Cancer-free XIV shadowbringers thread

Let's talk about this great video game. What are you working on at the moment lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:

EY b0ss I have cancer

Why is leveling retainers such a pain in the neck baka

Post your toons and they better be sexy.

>cancer free
Not with that as your OP pic, you won't. That's some tranny shit.

what do khloe's shoes smell like haha just wondering

>What are you working on at the moment lads
trying to dilate my "pussy" teeheehee

someone farm midgar for me i don't have any willingness

Lala's are cute, not sexy!

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1.0 was better

She's very cute.

khloe is a tranny now?

Everybody I don't like is a tranny!

Hey Faggots,

My name is Gogoji Gorzoli and I hate every single one of you. You are everything bad in this game. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any ultimate clears? I mean, I guess it's fun dpsing through 4 mans over and over, but you all take scrubbery to a whole new level. This is even worse than playing MCH.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I'm leader of a fantastic static, and had the good sense to never touch eureka. What content do you play, other than "jack off to miqote glams by the market board"? I also get straight gold parses, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic related: It's a few members of my static + a newbie who seemed cool so we're gonna make him fight with mhiggers in ul'dah's colleseum.

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I've got a joke for you
What do you get if you give a Lalafell an entire 420?
A Baked Potato

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I unsubbed a while ago. Does Yea Forums have a fc I can join?

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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I really can't wait to know the new skills of ShB...

That's a very sexy Lala. I want to mating press her and creampie her.

ZR on Ultros, make sure your application message is "Yea Forums" when you try to join or you won't be accepted.

Cute lala.

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just had an hour long run at the lighthouse because the dps where utter shit and the A tank fucked off before the final boss
so i thought that me and the C tank could easily handle it
i grab both adds knowing they get the buff, sign one of them so people know who to attack
once c killed theirs did they come over and pull the extra add off of me so we didn't wipe
of fucking course not
then i had some passive aggressive faggot yell at me for not waiting
by now they finally kick the afk tank, which it has been at least 20 mins since he fucked off

bunch of fucking retard mouth breathers how hard is it to pick up some slack

>that one solo duty in an early stormblood patch that forces people to play like a tank in order to beat a DPS check
I wonder how many braindead DPS failed it because they couldn't get the enemies into Alphinaud's AoE circle

I´ll come back to the game next month and would like to know. Is it still possible to do all the eureka stuff? Only completed the first area and I fear going to the next area now will be hard to level since most people that were interested in that are already done with it and I´ll be soloing everything

Don't join it. The xiv FCs are pretty much unanimously cancer. Especially the ones on Ultros, Cactuar, and Balmung.

>by now they finally kick the afk tank
They can't kick the tank until the loot timer counts down, they also can't kick the tank whilst in combat, if someone doesn't know this and opens the chest before a vote has started then it can become annoying and delay when they can actually get rid of them, kicking people in 24 man's can be pretty problematic and why you sometimes get cunts who just afk because if they don't roll they know they won't be kicked.

What one new ability do you want for your job in ShB?
Can be literally anything you want.

I want AST to get Comet.

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What's this word already?
Started with C I think

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I wonder if its ok to expect another RDPS tool for SCH...

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Been making my way through Heavenswards story. I'm not far in and I've already been having more fun with it than I was with Seventh Astral Eras story. Are there any easy ways to grind crystal shards in bulk besides killing sprites and whacking trees with a hatchet?

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Levequests for DoH usually reward some crystals and desynth/reduction too.
Are you planning on selling them? If yes you should forget about it since you will be competing with actual bots.


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I think some FATEs also reward crystals

An ability to mating press highlander girls.

highlander "girls" are ugly and look like literal men with wigs

I need them so I can level up weaver, leatherworker and goldsmith.

That's not the right word

You could just buy them off the Market Board then, the packs of 999 are pretty cheap IIRC.
Which are you playing on?

I'm legit shocked they want to make DNC a bigger RDPS bot than Bard. Have they learned nothing?

You think?

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Highlander girls have big tiddies and fertile hips made to bear my children when I inseminate their wombs you stupid idiot.



Should I resub?

Only if you aren't prepared for Shadowbringers. Not much is coming until that launches.

I'm gonna resub 5 days before the expansion hits so I can catch up with the story.

They are probably going to do something like
>DNC strong RDPS mediocre DPS
>BRD middle RDPS middle DPS
>MCH weak RDPS strong DPS

Meaning that MCH will simply be kicked out of the meta and put in the same spot as BLM and SAM

That's too bad.

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Well, there's also the FFXV event coming in 2 weeks, which will let us get a 4 seat mount that they will sell for 100usd in the mog station one year later.

I completely forgot that was a timed event. Knowing how much they charge for mounts it would be cheaper just to resub for that alone.

>only class leveled is PLD
>can't kill the 3 swords in time during the requiem for heroes Zenos quest
Serves me well
Guess I should have been DPScumming like everybody else, maybe I wouldn't have so much trouble doing fucking quests

git gud. I did it on paladin with no problem.

I did it as a fucking AST, what the hell are you doing?
Use Sword oath, or get geared.

what was your ilvl my dude

I easily beat it as a healer so you don't need too much dps. Also, obviously make sure you don't have shield oath on.


395 which is easily achievable

It's not that bad, I can count the times, I've encountered german assholes who won't speak english and retarded tanks on one hand.

I dunno, Doomsday for BLM maybe.
Something like if you let the gauge fill up three times you get DD instead of Foul, or whatever

I'm 360 and out of tomestones

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I want to fuck lalas like this

Nigga, go buy some 380 gear of the MB or something

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I would probably have if I wasn't poor as fuck though

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Levelling crafters and other jobs a bit on the side, thinking about moving on to orbonne and such when I'm bored with that. Thought about working towards Baldesion Arsenal but I'd have to do Eureka.
KYS and go back to /vg/ for screenshot faggotry.

Which server are you playing on?

>cancer free
>gets filled with erp faggots from the get go

Is it because Yea Forums is full of retards or because this game fanbase consists only of fags anyway? Hmmmm

Your ilvl is like pre-patch level. You can barely even get into ghymlyt dark

Real talk, is it even worth getting into this?

I got to like lvl 40ish on a warrior and while I enjoyed most of my time with it, The story is dogshit and just fetch quests when I left. I heard it picks up in Heavensward but i didn't get that far.

is it worth subbing to try and get to current story content or should I just say fuck it and not bother?

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Been leveling a brand new character in Lich since I formally played on Hyperion, but the 170 ping even with Mudfish has gradually drained any joy I got out of the game so I finally jumped ship to EU. My only complaint so far is that after midnight it's dead and I'm a shitty neet so that's kind of depressing that I can't play till 2am like I used to. Just one level away from 60 which was my goal since I wanted to try out DNC with actual good ping. Will probably finish the Hildebrand ARR stuff and the Kobold Beast Tribes that I started while I wait for the Easter event then wait till ShB to do the rest of the story and catch up.

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When can I fuck them?

It's an mmo so if you're looking for a long term investment, it's certainly worth the early slog

ERP/screenshotfags and trannies are very aggressive with shoving this in your face and then there's some trying to bait it into the thread from the get-go just to get the thread killed. Stupid imo since Yea Forums ffxiv threads are otherwise comfy.

do Omega normal raids m8, you can easily grind the tokens for the 380 gear, then do Orbonne every week for a piece of 390 gear. Doing this will grind some tomes out for you as well so you can change over to the Scaevan gear and then upgrade that with the coins you get from Orbonne and the other Ivalice raids.

