>5 clans confirmed for launch
>more clans as free DLC after launch
>25-30 hour run time
>factions are a bigger deal this time

What else do we know and what do you want to see?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's another fucking year till release, calm down already.
If this isn't a shill thread to drive preorders, are you planning to post your general for another year?

did they add gape this time

Killable trannies
Killable niggers
Possibility to call a he who feels like a she with the proper pronoun (he)

I hope they tone down the sjw stuff. vtmb had a couple of political jabs, and that's fine. I just hope they don't go full throttle on the preaching.

'''''''''''''''We''''''''''''''' know that's it's gonna be an overhyped massive dissapointment and i would like to see a good game instead

Attached: resting-bitchface.jpg (1020x574, 94K)

I just wanna talk about vampires and believe it or not the conversation here is less cancerous than on the other board.

I would like the game to be longer. I know some people don't like that but I enjoy having to really dive into a game and get lost in it for a while.

My main wish is for the mages to factor into it in some way. Even just one technocrat reminding you to not step too far out of line.

>restricting content into different versions
>literal SJW game
Get this fucking trash off of my board you fucking tranny

If there is any genre that should't be afraid of long playtimes it is definitely the rpg genre.

>25-30 hour run time
Was expecting it to be longer, maybe at least 40-50 hours but if it's highly replayable, maybe that isn't such a bad thing.

We don't know yet, developers always try to make good games so don't give up hope yet.

Do thinbloods have normal human blood with no special effects? They sold lily's blood at the blood bank until you freed her

Their blood still has supernatural properties but it's not strong enough to turn humans into Ghouls.

Caine is the biggest manchild in the world

Fuck abel and fuck god, no one tells caine what to do

That usually just leads to repetitive and boring content. Higher replayability is better in my opinion.

Where did you get 25-30hours. I haven't seen anything related to this?

You could get Elder vitae packs too

I'd love ravnos as a playable clan with chimestry shenanigans, but that sort of free form shit would be excruciating to pull off in an engine so if it did make it in it's probably just be awful

I hope playing different clans will change the game a lot.

I can already see mods that remove made up pronouns. I won't play without them

I'd prefer True Brujah and their time manipulation powers.

Lilith was the first thot

Man, if my first run is not as a Tremerechad I will fucking bomb Paradox

Big tiddie Ventrue first run here

Think this game will be as replayable as Bloodlines 1? I'm thinking no.

>free DLC

Yeah right

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The game is shorter apparently but they said that there's more dialogue and text so maybe they're aiming for a big replayability.

Can they really top VtMB cast?

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Why won't Caine just apologise?

Only if there are a lot of returning characters, which I doubt
Or the same VAs

Can WoD vampires eat real food?

>Press B to bite blood

Pretty sure they can "pretend" to eat food. Not sure if there's a higher level discipline that actually allows them to enjoy food (long-time players would know). Hell, even if the Toreador had a special ability to genuinely enjoy food I'd still assume that they're just faking it no matter how many numbers or rules you show me.

They can eat and hold it down for a while until vomiting it up again but they don't digest it.
I think at really high Humanity they could eat.

It's gonna be shit

Nah you're still dead, organs shriveled and all. You ain't producing gastric acid so you wont digest anything. You can take a merit to hold it down though.

That's what I recall from years ago. I think it still tastes like ass. You're cursed and all

Ugh you true brujah are all the same. It's just shiny celerity

yeah it should've been a 100+hr open world boring piece of shit

With a crafting system
And perks
And achievements
And a mobile app to share them on social media

The original game had some really bad VAs among good VAs. I see possible that the old cast gets back though, I'd specially love Grey DeLisle since my raging boner for her could destroy caine with a single swing.

90% sure that some of them were just random guys on the dev team. The voice of the bounty hunter that you rescue is forever seared into my ears in terms of how awkward his voice is. He's talking about how his fingers were removed and his hand mutilated, but he just sounds mildly worried about it.


The TV presenter and the guy on the cemetery were voiced by Mitsoda himself afaik.

Not sure who the elderly female vampire is unless it's a cut character.

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It matches up to his voice from interviews. Funny enough, for a guy who's mostly known for his writing and for occasionally directing so-so indie games, his voice acting is totally fine. It's not professional level but it never takes me out of the game like those awful indie RPGmaker voices that people always make fun of.

>25-30 hour run time
I hope it has lots of meaningful choices for replayability.

can i get a dl for vtmb 1? i dont wanna spend 20.00

>What else do we know
We know that it's SJW shit and shouldn't be bought.

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GOG version should be like 5 bucks

Ikr I keep checking the steam page for it thinking "today's the day they're gonna put it on sale why wouldn't they take advantage of the hype?"

At this point he may have just forgot about all that stuff. He's an old fart.

Yeah because it needs to be a shitty open world to reach at LEAST 50hr
Fuck off

Because he did nothing wrong

Activision own the rights to VTM:B, they don' give a shit, proven by how the only store to offer a functional patched copy is GoG and they do that themselves.

At least True Brujah aren't retarded like their faggy cousins born from a diablerizer.

Judging games purely by their length like this just leads to devs adding a ton of filler content. I'd rather play a good 5 hour game multiple times than have a 50 hour game that's mostly boring shit.

>With a crafting system
God I fucking hate crafting but all those modern games always put one. I hate crafting more than any other mechanic in games.

An all familiar song is playing in my ears
>putting emphasis on voice casting being 'the bestest everest' 1 year before the game's supposed release
>in an western game
Not graphics,not gameplay,not performance,not writting,not faithfull to lore but voice acting instead.Now i know it will be shit.

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nah 19.99 unless im looking in the wrong spot
i think they are using the hype makeing people pay 20

The dude has been hyping the writing, it's such a hard thing to quantify, but it does have more dialogue than the first game.

I hope this time you can really do the whole game by talking.

Hold up, how fucking new are you?

It's was a literal meme about how every time a VMB got a thread a mass of installs happened shortly after since its one of the few games that Yea Forums could all come together and talk about with out shitting on each other. You know its ok to want to play a fucking game and the fact you jump to shill in the first fucking post shows your filthy newfag powerlevel.

I wanna read some lore mostly about clan origins and Caine then to more modern politics shit, where and what do I start on?

Me too, I got assraped in my first run , it was my fault, but I like to play sneaky social characters.


