumption they will play a free game. That isn't what the developer is selling though.
And?A company selling a game does not mean
>You act as though damages are tied to physical goods
How? I'm pointing out the fact that actual theft results in demonstrable, proven loss. Not speculative or assumed. Damages from theft aren't based on the value of your stock being diluted.
>It's not. Damage has been done,
Not proven damage. The owner is no more entitled to compensation than pirates are entitled to free games.
>Financial speculation =/= market speculation. That's a whole other can of jewry.
Don't try to play semantics, it just makes you look desperate especially when you don't know what you're talking about. The fact is you cannot claim damages based off of speculative accounting.
>Economics 101. Supply and Demand.
Enough with posturing and bad attempt to apply supply and demand to infinitely reproducible goods. Your armchair economics isn't going to work and never has in these arguments.
>But it has been stolen, somebody has the copyright that shouldn't.
That's not how it works. You don't take copyright by infringing on it. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>implying it's not universal highest moral value set by ages of literature and philosophy
Or maybe all art is Jewish creation as well? Maybe whole society is constructed by Jews and we are all Jews, but nobody wants to admit it?

>already proved true
>no, but you can force me to care for talentless hacks shitty out unfinished and recycled products
What about the talented ones that produce quality, unique products? Oh wait, you'll still pirate them, too.
>WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY, fuck off, you wanted
individualism? then i'll put me (the individual) over the other
Pretty stupid idea, considering that you are literally dependent on others to survive
Guess what? Those come from society, just like the phone you post from

piracy is stealing, but at the same time, who gives a shit? why does this get piratefags so upset about calling it stealing?


No I didn't. Stolen IP isn't a thing

This is the most pathetic I've seen at trying to twist words and justify strawmen. Pathetic.

>>people still don't understand the only correct answer is knowing piracy is bad

Good luck trying to enforce your shrink wrap licences on a video game

>no u
Ok kid

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don't care.

You are not paying for a product you are consuming. It is bad. Should you care that someone does it? No.

>What about the talented ones that produce quality, unique products? Oh wait, you'll still pirate them, too.
im going to buy games i like and i know i'm going to play for a long time when they get discounted on steam.
>Pretty stupid idea, considering that you are literally dependent on others to survive
>CEOs literally crash the world economy with no survivors just to get bigger bonuses
>boooo govt can't regulate or you're a commie
>user pirates a game
>booo death penalty for this menace to society
eat a dick

▲ ▲

literally the only reason why the one on the right is implied to be ok is because it has jesus in it doing something he would never do

fuck off, the amount of bullshit you go through to make piracy seem moral is amazing. And i dont even care about these shit companies.

a youtuber is a person, a corporation is not.

Because it's literally not.
>believing the bullshit you wouldn't steal a car jew propaganda

If you really want to activate someone's almonds present them with the following dilemma:

"downloading games/music/movies hurts artists, right? because you didn't pay for it and it hurts their sales, right?"


"so downloading child pornography and bestiality should be allowed then, because it hurts the producers since they don't profit from it, and we want to defeat pedophiles and zoophiles, right?"



Actually, it's really incredible that we get to play video games thanks to electrical sparks happening billions times a second.

Consuming entertainment has no moral value. Just because someone sings a song I like doesn't mean I need to pay them.

>doing something he would never do

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>Just because someone sings a song I like doesn't mean I need to pay them
This. I just walk into concerts all the time. The security guards don't mind because they are based and redpilled and think that entertainment should be free.

>video games= the entire tech industry
Good job
>>CEOs literally crash the world economy with no survivors just to get bigger bonuses
That has nothing to do with protecting ip
>>boooo govt can't regulate or you're a commie
>>user pirates a game
>>booo death penalty for this menace to society
Wow, rewarding my thought out and intellectual responses with strawmen. Nice.

When you buy a game it doesn't completely disappear from the steam store though you buy a copy of the game. If you create more copies and distribute them fir free, those are lost sales.