It's an mmo that plays like an actual rpg. The story is sadly way, way too fluffed up with fetch quests in ARR and early-mid HW no matter what heavenswardfags say. Primals and imperials are a redeeming factor to me and the story does pick up in ARR too. Same with HW. It does get better man but it's one hell of a grind. Gets you more attached to your character though it does scare away newblood.

>Meaning that MCH will simply be kicked out of the meta and put in the same spot as BLM and SAM
BLM is meta right now though.

kill yourself shitblood faggot

ARR story is really average at best because they had to rush the game out for a relaunch. Heavensward is where they actually took some time with the story and made it really good. It starts getting good around the Midgardsomr/Shiva patches which are teasers for Heavensward, and you just have to put up with it until then.

Honestly, the game has a lot of really fun high-end dungeons and fights, but you need to catch up to experience them.

the game isn't for ADHD faggots like you. go play mario.

>story is shit
>y-you're too dumb to understand it

I quit several times because of early HW and the disconnect between it and ARR's ending and it made me lose interest in the game and it's story for ages. What is it with you heavensward faggots and your rose-tinted glasses?

What race should i play if i don't want to attract weird erps or for people to think im fag.

>thinks I said anything about being dumb or understanding anything
yep definitely a brainlet..

Fuck Mr.Happy, why is he shilled all over, even by SE?

>I quit several times because of early HW and the disconnect between it and ARR's ending
what are you on about? ARR's ending literally rolls into HW and makes sense.

Default male midlander. Erpers love other special snow flakes so that should serve as a deterrent.

Randomly being solicited for ERP never happens unless you play on balmung/mateus
But if you really absolutely want to be sure I guess Elezan since not a lot of people like how they look

Your fear and mentality means you'll get called a fag either way. Male Middies, highlanders (arguably) and male elezen are decent though I think. Your mentality suggests you'd fit with the rest of the malecats though, sorry.

That's literally what ADHD implies retard.

... No it fucking doesn't you moron. ADHD says literally nothing about intelligence whatsoever. Go back to school.

It goes from 100 to "now do fetch quests and enjoy some tours" It's dogshit. I hated fortempts manor with a passion for being HW's early game Waking Sands.

Play cute catgirls or dragons because literally who the fuck cares.

If you're on Leviathan i'll give you free gear.

I play a female au ra and I literally never attract erpers. This is only a thing that happens on balmung which is the unofficial erp server. The most that's happened to me was some random dude saying that he can see my panties and I just told him to fuck off.

Thinking about playing this; currently fucking around in the benchmark character creator.
But uh, if this is the sort of character I settled on should I just wait for Viera? They look like they have way better models.

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Guys pls can someone help me with antitower queue on Aether?
Been waiting for half an hour, still nobody else in the queue and I need it to continue the MSQ.

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Vieras aren't coming till this summer so you will still have to wait several months + you will get at least 2 free fantasia throughout the game so you can transform into your perfect viera when the time comes
I think your skin is a bit too dark / red-ish hue for this hair color, + if you want white hair it would be best with a cold iris color like blue
Orange eyes look better with dark hair

>tfw you're doing 500-700 more dps than someone with the same job but better geared than you

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>he takes roulettes seriously
lmfao what a nerd
meanwhile i'm RAIDING unlike you virgins :)

Oh wow that image looks like shit. Apparently the Snipping Tool's colour encoding sucks dick.

Yeah I get you, it looks really dark under the aetherial lighting but in the regular game lighting it's a nice shade of dark chocolate.
I picked the eye colour more or less at random, so I'll fix that; regardless I guess I'll start as a cat and then fantasia.
Thank you.

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consider mooncats, they don't have the slit pupils but they do have fangs instead, and a more versatile skin colour selection.

>lol guys look at me I'm literally blue that's so ebin

they can be brown too, or so pale as to be almost white.

Cheers, I'll have a play around.
Alternatively, chocolate Raen; Some stay dry while others feel the pain.

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what about red?

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though really you should expect to see a lot of cats and lizard girls running around, they are popular races though maybe buns will make a dent in that.
I'm a highlander man myself, but whatever floats yer boat.

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sure they're nice for screenshots but half the point of playing an mmo is that other people can see you.

>though really you should expect to see a lot of cats and lizard girls running around, they are popular races though maybe buns will make a dent in that. I'm a highlander man myself, but whatever floats yer boat.
I tried to make a sexy brown elf, I really, really did.

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Yeaaah... elezen really can only pull off a matronly look because of their body proportions.
people nickname them giraffes for a reason too.

Farm Gymliht my dude. I did as PLD myself to get ilvl 375 stuff for my MNK and DRG. It's easy once you got it and you can farm recommendations too.

You'll end up with more tomestones than what you can think of and the ilvl 375 will end up helping you.

>retards flock to RDM because of its low skill floor
>this gives RDM a reputation of an ""easy"" class and 90% of RDM players do subpar DPS because they're all retards who don't know how to play the class well
>now have to explain yourself when you mention you're a RDM main
fuck this shit.

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You can still make a good looking Elezen.

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Ultima/Demi-Ultima for BLM
or Meteor as a regular ability and a new LB3

Have the bunboifags won yet?
Is YoshiP canceling the gender lock?

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to a point but we both know the camera angle is doing half the work in that picture.

Yeah, in bullshots.
What you're doing there is abusing every possible wardrobe and camera angling trick available to hide the horrid proportions.

Stop lying my dude, the only way to make elezen look "good" (understand: not as shit as usual) is to use some very few select gear sets that are so wide they hide everything from their body.

I share your pain my friend, been playing an elezen for years but now I am finally sick of it. Will just fanta to viera, I'm done.

No, even if he wants to the development pipeline for xiv is so lengthy that they won't even start work on it for another 6 months.

>Is YoshiP canceling the gender lock?
Even if they wanted they couldn't because they lack the technology
Enjoy your flipped XII assets and retextured roes, XIVbabs

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based and bap-pilled

Au Ra look so shit in game but have nice fanart

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everyone has nice fanart because they can correct issues with the body models.
like how everyone has hank hill ass.

>Will just fanta to viera, I'm done.
Viera are just female Elezen bodies with small modifications. Yeah they probably won't have necks but you'll still see a busted run cycle and weirdly stretched legs. Fucking Fran has to run in slow motion in Orbonne to match the speed they wanted her to have.

> the only way to make elezen look "good" (understand: not as shit as usual) is to use some very few select gear sets that are so wide they hide everything from their body.
I'm starting to think you simply like small dainty girls more. That's fine.

Just have the cash shop team who seem to be the only ones expanding their staff and are separate from the regular pipeline make the bunny shit and fleece the degenerates who keep screeching about it

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>starting wearing the thug's mug on my au ra because I got sick of how ugly their face was

god why are they so fucking hideous despite having some of the better animations

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for some reason I feel like that pic is incomplete without everyones favourite Tia being a dumbass in the background.

The only cute race are female midlander and lalas, don't know how fags can stand playing insufferable cat/lizards

Hope your treatment and recovery goes well.

Literally me

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it's four cones that I hesitate to describe as limbs stapled onto a pear, with a cherry on top for the head, there is literally no difference between the male and female model for them, the only thing they have going for them is that they are small, which could have been done without creating a mr potato head.

What are they saying?

Currently attempting to become a full
Omicrafter/Gatherer before the expansion hits.