Same. Don't think I've played one where crafting wasn't just grinding even longer for 5 items to make something instead of the game just giving you that one item you wanted.

Ever since I saw a playthrough where you can genuinely beat the entirety of New Vegas without killing anyone, I've been pretty much obsessed with any action-oriented game that you can beat through pure dialogue.

Probably goes without saying but have you tried the Clan source books for the original RPG? I got all of them on sale through the Humble Bundle years ago (before HB started to shit itself too). There's A LOT to sift through if you really want to read everything just in the Clan books alone. VtM also released an anniversary edition of their rulebook within the last year or so that probably compiles a lot of the lore in a neat little package.

I was able to cheese through most fights until I got to Ming in my gimped super-sneaky character. Rage-quit for a week or two because I just couldn't get it to work.

It's also the fault of the game to make you believe you can do it with a social character.
I hope you can beat the game y killing everybody too you know. Both are fun.

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rulebooks, novels and

I think that would only really work if you were some high tier vampire working behind the scenes, not a newly turned one.

You're gay. If any game can justify a speech only playthrough its the game where you can play as a charming vampire with domination powers

>turn into a supernatural being
>don't fight anyone

Give me a challenge to get a new sword, if you want me to farm, give me weapons like in diablo, not components.

>It's also the fault of the game to make you believe you can do it with a social character.
>Jack: You need to learn to fight because of assholes like these Sabbat
>Nines: You need to learn to fight because a speech won't help if someone is determined to shoot you with a shotgun
>user: I'm going to talk my way through everything!
no, the game really never tried to make you think you could go through it 100% socially

Several characters tell you that you will eventually have to learn to defend yourself.
Nigga WOD is filled with beings that give two fucking shits about reason.

A newly turned vampire can suck the dick of an old one and say that he will help him to not have to fight him.


Those are all brujah, they only think about fighting.

This was over 15 fucking years ago but I vaguely remember the marketing behind it saying that you can beat the game without any combat. Not sure if it was mentioned during their gargoyle demo or if it was in a magazine.

Granted, games change during development and the last third of the game is obviously rushed but there's a reason why people were led to believe that speech was more powerful than it actually was. Still a lot more effective than in most RPGs, honestly.

Not all of us are plebians that need to get their hands dirty.

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Can you still abuse the fuck out of skill books by selling them to Fat Larry in the patched version ?

It's pretty normal to think about fighting while the Sabbat are attacking you. Even before you leave Santa Monica you have quests that can only be solved with combat. It's your own fault if you ignored all that stuff and still went 100% social.

Speech is still pretty fun and can solve a big portion of the side quests without combat and also give you more XP in the end.

Nightmare Mode: Does anyone remember how the first Bloodlines promised a multiplayer mode? The website even had a section for multiplayer that was labeled "Under Construction," but they removed it after launch. It was a painting you could click on in the background.

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Idk what kind of utter clusterfuck would that have been

>vtmb2 has multiplayer
>malkavian larpers everywhere
no thanks

I think some mod had a really janky version of multiplayer, but it had a ton of problems. Like you couldn't use any doors to load new areas, you had to manually do it through the console, and if the person who loaded the area touched the floor it would crash so you needed a third client just to load the maps. Wesp should work on fixing that shit instead.

>gangrel furryfuckers yiffing at every corner

Best possible scenario would have been similar to Redemption's multiplayer mode where you can actively complete quests cooperatively. That would have been so impractical that it would verge on impossible based on the state of the Source engine at the time (this was before HL2 was even launched), but it would have been neat. Kind of like a more polished version of the current multiplayer mod for Morrowind.

Realistically, it probably would have just been a generic deathmatch game with Celerity removed.

People said the same thing when CCP announced the WoD MMO. Remember that?

I remember that too. It was so bad that some modders tried to just recreate it from scratch using modern Source before the Resurgence project tried to use Unity. My understanding was that it just wasn't worth the effort with the outdated version of Source that was packaged into Bloodlines, and retrofitting player models to work with modern Source was too much of a pain. It's one of those cases where everything was so fucked that starting everything over would have cost less time.

Redemption has multiplayer and it's quite fun.

> it's
> it WAS?
> it IS?

Do people still play it? I'd drop everything and sign up right now if that's the case.

Yeah that guy was Leonard Boyarsky. Mitsoda is actually a decent voice actor.

Yeah. Redemption is great to play with people who want to play the table top game since it has a story teller like the Neverwinter nights games who can set stuff up for a party.
It's pretty good.

Im i the only one not hyped at all? Way to much bullshit is surrounding this game, and most of it is political. Even worse is that its not developed by the original devs. Untill i see some real gameplay/interaction ingame ill hold back my judgment and hype

Troika is dead, but Hardsuit had some of the old team back, music, lead and Avellone.
Shame Boyarsky joined Obsidian already or he probably would have come back too.

True Brujah are a horrible piece of lore and thankfully irrelevant 99.9% of the time

I was saying a long time ago that a sequel probably won't be as good and I'd rather have VtMB in virtual reality, more mods that just add new content, maybe someone fixing up multiplayer for it, etc. I'm not really hyped especially since there have already been some red flags, although I'll at least pirate it and give it a shot when it's released. Pretty happy that the announcement is getting more people to play the original though.

Only a crowd of retards are worried about the political shit when early VtM was founded on edgy anti-government nihilism if you go back far enough. People whining about political shit in VtM are the people who aren't true VtM fans.

>if you go back far enough
You really don't have to go back very far.
Only the far end of revised didn't deal with that because they set upt the literal apocalypse

I'm not really worried about the political shit, just that it won't be as good and they'll be trying to recapture VtMB's magic and fail. Can't really judge yet but the nostalgia pandering with the deluxe edition doesn't seem great.

What's your problem with them ?

I love first person melee games so I really hope they do something great with that. If it's good I won't care if the writing isn't on par with the original as long as it's not complete shit.

Been a while since i played the game, but cant you pretty much tell anarchs to fuck off? The problem with todays SJW writers is that they have the subtlety of a blunt axe, they cant help themselfs but shove their believes right in your face. Like i said, im reserving my judgement, im fine with whatever politics if its nuanced, servers a purpose and actually gives me a choice to agree or disagree

Hmm yeah the bounty hunter sucked, gomez was alright though.