>too stupid to tell the difference between copyright and trademark
>too stupid to tell the difference between "intellectual" and actual property
>thinks I'm going to be sued and put in prison for downloading a video game

I didn't agree to shit you mental abortion. Your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills are absolute garbage, subhuman.

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>He fed his followers for free.
>They didn't die of starvation and ultimately spread his message.
>Entire sections of the world began to spread his message.
>Whole institutions arose in his name.
>people give money to these organizations and institutions for free.
>people give their souls to Jesus.
Seems like an extremely successful business model desu.
It only lost marketshare recently, to this new upstart business called "nihilistic self gratification" .
I suppose we'll see if nihilistic self gratification can maintain the market of civilization, but it seems like a spiritual ponzi scheme to me.

Jesus was based true good.

Literal retard tier argument

>jesus giving people what their selfishly ask him for and not what they need
>doing it en masse

>Wow, rewarding my thought out and intellectual responses with strawmen. Nice.
and you ignored my 300 pages study on why pirating vidya does not damages companies
eat a dick

oh user did I activate your almonds?

Not having a website EULA wouldn't make it any less stealing. And even if if websites had terms of use that prohibit you from using adblock it wouldn't be enforceable, much like a lot of EULA terms are.

me on the right at the bottom thanking jesus

This. I actually know the security guards though and they actually do let me in for free.

Yep, piracy is a violation of the developer's Terms of Use, and thus is a contract violation between a service provider and a client.

>>thinks I'm going to be sued and put in prison for downloading a video game
>and you ignored my 300 pages study on why pirating vidya does not damages companies
No, YOU ignored the part where WE were talking about the TECH industry, not the VIDYA industry

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We're long past the point of pretending nu/v/ is just ironic when they whine about piracy

>those are lost sales.
Wrong, fuck off.

I bet this sounded really smart and logical in your head. No effort goes into producing childporn, their is no sunked cost in producing that either or is there a way to legally profit from it. That is what we call a non-sequitur, or false equivalency. Nobody can make a career in music while they are stuck at a 9-5 mcwagie, same with game devs, are they supposed to support themselves off their publishers goodwill, yeah sure piratefags can spread the word and make it slightly more popular, but they only matter because they are telling buyfags about it. Simple as. It's funny to me how pirates think if everybody pirated that anything would get made. Well to pirates pointing a camera at some child you're abusing is just as much effort as making a triple A game or an album, they don;t know how production works.

You keep saying there's no proof of loss, or damages when I've told you before that it's as simple as counting the number of illegal copies in circulation.
Then you say lost sales aren't real and that speculation is invalid, which just calls into question the practice of selling piecemeal as a concept. Obviously not true.
>The owner is no more entitled to compensation than pirates are entitled to free games.
This just makes me question your morality, or at least lead me to believe you're operating in bad faith.
Semantics has been the basis of your entire argument, saying that Piracy isn't theft. You also believe that intellectual property can't be stolen, somehow.
Don't even try to bring up financial speculation, please. Stock trade has nothing to do with this discussion.
You didn't even address my point about worth, but okay.
Take, as in claim ownership. You can't claim to own other people's property, you can't take it and have it.

You're just getting mad and it shows.


People need food, dipshit.

People buying shitty unfinished and recycled games and supporting talentless hack game companies and does more damage to the industry than pirating quality games does.

>No, YOU ignored the part where WE were talking about the TECH industry, not the VIDYA industry
>Yea Forums - Video Games
then i should report your post as off topic i guess

There have already been studies proving you wrong. So once again, fuck off.

>You are not paying for a product you are consuming.
That's right.
>Should you care that someone does it? No
That's right.
>It is bad.

>fuck off, the amount of bullshit you go through to make piracy seem moral is amazing.
Pot meet kettle

>That is what we call a non-sequitur, or false equivalency.

>says this in a thread calling piracy stealing

but then its not really a good of an analogy for videogames now is it?

>announcing report
enjoy your ban kid

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Piracy is at worst, a lost sale, at best a try-before-you-buy test run before a sale is made.