Leveling gathers isn’t so bad but it is fairly time consuming. It’s getting pretty tempting to get another retainer so I can store all of my shit.

Any good eu servers for newer players?

Doesn't matter, they're small with a proper face and hair, all that's needed.

Cats aren't that bad, better than lalas

>tfw samurai shodown and shadowbringers release back to back

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WHM hates newbies in her roulettes

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What mentality should I adopt instead

>literally day before so no time to play Samsho before leveling

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Based neet poster, please adopt a healthy sleeping pattern.

Elezen. That is all.

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>Plays female au'ra
Come on now.

>day before
>no time
Clearly you do. You have a whole day.

the one where you just play whatever you fuckin want to and stop getting so worried about what some contrarian on Yea Forums is going to say.

This is your party for tonight

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I don't know from what I remember looking at the character creator they all have these weird jaw/chins, too pointy and slanted, and the smiles are kinda creepy.

>5 people
It's like they don't even play the game.

How difficult is O9S?
I want some accessories but my FC gave up on raiding to play Destiny 2 around the end of Sigmascape and I was hoping they would come back for Alphascape so I didn't try to find a static to attack it...

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First of all it's not gonna be a whole day because games on PSN don't come out in the morning.

Just PUG it.

It's a light novel right?
Is it translated in English somewhere?
I've been reading Saihate no Paladin and Infinite Dendrogram but I've been looking for something else to read.

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Anyone interested in updated ultimate clear race stats?
Spoiler: it's still generally the same order, the figures are a bit different because more people cleared but that's it. I also made a job ratio ranking, but I realized it was virtually useless because it just translates how much meta the jobs are, not how skilled its players are.

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Post the job one so I can use it later for bait.

elezen are cool

you better enjoy those few hours you get then
charlotte is best girl

is there something showing which race uses the most fantas and what they change to?

When's those big server merges happening? I stopped playing while waiting for them, and it's been nearly half a year.

delete your character then your subscription as well as the game data on your computer, then yourself, lalanigger.

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They do if they're major releases. bloddborne came out midnight, dark souls 3 came out midnight, sekiro came out midnight. since shadowbringers is a license anyway, it's probably applied immediately and you start downloading it whenever squenix puts the patch up. That's how it was for stormblood at least.

>I'm starting to think you simply like small dainty girls more. That's fine.
Oh yeah you're right my dude, been playing elezen all these years because until you told me I ignored I would rather play small characters, wow the things we can learn from random nerds on 4chin!
Elezen are the only tall race that doesn't look like a gorilla to the point you mistake them for males when seeing them from the back, I like playing tall races, I just hate ahving a headache everytime I want to chose a new glamour and I hate collecting tons of gear that end up looking like shit anyway.

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We're talking about Samurai Shodown. It probably will come out in the evening for EU as most games do. Shadowbringers will come out next morning leaving me like 4-5 hours to play, and that's not enough for a fighting game. Oh well.

EU already happened. NA is at the end of the month.

>want to play this game for sweet sweet catgirls
>no thick or chubby options

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I hope you got your ozma mount

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we need a new mmo that closely resembles final fantasy and less WoW

user, no
The "Level 70 count" column is made so that if your character has PLD and WAR at 70, you will count once in the PLD line and once in the WAR line.

Yes, I have that data as well, but I didn't bring it with me. I'll post it when I'm off work, but I'll tell you straight away that it's almost tied between female cats and female lizards and they switch to, you guessed it, female lizard and female cat.

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>server merges
it's the complete opposite. they are splitting servers up across more datacenters. It's fucking retarded and only going to make it harder to find parties for any content.

you're asking for too much we'll never get anything close to xi again

i figured as much, for cats and lizards

>joke to someone a while ago about how more people would like elezen if they looked more like Shera
>get art made of my elezen and the artist ends up making her look like Shera


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I'm trying but frag farming groups form super late at night

Is white mage that much better in ultimates than ast?

It's the one place in the game that WHMs big dick heals can actually be of use.

>AST this low
...huh, that's surprising, is WHM heal actually needed?

Might as well post the race shit while I'm at it, though I forgot to take a screenshot of the global figures. Whatever, here's North America.

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And here's Japan.

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Lalafell the supreme race.

Server stats.
Not pictured, 5 or so servers, of which Mateus, second to last, with 17 total clears

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People just like having the Cure 3 safety net

Got this but with a percentage of total pop instead of total pop?

Elezen are too busy fending off against real dragons to deal with a pretend one conjured up by a silly bard.

DRG master race

I don't have it right now, but I could make that.
Would you like it compared to the complete population or just the level 70 pop?

I kinda wish we finally had the Japanese mentality for stuff like this instead of elitism blocking anyone from even trying...
Like shit, the stats aren't lying.

I'm sure the Japanese are also full of blue and grey parse, probably more than NA and EU (is there a way to see it?) but at least they still get clears without cunts selling tem

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>tfw brynhildr

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70 pop would be what I'm looking for yeah. Would be nice to compare with the pic you already posted.

Fucking hell now show us the jap pop versus western pop. Fuck western cancerous faggots

Most don't really care about parses in ultimate.

I can't force myself through pagos, I'm never getting it.

Hm... after I finish making Ragnarok Zeta, should I make Excalibur/Aegis Zeta? Love the aesthetic of it.

There's probably a way to see it? I could investigate that later.
Also I agree with you. I don't think the japs are inherently better than the west, but they sure are better at working together to clear content. Could also be that more people are interested in it. It's quite a complex matter and I don't think it just boils down to elitism, though it is a big part of it.

Sorry user, I'm at work, these are screenshots I took this night at 4:30 AM after I was done putting the report together. This is all I have.
help I'm dying, should have slept more

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>the absolute continent of Europe

>It's quite a complex matter and I don't think it just boils down to elitism, though it is a big part of it.
I'm not trying to go full tinfoil hat, but keeping this status quo is also something the big FC seller wish to keep.
The less open Savage and Ultimate are, the more money they get from carrying fuckers.
In the end, the west is doomed.

EU and NA have the same percentage.

Well, the splits then, whatever. I know a bunch of people have stopped playing till they happen because of all the extra shit they bring with them, like cross-world visits and shit. I'm taking the opportunity to hop away from hyperion cause it's a dead fucking world and none of the people I played with in 1.0 play anymore, so I'm the only one left.

This actually shames NA considering europoors probably have a bunch of frogs and krauts bringing them down

If I were to start playing right now, could I be finished and ready for shadowbringers by the time it starts? I enjoy a story sometimes, but I enjoy being able to play new content with other people even more, and I hear there's lots of cutscenes that aren't skippable.

Fucking Moogle has more ultimate clears than majority of NA servers.

If you're going to skip cutscenes then don't bother. This is a final fantasy game.


If I like the game i'd make a new char and play through it again. I know the bullshit that comes with missing the launch of a new expack, that's basically the only time you can feasibly make a dent in an MMO as a new player. I dealt with it in WoW, Aion, guild wars, and more.
Thanks, I'll get started now then.

>I don't think the japs are inherently better than the west
Jesus fucking christ some common sense.
The weebs at /xivg/ thought that every Japanese player unironically thought the Japanese were just better at games and had a faster reaction time (like that even matters in a game where all savage fights are scripted as fuck) and cleared because they were nips.

>but they sure are better at working together to clear content
>Could also be that more people are interested in it
It's primarily the latter but yes, the Japanese people place more of a responsibility on "not letting the team down". People that join clear parties are actually put on blacklists on 2ch. People have macros they look at and if someones names comes up for being known to enter clear parties with entering practice parties, they get booted.