Kinda weird he did both of those?

It was funny to watch the reveal stream and see the threads make the voice connections when Mitsoda began speaking.

5 pronouns at launch 10 more added as paid DLC

>Been a while since i played the game, but cant you pretty much tell anarchs to fuck off?
Yes, multiple characters tell you going independent is best and you can tell everyone to fuck off. If they keep that in mind then it should be okay.

bring back trip or I riot

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Dont' forget trannygay muslims fighting the patriarchy, bro!

They make a big show in the latest interview about how working for factions will have much more depth this time around. So I suspect you will be able to do a fight the power campus activist run through with the anarchs if you want and that the flavour of a Camarilla aligned questing will be much more corporate and power grabbing. I just hope there is a genuine sabbat option.

I liked Trip, hearing about how Santa Monica had been changing, for the worse, from a mortal perspective added a little bit more depth to the hub.

Nah, everyone in oWoD is just huge fucking cunts, God included.

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>Right off the bat, I’m told additional clans will come post-release, and that those will be free for all players while story-driven content (for instance) could be paid DLC.
> I don’t know how much DLC there will be, but I do know that some clans will be added to the game after launch, and that these will be free to all players.
>"The one thing we can say, we will have a good amount of clans in the main game that are really interesting, but we'll support it with more clans after launch," said Christian Schlütter, lead producer at Paradox. "And one thing that you need to write down is that every clan that we release later on will be free. We will never charge you for any clan." I wrote that down.

It would be really weird not to be able to side with the Camarilla Ventrue. Specially if you can play as a Ventrue. And they probably won't be the only faction you can join.

God is just trying to be a good parent and teach him right from wrong. Caine gets his Xbox back when he apologizes for hitting Abel

The entire Bloodlines story is about destroying the established power structure and replacing it with something new, Marxist-style. For fuck's sake, even if you side with the Camarilla you're only handing the management over to a bunch of mongrel Tremere instead of true Ventrue.

I'm convinced that people who are worried about SJW shit in the sequel weren't paying any attention at all to the first game.

It doesn't have Obtenebration though.

>piracy will show them!
>also, piracy doesn't affect sales dummy. here's the EU's findings:

Yeah, no, that shit doesn't fly when you consider how many people are harmed by allowing vampires to exist in the first place.

What a fucking asshole

The ones that stay in the rear also take it in the rear,faggot

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> implying humans are God's Chosen people
> implying this world was made for us

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People do iirc, but since the servers are down you'd have to make do with Tunngle I think

Based True Brujahchad. We have all the cool, elegant and old-school mommies.
They have all the sluts and trannies.

Attached: True Brujah.png (1292x1100, 990K)

Bloodlines came out long before these reactionaries had politics consume their lives and lost their ability to enjoy things that didn't line up perfectly with their opinions

I have to look that shit up then. Maybe there's a mention of it on the GOG forums or something.

Is that why there's a True Faith "discipline" in game? I bet it's different from the shit Bach pulls.

In some of the scenarios it's shown that God indeed does care about regular humans.

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They're also the only ones to share their knowledge of the old times.

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This is the first time I've heard about True Faith, mostly because I never bothered with the mods after all this time. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they planned multiplayer was just Hunters vs Vampires instead of anything more interesting than that.

Had to look up some confirmation, and it seems that yes I was correct. Tunngle, and then this:
>As of 2017 NeuWON supports the original Match making services for this game. With it you can use the original multiplayer features that were incorporated into the game, without any extra programs or VPN's.

That's all on Caine and his free will. And he already allows humans to harm each other

when I used the console to add it, it didn't appear on my character sheet. When I used it, I didn't see anything noticeable but it did drain some blood.

Temporis would be too broken anyway if it was implemented correctly, truth be told.

>muh super rare bloodline that's actually the childer of the real Brujah ante and are always calm and cold and collected just like myself
Also I hate everything that's connected to the Tal'Mahe'Ra with a passion

It wouldn't be too broken unless you go by the old rules.

>muh super rare bloodline that's actually the childer of the real Brujah ante
That's what they say, the other part of the lore tell that they may be just Brujah who studied celerity and ended up with no feelings to stop their natural anger.

Oh also don't act like that's something specially for fedora lords when the whole lore is like that.

this guy has a lot of sex

>What else do we know

That they're lying.

>and what do you want to see?

Anything good for a change.

>finally hook up with a chick
>she's pretty damn pale, has random facial twitches and zones out sometimes but hey beggars can't be choosers
>start making out with her turns out she's a vamp and bites you
>"whoops sorry user, I really didn't want to but the voices told me to"
>"don't bother seeing a psychiatrist, it won't help. also don't go out during the day. okay bye"
wat do?

So the NSA have agents that have Animal Psi and Anti-Psi and probably some other psionic shit. Didn't the ARG website also say as much, along with Russian super spy weapons? Would our newfag vampire be able to even operate Ivan's microwave cannon?

Considering that to actually Sire someone takes some effort, just biting someone wouldn't cut it. But considering that's a Malk and they were probably doing it because the voices told them too, that doesn't matter.

I guess stay inside and either go rapidly or slowly insane. Then just wing it from there, or until the local Baron/Prince discovers I was sired without their knowledge and either executes or teaches me the ropes. Probably executes.

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Suck her titties. I know you don't have the urge to do so anymore, but do it anyways. Make sure to suck all the blood from her titties. All of it.

Listen to the voices and obey.

>25 hours long

That's a big red flag for me.

how long do you think the first game is?

Explain? It's comparable to BL1's game length.

This isn't an RPG where you kill mooks all day.

No why isn't this a 100 hour long empty sandbox with useless collectibles cluttering the minimap that directs you from location to location.

25-30, and on top of that we are getting 5 different playstyles. That and BL1's strength and lasting legacy has been its characters and side quests, and in a dialogue-heavy hub-based RPG there's little wasted time. It's not a looter shooter or mob-grindy RPG.

So who's in, who's out?

Gangrel are 100% out

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I seriously doubt that this will be the case.

Brujah and Tremere are confirmed. Nosferatu are indirectly confirmed since they want to appease the common RPG archetypes.

There has to be one more social focused clan, so either toreador or ventrue. I'd say ventrue since they're more iconic.

Last clan is probably malkavian since there would be a riot if they're not part of the original 5. It's the most popular clan by far.