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>announcing your report that you're reporting an announced report
You're fucked, kiddo......

>that cringe filename
>thinks anyone who isn't mentally defective gives a shit about your anti pirate propaganda

Devour dick

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>games are turning into cahs shops because of pirates
>single player games are dying because of pirates
>games are always online now because of pirates
>they are putting denuvo in all our games because of pirates
>they are putting day 1 dlc in because of pirates
>gamers are supposed to stand by and take it while pirates forcee publishers and devs to find money other ways
fuck pirates, they are killing the industry. Especially since pirates go after indies and single player games and then spend all the money they saved at the fortnite cosmetics shop and other pay to win f2p games they can't pirate.

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Care to substantiate those claims?

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see You fags are no better than the people who compare the pioneers to modern immigrants coming to western countries for welfare

>the law is propaganda

every time

>gamers are supposed to stand by and take it
Or you can just pirate instead. You choose to suck dicks yourself, don't blame pirates for it.

not him, but
>Devs put in DRM and other anti-piracy measures
>”wtf how could you think Piracy is influencing developers/publishers?”

Why is piracy good?

But all games that are being made now are free to play cash store trash because of pirates, I wish they still made good single player games but that simply isn't the case anymore since publishers and devs know it will be cracked day 1 if it's released on pc.

learn how to read esl

Like did you even read my post? why is it every piratefag can barely speak or read english? no seriously.

I refuse to pay for (((digital))) product licenses so piracy is my only option on PC unless the game is on GOG.

No it’s not the same faggot. Stop trying to find a moral argument in Piracy, there is none. Just admit it. No one gives a fuck if you pirate except trannies

DRM only negatively affects legitimate customers, pirates see it as either a challenge or just a waiting game. Do you think pirate copies of GTA V forced Rockstar to sell shark cards? Or force simulator games to have thousands of dollars worth of DLC?

If I buy a game on gog and make copies and give them out is that pirating


I pirate everything just in case.
I buy what I want to see more of, like localized Ace Attorney games
What does that make me?

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Not him, and I am against most piracy, but
>NES Emulators has tons of features that Nintendo’s official emulator doesn’t have
>Because it technically is illegal, Nintendo doesn’t have competition on emulators for their older games
>They will continue to be shit due to a lack of competition
>Really old game/song/movie/book exists
>Can’t preserve/archive it without their permission or without pirating
Pirating has its moral uses, but most of the time it’s third world apes mindlessly taking games.

To all the anti-piracy people ITT. Disable any adblocker or content blocker you're using


Based and Yellowpissed.


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To everyone suggesting that piracy is anti-capitalist, please note that intellectual property is not capitalist in the first place. Despite being called "property" it is actually just coercive state action restricting the use and voluntary exchange of privately owned scarce resources.

>all games that are being made now are free to play cash store trash because of pirates
Games are free to play cash store trash because of suckers that pay in the cash store, not because of pirates. Pirates don't prevent you from playing free to play games without paying in the cash store.
> but that simply isn't the case anymore
You are correct, the last single player game on PC released 15 years ago. Damn pirates.

>Show me an example where a corporation stole and IP from an individual and got away with it

Look up Robert Kearns and the intermittent windshield wiper. The big three automakers turned down his patented idea and then simply installed the technology into their cars. It took decades in court and the guy only got $10 million in the end.

Look up Peter Roberts and the quick release socket wrench. Sears took the idea from their employee who invented the concept, built a prototype and had patented it before showing it to his manager. The company then lied to him about its value and defrauded him.
It took two decades in court for him to finally get a settlement of $19 million.

And let's not forget that many "noncompete agreements" and "rights to inventions and intellectual property contracts" literally allow a company to steal ANY and ALL inventions from an employee (even if made at home, on their own spare time).

