Is this an out of season April fools joke?

Is this an out of season April fools joke?

>At 360p/180p per eye
>At 30fps

Who ready to vomit here?

Attached: super_mario_odyssey_labo_vr.png (1024x576, 292K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't understand why they didn't do MK8D and ARMS VR instead

>At 30fps
lol no

I fail to see the problem, VR is VR no matter what

Attached: 1554264847701.png (963x900, 172K)

VR is just a gimmick

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild VR will let people play through all of the game in VR
Did i just read that right?

There's no fucking way open world VR gonna work on Switch or maybe i'm wrong?

It will work. Just very very very very poorly.

Labo is literally for kids though. Who won't be able to know that it's hideous and runs like shit. Grown adult men aren't supposed to use or play labo

>No headstrap
I'm a vr believer but people are going to drop their fucking switches

I have a pretty big hunch this is going to run like shit, probably Oculus Quest tier if even that. Should've opted for Mario Kart.

3D work better at 60fps, which, on the portable mode, is not possible.

>>No headstrap
Source ?

>Grown adult men aren't supposed to use or play labo

Jokes on you, I play with regular cardboard with my nieces all the time. Labo is a step up.

Attached: 1554445770295.png (205x245, 119K)

Whats the point of BOTW VR if its not first person
>Wow! Its like Im really standing ten feet away from link as he does shit
Nintendo once again missing the entire point

Oh god.... They're going to release a VR Vboy stand aren't they

History repeats itself

>With my niece's

Well that's the point. I mean adults alone.

>Whats the point of BOTW VR if its not first person
What ? that's a stupid question ! VR doesn't raquire its game to be 1rst person, Nintendo or not. It's about the immersion.

Would be pretty hilarious.

I guess you're right. Even playing with rocks is fun when you have brainlet playmates.

Compare the picture in the OP to the Google cardboard 2.0, which appears to be what they based it off of. It's pretty clear to me that they intend for players to hold and play the switch as shown in the OP. That won't stop people from trying and dropping their switches though

Weird choice, but there's some pretty decent non first person VR titles, Moss for one. This is definitely going to run pretty badly, but it's not like they're aiming for a vive pro or index quality experience.

>look at the official twitter announcement
>people cheering and happy, posting per-order confirmations
>they are all oblivious to the fact that this shit will run like hot garbage on a 360p per eye screen and bad framerate no doubt

Why do I live on this planet.

Attached: lolwow.png (828x712, 150K)

Typical graphics whore. VR on switch is finna kick ass.

Eh, as long as they have fun I guess. People like you and me might not give a shit because we know better. But I imagine this shit is going to blow some people's minds and generate some interest in the "real"stuff.

>virtual boy virtual console
yes please

VR is and always will be fucking shit.

No matter who does it

>>they are all oblivious to the fact that this shit will run like hot garbage on a 360p per eye screen
Ann, the console's screen is 720p and there is no reason it run worst than what it already do in portable mode. No need to make things up.

>he engages with family and still posts on Yea Forums

Who cares lmao

user, the single screen is being split in two, one for each eye. That doesn’t necessarily mean 360p, but it does mean more work for the same effect.

I'm the unmarried 35 year old engineer uncle. My family knows I'm socially retarded, already.

Attached: 1554340805686.png (186x292, 24K)

It really depends on their implementation of "VR". What you normally think of VR generally has your computer render the image you see twice, which is where the generally higher hardware requirements for current gen VR kick in. Obviously, the switch cannot handle rendering botw twice in portable mode, or perhaps at all. My guess is that they're just going to do some weird shit like "render once, mirror image on each half of the screen"to make it work.

remember it's a Wii-U port

can't wait for the jerma stream

>But I imagine this shit is going to blow some people's minds and generate some interest in the "real"stuff.

I would expect the opposite will be more likely when people try to play Zelda. A game running at low resolution and low frame rate that was not designed with VR in mind is going to be physically painful for someone who has not built up any tolerance to accelerations in VR. I personally like the idea of somewhat carelessly adding a VR mode and letting people deal with the consequences, but this could leave a really bad first impression for people who don't know what they are getting into.