The first game was clearly rushed. Starting area is amazing, second area is pretty good, then they were clearly trying to wrap the game up as easily as possible before the budget ran out.

I want a game that is 3-5 areas of Santa Monica quality. I know that's asking for a lot, but they shouldn't make a sequel to a game like this unless they can deliver something fans will love.

Fuck, I really hope they remove those retarded brujah but you're probably right.

>Gangrel are 100% out
If true I'm shitposting non stop.

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Did you really spend more than 5 hours in Santa Monica?

Gangrel and Brujah have jumped ship from Camarilla, but I don't see how that matters when the devs stated Camarilla isn't the only faction in play in the game.

What could the bonus be? I'm really confused by the 'bonus' element, like which clan would they consider to be a bonus? Considering these are strict clans and not factions I'm really not sure. Would the remnant Sabbat be considered a bonus clan or a faction? IF IT'S RUDI'S ARMY SUICIDE IS THE ONLY OPTION

Not confirmed, but I have strong suspicions. I think Gangrel will be a DLC clan, probably coming with the confirmed Werewolf DLC.

I probably spent 5 hours dancing to Isolated in the club.

Attached: ISOLATED.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Brujah,Tremer,Toreador,Malk,Nosferatu,Ventrue are definitely in because how completely different they are from each other.

I really do feel like they are gonna throw out Gangrel but at the same time not, Gangrel could appease to the furry audience with Animalism that is pretty unique.

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>What could the bonus be? I'm really confused by the 'bonus' element, like which clan would they consider to be a bonus?
Probably Malkavian. I mean, let's face it, playing as a Malkavian ruined the game for everyone if you tried to replay it with someone else. It wasn't due to those lolrandom stuff that happened along the way, but for how the Malkavian's flaw provided insight into the game and everything about it.

Just how boring are Mummies?

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Absolutely based and a watershed moment in gaming history.

it's not confirmed, but definitely possible
We already know that the thin-blood intro's basic abilities allow you to grow wings to access hard to reach places, and I don't expect they'd include an ability like that for the opening segment only. Hopefully this suggests you can be a gangrel and retain animal forms.

I think it's not a specific clan. Why would it be a 'bonus'? I'd say it's either the option to play a thin-blood who are clanless, so not a real clan. Or maybe a caitiff.

Aren't Ventrue and Toreador kind of similar from a gameplay perspective?

It got added with mods.

they are capable socially for very different reasons. from an RP point of view they are extremely different.

So a kind of 'beat the game then play as the Malk' thing? I could see that, but MAN they'd get some flak for that. I'm actually pretty salty at them for not allowing us the choice of clans right out of the gate.

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Yeah, there's no point in having both in the game since they're the same archetype. A social/diplomat kind of character.

Very. And from the sound of the thin-blood section of the game, your going to be in touch with your Human side alot anyway, and that's basically the Toreador's reason for existing as a clan in the first place.

But I won't be able to create my total slut of a female Toreador that fucks her way to the top....

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They're all sluts, user. Vampires are sex gods, just different flavors. A malkavian, for example, is a sex-crazed slut. A gangrel yiffs and tears. A ventrue is a domineering slut. A nosferatu is a butt ugly slut. A brujah is a hatefucking slut. An assamite will fuck you while on her period, which will probably poison you and melt your dick.

>I'm going to give free nukes to murderous madmen fully aware that it'll result in a gorillion deaths for nothing, but it'll be their fault, I dindu nothing

I mean, most modern night vampires don't believe in Caine anyway.

Staying firmly on the fence till it comes out. I'm hoping it'll be good but there's too many redflags and warning signs that it'll be sjw trash
>inb4 "muh incel, b-but the first game made about two jokes about republicans so it's the same
fuck off.

The bonus is Caine, which is "journalist mode", a mode that is easier than easy.

I mean, I kind of like the idea of starting out as a weak thin-blood and later becoming a really strong vampire gameplay wise. Reminds me of Kotor and the way you start as a mediocre soldier and later gaining access to force abilities and skills.

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>mfw Bonus is playing as a vampire hunter

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Yes, but they don't have to be / shouldn't be, considering the clans are very different. Toreador seduce while Ventrue dominate. Sexuality is more important to the Toreador's persuasion skills while scholarship is more important to the Ventrue's.

I wish they did Vampire the Requiem instead.

>On March 21st, Angela confronted Malcolm and the world at Tender’s launch party, at the Folsom Street foundry in San Francisco. Something terrible happened there. Angela stormed the stage, interrupting Chandler’s live presentation, and then the livestream cut out. The media already seems to be forgetting the event. A great shadow swallowed it all up. There is much we don’t know. Let’s start with what we do know.
>The crowd of partiers suffered mass memory loss and possible hallucination. A gas leak was reported, but that flimsy excuse seems to cover something much more purposeful and sinister.
>Drained blood bags were found at the scene (we have photographic proof!). What happened at this event that required human blood?

What's the difference ?

Would this work with that HD textures mod for Redemption that came out recently?

Would be pretty cool.

Attached: 1518964537852.jpg (260x299, 21K)

At first Caine was just immortal but then he went and got the super powers from Lilith which is when God stepped in and nerfed him with the sunlight, fire and blood drinking things. Then later Caine figured out how to transfer his powers and punishments but also his jealousy and bottled up anger onto others and God once again stepped in and flooded his city as a message to knock it off.

If it just change textures there's no reason it wouldn't work.

Malk is likely there but they'll
They'll likely be a clan they add in later. Sucks since Gangrel was my first clan in the original and I would have liked to play as them for my first run, but it's not the end of the world. I'm either going to play a Venture or Tremere.


Attached: bestantitbru.png (144x169, 14K)

The setting is a bit different and more open ended.

>they'll likely not be fishmalk tier anymore*

If they take Protean out because of the FPP, they are fucking pathetic, a no name South American dev can implement without many problems, a fucking american dev must also implement without problems.

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The reason people spam that republican shit is, because there's definitely a bunch of retards on this board that get triggered by stuff like that.

The bigger concern is dev's comments on mental illness, "punching up, not down", and potentially avoiding certain topics/characters since a lot of paradox folks have said how BL1 was made in a "different, simpler time", etc.