Even if these IP lawsuits are ultimately settled/won by the inventor, it's typically a pittance in comparison to the time, stress and potentially lost revenue required to win the damn lawsuit. Funny enough about these lawsuits too is that they're usually settled AFTER the patent has expired, so there is no chance for the individual to ever recoup lost value since competitiors have already benefitted and saturated the market with the patented product.
Finally, think of the cost of lost innovation as these small inventors have spent years in court fighting, rather than being able to devote their time toward further inventions.

Based JESUS came into the temple and SMASHED the jewish stands that were selling CRAP on his HOUSE so hard they all came out SCREAMING and begging for MERCY of our LORD and SAVIOR and that is why JEWS hate CHRIST and don't recognize his GLORY as the true coming of the MESSIAH.

>suckers that pay in the cash store
The cash store that wouldn't exist if people hadn't refused to pay for their video game.

now that we are at it, what's the best torrent site to download multilanguage games?

Piracy creates competition if said games are modified with even slightly new features or bug fixes.

There's literally nothing wrong with pirating money.

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>The cash store that wouldn't exist if people hadn't refused to pay for their video game
You are too naive. As long as there are suckers willing to pay, publishers will gladly take their money. Cash shops and pay2win have nothing at all to do with piracy.

Exactly. And also remind these retards that corporations are a state invented (and enforced) legal construct designed to protect investors and owners from liability when their products or businesses fail/break the law/cause damage/etc.

IP laws and corporations are NOT free market ideas, they're state concepts forced on the free market.

>it is actually just coercive state action
You mean how every law is enforced by the state?
>voluntary exchange
Between who? Because if one of those parties isn't the owner then it is theft and not voluntary. ie how property works.

We already went over why you cannot use the number of pirated copies to calculate losses. The assumption that you would have otherwise made a sale from each copy in existence that wasn't paid for is an unprovable assumption. You are falsely equating pirated copies with sales.
"Lost sales" are purely speculative and speculation isn't a valid for claiming damages. only proven loss is, like the demonstrable loss from having products stolen from your inventory, which is not the same as simply devaluing those products that remain in your possession.
>This just makes me question your morality, or at least lead me to believe you're operating in bad faith
Good thing this isn't about my morality then. And to be quite frank I'm not interested in your attempt at moral posturing while making bad faith arguments yourself, especially when you have a double standard on the moral obligations of consumers vs companies to act in self interest. Semantics and falsely equating piracy to theft is the entire basis of YOUR argument against it, which your posturing only works with. In other words, blow it out your ass.
>Don't even try to bring up financial speculation, please
You're the one who brought up it up in the first place and tried to argue speculation was valid for calculating damages and losses. Sorry ponting out it doesn't work that way hurts your narrative.

Pirating does not take away the IP holders ownership of their property. It doesn't even involve taking away their ownership of copyright.

You're just getting mad at people for playing games they didn't buy. You're talking out of you ass and it shows.

Guilds weren't created by governments, they were formed by tradesmen

Its not theft.
But its still legal.
Just like how rape is nor murder but is still a horrible crime.

>Pirates are responsible for cash stores
Imagine believing this.

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>the guy only got $10 million in the end.
>finally get a settlement of $19 million.
So...they didn't get away with it? Also, boo freaking hoo, they "only" got more money than most people see in a lifetime.
>And let's not forget that many "noncompete agreements" and "rights to inventions and intellectual property contracts" literally allow a company to steal ANY and ALL inventions from an employee (even if made at home, on their own spare time).
If they WILLINGLY consented to terms in a contract, it isn't "stolen".

>appealing to the the law
>while treating piracy as stealing and a criminal act

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>if I use piracy as a scapegoat for industry greed then nobody will realize I'm a complete fucking retard

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It's because thirdies like slavs and latinx are christian and in christianity stealing is bad, nothing about copying files though. It's literally just a semantics argument for them. So they don't go to their fairytale fire and brimstone land with a big naked red guy.

