Epic still wins in the end

Bought a game made in UE3 or UE4 on Steam?

Congratulations, you just gave Epic money.

Attached: epic revenue.png (714x1017, 106K)

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Numbers that don't concern me will not make me install a botnet

who cares

If you buy an Unreal engine game, or a game published by one of Tencents subsidiaries, you're just funding the botnet.

Sure hope you didn't buy Sekiro user, just one of Tencent's latest games.

Attached: Tencent.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

>5% of the money from pubg went to epic games


>Unreal Engine 4

Hope you Steam drones didn't buy Bloodlines 2

Don't buy games

Buying anything today basically mens that you're giving someone else money.

Attached: rVwpv.jpg (474x473, 26K)

This is simply avoidable by pirating

Attached: 1525107736032.gif (1200x550, 489K)

>Sekirofags thought they were killing Epic with this game




Attached: tim epic gaben.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

I probably haven't bought a UE game in forever. My tastes are too niche.


If you haven't played one of these, what have you been playing?

>developers earn 88%
don't you mean publisher earns 78% and developers 10%?

stop bullying

Attached: 161.jpg (1000x750, 56K)

What about self published indies on Epic Store like Shakedown Hawaii? Oh, because it goes against your narrative. Oof.

>more for the devs
>implying it doesnt just go to the publishers and higher ups
fuck that shit

obviously they get full 88%, smartass

Can someone explain me what's wrong with epic store?

See: Yeah some triple AAA published games might not give their devs more, but all the self published indies are benefiting

>Bought a game

>14% for Epic
>88% for Devs


Attached: IMG_20190325_160313.jpg (636x852, 59K)

Can you at least mix it up sometimes? There's more indie games on Epic besides Shakedown Hawaii

I shiggy diggy

Wow, a game makes 102% on Epic, that's amazing!

you mean publishers

Steam drones won't be able to

Unless it's an indie dev, but developers under huge publishers like 2K probably won't see much of a difference in their situation between Epic and Steam if they move the same number of copies. Especially when console sales are also in the equation.

Seems like it would be great to release on Epic if you use Unreal. Otherwise, it's not as appealing.

The UI is all kinds of fucked up. I don't know who they hired to do this, but it's incredibly basic and shouldn't be this bad this long into its life.

Self published indies, you chud

Publishers spent the money making the game, they should have final say with where the game goes - or is Yea Forums so retarded that they're against that now?

why would indies profit if their name doesnt draw people to the platform like a triple a title does? steam is a better chance for them with better support, opportunity and also gives a better cut if theyre successful

Oh no I'm funding a botnet that I don't have on my computer

>and also gives a better cut if theyre successful
>if theyre

That's a big if

Attached: tayal steam.png (835x856, 132K)

Ancient Chinese (Business) Secret

Pirating is obviously fine.

But if you buy something that's owned by Tencent, or that uses the Unreal Engine, you are quite literally supporting Tencent and their bullshit.

You're giving them money, that's even worse than having the botnet installed because it's not even costing them anything to maintain.

88% isn't much when it doesn't sell for shit compared to steam.

Games seem to be selling swimmingly without Steam.

Attached: ohnoohno.jpg (741x383, 60K)

I mean their plan is to get users to use their platform over steam so they'll become the goto place to buy games from. At that point they stop doing the 12% deal because they cant do it forever
Even if you do buy a game from their shitty store, aslong as it just becomes a launcher only for that game they lose. But fuck is it the worst launcher out of them all. How do you do worse than EA?

You think it's Steam's job to market your game?

Wasn't there confirmation that the pre-orders went mostly to Uplay directly? Really, anyone that's bought a Ubi game on Steam should just go directly to Uplay since you still need it to play.

Why does a storefront even need 12%, let alone 30?

Like what the fuck are Steam/Epic actually doing that they reasonably

I can understand how an Engine could reasonably take 5%, developing an engine is evidently hard as shit considering most major AAA pubs tried making their own and its caused problems (eg Frostbite). So that's fair. But what could possibly be worth 30% of your god damn revenue that a storefront provides?

It's disingenuous to say that it's strictly developers that are benefiting, is the point.

This is the worst attempt yet bugman. Sorry I dont want to install spyware.

Again, I don't give a shit about giving them money as long as I don't have to use their service. I don't have some moral issue with them, I just don't want to use their store.

Remember when Unity Engine was gaining traction because the insanely overpriced licensing fee for Sweeney's Unreal3 engine was enough to bankrupt a studio?
>"i really care about game devs" the sweeney says as his pricerange kills all the western A and AA developers who couldn't afford Unreal

Fuck you unironic coporate shill

Attached: What actually happens.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

Server/service costs. You're basically renting space in a mall to sell stuff while the mall staff advertises the mall for potentional customers and keep the place looking neat and tidy.

>yfw epic takes less of a cut because its using sweatshop chinese labor to maintain the backend

Like with EA's games, the Division is popular enough that it doesn't need Steam, people will go to wherever the game is.
Most indies don't have that privilege and can't get any exposure without Steam. The same reason why retail stores take a large cut, without a store to sell it in, you can't make money off of your product, unless you are such a major brand that people are willing to go to wherever your product is sold (like IKEA for example)

Call me when this actually results in lower prices for games and isn't just devs pocketing the extra money.
I get nothing out of purchasing on Epic over any other store, except for uncompetitive prices due to lack of third party key sellers. I don't have any need for a fuzzy feeling in my heart that the developers got an extra two dollars because I used an inferior service.

Steam has a bunch of stuff that devs can use for free. Making sure that stuff doesn't break, gets updated, adding more features, needs money.

That doesn't seem like it'd be worth 10 to 30% of the revenue of every game, though. Especially considering how it seems relatively easy for most major publishers to have a platform like it (Uplay, Origin, etc.)

Those platforms may not be as popular, but they're clearly working as they're still being used by the publishers in question.

I'm ok with that, their engine is a good product.
Their launcher however is a different story.

>okay with google, windows, discord and steam
>still goes muh botnet
This is why /g/ hates this board

Don't blame Unreal, it was also these things like middleware like Havok or Bink & Smacker that killed studios

Obsidian literally made an engine they couldn't afford to use because middleware like that.

>UE4 on Steam
>30%, 5%, 65%
Which retard made this dumb chart?

They pay the 5% on their 70%.

>They pay the 5% on their 70%.

Steam does not pay Epic - the devs pay Epic for use of UE4

My problem doesn't lie with the engine or Tencent having tiny shares in companies like Activision/Blizzard or Ubisoft. I'm not buying from their store because their practices related to it disadvantage me as a consumer. They will get the idea if that department continues to be an investment graveyard with no returns.

I'm glad that Capcom has sacrificed enough to get the RE engine running.