Meanwhile, I pugged o1s-o12s and it's typical behavior to join clear parties without even seeing 50% of the fight and very normalized. The amount of times i've seen people explain the entire fight to someone in a clear party was ridiculous (I just leave those parties instantly now)

I just wish the Western players weren't all ERP'ers and shit. All the actually raiders stuck with WoW.

>People that join clear parties are actually put on blacklists on 2ch
people that join clear parties without obviously having practiced before of course.

For sure, you've time to do story and current content both (though a lot of people are just waiting for shadowbringers at this point and just doing other stuff.)

Don't forget that 50% of NA/EU Groups explode due to some pointless drama.

Maybe if the game had fun raid content, it'd have kept the players. When ERP and istting in quicksand is more fun than doing the game content, you've got a fucking problem.
japs have no sense of taste, they're so xenophobic they refuse to play anything that wasn't jap made, so of course they leech on to and play stuff like ff14 with such vigour. That's not to say the game is entirely trash, just it's raiding is laughable. The story is really quite well done ( for the most part).

Wat. I very much enjoy the raiding in this game though. Yeah they are linear fights but optimizing around mechanics is fun and blind learning is fun. Presentation is A+

>meme meta
>block and kick anyone that doesn't follow it
>still got BTFO by casual nips
Trannies are such a fucking embarrassment

>the trannies meme meta boogeyman
If you're pugging, very few actual pf's follow the meta. you can clear with anything. The most limitations most clear parties have is no dupes.

Of course they are normal human retard but they have common sense and want to work together unlike burgerfags that only care about themselves and muh feeling

>shitters joining clear parties without having practiced in practice parties
I'm making a new character in japland now

>Play on nip serve

t. tranny cope

>Au Ra
>nice fanart
80% of it is garbage because no one knows how to draw scales so they just draw stickers with squiggles on them. Even the fanart you quoted is absolutely garbage because the scales going over the tits and nipples is retarded.

the only reason japan has such high clear rates is because they haven't decent servers. Meanwhile in america and EU you get fucking 100+ ping to the server for your region no matter where you are.


kys faggot

Scale is hard bro

That's bullshit and you know it.

Have you actually ever looked at pf's in the west/Do you raid? They don't really enforce meta memes. Even a lot of statics don't.

Nah, I'm part of a guild called raiding rainbow and we demolished our FF14 group because every raid was so braindead linear with 0 difficulty that it wasn't fun or worth going for world firsts. There's also no sense of competition among other guilds.

There is no rush, play the game, don't skip the cutscenes, then if you're into shadowbringers a month after release, that's no biggie, it'll still be very fresh.

Lmao cope more, i'm from half the world anyway and i can raid on Burgerland server, there's no way you having worse than third worlder.
Eat shit

>raiding in the west
lol you tranny faggots don't clear.

>raiding rainbow

Attached: 1554466476389.png (424x655, 237K)

How do I level DoL and DoH?

How do you remove jaggies?

Attached: 1531871171528.png (1920x1080, 3.87M)

>meanwhile faggots were all telling me the game is definitely hard and wanted to feel they're above the casual facebook normalfag populace
Guess they really were just coping to mask their wasted time on raiding this game, probably for many hours thinking it's legitimately hard lol


ITT: People start obsessing over clear rates and start blaming NA for not being JP for themselves not being able to clear.

>tfw clear content and just don't give a shit
Just join a chill static

Attached: 1554401771553.gif (543x533, 415K)

That's why there's not that much actually good Au Ra art, yeah. It's unreasonable to expect an artist to learn them just for a commission or two. Most good fanart of Au Ra just comes from people who take the time to draw a piece because they're motivated to draw them, not as a time sensitive commission.

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>DoL 1-50
>DoL 51-70

Have fun.

smaa and fxaa or higher resolution

>Just join a chill static
That's more rare than you will believe.

>Just join a chill static
I would if i could
All the statics i joined is fucking shit or break up after a while

Attached: 1552288196622.png (440x440, 273K)

Leves until collectibles for DoL
Leves all the way for DoH
You can do dailies for all too, with up to 12 for the Ixali for your shitter DoH. Just take the quest as say, your shit CUL. Swap to your good DoH and make the item, then hand in as CUL.
Teleporting round to buy items from vendors for GC turn-ins is free xp too.

I just beat midgardsormr. Please tell me i'm close to heavensward.

damn i wish i could read

My PC shit itself if I use 4k. How do you enable SMAA? There is only FXAA in the setting.

>Just bee yourself find a chill populace
You retard the populace is a road block that makes it not worth it. NA populace is terrible and not worth the effort for the the mediocre challenge of raiding.

How are ya'll finding your statics? Through PF?

Use the FFXIV Transcendent Static Finder discord, or join your data centers most popular discord and find statics through there. It made my life a lot easier and you can kind of target the static you want by how they word their advertisements i guess
also because I know it's gonna be posted
>LMAO kill urself discord tranny
>using discord
but yeah, those are some pretty good resources for finding them.

>you're asking for too much

Attached: 1554394764885.jpg (700x979, 393K)

post it

>which race uses the most fantas and what they change to?
Anyone have that image from the schizo from /xivg/ that's bought like a hundred fantasias?

>Shit static member wants to do ultimates
>I want to, but I don't believe they can do it
I'm so conflicted. I could go join a better static but I like the people.

You'd unironically get more attention and actual screenshot advice on /vg/ dude. Yea Forums for all it's faults haven't had that level of extreme avatarfagging so fewer here know about this type of thing.

Oh I'm sorry you think that user. I personally enjoy raiding in this game even though when I did pug, I ran into insufferable people that lied about prog all the time. To each their own though.

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>all "hardcore" raiders play the tranny or catgirl race

I am so impressed

21 days.

use reshade for smaa

europe has a fraction of the players


I have met Lalas that think the exact opposite before suggesting we ERP

Attached: whistle.png (379x275, 103K)

>If you're pugging, very few actual pf's follow the meta.
Bullshit. The majority will cry out for the perfect comp and lock rolls out of pf for o9s with the fucking echo buff. Then somehow you end up wiping 3x and then disband in a """"farm party"""".
All the faggots demanding good players and/or parses are greylets when you actually look them up.
Meanwhile the ones that don't give a shit about the meme meta kill/farm it ezpz with their 3 bards lmao.
t. week 1 o5s/o9s clears with 2 warriors.

Attached: 1543363162183.jpg (1204x1074, 181K)

Don't have the screen but there's several such retards there that paypig for fantas constantly.

>or join your data centers most popular discord
My servers discord is an absolute cesspit and many of the people in admin/mod positions are degenerates. Some really weird shit comes out from them and it's only a matter of time until we get another Oldbear drama.

Maybe they want to git gud. Unless they throw a fit when things go south, may as well give it a shot and see what happens.

You don't understand, the domestic, land-based Internet infrastructure in the United States is absofuckinglutey terrible. You can have good ping to the servers and still experience d/c's and stutter because most of our connections are running on several decades old telephone lines.


