Is it worth playing? Disc is pretty pricey so is the emulation good?
Is it worth playing? Disc is pretty pricey so is the emulation good?
>unskippable and slow text
Stopped me playing the game.
everything in this game is bad beside some story that begins after 20 hours of bad everything
I tried playing it but the combat is just so ass.
Yes, it's a classic. The flaws are a feature.
I bought it last year for $2. I need to learn mon now or download it.
Nah. The game has a pretty strong start but then just gets worse and worse, the story is absolutely retarded and the main character has this infuriating attitude of "I don't want to fight" while doing everything he can to get involved in fights. Like fuck off and make up your mind you cunt.
i did love it but its like 6 years when i played it
Don't you have a chipped PS1 or PS2, or a hacked PSP or PS Vita?
Lucky you, it's usually 500 yens in Bookoff.
It’s amazing. Way better than shit like FF or Persona.
First disc is a video game, second disc is a visual novel with maybe 20% of video game lost in there.
Ignore the zoomers, Xenogears is the greatest vidya story ever told, especially if you're an /m/fag.
It's way better than any FF after VII, in fact it should have been FFVIII
It's worth it. Visuals are nice with nice sprites and better 3D than you usually see in other PS1 RPGs (at least before the very tail end lifespan games like Koudelka and Vagrant Story)
music is a PS1 JRPG, of course it's fucking good
Combat starts out really boring but gets more fun as you get further and can do bigger combos
story doesn't even really start until like 20 hours in and it's Gainax tier when it does.
Overall really good game though.
I've got a fat ps2 with free mcboot but I don't think burned ps1 games work on it, do they?
Like all PS1 RPGs you're way better off Emulating just so you don't have to play at normal speed.
With emulator you can patch in the slow text and make it instant.
I really like the charming blend of 2D sprites and 3D backgrounds.
What emulator and settings?
Mednafen by way of retroarch's beetleHW core, 8x native res
The upscaling sort of clashes with the art direction they were going for. Looks off.
Better question: is Soma Bringer (written solely by Soraya Saga) worth playing?
Are there any frameskip/speed up buttons on the psx emulators? This function exists on a psp emu I use and its so handy for rpgs or just any cutscenes I want to speed up
At a minimum you should bump it up to 2-4x.
Just look at that book on the stool in 1x. Dreadful.
>>Are there any frameskip/speed up buttons on the psx emulators?
Of course there is, most bind it to tab by default.
I agree to that extent. It’s still best played on a CRT imo.
If you have a CRT and the means to output your emulator's picture to it, by all means, better than people who use filters.
I prefer to play in 4:3 but there is a widescreen hack option that for the most part works pretty well.
More like most bloated and overwritten story in vidya.
Nah, that's Metal Gear.
Last I checked, not even MGS4 attempted to squeeze 10,000 years worth of backstory into its narrative.
Last I checked, Xenogears didn't need a built in wiki to make sense of it's narrative.
>bloated and overwritten story in vidya
That reward goes to the Kiseki/Trails series.
No, but it DID need a built-in PowerPoint presentation!
God forbid vidya actually try to have interesting stories. Go play an open world game.
Best part of the game honestly, skip all the boring 90's JRPG dungeon crawling and random encounters and just skip to the boss fights.
Disc 2 > Disc 1
God forbid video games remain video games and have the story and gameplay compliment each other rather than fight over screen time. God forbid a video game actually minds the scope of its own narrative and doesn't devolve into a clusterfuck of cutscenes just to tell it.