Because mirroring the image will let you see in 3d instead of being a mess your brain can't interpret. Seriously though, I could see them doing the 360p per eye, since it would be the logical conclusion. Btw the 3ds renders pictures twice as well and performance doesn't suffer as much as you'd think on low resolutions. Alternatively I could see them saying fuck the 3d part and just putting the screen nearer to your eyes while only presenting one picture instead of two.

>user, the single screen is being split in two
user, the screen being cut in tow, doesn't change the heigth, It's still 720p.
Resolution is about the heigth
>Obviously, the switch cannot handle rendering botw twice in portable mode
The width is cut in half, so the workload is about the same.

We are the same, you and I.

Imagine how sick kids without vr-legs are going to get with 20 fps horseback rides. I'd love if they made it work though

There's only supposed to be one of us in every timeline, friend. How could this happen?

Attached: 1554443096941.png (400x400, 55K)

I don't want to put a screen directly up to my fucking eyeballs. I learned my lesson with the VirtualBoy. People who play this shit must be insane.

PSVR is 386 PPI, Switch is 237 PPI. Obviously it'll look mediocre but it's not gonna fucking give you motion sickness on contact.

That means the switch only has 61% the PPI that PSVR has. I hope they can make it work.

Attached: hit or miss.jpg (326x275, 20K)

Are you sure it isn't 360 per eye which is half of 720?

>psvr is only 1080
That's actually pathetic, sure the Switch is less, but the Switch isn't a dedicated VR device.

Also the Debut price of the PSVR was $399, but you also needed to spend another $120 for the move controls and the camera for tracking, so the PSVR is more expensive than the Switch, and it requires a console to do it's computations, and it only has marginally higher resolutions, absolutely pathetic in comparison, if Nintendo wanted to win the VR wars they just need to launch a Switch successor with a 1440 display, a pack in VR headset adapter, upgraded joycons, and a tracking device in the dock, surprisingly enough Nintendo could do this for a Switch successor in the early 2020s for the same price as the regular Switch.

PSVR games are also required to run at a higher frame rate, which matters more than resolution. Zelda can't get high enough even while rendering the game one time to make the PSVR cutoff. Most importantly, the camera movement is going to be really rough. It would likely be too much for people using VR for the first time even if it were running at a higher framerate. It is very likely that it actually will give many people motion sickness nearly instantly.

you guys want a good laugh go check the threads on reddit, people already talking about 3d printing a strap to play through "All of BOTW" with this fucking contraption on.

Attached: laughing owl.png (688x530, 542K)

>Are you sure it isn't 360 per eye which is half of 720?
Nope. A 720p screen cut in half in its width is still 720p. The resolution is for the height, not the width.

Sound like it's not a bad idea.

>no mario kart vr
Nintendo, you had literally one fucking job

This just proves that VR companies are a scam that charge you hundreds of dollars for a VR experience when Nintendo can release a VR attachment for the Switch for just $40 and give you full gaming experiences while VR companies just make shitty minigames.

>>At 360p/180p per eye
That is not the resolution, I can assure you.

Yeah, it has to use the entire screen now! Oh... Wait...

>$60 cardboard


VR headsets are just screens with lenses FYI. I don't wanna play BOTW at 14p2fps but whatever.

Odyssey in VR makes sense. I hate it normally, so plain looking, it feels like it's burning my retina and looks so flat. But in 3d it would be more bearable instead of having to guess depth.

Don't these come with video games? Which commonly in the united states cost $60?

Jesus what a disaster.

Still waiting on F-Zero, Star Fox, and Metroid Prime VR.

>Odyssey in VR
How so? Game isn't even fully playable. Now 3D Land might be more ideal for VR.

>Labo is literally for kids though. Who won't be able to know that it's hideous and runs like shit.

are you serious dude? Kids are just as informative about gaming shit as grown ass adults.

Dude it's a Nintendo product. Anything Nintendo will sell like crazy and people will praise it, regardless of how shitty it is. Watch, people will be writing articles praising Nintendo for no reason.(look at BOTW)

doesn't matter, it's still half the resolution, unless you are literally retarded and trying to dispute this

>oh an insert this bit of plastic into it, that's the actual VR headset, good luck playing with cardboard though faggot

Wait so you play by holding on to the sides of the VR thingy? That's fucking retarded though

user you can't even spell height you literal toddler

Wait, is this real?