>tfw one of those elezen females
I'm honestly surprised there's even 25 of us I have genuinely never met a single other femelezen, most people who want a tall female go Roe

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lets hear some stories

*clears throat*


There's one that's been posted a couple of times here before that's posted all their receipts they're a bit worse than your average whale

user, I need good non-futa Elezen art. Please. As a fellow giraffe lover

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That sucks. Most of the on my data cente don't really follow the meta, if it does, it's labeled a parse group. I'm on primal though so it may be different where you're at

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you're cute let me hug you

We're smaller= less chances and interest and so forth. And I can't speak for others but latency here is gimpy though not as bad as if those from EU would try to play on NA so if anything this and more just means NA looks bad as usual. That said caring about this shit and parses is raidtranny and ex-wow autism so who gives a shit just play the game.

gender and races pls

I'll show her my ONE EYED MONSTA

>go roe
lesbians go roe. straights go elezen is what i've seen.
>tfw mroe and ultimate clear
>only one on my c luster
feels kinda nice though.

That doesn't start with C at all you memeing fuck

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Ultimates really weed out the weak. Went through 3 dps because of drama bullshit before I got a clear in Ultima and now I doubt we will even clear Ucob. It's honestly not worth the headaches unless you really want to prove you're retarded enough to spend 100 hours on a fight and think it's something to be proud of

They're dogshit and unable to do better. They have around 30 clears of O9S and haven't managed better than a 30th percentile parse. I wouldn't mind if they could even get consistently green parses because the rest of the static could carry the extra dps needed but honestly, their average is like a 9. I don't think we've got any hope of doing it before ShB.

cope malecuck

This is the one

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I just wanted to make my perfect elf gf if only I could make her ears bigger

post lolicatgirl mod plz

>They have around 30 clears of O9S and haven't managed better than a 30th percentile parse
What the actual fuck.

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I could write a report on mogstation shit (mounts and minions, plus server transfers, fantasias and name changes only), but I'd need the prices for the three regions for it to be somewhat accurate.
Do you guys have mount/minions you'd like to see sales statistics about?
Do know that if they're multi character it'll make the sales statistics less accurate (I only have access to character data, not account data).

I was on old Chaos first, now on Light.
Trying to farm savages or even looking at pf on a fucking tuesday is an absolute joke now.

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>those feet


uggo cope

Best part is that this image is outdated so it might have doubled since then for all we know.

get in the oven ugly potato

It's mostly the usual stuff, one guy takes nude mod pictures of other peoples characters and posts it to discord. Guy is married but he has some other weird relationship going on with someone else. There was some other drama as well about them pressuring people into doing weird shit and posting it to discord. I don't know fully because I just avoid them, wish I could get them banned for modding though for the shitstorm it'd cause.

This is almost scary.
It's like they are never satisfied with their appearance, they simply can't into their character, kinda like some autistic kid unable to feel empathy.
I honestly won't be surprised if they have actual mental health problems.

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modding isn't bannable though unless it has an effect on the client, and none do. Believe me I've tried to get some folks banned for that drama shit.

How do you even find a static these days? Literally everyone I played with from ARR through HW quit about midway through SB do I need to go discord beg or do I use the forums?

Yeah that's my feelings. I'd do it if we had the time to try and force them to get better but there's two months to an expansion, I'd rather just fuck about and make a bit of gil.

>one guy takes nude mod pictures of other peoples characters and posts it to discord
thats pretty fucking creepy,sounds like some balmung shit

The cat mount one

I don't play potato sorry

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single handedly keeping the servers open for us

>erping /vg/ tranny
>spends thousands on XIV changing minor appearance details
>implying there is any possible way they don't have mental issues

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Why the fuck does the Xaela have a Raen name?

>The majority will cry out for the perfect comp
>Meanwhile the ones that don't give a shit about the meme meta kill/farm it ezpz with their 3 bards lmao.
I mean you're not wrong about people trying to force the meta comp in PF being shitters who probably don't even know why it's meta (having better coordination than 8 PF randos is a big part of it that's lost on them), but it's nowhere near the majority of parties. Hell, it's rare enough that my buddies and I will make jokes about it if we see it instead of just going 'oh, another one of those'. You might have a bit of 'oh dang, no ninja, that sucks', but the vast majority of PFs and even a good chunk of statics (especially if they have to find a sub on short notice) will accept whatever as long as that person can pull their weight.

It's bizarre it really is. Even when they don't die it's still always shit. I know that xivanalysis thing isn't the most accurate but I could put in any of their non-death kills and the amount of errors is staggering.

My dick's not on my face you dumb bitch

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I know the person in that screenshot, they quit like nearly a year ago but keep coming back to /vg/ every so often to whine about how they miss it.

Even if they're using the trainer? It's a shame if I can't, even getting just 2 of them banned would probably bring it all down.

I need Bunbreaker and I need it now.

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Will I be able to find parties quickly as a tank in this game? I've put off trying it, assuming it'd die out, but it seems it hasn't, or at least won't for another year while the expack's going. I main tank in every mmo I play, so I'd probably do it here too.

Mental health problems are basically guaranteed. Assuming they've been playing since the start of ARR, with 489 Fantasias that means they change their character's appearance about every 4 days.

How would you guys do to quickly catch up on Eureka?
I'm like lvl 5, but I really REALLY want the elemental armor from Pyros

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The trainer is bannable but you can't prove they're using it, because it doesn't leave traces other than weird positioning fuckups, and since they're not using it in actual game scenarios, squenix turns a blind eye, because those fags are usually the highest payers.

Adamantoise has a discord for the server? Sounds like the worst thing you could get yourself into.
The individual FC discords are pretty chill though.

Tanks have the fastest queues in the game.

Yes, though Healers are king of the queues as always.

More so this expansion because a new tank is being added but no new healer, so more people will be leveling Gunbreaker. It'll even out a few weeks after launch though.

Do your weekly challenge log, they will give you multiple levels every weeks.
If you want you could also try to follow the train and join a party to get exp from NMs.

to clarify, they use it ingame, but they use it when they're ERPing in houses or some shit, they're not using it in content to cheat/clip out of bounds or something. It's a "no-harm" kind of hacking that doesn't bring gil into the game or whatever, so it's ignored. Other games have similar cameras, trainers, and other content. WoW has a few actually.

NM trains and weekly logs, latter takes priority. I suggest not doing Pagos until 25ish but that's personal preference at this point.

So crystarium is going to be the rhalgr's reach of shadowniggers right?

Met in Jenova but it was an alt they used for rp. They were really nice and lewd as fuck with their kinks.

Attached: 73852909_p0.png (798x770, 405K)

The reach is such a shit place to afk

>actual photographic evidence of a face 3 au ra
never thought I'd live to see it

>Will I be able to find parties quickly as a tank in this game?
Oh hell yeah. You have queue times measured in "it's already popped", parties in PF almost always have a tank slot open, and finding a good tank for a static is a motherfucker so that's easy to find too (it being a non-shit static is going to be a roll of the dice, as always, though)

What are you trying to farm? I'd jump in but I don't trust our PF at the moment. I didn't when we had the Chaos side either, but right now the only people still doing it are terrible.

Through PF, ERC discord for EU or that site beginning with R.

Welp, guess it's time to make an alt there.

Fitting since you see Miqotes using Jap names all the time. Cats/Lizards dont give a shit about lore

did they fix the game from being generic themepark shit yet?

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I've got an endgame guild taking me in should I try the game out, since they know me from my freelance work static tanking in mists and wildstar, but the whole leveling experience is my main concern. Sounds like I won't have too big a problem with it though, so that's very good for me.