I hope we still get the edginess of BL1, it made fun of everything. I doubt we'll get something like that today.

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Is it weird if I want to actually fuck her? I mean, objectively speaking, she's not even all that ugly, and personally I love the pronounced bone structure of her face.

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it's nothing to do with ability, retard
two of the seven standard classes are being cut from the base game and released as free dlc later so they can ship it earlier, it just makes sense that they would cut gangrel when brujah is already a melee class

She doesn't look bad at all.

That's a reduction though. Toreador should ideally find it easier to persuade the opposite sex while Ventrue should ideally find it easier to persuade the same sex. Without that detail, I agree, there's no point in having both, but that really SHOULD be a factor in how the persuasion works for them.

Nosferatu fuckers get out.

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How do we know brujah are already in ?

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interview in the latest issue of PC Gamer magazine has a developer state they have a clan for spell casters and a clan for punching people

I'd do it too, user. nosferatu girls are the best.

That said, I think lore-wise you'd find every nosferatu repulsive no matter how they actually look like. At least that's what I've heard, can any loreanon chime in?

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I unironically want to mate press Imalia, while holding hands, kissing and maintaining eye contact.

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scrap the 4, Nosferatu's are sewer dwellers.
fuck those abomination freaks

What's the link for Nosferatu and Malkavian here? The others make sense.

That clan could be Gangrels. Do people really like Brujahs ?

I assumed the mental illness thing means that Malks aren't going to be fishmalks, and I'd be fine with that if it's done well, but I'm not sure this dev is up to that task. I just hope when they talk about political stuff they mainly mean the politics between clans and factions and not even more left vs right shit, I'm so fucking sick of hearing about it every single day.

Yeah, forcing a superpowered murderous guy you already made invincible to also drink blood and have bestial urges sure was a merciful and wise act.

brujah are the sjw vector

Temporis actually sucks

Also shouldn't 3 be Gangrel?

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I don't think I've ever seen someone in a vtmb thread say they like Brujah.

No reason though, they're just angry retards and can defend any idea.

>brujah is already a melee class
I forgot they are specializing clans into classes rather than let the player to whatever he wants, so fucking much for a VTM RPG, oh yeah, isn't V5 faster and easier to play compared to V20 and Revised, like, close to recent D&D ?

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When not even degenerate vampires want to fuck Nosferatus, you need to re-evaluate your standards.

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Malk's looks like a psychiatrists office, that whole profession is teeming with Malk's, both doctors and patients.

What's the matter frenchman? Never picked up some exotic tastes while you were with Napoleon?

doesn't matter if people like them or not, they're the main clain of the anarchs.
And gangrel should be about biting and clawing, not punching

They have nothing for them, Gangrels have the animal thing at least. And the True Brujah can manipulate time.

Imagine being a regular human, not even a ghoul, just making out with a female Nosferatu in some Toreador's Elysium and then not even bothering to be subtle about it you go to one of the guest rooms and rawdog her while she bloodies your shoulder-neck area and your back.

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This is not where the blood of Caine leads us.

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It feels more Gangrel-like to me.

>I assumed the mental illness thing means that Malks aren't going to be fishmalks, and I'd be fine with that if it's done well,

Yeah I hope they were talking about the PC, not Grout and Voermans. But in any case, the reason the PC is a fishmalk because the main avenue we can actually see the PC being insane is through the dialogue.

Voerman and Grout are both NPCs, it's much easier to make a more compelling case for their particular illnesses when you're not constantly in contact with them and when you get to experience their story in quite a linear fashion.

I just don't see how you can write a non-fishmalk PC that still actually retains the insanity of malkavians.

Brujah are the forced meme of the vampire world. Nobody at all likes them, but they get pushed into the spotlight of everything.

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it would be funny if Caine returns as the cab driver , too bad it will not happen.

You can spend your skill points and use whatever equipment you want, dumbass
Doesn't change the fact that Brujah have always been the "melee class" of vtm

Van Helsing did nothing wrong against Nosferatu.

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As long she does not smell like rotting flesh of sewer shit, I'm fine.

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4 could be gangrel also.

>Endlessly hyping up a game which will undoubtedly be terrible
Please stop, for your own sake.

What's the point of cutting out clans and releasing them as free DLCs later on?

>Aren't Ventrue and Toreador kind of similar from a gameplay perspective?

Absolutely not. Toreador has Auspex (supernatural perception) and Celerity (supernatural speed) they are THE clan if you want to play a gunslinger with a silver tongue. The Toreador are often considered second class Ventrue with an artistic bent but their disciplines basically make them Neo from The Matrix.

>I just don't see how you can write a non-fishmalk PC that still actually retains the insanity of malkavians.
It a fresh malk in a short timespan, so they can just make it's influence inconsequential for the plot. Not that it wouldn't suck.

Yes, it does. The blood of Caine leads me to creampieng every female Nosferatu until their bellies are swollen with my seed. I shit you not, I would fuck them so hard, their wombs would be brought back to life. And we'd kiss like the way it's meant to be done, tongues in, drooling all over each other.

Fuck, just imagine using Obfuscate to some degree to hide in a public place and just start fucking right up on the ceiling or on the side of some building. My dick would pierce concrete from arousal alone.

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This is Requiem instead of Masquerade, but there's a pretty brilliant Nosferatu character concept which is a guy who looks painfully average but just "smells" revolting on a supernatural level. No matter where he is or what he covers himself with, you can "smell something" emanating from him that makes you want to vomit. Some people might think that it's too much of a stretch from traditional Nosferatu but it's still a physical trait that causes repulsion.

Also ties into a weird social anxiety complex that any players might have.

Schizophrenic word salad is not the only obvious sign of mental illness. Mass paranoia is something that you could get across in dialogue even if it's not fish-malk tier. You could write dialogue that has a hostile and accusatory tone towards most people but a handful of times you're totally right, just by accident and because of (((insight))).

Are you actually supposed to talk in character when you play out these scenarios or you just describe what is happening?

in this text god just sounds like an angry child who's mad that his pet dog doesn't suck his dick after clearly favorizing another over 'muh feelings' (purity of heart or whatever)

I haven't finished Bloodlines yet, is there any hunter character in the game? I think it would be really cool if there was a main character in Bloodlines 2 who was a hunter, perhaps tracking the player down as he makes a name for himself, or is looking for someone else in the cast and the player has to deal with them. From what I understand, hunters can be pretty dangerous in WoD.