Rent free.

>says this while the wii u exists
No one gets a pass on being shitty

Lower framerates are absolutely unacceptable for VR and will cause motion sickness. Even Sony of all people downgraded the shit out of Driveclub to hit 60FPS for Driveclub VR and Sony always prioritizes visuals over framerates.

Well yeah it's literally just this, except more heavy. And your arms will start aching in less than a minute,

Attached: 39383_XXX_v1.jpg (480x480, 22K)

Attached: cardboard pachter.jpg (945x1033, 218K)

I want you to be happy

Ever occurred to you he might already be happy, bigot?

Well, yeah. You have to. There's no motion tracker in the console itself.

Or you have to play with 2 sets of joy-cons.

The absolute fucking state...

Still I want him to be happy, even if he already is
I want you to be happy

30 fps vr is rough on most people, I can do it but only because I've been playing vr for years now.

They've started selling standalone boxes for their special edition consoles.

looks perfectly FINE to me OP why don't you back to your nogaym station 4

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>virtual boy covered in kiddy cardboard

The absolute state of gaming in 2019

Because God left us on this shithole and now he laugh at us

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The real question is, how long until CEMU lets you do this with a PROPER VR headset?

I don't think anyone is defending this.
You don't have to artificially instigate an argument when there isn't one.

They gave you flash tier software if that count as game.

I don't remember flash looking like this.

Attached: nlr.jpg (1280x720, 251K)

you're right, looks more like unity

So is Labo cardboard of actual quality or does it decay after a few weeks?

It's intrinsically better than PS VR because it just lets you play a normal game without any waggle shit. PS VR support should literally just be a camera option and nothing else, no gameplay changes, and then it would be worth getting.

The cardboard has Nintendium inside it so it can get wet too!

Effin right on m8.

motion controlled VR is superior when executed properly, look at Pavlov or Blade and Sourcery for example

Because it requires you to physically hold onto the Switch, which maked driving and fighting games hard to do. I'm almost certain the VR support is just minigames &/or confined area with the usual unique LABO cardboard design.

>have to hold the entire system to your face

What the fuck were they thinking? Who's gonna play a 80-100 hour game like this? It needs a virtual boy stand KEK

>it's still half the resolution
It isn't.

How bad will the average eyesight get if VR becomes commonplace? There are already an increasing number of people wearing glasses today, even among younger generations, how bad will it get if more people put light sources right onto their eyes?

You mean the head tracking? Yes I'm happy they're using that

>More people get their vision diagnosed today
The horror

I don't see any reason a strap can't be used here

Yes, I'm sure it has nothing to do with people staring at bright screens all day, now even on the move.

Because Nintendo doesn't trust the players to securely fasten the strap and they suddenly drop the $300 piece of electronic.

>complaining about waggle shit on VR
Lots of PSVR games have controller support retard. GT Sport, WipeOut, Trover Saves the Universe, Resident Evil 7, Ace Combat 7, Tetris Effect.

You realize you sound as stupid as the people who think that having a microwave in your house gives you cancer right?

It's not the light source that makes people myopic, it's the short length of the focal distance their eyes are locked on to for hours on end. VR is better in that regard because the focal distance in current headsets is 2 meters, which is at least better than the distance you look at your monitor from. Future HMD's will have variable focus distance which means your eyes adjust and focus on different lengths all the time like they naturally would.

Manually holding the Switch to your face helps eliminate motion sickness from VR. I'm pretty sure this also helps lower the ESRB rating on the game.

>No strap
do i have to hold this thing to my face? imagine playing on airplane, one bing bing wahoo while violently shaking my head and arms to play.

>when you meet Zelda in BotW: Labo VR edition

Attached: 1552982738602.jpg (619x753, 246K)

>No Man's Sky Beyond
>Super Mario Odyssey
>The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
>Astrobot Rescue Mission
>Beat Saber
>Iron Man
>Ace Combat 7
>Resident Evil 7
>Jupiter & Mars

Attached: 1524137255854.jpg (597x659, 254K)

I don't get it. Why haven't we gotten any lightgun type games yet for the Switch? Does Nintendo have to literally create one themselves for it to happen?

more like nintendo labotomy

ssoy boys

>when you need to smell hard to reach places around a corner

This is pretty rad. I'm waiting a couple years for VR tech to get better before I'll invest in a true rig. It'll probably run like a piece of trash, but for the price I'd get my dollars worth goofing around with friends with it.