Funny cause almost all the things he listed is shit that is more commonly found in games that can't be pirated than anywhere else. It's almost as shit industry practices like DRM, P2W and day 1 dlc have a direct opposite correlation with piracy

>Pirate game
>it's shit through and through
>nothing of value was lost

>Pirate game
>holy shit this is amazing
>buy a copy for myself and a copy for friends as gifts

Neck yourself ESL subhuman

>Pirate game
>holy shit this is amazing
>burn a CD for myself and CDs for friends as gifts

When did I ever say guilds?
We're talking about corporations retard.
But since I know you're a faggot:
>They often depended on grants of letters patent from a monarch or other authority to enforce the flow of trade to their self-employed members, and to retain ownership of tools and the supply of materials.
>ie: the state.
And to finish completely blowing up your argument, the closest thing to a guild in the modern era is a worker's union.

>because of pirates
Wrong. Stop trying to blame maximization of profit on piracy

> restricting the use and voluntary exchange of privately owned scarce resources.
>kingdom hearts exists because of the voluntary exchange of privately owned resources
>Marvel vs. Capcom exists because of the voluntary exchange of privately owned resources
>third party characters in Smash exist because of the voluntary exchange of privately owned resources
>The entire point of piracy is to obtain things without consent of the owner, and is therefore not voluntary
>>while treating piracy as stealing and a criminal act
Who's a retard? It literally is a criminal act. Look it up

>implying Americans wouldn't buy anything that costs money just for the heck of it, compensating Mr. Goldberg and co

My rampant piracy as a teenager actually helped cultivate pretty liberal buying habits into my young adulthood. Piracy in general set the pace for how I’d buy games into my adulthood.

This thread must be full of trannies then. Oh look here's one

> pirate Early Access games that catch my interest
> buy complete games I'm sure I'll like/play with friends
Nothing wrong with minimizing your chances of buyer's remorse.

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>It literally is a criminal act.
Wrong retard. Take your own advice because you're completely fucking retarded

Same. As a kid, I pirated everything, and that's exactly the same thing I do now.

Nice job missing the part where the patent is expired after they get their pittance.
So yes, they did steal the IP, because by the time they settled, the patent was effectively useless.
Nice job ignoring the fact that these people had to spend decades of their lives in court rooms.
So yes, they did steal the IP, because the inventor in the case of the intermittent wiper died in 2006, after getting a payment in 1996 (before which, he had been reduced to poverty fighting in the courts). WOW THANK GOD HE HAD TEN YEARS TO ENJOY THAT SETTLEMENT!

And as for your "consent" argument. You realize these are standard contracts across all industries now right?
So you're saying that because I work to pay for my living expenses, that a company like McDonald's has a right to own anything I do in my spare time, because I had no other option except welfare or unemployment if I wanted to keep my IP?

I genuinely can't believe you're doing anything but baiting here, because these arguments you're making are so far beyond retarded that they must be addressed.

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>buy game
>keep it if it's good
>refund it if it's shit

>pirate game
>buy it if it's good
>delete it if it's shit

seems like the real barrier to purchase is whether or not the game is shit, which most games today are
checkmate atheists

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>be pirate
>pirate game
>complain that it is shit but continue playing it
Why do retards do this

>buying video games

If I buy a game and make copies for all my friends it's voluntary with my consent

If you say it's not because I don't own the game I bought then it can't be anti capitalist and it can't be stealing since no transfer of ownership happens whether you buy or pirate the game. Check mate

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So ?



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Still not as bad as buying a game, realizing it's shit but continuing to play it just because you bought it. Or defending it online and refusing to admit it's bad because of buyer's remorse. Or not playing it at all while complaining that it's shit.

wow you are fucking retarded

>the entire world is US and every signle person on the planet is subject to US criminal law
Maybe you are the idiot here.