/vg/ is the avatarfag board you'll have more luck there if any.
Looking at the way they type it out they have too much money and almost humblebrag about it. "teehee how embaressing :>" That, or they don't have too much money but really, really bad impulse control which I'd say is likely. that or a technerd seeing as how it's a lot of money burnt for nothing and he plays a female cat.

Attached: unf.jpg (1152x648, 579K)

at least fucking wait until the genderlocked races actually come out first you horny furfag

I'm hype as all heck. Ignore the /vg/ shitters, they pay money to stand and do nothing. My friends are taking the week off for early access and we're all hyped.

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>has ARR ever stopped being ARR yet
? (Yes that's also why I hate it and don't think even the new expansion will bring me back, I'll just listen to the music on youtube and watch some trial fights on youtube).

>but the whole leveling experience is my main concern
Just keep in mind that it's a final fantasy game first, and an MMO second. There's gonna be a lot of story to sit though and you might as well try to enjoy it, otherwise it's a complete bore.

I got this code from Twitch Prime, but I can't play it, so if anyone wants it, here you go

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it's just a mentally ill tranny living in their mom's basement collecting benefits every months, not hard to spend that much money on so many years on videogames when you basically have no other expense

I started PUGing it a couple days ago and it's surprisingly easy, I got to enrage after a few attempts. I'd PUG it with you but I'm at work

They're not actually a party it's just five different people who play

>Is it translated in English somewhere?
No and it probably never will be the art is by Noizi Ito who did Haruhi though

Alright lads, I need a new server, fuck Balmung trannies.
I just want normal people to play with, to hell with RP it always attracts the worst kind of people, where should I be headed?

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Implying that's exclusive to cats or lizards. Doubt the majority of the playerbase care or even know of the lore naming schemes for all races and 99% of the hume Starks don't know it's lore fitting (because Koji said so) and just use it because muh GoT.

I know there's story, I'm not worried about rushing into it, I've got other rwt commitments that will be eating up most of my time, I hope to get through, looking at the wiki, one "section" of story every couple days. Like, first week I hope to get through the main ARR story, the next couple days, the .1 stuff, then .2, etc etc. I was just worried that my time on it would be 20 minutes sitting in queue and I'd be fucked out of leveling process.

>No and it probably never will be

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Good luck, friend. Lewdcute Lalas that ERP are a beautifully rare breed

Attached: 1494852443625.png (1000x700, 153K)


>more girls than males
yeah no
I would totally wreck that delicious nurse-looking christmas cake though

Going to a primal server with your free transfer is your best bet.

Ok thanks see you on Mateus my dude, farewell Baldong.

Primal datacenter. Exodus has houses and is mid pop with normies. Leviathan has no houses but is high pop with nerds that play this game all day long

You should know by now user that if you're interested in LNs you have to know moon or choose from the very limited selection that translation groups are willing to put out

Based, I also have a character on Balmung/Gilga/Coeurl and need to figure out which I can/should move to and focus on.

full pic where

>Exodus has houses
What qualifies as mid pop around here? I've wanted a house forever but I don't want to end up on some completely dead server

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You probably have a better chance with Mateus looking for RP. Balmung is an obvious choice but I dont know how the server stands nowadays.

Why? Why wait for that to dream of lionmommies?

fuck man I'm just trying to unlock Seiryu on an alt but every fucking other trial before it I hve to sit in queue for 30-45 minutes

>TFW Ultros

At least we're still better than Balmung.

balmung's full of dead peeps so the constant lock is deceptive. The game's empty. I hope the merge will open it up, however briefly.

>Mateus is second to last with number of ultimate clears
You're right, good catch.

>playing alts
Also stop playing DPS it's your own fault, queues pop instantly as tank/healer

I wish I knew. Chocolate Lalas make me weak

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he's tricking you, Mateus is also an RP shithole

>the merge
what merge?

If you mean the new datacenters there's no merging going on and it won't open or bring anything back to life. If anything queues and party finders will have less players to choose from because now everyone is spread out across more datacenters

Can anyone take a screenshot of the Light PF right now?
I'm considering moving away from Chaos but I'm still on the fence about it.

I wanna fuck a potato.

>Want to get the tank mounts
>Realize I have to queue for 900 things between the 3 of them

What's the fastest way to up that number?

>christmas cake nurse
Good taste.

Attached: 1488729881939.png (425x381, 162K)

It's merging worlds into other centers and adding some new ones. My world's moving over to crystal so I see it as a merge, whatever the proper terminology is.
>less players
except now it allows visits between worlds, how is that not going to make things more populous? Everyone will be funneling into one world as opposed to stuck on their shit ones.

Do you guys think it'd be technically difficult to make PF (and, why not, the world visit system) cross DC for datacenters in the same region? Cross region would probably be difficult.

The 8 tanks unsync parties.

>what's the fastest way to add to the number of dungeons you've cleared
gee I wonder

>If anything queues and party finders will have less players to choose from because now everyone is spread out across more datacenters
Unless you're a healer master race.

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I want to learn Dark Knight properly for extremes and savage raiding, but I don't know where to start. I don't just want to jump into a random ex and try to wing it because I'll just end up getting a lot of abuse in chat.
What do? I love this job and want to play it in more than just shitty 4 man dungeons.

Attached: zR9s3JF.png (500x1000, 742K)

>Never have to deal with Zodiark and Lich ever again
>Have to tolerate Moogle
The better of two evils.

That's not a merge. it's just taking worlds out of current datacenters and moving them into a new one. They aren't adding any new worlds, they aren't reducing the number of worlds, it is literally just the transfer of worlds from one to another. There is no merging.

>except now it allows visits between worlds, how is that not going to make things more populous?
That doesn't even make sense. The only thing world visit is going to do is make people move over to certain worlds to do open-world stuff, party finder and duty finder are already done across the entire data center so it won't add any new people to the mix for any content at all. If anything, like I said, each data center will now have LESS people on it.

They are diluting the data centers, not merging anything. Not making anything more populous. They are doing the complete opposite of that.

>>Mateus is second to last with number of ultimate clears
Where do you see this at

people actually defend "limited" BLU.

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Go for the 24 man raids.

Just join a learning PF you fucking beta.

Can you already play it for free?

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people have differing opinions? whoa........

free trial goes up to level 35 or whatever so you can literally play the MSQ up to that and then level every class in the game to 35 for free so yes.

but stop being a NEET and get a job

The trial goes up to level 35 with no time limit, but otherwise no.

Lord, no. There's a free trial you can play unlimitedly but I sincerely doubt this game is ever going to go F2P if it didn't with ARR when they were trying to unfuck everything. The game's still insanely profitable.


Look up lucky bancho census and sort servers by active population. The ones on top are high pop, the ones in middle are mid pop, the ones at bottom are low pop.

It was posted a little earlier nigger.


>Zodiark and Lich
Explain. Krauts and banquettes are suppose to be the bane of your existence.

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Would you?

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FFXI is also 17 years old and still not F2P. FFXIV is never going F2P unless it reaches the point it makes less money than FFXI monthly.

people think the earth is flat.
no one is claiming people dont have different opinions, why act so surprised?

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>get a job
I send resumes every week and get no calls can't even be a wagecuck when I want to, one friend told me he sends like 20 a week and gets none, another tells me he sent maybe 1000 over a few months and never got responses. He only recently got work through a reference. Fuck this bullshit

What server are you on and why do you hate or love it?