Attached: seriouscatcover[1].jpg (600x600, 40K)

6-10 year old kids? No.

what the fuck are you getting immersed as?

The environment.

I'm curious, when you play normal VR games, do you think you're really there? Do you think it's really you in Skyrim? Do you talk to a psychiatrist?

Lmao just buy it haha
Nintendo™ is always worth the money
I love my Nintendo™ Labo™ now with VR™!
Can't wait to be blinded with the beauty of Mario™ VR™ and BOTW™ VR™ at 30 fps!
Remember, even up close your eyes can't see past 30 fps!
Nintendo™ our are friends! Unlike the other gaming corporations pushing garbage down our throats, Nintendo only cares about the consumer!

>VR Google


It's cheap cardboard and it's fun. Why not ?

We make fun of each other on Yea Forums with wojaks and shit but genuine Nintendo shills are actually batshit insane
You can not have literally any problem with Nintendo with these people or they will take it as a personal attack

Attached: 1542609806662.png (1226x1056, 316K)

30fps 720p VR that forced you to hold it against your face while you play.
Surely there is something we are missing, right? It can't be like that

>its the same bloody game just played 1inch from your eyes but with even crapier resoluton
That would be 80$

is it even a tracked VR view at all, or just a stereo video feed of the game? it's totally a novelty that no one will want to use to actually play the game, regardless, but if it's not even trying to be VR then nausea shouldn't be as big of a problem.

the forthcoming Switch revisions will be very VR focused. a much higher resolution screen and more powerful hardware, some kind of positional tracking solution. or maybe even just a full all-in-one HMD form factor, for one of them. Facebook Quest would be BTFO.

I'm not saying you aren't correct in criticizing VR, but I am saying that this image is a very obvious extreme and does not represent current hardware at all. oculus touch controllers and the upcoming vive knuckles (currently in widespread testing) are far better at tracking and simulation of objects than wiimotes ever were, and screen tech is improving steadily. The main obstacle is still just the cyclical problem of low sales because of low users because of low games because of low sales. Oculus quest and valve index have real potential to move more units. I think that's particularly important simply because the current most popular VR platform is PSVR, and the controllers and tracking just don't cut it for that (though the devs have done good work despite this limitation)

Of course I'm biased as I bought a rift just to work on quest games, but I do think you could stand to give the tech another look in the near future. There have been some notable developments since 2016.


I bet the tech would be inferior though, because Nintendo. I look forward to being proven wrong however.

Mk has already an awesome VR game
This shit will be a joke comoare to that

>but with even crapier resolution, so still
It's still using the full height of the switch screen and it's free

call me when nintendo will have vr porn.

bought oculus and using it mainly for wanking with occasionally sessions of 1-2 hours in gaming per week

Attached: 1554116982051.gif (480x270, 1.17M)

I thought Nintendo didn't care for VR? I have mild interest but would have to try it for myself before even considering a purchase

Lol and I thought psvr 720p 60hz per eye was bad
4k vr when

60 is bad too needs 90 or more to be smooth

If it's shit vs shit and one shit has Pokemon and Mario and Metroid Prime 4, vs the other shit has badly down-ported PC VR games, which will win? No contest. All of these 'standalone' VR-consoles are shit which will be holding back the state of the art for gaming/VR, but if Nintendo does jump in they'll be the king of the shitheap.

How long until Labor VR gets more games than PC/PSVR?

american education everyone

60fps worked well for Link Between worlds.

>30fps in vr
Reminder that the human brain literally can't handle this shit.
Enjoy feeling like shit and vomiting after playing for 5 minutes.

I disagree with your analysis of the quest, I think it has real potential to demonstrate that VR for the people can be successful and actually offer quality. It does offer technical challenges for sure, but that just means the devs have to step up and push the envelope. For me it's exciting, the quest is so much easier to set up and use than PC VR, and you aren't stuck in the one room where you had sensors. The hardships of devving actually make it more interesting to me desu. That's part of why I am working to make games for it.