This is going too far now.

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being able to reach the release window their publisher wants
longevity of the game
if they release a brand new playstyle for the game for free alongside the paid expansion, it will entice people who played it once to play it again and buy the new content

You stop. It's going to be amazing.

The beast is the anger inside of him

>sheriff bat phase
>i'm supposed to bait him into the light to stun him and ground him or some shit
>fuck that
>equip AUG
>pop max level auspex
>his health bar disappears in one burst
Fucking love toreadors.

No, YOU stop.

Up to you, honestly

>Mass paranoia is something that you could get across in dialogue
it'd be cool if the paranoia actually worked out once. like malks can figure out the end to a quest beforehand and have a unique resolution

The anger provokes the beast, but the beast itself is one of god's curses.

probably the V5 Camarilla ones: Ventrue, Toreador, Tremere, Malkavian, Nosferatu and Banu Haqim (Muslims)

There's Bach

World of Darkness is a version of our reality where not only does God indisputably exist but everything is actively shittier and more depressing. It only makes sense that the "God works in mysterious ways" argument feels like total bullshit at that point and there's something off about Him.

Taken to its extreme, the idea that God hates you isn't edgy anymore. It's the only logical explanation.

>Mass paranoia is something that you could get across in dialogue even if it's not fish-malk tier.

I could see that working dialogue-wise, of course people who have paranoia will rarely seek out others and solve problems they might have. Given the nature of the game it would be hard to justify you being paranoid, but still inclined to talk to people.

For a fishmalk, anything goes.

You can do either. But playing online on a board simulator and roleplaying your character out via text is growing more and more popular lately.

The rundown bar is probably meant to echo the Last Round.

Not according to White Wolf

The beast comes from Caine, not god.

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>Banu Haqim

I wouldn't be surprised if they went with them for the stealth class if they can't be bothered to put all the work in to Nos alternative routes.

I'd rather have less clans with more unique content.

Troika originally planned out unique dialogue options for every clan. At the end tremere/ventrue/gangrel/brujah were all essentially the same. Sure ventrue had dominate, tremere had some unique encounters, and gangrel had like 2 extra lines but overall the dialogue side of the game is pretty much the same for those four clans.

Sure you can. I can almost guarantee you that the wacky dialogue of the BL1 Malk will not be making an appearance, because of fears of being accused of being a ableist or discriminatory piece of writing. But whilst this does block off an avenue of writing Malk's, really I thin without any pressure Mitsoda would have done it anyway, because Malk's are supposed to be insane in many different ways anyway. Like our new player character could see visions or have conversations with characters would later do not remember them, hell they could even go into the future, do a level then turn a corner and discover they haven't moved at all. There are many interesting ways, both mechanically and through not fish-malk dialogue to explore the Malk's insanity. So whilst people keep posting that image with all the co-writers 'SJW' quotes on it, I'm not too worried.

Not if Malk's aren't in the core five THEN that's a Red flag.

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>welcomed curse
>this punishment
Sounds like it was god's punishment that he fueled and took to extreme out of spite.

> level that's a complete and total mindfuck because of an elder vampire dominating your mind, with staircases that don't end and hallways that constantly loop around again and again
> if you're playing as a Malk, all you see is a long hallway and you can just walk up to the guy and punch him in the face

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That sounds pretty good, not gonna lie.

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Just drive.

No, fuck that, there should be at least a little mandatory combat in the game. It just shouldn't be the entire third act.

could you elaborate why a malk would have an easier time resisting an elder?

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So i decided to reinstall the original. Should i go with basic or plus version of the unofficial patch?

>World of Darkness is a version of our reality where not only does God indisputably exist but everything is actively shittier and more depressing.
I'm not sure...I'd like to go back to eternal vampire 90's instead of constant clownshow we have today with Jews instead of Tremeres

Do we know if the characters will be voice? The protagonist, that is.
The problem I'm seeing with this discussion is that you assume all Malkavian are Catatonic Schizophrenics when most aren't actually Schizophrenics, let alone even on the bad of being Paranoid Schizophrenics. Malkavians aren't inherently schizophrenic, they just have access to the Cobweb. Some might only ever get insight (have delusions) once or a few more times in a year, and some others might otherwise be fine aside from some sort of other derangement like OCD, ADHD, Bipolar, disorder, etc. That said, they just as well could go the Disorganized Schizophrenic route and have the character still carry that game/cultural stereotype of Schizophrenia, but would effect the character barely noticeably due to the lessened severity. It goes Disorganized > Paranoid > Catatonic.

t. Schizo

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Dementation is for mindfucking, not Domination.
he probably meant that Malkavians have different psyches from regular vampires so regular psychic abilities should have different effects on them

I think he's trying to place emphasis on the idea that you cannot out-crazy a Malkavian.
Although if I were an elder and saw one of Malk-Balls come onto my front porch I'd would find it easier to just tell them to leave.

No, player character won't have a VA. It's for the better.

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It's just an example, not necessarily something that would be 100% lore-consistent. I'd just love to see an entire level where things are just easier and more straightforward BECAUSE of the Malk's insight instead of treating it as this weird detriment in terms of gameplay.

Unofficial patch for me.

It's not so much resisting as a Malk can see through the mind-games. That guy was just posting an example of how mechanically madness could be shown in BL2.

This to be honest. This is kind of why Lacroix killed Dr Allistair Grout, because if you have an agenda Malk's are on that shit nearly instantly. It's why they were founding members of the Roman Empire, and play an important part in the Camarilla. If they really all were crazy fucking Schiz's they'd have all fucked off to the Anarchs or Sabat a long time ago.

I wouldn't even be mad if the in game Malk just has his own Reznov. Having your own Reznov isn't a real life mental disorder, so Mitsoda's off the hook. Just replace the numbers with prophetic whispers again and you're all set.

When the player character see's Lacroix for the first time, the whispers scream LIER, so there is real precedent for that.

>player character won't have a VA. It's for the better.
Yes, very much this.

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Clan Quest Mod

He doesn't come off as a very mature person in that

Yeah, agreed. And I say this as someone who always plays diplomat characters.

