Holy shit the entire final act is pure kino.
ITT Games only you played
I played it but didn't finish
However, I am the only one who played the prequels
Which ones should I bother with? I seem to remember someone saying to ignore the first one
To bad the rest of the game is a bunch repetitive minigames and money grinding.
I played all 3
It's one of those series where it gets progressively harder to go back to the older games if you don't play that first. 1 is rough but decent, 2 is basically 1 but better and more polished, 3 has a bunch of quality of life changes and new mechanics.
2 was really great
Better than the game in OP imo
I've been playing the original but it stresses me the fuck out. Love it though.
I found the store one to be oddly comfy. I preferred that one over the other ones.
I played all three and I feel the final acts of all three games where awesome.
That looks fun, what is it?
You Guys think Tanabe is happy now? Or is the series dead forever?
I can't imagine him giving up now, seeing how Dead Heat didn't sell because it came out when the 3DS was dying, even the BIS remake sold like shit.
Turn your Mii into a furry and help a mute armadillo survive in Mad Maxland
>“I”ve actually been wanting to make an RPG with Dillon as a main character for a while. I am hoping this game reaches a wide enough audience that we can make that plan come true in the future.”
I hope it's fucking dead. Fuck him for killing off Chibi Robo and Paper Mario.
They have a really good IP and they're not making the most of it.honestly 2 digital only 3DS games and when they finally do a big one it's when the 3DS is fucking dead. I really hope they do a big Switch game so people can see who neat it is as a series and Dillon can live on.
>Panthado was an asshole but in the right
Chibi-Robo died because you didn't buy the spin-off that played nothing like the original.
Ironically a Dillon RPG spin-off that also plays nothing like the original sounds like it could be fun.
The first 2 games were better. They dumbed it down hard in this one. 50% of the game being lame minigames done as chores with your Mii also doesn't help.
It does so many bewildering things. Like what's the point of the meteors? You always only find single ones of them and they all produce the same amount of ore. What happened to chaining multiple piles like before?
The enemies are so weak and the overlapping gunners and AI partners make the defense trivial. The charge scenes were you race around is all flair and no substance. You will never see the charged up Grocks unless you're a dumb kid who doesn't know how to play. Funny since Tanabe admits they wanted to pander to school boys with this entry, and it shows. The unique tower defense and action hybrid gameplay got gimped so bad it's not even funny. Enemies just land randoly on the square and empty maps. Boring and tedious as fuck.
Oh yeah and the story makes no sense. No explanation is given for why the world is post apocalyptic, no explanation of the UFOs or why Panthado is a dick. It is just Mad Max for the sake of it.
I hope the next game, if they even continue the IP, really is an RPG. The character designs are its strongest point and the game could reach a better audience. Make it a timed hit RPG like Mario with partners from the 2nd game and we're golden.
Chibi Robo died because of their own retardation. They had a successful formula on their hands and then they went and made the sequel about taking care of a park instead and made it fucking Walmart exclusive to further limit sales. Then they made a real sequel but made it Japan only, so say goodbye to your fucking sales again (the first game flopped in Japan, it did much better overseas). After returning to that formula they thought a Photo app was the best way to go for some reason. Finally after fucking up so much they release a shitty bland 2D platformer and declare it to be last game unless people buy it. It's entirely their fault.
Chibi Robo was doomed to die after the first game regardless of NoA's deliberate sabotage (They hate arthouse devs like skip because they don't appeal to western normies and the cost of localizing all the quirkiness is too much work for little payoff to them).
It's because Kenichi Nishi left right after Captain Rainbow. He was the creator of Chibi Robo and the one who made it great and full of charm. Without him the series has no soul. The one who made Photo Finder, ironically is the one making bit Generation games, took over. It shows in how he relies on minigames as a crutch. The co-director before that made Park Patrol as an experiment, but when he saw the backlash he made Clean Sweep in response, and it was at least decent and a true sequel.
Its heavily rumored that higher ups at Nintendo despise Chibi Robo because he sells like shit and only Miyamoto and Tanabe are keeping him alive. The Zip Lash move was definitely corporate motivated what with the amiibo bait.
I guess there's no room in this cruel world for a tiny cleaning robot friend.
Maybe in an alternate timeline where Miyamoto came up with the IP first we'd be playing an HD Chibi Robo inside a mansion with his shiny chrome body reflecting everything around him.
It might as well should have been a Miyamoto game. Miyamoto stepped in to lift Chibi Robo's beta out of development hell. It was originally a point and click adventure game. Which is no surprise seeing how most of Nishi's games are glorified point and click text adventures with a standard control scheme. Miyamoto pretty much forced in an action adventure formula for the first gama ala 3D Zelda with a day and night cycle.
This game didn't even come out in my country I don't think.