However, you are probably completely right that if Nintendo puts out a VR set using the switch, then it will certainly outsell the others hand over fist. Even I will buy one, since I'm still a nintendofaggot at heart. I do wonder if it could run at all though. Labo VR looks good in preview footage but it may be shit in motion. Likewise, most 3rd party devs will probably fail utterly given that they rely on things like Unity, which from my (admittedly limited) experience runs like shit on Switch. Willing to be proven wrong on that though.

"VR" in the loosest sense of the word.

Kojima did it on the PSP.

Attached: lPg2elg.jpg (471x429, 53K)

Is it just me, or does this look like it would be really fucking painful to wear on the head? Most VR headsets have cushions and whatnot, but this abomination puts the edges of the cardboard directly to your face, which in itself is even more painful than the same happening with plastic headsets.

No part of Facebooks race-to-the-bottom will be good. 36FPS interpolated to 72hz is NOT acceptable for VR. And the games still look like shit! It won't actually do the boundless tracking your imagining, either, and will have the same controller tracking trouble as every inside-out CV solution. Everything about the device is marketing. They're just betting on their marketing being strong enough to overcome reality.

You hold it, you don't wear it

If Nintendo decide to go into VR I fully expect it to be the all-in-one, lower price, lower performance market like Quest is pursuing, It won't be competing directly with PSVR or the enthusiast VR sets on PC. The lower price point will be crucial in getting families with children into the VR market, that Nintendo has IPs that appeal to this demographic only put them in a better position to do so. We've also seen with the DS and 3DS that people don't care that much about graphical quality so looking like ass will be fine if the software is exclusive to the system. As soon as a solid platform and all-ages market to develop for emerges we'll see third parties want to use their popular franchises for various VR apps, It would be up to Nintendo to screw up if they keep their platform too closed off.

surprised I've never seen this

I assume it's less "VR" and more "stereoscope" like this?

Attached: DECOR359-stereoscope (1).jpg (2000x1942, 623K)

>All these angry spergs shitting rage over silly cardboard people may enjoy.
You are souless monsters.

I've actually used a quest, that's what I've based my excitement on, and desu if they were doing good marketing they wouldn't have used that shitty footage they took from the wireless tablet screenshare app in their ads. Those videos make the games look way worse than they actually do in-game, and are perhaps some of the worst footage takes I could imagine for the platform.

You hold it against your head like any other VR headset, it's gonna chafe no matter what unless you hold it several inches away from your face, at which point you wonder what's even the point of a VR headset if you can see your actual surroundings and break the immersion from it.

Yeah. Like BotW, it's basically just the game in stereo 3D.

MGA2 had an entire theater function for this, and included a 3D version of the MGS4 trailer and a ton of 3D gravure videos.

It's not VR.

Fuck you faggot when I was a kid and I haplessly rented Superman 64 because I liked Superman and knew nothing about that game, I quickly found out it was an irredeemable pile of garbage just like how I know Mission Impossible's controls were non-functional (another rental). Kids aren't braindead

>3D gravure
>guroriosu titty viewing at 240x240


Were mission impossible's controls that bad? My brother rented it once because he wanted another game to play that wasn't Goldeneye, and I seem to recall him beating the game without much trouble.

Kojima had his priorities straight

Not really, no. But that still doesn't change that they still expect you to hold that thing directly against your face like a VR headset for more immersion.

Google Cardboard is literally this

What makes VR different? Isn't it just sending different images to each eye?

the main thing about oculus and vive and other headsets like them is the head tracking. without it it's just a 3D effect

Why would that make you vomit?

at 360p 30 fps it might

It’s not implied in any of the promotional images

Attached: 838B4F71-245D-49EF-B6F5-2495F873C277.jpg (500x500, 60K)

I'd like to know how because all I can remember about the game was the disguise feature being crucial for completing missions and only activating half the time no matter what combination of buttons you pressed among other clunk

Switch VR definitely has head tracking, the key point is whether it is 3DOF or 6DOF. The latter means you can tilt your head sideways or move it laterally, the latter means your head is a 3D camera swiveling on a stand. Willing to bet with the tech level that it is the latter.