If they ignore combat, or if any quest is solveable by just doing one thing(be that sneaking, talking, fighting) I'll be angry. Part of making a character is having weaknesses, if you're only good at sneaking the game should occasionally throw some challenges at you that might be hard to overcome by just doing that.

If every choice is always viable, in every situation it's not really a good choice. Too many games nowadays pride themselves on giving the player choices but then not following through with the consequences.

>The Beast that nightly struggles to run free in the cold heart of every vampire is nothing less than Caine's own wrath

How do I get good in Redemption? Im getting wrecked in the Tremere dungeon.

Give Willem a stick
Give Christof the Ainkurn
Vigor Mortis

>tfw Toreador with Malk bf

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Mechanically, all Malkavians have at least 1 Derangement of some sort. It could be severe or barely noticeable depending on the character, and how the Cobweb manifests depends on what the DM allows.

I personally hope they play it funny like what they did before because as a schizo I really haven't seen schizophrenia done right before. At least not Paranoid. It's unmitigated distress. I had a one-off with another schizo and we immediately came to the conclusion that the easiest way to verbally describe what it's like is to say it's like being constantly badly burned, enough to make you shake from the pain. So, they need to do it funny or playing a Malkavian needs to be essentially a horror experience.

Yes, because without his wrath the beast would be powerless, see high humanity. Caine didn't literally make himself burn under the sun and drink blood to survive, but it was a result of his repeated defiance, only made worse by him embracing it fully instead of trying to resist it.

5 clans only...?

If you read the thread, you'll discover its 5 plus one bonus clan, with the rest coming later as free DLC.

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When I first said that I'd like the game to be able to be beatable without any fighting I didn't said it was without any consequences. It could be having to side with an elder just so you don't have to fight him but then you'll have to obey him.

Of course the Toreador still prances around with BF's when she knows perfectly well that these kinds of relationships are meaningless because we are undead.

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Caine seems to be doing just fine containing the beast (apart from that Abel stuff), after all it's just a part of his personality. It's the later generations that go on rampages and try to fuck each other over at every possible turn.

I feel like if they don't go full clownfest like in BL1 that it'll suck.

Even if somehow they portray some specific mental illness really well and everything's perfect, there's going to be a ton of people who are going to be sad. They've essentially established a certain type of idea for what it means to be a malkavian, straying too far from that is going to bite them in the ass in all kinds of ways.

That said, of course the developers shouldn't care about what people think--but I don't think there's all that many people who are familiar with malkavians and PnP.

> these kinds of relationships are meaningless because we are undead.
Except all sorts of vampires have relationships in VtM.

It's mainly the 3rd generation, the second one was chill and the 4th had to deal with the constant risk of getting fucked by their sire. That's why they're permanently trying to kill and take over them with the whole jyhad stuff.

Whilst BL1 is most peoples only experience with Vampire the Masquerade, BL2 really should not just hit the same notes as 1. Having a Malk which is nearly identical to the first game would be a step back in my opinion, when there are more places to take the player with that character type.

it's possible the malkavian still speaks in riddles but there won't be any retard moments where the insanity is played for laughs like talking with a street sign.

>the malkavian is trans
What would be the damage caused by the resulting anal eruption?

Miss me with that gay shit you artsy fartsy faggot.

Even though they have the street sign as cosmetic DLC.

On Yea Forums or twitter?

Later generations are more fucked up by the curse in general, since it actually alters them.
Neither does god
>this guy I hate but made invincible is spreading his curse
>well I guess I'll also buttfuck everyone touched by the curse, even if they didn't choose it, and no mercy for anyone until the guy decides to repent!

I'd refund the game. Now having the option to be trans and rejecting it is different from forcing the player to be trans.

But considering how we are picking the clans, unless we are trans from being a thin-blood that wouldn't make any sense. Unless being Trans is part of the Malkavian madness? In which case I'd stick around for the absolute fucking shitshow that would come from that.

The second generation started losing their humanity and treating humans like cattle. And all the younger generations are still prone to frenzy

> BL2 really should not just hit the same notes as 1
I agree with that. It should be its own game. But considering the pre-order cosmetics and mentions of fan-favorite characters returning I'm sure they'll do some fan pandering.

Anonymous, you're a thin blood. The clan you get later is almost certainly going to be from diablerie thickening your blood, not from changing characters. Even if you become Malkavian you probably aren't going to suddenly flop genders somehow.

You faggots talk like redditor shills, fuck off.

I've heard there's other ways to becoming a full vampire. Some type of alchemy works, will try to find source.

>reddit referring

Malkavians should have hallucinations similiar to Bioshock after you started injecting Adam giving you glimpses but you don't know of what if future, past or bullshit.

trans are for tzimisce (post-op) or nosferatu (forever pre-op and constantly obfuscated with different looks, literal real world traps)

There are some rituals, like those that turned tremere into vampires, but afaik they also require vampire blood, tremere used tzimisce for that.

t. Buttblasted specter still haunting the trenches.
Imagine dying on the front lines whilst this madlad sips wine and laughs it up with is buddies hundreds of miles away.

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But it's a mental illness so it fits with malks too.

>Vampire the Masquerade: Online

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Try and say it on twitter, cis scum, see what happen

every vampire can acquire a mental derangement, doesn't make everyone Malkavian

>set your pronoun to 'them' during character reation
>you clan is automatically set to Malk later

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Being a malkavian does give you a mental derangement though.

What's funny is that this is exactly the case for characters that specialize in combat. Sure they can beat the snot out of anything that moves, but they often suffer by missing side quests or losing out on extra rewards. But the combat only players never complain about this. It's only the diplomat or stealth players that complain when their style of play comes with consequences.

Actually, while becoming a Malkavian gives you a Derangement if you don't already have one you can get rid of it through various ways and still be a Malkavian, but lose access to the Cobweb if you don't have said Derangement. The Cobweb is what makes Malks Malks. The only other clan that can get access to the Cobweb are Malkavian Caitiff who were sired by a Malkavian.

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So how do you think that the game will handle vertical gameplay? Dying Light-like?

when the consequence is 'the game stops being fun in its final chapter' you fucked up as a dev

This would be ideal. The stronger you get as a Malkavian you might hear voices coming in as whispers from characters who don't want you to know their secrets, but you don't know if these voices are true or lies and sometimes they're very cryptic and hard to decipher past what the character is actually saying.