>ERPing with lalas
that's gonna be a yikes from me.

those don't exist on Primal

you don't deserve the title of dark knight, you pussy beta faggot
just stick to paladin or some other faggy shit like a healer or bard

My dick as the popsicle

i hate it because it filled up with balmung trash

thinking it's limited for a reason isn't exactly as stupid as thinking the earth is flat user-kun

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>lucky bancho census
Hmm according to this there's still over 10k on exodus (which is only slightly less than gilga where I am now), do you know which regions specifically have houses? Not like I have a FC anymore so I wouldn't mind packing up and moving if there were at least a few decent ones open

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this game can look so good, but you have to put in so much god damned work, I wish I was better at taking pictures.
Also the actual gameplay is kind of boring too. Hopefully the content squish with shadowbringers actually squishes the content into something manageable. It's impossible to get friends to play when I say "oh yeah there's also like 100 hours of cutscenes". No one wants to deal with all that shit just to get to the game part.

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Haven't played this game for two years now. What's this meme, are those just potency spells being spammed?

>XIV going F2P when they make bank out of sub fees AND players buying 30 fantasias a month + overpriced meme mounts
Never ever.

Why ff14 so similar to ff12?

t. jealous catzard

PvE dungeons will show you how to go over your job on a basic level, after that look at guides and perform in EX primals. You're a tank, after all, your LB doesn't even matter until Savage where it may or may not become mandatory and EX trials generally only get as intensive as being an aggro-generating DPS and MAYBE a forced tankswap.

I can put my dick against mashed potatos and get the same affect.

I miss playing a cute innocent lala that was secretly very lewd...

Just got to HW taking a break on MSQ. Leveling AST to heal stuff for a friend catching up, leveling DRK to tank and main, leveling BRD and MNK to have two ranged/melee dps jobs

Went from AST 31-34 in an hour by spamming fates. Kill me

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If they weren't supposed to be lewded, why did they give lala such juicy thighs?
Checkmate athiests

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Mid pop and low pop servers are your best chance at getting a house. Getting a house a high pop server is near impossible unless you pay out the ass or you get extremely lucky.

Play palace of the dead, dude

Don't worry you'll want to die after you finish MSQ for ARR and just have to grind your ass off in df for heavensward/stormblood.

Do you fags think we will get to see Tenzen and his friends again? maybe in The First?
I love those guys, I wish we could see more of their adventures together

It's people exaggerating the actual state of raiding to make it seem like it's not their fault that they can't clear.

>muh content is too old
>muh savage is too linear
>its pointless because I'm not a JP player
>1% of shitter players enforce meme comps so it's not worth it
>the clear parties that I join don't one shot the fight every single time so it's not worth it
>lol it's not even an ilvl boost over augmented tome shit
>some world first clear involves a tranny on their team and I don't wanna do tranny shit
>I don't want to find a static because i'd rather complain on taiwanese hat weaving forums about the state of the pf that I exaggerate.
Look, just fucking admit you don't want to do savage, it's fine

fuck off retard faggot

being retarded enough to believe bullshit, is the same, regardless who its from...

pretty much.
BLU decided not to have combat mechanics, so that spamming the strongest option was the best option.
The only saving grace, is at Lv50, you have some oGCDs to throw in, making it have a similar playstyle as a solo WHM.

I guess I'll roll a character there and check the PF and housing availability later I don't really mind a low pop realm too much

kill yourself tranny

Because a lot of people that worked on FF12 also worked on FF14. The dude who designed FF12 combat system is the one who wrote Heavenswards MSQ plot.


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fuck off faggot

t. roulette hero personally attacked

what transmog is that?

Do they have any plans on making BLU a non-limited class at all?

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If anything you can have your characters home world on a mid/low pop server to get a house and if you ever get lonely you can cross world visit to a high pop server. That's what I was planning on doing.

Good, take the frogs and your shitter attitude away from Light.

Sasuke’s Blades Zeta, or Sandungs Lux?

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Considering how lewd it is and how big it makes the breasts, it's not a transmog, it's 100% a mod

>that roguelike shit
literally the only thing i'm remotely interested in, with this game. How meaty is it?

Fat thighs to bounce, wide bellies to bulge, big hands so they can brace. Literally meant for it.

It’s fucking dogshit

Even though bard was changed for the better in Stormblood I find it more boring than I expected.

>Do they have any plans on making BLU a non-limited class at all?

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But the majority of shitters are on Light you silly fuck.


Roguelike? What?

Literally the easiest raid the muh math meme stopped being relevant after first week

Both are shit.
It's not worth it to make NIN relic.

>somehow get branded as a racist by someone asshole who plays xiv on twitter

i fucking hate the community for this game

seething tranny

Alliance raids are braindead to tank, my dude. I do that day 1 when they're introduced and do fine.

>Flat Earth
Self evident it is incorrect, w/o further investigation.
The slightest thought put into it, shows it is incorrect.
Fully exploring the possibilities on paper, show it is impossible to be correct.

>Limited BLU being a "good" thing.
Self evident it is incorrect, w/o further investigation.
The slightest thought put into it, shows it is incorrect.
Fully exploring the possibilities on paper, show it is impossible to be correct.

Seems like a reasonable comparison user.

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Character creator when? Late April? Or alongside the mid-May liveletter?

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I heard there was some thing where you go in and your equipment gets removed and you have to pick up gear and potions and shit as you get deeper and deeper, but I can't remember what it's called.


what did you say

It's pretty comfy. People are usually friendly and helpful but there are a couple of griefers that early pull and troll Novice Network. My FC on that server is going to celebrate it's 4th year anniversary this June.

no u

the community as a whole has it down to a science as its the most efficient way to level. it also has one popular thing to it that you don't need equipment to do it, so you can go in naked or in glamour gear and don't need to upgrade your shit

doing it solo is the real challenge. its only viable to do so on Red Mage, as its the only one that has the survivability and damage output to make it

zodiark has a non negligible amount of *active* frenchfags. It's also the servers with the most japanese, and especially anime names. It's, for example, the server with the most kiritos and the most uchihas.

>i'm gonna call them tranny to try to pretend it's all just epic meme'ing false-flagging so they'll stop making fun of trannies for real
Nice try tranny

Shut up pussy, goddamn.

Aw, dang. I was hoping to sub for a month or two and get my jollies out of it then fuck off. If I have a to party I'll probably pass though, i'm not into dealing with mmo players.

>This amount of hoop jumping
literally having your own kind (trannies) live rent free in your head.

no one talks unless you talk to them

They said May on the Fanfest twitch stream.

I follow a account on twitter that post various things from the OF, had a post about people using homophobe,sexist as ways to silence others toward making anykind of argument against them,which i agreed with,somehow somebody turned it into me just being mad that i can't say nigger or something in game which is something i've never done anyway

ok trannoid

Lamia. It's full of either normalfags or really weird fuckers

cope tranny

its the same world

Ultros is great and comfy.

>want to get ranged gear for dancer
>bard plays like shit
how do the gays put up with this job? I want to fall asleep reading the song effects

Palace of the dead. Yeah, it's fun

go as another job u enjoy, get tomes/gear. done...

>being retarded enough to believe bullshit, is the same, regardless who its from...
do you enjoy the smell of your own farts?

twitter is trash, everyone is looking for anything to get angry about over there

If it's anything like the previous releases, the benchmark comes out first and then the combat live letter arrives 2 weeks later.

Are they gonna add more support actions to Red Mage, so they're more desirable for parties? I just want to feel needed.