>mobile faggot

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>"nihilistic self gratification"
Meme company, Islam is the one that's growing the fastest

he's probably the same retard that avoided responding to my proof on how pirating games does not affect sales. dont bother, he's either really stupid or just baiting


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It doesn't matter what the intent of the pirates possessing illegal copies is. Copies are copies.
>"Lost sales" are purely speculative and speculation isn't a valid for claiming damages
It absolutely is. Don't you remember VHS tapes with a warning from the FBI about being fined up to $500,000? It's not because the plastic is worth that much.
>Good thing this isn't about my morality then
Because you're bankrupt
>attempt at moral posturing
You mean being in the legal and moral right?
>double standard on the moral obligations of consumers vs companies to act in self interest
Your idea of "consumer self interest" is taking shit for free.
>Semantics and falsely equating piracy to theft is the entire basis of YOUR argument against it
Please chew my ideas before regurgitating them.
>>Don't even try to bring up financial speculation, please
How many fucking times do I have to say it? Market. Speculation.
Selling. Product. Not. Same. Thing. As. Buying. Company.
>Pirating does not take away the IP holders ownership of their property. It doesn't even involve taking away their ownership of copyright.
Yes it does, because then it is no longer private you commie.

Fucking retard both theft and piracy represent a lost sale

The key difference is that with piracy (let's pretend only physical games are available), the original is still there as a potential same, albeit a smaller one since you already got your copy.

Digital games don't follow a similar format. Piracy to them certainly represents a lost sale, but theft is impossible unless you somehow steal the original file and wipe the distributor server

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Provided someone buys the bread.

Doesn’t that imply any of.those penniless bums have the money to buy bread

There is nothing more cringe than bitching about piracy, no fucking matter which "side" they are.

Farmer is the father

>thinking unions = guilds
lmao no. Unions don't usually own the industries they're a part of. They're workers.

>When did I ever say guilds?
When you started saying that corporations are a governmental creation, when they predate and pass between governments.

Your quote is just about trade policy being enacted. Kings themselves didn't form the guilds from nothing, they simply loosened control of the markets.

>mfw Epic announces another exclusive and I get a free game

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Capitalism is the only system the human condition will abide on a sustainable level. Doesn't mean it can't be abused.

Why do you fags defend your piracy? Why do you care what some wagcuck thinks, just play the game you retard and stop caring what other people think. The only thing you're similar with Robin hood is that you're probably a furry.

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>no argument
>go for the tranny meme
gg no re

I even posted a source that said it was a criminal act. Piss off, the law doesn't care about your feelings

>Nice job missing the part where the patent is expired after they get their pittance.
All patents expire. He should have known that going in.
>Nice job ignoring the fact that these people had to spend decades of their lives in court rooms.
And they got more money than most people see in more than twice that amount of time
>So yes, they did steal the IP, because the inventor in the case of the intermittent wiper died in 2006, after getting a payment in 1996
You say they stole it because the dude died...of BRAIN CANCER, which is beyond anyone's control? That makes sense to you?
>And as for your "consent" argument. You realize these are standard contracts across all industries now right?
So you're saying that because I work to pay for my living expenses, that a company like McDonald's has a right to own anything I do in my spare time, because I had no other option except welfare or unemployment if I wanted to keep my IP?
Yeah, just like how Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg couldn't survive when they were creating apple and Facebook!
It's also illegal in the EU
And Japan

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>implying provincials are even worthy of recognition

literally trolling. barely worth a (you)

>fren is console only babby
>wish I could be their vidya jesus like you
>do what I want cuz a pirate is free

>can't argue against it

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You're wrong and a faggot and I'm not wasting my time with you and your attempts to take the topic at hand off the rails so you can force me to spend time correcting each one of your dumb points that have nothing to do with the original topic.
Which is:
How about you stay on topic, or is that too hard for you, brainlet?

no u :^)

>You mean how every law is enforced by the state?
>Between who? Because if one of those parties isn't the owner then it is theft and not voluntary. ie how property works.
There is no owner because it is not property.
Suppose you fashion a strange gardening device of your resources with your own hands and sell it to a gardener. Then you are assraped in jail because McShekelberg patented that strange device.
Copyrights are no different, you are free to use your printing press, hard drive, movie projector, etc. however you like regardless of whether or not Doctor Rosenblatstein has laid some all powerful claim to the content.

>normalfags and shills seething EVEN MORE about piracy

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