I hope they don't fuck up hookers

I'll admit they did fuck up at the end of the game. The fact that you HAVE to fight some bosses is a bit much, but people exaggerate about the sewers. I didn't have many points into combat on my Toreador when I first went in there so I just celerity'd and ran past everything. I imagine other clans have similar options.

The problem with the last bit is you have to fight the Tzimisce, you have to fight the Sheriff, you have to fight Ming Xiao, and they're all fairly difficult even if you do have points in combat skills. The problem really comes from the fact that there's no way to catch them unawares with stealth and lay traps or there's no way to convince their allies to turn on them like at the end of Fallout 2 for speech characters. I'd say the problem came from the lack of dev time and the nature of being a solo FPS RPG. No matter how high your persuasion is, you probably weren't going to talk sense into the Tzimisce or the Sheriff.

>see a lonely hooker, nobody around so can take sip without paying and breaking masquerade
>strength 5, brawl 5
>stop right there shitlord, sex work is real work so pay up

How well does the original run? I have a pretty shit PC, on lowest settings I can only run something like STALKER SoC and EYE Divine Cybermancy at slightly above 30fps

You see, the masquerade is just another form of God's punishment, but instead of having his eye overseeing and torturing Caine, there's a systemized internalized surveillance inside our dead corpses. A total anarch or sabbath victory would only change the surface level of things and ways to ibflict big G's punishment.

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>sabbat victory would only change the surface level of things
What the fuck are you talking about? Their ultimate victory would be killing off the Antediluvians.

It is a shill thread. Original Yea Forums loved VTM enough to decide to pirate every copy after Activision killed Troika, the original creator of VTM. Now all these threads talking about how great the reboot is to stir up group appreciation for it.
I'll pirate it like VTM, but Activision doesn't get my cash if I can help it.

>kill a hooker
>an obese purple haired NPC approaches you
>5 minute lecture about how sex work is important and sex workers are marginalized and we have to legalize sex work now
>can't skip the dialogue

Just played it on my work laptop recently, lowest settings, ran ok, hub worlds are the biggest performance hits

Tremere bros ww@

I'm pretty sure activision isn't involved in this game user.

He is doing a bit and imitating Foucault as though he was lecturing on VTM.

but you'll still play it? even if you pirate it, you're helping the corporate suits.

you'll eventually mention the game to someone, you'll experience the ideas pushed onto you, etc. piracy doesn't actually hurt the developers, keep on pirating anons :')

I'll play it but I'm not some highschool fag who can only relate to other people through vidya. Most the people I hang out with don't even play vidya anymore.

Except we would rarely have a VTMB threads before august, September had at least one per week, and October almost every day, after that would slow down, but, after VTMB2 announce, every fucking day a new thread appears on the catalog, sometimes, 3 or 4 at the same time, and few weeks ago, mostly was reactionary bullshit, was impossible even to talk about the lore.
Fuck Paradox and anything related to Paradox.

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I hope you're getting ready for the onslaught of threads on Yea Forums once gameplay footage is actually released.

i'm looking forward to a retread of 2077 where it'll look like the most banal, generic dogshit imaginable and fanboys will seethe for weeks over it being made fun of

Does the first-person perspective trigger you that much?

They should release it later with more clans



It's being made by Cyanide games, their most well-known games being cycling management games, who work under Bigben Interactive. BBI and Activision have a good working partnership to help license and distribute Activision games into the UK and parts of Europe as they're mostly French owned. Take that as you will.
Apparrently Paradox owns the IP for VTM now, so I hope you guys are ready for all the Day 1 dlc and constant game play changes through never ending $20 DLC.

Or just concentrate on making the game good with one clan first instead of giving 5 sub-par game-experiences.
Then after that is done add 1 or 2 more if you can.

>he thinks feminists support prostitution
>prostitution is illegal in his country

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Haha yeah bro they should just release this RPG with only one playable class.

>more clans as free DLC after launch
I don't buy games with DLC until the GOTY edition is

There are feminists who support "sex workers". I would say younger feminists support it more and older ones are against it more.

But what happens when you run into a even more charming vampire who is immune to your domination powers and is also willing to use violence?

>Apparrently Paradox owns the IP for VTM now, so I hope you guys are ready for all the Day 1 dlc and constant game play changes through never ending $20 DLC.
The game is made by Hardsuit Labs. Clans are free DLC and as far as we know we're only getting story expansions outside of the dumb little cosmetic preorder DLC. You're reaching.

There's a thing like sex-positive feminism and Sex Workers United user.

>25-30 hour run time
>supposedly bigger map and more content
I don't understand
so a 100% all quest play through should be a LOT longer than the original no? or there the clan quests are going to be a lot more relevant?

Imagine not knowing the most basic fucking thing about a game and still deciding to shitpost about it. Kill yourself.

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Holy shit. Almost every post about this is "LOOK I FOUND THIS TO COMPLAIN ABOUT NO THIS THING IS SLIGHTLY WRONG THEY FUCKING RUINED IT" What in the fuck is wrong with this cesspit?

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>Day 1 dlc
Even better, the game is 9-12 months till release and you can already pre-order two DLCs actually, plus a decent hint that there is clothing, weapon, and furniture-content that is most likely not going to be limited to pre-order bonuses only.

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I think the more "intellectual" feminists with gender studies degrees think it's demeaning and perpetuates rape culture while the "YOU GO GURL" type is okay with it

Being excessively negative or being Hyped is both retarded considering that we have almost no information that can be confirmed from unbiased sources, but i have to say that i'm more inclined to be negative about this game considering all parties involved in it don't have a great trackrecord.

Im sure its gonna have some retarded political commentary and "strong" statements that are gonna be completely irrelevat in a few months.

you have no idea how hard sex-positive pro legal prostitution feminists and sex-negative feminists go at each others throats
I don't think there is a single faction or subset of feminism that gets along with one another
communist/green feminists hate liberal feminists, 3rd world feminists ALSO hate liberal feminists but still use them for their advantage, queer feminists hate everyone else, everyone hates intersectional feminists etc. etc.

Sounds like a Masquerade game.

I'm not, 10 VTMB2 threads, 9 are full of reactionary shitposting, can't criticize because "lol bait faggot /pol/ resetfaggot", I just wanted comfy VTMB threads with lore posting, and mage autism posting.

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