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It's a modded yukata.

bard is least braindead dps

Crafted gear is cheap and easy to obtain now with no artificial wait time.

im more mad over the fact that they conveniently ignored the fact that a bunch of people were calling SE homophobic and sexist about two weeks ago over male viera

need this, *unzips*

xiv fucks on twitter are essentially just tumblr fags but worse desu. Twitter's interactions make them feel way more important than they are.

a well thought out question, let me review it with the council, and get back to you on that. plz look forward to it.

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This is a tranny game.


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t. tranny

you actually think SE would make a non physical ranged DPS a support?
Yoshida doesnt even consider NIN a support DPS... (idk why the hell not, other than giving goad to other DPS)

Only a idiot willingly plays MCH


no matter how much changes, Yea Forums getting mad about a post that took a few hours to drudge up and was written by somebody with four followers, is eternal

More support actions like the fucking rez that red mages never use? Not that they can considering how much time they spend on the fucking floor

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>a idiot
>calling others idiots

DUFE.... TRANIES.........

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What’s a good server? I recently got back into the game and I joined Behemoth due to a friend, but I hear it’s full of weirdos, shitters and Brazilians.

What would be a good server for NA, to switch to?

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I can see RDM getting a version of Goad that restores MP.

>thinking I'd waste my mp on floortanks

MP Shift?

>>thinking I'd waste my mp on floortanks
>RDM pretending to not be a floortank
okay faggot


The only ones I legitimately suggest you avoid are Famfrit, Faerie, and Mateus.

is this game fun

>WAR want Crit and almost nothing else
>DRK and PLD needs DH slotted in everything so you can't use WAR gear on them if you want maximum DPS

>SAM want SkS and DH as much as possible
>MNK want crit so you can't use SAM gear on MNK

>BLM want Sps and almost nothing else
>RDM and SMN doesn't need as much Sps as BLM so using BLM gear on them don't give out maximum dps

>BRD want crit and no Sks
>MCH need sks to put as many GCD possible in Wildfire

This is annoying...

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unironically Leviathan, Ultros, Hyperion, Lamia

That's mana shift

I think he meant an actual spell that's cast that boosts passive MP regen, like an on-demand The Ewer

But the world in ff12 is Ivalice, and the world in ff14 is Hydaelyn.

Fuck off we're full

ok ;_;

>its the same world

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>different classes function differently so you can't just copypaste a Power+ stat on all of them
wtf!? why hasn't yoshi sterilized the entire game yet?!

Item-level > optimization, you can still trade around gear-sets intended for another job in the same category and make out fine.


The last thing RDM needs is support shit. RDM needs damage.

would be fine if secondary stats were purely choice, like materia only, rather than auto attached to gear.

>MCH need sks to put as many GCD possible in Wildfire
MCH needs as little sks as possible, it isn't necessary to get a 6 gcd overheat just good ping

Hrothgar, more like Hrothgay

>Cancer-free XIV thread
>Filethread has two lolis miqotes

same situation. I work for free now and again at a place because the boss is nice and it gives me something to do but that's about it.

>Item-level > optimization
Not when it comes to stuff like how MNK and BRD are crit reliant.

last thing a support DPS needs, is personal DPS
it needs rDPS

it should be contending with BRD for BRDs slot, not with SMN and BLMs pDPS

RDM's damage is already exponential for something that can off-job as a gimpy healer and rez better than an actual healer, give me Veresuna and Verregen

Lolis are Yea Forums culture. Go back.

>BLM want Sps and almost nothing else
1450 is a good point to stop and it's compatible with SMN and RDM since their BiS weapons don't have SpS.
>MCH need sks to put as many GCD possible in Wildfire
You can have base SkS if you have good ping, otherwise you're aiming with the least amount you need for 6 GCD WF.

Read some fucking job guides my dude.

I miss my old static healer so much, my dick go diamond everytime she bant

Story isn't really a problem in itself. the problem is all the fluff being a part of the MSQ too when they should be sidequests (as yoshida himself admitted to making them sidequests rather than just removing)

gilgamesh if you want to succeed in raids.

>Traps are Yea Forums culture


rdm needs dots and buff timers to maintain

Please take P*oenix and Zodiark with you to Chaos.


>story isn't a problem in itself
it really is though. If you're not a big fan (and I mean a really big fan) of story in MMOs, it's just a slog after ARR is done. ARR has a really nice arc set up, heavensward is great, but the post-arr content and post-heavensward and most of stormblood is just fucking horrible. I can't get anyone to play with me explicitly because of the MSQ being such a slog, and it being a requirement to get to the content of the game. Maybe my friends just aren't patient but they're the only ones I have.

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>RDM needs to be like every other DPS in the game
Kys yourself

>Yea Forums culture comes down to degenerates pedophiles
Like pottery.


I hope ShB will be good like HW.
If it SB 2.0 i'm going to fucking hang myself

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>>WAR want Crit and almost nothing else
>>DRK and PLD needs DH slotted in everything so you can't use WAR gear on them if you want maximum DPS
This was true in 4.1 and 4.2 but in this raid tier, at least for PLD, crit has caught up to DH and the difference between a PLD slotted with CH vs DH is less than a 20 dps difference.

Job guides get updated you know.

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This latest story patch made me really worried for ShB's story. Who the fuck thought any of that was acceptable?

not mana shift, goad but mp version. gradual regen vs trading mp

>post HW content is horrible
Nigger 3.3 was the crescendo of Heavensward you tasteless pleb.

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Yeah, i hope ShB main writer didn't write that and it just some jobber that wrote SB or else fuck me

"support DPS" is a nonexistent category. it's a box shitty BLM try to shove other jobs into so they can get a monopoly on personal dps. fuck off

Fuck you nigger, post HW was topest kino the game have ever been

lmao cry more dpslet

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RDM already does really good dps. RDM having bad dps is a meme.

BRD is a highly desirable job that is fun to play, yet has the lowest personal DPS out of them all. There's nothing wrong with being support.

Gonna have to wait it out user, just make a bun in the meantime.

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Sun or Moon?

Same here. Estinian saving WoL last minute and traveling all the way to Ishgard. G'raha maybe stealing the souls of the scions and saying "throw wide the gate" when he could have says go to CT and find beacon. I'm starting to think that thr emperor will gas the other provinces that we'll probably never see and not eorzea

both are perfect and amazing!
cat eyes or fangies?

RDM is the most brain dead class to optimize, you can't believe how many RDM i saw top the chart

>Estinian saving WoL last minute and traveling all the way to Ishgard
The worst part of that was no cool cutscene. Just a fucking SCREENSHOT

Midlander, tranniescat into trash can

their dps is terrible on paper, but since it's so easy to do that any old retard can do it it's usually pretty good in practice (if you play with pubs)
some of them cant let go of the idea of being a healer though, those ones are fucking garbage and i want them to die

which is why they need to make it more challenging. Make the procs last 10s instead of 30s. Make it have a buff timer to maintain and have the new spells available only with the buff is up

But I like catgirls more.

>conveniently forget the sea wolf with the hellsguard name

>be the most boring ugly race so that you're not like the imaginary tranny that lives in my head!

You misunderstand me. I don't mean the content therein, I love the story. But the content is just fucking backtracking, fetch quests, and the most menial repetitive tasks that would make anyone want to kill themselves. The progression is a slog. The story is great and it's the driving factor, but that's not enough to get people in the door when they see the enormous checklist of shit they have to go through to play catch up with everyone else.
that or paying, and that's disheartening in another way cause it makes people think the game is purposefully designed to be so long and slow.

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