How can you argue videogames aren't an addiction when most of you losers are NEETs who game for 10+ hours a day?

How can you argue videogames aren't an addiction when most of you losers are NEETs who game for 10+ hours a day?

Honestly can't imagine being this sad. Videogames aren't even fun.

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut up frog posting faggot
>10+ pages
w e w

something something niggers and jews

>game for 10+ hours a day
I wish. More like shitpost on Yea Forums for 10+ hours a day

Most of us don't even like videogames dum frog poster.

>Yea Forums
>playing games at all

I haven't played vidya since a few weeks ago at least

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its more like a few hours of games and 10+ hours of browsing here

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Casual. I did 20 getting skeleton posting twice earlier this week since my dynamic IP screwed me.

I agree, if you're a friendless loser who plays videogames to cope with how sad your life is, you should kill yourself.

If you enjoy videogames than continue enjoying them but make sure you remind all the lonely faggots to kill themselves though - the frog does have a point.

I don't play vidya for 10+ hours a day. I've had periods in the past where I've played like that, but not anymore.
I can pretty easily go without playing a video game for a week, 3 hours for 1 week no problem at all, I would barely notice that I'm avoiding something.
Giving up caffeine for a week though? That's a fucking struggle. I can do it, and have done it, but it's not easy.

based laughing girls, windows kola, sensible chuckle, laughing african man, etc...

I haven't played anything in at least a month, and when I do play I tend to dump five hours a day into games. Addictions don't come and go like that.

Thanks, I hate it.

jesus christ

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You can tell OP's from Yea Forums since he hates games

Browsing Yea Forums isn't playing games

Better than sex.

I sometimes paint for 10 hours a day. Is that an addiction?

>Videogames aren't even fun.

Sorry to hear you havent found the right games user. I'm playing Divinity Original Sin and I'm having the time of my life.

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it’s the other way around, buddy. Playing vidya is a consequence of being a NEET or Incel, not the cause.

No you're not.
Playing divinity original sin can never compare to: falling in love, becoming a parent, getting your drivers license, owning your own house, experiencing the real world, starting your own company and making it successful, losing your virginity, having sex, hearing your child say I love you, graduating college, winning a marathon, beating a new record in weight lifting etc.

Nice thumbnail, you shitposting retard