I play video gaem its fun

>i play video gaem its fun
tell me right now why video games aren't the most hedonistic self serving faggot shit ever

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>actually playing video games instead of arguing about them
look at this faggot

>Hedonism bad!
>Wife and Kids good!

They are and thats a good thing

>has no valid argument so he resorts to a shitty meme
ok bud

who's going to stop me?

An arguement would validate your dumbass post as at least being a debatable issue. You're a fucking joke and I will treat you as such.

>still has no argument
why do you believe in something with nothing to back it up
loling at u rn

More like my post made you deranged. Kek.

>having one life
>not living it how you want and doing what you want and not serving your own self interest
>contributing to society
sounds like a spooky idea to me m8

I imagine all the fags who lived through the 50's and sacrificed their youth to contribute to society are fucking seething as they look down on us in ghost form now knowing only a decade or so later it was all thrown in the trash anyways. They wasted their entire life building something up that they never benefited from, solely so the next generation can do the same. But then the next gen decides to enjoy the benefits instead, cucking all their ancestors and decedents.

Imagine the fucking rage the spirits feel right now. The fucking regret the dead must have for not truly living while they were alive.

old cunts deserved it

>I can't have one of these so I justify the other

Posts like this remind me how this board is full of literal teens. Absolutely pathetic.

Cause they're not nearly as hedonistic as devouring a whole apple pie covered in vanilla ice cream and listening to deafening music while masturbating to loli porn.
Y'know, a good evening.

you seem pretty upset

dead are dead they don't feel anything
you're a dumb retard. go spread your pointless ideology in the subway where you belong

There are plenty of people sacrificing their youth to contribute to society right now, and there were plenty of people who reaped the benefits back then. You simply pretend otherwise because you worship the past. Humanity has done this dance for thousands of years, mongrel.

The boomers fucked everything up not me. The people in the 50s raised entitled shitheads who ruined everything.

>tell me right now why video games aren't the most hedonistic self serving faggot shit ever
Sissy ERPers exist.
Video games are thus, at worst, only the second-most hedonistic self serving faggot shit ever.

>>i play video gaem its fun
that's where you're wrong kiddo

Don't you just come out of the womb? Everybody is self-serving.