Nigga it's just putting the switch in front of your eyes with the camera being tied to your head movement instead of sticks. It's literally the same game

tell you what, I'll boot it up this weekend and try to beat it, look for a thread about it on /vr/ tomorrow or sunday.

what are those games in the background? they look soulful

>VR in 240p 20fps with a cardboard box on your head

Attached: face18.jpg (508x477, 81K)

This, and without first person perspective, it's practically useless to play games in any kind of VR, real or fake. There's no reason to put on a VR headset, even a fake one, if you're inevitably gonna play in third person mode anyway, especially when it comes to games that only play in third person perspective like Mario or Zelda. You might as well just play it on the screen at that point. Now, if Metroid Prime 4 has a VR mode, THEN it might be good to use this.

the labo VR kit comes with a bunch of minigames built using the "VR Garage" which is basically a VR game making kit.

>The latter means you can tilt your head sideways or move it laterally, the latter means your head is a 3D camera swiveling on a stand.
Neither are true, or describe it well enough. 3DOF is rotation only (XYZ rotation), so you can't physically get up or move. 6DOF (Degrees of Freedom) includes positional movement (XYZ position), so now you can move around, dodge bullets, crouch, that kind of stuff.
Google Cardboard incidentally was absolutely horrifying and took a massive dump for anyone that had even the most humble expectations for VR. Gear VR was also crap, but at least had some decency.

Google Cardboard is $10 maximum and uses your smartphone, which generally has more power than the Switch.

thanks for the clarification

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

Attached: 1552328014153.png (224x314, 61K)

on the contrary, it hasn't even begun

it's going to be downsampled as fuck too but since it's BoTW, a game with blurry textures and a simple pallette, nobody will notice or care

especially children who will just be wowed that it's in VR

I bet you could emulate BotW and put VR via VorpX via vive/rift and it will look better than nintendo's cardboard VR


Labo has never been anything more than Google cardboard with bells and whistles and will continue to be this. This VR kit is $20 and a free upgrade to BotW / MO. Dont expect the moon on a stick

Why does Nintendo HAVE to have VR? They already kind of took themselves out of competition with Sony, Microsoft and PC. Why can't they just be aware of the fact that the switch is too weak for this shit and not even fuck around with it? This feels like they are doing it just because other companies are doing it, and that is THE only reason. It's not necessary.

I'm more worried Nintendo will kill VR with Labo like they killed VR with VirtualBoy, this Labo will do more harm than good like the Time Magazine did with that autistic jumping VR cover...

STUPID fucking devil

you need a higher resolution and good anti-aliasing to suspend your disbelief. Otherwise it just looks like you're in a digital world.

VR where you control the camera with sticks


Why does Nintendo HAVE to do anything? They've always experimented with new ideas. Incorporating VR into Labo is probably one of the coolest things they could have done with Labo.

>Nintendo will kill VR with Labo
You're an idiot, if anything it could introduce more people to VR as a concept and make them interested in the "real" VR sets.

Atleast there's three things to do.

bafta deez nuts lmao

Google cardboard came out years before Switch so that's not true.

The term VR has been diluted greatly in the last few years, and to be fair Oculus themselves had been doing that since the DK1.

The best way to understand what is and isn't "Real VR" is to think about presence. If you can believe you're in a space, it's VR. For enthusiasts especially, this means tracking not only what direction you're facing, but also where your head is.

The PSP Solid Eye, the various Sony HMDs from the 2000s and earlier, and the virtual boy had no tracking at all. Most people wouldn't call these VR at all, as they just provided a stereoscopic, 3d image.

The Oculus DK1, Google cardboard, Oculus Go, Samsung Gear VR, Nintendo's VR, all provide Rotational tracking. It's the exact same thing as moving the 3DS or Wii U gamepad around to aim, except it's in 3D and held closer to your eyes. Marketing will usually call this VR, but many enthusiasts won't because you lack any real presence in the world displayed. For instance, leaning forward or stepping to the side won't make you lean forward or step to the side in the world you see. It's disconnecting and jarring. This is called 3DoF, or 3 degrees of freedom, tracking, as it tracks roll, pitch, and yaw.

The Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PSVR, etc. track position too, and also track your hands via controllers. This is "real" VR, as you can move your head around in every motion and have the world move realistically. Your hands exist in the virtual space and are similarly tracked for orientation and position, and everything is in 3D. This is called 6DoF tracking, adding x, y, and z translational motion to roll, pitch, and yaw.

No you don't. PSVR, Rift and Vive achieve this while looking like blurry ass.

>Otherwise it just looks like you're in a digital world.
You make that sound like it's a bad thing.

Thanks for the explanation dude. I used a friend's true VR setup once and it was spooky good. Thinking back it makes sense the extra sensors really made it so intense.
I never tried 3rd person tho. Do you think that with what Nintendo is trying to do with the Switch it could work well with BotW?

Then explain Labo sales. Or Amiibo and Wii U sales.

Attached: 1539714090860.jpg (1134x836, 68K)

>go to reddit

Hang yourself

Oh yeah. Being in 3D at all is a wonderful experience when done well, though it's looking like BotW's VR will just be a more annoying 3DS-style mode. I didn't see any tracking at all being used to alter the viewpoint, which makes me think it's more like the untracked Solid Eye for PSP than even a Google Cardboard experience. So it could work well for what it is in concept. I will be quite worried about the framerate of this mode, though. If that's bad, who knows?

There are 6dof 3rd person games and they're great, though they're definitely not what people think of when they imagine high end VR. Moss, Lucky's Tale, and Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice are amazing and, though they might not make a good argument for spending 400 bucks on a Rift by themselves, they do provide such a natural way to look around your game world with effective 3D vision that i want all games to support this style of play.

Attached: hnEbcbw-1.jpg (300x300, 16K)

Which part isn't true, user?
Cardboard released in 2014. iPhone 6, Note 4, Xperia Z3, Nexus 6 and HTC One M8 were released in the same year. All are more powerful than the Switch.

Attached: 9A5F9CB0-5E83-4330-991E-27F9DD0BDC19.png (800x821, 682K)

None of that's true and Switch is more powerful than modern phones. Compare BotW with Elder Scrolls Blades. No contest.

>low resolution, will be able to see the space between pixels, ruining immersion
>30fps tops, which already isn't nearly enough, but BOTW already has drops, this framerate and drops will make you nauseous
>have to hold it up to your face the whole time, arms will fucking die after 30 minutes
>Only a tilt sensor for head tracking, which means only orbital ghead tracking, ie you can't lean in and look around things, you can only rotate the veiw by rotating your head. Proper head tracking requires a stable fixed point. This will make you incredibly nauseous when your view does not follow your movement.
>No attempt to solve the issue of walking around in a game causing nausea

This sounds like an advanced form of torture.

>something that is literally a novelty meant for babies

as usual, OP is the biggest faggot in this thread

Attached: The tale of the Faggot OP who ruined everything.jpg (600x611, 40K)

It's not VR. Stop treating it as such. It's a 3DS game with shitty glasses.

Don't think I'm saying Cardboard is better, user. I'm saying they're equally shit. Cardboard is just cheaper.

Well I definitely hope the framerate is decent, but I think (hope) Nintendo is prideful enough that they wouldn't enter the "VR" ring with something outright embarrassing.
I wish them the best because the price point is right and I'm not ready to drop the money on true VR yet

this will have better lenses

I wish them luck too, but Nintendo already embarrassed themselves with VR with the marketing of the Virtual Boy.

Let's hope they don't do it again with "Google Cardboard/3DS but worse"

>Nintendo is prideful enough that they wouldn't enter the "VR" ring with something outright embarrassing.

That's why it's a Labo thing, so when it is inevitably embarrassing the fanboys will just say it's for children anyways.

It's your fault for caring. Move on with your life.

Attached: 1554305552179.png (931x1000, 775K)

its just a cardboard so it wont cost that much
i dont see whats the point of not liking it
even if you used it like once itll be worth it so whatever

Perfectly balanced, Yo.

All things should be.

Attached: nRoFP8Qx.jpg (348x400, 30K)

I'm desperately curious at how they plan to implement this. I can't imagine it working from both a resolution and framerate standpoint. Will there be low detail modes added in to accommodate a higher framerate? 360p 60fps or something?